S SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Special Silk Sale Continues Jo day 29c yd. for Seco JYc mmmmmmmmmtmm-nmmmmmm mmt hmh MMMaaassssajaaajyiBSBi JZast pay of Special Silk Sale 4-4-c yd. for Sedo Jitks THE ASTIEVTLLE CITIZEN", TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1909. waaMaMaaawMaaaaaaaiMaaasaassa .(.,' t I From Bats to Ospwltkoot adulter- I I atum. Oni feifluat gndm of (oeoa V fcna naad. tVbailillc bladin( rlrea J V nut Coca laat raai Untwist Savor. J The ubgrnduitc. f 'he HilL-mb . Convent k a v.r jmi lonial dance In honor of Hi. i..r ! Saturday; evening. 'I'1" 1 -fi uin. which Wr" made by tie- -icm la dles were fxci'iiUoiiBii'. ii. iiMtirul i.d correct in deuii unci ti.-ir powder, hair only ucccniunted tie-it- youth and Wul Very l.i i oruilii.' Moth- i I'e Planck was asked I" --; - '.--n th - moot corr'it and pi.r.l'si ' i.-rtunie. and In torn al. d that the sal. r,. ..II of whom enjoyed Hi- party, to v..ie on Ihe delicate matter. The coummi s Vrr nil so pretty that a decision n difficult. but finally Mother 1k- - PUnck 'a prizes of book wore won .v Mia Mary Spoils iod, a resident ' student from Florida, who won u boy's costume, mid by Minn H' ininne Cansler, who wore a Kin's costume. The minuet and Virginia rod wen danced and after the dime i was over the company required to the refec tory, where a supper was given. The decoration In the rooms used were Of autumn leaves and Jack o'lnntorns - The hostesses were: Missis Fiorcn' i Martin, Annie Baker Gaskoll. Martha WooldMdge, Janlo Jones, Huth Urcy. Kranoen Hill, Helen Brlggs, and Kattierine Ommannay. There were seventeen seniors. J J , The Woman'! club held Ita seml- nuvnlhlv meatins yesterday afternoo Two Bentlemen of Verona, which la ; being read by the club, com in ued under the leadership of Mra. P Klltabeth Boltop. The wreddlng of Mlaa Arllne Stock Inn and Mr. J. R. Clements takes ur lndnv at the home of Mra. M C. Stockton, oil Merrtmon avenue, at noon. Dr. H. F. Campbell will om i data and the wedding will take place In the presence or a few 1Mb mate frlenda of the family. Jl J The wedding of Mln Mildred Beth, al Hilt, daughter of Mra. M. U Hill to Mr. Sydney Oawald Jitlar takes place tomorrow evening at Chatea Loretta, Hot Springs, ana win do at tended toy a number of Ashevllle poo mi. uiu Mill la a niece of Mr. J. K. Rumbaugh, of this city. r--r--- -jt--jl - Mlsa Carrie Mar Brown entortalns this afternoon With a, brieve party at her home on Haywood street. The W W. C A. membership cam paign closed Saturday evening with ..nriimilrl aratlfvlnar results, u total of lit one-dollar members have been omirad and e lent auatalnlng. or five- dollar members. ; Mrs, McEwone t.am lwt with 72 Dolnts: Mloa Hick- ok'a second, with Si points; and tho three were: Miss Fords, so; Miss Bar nard, 17; and Mlee Ramaey, It, The .... i..tt 'vv.fettf -vHW-vrrtfvia under Mlsa Ingeraolfth pVogratr. being ft preliminary etudy or riy ungmn hletory. There will be talk by dif ferent mmbem on the Anglo8aiton period, the Arthurian legende and the work of the Prulda. Little Mlee Alma Hawthorne gave a Hullo ween party Bnturday evening . which waa one of the ghoatlleet of ' the Juvenile partlea. The gucata were ucelved by a witch under which die KUise tha hoateae Invited them to en ter and handed them over a email Khoet who entertained them until the huateaa woe ready to direct the revol. The houa by the uie of autumn lcavea wa turned Into a dim native foreat, lighted only by Jack O'Lanlrrns. The children played gamea. In the grain game the prtae, a silver thtmhlc, waa won by UU1 Miaa Eugenia Cunning The prlae In tho peanut game waa won toy little Mlsa Lotilee Jnckaon. The eouvenlra were enclosed In u pie " made of crepe