X- 9 THK ASITKVrrjJNMTIZHX, TfTESDAY. XOVKMBEll 0. 1000. I SOCIAL (& PERSONAL WE ARK NOW SOLE AGENTS FOR $KZ5 Silk Jfose Are priced at $1.00 Joday The trutrtot'n of tin- K.-t I'.n.lin T'alnlnir mhool have Issued iiml.- - tlcns to thr 1 1 1 .i 1 1 k 1 1 1 iiil'Mi . it huh . of Prealdctit Union II. Wruli', h t--, tftkaa place PViriuv imirniiit. n 12lh t JO ocloo', .it i Jr. m ill.-. S ' - v The fiociely tor the '., Cruelty to Animalx will mo. ; ilu- torhoon at 4 "0 uVliu k in tin- V M. A. auditorium. It Is n -st d that .' there will bra full m tiiinluin .-. . J ' The meeting of the primary l.i h ra which I held In Wlnston-Sa Ic in tomorrow will he attended by lilit i delegates from Ashevlllc who have to morrow. Aflsa Con Htnckton, Mint Edith Anderson, .Ml us Bun Kcenc, Miss Way Alexander. Mian Leila Htuurt Mlaa Eleanor Hlldehrand. Mh.s Fran . . cm ' Buttle and Mies Nancy Curler The full program of the convention, which laats until Saturday, wan print eil In Monday's Isaue of The eitiacn. i ' The Camp academy will give an en- tertalntnent November 13th at Lelcos. tr whlrh will be quite a large n r . fair, the proceed of. which will ho used for church purpose. A prn- gram haa been arranged which in cludra readings, vocal anil Inxtru mental music. Refreshment will he , ,' Nerved and the public l cordially in vlted tq attend, ' The ; 'American Woman'a League meeta thi afternoon at tha Henrietta on South Main atreet at 4 p. m. The plan of the chapter houae will he , ahown and the meeting promise to toa o interest. For aome Inexplicable reason Asho villa feeema deserted at present, at leant, to put it mildly, it la aeldom that ao many member of aoelety ure out of town at the name time. The autumn deplete the ranka nf the younger irirla who during the Rummer and holiday, give Innumerable par ties, but 4he matrona whose more for. tnal entertalnmenta give eclat to the octal acheme of the aeaaon, are atay. - Ing away long after the usual time for returning The Indian aummer la drawing to a has y eloae and ao far the partite have been Intermittent, the full tide of teaft reeeptlona, dlnnera, card partita, and dance having not arrived. Later, perhaps, the round will begin and continue without cca aatlon until Lent, . Fortunately there are few weddings with, the attend ant complimentary ieaa and ahowera, Which can be depended upon to en" . liven an unuaually dull period. The more advanced pupil of the Aahevllle Hchool of Music and Dra matic Art will give m public recital Wednesday afternoon at 4 30 o'clock In the Auditorium building. The pro gram InCIudea the Beethoven Sonata, Up, 10, No, 11, for the excellent play ing of Which itim V. A. Sumner won the gold medal offered by the achool at the recent competition and decided toy a committee. , Ml Helolae Car roll will again ploy the Hcoteh Tone poem, by Macdoweil, for ihe Interpre. tatlon of which aha was awarded the ullver medal. The program la aa fnl. Iowa: ' Sonata, Op. 16. No. 11 .... Beethoven Mlaa F. A. Sumner. Illusion ... . .. .. Prdla Mlaa Margaret Wlllendef. Come Unto Him (from the Measluh) . . . .. . , Handel Mlaa Imcy Vance. Berenata i. .. , Mosxkowakl Mlaa Anna Iogun. Tend reuse Did In Mine Margaret Mlllender. I Know a Hill Weltly Mlaa Lucy Vam:e. Scotch Tone Poem . . . . . Macdowel Mlaa Helolae Carroll. The Hhakeapeare club wail entcr- " tAlned Battirday evening by Mm. Mary Valden Williamaon at her realdence on Merrlmon avenue. The club la at preaent atudylng "Hamlnt," having recently completed "A Winter's Tale." Among thoee present were Mine May ' Klmberly, Mlaa Uaah, Mliw Hoeale An demon, Mlaa Alexander. Mlm lon. Mlaa Edith Andcraon, Mlim Kugonia Rowe, Mlaa Francea Kuttlo. Miag Au gusta Anderaon, Mlaa Carrie Dchartle, : Mlaa Sarah Johnaon. Mlaa Cora stock '; ton. Mlaa Spann, Mlaa Mabel Mlllrr !. and Mlaa Reeae. J J Vt. and