-.'-11. jV i,MMVjWllfe4' THE sr'N'DAV CITIZEN, NQVKMUKtt 7, Ifinn. 2 Terr SOCIAL PERSONAL Thi MUM..I.K Ir.Ve nul l" nouncPiM'-'iiH "f I"'' ''"' liulldimt ..t" ii' ' ' 1 ininn which will " i . ' r 'l more itib-rcM than m.' "' ,hl moth bu.--.iiir v lii, Ii v.,i ' h. I.i the aildliiri "1 II" 1 " ''' '' ' 1 l;'nutatvn .Si a r and 1". ai MiimmM" lng Prermbei . probably I hi- ! " the lith. A law ct-iv I"""1 "r ,r possible the Audltoi aim will bo -cured for th' bazaar whi-li will, wltb the co-operation f tin- liri' n..-nil..-i a of the Eastern Star .mil lain' num ber Of Masons, lie n memorable event in the history f hulKes In this city-. Booth U-cnial.il will h- In charge "T different ln.lt. . and will contain a varied awirinn'iil of "ii clea, decorative, ornamental and uno ful. There will be many int. -rest inn and unique feutur.s one or which will Iw especially popular l to be the old fashioned kitchen, in chaw of a ne gro mammy" who will turn out de lectable waffle, fried chicken, corn pone, and many other fnmimn tllhcn of tho Honth. The kitchen will bu onen dnv mid niKht for the conven ience of the crowds. An entei in inim-nt of Homo aort will I"' the principal feature f the bap.uar which will be Changed durlnw tho week. Hovornl platu are lielriK coiiHldered, a vnude vllla entertainment, band concert, moving picture show, etc.. any of which will prove a grcat attraction. The proceed of the week will be ap plied, to the Masonic lot and temple fund. The vab.iu.ble lot. on corner of Woodlln tthd North Main utrei-U op poult e (lie reBldence of Kr. BurrouKh and next to tho Illluldo convent wan ijiurchniKHl Damn lime hko by the Mo nona but whether II will be umd for building site ban not been deter m I lied. Th .tmsuar will be ono of th largo, affair of the knd ev-r hold In AtfievtU ! Um commit Uw In charge of the arrangement ore nn follow. Eattm Htar, Mrs. Mary Hiv ing. Mrs. J. T. Uynum, Mm. J. V. Brown. Mrs. 8. T. U.gan. Miw Aimlo Powell; Mason fraternity. Mr. J. W. i Urlmea, Mr. J. A.' Nichols and Mr. Oeorg B. Culvert. J J "William A. Pcndergast. the sucoeHS ful candidate for comptroller In th trecent election In Greater New York, Is booked to arrive at- tho Battery - Park hotel today, to upend v Utile whlla restlnB uj Irotn th strenuous campaign. Mr. PenderKast was olet-t-ad on tha fusion ticket by th largost majority shown by an cnndWale. He has been In Aahevllle before and will he warmly welcomed by. hi old old friends. . J d Tha friends of Mr. Maurice Lusarun lit Ashevlllo will be interestod to know that the Cincinnati conservatory of tnuslo has given, hjm a scholarship and Mr. Lnaaron Will study during .the winter at the leonaervatary. Mr. JbaMiron possesses a baritone voice of rare quality whlrh will bo remember ed ttf those who heard the New Year services recently at tho temple on Spruce street in which (lie rabbi Intones during the ceremonies fre quently. The Moaart club of Cincin nati has also honored Mr. Uiiaron by fleeting him ft member. Tho club Is composed of some of the llneat sin gers of Cincinnati and admission Is a much sought distinction. Ji J ' Mr. Henry Westoll ' will be the guest of honor at a IMileh Minpcf given by the Tahkeosteo club which promises to be an occasion of much gaiety. The supper will be exclusively a stag affair, and the member who Is deserting the ranks of bachelorhood Is destined to receive a memorable end off. Mr. Westall leaven