THE ASIIEYILLE CITIZEX MONDAY, JfOVKMDER 8. 390. 3 Splendid Values Tailored Sails m. FASHION 16 PATTON AVENUE ASHEVILIE'S NEWEST STORE One-Fourth Off on all One-Piece Ladies Dresses A Monday Sale of Commanding Importance, oftVring Values so far out of (he ordinary that iu Woman who practices economy can afford to overlook the chance of saving many dollars on the cost of a new dress. It is our poliey not to cany over goods from one Season to another, in order lo earry out our poliey, we are willing to sacrifice our profit. WE HAVE TOO MANY ONErPlECE DRESSES Monday You Can Sekct Any Dress in Oar Store ONE-FOURTH OFF OF THE REGULAR PRICE They are. all made in this Season's most favored styles, of Serges, Prunellas, Voiles, Broadcloth, Fancy Worsteds, Jerseys, Messalinc, and Taffeta; handsomely trimmed with military galoons, some with lace yokes and jet buttons, others are beautifully tailored models with Silk Braid and pipings made with full graceful pleated skirts. Colors include Smoke, Raisin, Catawba, Brown, Navy, Canard, Chicory and Black. BALLINGER TRIES TO DEFEND ACTION. WASHINGTON. xv. T.--Scn tary of th Interior Hnllin. r s widely ais citssoU revocation of the famous "Oar. field order" w illulraw in from settle ment a million mid i hair acres of public lands and the mibstitutlon therefor of 11 withdrawn! order, with holding from settlement, three hun dred thousand aires, today was de clared by Mr. Hulling! r to have been wholly promoti ve-- not sdimernlve of the conservation policy. A lengthy explanation of his can cellation of the Unrrteld withdrawal, was (riven to tho press by Mr. Hal lliiKer, who asserted that It was a logical step In the prosecution of the policy of conserving the water power on th federal domain, and one which Mr. Carflcld must have tukeii himself, had he remained In office. Stylish Coat Suits arid ' ' i 4- j One-Piece Dresses Splendjd liiie of Corsets, Grloves ' Handkerchiefs, Bags, Silk Underskirts, Muslin Underwear, Knit Underwear. We also reeeived Saturday a shipment of Beau tiful Tailored Suits, Coats, Skirts and Capes. THE FASHION 1G PATTON AVE. Splendid line f Um brellas, Hosiery, Neck wear, Waists, Lace Col lars and Cuffs to match. Silk Scarfs, Purs, and a full line of Notions. AFFIRMS LOYALTY JO (Continued from puge. one.) the first reader of the First Church in Boston: "On three or four occasions Mrs. Stetson said that oho wanted mo to be vary careful to keep true to her, that she waa looking to me for great work, that I-wftuM riot regret being loyal to her, and so on. fiho became mofe definite, once or twice and said that she wanted me to write when ever J heard her voice, but not semi any such articles to Hostnn; to turn them over to her. Hinted at Sck-cssIoii. "On questioning n Utile, she paid that some time, not far remote, she was to be in charge, of the Christian Scence movement and would need u supply of articles to fall buck upon. Dr. Crowell, I Judged from what she let fall, was doing or wus to do the same thing. She hinted to me thai 1 was to be one of her chief writers, hut her statement wart so worded that J should Imagine as big a position as cupidity could suggest." . Mr. Kains said these 'statements were made to him last summer, aftor she had been angered by hi writing an article against "Personal Attach ment." Virgil O. Strioklcr, the first reader, who wa.1 rebuked by the local board of trustees on Thursday, denounced them in a vigorous statement. It was sent by him from Huston, whiih er he had rushed on the midnight expretw. directly after the stormy meeting, that hu miht confer with the Boston board. "While it Is true that Mrs. Slet son was exonerated by a. vote of the local church, this fact, considered alone, is misleading," declared Mr.. Rtrlekler. "The vote was taken lit a JOE BRENNAN Irish .Tenor and Comedian. Late Understudy of Chaun'(?y.'01cott. THE HOEYS The Fo.w Old -Man and the Cute Little (iirl. Bingham .Matinee at 2.1-". T?egular Matinee at. :).:). I lulu lii.iir U'h,.n full,. rn-tViir,l of ihtt congregation had gone home. The meeting had been in session about ix hours, during tho greater part of which time It was little less than a brawl. "Mis. Stetson's adherents