paper. Tho gueata vcre Mleeei Elale Alexander, Mary Wiley, Miriam Reynold Florence Jumce, Barah McCloud, Agnea Uuv rouce, Sarah Otven. Kathleen Olive, Mary BeaJl. Margaret and Louise Jnckaon, Pauline Moore, Kugenlu Cuahlng, T. A. - Hum nor, Bllaubtith Hjdft, Mary Lorlck and Axnea Uil lance. Jl ' Mr. and Mra. R. J. Tlhe entertain ed the teacher of the city arhools Sat urday evening with a channterlutic Halloween party. Th hwht were lowered and the-tlluminailone wore chiefly the Unlit that filtered through the eyes of cata, Jock Vl.anti rns. etc A algn on which a palntid a .vn bluck cat warned the noesiR im they entered that bad lurk would follow .1 li.nl io r Tlo - hiio ill led I in whiHtle iia they cu re tcri ei. 'l u lih KroanH, uid onmioim nolitea. ln greeted the KUcnln enter. Mr Tlghe, In t in di. oi ,i , ....(nine, counteracted the i-IIh ol tie- cll apirlta which uaauiled KinHt before they reailied the room and the eniriK waa f . I, i.e. able. The U'cdnedday evcnlni.' bridge club III Ml. -el tlllH week at the lenlllencc M km Alice I evenl.Hh. 111. Anna Anton MIsHlonatv nuclei v of the c.eitral MethoillMt church meeln thn. allernoon at 4 o'clock The aub Jei t ,f llir ilny la "iHlam'H Call Today." Mrs. Ji-nnIo Vntea will b ad the dim iib Hion Woman's Auxiliary to the . M. C. y. will hae a anle Friday atu! Kutiirday, November 5 iind 6, ol all kinds of aprons and fancy work, ohallriK diuh aprons, and cakea anl (anilles, etc, at Vlltea & Medlilre'H Th kiiI" b'eKlris at I o'clm :. J & Tho following Is Ihe program for tho Halloween party to be given tonight by tho Haraca class of the Haywood street Methodist church. The fun be gins In the Sunday school room at S o lock. Bong. flbost drill. . Nolo by Miss Spook. Hpooks' discovery ol the Norlh poll lantern contest Iterltation by l.lttle Hpook. Hi Tig by (piarti't of spooks Ijiilghliut game, (liiesslng cake. Tlobblng games. Chamber of horrora the limit ihe weird, ghostly and uncanny, with distinctly new stunts. Awarding of prizes. Jl Mra. Charles A. Hellene k gave farewell tea yesterday afternoon at the Battery Park hotel, which was social event of Importance.' Mrs. Hchcnck ha been prominent socially during her residence of axwcral yean In Ashevllle, and the drawing room was crowded moat of the afternoon yeaterday by friends who regretfully Wished her "lion voyage." Tho drawtng room wna decorated with delicate mauve chrysanthemums arranged with crimson tinted vines, the amull black berries on the vlnea adding to tho artistic effect. Dr. and Mr. Schenck leave today for New York and sail for Germany November 14. Jl J The monthly meeting of the Bo ctety for the Prevention of Cruelty to An! mule will be postponed until to day week on am ount of the absence from town of the president, Mr. H T. Collins. Jl Jl Tho board of managers of the kind- ley Training school will meet this morning at 10.30 o'clock at the resi dence of Mrs. M, R. Milliard on Mouth Main street. Jl Jl Tbe Bingham cadets gave their usual Monday afternoon dnnce yes lerday at the Battery Park hotel. The decorations of the Hallowe'en bull had not been disturbed and added much to. the attractiveness of the dunce yesterday. Fruit punch waa served and there w-ure a number of guests. Jl Jl A Hallowe'en party was given by the young) men of Htuckhouso. Madi son county, Saturday evening. Mrs. Amos Htuckhouso waa chaper on for the occaalan, and tho follow ing young people, many from sur rounding; communities, enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. Charles D. Stack house, at whose Home they were guests: Misses Stella. Miles, Nora Ward roup, Cnrrlo and Bailie Henderson, anil Besslo McDeavItt, of Walnut; Ada Ramsey, of Marshall; Myrtle Huberts, and Llllle and Hitltle Ram sey, of