NOVEMBER 1 i, 1000. 2 TIT FT -WIN DA V CITIZEN, SOCIAL (St PERSONAL Th Ashcvill- ! 'I'" ' '' ' ' 1 fit th EaMeni Xtiir v. ill formal reception :n tin -M-i ""' 11 L" Wednesday -v-n i n r fr.nn iot i"1"1 '.ItHt pant ten 'i I'm l Ituiliiii-ns h:iv.- ? been issued M th- Mm rrii.-rniiy ' and their familim and tin- fioi,.! .unl families or tin' ortlt-r i the i-:.-t. m Star. Mm Jnli.n ItnriHi"i' i ih.iirnniri Of the reception roii.tnlti.'c, ami io- quest that thu-u- who lire elicit.!.' li ; the order, whether str-niRf is in 'n-. city or rosl.lenis, will h.-ihI then-! ' name to her at I'M rhcstiint sirn-i in order that tliey may receive Imltii-j tlons to tho reception. Those - Ik ltil arc mothers, wives, widows, sisters or " daughter or Masons. Invitations will b aent to the Masonic fraternity also. . Tha reception will lie quite an Im- 1 - portant affair or the woes nnd tho Invitation list which will lncluda tha amea of so many ah.v..... ana mrriers who nrt ellKlhle, will it quite A lengthy one. J J The Friday Book club held u very Interesting meeting the latter pnrt of the week at the residence of Mrs. Jtmw Oudger, Jr., on French Broad avenue, xncie was an unusually nood attendance and a number or visitor, preeent. At the conclusion of the pro i. grant. refreshments were served daintily. The suhjecl or tin- niccHnK waa Dryden, the English poel. Inter eating paper were read by Mrs. Al II and MUs Elliabeth Bernard. Miss John read "The Kesst or Music" en tertainingly. The next meeting or the club will be held at the Normal Col Uglate Institute nt the Invitation of Miaa Mary Johns. , . . J Th Thursday Fridge club will dls- " rontlnue Ita meetlnga until after the holiday on account of 11m duties which claim unusual attention at Christ maa and New Year. Tho next ; meeting of the club will be held after : the holidays at thw residence or Mrs. . George Calvert. .-.'t j . Mis Km ma Frady and Mr. Chiirles B. Freek were married by Itev. ailbert T. Rowe in his study at Otitrnl Meth odlst church yeaterday afternoon at 3.10 o'clock. Mr. and Mr. Frank will be at home to their friend In their new home at 873 Boutli Main street thl atfernoon. J The pupil of Mlaa lona Young no- Quitted themselvea very creditably yes terday at a public rwltal given at the studio on Haywood itreet of Mis . Young. Tha program ronslstod of songs, piano and vocal solos, and vlo - tin aolo and was well given and en joyed by a good vised audience. J J .'.''.' Mr. spit Mrs. i. 3. Brltt announce the engagement, and approaching marriage of their daughter, Ueorgln lOvsngellne, to Mr. Jame Knox Cowan of StatevlH, N. C. The engagement of Mia BrfTl ha been known to hei personal friend for several week m? waa one of aevqral rumored In this column a abort time, ago. lite promt nenee of the bride' family londv apeclal Interest to the wedding which . take place at the home of the hitter (Saturday, November 20. : . . The Thanksgiving Oorman which will b given this year by the Bing ham cadota will lie thu ilrst large private dance of the winter which It gaily open. The apeclal dunces glv- n by the cadet are proverbially de lightful affairs and the prettiest frocks are resrved for the occasions by the girl of the younger set. The German I scheduled for November 29 ; and Will take place tit the Battery Park hotel. The ball room will be I reanlendent with the colors and nen- nant of tho schoot and palms will j add to the festive decorations. A slm . pel collation will bo served at mid night Mr. Bingham, Mr. It. T. Orinnan, Mr. McKe and M's, Hnhert Cl tvftviatt cm Styles eoer all the are'-t 'd designs nf the .season, from plain tailored efforts to the elaborately trimmed. , Nothing is reserved from this discount sale; the best of the year is reduced oiie-fourl Ii. Included in the sale are a f'w evening gowns, in white, pink, jind light hlu Altogether a splendid buying opportunity. Monday only. M. V. Huii.'I'.iiii will i ii.ip' r.m' tin- le rnian h w III be "lie "1 I lie preltl, M llf- fii ii f I he '-r ; i h " n 'I'Ih diiuee .ro Kr.'im.t will In , li.irai b null" iilly liulici-.iiih- .in.l mm . i;il iniisie will be plaed l. ! he "Tt lii-stra. The miii' I luiimniii' l ull tourna ment was continued y.