1 at tuk AsnKvnxr: citizkn. Friday, novkmiikk. vi. m. lA M m mt an SOCIAL t& PERSONAL Invitation I- H.. vsolding 1 Miss rlorcmc Wciitlic.b ami .Mv. a. nis Wstull hlh huvi' Al. nml Mrs. Jriiiuj received I" the ill In I'll I'SII.'U 11V Weathcrlv Win.' , . rtln.v L Ihe I,'. Til.' friends "f ' n SoillIK I" '1 Niiv.'inl" r ""i ,.t nine o'clock :it Mir r i in or the brldra par. nt. t'eth street, Ulrnilii South Twill- ham. A l.i . After ,i...r hi A r. .mil Mrs. n'uui will he Hi 1 1 . i in in slnsjlh Mi" Weather! i" ! 11 kn-.wii I" Ashevllle 1-T' Mill h,.H llsilcd ill. my t!m-K. tin-l Ik Ih.Ui .n H.v mid nttinc tlv. Mr Wcstall ;IH kIvi-ii ii runn ing Bend-off W. dncsday evening at tho Dutch supper g'vcn l..v the Tub-keofii.-u Hub. I'll" u.mt 'im an nounced I Miiiu.liy evening, t ow ing tn uiiCirs.'.'n cit citmtiu c wn postponed it nl 1 1 Ihe Inter date. Mr. Willis ! II. ii"" decorated tin; Invlta tuns with original mid purtlnent car icatures. v J Tin' Mountain Meudows Inn cloe abuul December 1. although there fire still ti number of (UHU ut the inn. The warm w wither bun pro longed thi! eain and has tiuw made hinchnon and dinner part lea uoimlble. A dinner tako place thin evening at Ihe Inn which will bo attended by sev eral people who ar prominent, wu'IhI- ly and other will follow until the end of tho aeaon. Mr. Charle Malcolm Piatt oritur tainnd Inst evening at her residence inn 1Prnph Uronil uviirlilu with a din ner. Lars Pink chrywinthemum handaomcly decorated the table. Mr llatt' guenit wore Mr, William Htm ry Htirrlion, Mr, an I Mr. Junius (i Adams, Mr. Theodore V. Molloy, Mn Rufua Woodcock. Mr. and Mm. John Acee, Mr. and Mrs. Weorire O- Smith Mr. 3. Harvey florton of Philadelphia, Mr C. F. White and Mr. perry Cobb. - J The wedding of M1m Huminnt Hen nlhif of U)Ulvlllf, Ky., and New York and Marqula Antolns de Charette of Pari yeatprday at St. Patrick' cathe dral, New York, by the moat Reverend Archbishop Farley, will arouae more than pamlnfc Interest In thli attite, Mlae Hennlng la one of tho moat beau tiful woman In society and cornea of a dlstloftulshed family. The MnrquU de Charette'a mother waa Antoinette, daughter of the late Andrew polk of Tenneawu, whoee a;ranafather, Thorn ai polk of North Carolina, wa one of the algnera of the Mecklenburg dectu ratlon. The dletlngulshed Bishop General of the Confederacy, lt,eonklH Polk, was his great-uncle and through the Polk he Is closely related to the kite Jurm-a K. Folk,' of Tennessee, president of 'the United Htatea. Ih North Carolina ' his relatives are scarcely teas tiistiriguiahed, his' ma ternat aunt. Mary Pol.,, having- be come the wife of the eminent statesman-jurist and cabinet officer, Oeorue E. BadRer, while still another aunt was the wife of Hon. Ooorite Davis of Wllmlnitton, attorney Kenrl of the Confedwaey In President Davis' cabi net. One of hie area! uncles wut Oovernor William Hawkins of North Carolina, ills rolatlvce In ItulclKh IncluiH' the MudKcis, lluwklne, llny wooda, iHrunche, TIokim, iJevnreuxs, end other prominent fiimlllcs. An telne, Murtjule d Churetto, wns born In Perls In July, 1SH0. Il Ih