TITO. ftTIKHA V. f XrPl7.v3fVfWrvvt v tmE asiievtlltc otttzex, Monday, octoiskk -", r. HMW GLEANED FROM p 'OF FUN IN THE WANTED A MAYOR! ' A political Job 1 going " hejrKlni?. nd that within easy reach of Ash -vIHe, whers there are enough politi cians to All every Job In every bureau In Washington, franklin wantH a mayor and wants mm bad, on that ill ftlck and stand a lot of "ruaaln' " without flinching or resigning. The J'riUJklln Proas In tt Inst liwii cnmn out-with the following mthctir np J4 to the world at large lor a mayor: n "Does anybody want a Rood munlr- Jp! Job without pay, honor, or fume , attached? "Mr. Billings didn't; lie resinned two WMhl after his election In June. JCesrt the 'honor' was thrust upon Iir. Illgglna. But ho nHlntd hint we.-K. 'p. D. Franks Is now mayor pro tern but that's for only n short while. Kent month somebody else is t:-l to be honored. "Who wants a Job helnji mnvor of the town of Franklin? There's no pay, no honor, no fame, and Iota of criticism and cuanlng tied lo the po sition. "Doesn't somebody want It? Frank tin may not honor Its mayor, but th.re Is always a chance for th may or to honor Franklin. ' ' "If you haven't been sufficiently honored municipally here's your Chance. Don't be bashful; speak up." dome local republicans might do Well to apply for the poaltl n, or It Ulifht be suggested lo fonnresHinnn Grant after h Is through with the Xllllmore poslofflce episode. ACROSS THK STYX. A poet from Just serosa the line, Who la near enough to be one of the Tat Heel galaxy of near-ports, had perpetrated the following "Spirit of departAl wife to hubby In the flesh: " 'Qrieva not for me, my husband, "r.n dear. I am not dead, but sleeping hern; Vlth patience wait,' prepare to die. And In short time you'll come to I.' "Husband In corpora to wlf else where: "'I m not sieved, my dearest life, Sleep on -I've ot another wife; Therefore I cannot come to thee, Tor I must go and live with she.' " AJC EDITOR'S TIlOtTni.ES. Pean Miner, of the Bylvnn Valley Kswa. flndlnif the prosperity of his aectlon about warm and comfort ing tha Inside of an arctic Iglon. in ene paragraph he complains that he rag been compelled to reduce his force on account of lark of advertis ing, and In the next he bemonna tho f net that bear meat la too high and " too rich for the editorial purse and Innards, ' , 8 to vent his grouch he complains of ft new "varmint" In the following, paragraph: "It hae been warm enough this week to hatch mueketoea at least they have been In evidence In the ;'; fews office. Evidently there Is a can of stagnant water somewhere In town." Getting Kvcn With Poo tors. Economical people may be found ' all over the world, but the Greenhorn folk are entitled to a place In the front anks according to a story In The Record. Recently the doctors of the city met and agreed to raise their feea all around making their charge , for a night vtolt five dollars. Now Oreenaborlans are threatening to get III only In the daytime to get even with their grasping doctors. Didn't Uo Bark. ' 1 A Hehdersonvllle contemporary has recently been making Inquiries Into tha historical uuestlon of "Who dis covered Hendersnnvllle?" (Caustic and Impertinent answers could euKlly be made, but said contemporary's ren- 25 per Cent Discount on All Dresses Monday Only: Nothing Reserved . i Every single dress in this salo is new, bought , -.for Ibis reason, and the best we have. The dis- count up'iiirs to every dress in the store, noth . . ing being reserved. The reason for this price reduction is purely mid simply because we have too many dresses. The sale will be in force for one day only Monday, October liaili. Original prices restored ou Tuesday. We camiol afford alterations at such prices, and will have to ak either an additional charge or that you have your dressmaker do it. Prices are graduated from $13.50 to $65.00. one-fourth less on Monday. The fabrics in silk are taffeta, moire, poplin, and habitai: in wool, henrietta, nuns veiling, serge, broadcloth, Venetian, poplin, and tricot. , Ooiors arc black, champagne, taupe, grey, res ifda, olive, bronze, citron, Copenhagen, freneh blue, and several shades of navy, raisin, wisetia, old rose, wine, and red. They are all one piece and comprise the greatest variety of style and trim in the latest and best fashion. v 7 Monday only. You save 25 cents on each i dollar. M. V. MOORE Women's I'urnlhlilngs. I FALLOIV FIELDS OLD NORTH STATE ons have brought forth an Intcreet liig bit of history. H (U litres tl at Uu Koto landing In Florida, and sotting forth In siarch of the fountain of pcrplual youth mottled up through the mountains an Jut as Jlcndcrson vllle. 