.Tins srxbAY riTrzicN, orrouisji rn. moo. SOCIAL (. ; PERSONAL ,The Halloween hull last .---ini; .lio -Battory Park h-l was ".nt f much, Importance being Hip hist t b taiita bulls of the winter season. "he ball room wu elabonit. Ijr l ra- .cI 'for the occasion und mined t .n Autumn prone of much !--. . Th vd oak leaves almor-t c. id "" alls .ami from t lt- li. w r biam lo -s lon.yMutktc Vines of tjrcen fell in u jieeful and verdant veil. Th" iur." ,, concealed by trees and t.. law mi shocks, vine aaaln cr. epini: "i r fi- shocks and trees. Krwn tin- .n-n-Jeld a loen Jack I'l.iinb nil mad. wit of pumpkins and Inn;' ki'.-.-i. jHuksIi amllod and frowned upon tin , sjtf mblafre. The- expressions r 1 1 wntora facea were cry iiinnv ni. imsed much amusement. The window .Jiaacs also contained liHK"' lnnirrnt htcn peeped out from the iiiiliiiup V-eoratlon. Tho liKiits of tho ilnin lcDtrr and others that who used icrb shaded with pumpkin colored . per and decorate .1 with the vino nd leaves. A scarlet tr.'o in tin enter of " tile room was softly lllu nnlated "Wit IS yelfrtw IlKhts mid soft and by the trailing vinos, at tin- linnc ho largest lanti-rn nf nil smiled n w i- II I! JO U tho KUCSlS KM 1 1 1 elltcled 'he orchestra, roneetilod in tin- corn eld, played umisiinlly well, Mr. itivara havlnif arrini d a spoeiaj pro innj tor the occasion. Puneii win aired at A table covered with leaves nd In a bowl wreuthed with grapes i 'vurloua colors. The dance nu liira; wall lor tho long list of entcr ulnmente arranged for tho season ut ho hotol. There are to be a. number J special dances with uniiiue decora lna and" features, which will sur i'fj9 the beautiful hull of lust evening .nelf of space prohibits publishing tie, long list of guests, among whom, ownver, were some of the most prom fjent aodety people f Ashcvlllc. ( ' J i ,,- . J ! Miss B&tha TUson was Klven a sur i ise party Friday ovenlint at her me on Central avenue, Thn friend f Mlws Tllson congregated nt tho eor 'r of Orange street and In the dls visa of ghosts and witches stormed cr residence. Mto sheets so corn lot sly concealed the Identity of her nesta that tho' hostess was unnhle to t -ttHsruish her friends until refresh ii'.'ila ware served, lihost frames wer i..yeI and tho young people enjoyed general good time. J J 7 SHss Leona Younn's pupils gave ar i! " renting recital t the atudio of the ,rnier on Btarnes avenue. There was (mo a largti audience which was en Tisinstlo, Th voeil ifuplls did es eeittlly -well and tba clcarnega of tlieir runcfatlon wna commented upon, i . ... ' J - The Blaek Mountain Kod and Gun tub barbecue yeaterday at Black fountain was airreat success anl i.uiy AsWeHT rhembcra of tba club urnyed np for the affair, rimbp nd 'possums were barbecued very ext Mlently. Among the Ashevlllo m ern es who returned last evening were Ir. Vance Itrown, Mr. Erwln binder Ir. John II. Carter. Mr. P. V. W. jrnham. Dr. C. 8. Jordnn, Dr. 