THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. P THE WEATHER: FAIR. rworn Dally Aver age For October VOL. XXVI. NO. 14. ASI1EVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MOUSING NOVKMIIKU :i, I'M). PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEMOCRATIC GAINS MADE THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY IN ELECTIONS YESTERDA 1 Judge Gaynor Elected Mayor of New York by Large Majority With Hearst Coming in a Poor Third. Board of Estimates May he Controlled by Fusionists. Drop A Nickel In The Slot And Get A Revolution Any Time You Want It! BISHOP CANDLER I I SPURNS DONATION MASSACHUSETTS SHOWS BIG REPUBLICAN SLUMP Reformers in Various City Elections Find Little Encouragement in Returns. Tom Johnson Loses, And Gibboney is Defeated in Quaker City. Elections were held yesterday In many states and cities throughout the country with varying results, there be ing no national issue involved to briny about concerted party uction. In Massachusetts the returns up to midnight Indicate that Governor Eben Draper, republican, had been re-elected over James H. Vahey, democrat, by a greatly reduced majority, esti mated at 10,000. Governor Draper's majority last year was 60,000. In Rhode Island, Governor Pothier, republican, was re-elected over Olney Arnold, democrat, by a substantial majority. In Virginia the returns indicate that the democratic ticket headed by Judge Mann, for governor, had been elected by atbout the usual majority. In New York City, which has been the storm center of the state, Tam many Hall scored a decisive triumph In the mayoralty election. Judge Wil liam J. Gaynor, the democratic nomi nee, supported by Tammany, rolling up a plurality of upward of 70,000 over Otto Bannard, republican, who ;n turn, led William R. Hearst by ap proximately" t'wemy-flve thousand. In Philadelphia, another battle ground on reform Issues, Samuel P. Rotan, republican, was elected dis tiict attorney over I). Clarence Gib boney, representing the law and or der society and the reform clement. Rotan's majority exceeded that In a ptevious reform campaign, being esti mated at upward of thirty thousand. The Pennsylvania state elections, for treasurer, auditor-general ami NO DESIRE TO CHANGE Tl Elects Entire Democratic Ticket by Usual Major ities After Hot Fight COUNT JS SLOW ltH'HMOND. Va.. Nov 2 With ri turns in from about half the cities and counties of the state tin indica tions are that Judge William I Indues Mann, the democratic candidate for governor has been elected over W. P. Ki nt, the republican nominee, by uliout 23.000 majority. Ilrvan's ma il I ity over Taft in l'.mH was about 3.1.000. There was a considerable falling olf from the vote polled last year but t tie total ballot probably will be larg er than was anticipated. While Ju.Ik--Mann Is running a head l tin- rcinnin der of the democratic ticket, all otlnr party candidates have been cle. ted by safe majorities. I!. . James, who was nominated almost at the last mo ment In place of 1). IJ. Egglcstntl. i democratic candidate for the secre tary of the commonwealth who died J Biter uie unions uau oecn ,i unco, is running well up and undoubtedly has b en elected. The republicans had sin MB hopes of electing their candi date for this office. John I!. Lock.-, because of the necessity of demo cratic voters scratching out the name of Eggleston and having to write in that of James. BKI't'BI.IC.W IIISTKKT. TtOANOKE. 'a., Nov. 2. In the southwest counties Including "1 ninth district, the only republican dis trict In the state. Kent, republican, is receiving about a normal republican majority. Roanoke county outside of Roanoke rfty, gives Mann tour hundred ma- Jrrity. The count in Hoanoke where 3.000 ballots were cast Slow, owlnn to the length of tin- ti wllrh Includes state, legislative city names. i itv cite ind ll ltlKKKI IX HFIV ATHENS. (la., Nov. 2 c.