were de termined that a detailed statement of what went on in the secret practi tioners' meeting should not be dis closed. Their efforts in this bob" If were disgraceful. A gentleman left the meeting and stated that a riot was going on inside. The audience repeatedly uakeil for th facts, and especially requested me to read my diary. Although I was quite willing to do so, Mrs. Stetson's friends, by their tactics, succeeded in presenting it. Xegativn Vote Not Taken. "Toward the close of the meeting, a rising vote was taken, upon the af firmative, on the motion offered by one of Mrs. Stetson's adherents. An actual count showed 439 voting in her favor. The vote on the other side of the question was not taken, be cause it ww discovered that the man who offered the motion was a mem ber and an officer of a church of an other denomination. "When it Is remembered thai the church has approximately two thou sand members and voting attendants, it will be seen how small a part of them voted for Mrs. Stetson. 1 firmly believe that If a fair volo were to be taken today an overwhelming major ity would declare their allegiance to Hi" mother church. "The votes yesterday will be of no benefit to Mrs. Sli'lsoii. It doe,) not n store her license to tench or prac tise Christian Science. The tirutal methods employed by her partisans to suppress the facts will alienate from lier the better class of I hone who voted for her yesterday. CONFESSES T-OTHE MURDER OF WOMAN. TO PICK A, Kansas. Nov. 7. Follow ing a confession that he murdered Mrs. Mary Short, of Tnpeku, In the hope of gaining poj-sessiun of her I property. Fred Fanning today impll ,ateil Mrs. Minnie English in the crime and she was arrested as an ac- complice. Fanning fi.'iid that he put poison In I Mrs. Short's coffee. He declared that Mrs. English had threatened to kill him If lie did not kill Mrs. Short, that slit' told bim how much poison to u.'e and that he gave her tl.-HH) of Mrs Short's money. Fanning had planned to go into the restaurant bus iness witli Mrs. F.ngli, h. T, President ami Cashier Held Hcsponsihle for About $66,000 that has Vanished. Outlaw League Will Ask Reinstatement NORFOLK, V.i.. Nov. 7. A badly tangled condition of affairs existed in the failed Traders' and Truckers' bank here, according to the report of the auditors. The report will be present, ed November 12 to a special itrand Jury convened in "John Doe" pro ceedings to Investigate the bank's af fairs. The report ahowu that August 7 last when the bank closed Its doors, its deposits aggregated $ 198, 339.54, with overdrafts of $110,789.43, while a report submitted to the corpora tion commission the samo date, as shown by tho bank books, gives the total deposits subject to check of $132, 9S2. 94. Terry H. Cordon, president of the bank, is held responsible for J54, 2 8 4.90, and A. N. Cruser, cashier, for f 12.4CO.04. Other claims acknowl edged by Cruser. place his responsi bility at nearly J2f,0ll0. Tho bank'fl final statement plowed Its reserves and liabilities at J23X.C00.23. while the auditors found them to be, ac cording to the bank books 13(14,655.81. Many of the deposits in the savings department, ranging from a few cents fo a few dollars, were for the benefit of children. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 7. Tho ar rival In this city this evening of Frank Herrman, of San Francisco, i repre sentative of tho Foe I lie Coast base ball league, ready . to appear before the National Association of Profes sional Baseball leagues, at Its session on Tuesday, maktyt it positive that this heretofore outlaw league will be an applicant for r. -Instatemcnt with the regular organization. J. F. Far. rell, chairman of tho national board of arbitration, was another arrival to day. The directors of the Southern league will hold their first session on Monday morning, and In tho after noon the annual meeting of I lie league will be held, when the proposition to reduce the number of players permit ted on each team rrom fifteen to four teen will be considered. President M. Kavanaugh, of the Southern league, and representatives from tho cities composing tho circuit, have been holding preliminary con ferences this