'nomas ! Cheesborough, Mr. J. H. porfer ana Ihers. Th fonlhall game tomorrow nrtur Don at Rtveraide beiven tho ;iont rd avenua team and Winn's scho i) .'ill De an Interesting -event which llll be well attended. It Is hoped thnt w mnseot which won for MontroM (victory of 11 to 0 nt tho Inst M;ime layed against Winn's school will Ve evidence. ' " J ': J .'Mr. F. F. Ifnrker gives an i;mii fcitnl tills afternoon at the Firt epllst ehurrh of Charlotte ,m,l inn. Kiuently thhre will be no re.. i( u iu v at All, Bouls',- church. Tlie m-yvn Idch Mr. itarker will piny hi this 'fernoon is an tuiusually I.ir; ned ,ia Instruniont oud the ncit.il b in tmasd not a little interest 'u t'lnr !tt. - Mr. Itaiker returns to lown : miay. ii'l. i iii:.u; no nt In annoii.p I "f C i II.. i Wlnl I melon .in.l ,di . in 'I'-ii p. i I'.iiltiM k by 1 Jr. Wll- WIllMlllKliiU. I Ho Wi-d- .ii w itli;:i m oral ' '' I'm I, I will o, J K iN .ill" I ,' Mil- I'll III"- I I ..111'' U h i! ' . I' ll. ill iii!" i h nl'-rlainod i h- d. .ill- i noon .it I" r i i'h.. m oil ii.. Mir. t with ;t luii' li'-on in Tmiior I, . I. . i. 'I h" Imi'-i Moor w ,i;, di i oral "d with h:i ll-;-. In j ha nt 1" mums. 'I'll'' Li -...rale"! Willi brbles' I'.s.-ti, l ' .mil In ns iiml the sent ol lioimr d' -sieiini" "I by ii bow of white .Hid alia, lo ll In the place curd !.- a In m. ti' rime. Til.' plai i- rurds ...I. iK. I. Io n id a bridal couple. The ir.' iuiM were uniuueand pn-'.iy ami el'- Hin.ill white Biitln bans filled i.'li rue ami attached to each were . r 1 1 . . 1 1 envelopes containing the curds .1 Mi.xm Wbittlnnton end Mr. lluttrlck. 1rs i liamlicrs' kik-hIs were Mrs. V. M . .MiMslir. Mrs funic lirnwii, Mrs. I. I. I'liillipM. Mrs. W. M. Vines, .Mrs. itdiheii Mcltraycr, .Miss Connie liut ilck. Miss Ida lluttrlck, Miss C'lura .ml AliKM Herllia Whlttlngton. - Mrs ii W Key . iiti ilallli-d the fillilor I'lillath'-a and llaraca soeletles l tin- lira Hlreet I'r'Nliyti-rlan church I'rlday evening Willi n Halloween (viM. Tin- entrani "' of a. ghost and iillch who lighted lln-fr way with lack 11'l.anternH produeeil the neiea ary creepy und spooky atmosphere tor the various ghost kiiiucs which fol-nwi-il Itefri-shmeiits were served and nrliius gnnies played There were a on m tier of guests. Miss l.ucy Mavis wbh the guest of honor at a Halloween birthday party I'Vlduy evening ut the home of Mrs. l. Iiavis. The lights were shaded with red and all manner of Halloween femes were played. Fortunes were told which added to the amusement of the affair and all of tho guests ap nea red in sheets und u pillow case. The following wore tho guests of Miss Mattle liavls who gave tho party in 'Minor of her sister: Miss Dorothy t.img. MIhh Clemmlo McL'anlesH, Miss Myrtle Iteese, Miss Kmma Maniu inlt, Miss Annie Davis, Miss Kva Muore, VIIks Lucille lllenu, Miss Martha Kltz Jritnild, Miss Vesta Oreen, Ailss Utile fliievo, Mlsa Mary Kltagemld, Charles nml Allen lllddlck, Ernest Uavls, Adolph Marqunrdt, Mr. tlreeti, Mr. rteese, t3uy and Wilbur Morris, Hay Tie Vault, James Fitzgerald, Willie 'nmpbcll, Whitney Davis, Oeorge Pennell und Caspar Cdx. J J The ghost party at the Normal Col 1'irlats last evening was one of the most characteristic of those given ilur Ingi the week. The students' garbed in ghostly draperies made merry and limned around tho huge- bonfire built on the campus. Jack. O'Lsnterns were strung from trees leering out of iho shadows In a most