1'nfort unnlely no proof of this slutciiHiit in given, and apparently Do Sito left no recoriH cnciied In the village or If he JUI they have never been found. Nobody bus been found to dispute I lie oHHCttion that I'd Soto Was the firm to reach the pretty little town on I be bikes, but many people are In iiilrlng why lie, never went back. Editor Innlcl faiinlc. Editor Joaepbua Panlels of The Kali 1Kb "News and Disturber" uses bin most vitriolic pen In commenting on tho lrant-Iteed episode In regard to tho WHnure postofflce. As usual when attacking1 his political oppon ents he Is not very nice uh to the kind of Illustrations ho uwh to press bis point. In his editorial lie tells the story of a filthy and odliorous man on a train who wus ho offensive to the other passengers that finally one of tliein asked lilm bow old he was. "Twenty-live years old," replied the smelly one, "You're a liar," said the disgusted passenger. "No man could gut us 11U thy as you are in less thau fifty years." fie cannot understand how a re publican has become so wicked as Mr. Grant In so short a space of time. A I.iii k y JuinlMjrce. Judge Miller In tho Rowan county Superior court lust week had before him the old preAdamlte question of "When la a man drunk?" Vurlous tests were suggested, but tho best one of all suggested by The Salisbury l'ost was lite following which bus be come 1'uinouit : "When your heels hit hurd and your head feels queer And your thoughts rise up like the fount on beer, And your knees wax weak and your voice grows strong And you laugh like II at eomo fool song; You are drunk old man, you are drunk!" The authorship of this much quoted bit of doggerel Is aa obscure as a great many other clever things but It Is the work of a well known news paper man. Several years ago Walter Juan Davla was struggling along as general utility editor of The Bante Fe New Mexican on fifteen dollars a woek and writing up bloodcurdling stories of the wild doings of Mexican greas ers on the plains In the sleepy old town of Hante Fe. In an Idle moment, enforcedly Idle because he had had an encounter with too muoh Mexican Pulue at a ball the night before, be turned off the the rhymes. They wsrs widely copied all thhough the West and round their way to the East It Isn't often that Jamboree means good fortune to anybody, but this Jamboree and these lines got him a Job In The Denver Post and he Is today perhaps one of the highest salaried newspa per men of the West. France hen done more to push for wcrd the science of aerial navigation than nlty other country, and, although the laat disaster usuumed the magni tude of a national calamity, will con tinue to do Vo with as muoh enthusi asm and faith as bufore, yet the death list in the laat year has found Prance the sufferer In every Instance but one Of the seven killed during thla period, says Popular Mechanics, six were Frenchmen, fling over French soil, nne all, commencing with Mr. T,e fubvre, In a Wright aeroplane, were Killed during September. "" "" "" -i i i 11 PATTON" AVE. Ti TO MEET AT GREENSBORO Will Iff Most Important (lathering in .Interest oj' Health Kver ITeld in State e;i!i:i:'Ki:')RO, n. r. Oct it What nlves promise to be one of the most iKoroiis campaigns ever Inau gurated In thlH state against tubercu losis will begin hero on January 25 next. The occasion will be the an nual convention of the North Carolina association for the prevention or tu ben uh.Hls which will meet here in connection with the American Tuber culosis exhibition conducted by the National Association for the study and Prevention of Tuben iilosls. While the meeting will bo essential ly u withering of the peoplo of North Orollna, It is expected to bo one of the laiK'Ht and most representative gatherings In the Interest of health ever held In the Carollnas. Promi nent business and professional men Will address the meetings. An official c haracter will be lent to the convention by the presence or Governor W. W. Kltchln, wtio will formally open the meeting. Dr. W. .'