-i'ii i'lay aftt r m mo at the Cttuntiy luh. The usual lurce .ilteinliin. e prevailed and tea was served tiy Hevrlal meinl.el'S ol the club. The followlm: srores were made: Miss KtiKeiila Johnston Mr Junius fl. Adams, gross handicap IS; net 4.1. Miss Nnn Meade-Mr. .J. E. Rum baugh. r.o 0 r.o. Miss Klennor V. Morrison-Mr. J A. Ilurckel. D5 :i r,2. Mr and Mrs. II. V. .Seymour, til S r.;i. Mrs. Charles H. Jordan-Dr. (', II Lambert, 58 H 54. Mrs. Vance Urown-Dr. ('. fl. Jordan. 67 ft r.s. . - Mr. F. Flaxlngton Ilarker will give the usual organ recital thl afternoon at All Houls' church, Blltmore, arter the G o'clock services. Tha following program will be given by request: Kantasle, . Hanctlsslmal .. I.ux. Ijirgo Handel Wedding March rrom Mid Hummer Nights lream Mendlessohn J J There will be a meeting or tlie ex ecutlve committee Monday evening af 7.30 o'clock previous to tho rehearsal of the Musical Art society. The Amateur Musical club will In the future meet every Thursday ar ternoon at 4 o'clock at the Y. M. C, A. Instead or Wednesday. It having been round necessary to change the date or the meeting. The Womans' club will hold its nil-monthly meeting tomorrow after noon at 3.30 o'clock at the resident' of Mrs. Charles Webb on Merrltnon avenue. The play of "Much Ado About Nothing" will be read under the lead ershlp of Mrs. Charlea 8. Jordan who bus selected the following cast from among the members of the club. Benedick ..Mrs. William Redwood Claud In . . Mrs. Charles M. I'latt Don John. Mrs. Charity Busk Crulg Antonio, Mrs. E. Elliabeth Bolton 1eonctan . . Mrs. George Jackson, Pon Pedro, Mrs. Mary C. Robinson Hero . . Mr. Carl V. Reynolds Margaret .. ..Mrs. Jmhti II. Carter, Beatrice . . . . Miss Ida Hamilton, At the meeting of iLho executive com m'lttee of tho Musical Art society re cently, It waa decided to close (he momberMhip until after the first oon cert. The dat of the concert I ho near at hand that it waa found ad vlsablo to pormlt only those member to sing who have rebearswd regularly and eontiiiimimly In order that full luallee may bo done tho music and the director. Those who passod the ?onimttto on attendance will bo hold In abeyance until after December, Owing to the limited Healing capacity or Clio Y. M. C. A. auditorium, tickets for admission may tie aecured only through awsoelate membership at two dollars. This sum entitle the holder to two ticket to each or the two concerts In December and February and will nlso entitle the associate member to first choice seal for the spring festival Negotiations are at present pending with an orchestra and soloists or national reputation and U the citizens or Asheville will support the undertaking there Is ev ery reason to believe that Asheville will receive a ralr degree or musical fame. The subscription lists are In the hand or a number of business men. Our Monday Special is a 25 per cent Discount Sale on Dresses l'aii.iiuii, srrgc, trifot, MiH'ti.-in, raslmieiv, broad i-lntli, iiioin n 114 1 silk: Colors raisin, grcY, laupo. bronze, Uivi'ii. reseda, rose, nutiueg, Mjietihaneii, navy, smoke, wisteria, erimsoii, jjiirnet, blaek. atul sliepberds plaid, full raup' of sizes for niissep and women: riees run si:.ou (,, . MOORE mill Die members "f the 'intu cumin 'it. " I lie iiet V . 111 II' III 1 It. !