s THE ASHEVILLE CTTIZE N, THURSDAY, OCTOBKR 21, 1909. SOCIAL & PERSONAL j Th mnrf h nf prioress In America i a thlitR to be mam, l. il i.l hardly 8 day piiBeci that the irc dm h nut ,Ointfitn a pnrnKrapli rcialint.' of the traruifer lo Ann ri' a "I fanio'iH pie . t.irts, relic u!' oilier ( niinif, oi, ?ect of urt, etc. rKvpiiun cxcava- tl'ins have brought to llftM print ! find 'beautiful antiquities Hir Caspar I'urdon Clarke, who uncc riime to the Metropolitan museum of nrt trum the faoioua KenslnKt" mum urn in Iondon has crented new Interest nnd raised the museum to hclKhts lnili.i to unntlulned nml unhoped for. N w York is becoming :i city beautiful find n.ore attention Is hcln devoted to architecture. The jrrowth of the rity in the iirln haw been remarkable find til? acquisi ' inn uf Mine. Mllko Ter mini, the k rent est IhiiiK exponent of fontaln the daintiest lunches r.nd will .-nr :md half tip.,. Mix Thomp son lux rrinnv frioinN ulio will I'-c-i . tin a iiniiin i incut of hi r appro.i'h.lit: niariiaK'- with int'-t'-Ht. l;.-v. Thoii'p-.-uii n.m i . h 1 1 1 1 r 1 1; 1 lib r u! Mill, ) ' i t i liun h at 'harlot I.- a ii.l ha I ii ll lati I v t rallKli i i i to t lie r.jii 1'oiM ill.-li i. t. Tin r" "ill lie ii meotinir of Hip board of mariaKiiH of the Wiuoari'ii i;x ' iiaiife in the tea H...TN ni 'i ::) o'i look I ) i im tnorriliiK. J J A box Slipper will be t;iven at the U.iywnod street Methodist ilmrch thin ewtiinir at 710 o'clock bv the m'ln hi r of the ll.iraea. cIiihk of the church The supper will he irlven In th" Sun day ni hool room find the boxen will Mies K H exfp' ;i miI mas. een f'aldwell. : leil to return to if several wi i1-;h A si. aft. f-Volc lion, Mr ."oiiil ba.e TltoH. of We Itip lo K Pint), v l ivervlll- hav I luliuriM j.oli r -t i r r . I mil Mr 8. John Caldwell rel.i . from die Houth i-c th en Hue '- their ma rri..:-e irh: occui ri d ret i-iji Jy. Mm. c 1; it Inji nf si lo Mlilii v.l. I ' llllM'll "f Ml IS lb 1. i-:iinif ft i c-r.l ilavH. .HI lo Anton h i f a I weel. i i-he v. , rii i the llilliiand i I; 'IV ' 1 1 : . . n Wilson nds In lb. i.,.,n. the WHKiierlan operas, who has duel ' (I'.id to Klif up her brilliant career 'find tench MlnnInK nt (he Metropolitan . ' optrn house, ha'vlriK signed u contract Vlth Krnnk Oamrosrh. In an event of Irrerest. No longer will It be necoi 'Wiry for tlii' youtiK Amerlcun singer to pay fabulous price for the eclat of tho MurcheNl Hnlnh nnd (tiimp, hk:h with h few year at the F'arln opera eemed to he a nncennlty before thty could approach tho nnorcd and Uncertain portal of art In New York. Mme. Ternlnu I u (Jerman mid her ' tonic career durlnx which she ha represented the hlftheat Idcnlii rh a . vlneor of majestic role and mualc find n dramatic irenlun almont without par idlI to a mimic lov-lna- public, -will Income a tradition In the hlHtory of nptra, Mme, Ternlnu ha retnlned el way a rraciouane and chnrm rhleh will be a contniBt to the arro gance and acidity of the disciplin arian, Mme. Marchel, who by her . harah method ha blighted the career .(f many American in their Infancy. : 1u have In America a echool with an ' artlat of the mnsnltude of Mme. Ter Ina at Ita head will opon a vla of - tiromlM and auccera to many youriK . Infer who cannot afford to live fj broad and go through a courco meant inly or the. wealthy, and with uch revolution In the musical world It , may not In future become neciary ; to Import foreign lnner, becaun few - .American have been able to combat 1he condition! Impoaed upon them. : and have failed through lack of vealth and aympathy. ' Among; the muatcal pomlbllltlea of the eaon In Anhevillo I a concert by Mme. Louisa. Te trail nl of the Metro politan Opera company. Mme. Tot r.mlnl la giving a limited number of concert during the aeaaon and her manager, Mr. Ernest Ooerllt, I nego