-een Nix, well known farmer ol Madison county, was found this morning in his bed with a bullet hole through his htad. Everything in the house was tnrned upside down as if rubbers had ptLssed through. i. judge of the Supreme court, resulted III; the usual rcpubliean ma.ioritv. In Maryland the constitutional j amendment disfranchising the negro, lis still In doubt, the li.iltimoro vote j being strongly against the amend jmtnt, while returns from the interior I Indicate increasing streng'h for lb' amendment. Mayor Tom .Ihrxnn, the pictur esque mayor of Cleveland, haw been di feated by a decisive majority by Merman Itaehr. republican. In I mliana polis, where the temper am e Issue has figured. Lewis Shank, ri-publicwn, rs clrr-ted rrrcr hrrrtrs A Causa, democrat. Ilcncy Defeated. With about one-sixth of the total vole connleil late tonight, 1". H. Mc Carthy, union labor candidate for mayor, had a lead over both his op ponents that if maintained would him a plurality of about 10,000. Leland, democratic candidate, and Crocker, republican, were nearly a tie for second place. On the same basis of vote count. Charles M. Picker, republican and union labor nominee for district at- VtoTMpy was leading Francis J. Heney. nearly 2 to 1. XKItltASK.l SM). OMAHA. Neb.. Nov. Insuffi cient returns were in from the outly ing precincts tonight upon which to base an estimate of the result of t,, day's election, so far as it concerned (Continued mi pa2C six.) PRESIDENTIAL CNS COMPARES NOTES WITH A HIMTRACTION jotli Played in Same Town ( )ne (Jot Applause and t lie Other (Jot Alone v CLOWN WAS .JEALOUS l:j II.M IN'dMAM. Ala., Nov L' fo ac hour or more la lore h-avitie. Jack S'-n Miss. early this morning I'r.-si I III Tali's Speiial train Was parkcl iii Hie railrnad yards immediately a i' rgsblo one of the .sleeping car lis nl the three-rim; circus which I Ir: pi., veil in Jackson as an IppOSlt ion attrai'tioii to the president on vcst.t- (I,.;.. II was Pot lime before an acquaint ai.e had been formed aboard the two In. ins aiul lor a time tin- conversation ran fmm window to window like 'this "We pi. iv in Yazoo tomorrow, vv la l dn you play'.'" asked a represent a i i vc ol the circus nddrcssini; one of tin pi . sidential parly. "We play I'nlum biui in the afternoon and liirminejiatn a! binht. with a street parade in both places." came the reply. "We played Columbus yesti-rday." "How was business '."' "I'.ully." "We net the crowds wliire, .r w co." boasted a presidential one nii;lit st. 'icier. "Kill we get the money. f aille back t. e circus man amid the applause of his associates. Vcs." put in a lady bareback rider, "ar.d you only have a one-platform show and a band in the parade. W" ha v e a band all the t'me." If it was not for ihe oae 'main M'v nu would not have a show at a'', ' himeii in a sa.l and serious vis at'ed individual through on-' of the v, indows of the yellow circus train ile WHS the leaning cinvvn. The bombardment from the three- ! eompu i" repori on inc pet tor m.-incc. ring show became so heavy that the j l "r instance. one woman will pi. sidential adherents gave up thejwat. h Hie toes of the chorus girls, task of further comparison and ail! If those i. s go too iliigli they';! mark h; mis parted company with expres n i,h of great de'ght that Inc circus v a: going into winter quarters in two weeks and that the president's troupe v,is ijuitiing Ihe road in ten days. TAMMANY ELECTS GAYNORBUTLOSES COM OF CITY Battle Probably Loses to Judqe Whitman by About 10.000 Votes ELECTION WAS QUIET AND VERY ORDERLY Hundreds of Watchers Kept Sharp Lookout For Frauds