n mcm hir of th(. famouM fnmily ir thi nlil French rt-Klmc, belnM descended from KlnK t'hnrli s X. J J The YnuiiK Women's Ausillury nf . the First BnptlHl churi Ii will bold a meetlnK In the lecture room of Ih. church this evening nt 7.;io. All mem bers end friends lire reqiiesl. il tu In prewnt ,1 The meeting of the w nim lu.ii.' mlsslonnry Koriely of tin, I'nui Pren- byterlati rliur.li was held yeslurdity Joined by Mr. Will Nnrllmn afternotJh at Ih. r (nl.l.mec of Mlst.be iib.n nt tevcrnl weeks. Children's REEFERS and COATS at 20 per Cent Discount Friday i and 1 Saturday Only 'fcvU- tfl-.-V, MOORE VOMKX'S AND CUILDKUN'S OUTlMTIKIt. Ailu milium. In drove park. The me. linn was niii- of the most lni. r. hIImk ever held by the society. Dr. Hinlth dcm-Hbod In detail the wmii l,e- ing carried on by the in, me iiiIshi.hi In the North Ournliiiu inoiintnliiH. of the orphunntiea iinil ormuilzuti.ui of churches In the different counties, etc. The address Was lull of Interest to IhoB.l eneguKcd In the mission:, ry work. There w;i.k ii Ui rm, uttefiibinee and the nieelliiK wim most bihch-.i nl ItefR'uttinienls were mciaciI a f l i tin tlleetillK. J .4 Mrs. Theodore I'". Imvi.lxon . nI.t tain with a luix lie.n n.mnn.h, ,. her hiimo on LllM i'tv Mlreel. J ,4 Tho bowlluR t u i'ii h in.'ii r viil I., continued ot the ,Mu noi l lii ev. iihik Tho club bouse will in conilno.lnli' tin UMtlii larKe crow. I, iriiicliiillv tin friends of tho.te who ui. I , m 1 1 1 1 k Ii the tournament. . Tile mixeil loiirsoine yolf lo.nini ment will be eontli .1 tomorrow nl lemoon (It the 'mi li t r i lull, nml will be followed by tin . 1 1 1 1 i miiicr par tics. Mrs. J. I. Alexjinder Iihm lulled in H H I Ions, fur n hrl.ltje inirtv to In Kiv. ii tie! TuesdUy uflernooti lit the Hal tery I'ark hotel in honor of Mrs. W Ashley deVVolfe, of New York. Mr and Mr deWolfo spent n. port : I oat winter here and will pciid mv era I weeks hero tit iinsenl. A, lurge reception vviis given Insl night In Ulltniore by Dr ami Mrs Rodnoy Hush Hwope to the member of All Houl's parish. The limwu ( wns beautifully decornteif wllh cut flowers and a foliation was served. ))r. W. l. Dunn who Is attnndlne. tba automobile rnces In Aatlnntu Is ,. .e. led to return to thu city Hnt- urday. Miss Marlon Weston of Arden wns In town yesterday. Mrs. Beekman Lorlllard Is at Moun tain Meadow Inn for a short stay. Mrs. Walter 8. Hurt who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Jllbert T Rowe, returns today to her home In Arkansas, Df, Mil Mr. Martin L. Steven left yeterday tor Ohtna Urov-- in their automobile, Mr. Kemp Alexander who has been xlslttns Mrs. U. T. Itovve bus returned to her home In Marlon, N. C. Mr. K. if. Valentine of New York la In 4he city for a few day tay. Mr. ,1. Lindsay ltoss of An. lei son, H V., Is In the city. Mrs, Adrian liegeman of Black Mountain Is In town for a several daB visit to friends. Mr. James A. Gallagher of Indian apolis Is a guest ut tho llnttery Park hotel. Mr It K Osborne of Wayneevllle spent yesterday In the clly. Mr W. W. Ziu hiiry or Hrexard was in Hie city yesterday on hl toliirn