terrifying man ner. Tho usual Halloween games 'Vera played and mutiv of tho old cus loma honored. The i ludenrs ana fac ility had a most enjuynble party which frniiTHl up vl!h a feast. . Ol Mrs. It T Grliumn entertained I'rl ilny with n second luncheon during the week lit Bingham Heights. The vuests were Mrs. It. Ii Hwope, Mm f.ouls M. Tlnurne, M:-. Teiichc Cnxe, Mm. Theodore Davidson, Mrs Iluralil it-ea anil Mrs McKee. J eino of tho iimst liilcristing "f the Halloween parties will hi. that to be given by the Haywood strict Metho dist church Hal-m a class Tuesday night and an elaborate program of horrors lo be served up by mpooks and witch es has been prepared nnd Itev. T f. I.illanco, ev. Dr. Itowe anil Rev. i isi nr lIulHiibyi lt nre rehearsing dally the weird and creepy stories that they "ill tell. There are so many sui' I'I'Ikis in suuic, that those In ehari-.i of the par ly do net mint Hem divulg ed, but are willing for It to be stat.-d that there will In- soni" surprises In tin refn shmi-ntM ;tu well. Reduced Prices on f . Coats Our Holiday special .sale for iliis week will be id Winter coats; ami it slmuld particularly ap- oal to you right now with all t! old wi-atlicr head. The three lot s enumerated below are all bod stock, but please dou't expect to see our . jtest and best at such prices. . speak the. mm about them: they are chiellv the unsold ock of last year, goods which cverv nierchant levitaMy has more or less of. However, lliev Coats of merit, and you may put your hand a the. very thing needed. Worth trying auy-iay. J Lot 1: Covert, broadcloth, cheviot, and crave nette; black and tan; short and full leugili; were $15 to Special $9.95. Lot 2 Broadcloths, cheviots, homespuns, serge, and coverts; black, tan. and laucy weaves;' lengths 2-t in., 3t in., and ol) in.; wnv .f20 to $30; Special $12.95. . Lot 3 iSame general description ;us lot 2. hut better quality; were $25 to $,'55; Special $14.95. Also an odd lot of covert jackets and silk and . wool eton jackets at $2.95; were $7,50 to $15.00. exhausts the vitality more Jiuickly than any ordinary ood or medicine can re store it. For over thirty-five years Scott's Emulsion has relieved bronchitis in all stages; it is the tonic luj remedy used the world over in this disease; nothing ecjuals it tn keeping up and restoring flesh and strength. roHHM.K BY AIXIdtl'OOIHTH Hmi Iflc. . nnrn'i of pnp.-r mi-l llii- iM t.irfnr 1wiiitil,'l HuTlne llii'ii un'l Cltil'l'. MWi-t. b- Huok l.ii. Ii lmr.k-"iluilii"ttUKMl i,u.:li IViaiJ. SCOTT & BOWNK, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y. i3W Outing Qoms for Is) omen 65c to $1.00 Visit Our Millin ery Dept. Many Ifew JVyfes for fall and iOmler The Scrollers dlnm r last e nun- l"i Mr anil Mrs. John Acee at the Manor was a very iileasniit affair and Hlleil with Hi"' npiiit of "'II wlHhing and good feeling. The tal.le III III'' pl'ivat. dining room was decorated nith au tumn fl illlf, a .luck O'l.alili i n hill iiountcd a low pr.iinld of fiults and lullage, scarl" I vines radiating from the center piece. There were wiliolls lanterns ami the i heme ol ib coia t:on was unusiiallv kooiI. Aller dinner tlieri' was music and a play was