Till ASIIKYILLF, CTTJZKX, FRTDA V, OCTOB YM IJMtf). SOCIAL (. PERSONAL A' witdtlinur j Washington which In i, Io,1lie Irlemls or tin "' '- ' if tie In AHhevllb Ml.- Amu- V? 1-oOtrr and Mr.., r,.nkhn ' wi ll quietly married y si-hIio ami HI : i'Tir Kurope Hatunl'.v ) Hoy nil i rimuln for whthI moniiu Mii I (.'nruenttx la a i-i.-i.-r of Mrs. Mm K -t v....... Ar A..1.... .11.. -I ml ri t i..!- t In re Tor e year or l,,nc. r. Mr. I's'" : . i j 1 ii Ii-.k h' r hp n. in tin mf Tmlr fin l ine f cliy. J The principal Ml f inl t Hi evening will i..- Ho- ' f shlttce given l.y th. Tali Jionot of Mi ii '"I M' From all m .nnii- n f tltnt the nffiiii- wnl i ' " f ) and tin- t i nt i i Riven by the club In , , (.lion iiuil uHlee i I'll' in 4. J'.ll.l A. " is u nil r' '""I ., n elaborate ,,l iinp'.rtain mi' in 1 '"I ''" J v c S 1r. T. Mlnakiniii who l tkim? n S Special course ul Hi" I'niw imIIv nf i North Carolina Ic-lured Wednesday f evening before l in- v. M c A i.f Hie I University, There are never. il le.tur- rs teDKlWll durliur tin' H.iiH. ill tn ml I flreii tho students ""'I Mr- Alln;iku. Ml ! IK'ft amoiitf tin' nnmli-r. I . . I Mr. Joseph Hluibr r. n.l Mr. l-inv- tPnce Jones Rave nn Informal mapper t the Country club lnht ii.iilm;. at trllirh there were u number of gucHts. M J f Th educational and nodnl rommll-j l . ... n. I . i KT...II. s ii T tnu Y. vv. . n- i"' "' pol party thin evrnln ul th Ilinrl i etU on South Main mreet ut 8 oVIm-k I l.d H cordlfil Invitation to Uip youns i nitiir of Aihevllle I oxtenrtort. Thf I educattonal committee will nnnotine ' tho Whedule of thfl c'luiwen nfter whleh will ba followed hy tho party which ? nromlseg to be unluue nnd lntrrcstlnK. f Lnt evening membemhtp team T is and VS. under Ml Hlekak nnd Mlmi Irgemoll, met nnd nUo th llret meet inn of M!b Slnolulr' Bible claw wiJ hold. 1r. F. V. Harkw tin arranged to Blvil an enran recltnl In Charlotte a wh from Sunday nnd will go to that city gevcral doy before. J J The dance at the Buttery Park ho 1e1 Halloween enm to be a topic of Interest and there are many In quiries concerning It The flret of the special dance will sustain the repn taiton attained by Mr. J. I Alexander Blnre his Incumbency unit , will be up to ths standard set by those of last year. Th decorations will be very handsome and In keeping with the traditions of the day; -the wltohes and JnclS O'Lanterns and alt. J . The Pen and -Plate flub met last ivmtng at the Battery Park otol and held an Interesting session. The sub ject of the evening was "Municipal Government. ' Mr. J. P. Kerr read an Interesting; and virile chshv on the w'-Ject which wnj responded to by Itet; O, T. Kowe. BOCIETV The box supper held at the liny wood street Methodist eliureh last night was a success In every way. TheTe was an unusually larci number f boxes and all of them were beau tifully decorateil. The bidding was spirited at all times and exciting as well. Nearly twenty dollars was real ised from the sale. . Miss Klsa Tiudd Is expected to re ; turn Within several days from Main. - wliw she has been visiting her yft-r. Ml&i Margaret I'ndil. , 1 Mrs. Mark I,a'i-e who has been ..n n a w-eek's viiinlioii hn.M returned nd resumed her work' at the llen- ricttu. Mrs. Conwnv .md cluldien who have been v-lslling Mm Alice .M or gun hkve returniii to tioir home in lllls bora Mr. t,r.. Pt.in tt Hneger or i he pany. Is n i;in si l.ntel Mr Hoi nt of th. rn. i With Mr Kt.