tiating with Ashevlllo parties In re Riird to the appearance of the great singer in this city, If the guarantee asked 1a not too great It la likely that t! contract "will be signed. J J " The engagement of Mlu Anne Plan ton Fhlnlay of Augusta to Mr. Schuyl er Maurice JgKt of Now York ha been announced, the wedding to tnjee rluce the 34 of November. MIb Phlnlfy who hue freguently visited hevllle and has a number of friends hern, ts one nf the best known society girls of tho South, and the weddlnk . will be an event of the season In Au Itista. Mr. Leggctt Is a Princeton nun and son of Rev. Theodore Ieg- rott of New York where Mr. and Mrs. - l.cggett, Jr., will reside. . Jl -. Miss Kate Wright enlertalned yes terday afternoon with a bridge party fit Marigold cottage, Albemarle park. Mrs. einin Kpenr won the first prtie and the consolation went to Mian XMlsy (Viok. Miss Wrlght'p gueHta vere Mrs. Zebnlnn Vance, Mrs. J. II. Martin, Mrs. Martin U Stevens, Mrs Schoenhi'lt, Mrs. C. P. Ambler, Mrs. Churle 8. llryant, Mrs. N. II, Watson, Mra F. W. Kent, Mrs. A. O. (tmanncy, Mrs. Hearln, Mrs. Omo Cnrr, Mrs. K. W. Messier. Mrs. Julian Woodcocke, Mra Elwln Spear, Mlas I.nella (lil llam. Mis Klleen Utllliim, Miss Abbey Moore, Mlas (Irnce Jones, Miss Annie Oakley, Mis Daisy Cook and others. . Jl The Invitations to the wedding of XTIss Mary Allen Thompson to Mr. James Wood Kearn which have been ('sued bv Kcv .1. IMwIn Thompson, the father of the bibb', wi'ie received In tho citv yesterday The wedding takes r-'are nt Hull Point, N. ('., November 4 at hair after i v. it o'clock at the Washington street Mcthmllst church. Miss Thompon In a .iiisin of Mrs. Vf. K. Merrick of Ash- - lib- and tnucht In the citv hi hools for a ,ar or m.ire lind retai l.. ,1 t . IHkIi I be Hufhclent to ncefuriinoilate the large crowd expected. The cIubs him m,t Krown lis present (inaitirn and fiund It neceaaary to aecure a room opnoslte tho chiin h and the pro' i cdi of the supper will be used to make neecMhury repairs and In decorating the room The public la cordially Invited to attend the supper. Jl Miss Elizabeth Norton has issued Invitations to a Ilolloween p'irty which will be given for the tenth grade of tho Iflxh school on tho ev ening of October 29. The party will bo given at the homo of Miss Morton on Ashcland avenue with all the char aclerlatic figure of the occasion. Jt jl Mr. Oallllard R. Tennent enter thlned Informally Tuesday evening at her home on 1'earson drive. Jl Jl The Wrangler will hold their monthly meeting Monday evening at the Manor. After the dinner Zebu lor Curtis will read an essay, "Hhould North Carolina Adopt the Australian P.allot Hystem?" The respondent will be Mr. J. A. liuroknl. Jl Jt TRe Stroller will, It la said, resume their work during tho winter and are casting about for a suitable play which will be presented by the club during the season. The two plays whloh have been done hy the club were o entirely successful that th next play will no doubt profit by the reputation of the club achieved In former plays. Mr. and Mr. Pelcer and family who have occupied Rosebank cottage, Al bemarle park, during the aummer hrtve returned to their home tn Mont gomery. Mrs. Char lea M. Piatt ha leaaed the residence of Mr. C. F. White on North French Broad avenue for the winter and will take possesalon No vember 1. Mr. White I going North on a visit for a number of week. Mrs. IT. H. Tlace and small daugh ter, Errmi, who have boon visiting Mrs. C. TT. Miller on Spruce street for several weeks leave today for their home In Jacksonville, Flu, Mlvs nesale Tllnton who hns been tin guest of friends In Ashevllla and I.lltnior.. liming the summer ha re turned to her home In Raleigh. Mr and Mrs. Raphael Quastavlno have returned from a visit to friend out of town and are at the Battery l ark hotel. Mrs. R. W. Nash who hns been lfdtlng friends In Wcavervllle ha re turned to the city. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Raysor, Mrs. t.or,rd and Master Leard Raysor leuve thi morning for a wetk'a visit to Chester, S. C. Mr, R. Ii. McKesalck left yesterday for a trip to Now York. :x M'ss Esther Meares after a visit of several weeks In the city left yester day -for Salisbury. Mr. S. C. Brink returned yester day after a several week visit In Cov ington, Cincinnati, Lexington and other points In Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Guthrie and rnall son who have been visiting friends in tho city have returned to their homes In Louisville, Ky. The Caloric Klreless Cooker can be "en In operation In o ir fr-uit win dow. Thl.s i-ook'-r will he fc1en away during our Maestlc limine exhibit. You may win thl. , Ftiown, Northiip it- Co., y. Palton Ave. CONTROVERSY STILL IS RAGING FIERCELY TVV IiNTY-F I V F years of active ex perience and honest manufacture is behind cverv box of N U NI NA LI .Y'S candies. You don't have to try them to see if they arc good or fresh. The name on the box is cold-bond security for perfect quality, generous assort ment, full measure and delicate freshness. A fresh supply always kept by HAVSOK N DIM STOItl-:, 31 Plat on Avenue 'None Like Nunnally's." i i p. Underwear and Hosiery, for the Winter Time Outings and Eiderdowns,1 a Big line to Choose From w.ii:hmkx 1'itEPAni: an ohm- N.VVI-; TO STOP DISCI SSION Each Having the Other a Fraud Itoth Sides Willing to l avc It to I lie Voters at Ne.it I Election. Miss Mary and Mlas Jessie Stlke leather leave November 2 for Naah Mile, Tcnn., whore thev will be tin pneats of Dr. and Mrs. Hyrd and will abont n later go to Memphis, Tcnn., to visit Corset Covers and Drawers Special 50 Cts. The man who ,'wtvertlre special prices every day in Lie )rir" in wanting breath because you won't believe him. Kvery thing In his atoi k cannot be peiial" haauHe he cannot afford it. If this Btorw -tainls for ni) t hing It atauds for honeatv nml fair I 1 1 1 i n r ami when we advertise a "special" It la a :pic!al for "lie good reason or another. Tin, nii'fl covers and drawers nt r.O.i are fipeclal value because, we ImuKht tliem under the market nml marked them exceptionally close. The Drawers show much variety of style Hoimccd ruffle wth cluster tucks, circular bottom; embroidered imitation baud work; muslin ruffle tucked and Val lace trimmed; plain hemstitched ruffle, etc., etc The corset covers are in plain nain sook with dainty lace or muslin edge trim., cross-barred muslin vie, etc. Special values at 00c each. n. V. MOORE WOMEN'S OCTI'ITlEIt 11 FATTOV AVT3. he red hot controversy between 'xplorers Craig, Winston and Kerr on one Hide and Commander IteglHter of Deeds Peary Mackey on the other, as to which tlrst discovered Mount I'is- Ktih grew hotter yesterday when two important matters occurred and tlie Ahevllle public Is divided Inlo two hostile camps. Judge Cocke Whitney In whosi charge the Cook explorers left tin r-cora or ineir observations was reached by wireless telephone at Itab bitham, Leicester township, lust be yond the Arctic circle, lie said: I did not bring the Cook parly records because Commander Mnckii' would not permit me to do bo. lie Old that his one horned ox team could not pull them and besides I)r Cook Kerr might be trying to run In ballots for somebody else for register of deeds. He said thnt the plsgnhltes had informed him thnt explorer Craig Ft'ld he used a lantern In ascending the mountain. Commander Mai kev threatened thnt If I brought the rec ord he would make Will Cocke tell Joke on me and I quit." Judge Oorko Whitney had many blind tiger skins as trophies of his hunting trip In te regions claimed to have been explored. Commander's Perfidy. Dr. Cook Kerr continues to smile fit tha