And Found But Few NKW YOKK, Nov. Tammany elected another mayor of Greater New Vork today but lost Its grip on eil; finances. William J. Gaynor of Urooklvn, swept the five boroughs to victory us mayor by at least sev enty thousand plurality, defeating otto T. liunnard. republican-fusion, and William Randolph H curst, Inde pendent, lie failed, however, to carry his ticket, with him, and the republi can fusion forces will control abso lutely the board of estimate and ap portionment which will disburse ap proximately a billion dollars during tin administrate n. This is more than halt a defeat for Tammany, for the control of the board of estimate was one of the principal issues of the campaign. In addition, the r.-publi-( nn-fusionists elected Charles S. Whitman, district attorney of New (Contiiiiieil on page six.) CHICAGO LADIES WILL BAR ALL WICKEDNESS FROM CITT THEATERS Day of Delight lor the I'.ald headed Row Will End December First M( NA L PLAN'S OXLV C 1 1 1 1 ', ( ; ( i, . l". - ( hicauo w ... -( int ll ate k-uiii; to CcllNol tin- sl.i;i'. j A league ol all tile vv.ltln II S I lulls ill I ! tile i itv and its suburbs is being inrio- i co. I-iii i n i n.nisa mi pledges ni sup- port have I n received from ihe women. Social lead rs have .riven their aproval. The organization has been ki : , i I . il and luecmber tie til t the diania in all its forms w ill b... 'put 'end' r tin- inii roscope, lest-d with 'acid, sounded for hnllowncss and! I .-i mho. .1 until ch-an or be thrown Jiiito the moral garbage box. II s going to le- inle the thing (,, I be on tin- various plav committees (Ibis S' ason. 'l ie b ad rs of the exclu sive sets hav- made that certain. .V rs James A I'.llt' n. wife of Ihe wheat l illg. is going to tak I are of tin; ile-tinieH of Ife intellectual drama. Mrs. I' s. Irani, wife of a member oi' tin- Xort li w cstern university faeul t, will watiti o(-r the society plays 1 Mrs. Mobart Cdatfield Chatlleld-Tay-; lor will try to purge the undesirable j phrases out of the French farce, Mrs. John Carson, wife of the millionaire thinker who wears purple evening i lot lies and white silk court dress when he feels so Inclined in tin evc l niiiK. will make or break musical ,,v oilier Millions Planned. Many other divisions of the league planned. Tlu re will be Indorse- Hu nts of tile go approval of the d plays and open dis Imd. the evil, the Im moral and the unmoral ones. When a new play comes to town en. r l cemler 1. the chanimm In iharK'- of that particular class will appoint her group of "first nlghters." w li will be Instructed to make a that down If the skirts of the show girls nr.- n little too clinging or a trifle loo tight or Just a shade too ( Oiitlnuc,! on page four.) jw $rDR0P NICKEL HtRt M, CARDINAL 6I8BDNS IS LOUISVILLE ELECTS INDIANS REPUBLICANS AGIST SUFFRAGETTES DEMOCRATIC MAYOR RECOVER LOST GROUND Declares Woman's Suffrage Would Destroy I lappiness of Domestic Life .MOW YOKK, Nov. 2 In a letter to the National League for the Civic Education of Women, an Miitl-Huffru-itte oi'Kanlzutlon ntjiule public today, Cardinal Gibbons st.v: "I regret Kroatlys that 1 cannot at tend the meeting galled for Novem ber 15. Although my .many dutlea wilt not allow me to b present at your meeting, I hex io.aaaure you that f am moM heartily In Bympathy with the alms of your leugue, and ! ap prove most strongly the stand It has taken In opposing woman suffrage. uhlch If realized would be the death blow of domestic hi,, and happiness. "Very respectfully, ('AltO. OirUSONS, "Archbishop of Italtimore." Senator Klihu Hoot also wrote a I-tier of regret that he was unable to be present in which he expressed his sympathy with the cnuse and said: "I think your association is doiniy vi iv valuable ami Important work. JOHNSON'S THREE CENT FARES DEFEATED HIM Every District Where lie Had K'ediUM'd Rates Voted Against llim I 'I.KVKI.AM i. I, Johnson, (oi ( li veland, was ! lit II-. term b lb t I obiieall coiinl V I ri t urns f roni a .;.i 'ty indicated th . over Johnson i-r.av- run to n.iuie With Johnson i I nlk of the il-iii" e l o liave bci n - su'port of his ' m-.m raifferiiu.' oi vist'il at t, n o i-beT- of the Johns-' I itor Newton C-.!:, i;. - hard M lialil supporter from v tri'-ts now traver fare lines Institu'. a.ainsl him Ca.