-in i'c prchl, 1 1 il Cask III.' Pintle tit and I . "III- v Parti '.nl. nd . Hie. Is III. r IP Vr. W. n hellle v. mi t-lnter at t le . Joined yh :'d little M.u ' i .1 in . I., n.l the lie Will Wcsllake iMitlnir 1 vis-"' 'H7 9 i. . - jj! ill Wi lli 'ii I I r. it lh .1 M lill'H IV 1 1 J 1 I'.-iik li.'i. ..I Muni" ' ' . II. 1 1 H (if -r ;i f'iT it ii Mr. 1!. IS ill III'' n.-l" 'ii In It - i'rH K'-Hfic .TiiHllce v.'ho l'.r th' p:i8t ' w y i -ii th Iihh bef n v I h F M 1 1 t-r i . hi 1 1 vr:i in I 'ii II inure, i linn llik'hnnj nii'l M'ln- I In, Is tin' (;ii. nt of In r M'Jli r, Mis. I'll.irl'H illur, 7H Asll'-l;. ml "'i Mr. nnd ion, N. C , !'ak hotel Mrs. I.inl.in 1 lire gio'sls nt ii. I, of rm- til. li.illeiv Tilr. anil Mrs. WIIIImiii I ler me Mpcliitlng several "In vn i Mii' pliy brunch anil nfter I In to town will go to New Vml. IllCfB for a WeeK. Mr. b, N. S.imson ;itnl IM i Iniiie Hnmpson of Homer, N. visiting 111 the city ami Hie I Hie r l ii i n I I'llM- -s Oer V., are at tlio I .nine Strei'l. if Mrs. 1J. W. N.ij,li on Cliutin Miss Jennie Martin has gone to (',' i eiiHbnro for u several ibivs visit lo friends and relatives Mrs. E. M. Bingham who has oc cupied I-nrltspur cottage, Allnmarle park, for ii number of months, goes shntly lo Alexander for a several Weeks stay before going North. Miss Julia T.owc returns today from Ncv York uftc"r nn absence of several 'V.'tfl Miss Carrie Mitchell nnd Miss Ruby Boilers of Columbia, P. . are spend ing several weeks In the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Hewitt and rmall daughter. Ellen, who have i.pcnt several weeks with friends In the city return shortly to their home in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Thames who have been at tha Battery Park hotel since thulr recent marriage In Mobile, Ala., left yestorday for the North. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Smith of Ken tnrky are spending the winter In Ashevllle. Kt. W. B. Outhrla of Durham Is In the city for a few days on business. Hilsa Elslo lilies of Jacksonville, F!a, Is In the city for a stay of ev-i erul weeks. Hi- na Mrs. Alonzo Jersey of Tlrooklyn who were recently married 'n Krooklvn. M. Y., are spending their hoiu vmiion at lluttery Park hotel Mrs. 1. Hun" and daughter who have spent I he summer in ivucn.u.ui, IV V have leliirued to tho city. Miss Florence Merrick bus return ed from a visit lo 1 leiidersonvtlle. Mrs. Coppack returns to Hattles hurK. MisB., today after a residence of two years In Ashevllle. Mr. Peter Yates of Greensboro Is 'n the city for several days on bus- .nesh. Mr. Itlchmond Pearson has relurn i,l from n several days trip to llon il is'olivlllu. ;VI S. C. J-'atterthwnlle nnd Mr. T. ..iIh of Wavncsvllle are in the lor ii .short stay. i and Mrs. 1.. It. l'leiuh and i" K. Kinihiill of Chicago ure Ik at Hie lluttery Park hotel. Mi ;l In i .1 SiiaiuPn has returned from . ks hslitng trip lo Florida. -. SI i frank l.ockwiioil is expected from New York today and will be nt the Halt cry Park hotel during Ihei winter. Mrs. I.oekwood nnd Mrs. I Johu It. l'.i.i.lley will Join Mr, lank-. """" FINE CLOTHING f r men . . ii ... i. i. i r ( v iteni jnaixers mio it'Ci Mini.' I.' IliH i cse i, and who tigure i losel v lo deserve the business we give them. They and we attach importance to the matters of Jit, finish and durability. All grades, please remember, except such as are trashy and hence the re verse, of cheap. The stock of all kinds now at its best. FINE SHOES AND HATS for men and boys, prime merchandise