charge made by Commander Peary Mackey that the Crnlg-Winston-Kerr party did not discover Mt. PIs gnn and spoke In the moat kindly terms of Peary Mackey, saying: "Mackey is a perfect lady and a rrrent explorer, despite the fact that he burned Pierce Love's barn and as foclates with one Krwln anil Church Crowell. This Is shown by the fact that he and my good friend Doc No land, who Is n perfect rascal for pos Ing a explorer Craig, discovered the Pristine Petrified Man, which got dime from me. I am sure that he would not knowingly tell the truth Just to henp coals of fire on his head In a friendly way, permit me to sny that he rave the Pisirahltes n box of axle grense and when he discovered that they lived in Jackson county and could not vote for him, he cheated tnrm by swnpplng them marriage li cense for It." Peary Mackey said yesterdny thnt the risgahltes drew him ft map show ing tho routo taken by tho Cook Kerr party. Ho said that tho route showed that the fakirs traveled first to Happy Hollow, then to Possum Hollow, then to lliltmoro, to Shlloh. to Dlxontnwn, then to Rlumptnwn, then to Bouth Main street. There explorer Craig saw tho sign "Plsgnh Hotel" and ex claimed: "Behold, wo have reached iiount Pisgah." Authorities Act. The National Society for the Pre vention of Holes In Doughnuts and Curing Croup Among Oysters yester day requested the T'nlverslty of Coop rnd Hen of Harnarilsvlllo to waive lis claim to bo the first to examine the claims of the Cralg-Winstun-Kerr party, but Chancellor Willie tioff de clined tho proposition. Commander Mackey said that he was a fair mind ed man nml would submit the claims 01 tho rival party to a committee com posed of Carl Duncan, John 1. (Jrnnt lllrsch Harklns and V S. I.usk. but the Cook party declined the offer and In turn proposed that the Mackey claims be submitted to Mark Heed. nob Greenwood nnd J. M. Carver. Commander Mackey said this com rilttee did not have eudlclent sleRino i.rnphle knowledge nnd that being a fair minded man he would leave the matter to a committee composed of himself nnd his lirst cousins. On the suggestion of Vox Pnpull in expression of opinion was asked fr-im Mr. S. P. Mears. the discoverer of bottomless mud highways. Mr Mears said In effect that none of the proof affected the subject under dis cussion and that there were too many bonds, taxes and i t cetera. Cinldc Wells Speak. C.ulde Joseph lt.irrlll Wells yester day made an affidavit to the effect that he had made false records In a prexMous trip he made with explorer Kerr, Winston and Crnlg and when thev clnlmed to have ascended llattery l ark hill. This, sworn to before Hon orable John Banks, was as follows: "Dr. Kerr employed mo to show him the route to the top of the bill ml we started. We passed two soda fountain and three proeerv stores. and we shot an automobile at the corner of Haywood street. We stop ped at an Igloo on College street where ome muckers were drinking butter milk at a near-beer stand, and ascend ed a precipitous height called Smith Hotel on the Hum. When xve got to the top Dr. Cook Kerr said he reek- nd thnt was Mount Pisgah. and an Id that if I would change my records he rould give me a box of stogies. Belng it uUilol man. I did so an. I took a 1 w of American Tohaco plur win h '..ii.- me sick. 1 now ii-riilv 1 1 , f - -ii I nol ascend Mount l'isL-,.ili. I l" nol know where Mount l'tst:i.li i.-.. ii !s on lliuverdum; it is on S-hiMi jMiiiii street; there Is no mi. h m.Min Inlll. I make this allil,iv m tin in terest of truth and humanii.. and I" -"i'U-s I never got the siog'n s M I- l'.:ni that I received :!0'l .icanlli ,"ii,ons for making Ihia stai- uoni lev;. use Commander Mackey would not give that many." The whole matter h, inr Uium Ii ri ir, a chaotic stale, Ahh i ni' n V".ul and I'atterson, having at hi ai l lh'- in ter, sis of humanity nt larm and I o . si p i.