shortly for Birmingham whore his marriage to Miss Weatherly takes place the lat ter part of the month. .1 . The Htrollers will meet Tuesday ev ening ut the residence of Mrs. t'luirles M. Piatt on North French Hi.ud ave nue to rehearse for the Hint tune "The "Young Mrs. Wintlirop," which has been selected liv Mi Ituin.tl .Ionian for their appearance this year. Th east has been completed and Includes iriwnv of the n.uiicM which front iri -Vious appearances in pln.i produced by the club have become tninlllar I i (he public. The iluy m Ii eh .l ''or pre arntlltlon tlii.i year is will known iui'1 trong and i" well ml pl d ( the t.u i)ts of tie lie in'" I . Tie- cli in. ul ! Ill" i'ii Known ouni; pe.'ld' wis UI.II'MI ie . o ..i... v PNterK'' i" II'mi mlim.il- ii'l-l Monday Special: 25 per cent nnion all $50 Tailored . mm m. i a I I If 'i'-mP&JLJ i i Tailored suits ol this gra.lc are rarely found .nit.xid.' the large cities. Superior ipiaJity marks them in every 'detail of tyl, trim, lining, tailoring, and fabric For our regular Monday Special, and for Monday only you can buy a suit at 2" per cent, discount. ' j fSkmrn WWK v ,i ,.,., lip, iM&K:' ill el.K i: . .LI, l.lll.e I ' I ' I ,pci I I IH ill e , HI. t l.: I III ,1'. The hi n I ry oWll . lull entertained -Ml I .111. I the iiutiimn y.-uter- ii.ion lo witness the begin- iiliu: ol the mixed foursome golf tour iiiiiorit There was a long list of en tries) mill besides the (.layers the club was crowded most or the afternoon Tea wuh served by several members of the club. The tournament i . .ti 1 1 ii ii-' I for three weeks, 'Bch Sat in dnv, for the cups presented by the die. tors. The following Hoiri'M yesterday: .Miss Nan M.-ml. 1)1 (1. 11. I.uro bert. handicap gross 47. net 47. Miks Kl.-anor V. Morrison Dr. Paul I. UHiRer 0 CO 60. l)r. and Mrs. Charles S. Jordan r.s r.2. Mrs Van..- llrmvn -Mr. J. (5. Ad ams 7 lo! DC. Mr and Mrs Hi jiiinnr won with H score ol I u all 1.C Miss Annie Williams and Mr. K. ' Hawyer 1- r.0--4. Miss Kugi-nbi Joluisloii and Mr. .lo- Beiih Hinder wire Ibinl with a score of is H.i r.r.. The Hntnrdny Music club held an in teiestlng nienllng yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. David II Kosenstcln on Montford avenue. There were ii number of the members of the club present. After a short business meeting the program Was opened by Iteelhoven's I'astoriil H.vmphony which was played by Miss Linda Hclmrtl. and Mrs. K. K. Campbell The sever si movements were well Interpreted ami were followed with Interest by the audience. Miss Minnie Westall played "Hark. Hark, the l.ark" with charming lightness mid airiness and was applauded roundly. Mrs. David II HoKi'liMteln sang a gfnup of (irlon's Songs by request and also "1,'Heure Exciulse" by Itaynnldo llnbii. which were especially appreciated. Mrs it senstein In a singer of experience and excellent, voice. To Miss May Kim licrly fell the grateful duty of Inter prating Grieg's "Peer tf.vtit Unite.' which she did admirably. Miss Kim berly read from Ibsen's play the Inel dents and (hemes which Inspired I lit" music written by Orlcg, playing after each piece the music. Miss Klmberly'p Interpretation of (he exiiilslte music, was masterful and disclosed a keen perception and sympathy with the iliood of the composer. Miss Ida Ham ilton sarig several contralto solos. The silver tea which was to hn" e been ut en this week ul l.'ie residence of Miss