THE ABTIEVmE CITIZEN1, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1909. : -y "ti - SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Th reception srtve4i In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Its. wis for which Invitations wrp Isnued rcoent ly by Mr. ftnd Mrs. K'lil.. n K. Hairlx, takes place thin evonlnK u' tho rcs v ldince of tha Inttor i n strc.-t. The reception will he one 'f tin- larK t affair of the wick. iulte n num ber of Invitation having hccn Untied. The Anna Aston Missionary society of Central Methodist rtiuroh will holil prayer meeting this afternoon Ht 2 no o'clock. The followlnR program will be given: Leaflet: '"the Work of Our Parish. Mrt. E. C. Chambers. "Our Work In Braill." Mm. Frank Smith. llvlew of tho book: "Tho Day of June." JJr. W. 3. Cocke. All the younit women of the Asho Ville Methodist churches ure urKed to attend; vlltor cordially welcomed. J J Mis Helen Murphy entertains in formally:, With a luncheon today at her Wet' Ashevllle home. Jt J The Stroller will meet this nvenln t the reeldence of Mr. Charles M. Piatt, 41 North French Broad ave nue. According to the recent decls 1on of the club "The Doll's House." by Ibsen will be read by Mr. Burnett Jordan. J Mr. Julia Burdlck'e puplla gave, a .cltol Saturday afternoon which nroved to be of HDGClal Interest. The dsnvonstratlonof Burrow1 method by the ! wae feature of the program end made a very favorablo Impre ' lon upon the audience. The children nlavedl lorlnclpally without note, Th proirram which wa well given v- waa aa follow ... Jack and Jill , Spauldlng Martha Chambers, Merry Trifle Polka ........ Lindsay Pauline smatner. Mother Goo Rhyme, mualcal aet ting by Katherlne Burrowea. rvirnth Atkinson. - Dane of th Dryad ..... Carl Wolf ' Leona Lamberuon. Class demonstration of Burrowea' method. Marguerite Valae Kern Mary Francla Bhuford. (a) Etude ...... ;.;v....... Caerny (b) Tranmarei ana itoman . Schumann c) Wlaterla-Intermewo Englemann Dorothea Weaver. Essay of "Josef Maydn" . Dorothy Atklnaon. a Th Mill Wheel... .Qeaa Horvath (b Wild Horseman i . i Scturaaitn t , Edmund Burdlck; . la Mtytlme. Old English '-'"''' ''i-'-'J" Blachoff Adalena Weaver. . Claw damwptrtty f Burrows" Th Wrangler held' their usual Monthly meeting Jart evening at the Manor. Following the flinni int. JC. flwaln read an essay on the ub lect of "Our Method of Punishing Criminals," to which Mr, Allen ably replied. Jl J The Woman' exchange will not close on Thanksgiving day thl year ' In deference to repeated request. It baa been the custom for the tea toom to close on that day In order that en tire household may have a holdloy but there have been numerous pntl Men and In consequence a number of ' email dinners will bo given at the ex change. A special dinner will be prepared for tb occasion. Jl J Mr. David H. Koaensteln will short ly glv a musical evening at her home on Montford avenue. There will be a doaen guest and a Dutch supper will . follow the Impromptu program. Jl Jl The Invitations to the wedding of Mis Arabel Naah to Mr. Albert I.y man Cox have been received In the elty and were Issued by the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simp son Nash. The wedding takes place at Tarborongh, Wednesday evening De cember 1, at 9 o'clock In Calvary church. Mr. Cox is a nephew of Ocn. W. R. Cox of Tarborongh. Mr. Cox Is well known In Ashevllle and sonic time ago purchased the Tahkeosteo farm. The wedding will bo of Interest to the many friends of the young peo ple in the state. J J The Ottulanlan Literary society of the High school will repeat their diet year success, "The Lamentable Tnm- Ne dy of Julius Caesar, Wednesdny ev- Children's & Misses Blouse Serge Suits Bfue serge, scalloped collar embroidered in red, sizes 8 to 12 yrs. Price $7.00 Regulation sailor blouse, red and blue, sizes jB to 12 yrs. Price $8.50 Regulation sailor blouse, jvd and blue, better