read by Mr. Jordan which II Is probable will be done "luring the winl- r by Hi ritrollcrs. Thi" following ginsts and members of the Ktrollers were pies cut; Mr. and Mr. Acee, Mrs. .Mary '. luildnsoli, Mr. and .Mrs. J. O. Stlke leuthcr, Mr. and Mrs. Zi-bulon Curtis. Mrs. C. M. I'iatl. .Mrs. I). II. Kohi-ii-stoln. Miss Mary Thayer. Alius Kath leen Ware, Miss llnwisun. Miss A. I.lttleford, Miss ('arrhi May lirown, Mr. H lluasey, Mr. Burnett Jordan, Mr. t'asslus tludgcr, .Mr. Gilbert Jor dan. Jt Mrs, Joseph K. Meares entertained last evening very Informally with a imnill bridge party at her home on Cumberland uvenue. J Miss Nancy (inint ivm hostesH at a small Informal dinner lilt cveu Inc. J Hlue Hriar, the new h.inn- of Mr. VV. F. Jtandolph was luvad. d last light In true Hallowe'en fashion by a largo party of townspeople who completely surprised Mr. and Mrs. Randolph. Tho army of Invasion be gun to arrive about eight o' lock and kept storming the breastworks until long after ten. Among the party were. Or. and Mrs. C. P. Ambler, Air. II. W. Plumraer,; Mr., and Mrs. A. H. Querard, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel s'orhes, Mrs. IJrcwstur Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. l.iorriuon, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Urynies, Mr- Oeorge. Cal vert, Mr, and Mrs. Kdward Ebi rmun. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Iteynuldu, Mr. and Mrs. Ooorgo Jackson, Mr. Arthur Ambler und Mr. Harry Hurekel. M. V. MOORE 11 PATTOS ATK. Mrs. Touch Coxc has returned from I'hlliid" Iplila. Mr. Ocoi'ge Mill. 'bMidtlch of Nor lolll. a . Is III Ol" c'ty Mr a slay of nM-ral days. Jir. S. Veslra Hallle hits returned i rum a trip to New Voi r. Miss lli'ssle Hellion of Massachu setts is In Hie city lor a slay of sev eral weeks. Mrs. neiitrice Slow has la lnrned to her hinue 111 Cleveland, Telln. Mrs. Krank Cove and Mi. Tench i'nxo left yi'sterday mi l'hiladeldiia where Mr. ills Co" is seiintel ill of pneumonia. Miss Mary l.ainli who has I.e. n in Hie city for HeVl'I'llI Weeks leaves Mine il:ij lor her home in Memphis. Mr. I rank Sumner lelt M sterday tor . " Vm l. t" ilil'. i;i tail noodl. Mr t; M llullin ol i ;i ensl'or.i is IP Asll'V III" till" Me v i nil .In s. Mi 1 1 1 II Mi ii id, i lui ns loilaV I mm n i : '.stei n imp Mi II T i 'olllns is oul of town foi - t'W ll.t ' I "II I'llNI II" SM Mi and Mrs. Oi ol Aniislns 1 1 j - "II1M ol Chlladelldlla . le lilli s'.s n the ' iticiy Park hoti I I . t sniii" time. I'll.- .Misses I last. ii s lell yesterday lo - their home in N'-ii'in. M.ts.N. Mrs I'i'I'iiih SHK. ! ..I In l l.aves lo renrow lor New V.'ii. r.o a several ' ' ek tll'. Mr I'ollevelll ol i u I Mb .ins vv ho il.lS I. ee ,! lilt, IlltlelV I'.il'k l0e lor several .las lias iMie I" I'hu I'oek. Mr. and .Mis. I' Kevilal ot SI i t.-s-V ille al l' ill I ho ll.illel y I'.ll k hotel. Ml- and Mrs II .1. M -,. t Stii.-k- iunise. X. '. arc in town r..t- s- v.-ta' j .Miss l-)lir.a l-!dv"ards .in. I Mi it. litis Church ol i lie inii.i 1 1 .,i-e t the Hutlory Park In tel. ! Mrs Kdwaril Slnppen s t T 1 1 . 1 1 'II .it Iln. boni" ol In r d.c.i;hl, i. ir : V V W eil "'li I'lii'sinnt -ii. i I lint bill. h,.p,. is eitici i nil. il ..I her iv. - " rv. Mr and Mrs. W V 1 1 yams .