-. lit' I III' I !.IU inf"iiu.Hl iili lumii'i hi T'ir-,.i ji in i Mi,. hoM' -at h, i ' dei'. oat i' mi Mnrtl)inl ih'Imii I ii I , r- I'. 1 10 x'i 'Ijij v.i ev il id. ly at .i' nn kiwii . nre ,ni Liberty . llr. l Tin Were entirely "I i"i I ' Mrs ... i.t w.rj's Km t were, Airs ,i -thui I. lief". Mrs. JaniiM K. I'olialK. Mr-. iMillit Id Milliard. Mm. It'idm Swope. Mrs 8 1'. ItaM ni l. Mrs. I mtl M. m'k, Mrs T. nch Cole, Mrs KiIm.ii HiiKlit. Mrs. Iiiiik M. limine. Mrs. I: T (liiMViin. Mrs .1. II. Mar tin. .Mis. Chariest M. lb-ale ..f Ardeo. Mrs. M. Davsson, and -VI I'M. ( lukley ercsidelit Wllllaln I- mis I'oteal ol vv,.L.. i ,.r,i ulio has been the itunl of Mr. and Mrs. RUIdirk on Chestnut street durinn the twentieth anniver sary celebration of the V. M. C. A returns to Wake Foreaf tomorrow. Mrs (isiiir Rmather or Clyde is In the city on a short visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thorpe who were recently married In Toledo, ., i re spending their honeymoon In the rity. Mrs W. 1). F.lklns of Winston Ha I em will arrive the first of the week to vVslt Mrs. Thomas Rollins. Mr. I!. II. Emory of the Mille.v Rlce Paint company who has been at tending the races In Atlanta bus re turned to the city. Miss lleulah Jamison ol Miullson county is visiting mends and relatives In West Asheville. Mr. George 8. Boul or Jacksonville who has been In the city Tor a short visit to friends has gone to Baltimore. Mr. Arthur Alexander or Little Rock, Ark., Is visiting his sister Mrs Qllbert H. Morris on Ashelund ave nue. Dr. Wexler Hmathers has returned from Atlanta where he has been at tindlng the automobile races. Mr. ami Mrs. Newton Andorson of the Asheville school are In Philadel phia for a fortnight's trip. Mrs. Rosa I, Uuckner has none to Paris, Ky , to visit relatives for sever al weeks. Dr. W. 1,. Dunn Is expected In re utrn from Atlanta today where he has been attending the utitomoblle ra ces Miss Therese Chilton of .Memphis, Tenn., Is visiting Mis Florence White for several days and will later go to New York for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. T. 1,. Madison and son. Master Harold, who have been tailing Mrs. Madison parents have returned to their home In Hallsbury Mis Grace McNaughton of Cleve lend, ).. who has spent the summer in Asheville left yeaterdny for her home. Mrs. Robert Bingham of Louisville Ky.. Is expected in Aslicvllle the latter part or the month. Mr, ftufus Hunt or Hylva Is in Asheville for a several daya stay. Mlaa Alyce Melton will leave next week ror Washington city where ahe will visit for a Tew week before en tering the Georgn Washington uni versity hospital for training. Mr. J. K. Sugg returned yesterday from a trip to Atlanta. Mr. A. K. Gordon of Baton Rouge. L., I visiting Mr. Gordon who has spoilt several months at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. W. Graham hnve gone to Atlantic City where they will remain several week Mr. Henry' T. Duncan, sr.. and Mi Henry T. Duncan. Jr., of lioxlngton Ky., tire In Asheville for several days Mr. and Mrs. William H. Streeter return today from New York where they lutve becii for several weeks In onncsilon with work of the Chlblrens Mountain Homo smioty Mr. and Mrs. Stricter took to New York a six year Id ward of the society who under went u delicate operation for a clip- pled foot. Miss WIiik of Monti-eat Is .critically III at the Blltmore hospital She was brought in from her cottage at Mon tnt Friday NEW FIRE HORSES CAME YESTERDAY Two new horses were added to the fire department equipment yeeterdny replace Ijimi and Frank, who were Id last week Yihidk. and spirited, IS'), hands hijth and weighing: about IC'.'S pounds ach. tho handsome dapple Rrays were the center of attraction in the