. Dunn, of Ashevllle, president of th association, will siellver his annual address In the form of a message the people of tho "Old North fitatc" on the opening day. The national as sociation for the study and prevention of tuberculosis will be represented bv the executive secretary. Dr. Living ston Farrund, of New York, who will deliver u popular address on tuber culosis. REVENUE GUTTER TOWS (Continued from pago one.) In tow, started on the run for home Soon tho wreck caroened ove r on her starboard bilge and hir keel swung nearly at right unfiles with tho cutter, rendering steering most difficult. At times the cutter was able to make a speed of only six-tenths of i knot As the afternoon wore on the schooner's forward deck house, a white structure, was washed nwav, hut through the Indefatigable efforts of the crew of tho little government ves sel no other Importnnt portion of the wreck parted company. The mizren mast of the wreck fell hut was held by the rigging. Finally at eight o'clock that night the derelict was docked, the time consumed In towing hy the Woodbury having been thirty hoars while the average speed attain ed was 1.17 knots. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! ' The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of the Central Methodist Epls oopal church will meet In the church parlors this afternoon at four o'clock. This will be a very Important meet ing and all the members uro urged to attend. J Miss Irene Ollllam. of Grove pnrk. will entertain tho young ladles Mis sionary society of tho Klrst Presby terian church at her home this after noon at four o'clock. All the mem bers of the society ure invited to bo prtaent. The tennis matches at tho Country ciuh Baturday attracted tho largest crowd of the season. Mr. Charles Ho. hart, the tennis champion, played ana Inst lr. 1'aul Itlnger und Dr. Jet e Cocke. The score of the first match with Dr. Itlnger was 6-2, 6 love in favor of Mr. Hobart. Dr. Ilinner played excellently. In the match with Dr. Cocke, who play ed n pretty game, Mr. Ilobnrt defeat ed Dr. Cocke with tho scorn of fi-3, 6-, 6-0. It was originally Intended that Mr. and Mrs. Hobart were to play ngajnst Mrs. Itobert V. Johnston and Dr. Cocke, but owing to the In disposition of Mrs. Hobart, the match was cancelled. Mr. Hobart gave an exhibition that was remarkably fine and tho largo crowd was most en thusiastic. Mrs. Thomas P. Chesbor ough later served tea to the cluh members, which ended a red letter day of the season. Mr. Donald McClaln, of (he Ashe v'lle school. Is spending the woek end with his mother, Mrs. K. L. Mc Cluln. of Greenfield. O., at the Bat tery Park hotel. Dr. W. if. Bromley. Austin, Tex., Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. Miss Harriet A. Shaw, of Boston. Is spending aome time In the city. Mr and Mrs. Pierre Smith and Master Quentln Smith, of New York are guests ut the Battery Park hotel Mr. and Mrs. V. E. T.ongwell, of Oneida, N. S., are In Ashevllle for a short atny. The Caloric Flreless Cooker can be seen In operation In our front win dow. Thla cooker will be given away Tou may win this, during our Majestic Kan ire exhibit. , Brown, North up A Oo.. S3 Patton Ave. Italy levies a graduated Income ta as well as a direct tax on land and houses. Small Incomes are exempt from tnxatlon. Tho minister of fi nance estimates that Income tax for this year will amount to about 149. 600.000, while the land tax will bring In 3ft,000.00. I0ENT OUZ FORESEES Meeting of Presidents Should Make for More in timate Jblsiness Relations MEXICO CITY". Oct. -i -id.-i,! Iiiiz. ixpn-xs.-d his Imjin mwi.i -.1 J in i iit reception at HI I'iiso nod b i hi i i nut e of President Tal't In an in terview at Chupultepec Castle ld.i . He said: Ah for iny personal ..Hhi"!i .if President Tuft, I can say that m- ; .i man of i liurmlng personally. ! ml. and aimer", wImisc featni- s uutni.tatilo xtamp of a in. tlx Mil hlHll e.inm iousnpHS of diily, unnamed by a. touch of remorse. The inlemew which 1 bad with Pres. dent Tail uus of tin- most cordial churuet'i. ami it is ' b ar that It will r. donud t" t b' beri' lit of both countries owing to the perleit understanding existing be tween the two governments and which was realized precisely. II, tough an Interview in still further HkM' mug tile bonds of their friendly am! com mercial i latlouship. l'roin lie com mercial standpoint, and pol,; e all;. . both countries will be gnatl. Iien. titted beca uae of a belh r business un derstanding between the two peoples and tin investment of capital lor the development of our industries will lie iu i ompll.shed tinder very la or.ible cin umxi.'iMceH. "We .Mexicans have plenty of taw material In our country rich nat ural resources. The Americans have capital, talent, energy ami they will come to the nld of our own enter ptislng men In tho establishment ami ilevelcrpnieiit of useful and important industries. Therefore, with the good understanding between tho govern. mcnta