-m '.iix-ildliig 111" week "lid w'lh t-'i'inb al Svvaiiiiani'rt. A1-- "leolc r.alli.r lias I.ICMI.il 1 " .1 V . -1 ill 1 1 1 1 1 it s v I a 1 in. i, VI i .1 1, Kuinl'oui.li b is r. t-n ii. .: -"'-I sipeudiiitf HiV. Mtmnier ala-.'M.i M s Kami. "iimli will shortly nnivi I' "Ml New Ji'ork. M" .mil Mrs. .1. YV Albright who Invi' la-en in Oreensluiro hnee return ed io tn.. ,-lty. Mise t'b"obvlle Ijeitri-in. will leave lor her home Wednesday urter speiul oiir the summer with Mra J. L. Lyorly vho will accompany her to Augusta 'or a stay of several weeks. ffovember &) e a Qusy Month at Jhis Store ). loiter was, and ue l.ac !! ! h i ! t tltat N' in ! -c will he, a very huy iikmi! li. Watch diir iids ci -i I li 1 1 iiil; tin- cihuhi",- nn mt Ii a ml v hi will hciicfit hy tin- many Special Sales. ftandsome jpress fabrics for Winter idear Our display ol' Winter Wool (inuds niuH he seen t(, he I'u 1 1 v appreciated. Words c;tnmt describe our line I'ully. 'all in and sec t hem. Priced I'roin ode. ! d. Dress Jrimmings for Stylish Dressed LOomen If ym need soinct li;t;c. nice in which to trim your dress -cull can find it here with little or no t rouble. All we ask is that ymi inspect our collection of su perb Trininiino's at an ari v date. Priced from -.V. t $!).r0 1. Silks Jlre Jiere J)n Abundance, tfoull Te Satisfied iOith If our Selection Joo Melow we quote onlv a few ,,f 1 lie many desirable anad beaut iful silk.s found In -re. ... Our line of Silks .ilone is as lare as cut ire stocks of several stores about town. We not only earn the largest and best line of Silks, but our prices are the most reasonable, as we buy iu , lai-e'e quantities and from the most reliable houses. Moire Silks, 27-inch iind yard wide, very scarce for $1.00 and $1.50 yd. licnu'aline and Kep Silks iu black, yard w ide, $l.o() yd. Yard with- Taffetas, best value for the money, for Seco Silks. IH-liicli. l ibbetl Silk iii every colorM'or' oOc. d. ' . '"' -i .. . ... Crepe tie Chine for scarliu;'. fancy colors, for Nfic. yd. Crepe de Chine. Peiiu de Crcies, and other soft and lustrous Silks from $1.00 to $2.50 yd.,. $1.00 yd. NOTICE. Notice is hereby giwii that I'lias IS.1H;.IiS IX I'MIEDEEMEU PLEDGES. Shot Guns, Klfles and Piaaois of all SHOOT QVER ELECTION Compromise Arrangel le tween Factions and A rul ed Me ii Disperse. Miller convicted nt the Juno Sin cial ........ t- in .. i.; a ooilieu nnd deserl rl Inn . thftij ni'A lin- i v i iii in v . ' ii i i i i ' i nil 1 1 o , , 1 1 i.-ov e.i , - t- , , will apply to the governor for u. par- redeemed pledges. don. Wo rent shot guns and rifles by thi ii S. HKVN'oldiS, day or week. Attorney for Miller Leather Quods and Trunks la Oyi FIRST CLASS '""y- f KINKEr,STErv s WORK PAWN & IX)AN OFHtitt, i South Mala M. WEBB & COMPANY HllUaeo lmportcwa Vo. Battery Park Plant, Fttone 10M Hair Prcf-elng, Shnmpooing, inaii! "nirinr; 'hiropod y, Ma.isaR"'. Scalp Tr tilment. etc. pisk i:s i:i:..so ni.K " " I MISS CRUISE, 2 Ha.vwoo.1 SI. JACKSON, K,. iii l. jlt).