lire house and many admiring- com incuts w ere made w hen thev were ttarhoil to the white hose wagon. Chief Wilson said that the horses otild be named Vrank and ,11m. They were IsniKbt for the city bv l'"r win Patton. who ohtained one in At lanta, the animal looking- llR;htly lighter than its mate because it has just come out "f pasture. POLLER'S 1 $25.00 BUSINESS SUITS Slieak for themselves, stvles that are rialit and the latest Patterns that Impart the genteel look and Insure shapeliness long; after the Ilrst sea son of service. Judge by uny stand ard you please, they'll prove them selves, lietter place your order now If you want one In time. F0LLER, The Tailor Patton Ave. FOOD FOR A YEAR Meat 300 It Milk 240 qtl. Huttet 1 00 Ibv Kg 27 da- VegrUblM 500 Hit. This represents a fair ration for a man for a year. Rut some people eat and cat and grow thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuit able food. A large size bottle of Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing properties ten pounds of meat. Your Phy sician can tell you how it docs it. 1 Oil BILE KY ALL UBPUOIS1S Hn1 10c.. same of Mkper vl ttiU -l fr our lnutif u i haviusf Bfik and ChtM' Hkitb lkx,k. fcavch bituk c-nUlai ft OfXMi Luok gVnuj. SCOTT A BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.. New York DR. ROWE PREACHES FAREWELL SERMON TtillW II IS ,.gT MININIKATIO.N AT CEXTH A I, Will t onic Hack After Conference for One hunduy But Cannot He lletnnicd III', (illuerl T. Rowe pleaches Ills last seruion today at Cuniral Method Ist church a matter which will be deeply regretted by the congregation and thu numbers of .it I'l. Howe In this city. Dr. Howe has been pastor of Central church for four years und his term expires today by limitation of the church law. The Methodist conference convenes Tues day at Hickory and will lust until tha fnllowiiiK Monday or Tuesday. Almost the last announcement r the i fer- ence am the appointments of the pas tors to the various new charges. It will not bo known therefore until that lime who Dr. Howe's successor will In-. J)r Howe will preach two week from today nt Central Methodist church as a visitor arter attending the conference. One of I he largest congregations of the year will assem ble today nt Central church, in tes timony of the esteem In which f I - re tiring pastor Is held and to hear his laNt sermon as pastor of the chun h The following musical program has been especially arrunged for the o cusion : Morning rkrtl-r. Organ Prelude, Lewgcndc ..Hustings Anthem "Break Kortb Into Joy'' Vincent Solo "Consider anil Hear Me" Winder I'nstlude Smart. Kvenlng Hervh-e. Organ prelude, "At Stvenlng." I. Buck. Anthem 'Veal- Ye Not. o. Israel." Splcser. Duel "Hark, Hark, My Soul" N. vln Miss Ki'iinett und Burnett Jordan Anthem- "Now the Day Is oxer." Shi -lie ! A Cure For Consumption j Dr. J. 1awrence Hill Is Artuully Cur lug Coiihuinptioii, llnmi hltN. Catarrh. Astbnui. and All Tliroat and Dung Trouble. He l.ladlv S'iii1n A Trial I'tu-kage H Mail to 1rove That fyven The Worst Cases of Conmiinptlon Can lt yiUckly Curi'd At HoJiie. Jackson. Mich., Special. A re markable announcement, based on positive proof, has been made by one of the foremost specialists and physi cians In this country. Dr. J. l-awiencc Hill. Kveryune who has weak lungs. Ca tarrh of the Bronchial Tubes, .or Ca tarrh in uny form, Chronic Bron chitis. Asthma, chronic Hacking Cough, loss of llesb. Night Sweats, Hemorrhages, soreness or pain in the chest or tinder the shoulder blades, or any deadly symptom of Consump tion, should send for a trial package of Dr. Hill's New national Itemed)-. This treatment quickly checks rurther progress of the dlsense and produces new resisting power, appetite, flesh and good health. All throat and lung sufferers should till out coupon below and send at once for a trial package which the doctor sends by mail pro- aid. Trial Treatment Package Coti llon. Mr. .1 ljiwrcnce Hill. I "J" Hill Building. Jackson, Mich I am suffering from throat .mil lung trouble, so send me voitr large pack age in plain, scaled wrapper, thai I may try it and see for myself If It will do what you claim It will. I enclose L'Oe tn help pay for packing, etc., and ns an im id. 