liotn Marshull court. Mr. J Harvey llorton or riiilailel pbiu Is a guest at the Manor Mr. Dorton lias not been in Abbeville since bis visit hern some years mho. Mr J. II. Tucker left yesterday for ,'reenv ille, t V. on bUHtuesH. Mr. Ketnliirl Norllitup iimn to Now York Inibn nml 111 ( ire. -usher i will be He will Tliost1 i-oitts ;iiv I lit' id mi h' went lii'r cii'i'iinistaiii't's. 1 1 is no I'liiill oi 1 heirs thai they are saerificetl, fur they are the newest, ami best of ihe urade in the market. It's "Maine the wea I he man " for ns and t he mat s : it's "thank the weather man" for yon t lie niv liasee. lie has sef-ei us fnnii the Spring liottle when we e eetetl Kail lle liei lie. Thei'i' are over a huiidre 1 of these children's coats in coienhaeen ;ni( nnvv hhi", ln'own, wine, cardinal and shepherds plaid: and the prices .."). ihi to .flO.oo arc now reduced u $4.00 to $8.00: sizes 'J t. H. We lia'e ne'er had a (let ter assorted nor hetter qnal it it'd stock of children's coats than these, and it hurts to sacrifice them. 'The weather has been warm, and we can't blame you for not 1 1 1 1 1 1 y; be fore. 1ml you can blame yourself now for failinir to Krasp this barii'aiii opportu nity. Winter is inevitable h Miner or later. 11 Jk'ATTOM AVE. Mil II ll IBM W '" 1 I a n i iiiiiusi isiitti i - nmniiimiiTiiwiiii i nn h in n m inn unifiiif M iriinrir,J In disorders and diseases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bath ing are the babies' remedies. Scott's Emulsion is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their di gestion. It is a wonderful tonic for children of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. Hnd 10".. ninin nf ,nrnil thU iwl. f-ir i-nr huilllt,il H,lr,ii H,.i, k n,t CI.IW" Kk.'lrh. Book. Kah hank'-enUlnJi allo-id l,uok t'our. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pesrl SL, N. Y. .Mis. M. I'hll.-r ol A I , 1 1, . , 1 1 1 . ll In MhlllllK Mil. Waller W liases at II) I, on of lb, 1, 1 1 1 -1 on Asin land ao- II lie. .Mi Tin nous 'al.lH.li who ..inn- u for lb. .Mooin-y game bus i. lurn.-d b 111,- Clns elHlls ot T' lilli "nee ,,! K'llux sill,. M r. I 'a Id vs i II s. as fol 111. I Is a I lllu: hn m. Mr Wa II . I la aeh win, i . I . I b Mo. nicy name Ii.i.h ..liutied t Kn., s ill.-. M r I ,.-a. b in a lain . i '-a! s of I '. ri liss I va n I a in a 11. Mils Sara .1 H I Mis- Lillian W. its er is ill all . a. I I he Tha n k.-Kis -I'lK .Ian.,- ill tin l'ui',.1 Us ,,l ...nh ( 'arohna. MIsh Mainoi L. w Im ha," i.turneil tl olil K Ihrec week.'.' si-It lo lli'll.l-- and reia lives In t lie I ;,cl. i n pa 1 1 . d lllc state. Ml'M. TllOinas Sellll U eXpelteil lo return from l'hllailelihia lomoii.iss after a Severn I weeks s isil. rresl'dcnl Kdwnril 1'. (.'hihls of Ihe Normal iiml Collegiate bus gone to New York. I)r. nil. I Mrs. .Innies A Sinclair lire altendlng the automobile races in Atlunta. Mr. VVIllli'tn A. Itexford has gone to New York. Mr. Ollio Itiiilil is expected to re turn today from Atlanta. ABANDON EFFORT Tl THEREI Prosecution Will Contend That She Was Merely an Ac complice In Crime BELIEVE MME JAPY'S DEATH