quality, sixes 12 to 11 yj-s. Price .... $10.00 Sailor blouse, white serge, sizes 1() to 11 yrs. . Price $12.50 Sailor blouse, blue serge, sizes l't to 1(5 vrs. Price $13.50 Tliesc are natty shipshape suits for young Misses, braid trimmed, some with eheverons, sailor knotties, pleated skirts ;vnd blouse ..waists. Made of durable serge, and sure to ,win your approval. Ml ti ..1.4 L . . M. V. MOORE ItfSSES'-AITO WOMBW8 WEAK. f jj'f1 J14 PATTOV AVE. crilnx at Hie lllKh tti'hool utiilllorlum Ji oVlot k. Thu public In uniiullv invited iirnl no iiilininslnn will 1 t'hjirKfl. The ttnlerii iireentei thin llltle furre on u former ocriiHlMii wjsii Xreot uereKH urn tlie coHtutnlriK :inl gtUKilig wiih JiX)'ropt'iMtn and :iderjil;iti The Saturday Music elub will nliort ly glvo a mtiHlral t tim Hattery I'm r k hotel at which a number of w known Aahcville HinwiTs and itiubI- clans will take part. The mimical will bo Klven for the heriellt of tlio edu catlonal fund. The mveral women a i lubs of AHhevlilo ure contrllnitiii.f lo tho fund. The clubs will, it is hoped, Jolnlly Hiippnii a scholarahlp at ono of tho women's collcgi perma nently, and which, If undertn ken, will lie a very liiuilulile achievement. The date and program of the musical will lie announced later. Mr. Turner Miitlrlck gave u dinner In honor of the several attendants at his and Mlxn Whltl liiK'""'" wedding which takes place Wedmnday. at the Candy Kitchen evening. A large bunch of pink and white carnaitlon adorned tho table. Mr. Huttrlck'n guests were) Miss hiltlriKton, Mrs, ). Li. Doater,' of Oreensboro, Miss llesslo KltnpHon of Anderson, 8. C, Miss Clara Whlttington, Miss Mamio Whlttlngton, Mr. Frank Weaver, Mr. Oeorge llai kney, Mr. Percy Hackney and Mr. Hwaln. JH Jl Mls Kdna Davln and Mr. Ijouls MeAbee were married last night at the residence of Dr. It. F. Campbell, who performed the ceremony. Mrs. C. R. Brnnnon was matron of honor and J. J, Combs attended the groom. Mrs. J. F. McFarlund, Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith and Mr. A. 1). Case were present. Miss Davis van a resident of Corbln, Ky., and Mr. MeAbee comes from Atlanta, Oa. They will reside in Atlanta, The safe arrlvtl nt Hotter adam of Miss Virginia Griffith Miller and Mtos Emma dodge.', who were with Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hchonck's party on tho "Potsdam" was cublcd to relatives of the former In Ashevllle yesterday. The "Potsdam" was two week In crossing. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Murdock of Salisbury, N. C, are In Ashevllle for a short atay. Mr. and Mr. T. Asholey De Wolf and small son who have spent sev eral week at the Battery Park hotol returned yesterday to New Vork. Mr De Wolf Is a stock broker, a member OT the firm of A. Llssman A Co., Wall street. Dr. Thomas A. William of Washing ton, I). GVIs In the city for a, weeks stay. Mr. J. C. Prloloau of Charleston, a C. is in Ashevllle for a short visit to friend. Mr. II. A. Loudon of Louisville, Ky., 1 In Ashevllle for a short etuy. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Humphries and Mis I.lllle Humphries of York, l'a.. are in Ashovllio for u auveral week's stay. Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Tcnnent left yesterday for Oakland, Flu. Mis Sadlo McDowell who has bee. visiting friends and relatives In Iho city left yesterday for Charleston. Mis Dunno who has been the guest of Miss Maria Brown left yestorday for Augusta, Ga. ,. , IHl Mr. M. F. Hampton has gono to Tampa, Fla., for u stay of several weeks. Mr. John Ti. Anderson left yester day for Chicago, III., on business. Mr. W. R Cannon and Mr. J. K Allenaworth of Knoxvllle are In Ashe llle on business for several days. Mr. T. C. fluthrle of Charlotte in In Aalievlllo for a brief atay. Mr. A. A. lluehrer left Sunday for two weeks vacation In Chicago and Ohio. Mr. Huehrer will visit bis parcnts and other rolntlvos In Toledo, rr. n. It. Cakes