THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. llulh.'K, Ulld Winni than 1-u.t l.i- - 1 1 , CLEANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS t OF FUN IN THE OLD NORTH STATF x i lroliflc lit'Kumo. I ' i will! The Concent Tinn ' t . 1 1 - ..I . uM!,,r iijat t uiorcil uoniaii lumuii .laio- l'i u who I'lnnlnc," I had bmn tu Ju t tinmen Ji.Jilrun ol whom live un liwm;. 'M. Minna '! 1 he living urc: John Willlo Wadu!i Parluj Tea. Jaif : I.uivhiii J',! h kivi lih-r I-JiIi'Ikc Pea. Sumucl Khlrige I.a.'l Mrnvrby pea. Oeseral Wanlilnviun .Tim Jnru-B IVi Harnh Kllzulnili Sti pin na J-.iui llanna Pea. Now If the whole pud of peas hnd lived nnd t-n i )i hud been attached to Mmol Itko these how far would the dictionary of i.hristlun names liaai gone? It would bo interesting to know what the others were mimed for it 1 easy to soo thai Aunt Jan.: tvhs getting near the end of her llji of cognomens when die got ns tar na General Washington Jim Joins Bhe took a brnce on (Sarah Flltnheth Stephen John Manila, but how much longer could she have kept op lb fttrulnV It'll iirnhnhlv IiihI an ui-ll thu other eight Pen died In Infancy fr thoiiKht they could never have lived down inch names as theae. HAVE TO PAY WELL TO BE THANKFUL I II WhM.IMM. hi: osti.v will, mis vi:k I'sch of Conference. I n rln, mil J'ri HH. a new pul.ll iii Hickory, In Vol. . 1 . i? l"i!'l - ni.ut'ti In tiy tin IIh niiibrH thl follow iiiif: "'mi: uf i. ur lii-Ht liniiHiati'. M pill three hens op In fatten for conferem-'-Her husband asked her why she- was KOlin? to kill them. Hhe said: "Th-y are not good layini n, and I am going lu Iwt them enter (tic ministry." IT. if. A Sanguine Mam. A witness on tho stand Riving his testimony as to tho character of an other person said ho was a very "san wlne" man. The judge wanted to know what he meant by "sangwlno.'' "Well air," replied the witness," he is man who has plenty of money to morrow but not a blamed cent today." Durham Hun. Never Made lllin Nick. Two tall, gaunt men, apparently from the far back mountains, wero "taking in" Charlotte last week, under ths car of some local chaperone, and rod on street can fur tho first time. They grabbed the seats and held on for life at first, until finding- theni etlres still living and all right, ono mid with relief: "It haan't made me Ick ylt. Bill," to which the other re sponded: "Ma neither." An I'xpciiHivo Itlrd. i. E. Inivls of Diddle unlvcr- Hlty In Charlotte Is nut (jlven to festive habits so far as Is repnrted, but Inst week a sini(lc bird ' ,,si him J2S wilh mit the iiccunpaiilnii nl of a "cold hot " The professor went out in Mecklenburg to shunt and after a hard day's tramp, succeeded In Induc ing In ono lone partridge the "death J'hc last b-KlHlature c losed Mecklenburg to partridge hunting and as the professor was returning with his pitiful game, a game wurden spied him, spied the bird, haled him before :i magistrate and collected the fine. The bird was afterwards sold at nuc lion for is cents. Prof. Jiavls thinks that tnero is something fuming to him for that bard diiy's work I'i'i -.Idem 'I'm ft Probably Hud 'Mile Mini! When He Wrote III ITot'luiiiatiuii in Sterling Silver at Cost NEW CHURCH PAPER IS TO BE ISSUED '.f Appropriate Tune. WheJi the band waa playing on .the : square (or the lot sale Tuesday and it tu t food band and mad godd muslo the strain of "Nearer, My Ood to The," floated ooi. on the air ' "That an appropriate tune for thin affair," aald a bystander; "they're tiling lota near the cemetery." . - " Wfll Soon Know. ' 'A cfttcen of Turnersburg township, r. who had soms trouble collecting a dfbt from neighbor, 'but who at lait : . aoliected It fater threatening to resort ,. to loiral' 'nthod, was asked for a "receipt from the birth of Christ to' , the death of the Mavll." Tho oltluon aforesaid waa in Iowa lost week trying ' to And out if the devil was dead, if not whin that event waa 'expected, so that he could UnAe his receipt acoord .. Jugly. ,Bo fur aa la known he in yet In the