E ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXVI. NO. 8. ASHKVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2S, UK);). I 'KICK FIVE cents; JUDGEHOLTSGORES LASHEDTQREGGINO LOEB FOR KEEPING SIX SURVIVE FROM Not Talking To Joseph! MISSISSIPPI TRIP P1CEIT0PART0F WIDESPREAD PLOT GRAFTERS IN JOBS CREWOFFI TH ASSASSIN ISriOFiiEEJUiET y' NOW (SNT THATA y fX-wfT) JOKE ? THE I OCA 0f jfiJrt DRTYONE MR.TAFTDEGLARES Declares Immunity Bath a Discredit to Service And Disgrace to Honest Men LOEB DEFENDS COURSE OF THE GOVERNMENT Better That a Few Escape Than That Many go Unpunished NEW YORK. Oct. 27. "It takes n grafter to catch a grafter in the United States customs service," says William Locb, Jr., collector of the post of New York in un official statement issued tonight, and Federal Judge Holt's opinions to the contrary notwithstanding, the four weighers who confessed and testified in the trial of Philip Musica and his elderly father, Antonio, cheese Importers, which waa concluded today, to hold their jobs along, with honest men. Judge Holt of the United States Orcuit court before disposing o." the case today which resulted in the el der man's acquittal and the son's Incarceration to the tombs for sen tence, described the retention of the four weighers as a discredit to the government and disgrace to the hon est men In the service. LM-b .lust I lies It. Secretary L.oib said in reply: "It was not a question of choice In having all honest men in the gov ernment service and keeping four men admittedly dishonest In the ser vice; but the choice was between keeping four dishonest men in the service where they could be easily watched, or allowing a great many dishonest men to remain In the ser vice and have them, and all I lie cor rupt merchants who had bribed them escape punltrhnn-nt at the hands of the criminal law. The administration decided on the former c louse-, and iis ! decision was based upon the highest i motives. j 'It is deemed only just to the ad- j ministration that t ho public should j have this statement when ii reads Judge Holt's opinion." FIRST WOMAN TO GO IIP lit AEROPLANE KNOWS WHY LITTLEBIRDS SING Wright Yields to Kntrcat ies of Ladies at, Last and Takes up Passenger pupils li;akmx; COIXKOK PAP.K. Md , o.t. J7--With h skirts tied tightly about her ankles to keep them from fluttering in the bre ze. Mrs. Van Hctuaii. wife of Captain Halph II. Van L'eman. twenty-lirst Infantry. I'. S. A., oceu pied the passengers s.-at beside Wil bur Wright when he asei-nded in the government's ai-ropl,in" he ic today. Kor four minutes sh experience, l the sensation of soaring in the air. some times as high' as sixt feet aboe lie ground. This was the nrst time a wo man has made an ascension in a heavier-than-air machine in the I'ni ted Stales, the Wright brothers hav ing resisted a multitude of feminine requests for aeroplane asc unions. "O," exclaimed Mrs. l'eman when she returned to the ground, "now I know- what makes the birds 'snt." Lieutenant I .a hm and Humphries had so far progressed with th-ir mastery of the g- ernnv-nt 'i aero, plane today that just before the , l.es Ing of the aft'-rnoon's ork. Wilbur Wright steppe.l to the rear and al lowed the two officers to oversee all details in the management of the machine prior to their ascension. His pupils have progressed so far that Mr. Wright today announced his Intention of abandoning th.m for several days, allowing them to the aeroulane at their discr-' hn Th flights will continue he-re as usual. TRF.AM KKR IXIUTFf. llAMPTuN'. S C. "t. IT 'barg ed with failure to turn hot $ .::. 0 tw or puldic fun, is to his am .-.-ssor former Treasurer l.incford. of Hamp ton eountv. was indicted here today In its report the grand jtirv also asks the solicitor to submit a bill charg ing langford with embezzlement bonding company's check for 120.000 recently was accepted by the state in settlement for I-angfeerd's shortage. Hope That Others Were Sav ed From Hestla Abandoned as Bodies Come Ashore SURVIVORS TELL HARROWING TALES Unable to Find 'Place In Life Boats Remained In Rig ging For DaiyAnd Hal' EASTPORT. iiv men who, r limbed from Mar Oct. 27. The 1 anil be- wero rescued f'nm their peril,! position in the rigging of the at, 1 steamer Hes- t.a yesterday arpUfkHeved tonight to .1 i 1 1 be the only survives of th.) forty ene men and bovs.'who were aboard Wi the Donaldson lincti when she struck the jagged ld Proprietor l.edge off Se.