Stuckhouse; Messrs. Case, of Ashevllle, and Agthe, Allison, Jacobs, and Barnard, of Slackhouse. A BUSY DOCTOR . .,iun d'lartil. Kupi billlt ol COW 1S I'KKPARATION Id lf horna and ha prrpain lor pnaumonla, froup. coldt, rouiiit. inppa, paint and toienrns in lumt kikl Ibroal. Klraat and livrt quick I.htl. All drullnU, 1.U, rr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Brlgga left yes tc.Ylay for Sapphire where they will be the gtieals of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Backus who are giving s deer hunt during the week. Air. nnd Mrs W. Ashley Wolfe and children of New York who spent part or last season at Ihe Battery Pnrk I Kcl have returned for an indefinite Slav. Outing Flannel NIGHT ROBES AND SHORT PETTICOATS "With t'oltl wcatlior ,k1 ;uu iiiy and li.il.lt to ;ir rive any day. wo wish to direct attention to our stock of outing flannel niilit robes aiitl short : petticoats. It is varied, complete and well de serving vour ntniHagc. Nightrobes $1.00 to $2.50: Petticoats 50 cts to $1.60. White aiKl'many palterns ol' fancy colored stripes. FLANNELETTE KIMONOS Bhould also be eon.silered now if you intend buy ing new this season. We have an excellent dis play of them, in many pretty patterns, both long and short. Long Kimonas $1.50 to $4.00: Short Kimono3 "75 cts to $2.00. Mm v Minnkuchl ha returned to In r I , I u .Montford a-.eliue alter aii illni-ns I the Mi-rlwetlier liospital. .Mies Caroline Hunter of (ireenxhoro Ik visillng 1'iieinls in tin- i'.y lor a Ii v ln w Vr. mill Mrs Harry Cain have rc ti i neil lo I heir home ot Sulphur Hprings after a visit to .Mrs Cain's pe.ints. Air and Airs. c. I.. Torri-nee at Charlotle, . C. Mr. H. ''. Alemmlngcr of I'londa is at tho llatli-ry 1'nrk hotel for a short Hte. Mrs McCeney Wcilicli has returned from a two weeks vlBit to fi lenilM in Washington. 1). ( '.. and lb at I In- Bat tery Park hotel. Rev. R. M. Wllleox of llenderson vllle wan In the city yesterday. Mr rilrard Bstes or Wlnston-Sulcm is in Astinllle for a few ilayH on bus- IlllSH Mr. Charles .lauvler of New Orleans is tho guest of Mr and Mrs ICdgar Bright at Point llreer.o cottage, Mat tery park. Mr. J. M. Hill of Spartanburg is in the city on business. Tho Misses Lord have been called lo Wilmington. N. C, by the death of their sister, Mrs. A. A. Watson. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Bryson of lhll lulelphia are In Ashevllle for a utuy of scernl days. Dr. P. R. Bennett returned yester day from Daytonu, Kin., and will re main Indefinitely In Ashevllle. Miss Margorct Hill who has been v.'sltlng friends In Greenville hna re turned to tho city. Miss Ji. E. D. Peace of Oxford, N C returned to her homo Thursday after a three months v'.slt to Ashe vllle. Mr. F. D. Ferguson of Waynesvllie la in the city tor a brief stay on bus iness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burt L. Ownbey and children who have been visiting friends in Atlanta have returned to the city. Mrs. J. C. Powers and children and Miss Mary Powers of Charleston who have beer; guests at the Colonial for some time returned to their homes. Mr. W. I Rodcllffe of Richmond, Vs., Is visiting Mrs. Radcllffe, who Is the guest of Miss Genevieve Brown. Mrs. Radcllffe returns to Richmond next week. Miss Elisabeth Vaughn of Augusta, Ga., who has spent the summer In the city has returned to her home. Mlsa Florence Merrick loft tho lat ter part of tho week for the Knpphlre country for a several weeks visit. Mr. W. P. Howard of Atlanta Is In the city for several days. Mr. Haw aid wna former manager of the Ashe- lle Telephone and Telegraph compn r.y. nnd Is nt present connected with the Southern Bell Telephone company at Atlanta. Mr. J Frank Rav of Macon county Im In Ashevllle