Mrtt. Kodney Ituah Swope t 111 give a reception Thiimlny even-j jng at the rectory in Klitmore, t which the membera of the church - have been Invited, N Invitation other , than that extended by Dr. Swope from the pulpit. Sunday to the connri-n- HANDBA(j5 AND PURSES uik i arc rcbl tienttd! in our alok will Afififal to your Aff.,. of yoot) taAtt atol natj;K your 4irAirc for aomftihe) ex, luaivr. TKcre Is mur.K jivraity of 4ciH"i Ai". ftcj fliao! in ii( Kil Walrus, patent leather, ieal, ria.var calf. (tt. Pur ' "i " " ' A few Mark CrAS imborteel I-rtli bf)"i &i( uhiotnmohly M. V. AlOORC iSMART rURN13HIN(i5 1 1 PATTON AVCNUC i i ptn n n .t n li :ia I ' ". I li. I iiim h.i i i .i(J Is ill att ftl'l I lie i,l i ii , 1 1 . l li i-' a 1 1 M.ilihiitl.iii i"ia i- al Hi. ijrancl up. la (IrlH III 1 ilp.v i larat! ,am h.iufi I In area .iii.l will Imllllxe in "I Hot i olI'.'B,. ."OMRS dul iliK 111. ;li In. II Is , i, on il.ai tin- i nliie i hoi, I lurim mil en inahse and I ho lions, will ne . nl a decidedly military a."ieet with tilt- Idia; unirormw of II' i inlets. Mrs. I'Taiieea llayriex of New Or leanfi in BpendlnK aevcral weeks at tl.c Battery I'urk lintel Mia. HayncB Is a proinincnt anc.lety woman of New Orleans' and was a MIhh I'oiteyant lf- fore her marriage. Mia Maude Klndil left .Sunday for her homo in Naehvlllc, Tcnn., alt'T a aeveriil niontha vibIi with Air. and Mr. Allen Ktndel. Mian Alice I irnnimond leavea short ly for a several weeks visit to friends in West Ashevllle. Dr. T K W. Ilrown has gone to New York for a fortnlfrht's trip. Mrs. Kdward Mttlmore returns to Plielhy tomorrow after an extended Vilt to Mlaa Adelaide Porter in Hllt niore. Col. Hcymniir Hchulhoffer of Aiken, 8. C Is in Ashovllle for several day on business. Mr. Ijpnn B. Humphrey of Charlotte la In the elly for a few days. Mr. Kufua Woodcock is In the city for a brief atay. Mrs. W. rtadellffe who has been the guest of Mra. Brown at the home of the latter on Oak atreet for several months line returned to her home In fttchmond, Va., accompanied hy Mr. Rlidcllffo who haa been In the city for a week. Mr. and Mra. M. lul who have oc cupied a cottage In Albemarle park fof several years have given up the ci-ttuge and Mra. Luti leaves shortly for her home In Mississippi to spend the winter. Mrs. .1. F. Kumaey and daughter Elizabeth have returned from Wash ington after an absence, of three weeks. Mra. V. It. Vlckerv arrived yester day from Wyncote, Wyomina. to visit he parenta Mr. and Mra. C. V. Ilrown In Weavervllle, Mr. H. H. Rend of Louisville! Ky., I In Aahevllle for a few days on bus iness. Mr. Thnmns 11. de Forest of New York Is In' Ashovllle for a short stay and Is at the Hnttery Turk hotel. Mr. W. H. cruginml of Chlenan Is in town for a short stay on huslness. Mr. George Tt. Koyal of the South ern ml I way la In the city for a stay of several days. Mr. J. W. Austin of Sparta, Tcnn , la apendltiR several days In the city. Mr. and Mrs. 10. J. MeCnrmnck of Now Yolk art; auesla at the Hattcry Park hotel for several weeks. Mr. S. C. Ttouls Is vlsltlnK Mrs. l!ou!i who for a. number of weeks has been vlsltlnK Mrs. J. A. I,ee on Kltnt street. Mr. and Mrs. Itoula leave shortly for Jacksonville, Kin. Mr. William E. Kreeae. Jr.. of Itre vitnl Is In the city for a slort stay and Is nt the Hotel Hcrkeley. Mr. Joseph llarklns of lltlahurs. Pa., has gone to I IcndcrMonvlllc after visit of several weeks to Mai. and Mrs. Ijuvrence Young. Mr. and Mra. William Johnston. Ir . who are on their wedding tr!: arc ex pected In Asbevllle the hitter part of the week unit will be the guests or Pt. and Airs. It. P. Johnston. crrtK a com in m; i.y. InJ-n.tAXATIVK UUOMO Oulnine I ablets. liriiKelsts refund mom-v IT it tails to cure. K, W. liltflVK'S sig nature is on each lox M'W to 20.00 7 tts. to 2.00 IN ASHEVILLE SMITH'S DRUG STORE PEOPLE