Kllsabeth Porter has been, postponed for a week tho date and program (o be Himoutitiod later. The proceeds of the ten will be added to the eduea llonnl fund of the women's clubs of Abhevlile. A collctlon was served at the conclusion of the program. Th next meeting; to bo held In December, pill be given over lo French opera ft concert by famous singers on the Victor machine being the m dium. The plr.ee of meeting will be decided upon Inter. Mr. l- I-'. Darker will give an organ recital this afternoon at All Souls' church, following the usual live O'clock service. The following; is the program : Chanson d'Avell Hrewei In the Forest Iiurani Tlnrenrolle (4th conrcrtno ... Penned Festival March Kind The musical program at I he First liaptist church this morning Is as fid- lows: Prelude, voluntary, Devor.d. Anthem: "Not Pnto Cs. (i Lord, Smith. Duet: "Insplrer and Hour of Pray er," (llehel. Mrs. Frances J ClemeiiKer and C T. Cnrr. llffertorv: fnhuh.it. Holo: ". Nearer My (io.l to Thee, Carey. M rs i 'Lineup, r Prelude: l-'esinal march, s. n . 1 1 Mm 'tin. mas Settle In . r. iorn the latter (.art of the rblladelihia where hc ha H' V era I WcoKS. led ek 111. been f and Mrs u l..r Mi i ii.-r..K. . 1 I .i in II Nile will i.ols. Mr I! C Mason leave to M cell's loo. I., r . ,.. eollllln Mil Masol ill i;o to Sa an nal iicn.t the winl.-r with and Mm Hlovalt. Discount torn My mis. mmm m mm mmm 1 1 we never write oargain or special unless tne tact is back ot our representation, member this in reading our advertisements. Spedal Sale ot Silk Hose Monday and Tuesday For these two (li'.vs 1 1 ic ljulies of Aslie .ville will liftve I l:ie (iitirtiuiity of huyiiu: from our hejuitiful line of wilk hosiery any hone they srlect for $1.00 a pair. This line is complete in every detnil and the hose are brand new. We have others more ex pensive in all the sizes and the best shades. They are priee.l a! .r1.5l)on up lo $;.?() pair. We expeet ii. line of .$1.00 hose in short l , hut owing to the delay in getting them we will offer the $l.lr at $1.00 pair, Moii.lay and Tuesday. . . , . rss Goods and Jilks in ths Aatest Shades. Priced Reasonably J '-- '' -' " :i---i . Or. and Mrs. J. 1?. Ilu;.iie.H of Ilclle fonte. I'h., nr.- sendlnK the winter at 21 llor.ler street. Mr. Olenn Crowoll hua relumed from a Southern t ri of w-veral weeks. Mrs. Andernim of LexliiRton, N C. is the Kii.-st ot her daughter, Mrs lllcliurd llrngaw. Mrs. J. 10. Wither of Henderson, Ky., Iihh returned to her home after a vlfil to h. r dauKhter, .Mrs, l-'redcr-i k t'heetham on C'!i..rlolte street. Or. Dorothy I'oitnian of Detroit who has made many friends ill the1 city durhiK her visit of several months to Mrs. llrewster Philips, has none uhroHi! niul will nsldii ierniun ently In J'arls. Mr. TliiiiuiiK Caldwell and a party of students Iroin the nnivcisity at Knowllle will pcnd the week end In I nWII Mrs. I,, ha liobiliMio who lias licen visiiinii H i Is in Cla i kes ill.-. Tenn., has retur I to the cll. Mrs S X Watklnsot the Klloli has 'eturneil from a liip to New York, rhlladeliibiii. Itnlllinore and ltlch noiol. n . alier a sevelal wei-ksi ali- Mlss hlll n . t'eaiie. prima donna of the M a nli. Ma ii totiipam will l, i vilest a I th. Cllou dlllilm tile .11 k.ic. iiieni ol lb. company in llii.s.