-.i Cove, Orand lanan Island, on Monday morning.. .Three bodies came ashore on the southwest shore of No va Scotia today, two in u boat whie-h drifted on the beach near Yarmouth, i nd the third insiinSther boat which v,.s found near Sainton river, fifteen miles farther nortjjl. There is little doubt that these Hpa the two boats which started ofHrfvm the wrck, ich well loaded fiif men. Vp to tonight the hodicafusaj not been Idcii t'l'td. l Tell of Uic Keeo l fill icrlng somewhat experience JfciV m from '.heir i'n vho cs- aped til i.mpahlons I, (n were more eefinite informa ihle tO gIV tion regarding vn;i'took place niter Ik steamer went' orv the ledge. Third Mate Stewart sa1tTiat the Heat In n ached the end Qf her last voyage on Monday morning Instead of Tues day morning, as hiuUjircvloiialy '"'''" supposed, and thatj he and his five comrades who wjfrsi-S unable to find pi'iroH in tne noats vnicn were iiiuiicn ed when vi ae decided to abandon : iif shin remained lushed to the rlg- i,in:; for t lilrty-o'lnftt- hours witliout f.,rd or wat. r. befoWtlli-y vvi'T.- taken oir by Ho- life siAeftv I'm- of their namber. Seaman 'tVLTne. was In a se rious condition infM?. So far as can be ascertained totiljtirt those on board 1 1 1 1 llestia com fapl;iin Nt'W- SETTLEMEEOF CLAIM iTitE OP CHILI Asks IfcpratirntH'or Bicatl) '.' ol' ('oiitrat-JfVHili an Aiiiei'ieanJi'(1oii-eni MI LI, I OX WYoLYKh WASI I l.VOT' '. t' Informa tion has reac hed state depart ment that the cclojtjuted Alsop c laim against Chile, Invoicing valuable gua no cleposils and sjkrr mines Is in r. Ian- way of scttlerjwnt. Tie- Alsop cuse.wjvhicll has been pending feu- Iliirty1iive v.-.irs. has lis origin in the actual Advance of money b- Americans to t Kfi' liol i via n geevern n:nt in re turn foWighfs te valuable ciano deposits. TTifi amount e,r m m i advanced bv .itip and company ,i Ame rican e 'eiieftji, was mot-; Mian a million dollars inAold. The :.oiv i. n government rjngniz'il On- claim, and made a eont.qKft for its seltl" t.ient. the basis AflwhicTl was To be Ihe receipts from '(too. c ustom .ons- at Arlea together wfth.long leases eif numb.-r of valuable. silver min- e f..re. these nrre ng'tnts could I.- ear lied out. hnw-verJJW r broke out. . twfen Chi!- and Jll.liv ia. an'l th- r istom r.ve' bv receipts wfirita rc--re Tik -n the d"44cn goveiiinout e"h -nt-es were- also made in th- rn:n-'rig- laws, so th.'Ae44ie arrangem'-nc -. hi. h h.-ol been made with lioli ' tt re nfet carried out.. Alsop an 1 e'em r.anv. at th- dosu' of the war. flndinfr Ihe-mse Ives diSP'essMed -.f the coal fields and of the mines an w-11 as th" receipts from customs, appealed to Chile, which made several pn.mlies r,f a settlement. Many offers of eorr nromise we-r- also made. hejt Oi -'meoints offereel were altogether In-reV-cuato .'in'l tii- y w.-re re-fuseel. 1 h"-rrc.r.-rnm-nt is r.ow insiste-nt that tl.i? !i!m shoubl be paid promfdlv "r cbe wh'de m : i 1 1 -r r tferred to Impar t'al arbitration otj ts merits. SF.TFN"t'FIilX IIXNfi. ATT.AXTA Oi . Oct IT After be ing twice found i?ulty of assault on a voung white girl of Atbinta. Ttodg-e rs Merrttt. n negro was today sen tenced, by Judge T,, S. P.onn. of th Superior court, tobe hanged Decern leer 3. The negro van led hack to his cc'l protesting his Innorenee of the crimp. . TM", Uonliln ( onilmird on pairr Three.) ifJL- . I bOVERNMENfjlEliiS Assassins AreThought to Have Associated With Murder- erers of Stevens JAPAN WILL MAKE NO CHANGE IN HER POLICY Plans Worked Out For Korea Will be Carried Out as Dead Minister Wished TOKIO. Ocl. 7. The body of Prince iio, the murdered statesman of Japan, will be taken aboard the Japanese warship Iwato, at Oairen, and will be. brought to Japan accom panied by a full suite, representing