THE SUNDAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER: FAIR. PAGES ft TODAY VOL. XXVI. NO. 25. ASHEV1LLK, N. C, SUNDA V MOKN1NU, NOVEMHKU 11. VM). PI i ICE FIVE CENTS. HUHBIREB PERISH IN COAL if IMPRISONED IN SHAFT BY EXPLOSION, FIRE CUTS OFF FOUR , " WhyNoi? DOCK ATI SHOf ALL POSSIBLE WAY Four Hundred Miners in Poisonous Gases of Burning Mine While Comrades Try Frantically to Reach Them SIX RESCUERS PERISH IN TRYING TO SA VE COMRADES Utile Town Scene of Confusion as Wailing Women Wait at Shaft For Their Dead CHEKRT, Ills., Nov. 1". Mln - llrlaki of the St. 1'iiul foal company mine, where an explosion Occurred today say thut four hundred men arc dead In the mine. ' Twelve bodies have been taken out. Six pf this, were heroes not employed in the mine, who gave their lives in a fu tile effort to save the Imprisoned workers. Mine Superintendent Janus Steele declared Ave hours after the explo sion that It was almost impe visible that .any of the .miners still impris oned .could escape death. The mine had a day shift of 4s-i men. Of thes fifty left the mine at noon. Twenty-five or more escaped after the fire broke out. The others are believed to be dead. K4eue tninoHMililp. "The entrance to the mine hu been sealed up In the hope of checking the flames. The building above the pit entrance was blown up to permit thig, JJespltS" the; franettc efforts' of "the officials ana the scores of volun teer assistance In the little town of Cherry it seemed amured ut six o'clock that only bodies of the dead would be taken from the mine. 1'n til tomorrow morning when the cov ering will he remu.ecl and rciciu -rs endeavor to penetrate the smoke and gas choked shaft tlx- fate of the miners cannot be learned. CAROLINA DEFEATS HER OLD TIME ANTAGONIST W. & L. (iot's Down t Score j of 6 to 0 in Annual Con- ; test at Newport NYws. I PRION CI AMES TIKI).. XKWI'ORT NEWS. Va.. Nov. 1::. The I'niversity of North Ciuclina de feated Washington and Lee university lure today In the annual gridiron battle- i'etween the tn universities by a .-core c.f to 0. The game whs one of the llercest over fought on the local Held. It was a dclcnsive ame cm Washington Iind Lie's part, and she 1 ut up a masterful tight to keep the a mgressi ve tar heels from crossing her (foul line more than once. Caroli na kept the ball in Washinx'-nii and Lee's territory practically the entire came, and in point of (ground gained should have scored two more touch downs. Washington ami l.'-c deserves great credit for holding Carolina at the cine yard Hue. Washington and Lee has one of the strongest defensive teams in the South i s in evidence by the game- today and the 3 to 0 defeat by A. and M. last Saturday. In today's same Washing ton and Lee has had her full line-up tor the tlrst time in a month and ex pected to win from Carolina. This (,-ame 18 the athletic event of the year in Newport News, and the merchants association offered se veral years ago a beautiful cup to the winner of n se ries of three. Since that offer Cnro-S-rt Washington and Lee have played tie names, and the game today gives Carolina the advantage on thi contest for the trophy. The stars for Carolina w-e Porter. Hidden, Crosell. Oarrett. Thompson, i R. A., and Venaide. Aldcrson and Hrnwn played strong games for Wash ington and Lee. and the whole line was n tower of strength at th" goal line. This is Carolina's last gme be fore the great North Carolina-Virginia game at Richmond on Thanksgiving day. All eyes In the state are now turned toward the magnificent inter uifuwn -' cj i-i'i.ri in-ii ii - (Continued1 on Wse tiirre.) Caught in Bowels of Wildest Excitement And The lire causing tin- cxploulon, which mav prove one of the