-lir is the t i elected major .! years Miivnr Johnson fea t announced ' i rtldale for man' Humors that In Vnrk were denied Ji hnson did not . Nov. . -Tom 'ir t.-rms mayor of U a t .-d f oday 1 or a mall llaehr, re- . .-order. I'liofhclal oximalely ball the ! liaehr's plurality il bast 4.000 and eobabl.V Weill the - rat ic t i( Itet , those .aspic nous in t h ir reet railway pro---st. A possibility - k I hat one m.-m - , ticket, City Solic- had won over former lyiifnllcltc i. onsiii Tit.- dis- i by t he I hl ee cent ! bv Johnson went r.-puldicaii to be ''I'-veland In ten n conceding his d'--t be will be a e,m two years hence - ihi remove tfi N'-w by his friends, bur mmcnt upon them JOHN' l I.'IHT I'UillT. TAHItYTOWN lleSplle tile e ft 1 1 ii-rs jirel other -Hie town of M" the six districts ii ly today in fa-or ''. V.. Nov. . of the Kockefel large (slates In ' fleaSHnt. five of ' lie town voted ear f license. WASHINGTON Nov. 2. Forecast for North Carolina: Wednesday anil Thursday moderate west winds' m Republicans Still Claim Of fice hut Admit Election of Rest of Ticket " l.iUMSV'II.I.IC. K.V., Nov. 2. Tl.cuKh returns from scattered pre cinctn may reduce tho Plurulitv jsl'iihtly. Indications late tonight are that V. o. Heaili (lemocratlu mayor ulty candidate, won over Mayor James V. Grlnslead, republican candidate lor r -election by 2,000. The Blectlon of the rent of the democratic tlckBt .ls conceded by tho republican. '-flttpport of Head tiy"B h-Vj' vote is held responsible for the, change In Louisville's political complexion. Ni irro domination was an Issue in a campaign characterised by bitter per sonalities. While several arrests were made on minor charges, only i lie serious clash oi ciirrcd between whites anil blacks. Afii-r the polls had closed tonight and while Ihe street corners were thronged li. partisans awaiting returns, Moses I'm kins, white, was shot and killed by a negro who escaped. The shooting followed a political urgiiinent. Hcv f ral shots were fired. S.C. DISPENSARY CASE Two of Who Have Faced ( onrt liel'ore Inclu ded in the New Hills ' II KSTKI:, H, l ' , Nov. 2 - The ind jury for ('healer eounly today reiuriud true bills against Jodie M. I :.. vv 1 1 n son, Juki ph If. Wylle, John I Sleek, Janus H I'arnum, John T I'.i ily, Morton A. Oooilman and II. S.. mons charging conspiracy to de- l r . u . I Die slat.- in the purchase ol II .piors for the old statu dispensary. I ': run iii is indj. led for bribery also. la' wan. mis were Issued for fin al r. st of ;a wliiison, lilaek. I 'ai niim. and Solomons 'I be null, tmenfs vverM In. tided to III. l and jury v.-st.-rday by Holtclior i;.ei'. ..i lb.- rcr,,,, t of Attorney i;. nr..l l.yon Ihe offenses named in lb- Indiel iin Ills were alleged lo have been committed in Chesl.-r in l!iii I'arnum was Iri.-d recently af Co lumbia on (he charge ol bribery in . "i:necti.,ii with li'iuor purchases and w .. s a .'-j ii 1 1 1 d The trial of John Itla. k at l',luln I .. ofi a char:;.- or . onspiruey lo de I ..nil was stopped by lb.- Judge, who I o . ha rged tin- jury w hen it w is I. urn) that the jurors I, ad seen a newspaper after the trial started LAHM MUST GO BACK TO TROOPS U'ASHI.VOTO.V, Nov.. 2.