CRITICISE MISERABLE SCHEDULE; asiii:vii.i,f: i.osks hi:.vii,y hy thux si:i(YKi: to ii,oiui) CltlciiK Say that Intolerable l.nwnei., III oluiolila Arc Not to hi Toleriilcd. The editorial ii, Sunday':) Citizen calling attention to the 1 vtraordln.n v had schedule niiilntaineil by the S011-thi-rn railway between Jacksonville and ANhcvlile and iiolnllug out (lie Itnmedlatn need of a better train ser vice between the two cities which fur nish so great a part of the railroad's passenger business met with hearty commendation from cllizcns yester day. Fight months In the year. Kail. Whiter und Spring, a sclmlule is maintained which totally disregards the Intercuts of a great volume of travel and affords a displeasing con trast to other (ruin service furnish ed by a great (southern road. Travel lers arriving here I'rootn the South ex press their astonishment that such a schedule Is permitted. Jn the first place, there is but one train dully be tween Jacksonville and Savannah and Columbia where connection Is made with Ashevlllc. The northbound train leaves Jacksonville at 9 o'clock cen tral or 10 o'clock lOastern time and reaching Savannah some hours later, subject to tings at every cross roads, arrives in Columbia at 7.4,', o'clock in the evening. The train carries the Jacksonville. Cincinnati ptillniau The train Instead of coming on to Aahevllle remains In Columbia until 7 0.", o'clock next morning, a useless wail of nearly 12 hours, and does not reach Ashevlllc until L'.IO o clock in the afternoon, L'N hours are thus rctiuircd Tor a trip which could be made in 12 hours less time. doing South the train makes 11 t ri ll'1 bolter time. It leaves Ashevlllc at 4 o'clock In the afternoon and la.es over In Columbia only II hours and so reaches Jacksonville at i o'clock the next allernoon. These are Ihe trains that tourists In Florida desiring to reach Ashcville must take and the only trains avail able for people from tit.- West who desire to si.ii in Asloville before go ing to Florida. Citizens yesterday asked If 1 1 1 re could be any more effectual evidence for keeping from Ashevlllc that great volume of tourist business which is involved in tin Florida travel? The consensus of opinion was ex pressed by Mi . ,l V. Moor,, w In n lie said. "The Asheville-Jacksoin ille Ham service Im an effectual bar against ... per cent of the business which would naturally pass hetvvien the two places,. I'diple who go to Florida to spend the winter wish in n great many t as' S to stop over in Ashcville hut are confronted by the certainty that liny can reach New York or 1 'no lunati before they can gel in Ashcville. Those who have to lay over in Columbia all night novel again willingly make llic trip. II vvi.uhl be hard to say how much Ashcville loses l,v tins execrable train I'viiT. It is a marvel that 11 exists. " Mr. Moure is Known as one of the most cons, Tv a 1 1 v e ffusun .1.1 men of the city. .,t is conservative is Mr. I-'. M. We.'iv. 1 w h.. when ask.,1 bis views said: "1 , 11111111I nnticrsl and why the South, on i.iilway permits jou-li a m In dole 'I'll, navel between Florida and Ashcville is heavy and it Is haily mil right I" have su.-ji an 1111- fluilatcd train service. It is unjust to siievill, ami it seems to nic il is un just to ihe railroad itself The South ern Seeks 111 .sllmnirr t.i hnihl up this Florida business by g,.,d scln . tub s Inn for It to maintain a miserable schedule for the I . st of the year Is fiillv as great as that of a matt who advertises for a time and Hun lets the effects die botote advertising : 1 1 1 v more." RICHARD CROKER NOW IN FLORIDA. IMl.M HKACH. Fla.. Nov rilchard Croker, former leader of Tammany Hall, and a party of friends arrived yesterday from New York Croker is pleaded with the progress of work at his new place on the oast side of Lake Worth. Tie will