great est tragedies In mine history, had-an origin trivial. A pile of hay was allowed to smoulder too lung, finally Igniting the timbers of the mine and before the workers realized tin ir danger the mini' was Idled with smoke, gases and llanies and all exit was impossible. Heroes Died In Vain. Heroism .aich as Is rarely exhib ited, was shown by officials of (he mini' ami residents of the town of Cherry. These iin-n, who were out side the mine when the lire originated contributed live to the list of twelve known dead. Alexander Nc rherit. a pit man. gave his life unhesitatingly in a tutile ef fort to save those of his comrade.' who risked their lives with him. Standing at the bottom of the .shall he carried the bodies of four men into the cage, the only way of escape. As the IhsI was carried In he fetll across the hodv. lie Was dead, an were all his companions when the cage was lifted to the top. Those who had gone into tin with him were John llundy. mine su pcrintendent . John Flood I'M the and Isaac Lewis, a merchant of Cherry, and John Farinchto. Or. W . Lowe, a' ian of the, city who had sought to go with them.i HAY COSTTHE LIFE OF ISIl'S STAR BACK Left Half of Team Taken from Field in Dvinpf Con dilion from Injuries. TOW Eli OF STJ.ENOT WASlllNTI'i '. Nov. 1' - An le t ' c hristian. b it half b o I., oi -be I n.t 'liill team ol" the rniversitj of Virginia llo-s lu a iimicu 1-011111 nun tonight in 1 1 he b-orgctou n uniM-rsity hospital as a ri-sult "I inluries suslaim-d in the Virginia Heorgetowu gam" this after noon. The physicians ho wire at bis bedside- say he is suffering from oni-nssion oT the brain, complicated with hemorrhages in the cerebral tis sue. At midnight the physicians in charge- had little hope of his recovery. Ills mother and brother. Andrew Christian, are with him. The dying plaver is from lite-hmoiid. V.i Tin- accident, it is expected, vrlll result ill a cancellation of all the re mtelnlng gntnes scheduled by both universities. The injury of Christian atul his re moval from tin- gam' we re- drane.etb in t be e-xt re-nie. Christian was a towe r of strength for the Virginia team and more than half the time he was given the ball to earn Wo'- were his plunges and bis bue-king" of the line that Virginia won the game- lev a score of 21 t" l Th- player who contributed most to the vistory. how ever, was unconsi-ious whi n the cheer ing rooters for th'- 'del I'ominion te-am began their piu-an "f victory when the referee blew his final whistle The- game was won -1 to 0 when the young Virginian sustain i an in iury tei his spin'- and hail t be car ried from the Uriel to the univcrsitv hospital The tirst teeiichdow n e ame after some hard playing and was rmidc by Vancey. the captain and fullback ol Virginia. who also kicked goal. Crorg'-town caused some excitement with their right halfback. Carrigan nuntf' a thirty yard dash. Shortly af tfrAards came the only siu'cessful forward pass of the gamer by Sltte-r-Hljng. (Jeorgetow n's right end t ut th- hall was again fumbled by Oeorge town anel went to the other side fjeortfetown'w lYetiuent Ifumhles of punts proved costly to their team, the eipposing usually recove-ring the bnl!. OF ESCAPE The Earth Slowly Die wax thrust out ly Rundv. h cluimed: "They will ni we get any one. I you at the top If No risking your life down here." The physician vainly noughi snsclate the men when they were car ried to him a few minutes later. He said they had died of suffocation At the enl ranee of I he shaft a scene wan cniii ii'il suc h as is seen only tit a disaster of this kind. Hun dreds of screaming we. men, vecping children and friintle- but helpless men crowded eltemi the p!a e. Slight Hope Left. A few survivors were surround' by groups of the women and the an swers "f these men to the loudly shrieked Inquiries only added to the terror of the women. Almost (o a man the survivors declared that there was no hope for those still in the mine. Almost two hundred of the meii Imprisoned, thev declared, were In the third vein, the only entrance to which was from the second vein, almost live hundred feet from the main shaft of the pit That those of the men who were aide had retreated to the furthcriiiii.