--I .leut-n ant Frank I'. Iahm, who galmsl Inter national fame by winning the JamV-s O'irdon Itennett cup n France last y.;ir for the longest flight In the dirig ible balloon, has b.-.-o r.-.i.-v.-l from detail in Ihe signal 1 -.rps and ordered to report to bis cavalry regiment. M.i place will be taken by Lieuten ant Walter C. Jones of the 1.1th.. in fantry now' ill F'.r( livenHoith lieutenant I-ahm s retirement from the signal corps Is compulsory under section 40 of the armv regulation". Fine' his return from Kurope a year ago Lieutenant I.ahm ha.s been con sptcloufi in aeronautics and has bn;n one of the Wright brothers moet sue. ressfnl mudents In the mnnlpul-iiion of the Wright bi-plnnc. Coalition With Prohibition Kh'HH'nt loo iuucli...for Democrat ir- Forces i N rl N A POLI8, lnil Nov. In ihe municipal elections held through out Indiana today th, republicans scbred several important victories, tho must vital of which wan In Indlahapo- Ms Hamtiel Lewis Hhnnk. ihn remit) llcun cundldiiUi for mayor, and the entlr republican ticket wor eloctttd W: m4oilttei ranging dnm 1,090 to l, . . Tho republicans wer successful In Kvansvllle, Fort Wnync. Richmond and (,'rnwfordsvllle. The democrats carried ftouth Jlend, Munchle, Lafiiyettu and probably Terre Haute. The republicans declared tonight thut tho defeat of the democrats In Indianapolis was a defeat of the lhpior 1 interests of the slat,, which had con tributed largely to the fund used In tin- effort to elect (lutiss mayor. Knott8, d-niocriit, was elected muy r of Clary, by 12fi plurality. IN TENNESSEE RIOT One Man Killed and Several OtherH Vounded in gener al Klection V'iKht JKUJCii, Tenn., .Nov. 2. James Ayres, rormer mat-Hhiil of Jelllco, Ky.. was killed and Heveiul others more or less wound. (I during an election riot al the voting pa c in Hint lown alsiut jfour o'clock litis iiflernooli. j The trouble orlgliia led n n j counter bi iwe. ii Hufe Thompson and Walter IVrklriA, "'!,. fighters were surrounded ,v n large crowd of on lookers through which Ayns broke lo Intererere f.-r his fn ind. I'i rklns Avris drew a pistol on Thompson, but b.-fore be could shoot probably a dozen shots were find and AreH fell .bad, pierced by b- v.-n bullets A gen eral riot followed and a number of shots w. re tired Thomnson was ! wounded in one ann while I'. rkiiis was badly b. alen about the face and i lii-ail A son of police Judge Stewart I of Jellieo, Ky.. was wounded in one leg Willie others Were more or less I wounded before Ihe riot was duelled I A little more I bun two years ago 1 Ayres killed Sampson Itolion over the former's w ife, ,. was sentenced to ;to years in I he penitentiary for the : killing mid served the time, reluming to Jelllco about u month ago. Ayres ; was about thirty years of irj. . Two sons of Holt. .ii. who were In i tin- crowd, were arrested as were several other participants. Kxcltenient Is Intense. HARD FIGHT ON ATLANTIC LINER ! NF.W VOKK. Xov.. L' Thomas P. liyan. tho financier. Adolph Miisch, the SL Lmls brewer and Knrleo Ca i ru), the tenor, were passengers ar riving on the Kronprlnzessln Ceclllie, : of the North German Lloyd line from jTTfe men today. An Incident of trie voyag wns a light in the moklng room 1 when lieutenant Cranvllle Fortesque, 1'. H. A. (retired) a couusln of former I President Hoosevelt detected a shar I per cheating at dice, and gave him a ' threshing, according to an account by several passengers who were In the gome at the time. OP ROGKEFELLER Declares South Has Been Ma ligned Enough by Self Seek ing Philanthropists PELLAGRA SCARE DID NOT HAVE ITS EFFECT People of 8outh Should Re sent The Slanders Against It by Refusing Gift ATLANTA, Nov, 2 - Ovctnrlng that the gift of 1 1. 