move In aa soon aa possible and declared ho will Slav here ' all winter and spring. Croker refused 10 comment on the recent election In .New' York. IMTOR-ELEET WINS OUT iN RESjW; SUIT in ;,,.,,.i i,s 1 1. ,1111 vif- '".i"1" ' " tioii ( 'onunission Has Iccii S(iiiislic(l. MF..MPH1H. Tcnn., N','V v Molding that his court was without iuiisdic- i Hon rhuncollol- Hclskell today dis- solved the injunction which lie bad 'earlier granted to former Mavor J. I J. Williams, restrnlnaig the Shelby 'county election commission fruni dc- livcrlne; to Kdward M. I'rump a cor i tillcale oT election to the ..ffice ,.f I VI ...... ..T Mt-rl,it, lf 'Cl.i, ..leetiiitl tOllk place Thursday and Mr. Crump had a plurality of seventy-nine votes over Mr. VYIIIIairv and throe other contest ants. Mr. Williams' attorneys announced their Intention of flfirrvlng the con test to the Clrnuh court, charging that t lie votes east In a town recently admitted Into tha city Incorporation were illegal. ALDRIGH TO REFORM U.S. CURRENCY SrSTEM So Declared Before 'the Hunkers d' , St. Louis Yesterdav. ST. lil'IS, Mo, Nov. S. With em phasl.s even stronger than he used in his Chicago speech. Senator Aldrh h made it evident to the business nun of St. Louis today and' tonight that il Is his purpose 10 devote himself for the prenent Willi especial single mlnd cdnes.s to the line work of reforming Ihe niiTi'iu) system ,,f the Culled Slates. He spoke briefly today before a limited gathering of bankers at the Noonday club and more cxtcndedlv tonight in. the presence of tin- full membership of the Commercial i'luh MEXICAN GETS ONE YEAR FOR LIBEL. NF.W Yit:K. Nov. S.- Carlo IV Kornaro. Journalist und caricaturist, who vva, convicted last week of crim inally libeling liafael Kcyc.s Kspin- dola. editor of Kl Imperial of M.x!- Cilv. was sentenced today to one year's imprisonment . The libel was uttered In a recent hook attiuking the mlministr.11 ion ,.f President Diaz. The hook was pub llshed in Philadelphia. ni:i:i. i'ostponki". I'll, .11 moii, m of . lodge Stevens, the conns, I for the d, f, lulant In the suit for damages lor Ihe opening 0! Tempo alh v the hearing was posi tioned until Ibis allernoon at three o'l -lot k the col)!'! will ItlOVc to the scene of tic trouble and with Ins book on a slump and another .stump for a sen .Magistrate James will pro ceed to h-i 11 t., the evident e. About tvveiitv vviin. sscs will he called. Our Mother's Joy will produce natural sleep, no opiates In it to make the baby or yourself nauseated. Hay's Hair Health Ne vcr Fall te Rretort Grm?' Btr to Ha Natural Color and Beauty. Stij.ii lailirn .sit.uut, iMisiiivfiy removes lodruft. lanoia Uyr. K.-tufcc all substitutes. f!.0U ami 51V ll'tiles.hv Mailer at PruinflMs. Sutl X . utauip t aiv il ltv Hair. I'ni'.illiiv C Clinton St., "enr1i, N. J. SORE THROAT often leads to something- worse, (iomin's Preparation ;ivcs iiick reliel lor sore throat, hoarseness, croup, coltls and pneumonia hy destroy xoa intlaui mutton and con ization. Keep it in the home lor emergencies. External and ts.-nc-tr.uinR. $1.00, 60c, 2oc. All drutyrista. Qood Values in Oar Teadij-io-fflear department We will sell our capes today and for the balance of the week at greatly reduced prices. These capes are all the rad at present anci this will he a first-rate op portunity to purchase one at a low price. $12.50 Capes in all colors will be sold for $9.50 $25.00 Silk Lined Capes in all colors are priced at $20.00 We unpacked a shipment of black heatherbloom underskirts yesterday and will sell each. We also received a line of suits have been marked very low for rapid selling. Suits in black and blue, lined with Skinner satin, 45 inch coat, worth at least $30.00, have been priced at $22.50. Embroidered handkerchiefs idorth Z5 Cents Are (joing Rapidly at JO Cents Sach Every Xhmzn 1 -interested una tMniifi Utiow i , .oiitthe womiurfiil ! iMARVELWhirlingSprey , .UOttf.UMYcIi- i i lllt. Jt cWtillM'B A ronr drumrtM fnr it. If be fiaonuL .uuuit tlie it K M V : L, ii i'tpi no oUht. bat ami! .Uintu fur lltll.Lrtted tiUk ft.ftle(l. It fftTC. full n.rtimlitra aoit tllreeuoiiii in- trulual.lr t turtles. MVIllfl.lu, . 