-d ends oT the veins was the Atutement of the miners on the surface. There they might huddle together gasping What little oxygen remained In the scaled and burning mine and praying that the rescuers ndght reach them before It was exhausted. The most hopeful doubt that more than a few scorn will be found ulive when tint aid comes. Tin only men to i.icape were those near the main shaft when, the tire stal led. They declared that 11 care. lea miner had thrown tt torch oil 11 - mtllfllo of ha.v used to feed the mules stationed In (he mine. No attention was given the smouldering hay for n few minutes. Then two miners throw the burning mass on a cart ami started toward the main abaft about ISO feel away. Ilcfore it was readied a small ex plosion, occurred and in a few mo- ( nnliiliu-el on pane four.) W MILEAND LAST RAGE ON ATLANTA SPEEDWAY Drivers Declare Track lite Saf'esl in World After .Most Successful .Mee. NO pSKKIOI'N ACCIDKXT. ATLANTA. Oa.. II. A ll b-.iigb Amerie-an aut'iiii'ibile tra'-k reeoreh were broken right ami left, the lirsl meeting on the new Atlanta speed way was linislie-d today without th' to'Vi of a life anel wit been! an injury of more i ban the- slightest impor tance. b orge L'ohrrlse.n. I.e-ls Strang. H. L, Kukpatrlek. .lobn Aiken an'l olb'-r drivers of note eleilareel lenbiy that the track is probable the safest place- In the- we.rlel. The- safely lie largely in the iisphaltum iiwil in heiblltig the c. iiieiit and dirt loge-tbe-p lllld whie-h folllM 111'- of b, trae It. The climax of the meet came in Hie- last raie todu.v. a J'Ki-iri lie con. test fell" SlOCk ' il rs WllO'll W US WOII b L. A. Iiisbrow. driving a lianlei "Filly." Th'- rae-.- linishi-d as fe,l l-ews: Firs:l. 1,'aitle r. Ilisiirem. 1' .-.-4H.:i2: see eend. Fiat. Itobeitsim , Ibirel ll'-nault. Charles L. Il!-.ile-; fourth. Renault, L. Hasle. lOleven ears elite-reel the I'entesl. but llioye- liailieel We-re the- ol eeues t' linlsb wiibin aiitliing like normal time. Spectators generally were glad I" applaud tin- vle-torv of Disbrow. a lie lias had a great eh-al of ill luck in being compelled o wlthelmw from events in which he was entered. l'p tee the IHL'nel mile Robcrt-on at the wheel ,.f a Fiat "Sixtv", secmi-il a ce rtain wini-'-r. He- vas thre'r laps ahead e,f all iihe-i- cars when In broke a chain snd before he coubi resume In- had I it fourte en miles Disbrow had been following him an-! iir.imi-il the b ail. followed by Charb Rasle in second position When Rob ertson resumed h- ujiiekly osertook Hasle. but the most brilliant kind of iirlvlng which he- exhibited and the perfect re-Hponse of his car were In sufficient in the time remaining to catch Disbrow. Robertson drerve from 13 to 15 -ends per mile faster than the Hauler man. kv.w mm AW . ;. tvMiX V. VjV lY-liVV. UK ill Jl Mr I . 