-ttH. luix-e prepared an or-linaie which they will Introduce at tie me. I ln, tomorrow night making ii a mi.-e ilemeanor punishable hv four months on tin- road to Pisgah lor anyone. newspapers included, to (ui-lliei-cuss the respective claims of th. exploring parties. dis I we Woman Artist in Paris l)t dares She'll Fight Then Oall the Policf ;iikI NEW. YOHK. Oct. 20. N-u-s of the activity of customs otllcers at this port apparently has been received by Americans abroad In more or less dis torted form Judging by a letter re c Ivcd by Mayor McClellon today from a woman in Paris, and turned oxer to collector of the port William To.b. Jr. The letter says In part: "I am in receipt nf letters telling of pinching, poking nnd being person-i ally felt of. Tf any one attempts to Ini.ull me In that way I Intend to ine bint of my ability to knock him down and I ask for police protection in so doing. "There Is no other land on this globe In which a decent woman Is not perleclly safe. I hnvc been In nearlv every country on the globe and I huo met with kindness nnd respect ! make two exceptions Turkey and Central America, where It Is not sale for white women unescorted but one could hire protection In both these countries, and the new Turks and Hi' FngHfh government have made tin se two countries safe and comfortable for women. It is only In coming home that 1 was afraid and I ask ugnln for police protection." v The letter Is signed simply "A Wo rm n Artist in Purls." Our Mother's Joy will produce a natural eleep, no opiates In It to make tho bubv or yourself nauseated. ; POPULAR RECEIPE . This lloin-cXtlKlc 1,'ougii rvvi-up Stops Cough Quickly. Make a I'k'ln h rup by taking one pint of (.minium ,1 .Suiiar. add one-half pint "l nana ai. i ami sllr for two liilnules. l'at in two .-nut one half ounces ol pur. l'laex lii a pint bottle and I'll " '' tin- i.i -anulaieil Sugar Syrup. Time a t'-.i-Hpnoiilul no.rv one, two or three limns Keep well eoiKed and It Will never spoil. Tim i llectli eiicss of this simple home made article Is surprising, it usually slops tt deep-sealed cougll 111 twenty - lour hours. It is also excellent for colds, whooping couKhs. pains In the che.-t. bronchial trounles and similar ailments. I'se the real 1'inex 111 inakin- It. how ever. It is the most valuable i on. en t nit ed i .imp. .nnd of Norway White fine Kxtra.t. and it is tar superior to the mini, ions I'm., nil and pine lar prepara- tl"ii. It i dnigglst does not lime It. lie 'an g-t it ha- veil without trouble Tin toll proportion above suggested niak.'.s a lull pint of tile best cold and cough i.hur.lv The taste Is so pleasant thai i-hil.P, n take It willingly. The tola! cost i" ai. out ;, cents. Sliaiiir.i lioi.-'V can he used Instead o( the si.i.. and makes a veiy tine honey and pine tar cough syrup. CROUP I? ht hf( ih.il hn&1s eerr hour of .lul.l liitv liOWANS PKKPAKATION guv imt.int nitrf and comfort. JuM mti H on vl.vii i wcakrn tbe stoaiaih wiiti lrut:s Krrp ii in Ibc borne $1.00, Vfc, -X. AUdiuiguU, TO. MIGHT Wc have all the latest nov els at $1.:!.) each. Mountain City Stationery Co Jl. M. Xahikiaai, Prop. 2 3 Patton Ave. Jl Splendid ine of JYew fall Suits No doubt you have been in and seen our superior assortment of Stylish Suits. Many Asheville women have already made their selec tion, have you? New line of fine worsted suits from $15 to $50. Also a nice assortment of suits for Misses from $12.50 to $30. Our Suits an- all well made, (it well, ami civc satisfaction. Alterations are made without e-xt ra .c.Ii.ii ut -. a custom that the largest citv Stores will not do. Knit Mufflers and Ifeckwear A very k" line to choose from. The ki;it mufflers are in irreat de mand, and you .should not delay in selecting,' the color you wish. Mufflers -lOc cadi. Maline