the entire 'fintlon. The body lay in a hotel today at Dalren. the coffin covered by a simple white pall. The guards surrounded the hotel and only the prince's personal staff was ad mitted. Throughout t tit day telegrams poured into Tokio frmn every coun try of the world, and the officials of tin- foreign office me busily engaged in ansvv ( ring them. Those closest to the throne say Mint ilie emperor is deeply affected by the assassination of the prince. Ho has Haked for every detail and appar ently is unable to underisniid why the murder was committed, in view of the evident popularity of Prince Ito. Hut when informed of nil the facts so far as they have been learn ed here, the emperor ordered that there must be no c hange In the polit y toward Korea. Wide Kcnchltig Plot. The emperor of Korea has cabled his sympathy to (lie emperor of Ja pan as wel1 as to Princess Ito at low). The assassin probably will be tried at Dtiiren. Nine alleged accomplices have I ii arrested and it is believed that the In vest ig.it loii will show that the plot wax hatched at Seoul. The Ja penese authorities are determined to unearth the source, because the as sassination of Prince Ito Is believed to have been planned by the name ier.-'ons vvbo planned th- murder of liiirham White Sbvens. Ihe former diplomatic adviser to the Korean gov eMimenl , at San f'ra neiscci In llHos. The newspapers here comment on the ecc ape of one of hc associates ETHICS OE FOOTBALL IN Student ol' Virginia Medical College was limig in Against Navy Team PLA YKI LAST YKAIJ lten.t'l. Vn o.t 27. W. ft CeUee, wlice played left guard III 111-Virginia-Navy lootball game, last Saturday and w toe was charged with l.elng a "ringea " is a. rnatric ulate upon i!o roll books of th- Medical College .f Viiginia lu re, i idle ials of that In elitut'uen stated this m'irnliig that he w; a in ecdlege at pi'-sent unci h1ho up l.t a sioert time- be-fejre the Virginia -Navy game. Calf-e played guard on Ihe I'nl . ersity eef Virginia le'am Inst se-ason .-fee, is considered one- of the strongest me n of the team. According to state ments of medical cedlege; officials this morning, h- entered the medical col ic ge f Virginia at the beginning of the season unci went on classes. Tn the early part of last week It Is al- bv-d fa I fee was visited by represen tatives of lie- manageme-nt of th univ ersity and wa-nt T C-harleettesville TTh-re he trained with Ihe university reuaei and vvent to Annap'elis and played in the navy game-. Pour unl- -rsity men we re present wh-n the Mete-merit t hot Calf e was a "ring'-r" v .n mad-, and tiiey at onc e, wrote A letter to Manager farrlngboi. of th' ,',r-inia football t-am, asking for information and demanding that if Mfir Information was true, Calfee he put off the team and a. statement !s uod. A telegram from Manager Ma nsger Carrlngtnn e-(f the university f.iotb.-ill team received here today eer lifie d that f alfe-d had In no sense vlo leteel anv rub-s of athb th- eligibility in the university as set forth In the -..tr.b.gu- fi'iiws iv bin,. HAV.W'A. Oct. 27 The dispute between Seer.-t.iry of State Junto Onr (ia Velcz and Secretary of Sanitation Mrithias Duque. whose resignation frem the cabined were accepted by Prident Oomez late last night cuiml n.i'ed in a duel this morning with pistols The men exchanged four shots but neither was injured. OTHER GUESTS OF BLACK MOUNTAIN HOTEL ARE FA V OR ABLE TO WA1KINS Third Day of Trial of Hotel Atlanta Broker Declares Collins and Bunting Were Intoxica ted and Disorderly Vesterduy'n session of the trial of K. C. Wntkln for the Killing of Join Hill Hunting at ltlack Mountain August 7 wan featured by tho pro duction of evidence highly beneficial to liefendnnt. C. K. Adams, of Atlanta, testified to hearing Bunlmg and Oolllnn using profane and vulgar language and of his efforts to quite thorn, hli wife told of hearing tho men using profane lan l uago and of being irrrently fright emd. Proprietor Manly, of tho ho tel, testified that fclom Jone told him the men had Whtklnn down and he hsd to hoot. WfltltlfiS ulster, Mrs. Crawford tesllfled thnt