'lice that I am not M-ridiiig for the trial package out ol i. He curiosity- Name Addict. CHICHESTER S PILLS WT- v TUB IHMN BRAND. A 111 1 in Kr mw jk'in, HfOlM with TsliS a1shM. lk-BrHJL Aik ror Til I- IklVMOND Hit NO ril.l H, f..- icA tttrtkionuBe1.!lt. Alv K elrt I 01 D BV CVRUfifilSTS HtRVWHI PF Bit RlW-in. V Bur f mp v 4'IIErv.TFB Ixi Grocque Corsets Sty?, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 12 CITTTKCH RT. TRe 16 ass F A5HI0N 16 M WEBB & COMPANY MJHlacr Importer No. Batter? Park Pkanv Phon 1M BABY'S HEALTH AND LIFE Depends on the pnrily and finality of the milk you feed !l We supply pasteurized milk that is pure and wholesome. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. Kant Walnut St. f'hone 5!4. rAINMCSS DENTISTRY Now 1s the time to look after yoiir decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge for examination liices always reasonaMo- Dr. Matthews' Dental Parlors, Cor. College and Spruce Ms., near the Court House Office Phone 019, ltfd ilcnce Phono 972. 1 ALL COAL IS BLACK Hut all coal is not satisfactory from a fuel standpoint. M & W Indian Coal Is ..ver V." per Cent, c.lli.otl. burns readily and lusts longer than atiy othcr coal. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 11 I Special Sale of Ladies Suits on Monday Our Kntiiv lin' Suits will bo put in this salt- iit r nt.. ()f (iit'-foui'tli otT i-t'guliH' U'ic's. This Means Our $15.00 Suits at. $11.25. $18.00 Suits at $13.85. $20.00 Suits at $15.00. $25.00 Suits at $18.75. $30.00 Suits at $22.50. $35.00 Suits at $26.25. Slight Charges for alterations. W have just received a new lint' of TaMe Damask FASHION Patton Avenue Asheville 's newest store offers for Monday shoppers Good, Better and Best made long Coats for Ladies, Misses, Children and Babies -all sizes. A Manufacturer's Entire Sample Line which have been marked extremely low for quick selling. llfi'c i.s a splendid chance if in need of a Coat to se cure right at the beginning of the Winter Season at greatly reduced prices. Patton Avenue We have a lot of standard .$1.50 Novels which we offer for 50 cents.. ML City Stationery Company II. M. Nahiklati, Prop. 23 Patton Ave. Kye Sss Inli-I o. 9-10-11 Mini r Itblg. Big additions to our bi& stock have been made since Novem ber 5th, giving us a superb line of proper goods at proper prices, not infrequently below, the market. That's all: H. REDWOOD & CO. ' '"SHESUIREUF; NONE y i. . i ijiit. - - .... j . .1 i.-v 51 WJ0NEmRpH0NE5,6 ASHEVILLE N.a 52 2Z ; WALTON & McLAIN . Are giving away a beautiful Turkish Bocker to the person holding the i lucky number, (iiristnias. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look in their window. Phone 1515. 19 S. Main St. ; Plain and Fancy DUTCH COLLAR SETS SOc to $1.25. A new and pretty assortment just placed in stock. MISS CRUISE, 27 v st. THE POCKET NERVE Is the most sensitive nerve In tho human body. This Is one nerve you will forget you have if you buy ii.ur optical goods from us. Eyes examined. Flames fitted, lenses ground and a complete line of optical Co oils. V. K. GARDNEIl. Manufacturing OiMJclaii dr. Church and Patton Ave. M 0 DERNHBW5 rt'diictiou of L'. or for tho Holidays. VOMKVM RAXalENT, 1 1 PATTON AVB. t

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