afternoon. POLICE BLOTTER'S DAILY RECORD lowing arrests mad' il.ireil, disorderly SCM LOSS THEATRE CIRCUIT Look Who's Here! ALL THIS WEEK Matinees: Tues., Wed., Thurs. ami Saturday. MR. ROBT. H. KANE presents The Manhattan Opera Co. A TONIGHT, "OLIVETTE" Tuesday Matinee, "OLIVETTE" Tuesday Night, "THE MOCKING BIRD" SPECIAL BINGHAM MATINEE TOMORROW. Prices: 25, 35 and 50e.; Matinees, 25 and 35c. FEW GOOD SEATS LEFT FOR TONIGHT MOUNTAIN STATIONERY CO. " -i - , " ' ' ' AT The fo yesterday: Jerome King, conduct. .less Wiiioii, .shooting inside the oily limits. O. W. Hull, carrying concealed weapons. John Hill, gambling. John Miller, gambling William Hlehard. gambling. Will tlleiiii. drunk on the streets. ilriir iHveribey, drunk on the streets CANADA WILL HAVE PARLIAMENT ON HAND OTTAWA, Out.. Nov. 7. The Cana dian l'arliument opens on Thursday next ami the session will probably continue for oix months. The chief item of business will be the bill un der which the lo w Canadian navy u ill lie constituted. The possibility of the maximum provisions of the I'.i ue tariff being imposed upon Canada, if France js put on more favorable relations with Canada, than Is the United States, will cause some oerious talk and a scattering of members will press the government to retaliate. The Canada banking net and the In surance act will both be stiffened In Hie direction of greater security. WONT WSWKft t-CMMI.VK. ST I.Ol'IH. Mo., Nov. 7. Senator NVIsnn W. Aldiieh arrived tonight from Chicago to make a speech at a dinner to be given to him tomorrow night by the Commercial club. Mr. Aldrich's fit. Louis speech will be devoted to an exposition of the work and purpose of the monetary commission, and It is expected that he wilt follow the same lines as in Chicago. . G. 0. P. GETTING BRASH IN OLD DOMINION. WASHINGTON. Nov. . It was announced lieru today by Hepreaoiita tivo Siemp, of Virginia, chairman of the republican stale committee, that headquarters would be opened at Roanoke Immediately with George, 1,. Hart In charge They will remain open permanently. Candidates will bo run by that parly In each of file ten districts in the stato for congress next summer. This Is said to be the first time that car li a thing ban been attempted in the South. WILL kndoksi: Ji noi: HOSS. TUCILMoNH, Va , Nov. (1 The Illchmond ftar aHHociation will meet on Tuesday to i nilnrse Culled States Circuit Judge Krsl.ine M. Hohh of Cal ifornia, for the mat on tin- I 'tilted Slates Supreme ourt bench, made va vant by the death "1 Justice I'cckham. Judge I loss is a Viigliiia. by birth. J.V1" MltS.SU01t. WASIIINGT' N. Yaguya 1'rlinta li.i the emperor of .1 i the I'lllh-d .1 it' Kollgoro Takahtl I in Tokio on b a. state deparliio ri t blegrani Irom I'm: dor I'Hrien at '1 appolntinem. Nov. C.- Karon . le-eii appointed by I'. in, auibasHJidor to succeeding Haron . m ho Is at present "f absence. The lay received a c,t- I .States Ambassa I io announcing the Civilization ha French revolutio to thank I ha and the subsequent wars for masculine emancipation from the wig It was partly the scar city of flour and tie war tax on hair powder that ban died the powdered wig, hut partly a)-- Ihe leveling n lluence of Ja oiniii'ii. ' I do not know the present gen. i iiion by sight," MAY INVESTIGATE LOEB'S CUSTOM HOUSE NEW YOKK, Nov. 7. William Loch, Jr.. collector nf the port of New York, has made no comment on the report from Washington of tho possi bility of a congressional Investigation of th New York cuBtonis house,, prompted by New York merchants who are dissatisfied with Mr I.oeb'nl drastic measures. Few of the New York congressmen! before whom the matter has been laid, It Is said, could be soeli today. Kep rffSentatlve J. Van Vechten Oloott said he would certainly not favor any tuoii Investigation while Representa tive William M. Caldwell, of Brook lyn, also uald he would support Mr. Loeb. Tlavo yon boon in f o so 113 lately ospocially our ready lo vo:ir dopartment? Our oxi-lusivc now models arc go i" nearly as fast as xvc ro oeive Ihcin. Now don't delay your wining got hero while tho ohoioost models are to be had. CHINESE STUDENTS WILL MATRICULATE. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. Forty neven Chinese youths arrived from the Orient yesterday on tho steamer China to enter various colleges In this country for technical education at the expense of tho Chinese government. They will be followed next year by 1 r, 3 students end tho entire two hun dred will return homo when their courses are complntad, and give China the advantage of their American training. The Chinese government decided to educate many of its young men In the United States when this government remitted the Indemnity claims of $10 000.000 growing out ot the ftoxor trouble in China. Asheville Dry Goods Co. THE STORE THAT SAVES 700 MONET" CHILDREN STRIKE FOR Hereafter Chicago School Will Hold But Oue Ses sion as They Demanded. FOUR COLLEGE GIRLSDIE ROBBED AND KILLED IN HIS OWN OFFICE. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. T. Hoby B. Clnnnon, twenty-elghl years old, a real estate dealer who come from Lexington, Ky., was mur dered on the root of a ten story of fice building today and 1000 which he Irew from a bank Saturday Is miss ing. Evident disorder In Qonnon's office on the fourm noor or tno punuing indicates that he was attacked there and his body dramtod to the root with a ropo which was found around his neck. The dead body bore a number of cuts and bruises, and some ot the dead man's friends declare he waB murdered tis a result of a Jealousy quarrel. THOl SAMiS ON STIUKK. SYDNEY. N. S., Nov. 7.Twelve thousand miners have gone on strike laying all the Newcastle and Maltland colllerlct Idle. It Is expected that the southern and western coal miners and waterside workers also will go on strike, coal stocks generally are low, and It Is feared that the struggle will bo prolonged. The causes resolved thcmselvei into a question of suprem acy as between tho minors and own ers. CLEVELAND, Nov. 7. The four hundred boy and girl strlkors who have left Wont High school a' prac tically deserted building since Wed nesday will return to their studies to morrow morning. Tills decision fol lowed a conference of the strikers committee with the school board to night and the children regard the re sult as a victory for thorn, A deputation of father and moth ers, appointed form tho parents league, will appear before the school council tomorrow night to prcsunt In full tho Arguments against ft double session plan. They will support the plea qf tho youngsters that art after noon s fission take! away tho chance of schooling from those who must work half tho. day to earn their edu cation. . The striken have kept up their regular studio during the strike, and will, they say, recite their back les son at tho opening of school. This prevents the threatened strike at Bouth, Glcnnvllle and other high schools still adhering to the double sessions. Outbreak at Athens Female Seminary "Which Closed School Claims 4 Victims. coMJMBM B men Gtrr. ' NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Tho Colum bia university alumni newt will a nounco tomorrow that In addition to the specific bequest of II, 250,000, made by the late John B. Kennedy, Columbia will receive one-fifth of the residuary entitle, which It Is estimat ed, will net the university another $2,350,000, making the total gift 14,- 000,000. mniF:i fok two davh. ItTCNO, Nov.. Nov. 7. Charles Moody and Hurry Anderson, miners, who were buried under tons of rock and timbers in a cave-in at tho Cop per King mine on Friday were res iled alive today. Forty men worked forty-seven hours to rescue the lairiua ml hern. TO THY NfXiRO OI'TICEIW. MANILA, Nov. i. A court martial ban been ordered to lt at Daraga for the trial of Lieutenants Gllmore. and Thompson, the only colored officers of the Philippine scouts. Oillmoro la charged with making a fale state ment in an official document. Thomp- hoii In cnargeri wttn pei-wonm iooi- oliducl. MILMONMRK FA KM Kit UIKH. CllffAOO, Nov. 7 Lyman H. Hud- long, a millionaire garden truck far mer died here today. Ho cum'- to Chi- ugo in 1 XT, 7 from Cranston, H. 1., where lie was born in 1829. At the time of bis death be had under cui- iv.dloii seven hundred acres of land within the city limits. KlluS OF WOl'NO. wrote Wnlpoh . i that the yoiinu: shirts and shu.'K nobility as