Cowan told her the men had Watklns down and her husband said that Jonrs Told lilm the men hud Walslns down. Pave Glenn testified that Jones fold him th- men hail Wat kins down nd that he thought the men were going ."to kill us." Leslie Hummel, lerk at thee hold, tostinen mat .nines told him the men attacked Watklns A number of witnessed testified to lefendant's good character. The cross examinations were rlg roiis and whatever matters eontra llc tory were- de veloped will lie used In argument. ro- i:xaiiilonllon. The cross examination lev Judge .loiies of tin- eb fenelant was resumed whe n court no t yesterday morning nd witness was IIHl.e-d lllliellt state ie lets he ni iel- to newspapers some hours after tlo tragedy with a view to showing lint they did not corre spond to some eif those he mad- to he court. Witness denied the cor- te'etnc-KS eer ceiiam FUUC'llie'llIie. eee- duiled that b- had caused a state ment he sltiiie el to he published with i view to Inibie nclng public se ntiment ind also denied that he had bee n to ROBBED BANK IN EVERT Officials WliipHftwcd Dc- posifors, I'oiTowors and Evci'vImi'I v Klso. WASIII.MI'e ,-. o,-t. 27 "I'.v-e i i e.iu -civil Ide pom of Irregularity ha be en turtle cl up. - Is the way treasury flieials drdei,!,. the developments 111 the investigation eif (hi! Mineral Point. '.S'iH , First .. atlonnl bank, whic h .oK-d lis d'icira 1 ie lober I 2. The reports f-aehlng the office .if the comptroller e,f the rurren'-v rori tlnue to lie re a-eo- the amount Invnlve-d and to sheew the remarkable nature el the- tran.eeae e,,,ns that led up to the placing of th institution In the hands of licoivr Hchofleld. The lat est Information Is that the loss fro-i forge-d paper and embezzlement ri aehe s $ 4 r, 7 ''i ' There were many deposits made 'bat were never etite-r-ccl (en the books 'if the bank. It Is al leged. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. Forecast for Noerth Carolina-, Pair Thursday and Friday; light to moderate weat to north west wlnda becoming- variable. I I I Gladstone Tragedy Scored arlous section! of the county tnlk Imk about tho ease to lntluenea senti ment and thnt he had agents around seeking to Influence people. He said he hud no money to use. for any auch I urpose, saying that whlln ho had fold a. place for soma $J,10f ha hnd tmcd $3,000 of thl money In 11 few Lours to buy a farm. Ho had not furnished a cent to get witnesses here end no olio hnd done this for him nn far us he. knew, Ife admitted that ho was Intoxicated oner nnd denlnd tht ho had engaged In the ante of near beer, alth'Murh he had Wept his store open Funfluys. On re-dlrnrt ex omlnntbin ho eald thnt he had killed the negro of whom he apnl the day before becaiisn tho negro had rut tnroiigh his door with nn axe and nearly struck his daughter with It. Atlanta Witness. C". K. Adanis, a cotton broker of Ailantn, who said ho had been at ltlack Mountain for hi health, was called to tho stand and when ladles retired testified that he was swaken d by talking nnd heard two Intoxi cated men using profane and lewd talk, which he detailed. Ho went to their room and reminded them ladles were near by anil they promised to de sist hill In two or threo minutes re Be'uiod this kind of talk, wnereupon nitness went back to their room and reminded them of their promise. Tiny ae ted sullen and when he asked one who was sitting on a chair which was his room was told It was none of his business. On witness telling them he would havo them puf out of the h di l if they did not epilt one said send for the proprietor and see what would happen. Witness suggested lo Pro prietor Manly that they separate, the men but Manly wild h win nn In valid and had sent for the police. PLAN 10 CELEBRATE THE EMANCIPATION OF RACE NctfioOeS Will hold Expo sition in 1013 Showing T'roijri'NB of Kaco TI'SKK'IDB, Ala., Oct 2T At a meeting lo Id at Tuskegee Institute to ld ey preliminary plans wire formu lated f'er a semi-centennial exposi tion tie celebrate th" fiftieth anni versary of the freeing of the negro e-lav-s If) the Fnlted Kttites. Ten thou sand dollars