1 ' ( - YOUNG MAN'S ATTEMPT HIMSELF WAS NOT SUCCESSF UL Fired One Bullet Into His Lungs, Inflicting a Seribuus Wound and Two Others Went Wild. Left Note for His Sister Sayi ng He Was in Great Trouble. Aiii-inpting- ruici.b- iir his rooin In the Commercial I shortly after ten o'clock last nitbt. Waller l-'rady. a 20 year old youth who work In the Une-eda. junch room, bred une ahot Into hill left lung, .Hid two more which parsed thi.i.igh a partition wall and bitfudecl around In tlio rotuu Of nneWhir jclger 1'rudy'a -.vound waa elresaed by lr. K. T. Meriwether who staled that un less pneumonia ensued the man Is practically certain to re-cover. Krudy wa then taken to the Mission hos pital. The euily r -a- u gi-en by I'Yaely for his act is contacted in a letter he left for his si-ie-r and ia his lirief statement to proprietor Voder when lhe latter rushed Into the room, both being to the sanu- elTie-t, "I am in trouble'." Two sliois Went Wild. Immi-illuteJy aller the alarm creat ed by the tnree- shots the poiic-i- de partment win notified by tin- propri etor of the hoi. I and nsxiiw was made- by Patrolim-n Cenlertit and Me Conne II unci c lose ly thc-reafter by Cap IMPORTANT POINT AS TO DAMAGE SUITS RAISED Kx-(!ov. A cock Says That Deiiiiai-s Musi le -'jci Acctirdiii" lo I'. S. Law. i: a i .1-; i ; 1 1. love-meir Aye I Mr Line-, has i ' luelge W It. All' -rial of soils i lamage-s HgHiii1-! .vbere the- iniui ' va nspoi I a t ion. ii- ir-t of III, I'nil'-I ow e e. , si inuei ii . leertiein to the I - -mploN' r and t ineb-r 1 1 1 - slat' i , Iges in I ase ol ' i ie-ll' e w i 1 lleellt I ' i mpl'.v . tie me- under advi i ;ove-niiir's e on!' ii' s Slist.c ille el. II -rt' I' n N'eiih ' ';i nil hi III all effeilt foj .i , H. Si-. boa rel, tlll-l-lice. ' . Nov. i :: K- leil the- Se.llioard .e e the issue- be-fore-II lure that ill the iil'vay i iiio'e. es for leill-enol !"impatli- vas in ! 11 1 rpsl a I " i mpl" '-s' 1 he 1 .1 II I Sla le-s mils! be- I'd -lio- ihmiiig" in pro : 'live iii.gligi-iie i of ,ilne. illteafl ol I--, giving full ilarn-i- employ er's llegll ie to negllgi-IU'i eel has taken tlie is i' lit. anel If the I V- ; . I for the Seaboard ! have- the clTei t e.: .Mlloll of this killel The issue- is raise''! ne-w- trial In .Lines i r iiles of "late pi ai WASHINGTON. Nov. 13 Forecast for North Carolina: Fair Sunday; Monday partly coudy; moderate northeast lo east winda.- tain l.yda. The officers found the pis tol lying on the- Mlde of the bed w-Iiiii-cover was burned by the flame from the cartridge powd r. Thb tied extend ed east and went and two shut a hn-1 passed through the wail to the north Into the next.lWJn ft(r.i,hjU11CBa,ta Lydu deduced that the inatr way lylni on his right Bide faelnir ntrth WbDI he llr-d the llrst ahot which muit haw entered his body, and then llrod I hup more shots Which passed Ihrugh the wall. The laat two shols, how eve r, wen- evidently flred directly away from the. welter of de-ath. least Me-iigi'. in his room the follow lug note was round: "This is to my elear sister: I am tired of living. I can't do no more good for myself or any one else, and am In a lot of. trouble, I love my mother and sisters, but don't (frleve after inc. ly-tui, take good care of mother and yourself. Vim can bury me at Skyland. Tell mother 1 love her .Tell all my friends I said to be goeiel. I am luit drunk. Now, lei-mi. PUSHEO HIS DOPE EIENO WIFE FROM BRIDGETD DIE Farmer Confesses That lie Sent Her fo H'T Death in a ((Jii.irrel. IMilANAI'i 'LIS. Ind.. Neiv. II The "Itleeael Itlppb- 111 J f-l cry " WHS c leared Inst night, when Kdwanl llu'T, a farui'-r aiul laieorer.,''. north of the suburb e e.iife-.Hsi-i that he threw hln wife from tin- new- slum;, wagon bridge whi'-h parallels llir Indiana I'lil'in Traction btblge between Rroad Ripple .end Ho- lliiff rarm, three weeks nil" today. Tin- ' l"thlllK taken freiiu tin- beieh of the womtilj found to Ho- la't Monday was blenti lieel by Huff un that of ills wife Ifcir olhy. alter a chain of evidence had lu-e-ii linked about him. Tin- line si igat inn thai is now going