-B.' " compromise entered into by the lead- cru of Hie deimii'ialic and rcpiiblle i n fai'llons in ih!s county thn tense ."d- lllllloll w lliell has existed was relieved I today when it vv.r airr I thai lie I ballots tor all I. in llii.e precinct - ; which vv.r - !'.. nil. iv i veil from a' lepo.-dl Lank v I. nl. i .-h.nibl lie ib - 1 liv. id to the !. ,-!. oi the election ' Shop W l ivnai'illess ol , .u al -il'lillullOll. I Th.- iniiuiv i.r xi if. .1 piospe, iiv j Xo'einbcr 1st ground 1'loor vol' I:-, a.ihei.nis ,,t lie respect iv thi,. is iuv .iM.i. ii:,h i iv.- Nwariii- Soiidlex' Itiiildiii on Hay- . d Into .la, ;,,..! ii,, I i , t u o da;. .- ' in.iiiv of lie in h'.iviiv .iiined, Inpn Wllllll St. lo ilispei'"'- :h., rilv ail. i the an- r noli in i Hunt ' ,i i h , im ,r, , in me. and ,t is n..w h- in, ,,, v i CITIZEN WANT-ADS be fun her .-.i i. .ue .-.11111.1. i TlTJTMfl T? 'PCSTTT.TC! Removal Notice ietor Stern's Ani ipie be located aftc La Greeque Corsets Style, j Comfort and Fit, Beyond j Compare. GREENE & CO., 13 CHURCH ST. "S . i, .. I we can sarvw yuu mony uu It's a Good Sign! stoves Of the character of our coal and hu.-iincss methods; that our en. turn crs sta" with us vear afl.r ear. 'I'hev doii'i waste linn- on experi ments. M ,V W I nilian . ..a I I HEATERS, RANGES Beaumont Furniture Co. ViSllOKS, BAVB MONEY, I. Iii hnvlng your teeth attended to b t.s Always up-to-date. Painless ar Is ! Uellable. Crown and Bridge work i, , spsclalty. Popular prlyea. it 1'iii' is iii uii I ituatii'.. riioiie. 'I lie ball it: hi lie Iln res.ci v , d in, '(S .Hi to ) I 1' el l"ll ol, i. ' , : lull, e, I OM'I' Ii . a i I Tu.'Mhiv . Carolina Coal & Ice Company Sit. UET4t. -.t.vJ -.fi.amKi.fi Boils, Pimplts And Carbuncles ! coin, r 'Ii IH. MATTHEWS DKNTAli PAR. 1X)KS 2.V26-27 New McAfee Bblg., corner Are Your Eves Troiihlinn Yon?,"eSosIS,l Phone 949. Resilience PhoiW t72i I wish to aiin-niiii. i, .,1 I hat,, .'p n.il lip li, .il Callors al o. :i-in ! liliiuiii.u Hide.. inch Sll.it ami l'all"ii Ave. and alter Nov. s will CXimilllo lives. ! erind Lenses, lit and a.iust Kiaiues an'' do all kinds of repairing and I'l'.' i s, rlptioli worl. in III, ot,,-al line. 1 have had v als "I '"!n !i.-e in this vVorU, and where ..thcrs have failed vvi.nl. I i, pleased lo have von try me I us,. he liest Kiade of male"', 'I oM.!iii.ib.. and eal'l.v a .-..mpl.-ie line ol' frames and t.ioii n 1 1 a s. ' lli'"K"'n h-iises daplieat'-il. F. K. GARDNER, EYE SPECIALIST, Maiuil'ai lin ilit; iiptici'in - S., ,j.,h..,i Kinnol i:.lst When sniuit's Ciiliiiiin Unfcis Are I -i ll. 1 I In blood is a naleial antiscl'Hc and ma ni-di at ; ev i r. Thai fact has l"im I" en I ecauuie.1 !,v nicllclll lliell. In. h r oi.hu. iiv . oial ' ( l.ois if contains I within it-, It snfti. i.iii Iv -iromr ueriiii i "'i.l.i I powers I,, ,lesti,.v and ellininat.' ad I . I ... it i,ois,,ns ,h-., u.-rms. uil vl'"lies and li.o lei . , I he 1,1 1 is ill ' ii. ill elli Illicit reaction, and us alkulnniv alone vv ill I I. Ill nianv ueiuis. I'in n the idood also forms antitoxins whnli neutralize thej tioiHoiis loi nied Iiv th,- bacteria A i eoiislil.rahle amount "I the said boo- I'-ll.l is iHllilen llli I-. Ille oxvircll ill tile blood Next .1! ' I : .lb X1I1S. VV 1 1 i C II ; binder the aiowih .'i,.i ih-v.