of the two countries, men of business can carry to successful issue i heir gn at t-nterprlaes." CANDY is a luxury. Most of the plea sure lies in havinjj; the best. NUNN ALLY'S candies are well know n to be pure, delicate, and never sold except when fresh and dainty. Packed in handsome boxes, they make a good "first impression." And they leave a delightful memory that leads you back for more. A fresh supply always kept by ltAYHOtt'8 ORCG STOKE, 31 Pinion Avenue. "None Like Nunnally'." Just placed on display large shipment of hair goods and ornaments. Stock at tractively priced. MISS CRUISE, 27 "i s' The Jury's Verdict f 1 1 1 1 it l. thufH! who huvc- Kivi-n llnj "Shaw 99 a llioi'oiiKli uMt la for awc.-t-niss of tour, and Its Ki'inral ltmkii up iH entitled to nil the prulis mid "nice Baying." thut lmvo been lctstoved n iiii ii in the piu4. Are You one of tin; July" If not. we will he le llKhtol to send you a little in foviiiat Ion that will Interest you, "on terms unil plicoN.'' Chas. HI. Sliell Manufacturer of the Artl-ctlr Slieff, Shaw, anib Stleff Solf-plajer PIaihih Southern Wareroom 5 West Tralo Street Charlotte, IV. C. r. ii. wiLMOTir. Manager. (Mention thla 'paper) iC 1: .- . : ' . v -,v. v.i-.,.;: ' X v-.- l lig Purchase of Sample Coals for Women . Misses and Children We secured a line of sample Coats Saturday and will place them on Sale today. They are the famous Picadilly Brand and you should SI I 111.1 i 13 oe sure anu iook tnem over today. Special at 1-4 Off Marked Price Coats from $5 to $25 glankets and Comforts, the isdarm and Cozy Kind Now is the time t lniy Blankets and comforts. We carry the largest and best select ion in the city. Blankets in cotton and wool priced from ,f :17t to , 10.00. Comforts covered with sateen ;ijd sil!: aline in down and cotton 1 .25 to 5 IWSIMW in fiie Rafje for Buying M & W Indian Coal Continues iid ).!.. u. iici slKiin ui ah.itcinc nt. I: i: tie- l i. l 1 1 I leu' move, Ki'.itC' ; lit! c cin . I'll., nc Kill. Carolina Coai & Ice Company nmT Nm9&fa,fc$&t$ log AN) , Merc-hunt Tailor. 14 N. Pack Square. Pbooe 707, Aslicville. I PROGRESS o Stoves and Ranges You Can't Beat Them No Matter Where You Go. Money Back if They Don't Do The Work. Beaumont Furniture Co, 27 S. Main SI. Phone 1 002 The Home of turr.iturc VsSi.es I: T t ? V f t r y f r Pretty Fal! and Winter Suits Conic in Monday ami lei received. You'll he .surii & workmanship we givo you. The rires are 18.o0, .120.00. ...-)). -',.(K) f liiO.OO ami in cfoat Dresses. Y One lot of Coat Suits, vant-'ini;- in price from -t'JO.OO. .jeJ.oO, to will h offered at -tlo.HS for your choice. Handsome lot of Capes for evening and street wear, from -fKUK) to T.oO. I? mi- io .f Soap Bong deferred link eth the dirt Stick M'd'.il: Oc-1 c,ii i M' i.fii;n list ui ,iit A.-ll. illc I. .urn In Wmk-.ii. ASflEVILlE LAUNDRY I. A. MCIIOI.S, Mgr. Clione 5 1 u PEERLESS us show you sonic of the jiretty Suits wo have latej." iscd how very reasonable they are for the style ,n Suits, one piece Suits, Coat Cold iOeather feeof Supplied Jf ere tess goods for Jtylish Pressed Women Our si.pei'l) stock of wool Fabrics" is superior to any previous line handled I I V us. . . We iire sir...-. : '.,.,.-. ,'oths in all col ors .Hid black from .f 1.C0 to .fo.OO. Prunellas Batistes, I leir-ettas, Serges, Bedford cords. Fancy Woi-sUls, 't 1. Somethng New!. Ili-ttc r take heme ;i box of AR .M K.MAX M'TS . Far mr.. deliotous tli.-in siiltcil AlniDnds. Mountain City Stationery Co H. M. Nahikian, Prop. 23 Patton Ave. Ba (Jrecijiie Corsets Stylo, Comfort and Fit, Beyond ( 'oinpare. GREENE & CO., 12 rm itcii st. VISITORS, SAVK MONEY, by having your tenth attended to tot : L.1 Always up-to-date. PBlnles8".r" . rullable. Crown and Bridge work ft. ! paclalty. Popular prices i5"'-. DIt, MAITHEW'S DOTAL PAR LOUS 23-28-27 New UcAee BMg.. cornet College and Spruce, opposite 1st. Bap-i tint Chnrih and Dear Cons Hoosa, Phone t49. Itealdcnce Phonx 979. We can save you money on STOVES HEATERS, RANGES Beaumont Furniture Co. WATCHES MY 8PEOLIVTY If you nee.J a. wateh that will keep time, we have them, and at prices that aue right. flw Wateh Itennirins. J. E. CAKPKNTEO. aa Patton Ave. Hf-f-HD Tn agaiu: All sizes of Flower Pots. See them at The Asheville China Co., No. 6 North Pack Squarp, Phone 231 M. WEBB & COMPANY Wllllarrj Importers No. I lUUerr park Placv, Pbona 1044 TRY CITIZEN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS. T 3 x ? Y t ? V f T ? ? Dresses, and two iicr t ? ? ? ? Y t Y 1

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