no little part of it below prevailing prices here or elsewhere. FURNISHING GOODS Shirts. Undershirts and drawers, 1 la It Hose, (Moves, Hers Collars, Cuffs1, Suspender; etc. Ladies Suits, Capes, Skirts, Coats, Waists, &c A fine stock indeed will the new and scarce shades much in evidence. An early call, please, of inspection. You can hut approve the values. H, Redwood & Co. DR. CAMPBELL WILL ADDRESS THE SYNOD wru. ; i mi ici; or rm.s- ! livn imns m ni:i si-iti;s rim Ipitl lr Adili. s Will lie Made 4 aiiiitii'M nn Need of Mi-slim,. by I 'i. Ii I'' -. to 1 1 1 : i K . on. ., i m ill he iiiiiiii I t ' I III II f'. I1HI I in J. hell i,iH hi II :i; I r I l. prlnelp.,1 . .1 no ' ting 0f lh' ('j I "I North ('i,ri.jn;i ed Springs in 'I u . "hiv. The Mih I' ' t l-e In Id at i: birl'ining Tin I be .-ddresH w I I lonieblllil," 11 '.imjibell Ik cm Till' IIIIIHKll C'liClH n p. rim "lii' ll time th I he "The ni.itter in .i . billy Jul MCSMiull Of .f He V I) i' h I If th' .f four il.M work of II diir nir i In in the stite Is iliseiiHHeil hy in "inllH ul men. There w ill Im : wo I j u rid n d 1 iv ami chw h .i i::iteH pr. f ent liorn nil piirts "I 1'illiia. The report?! 'if the w'ork d' Hie l'ri'sbv l riaii ilnireli at Inn il I ll.h N"li h lone hy Hie and Ml ' 1 1 MM e 1 1 lll.ro.'ld VI ill I"' received ,-ind Hid the pi ins fur Hie eonillir iir i;lv- en collfilderiitiun. Tin- pi lie iial l.ilt of the w hkIiiii, I.!'' vr, "ill he Hi': discussion of the mli.nion.iry work done in North t'nrolimi ,'unl I'srieclallv In tin- moun tain sections where there are h large number of mission seifools uml other lllMlilulloliH for the development of the people and the conditions. Dr. Campbell Is closely associated Willi this lira mil of the church's wnrk'aml will Bhow the great importance of this line of missionary work as com pared with thut In the foreign field. Lev. R. P. Bmlth, Mr. T. S. Mor rison and Dr. Tt. H. Fakes will prob ably be In attendance from this city with Dr. Campbell. PASE SETS PACE ENROUTE TO JAIL Martin Pase, who was nrrested last night on Hector street on tho ancient charge of celebrating In honor of Dacchus, and other Hornan deities, set a pace going along Patton avenue last right toward the police stntlon In the Black Maria which will be u dif ficult one for another drunk to fol low. Tuning his volco to the music if that famous vehicle, ho kept up a high tenor for several blocks. Tho people gathered along the streets und wondered what had happened. Tty the time tho combination had renohed the city hall a large crowd had gathered awaiting tho nrrlval. When they learned that it was noth ing but a "drunk and disorderly" they broke away. BANK CASE APPEAL IS NOW PERFECTED The hill of exceptions In the case on appeal to the Unltod States Court of Appeals of Messrs. Hreose and Dick- erson vvas filed by their counsel with Clerk V. P. llyams yesterday. Tim bill consists of 100 typewritten pages but Its volume will be Increased by additions from tho record which will bo made, by tho clerk through the .'illpuliitli.il of the district attorney and deleiidanl.s' counsel. The .six day extension or the time for tiling the bill of exceptions made by Judj;e Newman expires today. The case will be eertllieil to I he tVurt of Appeals and a ile. ision is IX'SMhle 1 1 1 iMav alone I'lrcie.ss Cooker can bo seen lii operation In our front win .low. I his cooker will hi You may win this. Kivcn away during our Majestic Itange exhibit. , Brown, Northup