-Ioomeiil ol ueriu.s ami. tinalh. a is one of th"' aitaek and kill ill, ob.s" wiiiih' Ami iiImi at nil Icaillnu Oeue tore nml l.nimrix t li, v do bv million, .n d eiirrv t hem The Latest! Have you ever had a PISTACHIO PARTY to sit Iiv the fj le and eat Pista, III Mow would v oil Kt"r sale al Ice Cream or ; Hallowe'en Forties 1 Chocolate nml Vunilln pure, wholesome and doliirhU'fkly 118 voii'd. ; Asheville Pure Milk Co. K. Walnut St. Phone 554 MT. CITY STATIONERY CO. 11. 31. NAIUIvlW. Prop. as pa i ro i: TRY CITIZEN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS. ,,Mu.".,",H;.,,,,!:,,.i;r . . : n:."il,,"v;'u,,ia, KKKKKKKKK ir.v;inli taken bv ...urc to keel, t f JT 1 l ne I, I,,,., I and I,, 'liable it In W 1m Icsll'.iv and cliailli Me all blood nois ons. iini, urit b-s and u-i ais. and thus I't-oieei tin svsteiu t r --tit invasion bv 1 1 I Si .IS,', V, I'V ,, .'; IllOPellS I htl t till Ill.'Od be, ...lies M' "V e.-, Hilled VHIl various lliitiiinti's and bacteria. 1 1 111 t It in llllcrlv Inn,,,, -.Mb!, i,, r it to .Ir. sir, iv and dispose .! them without .Itlislile a.-SSlstatli e In such an . in. i u. v v . Hlo onlv thlllK lell to th. bb. ,1 I" do. m order to nr, -vent the .ell ,, .,..,.11111 of the .sl. tn w I., ... n.t ..,,( w ntnnV Of the le iMH'ltl, S 1C !'"s d'le IhroUUU . wbi-re tiii v T T Y t the i.oros "I !l exhibit t lo-'uselv i s iii ihc form "f I U..I.S oiiii'des i .ii b-,ii, li s. nisnes I and vinonns n'h, i I s a I i.'.eil inllain-j ni'tiniis and si-ill b-'e.i-. s ras li I-. in sin ii , i-.. - .s this that V si'l 'Mi'l' S i'l. e'i M WAKKKS. IH" I A, Iii-. : , I - i.ii i it ii.v; .in.; r, . in-dcstrov in , n ni, Iv. ici is in lis :.a. work lici. th.- ,,.o.l. ,'v ... !,, w ciirht ot i mimlii'ii. is mi iieui'm: lo i'i.1 itwdf of lea .i,.s V. I Ills il ' ;.e MltlCS. the&Cj vv ,'ieli rl ii I bub v ,'., whose chief in ' in i- c.ilctuo. s.dnlilde. come . V lo Its ilsslsl.ll',, , '.'alerinir valiiabl'' , h. It" in 'he w-.rk . i i. sirxviiii: th, llllerobes 1 em, ,v UII- 'he I j s and .-ii iii iii 1 1 1 ne tbe i. n.-i'iis from th" svstem and the skm d souses, ha vine J A n.i latil .i' i. i.'i . .' . . . noon, di'v ' T UP .111.1 .lis. .. , I'm, has. i l.,, .i si .ari s Calciuin T i-in. icist to.iav 1 tor ; ,. a , ..niinonoe taKine t I' . ;iiiii. iu Si nd ..s ,. ir name imil o address . ',,1 , mini.- nru'hnir.-j I af (his w end. : : i ; , ,, ,l will be i cut v.oi i',e ,,ir,ss V. A. Stuart1 J .'".. 17, Si nun I'.!. is n-liall. Mich. A V, ate CHICHESTER SPILLS It i in: in wiovu HBAM. A IV I'llU in linl -net i.Jd irfalik. IM .VOTl KIN t L M J('- t m "Tlas t -,t.;Jtct, r SOLD BV ftRLGljiSTS EVERWnEPI Special Inducements in Our Suit Department tor Monday 'r love I. cen i'ci-ci ini: l cxjM'css scvcfnl shijiuicitls of Suits furim (;ls( Week, a 1 1 1 1 I 3 liUlke tiling's lilisk W,.,' m i n LT (n U'ie 20 per Cent Off On ,'i;i Suit yiiii lui here mi .Mnnd.-iy. Sulllccl' J till 1 nlic (ilcec Suits eilille III Ii S,ltHHl;ty. ('ulllt th. e;i I I V niake voiU" selection "roiii a handsome assortment, of Suits." and f t T T". ; f f ? V t ' X X Y . , f If- .i li:-TFRS sn 4 i- .r .tH,'. j I 'J'l

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