havo already been se cured tei meet the expensea of the preliminary organization. Among the men behind the move ment are Hooker T Washington, principal of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute; professor K. I I.I: ekshear. principal of the state normal w hool. Prairie View, Texas; lie- W V. I!owen, president of rpim r,inn Th'-ologloal seminary, Atlanta, f,.i.; fir. c. T. Walker, Augusta, On : Nathan Alexander, receive r of public iconics, Montgomery, Ala ; Krnest 1 vein, I'nlted Htates minister to the republic of Idberla; nnd Mnfor It. ft. Me, ton, of tho Hampton Institute. The exposition, which will " held 191.1 In some Southern city not t decided npon. proposes to show th progress of th'- negro not onlv K'nee slavery but since his nrst land ing In America. KWMIOAO TKIiEI'HOM S. RICHMOND. Va.. Oct. 27. ft Is understood that the Atlantic Coast Ilne, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac, Heaboard Air t,1ne and the Chesapeake and Ohio railroads have elgned an agreement to substitute the telephone for telegraphy in the operation of trains. Points in Favor of Defense. In a few minutes ho heard a knock on the door of 19, where the men had gone, a match struck and aonte ono naked what's all this fuaa or row about? Why can't ou fellow be quiet. K you don't bo quiet I will havo to tiiko you to tho lockup. Wit ness said he hoard a commotion and looked Into tho room. He aaw a dim light through th window, the light went out, there waa a commotion, the door, - alammeA and there wan a pistol shot. Ho heard iomoe ono. any, "Opon that door, Clem," an'l a man In agony any, "I am hot," The )uai filled with people. Wltnna did net get up for about five minutes ' and then went Into 19. Tloth men wore lying on tho bed, one with Tin arme around the other, Una eat up and pointing to A da ma said, "Boo here, I am shot; you are the ratine of It. I nni now sober. Bend for it dnrtor." Wltnesa did not think he wn fully tober. After much reflection he aaltl he thought tho door slammed before Hie first shot waa fired but waa not clear about title. ItriMirtr, On cross examination by Mr. Nettle, who asked If the hotel waa not a eort of pounding bonril which magnified sounds, wit mess said that It waa a summer built hotel nnd tho windows mere open, hut he did not recall before this henrlng noises In other rooms Witness created some amusement by I la reply when Mr. fiettlo asked him why he said hu "supposed" It waa Watklns who knocked on the door: " didn't have anything elsn In my ntntith to say." When asked about using "f think" at tho roronnr'a In quest ho naively responded: "A man gels many word In his mouth that ought not lo have been there." I'rod- (Coniliined on page lire.) LETTERS OF PRESIOENT OF ICE TRUSTJEAD IN COURT Show Tliat, (corporation Was Trying to Crush Competi tors out of Field. NEW roilK. '"I. 27. Kxlrneta from letters written by olllelals of the American lee ceimpany lo ngenta and c.if.totne-rs were rend In court today as evidence that the company wnr guilty of Illegal monopoly In Its donl Ings with Independent producers and retailer. "Our opponents are steadily weak nlng and re very much worried," wrote President Oler to It. F. Ilop Iclns, of the Hoston le e company. In June, 1904, according to ono letter. "Tho Ice men here are sick nnto death and full of anxlousnesa,' was an extract read from another letter sent by Mr. filer to Walter T;eo, man-et.-r of the company's Pennsylvania brunch, three months later. "I think wo are In a position to ex pect our advice to bo heeded and our directions followed." tho aame letter c-.ontlnued. ' The atate'a attorneys began preeen t.iflon of evidence today to show that the American Too company, In order to enforce famine prices, "put the knife Into tho Maine Ice Industry, keeping the crop down to a minimum and allowing most of Ita Ice houaea In Maine to rot and fall down." Mft. ioriiTO! rut. rtAteETOH, N. C, Oct ii. The life of State Utintt flxamlner 3. K. Doughton, III of typhoid fever at Le noir la reported hanginf in the bal ance. The hemorrhage that caused his life to be dlspalred