on uiav -how that a young atlortn . living Lroael Itlpjde knew of tin iTiiiribr souie- tiuif agei. uiul that, al ter i -a ut inning Muff nut to talk In case In wii.1 ari-i-sl'-'l. In- Marled (hi boll lolling that i vi-nl uiilly I'd t" the dilution e,t the- mystl-l). Ills object ae'ieieliiig to tin- theory "f the au thorities at thlii lime, was to ligure in tin- attorney for the- defense. At any rate-. Kdf.ard Muff i unfi-ss-'-,1 that In- 'iiiarrebil with his wife beiause she was an habitual user of morphine, and that he told lo r she might as well be il'-ad as to continue taking ibe stuff. "What did you a to her?" In- was aakc'l. "I !-all 'V.lll ll - . Vol! Illlghl as well be dead as to kce-p oil taking that stuff.' and then I gave her a push and he we nt oh" the e nd e,f the bridge into the- water." Tin- arrest of Huff was due In Cor oner lilaikw'll. When told that the neighbors In the vicinity "f the trag edy were eontldent that the dead wo man was Mrs. Huff, the- coroner sent a deputy after Huff, who was found working hi Kmnan'.i packing plant. Huff was taken to the coroner's fistab llshment in Ohio street, where the clothes of the dead woman were kept. M UNSUUIHSIUEAVL TO KILL please lake Rood rare of mother and yourself. Onod bye, I am now gom. thto 23th day ut NunemiM. 110. Walter Krady." Ilea itl (ironninK, Mrs. ICvelyn Carllrle, boarder at WltStMriwfirailit: tbf Un mntite iio heard roanlnr from Uv roow on thd third floor which la above hern on the seconcl floor and then thrat hots. Proprietor Voder heard tha ahola and ran to tho room where he found tha pistol lylns, on tho ' alda of tha bed where 'the cover wai burned and at onea untitled tho pollen and a physician. At the Yiinecda lunch room It waa stated that Vrady had gnno aft duty at h( iwial hour, R o'clock, and that there hurl been othlng In his conduit Ut Indlcalo that anyihlnr wan wrong with him. l-'rady aenned chtwrful and the ohly complaint he nad made was almut sulTerltiK with aomethinv like aatbiiia. I'Vudy'a relatives live near Hendor wnvllle. It is said. Wants laboicrH Protects! and Would Look Aftr ()rcsed Ad resses. TORONTO, out., Nov ::. The convention of tin- American Federa tion of Labor went on rei-ord today im favoring woman sulTraKe; an eight hour day for post office Cb rks; leg islation fur heller peotictluii of actms and iictresses from ;, ' -: rt ! m and corrupt business mi-ihods" of so-called t hen I I'li-H I employment iiHi'iii.lea; a postal savings bank act; dei-p wn'er ways projects; a cont.iiualiiptp eif the light agiilusl liiberciilnsls; the grant ing of American clllncnxhlp In Un people eif l'nrlo Rlccp and the con struction of a tweniy-six fnpt channi-l through tin- Ureal likes friun lluffa f to l'lilulh anel frniii liutTiilo to hl I (igo. Ri solullcms broking I" the e-atuh-llshini-tit of a tiatlonal defense- fund by Un- fi ele-rai inn to usslat unions In dl trrss were viptnl down. On the ground that i iiupluvmcnt agencies are uaewl its strike-breaking orRanlnitthinM, the n-i-ieriitloii will at-te-miit to have enacted national legis lation for their regulation. A resolution urging the executive council to do all In :.s power "to atop the mad i-xpendltut .- of public money for war purposes" mlrn-d up ft lively division f sentiment and It waa re-ri-rreil back to committee The execu tive council vriw authorized to make recommendation to the prealden of the United Hiates respecting appoint ment to Judicial positions. KIM.KI WITH AN A X I".. ItAYNE, 1j., Nov. 13, Kiln Ope leiiisa. a young negro woman, waa killed and her three children fatally wounded by unknown partle her to day. The weapon used waa an axe. Two negro women, whose name have not been ascertained, havo been r reited a aecorle. i ii ii m si I over Trinmg matter open Tire on rarty of Three Men And Then Run WOUND APPARENTLY-. IS NOT DANGEROUS Eye Witness Tells Story of Un. provoked Outrage Such as Seldom Happens, ro Dock akin, son -of W.