for several duys. Mr Brewster Chapman arrived yes terday from Now York and will later ake n hunting trip up to his bujiga low In the Sapphire country. Another Shipment of Suits and presses Arrived yesterday Every day we are in receipt of new things in oiir Ready-to-Vear Dept. It seems as if there will be no let up in the demand for Suits and Dresses.,,,,1 The reason why we are continually getting in New Things is because we sell them so fast. A new style garment may come in on Monday and by the middle of the week it is entirely sold out. Dresses and Suits for Stylish dressed women from $7.50 to $55. Women's Sweaters at a Joec- ( ial Price for Jo day Only We will place on sale today a large assortment of women's sweaters in red, grey and white for the unusual price of $1.98 Kenyons Rubberized Rain . Coats We are in receipt of some of the Kenyons Coats that we have been ex pecting for some time. Thcv are beauties, priced from $12..")0 to ;:, MM). Broadcloth Coats from $9 to (rjf n Yf,'i The prettiest selection-in the City. We sav so and so will von if van will 'lj.U he so kind as to compare our assort ment. Our Ready to Wear Department is at its best at . the present time, and you'll make n() mistake in going through this floor. 4 1 1 Mm ,. ,1,. 'ft 11 ! 1 1 V ' I DAIM IV) il lines W. MM l ww w 'i Ml ill nil m 7 ii nil mm- i m -, g;,-i-.'i'tia weaa. wurtouKf.i i., sssjai aJajfl t 1,000 CHRISTMAS CIGARS VALUE $100 FREE. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store. See us. Bp'my customer. I'artlc ipat,. in tli. deal. It.i free I "VAI.t'U AM) VOtPHK" In our motto. BARBEE, 14 Patton Ave. spired to defraud lh tate by receiv ing illegal rebates, In connection with the purchase of liquors for the old state dispensary. Tho second bill charges James ; Farnum with bribery, in offering Jo seph B. Wiley l,f.T5 In March, lino;, at Chester. The nttorney-gi nernl does not hope to have any of lhe.se cases tried at this term, but some of them will surely come up for trial at in-xt term, at least ut a term during the year. to tiitr: foi.B iv onk Take UXATI VIO BKOMO Uulnine Tablets. Druggists refund nmnev II it fulls to cure. K. W. UKDVfcb sta nitture Im on each bo. 25c. Mrs. O. I.. Neville, proprietress of tle Colonial, w hich hse closed for the se son. leaves shorty for an extensive trip to Sail Lake City. Seattle, Call- 'nhi, returning to Ashevllle bv wnv of Mexico, Texas and New Orleans. Mr J II Wood left yesterday for Wilmington. N c. wher ho will pilot Buffalo Bill's wild west show through the .last week of its season Miss Carrie May Brown will leave ftej- the holidays for N, w York to otitlmin her studies at Ihe School of riislgn for Women. Mrs A 1! Ware nnd her dninrhler Mrs J M Rums, leave this week for i vlsil to friends In ShrUbv. Charlotte nnd other points In thiv stale. Miss Murv and .T.-fajiie Stllceleather bft yesterday fur Nashville to visit Or and Mrs. C, W. Rvrd. M. V. MOORE iinxvz cixwiies. It PATTON AVK. ) GRIFT STILL GHARGEO IN S.C. DISPENSARIES Ciand Jury U'etnrus Two Hills for Alleged Misdirec tion of Funds CHESTER. S. C. Nov 1. Altor-ne-cneral l.yon. throtigli Solicitor .1 K. Henry, handed to Ihe Chester Hiand Jury two bills of Indictment against allesred diKpcnsatf-y grafters. The lirst bill, directed a,gainst Jodie M Rawltnson. Joseph B. Wylic, John Black. James S. Karnum. Jolin T. Karly, M. A. Ooodman, and H. Solomons, enaTges that In IROfi, (he If the principles of tho PURE FOOD LAW were applied lo pianos, many of Ihe pianos on the market today would never bo heard of ng-aln. except In the court rooms. Have you been one of the ones lo buy a piano that would soon be valuable on ac count of its rarity? Hut. apparently, there's no such relief In sight, ao it be hooves