ACCIDENTAL Insists That Mme. Stelnhell Desired Her Freedom so She Could Marry Lover I'AlilS. Nov II -'!'h, it Madame id inlicll, aided bs Home unknown ac oinil, e. iiiii'r.leri d her husband so is to obi. mi In r I reedoin to ss il the vsealth.s and llllatllaled Manriii llor- lerel, but t li.it the kllliln; of In r se,. inntber svas uiiir. nn ihiati ,1 ami in l els a ll In. -hi. -nt to the 1 1 a n. .1 s . l.i the theol'S of (lie stale as outlined lis I'r nil nioll, . the ,nuli;e a.lsocal,-, otieninv: the iiri:uiiuiil ol lln iiihs 1 1 1 in n this a t ti rnoon In I limn, lnl strait-. I M l . II I o destn ra I loll bs In r lul l u -il alt. I ilonicstn- sllllaliotl. tin llule,. Is I.- . . intended, .Madame Stclllbeli m 1 order. I a sa lor ss it b s bum i, . rid of her husband, sin- could ' i in blMll ,s as ss lie, il p.i.siMc. o llll-ln-.HI SeekllUi I" sinntlate 111 r.iihi. niauin r thai In r husband bad I'l .n assassinated bs hurejars. ss h . ! ail IhuiiI'I .'lid iniKcil In-rsi 11' and b.-i si. pin. a hei In ai mn-d. I be del emla n' had l.l.'iicbl Madame .laps lo In Icon. , hut ill Ihe les. rlsll haste tin land l in; , . I I In mother had le-cn hut d. on- ,. ml tin mm d.-i ets I ou ml In i L ao s h. n Ihe slas uu; o Sl.-inhe,, had i accomiilishcd, Wii- Not I'l'lnciiial. Tin- lud';.- , i. Locale admilled thai ill. i rime . .1 pa in ule did n-U a linear I" be SUllici, HI!- ,S,,, lilislicl. bill be as ,. in s i n i d i i II, .1 h, ! hi.'- Ihe uisoin-r b.i l and bad assist lis ,1 P' Ut. I. an.-. I hi M lb- Val M il- r dei larnllotl of I'l ' si. llln; in.lu, , I II,.: in he sv.ml'l s: ell er 1 1 . 1 1 the a, , n,. use I" : -u . t nil s ih -Iloll "1 Hi'' . '.Ill plilit V " -1 Tins , is I nl t-i prcl , i 1 sUL-.s le.L, rn. lit lb.lt the evl as an deuce wan ii-' s i ib, i. ut i o maintain the china'..- thai Madame Sleinln'il was tin- pi hi, ip.d .,u, that then r.o ,. il e SS i 1 1 1 . i 111, ! - ' 1 In I , , ill s I, t i , 'II a - all a ccinn pi ioo Her I'l lend- Testify. TbroUMhoal iln- i ii si i i ii l; arrauiu mi-ill tndas tin ss.. man sat ssllh bossed head d'je, I el Is Untied in her arms on Ihe rail The estjmeus ssas restrict ell lo statements l.v a I . as tl lends of the dclcpdanl, ss In. , onsnlered In i tneuprthie of eritlle A lawyer. 1 Calsanl bs name, ssho ssas an old friend of Madame Stein bell. described In i as a veritable angel of love tosvard h. r liushaiHl. and de-oliii-cd Unit her entire life had been a heroic t niggle aalnst misers,' eir cumstnnees The judge mis m ate will collcliul, his arguihent tomm-row arternnim. M. Auhln. counsel for the defendant will , follow, and a verdict proliabls will bo rendered on Saturday. FASTEN MuU JWIDOW ! Excellent Showing of Kimonas Is To Be Jj) fof)) 1 1 HO Found Here .CZySry VJJp QMi4sUVel -VUwWl fWwWhhw wwwtawQ STILL ANOTHER 111 She May , In- Able to Tell What Became ol' Half Mil lion He Embezzled. -C CINCINNATI, .. Nov. II. -The mystery which enveoies the relations of Charles I Warrlner, the defaulting local treasurer of the Hig Four rail road, with tht? two women and a man svliom be assert hae systematically hhK'kniailed