darir. although a good many peopla would be pleased to know that f event had occurred or would occur aoontAndmark. ; i ', 4" Too Literal. ,' k little glri, aged three, had been ' left in the nursery by herself, and her i brother arrived to find the door closed j The following conversation took place; i "I wants to turn In, alsalo." "But you tan't turn In, Tom." "But I want to." "Wall, l ee In my nightie gown, an That the three divisions of the Kplseopa ohurch In North Carolina have United Hi forming a new paper will be reed with Interest by tHb Epis copalians of Ashevllle. The Journal 13 to b printed In Wilmington and has Its associate editors and managers distributed In 'eaclr district of the state. The paper Is to bo called The Carolina Churchman and will be Is sued monthly at a cost of fifty cents a year. This paper will tnke the place of the two papers now published In tho state. Tlev. E. N. Joyner or Bilt mora Is editor for the Ashevllle dis trict, and Rev. A. D. Meares of the same place Is business manager BE IDE TU (Continued from page one.) among the members of the oonferenc to learn where they will be sent The only one of the larger appoint mente In the conference which must receive a new pastor at this session of the conference, on arcount of the four year "timo limit" is Central cnurcn, Asnevtiie, hence in the gueaa work going on among the preacher the Aahevillo church is, aa 11 were the strategic point." An Item of nd filed Interest In this connection Is the report that tho congregation of Con tral church will add $500 next year nurse says little boys mustn't see little to the 1 2 , 0 (1 0 salary which fl has girls In their nightie gowns." been paying for tho past several years After an astonished and reflective When this Is done, Central church Hence on Tom's aide of the door, the will pay Its pastors a salary similar miniature Eve announced triumphant- In amount to that which Tryon stree ly: "You tan turn In now, Tom; 1 church, Charlotte, pays, which church looked it off." fNnliii of Ufc Resurrected from the grave yard toraI charges present pays tho largest salary ut present of any church In the conference. Tile laymen or the different pas at conference tt lournaliatlo antlnuttlca the follow- especially Interested In the Ashe ins naaJm of life la r.mllv worth keen- ,vlle appointment; tho Ashevllle lay Ins alive' men, naturally, are very desirous of "Man that Is born of woman Is 'securing un ahl0iman for the place, rti.ll trtrtntne. n.l few In the hill in 11 m,,n w" wl nicct the different re Infancv ho is full of colic and cntnln oulrcmente of the largo pastorate as tea, and In old age ne la full of cuss 'r"a'' ,r ''" "lid who will j u..JL.ii likewise prove the "right man In the 'right place" fur the host of Words and rheumatism "In his youth his mother taketh him across her knee and sweetens his life with her slipper, and when he is a man grown the sheriff pur uetb him all the days of hla life. He Spread eth like a bay tree, lln get teth into office and his friends cling to him like files to a aiigar barrel. He rwelleth with vanity, cutteth Ice for a time, but is hewn down nt the next convention and cast lulu the Bait box and his name Is Hi mils. "Out of office and out of irlcndx lie soon goeth busted ami li'lh il iwu in the cow pasture beside ihe slill wn lers of the brook, lie dicth oul ! the world and goeth where it's warm general conference. More than once the Ashe villi; laymen have been seen walking toward Hotel Huffry, where llishop Atkins Is being entertained, and that he Is the object of their iiuest Is not lr. bo doubted. THROUGH SLEEPER TO NASHVILLE hi "Memphis Limited" leaving MorriMown b 2b p. m. Lave Ashe vlllo 2. Or. p. in., arrive Nashnllle 2.6S a rn. Dining car for eupper. W. T, Rogers, T. P. A.. N. C. and St. 1.. Ry. nonvllle, Tenn " M oore s " announce a rare showing of furs for this season. We do not recall another year's stock as varied, complete and val ue full as this. If you are at all interested in furs an inspection repay you. will surely SquiiTt 1 ;t martin: M;u in sal 1 1 i;i!m '(liiircl: in. nun . anil I'lMiitt'd I sian paw; nny; mink: I'iriii li i .il: III: and faraml. in all sizes t,( M-panuc m . rnp or pillow niuff. and scis .lllil .1, I 1 : I'.r . ivnx; I ijcrrs Single $120.00. There arc pleaso most pieces $5. on to ('(. nu; Sci- sfls.iHi also sunn' fastidious. M. V. MOORE WISftE' AXD WOMKN'S WEAR. ii' loats t' II l'XTTOX AVF. 