-ity Mr and Mrs Crank 1' Martin and Miss, l.'i.ila M.liiln who have been spendlllK several weeks 111 the i lly left esterda lor tl-ir loine in iicala. Fin. Miss .Illlia I'ren.tl w lot ha:, bc.il isltiiiK friends in tin i ii tor several days returned tin- Intl.. part of the Week to I i re. nsl.oro Mr. Willi no r lloiio ..f Atlanta who has been in Ash. villi "p hnsilpss tor a week leaves toil.tv i..r tes bono Mr. aod Mrs Caliie Crown Lit lasl nlht for Atlanta to attend lie auto mobile races. .Miss Khza he th Caoip li.iv i.iiirned fr-ini a several weeks Mac at Ore- n- ville, Inrt. Mrs. .lam. s iii.ui M nam will leaw hortly for Atl.tnla lo spend Hi. winter villi her I n 1 1 K't 1 1 '' . Mrs. Charles M. ir.. Ml- Kopc Ktias. vvilo lias been In the Itiltmorc hospital lor the past two weeks Miifferlnir with parilvsis. is ini- provinur slowly. His condition at pres- nt Is as irood as possible according to the nttthoriUe of the Institution. Mr. ttnil Mrs. Monroe Keeter. of Meridian. Miss., are on their weddinvr trip and are truest.-! nt llio Hatt.-rv Piirk hotel during their stay in Ash-vllle. Just Our ll tit PHI BETA PSI ELECTS BOARD OF OFFICERS. MOW OU1.I0A.NS. N(H. ii. --I'hiia-del)hla. wag chosen na the next nnei liiK place by I'iil Belli Fsi. the medi cal fraternity at the closing session today of its annual convention In this city. The date will be selected later by the executive committee. The f.d lowhiK officers were chosen: Supreme urchon, Dr. Oeore O. I'ray. Jackson, Mich.; supreme v i. -archon, Dr. Albert H. I'urk, Miniie apolis. Minn.; supreme secretary. Dr. Oeoi-Re M. Kline. Ann Arbor. Mieli.. sujirenie treasurer. Or. Neil " l.evvis. Kansas Citv. Mo.: supreme editor. 11. tlenrife O. .oelirlaut. ChicRKo; su preme eastern praetor. Dr. W. II Olynn, I'lltshurit; supreme western praetbr. Dr. J. D. Kelley. St I.ouls. nupreme southern praetor. Dr. H. W Ewnlth.r. New Orleans; supreme northern praetor. Or. Charles rtelneko. Muscatine, b.vva. CROUP It tlw ghost that hontl titty hour nf a . hiiJ v hlr. COWAN S PRKPAKATION gives instant relief and comfort. Jutl rub It on don't weaken Ine atomach with lrus Krrp II In UM borne. M.U0, MX, 2X. AUdnutbls. La (Jreetjue Corsets Stylo, Com fort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., Ii CHURCH ST. 2 FIRE INSURANCE. . I in uisli I he Kind t h.il ;. . .. the Wind ot bre ms.ur e i o iv.mt in cold weather M & W Indian Coal Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Auto Gloves Drivers' Gloves Car Men's Gloves. ! iio II Keep your hand.- and warm, Ionif iruonlliis. f li i. es ;.u centH to & I "ol. 0. E. STONER Co I 18 8. MAIN BT. a Word jtfbout jldvertisingl If you are looking for brilliancy or humor in the advertisements you read you will be sorely disappointed in ours. We believe that there is only one ex cuse for "rushing into print'' at all, and that is to tell the public facts about our Store "doings" and about the new oods that have arrived, the special pricings and other items that some portion of the community is sure to be interested in. Facts just plain, pointed, unvar nished facts is all that you will find in our advertisements. That hina n i i e Rare Values in Our Suit and Millinery Department We are offering so many dainty and at tractive garments in our Keady-to-Wear Department that it would he a waste of time to attempt to describe them. The best way to do is for you to view them and if you don't agree with the many customers that t hoy are the prettiesl ones in the city we will be surprised. The prices rano-e from .fl'i.OO on up. Our Millinery Department continues to attract attention from the best dressers in the .city. L-idies that know have proclaimed our showing f haVs t(, be the equal of any in the citv. Milk Keeps Longer I h;H imn e insures iiy intrity W iM'''Smi'liHH. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. Kast Walnut St. IMlolie rnntaaajmijaamjmnmaj; Wntc h for the Orh-ntal Itaai : In a feu iliivs we will open our beautiful line of Japanese Silk Kimonas. Chiny Ibices. IOk.v l1- tlan Silver Scarfs. Moxi.an iiawn works, ete.. ..me in and see the samples nun . Mt. City Stationery Company II. M. N'lililkian. I'rop. : rmion Aw, CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS. 51.PATJ0N New Taffeta and Messaline Waists lv'-i i . ti liv fxjm-ss on Satui-tl.iv souif vri v prcttv I5l;i-k TjilTcta .nid MussJliue W.-iists. The Tafr- iii Waists an- Hi;ukftl at $3.75 nut $4.98. ' Tlif Mt ssalino Waists ;iiv pri.-cd $6.00. Tlifsf a iv all spli'ihlid alilfS. v alsn ici'civoil some vvv Mvlisli exira long Coal 'Suits in XaA v, (4rnr, Whic 4nu.l lilai-k at $25.00. (,'oiuc in Momlav and let f .iV-7tx r-vc& -X 'fr'Se?.'---. ik - ' Embroidered Handkerchiefs Greatly Underpriced This will he i he first of a series of hand kerchief sales before Christmas. If we were to tell you how many handkerchiefs we sold last Christmas it is doubtful if you would believe us, but this is a settled fact we will sell more this yea.r. Our supply on hand is exceedingly large and the first sale will begin Monday, last i ug for t wo days. Kmbroidercd handkerchiefs worth up to 25c. each will be sold at 10c. each. These hand kerchiefs are new, the only defect being lhat in some of t hem a stitch is missed, making a verv small hole. furs. Coats and in Our R,eady - .JiVh''u1nl-"o'iI"hrn"ry decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge for exauunaiion Ii ices always reasonable. lr. Matthew's' Denial . Viirlors. t or. t'olleice and Sjiruce Sts.. near tin Conn lions.' OflUe eiione ttlll, lUsl Uence liione 972. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK 111 AMOKIkltRAKlh I.Bdlt-ni Ask jotii- Unit 4 hl.-hf.tepM IliamnnJ niiBtt f -r A ond TlrBndV old iMfUiltAy ttie KiMn.n. V I'HU in Bed nrvl Uold i Tavtn no other. M4NI ItUAMt riLI.H. fr tta. years k uown aw Best, S(t. Always H r.U 1 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVnHEPF lii .' .1 THE POCKET NERVE Is (lit- niovt Nr.nsjit i t ij.-r iMI will fot't t Vfin l);t' II the Imiv fXiiniirifMl, I'lauu littt F. K. i-: i: spi: i ai.ist No. It-Ill-ll iHliiiimir Hbla XVEETTERPHONE 55 6 ASHEVILLE N.C. us show vou our line. Altfrations arc niadf fiw. "fJ iff 31' J Always . re- Capes are Being Jhovn to - (t)ear Department WESB & C01VIPANY Millinery lmporteM No. ( Battery Park Placet, Phono 1M4 Shell Combs Special Values MISS CRUISE, Haywood St. HAIKJ.HNS IN UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Hhot Guns. Rifles and PiMotg of all makes and description, they are un redeemed pledgva. We rent shot fruns and rlflea by th day or week. Leather -:)o.nlu and Trunk la Our Specialty. 11. Ii. FINKEIiSTElN'S , PAWN & LOAN orncn 23 South Main. hiinian limly. Thi.s is niif nerve you .iiiti-.i! if"t1s fi'nin im. Bvm .it'iiKs K'"tni(! and a (omplnte lin; of Optical GARDNER. M M I VtTl 'KING OITK IAV Tor (Inirtii St. and Pat Ion A vie. . "MOORE'S (Continued on iik lhrH.)

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