him for several scars, svus .leeiH iied late to. las ssh. n It ssas leu riled from one of the railsvas of -IIcIhIs thai another woinnti. vvh.we name bus not been previously inen t loned. was Involved. Tllirt (iftieilll. Who illl.s been .sill-chilly detailed to Investlgnle tin- i;i:; imo sliortagc. confessod lo by Warrlner, nt ut .il that tho woman who cut, is as a uesv factor into the case bad. ic lar us be knew, no criminal . .nine, tnni tli the emhewslement, but could kiso Important information in r.-Kanl lo Ihs rilsi.osal of the stolen in.nu s lici name hnj been given to I'r, ' a. ulor Hunt and she win probubis I.,- suhpoe. lined to tipiiear before the kuui.i inri, f-itlOIGHT ,'t IDIM s. IT.ie.ht train No. I'b'i Inn Toasy;i holds the records I bap.s during the past ss , , k tunes en mute from Like Tmi.i.i. ,1 ; has met wll h an accident. Tin lot ; of these three oeeni rcd W . -I m . .1, s ! night at llluntyre when thr. n. igbt , cars were overturned. Tin s ss . i , I. p heas s ss ith lumber Tin d ac , I b.ns ever, did not Intel i, i . vviib i !, passi lister service. ' ( P1I.KS ( l ltKI) IN TO II li I'A.O OINTMKNT is uuarant.eil la', cure nils case of Itebimr Mini I or Protiidtnu Pflea in lo I I d..v . r mones- refunded. I'll. A girl may mean to be 1 Y ever so polite, hut she just can't help look- mg at tne name on a uo. of candy. Be sure it is the right name NUNNALLY'S. In polite circles it is recog nized as the candy that is always acceptable and always good. A fresh supply always kept by RAYSOirS RPO STORE, 31 Ptalon Avenue. 'None Like Nunnatly's.' THE POCKET NERVE Is the most aenwttlve nerve in the htsimni body Tlii. Is one nerve you yu ssill forget you have if sou leas' yon- ,,ni,al ipiods from us. Kyes exainiiiml. Frames fitted, Lenses ground am! a , oniplet,, line of Oiuictil F. K. GARDNER. EVR SPECIALIST No. 9-10-11 Pr humor Uldg. Jhe Celebrated Qage f mmmwmKjtttaa Wj' have ;i lot of standard il.oO Novels which we olTcr for 50 cents.. Mt. City Stationery Company II. M. Xnlilklaii, l'rop. 2H I'utton Ave. PAINLKKS DKNTISTRY Now lg tbo time lo look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry during tlie cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain -No charge for examination -Prices always reasotiahlo. Il- ' J" f ' T U l. Dr. Maltlievvs' Ocnlal Parlors. Cor, College and Spruce st., near the Court Hons' (trtlce Phone 919, Hest dence I'bono 97J. Battery Park Greenhouses. I I.. .'-bill I . i ns I'r.. in la,- op. Calms and de lle.h-.e pi. ,, i la .. m i .1 J :. "a Ici lis lor di; h 'talis, pi, i nl. Id Hell pel I o 1 1 v , , WALTON & McLAIN i KI-iMg ,nv as a b.vi nl if ill Tui k ish '" k. 1 peisoii holding the . k s ,in Ol b' l-. 