'I liankskivilig is a day of gi' lir thanks or going gunning Just as ym look ii it president Tuft came near fm getting that there was to be Thanksgiving this year and Issued His pro' larnatlon at the latest date on rec- oni. i. ui probably Jie felt that he whs so full of 'possum and the 'goodies' st tiffed Into him while he was maklnn his trip through the Bouth .that he nally didn't care whether Thanksgiv ing come right away or not. Then, too, his proclamation was Ihe shortest on record, which may mean that he Isn't half ns thankful over the new tariff bill as he said he was. if he should happen to wnmh r down to the market In Washington some day with Mrs. Taft to buy the Thanks giving dinner for the white house and see what was left of his week's wages after he had bought a pitiful little market basket full of tho things he Just has to have, ho would know why mony peoplo In the country can't be us thankful aa they would like to be. The fullness of one's thanks-giving depends a great deal upon whether one Is able to give thanks over u thiec dollar turkey, or has to swell up with gratitude over a fifteen cent rabbit. Turkey Crop Miort. JiiHt because this year's crop of cranberries Is a record breaker II Is natural, In the perversity f things, that this year's crop or turkeys should be short. Hut .shevllln Is luckier than Northern cities In this respect, for while turkeys here are selllnu nt th bargaln price of 20 to 25 cents per nound, New York and Philadelphia are paying thirty and forty and are not getting many turkeys at that. In order to ascertain Just what pri ces will prevail for Thanksgiving del icacies. The Cltlicn sent around to thtt market nnd got a '1st and thrifty housewives would tlo well to take, It along with them and make, their pro vlsloners live down to the prices given They sound much cheaper on paper than they do when tho hill has to be paid. Ono thing that will distress those wno are fond of game Is the law pass ed at the last session which prohibits the sale, of quail, wild turkey and pheasants. Ho that the epicure who desires to feast on such delicacies as these must hie to the woods and shoot them himself, or do without. Below Is given a list of n few of the things which go to make up a Thanks giving dinner and every woman cun slie up her pocket book und net ac cordingly: Dressed Poultry. Turkoys, 20 to 26 cents per pound, seesc, 15 cents per pound; ducks, 20 cents per pound: fowls, 18 cents per pound; frying sited and broilers, 25 cents and up; squabs, 25 cents each; rabbits, 1G cents each; squirrels, 13 cents each. Vegetables and Fruits. Cranberries, 10 to 12 cents; celery, 10 cents per Btnlk; cabbage, 2 cents per pound;, parsnips, 8 cents per bunch; radishes, 5 cents per bunch; egg plant, 20 cents each; sweet pota toes, 25 cents per perk; grape -fruit, 10 to IB cents; oranges, SO and 40 cents per dozen; apples, 30 cents per peck: mnlaga grapes. 20 cents rer pound; pineapples, 20 to 30 cents each; pumpkins, 20 to 35 cents each; mint, 5 cents per bunch. Mint, five cents per bunch, but where, oh where, Is the rest of H! This week only and for net cash, we offer almost our entire stork of Sterling .Silver Spoons, Forks and fancy pieces and Hollow Ware at cost to close out this line. All who tire interested are asked to call as early as convenient, as the stock is not so very large now. but it is all good and heavy weight. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. water to nil them. When the water filled the holes there was not a man but who craved it madly, but the stronger men frequently passed their turns to let the old man drink.'' Ilerr Rosenthal, pianist, In notuU for his quiet humor. An unaiiceessf ul pianist said to him one day: "I am losing a tremendous lot of money In connection with my recitals. What shall 1 do?" "Give fewer concerts." replied Rosenthal quietly. M. A. P. PAINLESS DENTISTRY Now Is th time to look after yeur decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without palfl- No charge for examination Prices always reasonable. Mineral oil, which includes petrol eum. Is one of the few articles of sta ple production In the I'nlted Mates whose ealcs abroad in thu iiscal year 1 WOO showed an increase over those of the preceding year. FACING DEATH MINERS WROTE TO L6VE0 ONES (Continued from page one.) Everything possible, to hurry tho work t exploration Is doing." Wrote Letter to Wives. Letters written In their under ground prison by some of the miners rescued sllvo yesterday came to light in various quarters. Ono. of the most touching whs written by John I.orl- ner to his wife, Sadie. I.orlmer Is a young Hcot from Ayrshire whence he came to America ton years ago. lie Just laughs nnd says he will go back to the mlno when lie is well," snld his wife today, "although I'd be llling. after what has happened, to support him myself If ho would only get safer work. As was the ense at the homo of each f the score of men rescued alive yes terday. Lorlmer today received In his bedroom many cullers who wkMied to ngraiuliiie him on his escape. l.orlmers letter follows ' Dear wife 1 am slill living, al though It is now the o'clock Sunda morning nnd there is little hope as he black damp is getting the best of There are tnenti-niir of us al gether lure lvar wile, do not 'leve; we will meet again. (!oil blcsa on; believe in lllni. lie will Ink- are of you: lie will care tor you. I kuih we will meet in a better land. When you i.ei over this let them know home (Scotland). That la nil. dear; nl hlcse on. "your lo ing husband." llml Hut One IVncll. M of tile farewell letters were w nt- ii on pages torn from the time book rrled by mine buss Walter Waite Walte had the only bail pencil in the gioup and It was passed Horn hand hand in order that all might write. One Instance of self sacrifice of the more sturdy prisoners was related by I.orlmer today: 'Walciinskl. I think was his name, as sixty years old and the weakest among us. ' said Lorlmer. "Our great est suffering came from thirst for only thimbles full could be got from the seepage. Walcalnskl grew so exhaus ted that he could not stoop over but had to He on his face to drink. W'e made holes In the ground with our llligeip linn men wmieu lor ine ousillg As near as it is Possible Jor us to do so. we trace every piano sold by us, und protect our ciiHtomers from the mUirepresen ttlorfs of linserupulous nnd Incom potent tuners and repairers of pi anos. If you own a STIEFF.P1 ANO, be very careful who tampers with tt.! Hve maintain a cops of competent men in this llile, and will furnlati line to look itfiUr your instrument any time l need at tendon. Our( representatives ure duly aoorinliti'd. and If a chance caller represents that he Is from the HOUSE of SlIEFF Insist ' thivt he nhow you his au tnoruy. we stand back of every representation made by our ,repre sentatlves, and this fact has temp ted dishonest persons to masquer ade ns being our representatives. If your visitor can show the prop er endorsement, trust him; If he cannot, the chances, are you've caught ii swindler, In which case we'd thank you to let us know we'll look ufter him. We don't propose that the people flhall be mulcted nt the cost of our reputation. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of ihe Artistic Stlcff, Shaw, and SUcff Self-player Piano Baltimore, . Md. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. c. n. wTLMOTn, Manager. Dr. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, ffor. College and Spruce t., near the Court House Office Phone 04V, Resi dence Phone 972. La Grecque Corsets Styls, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 12 CHURCH ST. glankets and Comforts for, i Winter Service ." ' ' . We have ;i splendid line' of Blankets and Com forts that yon can make your selection from. : If you need any of these i;ouds now we would likefor you to see our line before purchasing, then you will 'buy here, for we can give you the right goods" at lower prices than most places. Wool Blankets are priced at $5.00 on up. Wool and Cotton Mixed Blankets sell for $3.60 on up. if g 4 Cotton Blankets are juiced at 85c on up. Cotton Comforts in n variety of pretty patterns are being sold at $1.75 on up. Wool Comforts priced at $4.50 on up. Down Comforts are priced at $7.50 on up. gradley Mufflers at 50c Jlre the est It is almost absolutely necessary these cold days to have something around the neck and nothing could be more becoming than the Bradley Muffler. They are more popularly known as the Phoenix Muffler but made by a different manufacturer. They come in very pretty colors, including red,' blue green, lavender, white etc. They are priced at 50c each. i Eye Specialist No. 0-J0-11 llhriiinor Bldg- THE POCKET NEKVB Is the most sensitive nerve In the human body. This is one nerve you will forget you hove If you buy your optical goods from us. Eyes examined, Frames fitted. Lenses ground and a complete line of Optical Goods. V. K, GARDNER, Manufacturing Optician tVrr. church and Patton Ave. The Citizen "WANTS" For Results We wish to extend to the Public of Asheville and vicinity our heartiest thanks for the kind patronage and confidence bestowed upon us in our new store: Mi i We will use every effort to make our store the best trading place in this com munity, by handling reliable and up to date merchandise, at moderate prices," Now we are getting ready for the Christmas campaign; ever)- day we receive by express and freight, lots of merchandise, such as vou -will want as Christmas gifts: Bags, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Silk Scarfs, Hair Ornaments (such aS: combs, barrettes, diadem, side combs). Necklaces, Jet Chains, Roman Pearl Chains, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Umbrellas, Lace Collars, furs. Silk and Net Waists, Tailored Waists, Silk Underskirts, Sirk and Flannelette Kinionas, Dressing Sacques, Pine Muslin and Flannel Underwear, Knit, Wool, and Cotton Under wear, Sweaters, Kid, Silk, Wool and Cotton Gloves and a hundred other practi cal Christmas gifts, which we have beautifully displayed, in our New Store. Special Sale Will Continue Monday, Tuesday & Wednes day on Our Coats, Dresses and Suits TIhB IFaisMoim ' r ! FOR PERSONAL COMFORT There's no coal like M. &W. INDIAN (Kci free slate for t arbon. !." per cent from dust, dirt and it gtves most fuel valu'1 lie uioiit'v. Phone I'M). GET THE HABIT Eat Pistachio Nuts! Dellcioun! Nutritious! Appetiztug! For Mule nt al' leading grocers and druggists. Snmpl package at Mt. City Stationery Company. U M. Nahikins. Prop., 23 Patton Are. Carolina Coal & Ice Company ICE CREAM FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER rho.'i'lnli' and Vanilla ni:ni.' from pine cream and delivered packed in He. Bulk cream Si.-'"' a pullon: in bricks at cents ;i uimrt. four umiri $1.7.-. Asheville pure Milk Cc. East Walnut St. Phone 554. Rocker to the person holding the lurkv number. Christmas. Vou net a chance with every dollar you upend with them. Ixiok In their window Phone did. 19 S. Main St. REFINED PEOPLE. 'Iem;m1 rare articles, old hand-made jen elrv and furniture Ht VICTOR STERN'S ntique Art and Crafts Shop SihkIIcv HiiilitJng Haywood SI. M. WEBB & COMPANY KQtaer Importers No. Batterr Park PWn. Pknn 104 If you are dining out ! THANKSGIVING ! let us dress-' your hair, j MISS CRUISE, "nrnnd S. 1 I Reduction esr oa b )) PEERLESS WE OFFER TODAY 25 per Cent ON OUR SUITS If you are wise you'll attend this special sale and procure one of our stylish Garments at a good ' saving. v : $25.00 Suits at $18.75 $20.00 Suits at $15.00 $18.00 Suits at $13.50 $15.00 Suits at $11.25