01)0,000 'Top tli,. lnves- Hgatl mil euro of the hook worm disease Is nn outrage on the Houth, tt slander on this section of the coun try, and a "dnm dnm" donation, J1h op Warren A. Candler of the South' rn Methodist church in his Bunday sermon mudo a sensational attack on John D. riockefoller, "It Is to be hoped," said Bishop Candler, "thnt our people, will not bo taken In by Mr. Itockcfellcr's verlm ruge fund and hookworm commission. The habit of singling- out tho Houth for nil sorts of reforms, remedies and enlightenment Is not for our benefit and. the too ready acceptance of Nieso things on the' part nf somrt of our people Is not to our rrodlt. MK UiK'kefeller would take charge . of 1,0,11 nvRun Mi,u uui pioiiiuvff turn purge our grains of lbnoruncs and our bowels of wormg. ' r- HtmuW of fttltll. ' . ' ; for somo . reason , olf-ppoinled , phltunlhroplsui hav taken It ' on thomselvos" to discover and proclaim conditions In thy Houth cnlculftted to crrato further prejudice ngulnst tho state and people: of the Bouth us to drvert Immigration, tnd. tn tilurm tho rosldont Miptijation, ;' . "A great, deal tf ertloti hax hm rn)tilrnd In lh past to tabllsh llio falsity of' tho" many slanderous charnon made against th -South, And1 this section he not yet rocovered fit It , ly from them. R'ocrmtly n outcry ws made that the Southern peopls had bec'omo tho victims of a, deadly dii ease named 'pellagra,' .Which wag charged to tho use nf Indian corn. The disease has been traced to South ern Ktirope, where It Is common, and bilcr Information noes to show that IL was Imported In tho persons of Immi grants, i 'But the pellagra panic having fail ed of the expected result now comes a howl about the hookworm. The , Houth Is represented to be filled with wretched brood of dirt ealnra, Who that knows the Houth can for a mo ment believe this? Greek Hear Gift. "It Is time tho Southern people tie- gnu resenting this officious disposition' . to take care of thorn which esrtaln parties are addicted to. IXmutloni may easily as dum dum bullets, wound where they hit and leave a moral poi son In the hole they make after be ing received. We am certainly able to take earn of und to curt) our hook worm, without Mr, Itoe kefoller'e mil lion (lollnr dose of vermifuge." The bishop, who w consecrated In I NUN, is fifty-two years of ago, has been a university president, editor of a religious publication and has writ ten books on fleorgla'a educational work and other subjects. Ijist April lie declared that the purpose of An- ' drew Carnegie and John V. Hockefel ler In giving leg, 000,000 was "to dominate the educational Interests of this entire country, and by the bribe. of this enormous sum of money they have already partially succeeded." 1 FEUDISTS CELEBRATE HE Tin- OM Brcntliitt Tnmblfl lii-caks fu t Fiercely Again 1 As Kxpccted JACKKON'. Nov. . Predictions made on the streets curly todays that 1 onlv "a man or I wo" would hu killed during (he voting In llreothitt county.' were Justified at noon in thir Spring- ' fork precinct and In a dramatic man ner. Tllrten Wanton with n left-hnnd ahnt Instantly killing Domonsthenea , Noble after N(ide had crippled Blan ton's right arm with a bullet. Noble had previously according to Blanton, placed a pistol at the breast of two of . Wanton's brothers. Noble was a mem ber of a powerful feudal family, a former employe of Judgu James Hat- . gts and complications are 'eapooted, Ulanton. whose father was democratic candidate for county attorney wm acting a challenger. ' i f -,- The shots were fired while. Blanton . was leaning from the window of the votlng place. 'He was carried Into Jackson to the horn of his fnihe an. I there tacitly arrested. ' s

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