'lll'istltla-. V" a ip I ... Ii: Ullli esery dollal -il spend S' il !i I In ui, I k in lln -II ss in. Las lu-ne I , I ",. I a s Main SI. all and see ,,m- UrW stock of BELT BUCKLES AND PINS. MISS CRUISE, - M""""J s ALL COAL IS BLACK L:,' all -'1 . p.. i satufa, loi-s from a :'! l- : ; -nil, M&VJ Indian Coal 1 s - , ' a -1- , . n t i a i I ,n bums .. i ' lasts .,nt!ei' than a ny ' I In 1 , a I. i'hollc i ;;a. Carolina Coal & Ice Company P''MW'';li.Wi.ij.ig,'fy' CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS MAM T.MTl'RIN'G OPTICIAX Cor Cluircli ISt. and Pattou Av. mm ats at Very Special prices Our entire line of (lago Hals will be jlacod on sale t(day and tomorrow at minced prices. Oage Hats are known to all women who arc familiar with the very best styles in Millinery. This w ill he the first opportunity tho lftdU'S of AkIic villc have had to buy our Millinery at a Special-Sale. We are sure they will take advantage of it ay thy ah ways do 0iir other sales. Don't wait until Saturday to ur hat, for the one (lae Hats a' re beautifully trimmed and the , prices ran' from the verv reasonable to the more expensive. Note the reductions THEN COME IN AND BUY. ' $8.00 ( la -e $5.95 each. $10.00 (Jafre priced at $7.45 each. $12.50 (iagc Hats are priced today and tomorrow at $9.95 each. $14.00 (iae I lats are priced todav and tomoriTW at $11.15 each. $20.00 (Jae Hats are priced todav and tomorrow at $15.95 each. $25.00 (jage Hats are priced tot lay and tomorrow at $19.90 each. Take The Klcvator Kor The .Millinery Department. ; La Grecqne Corsets Styte, Comtort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 12 CHURCH ST. M. WEBB & COMPANY HUllQer) lmponm No. Battery Park Plan, houa 1044 TRe FASHION 16 PATTON AVE. PHONE 520. Asheville' s Newest Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly it 1 1 ITTKKS i:.(M SIMU V TO l, YIU,S, MISSIX AND CllIL-IHtKN.- - An uiieiiualed shnwiug sshn-h will delight the eye of every woman. There is nothing bit to he desired everything ill "..men'.-: need has been ins rod h.r.. COMI-; I and sc., the charming eolle.-lion nl pretty Suits, i Viil... Skirts, I)resS,.s, Capes, k'urs. W aists. Silk I'ndcrakirts. I nderss ear. Hosiery . Olmcs. Um brellas. Cass. Necksscar. Hand Is. r. h nl s. Kinnmas, Corsets. Ssveat- crs. V. il.-. and V.-ilinu'.--, Ib Us, lull bin of notions. The I'riivs arc ino-t modern Ic. Iridiiys special iudin'cmeiits are: "" I'lLIc lull in Ibis' a lirla' Heavy Klldn-d Black Hose, all si, s, sr.c kind, for J i,'- ,r. be- la hi,- full of l-'lan n.hl lea and Knil.roi.lrr.-d Floral ITiiler skirts 7,V kind 37- each. TRe FASHION (INC) 16 PATTON AVE. I PEERLESS? Columbia Knit Goods Sweaters for Ladies' Misses and Children from oOc uji to ;,. Crochet Slijers for ")c. air. Crochet Shawls at $1.00. up. Misses' and Children's Legins at oOc. Stockiinr Caps at 2")c and 50c. Also a full line of Columbia Varus. If you want the best thei-e is in Knit Underwear, buy the Munsing Brand. "We are agents for itj' :;V.No-higher-than the ordinary; kincC ; , This Is Our First Mil linery Display. You Should Attend. von want may be Hold. ats--handsomely made, will be sold for I lats, t rimmed by expert Milliners are BABY'S HEALTH AND LIFE Pepenils on the purity and quality of the milk you feed it. We supply pa-steurized milk that is pure and wholeeome. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. East Walnut St. Phone 554. , - aik s, n Ls. lia r iriia mi nts, and a nl'iiim.wnn

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