-WAtkln oft 3S Mcttowell street, wim hot through tho le-it ahoulilrr laat ntalR -at 1 1 o clock by tto younir iiegroea at th corner of Ktiith Main 'and Buuthalda avenue, heltij imlnfiilly though nut aerliiuvly wounded aecordlnir to Dr. r. r, Meriwether vvhti wui-called b the llc tti attrtv) him, ,' ' ' The ti.i darkle fled mtt'vt th hiNitinv In the direction or tillttnorW Their mtiiiea ar unknown, but from th broken remark! or At kin, Patrol- man Mctintiell wha with Officer tnv terllt and Captnln !d hastened to l!he -nv ot lhK t.iuutliid polluVad h Indentltled tlu men and witl lb offlcera went to CtHytn-wMi ivlier It la auhi they live, , f , , Wateim-nt u( WIuhmk, AceordlflB tm th BtiUement of V. A. f Trenlrr whoi rmicuhat yuunger than D'H-k Atkln v.ho Is JJ yearn old, ho, 1!. Hplvy and Al kin nt down houth' Mln atreet, hi cumpanlotis inWe lendlntr tu ccompuny Atktrt to hi borne on Houthsldo bccdtiao1 th lat ter had lert drinking cottalderably. They paasiid the td dtirkh'j both young fellows, and Atkins, who cm id tu know thetn. Mid 'Vlitdto.'' John, wnrre-aro you . .BHingX'Vv..vlW of thtim tpotidet(rtiNon ttiyvtt if jiuln" (o which Alklo mad omn iniabla reply-. The mt-ttri Jrler naJd, Mopped at th Junction ot th two atreeta ewtd a the thru, whit men turned Into Roathld on a tif the . darkle said "Uon't v oini mi me" and then rtiot, Atklp wlw,'.taiigerlng fnmi ld. to ald,, ; ' t Tn-Kler said Uiat two or three ahol wure tired at Atkins and then , h; dodged - betilnd tho bill boifrd Hd M Atktn slugger aero iki tha east aldi of the (rtreet and Clutch - t a post whereullon hn ran o hi ahl. A ha did so, he H,id, on of th darkles fired at him twice, one- of the- bullets whliuslng close to In head, and there- upon they turned nd Hed toward Blllmore. . I'lrilif In t'uraiilt. s ' -Tho wounded man waa aided to ; Sw Ink's atoro when Bnina Ituilea as. slsted him to a bed In the rear ot the More. He wtt In.mucit pain though ev Idently under the Inllucuca of liquof considerably. The policemen who hi Juat returned frertit tlie eeno of th attempted atilcldo tit l''rudy made a rapid Invi-stlirntlfin and th err set out In pursuit of the darkle, Officer Men (CoiitintiMl im pnitf nit.) FINDS SMALL FDRIUNE RUSKESTOBUrS35 HAT Diseo em' JUdderi in M Hod "afidI)oeid8" to Dress Up Souk. ATLANTA. Nov. 1 ;S. Fifteen hun dred dollars found In ant feather bed which waa all that was left her by a former husband when h wa killed In ft railroad aclcdcnt, todaye brought Joy to tho heart of Mrs. Mnry "Wood man. After stuffing the money Into a pocket book Mr. O nod man ruhed to u Hlea-ee and the flrat thlnw she bought was a tllfi hat. Ac-cording to Mr. Onmlman her life haa not been a bed of rose and before she found the money In th feather bed all she hud in tha world did not amount to 20. Hhe has been twice married and la now suing for divorce, Mrs. Goodman declare, tha nent thlnjc ehe will btty will b a "tailor-made ault." f s PLAN MEMORIAL FOR DANIEL BOONE. WINHTON-KAI-KM, N. C-, Nov. H. A deed haa Juat been executed to the Imnlel lloone Memorial aasoclrf tlon for three acre of land In la- vlc'.wn count" where tho traditional site of the Hoone cabin W loctfted. The association haa decided tu build a cabin exactlv like the original, it piMwIble. and elor within R certain relic of the lloone family and pre-... serve the place. Tha lte of. the cabin I on bluff on the Yadkin riven In Boon township, near Boom;' ford and Boon' Cv. ' .