mery purchaser to look well to the iiuality of the in Htruinent ho purchasorj. Vou make no mistake when von buy a Sticff PIANO Alwus has been a good piano, and is yet. Can'l f show you through our line? Clias. frl. Sliell Manufacturer of the Artistic Stleff. Sliaw, and Sticff seir-iilajcr Plonos Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C, C. 11. W1I.MOTH, , Managor. (Mention, this paper) 0ummmmmmmTmiMmmmmmmMmmm 5TO-NIGHT , Money Is Burned Economically When invested in M A; W Indian Coal. It. contains over !." per cent, fuel properties. Phone i::0 . Carolina Coal & Ice Company !! si aaaiwi I. is i 3 BAKOAINS IN IMtl lHlKMI-1 I'l.HlGKR. Shot Guns. Rifles and Piwtois of al) makes and description, they are un redeemed pledges. We rent shot guns and rifles by thi dav or week. Leather Goods and Trunks la Oui Specialty. IT. I. ITNKFI.STKIN'S l'AWV LOAN OFFICK, 23 South Main. Every Woman 3 iliit4T('r,i'l (.ml lion Id know alu ut lh w uJMirrful (.MARVELWhirlingSpray I 'ilm Hew iiiiliml Hjrlnffr. mm fi'mfir llei - out eonvcii- h ni. it clean' A Tour tJi iii-v-inf f,,r j il lie c.ii ' mii i v itu SI A II V I I . h . pi no otlier. but (. -i 1 n'jti;i, t-,r l!lUMrl.-t Ih.i-K It frlfa ruil pstilctii:iri rn.ii-1 tl.rt. i;.. in- VUl'iKb;.' I It. lies. M I 1 (I. 4 t t:.M .' .Mm. (. M.U OUK. Heavy Ribbed Underwear Fleece lined regularly sold for 50 cents. 40 CENTS. 0. E. STONER Co 18 S. MAIN ST. HI. WEBB & COMPANY UOUnert Importers 1 No. Battery Park PtaM, PkoM 1M4 VISITORS, SAVB MONEY, I j by having your teeth attended to bj i i us Always nn-to-date. Painless org 2 Reliable. Crown and Bridge work X j spsclalty. Popular prices t La (irecfjiie (Corsets Style, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 12 CHURCH ST. DR. MATTHEWS DENTAL PAH 1 LOKS . 25-2A-2? New McAfee Bldg., corner cilic(fe and Spraoe. opposite 1st. Bap I list Church and near Cons Hoase, Phone 94. Residence PhoDM t79. The Latest! Have you ever had a PISTACHIO PARTY How would you like to sit by the lire and eat Pistachio nuts? MT. CITY STATIONERY CO. II. M. X AHTKI.W, l'rop. 2 PATTON AVE. And also at all leading limit Mores and Grooccrs. Are Your Eyes Troubling Yon? I wish to announce that I have opened Op tical Parlors at No. 9-in-U niirumor Bldg., conn r Church Street and Patton Ave. and after Nov. 1st will examine Eyes, Kiin.l Lenses, lit and a.iust Frames and do all kinds of repairing and Pre scription work in the optical line. 1 have had years of experience in Ibis work, and where others have failed would be pleased to have, you try me. 1 use the best grade of material obtainable and carry a complete line of iniiiii-ii and TiiouiitlnKs. Ilmki'ii lenses duplicated. F. K. GARDNER, EYE SPECIALIST, Manufacturing iptician USEFUL PRIZES FOR ( i;i run.rs. Si. !'m h' u . n.iN in hitif nin;i iiu m. run,1 s, puis. . i. . MISS CRUISE, -7 )xxi Hoozier Kitchen Cabinets SI"L I L XOl'lt K. .- have accept. , 1 t... Agencv for llonziir Cabinci-. and will soon have sloi k of same. If intended, in a cahi- n t wait until t'ro-se ni-iivo. our lirst sliiinii-iil w ill I-.- sold . n ihe I I I It I'l.W As the supd for this spo ia) sale is 1 i m it i'il 1 mi ,in Ki t ,!i n it by res ist, rin at i.lni-. "First ronie. First scrted." BURTON & HOLT CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS A. V I ? ? T t ? ? r ? t t t ? f r PEERLESS? We Will Have a Special Sale of Ladies' Sweaters Today Our entire line will he marked at special prices for today only These Sweaters are ail new, most of them having recently arrived The colors are Navy. Cray, (larnet, Wlflte w ith colored triinminii's and Black and White all sizes from :U to 4'2, displayed on center counters. i JL t X T X r t X X r ? T t t X T T ilcfendants mot in Chester and con-