hows 25,. and :."e each. Silk hows ")()c each. firess (Joods and Specials Continue We hi. . : ; .filing' some Dress (iootls tliisweek, and will continue to do so. Dress (roods at' l-;7th o,"f is a thing not to he overlooked hy discriminat ing wome n of Asheville. Sale discontinued Saturdav Piano Is an Instrument bought once In a lifetime. M buying one do not depend upon looks merely impure ns to Its Inmost I'll' ts, its tone, volume. Its action and general con struction have an ex pert play It for you, bring out Its sweelneas and strength of tone, and tit it In every way. W. Invite you to visit our salesrooms Rive our Pianos your most rigid examination and you will be our customer, for the Stieff always wins out. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Slmw nnd Stieff Self-player Piiinos. Southern Wareroom 5 W est Trmlo St reel. Charlotte, - - N. C. C. II. WIl.MOTII, Mngr. (Mention this paper) j We can save you money on! TiVngain: All sizes of STOVES Flower Pots. See them at HEATERS, RANGES ! The Beaumont Furniture Co. No. 6 Nortli Pack Square. Phone SSI JUST RECEIVED Large Assorted Line of SHELL HAIR PINS MISS CRUISE, 27 ""Vwnort St. No. Batten Park Place. Vbavit 144 M. WEBB & COMPANY , Milliner) Importer VISITORS, 8AVK MONKV, by having your teeth attended to by i8 Always up-to-date. Painless and -VALUE Hellable. Crown and Bridge work Il Pila, a 10(', Cigar, for specialty. Popular price. (.(,ntf, rjv I Barbee, Wells' Smoke Shop. i . ! TELEGRAPHY Is being taught at tho Asheville Bus iness College by Miss lone Buck, an experienced operator from Missouri. If you are Interested please call. I)lt. MATTHEWS DKMTAL, PAR LOUS 2-.-2ft.2T v , , . yo j ure mierestea please call. Sfw McAfee Illilg., corner cii.-Vrv awe. t t.-v , ollegc and .Spro. onnoKiio tut nn. 3EV 8- RUOCKIiEy. Prtnclpml. 1st Cliurcb ami near Coun Iloune. ' Phone tM9. IteMtdcnce PhoiM 72. j GREENE & CO., j Agentu American Ladles TnllorlDK. (Vr r fl K'ompany of Chicago. Made to measure 11UWV 19 lilt: IIHICj Suits, Skirts and Coats. Buek's Hot Plast Heaters i LA -GREC2UE CORSETS 1 ' j7irl-ji,n,cr' r ai'o just the thing for thi -i. 1 weather. They save fuel,' hu( MuCil COHlfOrt give out the heat. BURTON & HOLT And good cheer glows l'om a grate full of Every Woman limwreeu-ii aim iiouLrt know . Bhollt th WOInltTflll LMARVELWhirlingSpray mm IIH ffa. M mi, i a ifi; M Mk Tunrdnigjriitforft. ii u cftnn n supply ti M A II VEL aet'-nt oiiht. inn frTiti ita tin lor full nnrtlnnlAm nml (iirccttomt in. Vaiual-le to In (Hen. M U I I. TO. H & W Indian Coal The heating anil burning qualities makes everyone who uses it a fast friend. Carolina Coal & Ice Company SPECIAL PRICES ON ICE CREAM To church fairs, .nipper.; , ic. I lur Ice Cream is of nupt-i i-.r flavor anil suioolh i'.i bo, l Made of pasti'lini'l creaiu, Asheville Pure Milk Co. E. Walnut St, Phone 5.M I LOG AM i.TrnrrTp. ,-f WATCHES MY SPECIALITY J MenJiaot Tailor, 14 N. Pack t Square. Plmne 797, Asherille. J ADS FOR RESULTS. TRY CITIZEN WANT If you need a watch that will keen time, we have thiem, and at prices that are right. Flue Watch Itcoalrtna. J. E. CARPENTER. 82 Putton Are. ATTENTION! To all of ib,. many little de- laiN of ibc entire hnindry pro. e-s iii.iKcm i,,r Matisia. lion "in loft a ii'l e. "norm to Asiic-i!o T .,-v 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 patroiis. ASHEVILLE LAUNDRY V. A. MCIIOUS, Mgr. Ilione 95 PEERLESS ( ' m mm New Swede Gloves Wc received on yesterday .;oine excellent FJhn-k Suede (Jhives at ifl.'Jo and 2. (Ml pair The .fl'.Oll gloves are guaranteed hy 'allieres tt lie ahsoliilely stainless. Heavy fleeced gloves Hosiery and rnderwe.ir for cold weather at the lowest prices New line of Chiffon Veilings in all colors at .VV yd. Automobile Chiffon Veils at $2.00

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