Co., :t.'i Pntton Ave. and hovs from a number of .. i ... i i . i .im t'.isr oi l lie I lilies m every Handkerchiefs, scarfs. "Muf jMgui-mrrs, x 1 i ill' i .jamas. CHILDREN may safely be allowed to eat more candy if it is NUN N ALLY'S. Made of the finest mat erials, absolutely pure, in candy-kite liens where care and cleanli ness are perfect. The result is several hundred kinds of candy, each of: which is a wholesome' product of Nature's own ... . materials. h fresh supply always kept by H v. solt h Dltl U STOHI., 31 I'lalon Avenue. "None Like Nunnally's. W'c i;ivp all the latest nov els ;il each. Mountain City Stationery Co Jl. M. Nahikian, l'io;. 'A Patton Ave. PSYCHE BALL PINS lleMt ."Ivies' flf pllll for the braids Call and ce this offering. MISS CRUISE, " VVVlSlll SI. METROPOLITAN OPERA Contract Signed I'lidci' Wliiclilt Will Sinn Six Operas in Atlanta. ATLANTA. C,a.. Oct. Ii Contracts Willi the Metropolitan Grand opera company were signed In New York Inst nlKht by the terms of w'hleh that famous organization makes Its llrst trip Into the South. There will be live performances here nnd six operas will bo sung. The list Includes "Alda," "Madame Hutterlly," "Faust." ' l.a Tosca," "Cavallerla," and ' Tngllaeel," the latter Iwo the same night. The contract Just concluded Is Pac ed upon a guarantee of D0,0na made to tho Metropolitan management be fore they would vvvn listen to a proposition. Tho newspapers called upon the public, to .subscribe and in three days the sum was raised. The time for the opera season is P he Itxcd later, but It will be some linn In May,. FILED DISCLAIMER IN SEMINOLE CASES Iq the IT. S. Circuit court yester day In the case of Seminole Securi ties company through Its receivers against Hie Southern Life Insurance company, Julian S. Carr, J. (!. Pat terson and J. W. Hiithes responding to the rule Issued against tin m to show cause why thev should not be enjoined from further prosucullng an action against the S. iiiinolo comp.un lll the Superior court of Durham county made auswi r that th. y did not know of Hie previous Injunction Issued by the cmiri and applied f.u have to inii ti' ii. an. I tile unsw.r atul cross bill. This have was granted h Hie court ; ii I Hi.- lemporarv ..rdcr furbiildiug pi ose.'lltTiill of the Sup. r lor i.'lltt I :iM' vvas c.iulinued PEARSON AND GRANT TALKED PLEASANTLY H vest i ville on. liu'hm.i erday all. in w in re lo I Pearson returned i from llendei'M'n r" hi for a day or tW". Ilen'dersniiv ill home of i.'ongr. w hose rrieinU a llicldentalv the n John C Oram ii. niiich perturbed by Mr IVarson Intends to I:. I, He for the r, puhh "U I"i' congress against cM,rilay the 1'i'iiKress- -c Migrcssiunn no t in th. Hotel Gates, tu for r. pr. ent and the talk vv at ier, the prospects s and general subjects l.liei, was "nothing do- the Idea ihat tK't'Oine a c;f ciiii ii.iiii i n.i 1 1 John ii and man uml lh, the lohhv oi pillltii lans . relal. d I., l In or good . lion p. 'hi H .i I Inu" 111 tile Imnnniiv in lonal situaiii absent at th hart tile ! H-ny line however, i u hi lean congress :ag oonsplcuouslv SMALL FIRE DAMAGES H. A. MILLER'S HOME The h.. mo ,.f Mr. ji. A. Miller. 171 Monti, ,r,t aveiiu... was slightly dain ajred Inst nicht ah..ut 9 o'clK-k hy a tire which start. , 1 in the roof. The tire department responded -very quickly and prevented seri.xw damiiKe hy rx-tlnKiilshiiis- Hie Humes within thirty minutes alter th,. arrival. In rifnt nttlon of the excellent work of the firemen Mr. Miller provided a supper to all the member of the department at the Candy Kitchin Immediately af terwards. Jfe SPECIAL PRICES ON ICE CREAM I'-, i dun h l;i ti f, hu pjm ih li.