mud France have." ne n 91, complaining "in their dirty hair have leveled as the nobility In liy resolution of the Vienna city fathers a plot ha been set aside In St. Mark's cemetery for the BtraUBS family. The loft bodies to be- burled there were exhumed from another cemetery a fw weeks ago. They were those of Ihe wife of tho innkeeper Strelm and her daughters, Anna who when she died wan known as tho Ho fballmuslkdirektornwtwe Htruurji, and Josephine who was the widow of a physician. Fran Btrclm was the randmother of the famous brothers. Longevity is moil frequent In coun. tries of low birth rate. , IIKNO, New, Nov. 7. Albert Tal- boi, win, wan Hhot by his wife, n for- r opera. Hinder in the office of a local attorney on October -s, died odiiy. Mrs. Talbot's stagn name was .Madame Talbot. Arthur Talt.i.l, a rot her. member of the Canadian parliament, been advised. . HKALISM. limine, '.ne of bl presidential lrlp:i, Mr. r-lewd-ind. accompanied by fee-rcL-iry tilriey, arrived at a town In a heavy storm, and they wore driven from the station with hailstones rat tliiiK on the roof of their carriages. A hraKs band, undismayed by tho weather, bravely stuck to its post and played the welcoming airs. "That la the most realistic music I have ever heard," remarked Mr. Cleveland. "What are they playing?" asked the secretary ol Hate. " 'Will to the Chief.' with hail." From "Succewi Magaciue. real 1K. FAIR ACCEPTS. PAVAVNAIT. Ga.. Nov. 7. Rev. Dr. S. T. Fair announced today that he has decided to accept a call to the pastorate of -Westminister Fresbyte- rlau church, Richmond. FOREST FIRES KAGTXG. KNOXVILLIC, Tenn., Nov. 7. Dis patches from East' Tennessee points report damaging forest fires raging In that section. The t'nuka mountain near Oreeneville are afire for miles, Twenty thousand acres of mountain land has been burned over thus far, and the dairiago promises to ho heavy. Similar conditions aro reported from Ellzttlnitliton. Of more than pasalng , Interest to Indies hereabouts l tho knowledge that Ashevilla ponsess a tailoring establishment that produces man-tailored suits the equal Of those made In New York and Pads. Tho effort of Mr. Logan,, tho Pack Square tailor, in this direction lust oasutl mot with such a decided measure of success that this season he, has brought from the east u number of high clans man tailors that do ladles' tailoring axelu alvely. their work being equal to any produced abroad. tf. FOTJTl COLEOBl ;s ATHENS, Ala., Nov. T.Aa official statement Issued today by V7. T. Ban tlnr, chairman of the board of trus tees of the Athena Female Collegu, which waa recently suspended . be cause of an epidemic which waa prov. alcnt there, tatoi that four of the young ladle died on Friday; They were, Mis Florence Brown, of Cull man, secretary of the principal; ilia Nina Word or Madison; Mis Louisa MuWhortcr, of Oaylesville, and Mis Annie Nichols, of New Hop. Two of them died at-their homos and the others at the collage building. The only two previous death In th college were oyer thirty year ago, , The epidemic ha been pronounced typhoid fever, but tho ouroe of In fection hai not yet been determined. SEUUflB FILES Tl: Aggregate Amount of Both is $150,000,000 and Bear Four and Fife Per Cent NORFOLK, Nov, tThs Seaboard Air Lin railway ha recorded in th office of the Norfolk county court two mortgage aggregating f 110,000, 000, The state taxe on th mortgage wera $8,320. , One of these mortgage Is for $25, 000,000 of five per cent forty year ad Jurtment gold bond and mentions tho Fidelity Trust roirpany of Haiti more and' Van Lear Blako a trustees, Tho other mortgage is tor 1125,000, 000 refunding bond, paynblo fifty years hence, and bearing Interest at tho rate of four, porcenl wth th Nuv York Trust company and Morti mer N. Uuckner a truostee. It wilt bo necessary to make recordation In , the Atnte of Virginia, Tho mortgage will have to be recorded three hun dred times. Alabama Is th only other state beside Virginia in whihth company owns property, covered by the mortgage, whloii charge a atai ' tag. IFooi Ball U TO-DAY Bingnam vs. Biooney For Prep. Championship of the South Riverside "Pari Game Called at 3;30 Admission 25c . , . J 'A .