4 1 t.iU:ldl,f,'l,MiVH()WV. ITavc you over heard of tiie. purchaser of a Sticff Piano u regretted l ion ! is sciee- no, i f have and when it is eoioadered how many of our pinii'i.t ail- in use in the I'nltid stales today, thin makes a rec ord Mich ;im ;lny 1 II a 11 1 1 1.1 e t I It' C 1' imirIiI to lie proud of. There ui .i isl ,,ne point in the , un slructinn "f pianos that is riulit in everv detail, and wo believe we bav e i at hen it Won't v on let us show you vvhy vvc ihink Chas. M. Stieii ManufiK liner of (lie Artistic Stlcfr. Shaw, nnd Stleff Sclf-player rimioa 'llic I'lano uilli the Sweet 'rone." Southern Wareroora 6 West Truilo StrcMH Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WILMOTII, TtfauagvT. (Mention this paper) 'Royal Line" of Morris Chairs V' now carry Hit1 Moiris) ' Iiair on 1't'atl aloiil ,soj llllli'll. "Voll tollrll lilt' lllltloll '(' (1(1 I III' l''st. BURTON & HOLT g Watch for the Oriental Itaar! tt Iv. n f, '.c .1 ,, - ., Ill , l ' 1 '" XI I t heanlil'nl lin,. ,,!' .l.i,ane:e Sill; tt KllHnll.lv. I 'li'liV l..H.'s. I'llV )- t ian Silver S. a ' s. M ei. an 1 ra vv n w ..1 K-'. en .. ( en,, in and mc tn, s.iinjdes now. Ml. City Stationery 1 Company s II. M. Nnhlklan. Prop. H a: I'nllou Ave. ik-laJMUV, '1 m.i a t' f ,ri,,,..- ar Milk lieeps Longer W'lien It i, i;i.sl"iirizi-i!. ri n -1 lh;tt iinci-.sH invnrrs it.s jtiirilv and whcilcsoniicnoss. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. Kiit Walnut St. l'hnne r,:,4. Auto Gloves i Drivers' Gloves Car Men's Gloves. They'll Keep your hand ron( nnd warm, long Kuuntlot.i. T'rieos ."01 cents to $1.50. O. E. STONER Co 18 S. MAIN ST. aUMUiulkaWJkAla FIRE INSURANCE. We furnish the llnd that Kives the liitul of tire insurance v. nu want in cold weather, M & W Indian Coal Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company THE POCKET NERVE Is the most .sensitive nerve in the hum. m body. This is one nerve von v.mi will fore,! vim have if y.,u hue your optical goods from iih. Eves examine, i. i rames nited. l.enaes his. F. K. i.m: simx im ist i, IMP-1 1 liiliuiiior niil;. New Rubberized Coats and Capes for Ladies $10 to $12 Now line oi' Tallin I.incns. 12 in. Damask in lioau til'ul pattfins at $1.00 and $1.25. Napkins to match. Plain an.l Fancy link Towel inc.- Voni 25c. to 75c. ya. N'cw just in. lJi- assortini'iit oi' Fact' $1.50 each. Slendiil a'ssoi at 50c. them at $1.25 up to ' and coats These I'.VIM.KSS IE'TI.STriY N'ovv Is the time to look after yojr decayed teeth saves jialn and worry duiinjT the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charfce for examination T'ricea always reasonable. Dv. Matthcn-N' Dental .Parlora, or. t'ollcKc una Spruce Ms., near 'the Court House oriht! l'lionc (MO, fUl-tleiii-ci Pliomi 72. La Greeque Corsets Style, Coi nf oi-t and Fit " 'Beyond Comjiare. GREENE & CO., 12 CHUHCH ST. M. WEBB & COiWANY Milliner lmporten No. t Battery Park Plac, Fkou 1044 Our Holiday Goods Are Arriving Daily Many pretty things shown for the tiiHt time in nn Ashovllle store, fall and see them. MISS CRUISE, " H.ywoi st. UUtt.Al.VS IN VNREOEIiMEJX PI.EDGKS. i - Phot Guns, Riflea and Piatoia of all makes und description, they are un redeemed pledges. We rent shot guna and riflea by the day or week. Leather Goods and Trunka la Our Specially. II. Ii. FTSKfcliSTElN'S PAWN & I,Oj. OFFICK. 13 South Main. Kl'ound and complete line of Optical GARDNER. 3i am ivcTri:iiC opticiaw Cor Cluinb St. anil Pal tun Avp.. , Towels tVoiu 5c. up to tincnt of Damask Towels'