-. ' ",r I' 'r arn i tf rtupt-r i'.r I'.iM'f ;iN(l HTDOOtll '.flVf-ty l"- .f;nlc of mst urizi-d Aoheville Pure Milk Co. V.. Walnut St. riior.o 551 ' We can save vou monev on . i " STOVES HEATERS, RANGES Beaumont Furniture Co. VISITOHri, 8AVK MO.NfJV, ti) having your teeth attended to b s Always up-to-date. Painless and id ilalilo Crown and Bridge work s iT? laity. Popular prices. 6r3bS&Vi!'..n(.it.I im MATTHEWS Dr.ATAIi PAR. 1AHIH -V2fl-27 New McAfee Illdg., corner v d lege Hnd Spruce, opixinltc 1st. Hap iNt Chun Ii ami near Coup House Phone IM. Residence PhoiM 072. GREENE & CO., Agents American I.ndleh Tailoring 'i.nip.'iny of Chicago Made to measure Suits, Skirts and Coats. LA GRECQUE CORSETS Much Comfort And good cheer glows from a grate lull of M & W Indian Coal Tlie heating and huming tjiialitics makes everyone who uses it a fast friend. Carolina Coal & Ice Company TRY CITIZEN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS. Piano Is an instrurnont bought onco in a lif.'tirne. In t il-Mnd llpt'U ln-tks iik rely it:; inmost liMiuirc an -:irt'-. its tiM.. ;i tiiin aiiij k-h liinii its i'iii r-.r v.ni, S eel IH-3S t-'in-, aiul l- i t pi. iy il Im in; oul its a n.l .u.nKth of t il in w i w.i W. iliv'lr "tl (t on r .'i 1 pm" o in - v;n ri.m"s Mtir in.'st I'xam I ii it t iti ;i ihI If fin' rii.nnirr, I SI h ff ;il w .i s wins i visit i' niir i h: i'l ii will n- the nut. Chas. M. Sfieff M iinif.i'iurer of the Artistic Sticff. Sliavv .mil StlcfT Seir-plaviT I'lauos. Southern Wareroom r W est adc street Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WllMO'lll. Mnsr. (Mention this paper) 4- WATCHES MY SCFCl XJTY If you neeJ a watch that will keen time, we have them, and at prices that ere rlfrht. Fine Watch Itopalrlng. 4 J. K. CAUPKNTEU. 4 S2 Patton Ave. j LOG AMI Merchant Tailor. 14 W. Square. Pbone 7t7, Ashevllle. This cartoon, drawn by Jhn T.McCiUcheen, appeared in The Tribune July 16, '0,9. , Reproduced by permission of The Tribune. THE NEIAS The above is a Paris Idea that will pull Man from Mis Thraldom; and here is another thctt is pulling W oman from hers! (.It's being adopted by all America) If (jossarci Corsets S3 on Up ! TELEGRAPHY Is being taught at the Ashevllle Bus iness ColleKe by Miss lone Hueli, nn experienced operator from Missouri. If vou are Interested please call. HK.VKY S. SUOCKLEY, Principal. Now Is the Time Burks Hot Blast Heaters are just ilie lliing for Ihis weather. Tliey save fuel, hut ijjivc out the heat. BURTON & HOLT PEERLBS3( Special Sale of Silk Underskirts We place on sale tolav a lt of Black and Colored Silk Underskirts at $.!S. They are splendid value at $5.00. OJP THE DAY. THE V Qassard 'LTAcyrZh cc Jr (Front " Would any woman, outside of Cher rvvalc, lace her shoes in the back? Button her coat in the back? Then Why, WHY lace her corset in the back ? THE GOSSARD CORSETS They Lace in Front In Front! The rational, modish Corsets of the dav. There's a model designed to (and that does) improve every type of figure. In again: All sizes of .Flower Pots. See them at The Asheville China Co., No. 6 North 1'ack Square. 1'hone S8I M. WEBB & COMPANY MlUUieo Imiwrters -No.,C Batter j Park Place. Phono IM4 VALUE La Pi la,' a 10c Cigar, for 5 cents. Try them. Barbee, Wells' Smoke $liop. iir niiillltfWilaUi.