of have been stayed, , Schedule Gets Out of Hitch Because Rest of Flotilla Cannot Keep up MAY HAVE TO CUl" OUT . SCHEDULED STOPS President Reiterates His Sup port of Deeper Waterways And Favors Bond Issue HFI.FNA. Arb . O. t 0 T uktlmkL !dent Taffa river achedule went all tn pleura today, .owlnit t the lea biilty of the veaanla followlnif - hla f1ahlp, the Oleander, to keep up to the dmliinated apeed. The prraldent trlt d to aty with the fleet na far aa ha possibly could and delayed hie ar rival In Memphis three heura this morning in order that the boa ta carrying- the twtnty-li! governors and the 117 oontrreaamen as well aa other 'tpIi carrying delegates to the wti. terwnya convention In - New Orleans, might land at the aame time. . " leaving Memphis one hour and a half late this afternoon, the.'; Oleander had to press forward at top speed In order to reach here at I p. m,(" two hours behind the scheduled time. In making th run, the oleander left nit of the other veaaela of th fleet twt The delays have wfnuftht havtirt with the schedule for the remainder of the trip,' '. ' . -v J VIcMtmrt Keat. Leaving hem nearly thres 1 hours lata tonight the president will hot reach Vlckalmr; until -six' o'clock tir efter tomorrow night, that heins; his next atop. Even to make that city by p. m., the president "will have , to leave the other vessels behind. - H had been Mr. TafPs decision to rifle nvr the battlellelds at Vitifci-Jburn', and he may b defiled that plea aura he enuso of the delay; ?H had been In tended that the- preaidenti' should be welcomed nnfle tnnre in Arkansas bv 0overnbr twnaifhey bnt the gover nor's boat was an hour behind the president and the Introductory speech wbs made by Mayor Martin, -J Th president apoke briefly from a stand erected In the center of the city. Welcomed to Memphis. Mr, Taft received holay and dem onatratlvs welcome In Memphis to- -day. AS his boat dretfr tip to th levee, the piece was black with pen ile, The roofs nf the tall' buildings fronting; the rlvisr -tilkff were crowded. The delay In the arrival caused milch ' confusion In the western Tennessee metropolis, however, 'and two'of tha -president's cabinet ministers came pear selling left on the return from i the auditorium, the automobile plan having gone all awry In the cohfu" slon of so many distinguished guests (Continued on nasrn four.) ATLANTA MOM RACES Motorcycles Will !A1ro Br (liven Places in ;Thro,c of the Five Days Hac.cs ATLANTA, Oil., Oct 27, Wdirs f racing motorcycles who have been asking for n chance to compete on tbr new two-mile speedway of the Atlanta Automobile association are to : lee given a part of the program for three of the five days of racing sched nlfd lo begin November 9. Arran;s ments nre now being made for th" largest field of motorcycles ever seen on tho track. Jt Is expected thnt no less than fifty riders will take part in this fesltire of the big racing pre grant. Mrs. Joan fluneo, the woman automobile driver, Who has been seeking recognition at the hands of the American Automobile association, Is now en route to Atlanta, from New York In a cross country run, and when she arrives here will be given an opportunity to try the new course' unofficially. " Announcement of additional entrlrtt for the automobile races was made today, os follows: ' Strang, In fourteen events wllh two Flute. ' , llearne. In eighteen -eve-nls. Fist Purnhnm, In twentv events. Flat ' and Simplex. Pnsle, In eighteen evenfs, Ttenaitlt. Cll'iuot, In four events, Pope-T' !edo. P.n.hr, In fifteen events, nenaolt. Robertson, In all events, Blmplex. Kipper, Plngley. Matson and Trl mer. In all events. Chalmers-Petrolt. Orant, In eighteen events. Marlen. Atken and Mors In all events. Na tional. ' Chevrolet, In all events, TtulcV. In addition, advices received this . afternoon from' Hew York -were tn the effect that three Maxwell ears, (wo Matheeons, 'line ' Ranter, on Tfotchklss, one Chudwlck. four Mor mons, three Harmons, three Pull mans, and one Moon had been enter fd to participate In most of the events. v . Tiarnham Is expected to add nn cther Tlnlck entry.