who haa been In York for several weeks has rc- turned to the city. I ' - Sterling Silver at Cosfl This week only ;ml for net cash, we offer itlinost our cut ire stock of Sterling .Silver Spoons, Forks and fancy pieces and Hollow Ware at cost to close out this line. All who are interested are asked to call as early as convenient, as the stock is not so very Jarc now. hut it is all good and heavy weight. J. H. LAW, 35 Dr. and Mrs. 1'hllip It. Moale hav returned from New Haven and New Vork after a visit of several weeks. Mr. J. M. Burns has returned from Shelby where he Bpent the week end with Mrs. Burn and Mrs. Ware who are visiting relatives at Shelby. Mrs. John W. Wallace will shortly return from Oroenwlch, N. V., and will again occupy Dahlia cotlagu in Albemarle park. Dr. and Mrs. Owen Smith nre spend ing part of their honeymoon at Tam pa, Fla., und will not return for a week. Mrs. Frank II. Lockwood of New York has arrived and Joined Mr. Lock wood at the Hattery Park hotel. Mrs. John It. HralTTey Is expected la ter to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood for several weeks during the season Mrs. E. H. Dysnrt of Marlon la in the city for a short visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barnard have returned from New York where the lutter has been for several woeks. Mr. Frederick Hutledgo has gono east on a business trip. Mrs. Julius C. Martin who haa been In Washington for a stay of several weeks has returned to town. Mr. Richard I. Oroome of Knoxvlllo Is In Ashevllle for a few days on bus iness. Mr. W. Lane Dllg of Atlantic Cltv, N. J., la u guest at the Battery Park hotel, - Mr. W. B. Wood of ltegal, N. C, lis In the city for a brief stay on bus Ineaa. ORIENTAL GOODS SALE The Mountain City Stationery Com pany is holding a special alo of ori ental goods today and Wednesday A choice variety of thing are shown at price reduction. EGBERT DOAN WILL BE BURIED TODAY Tho funeral sorvlco of Kgbort I ou n wlio died Saturday tiielit at his home on Hpruci' street will be held in Iteil Cross chapel thin morning at 11 o'clock. The funeral services will In ondiicted by llev. ltllance of West Haywood .Methodist church. Miss l.ucy Vance will 8lng "1'ace to l.'aci after which the body will be carried lo Itlveralde cemetery where It will he placed In tho receiving vault. The many friends of the little boy will nilsu the cheerful smllo he used to kIvo everyone as they passed hy his hair, placed on the Carmtchael cor ner where he used to sell papers Men, women, and especially his little frlundfl, have heaped Mowers upon his casket as a token of their rcmem- bianco and love for him. GLASS 4 DEFEATS GLASS NUMBER 2 The match volley ball games which have been played twice a week for the past two weeks by the "busy men's" l ias at the Y. M. i. A., resulted yes- Iterday in a ictory for class No. 4, whkji is captained by W. li. lirecn. over class No. 2, which Is captained by V.. 1). llrovvn. This tics these two classes which are in the lead, and after each team plays one more game (hc tie will be played off. provided ach team succeeds In winning its sum'. Iho came played yesterday was u Very close one. the lirst two names being won by class number four h a score of 21 to IS. TWO CHARGED WITH DISTURBING PEAGE Wayne Allman and John White of this city were nrrmt. d here today for an attempt at breaking up a meeting at Oabrlel creek school bouse in Mad ison county. It Is alleged that the men had par taken too freely of the essence of the nubbin and raised a general "rough house." The accused cave bond today before Soulrc Waddell to appear in Madison to ahswer tho charge. Patton Ave. WRESTLER EDWARDS IS NOW IN THE CITY llllly Edwards, the wrestler who is to meet Drake Wt'dneMday nlKht, ar rived in town . last niKht from t'hi chko. Ho will begin Ids training to day with a long run through the mountains. Kdwards hu.yh lie is in Hue utiape and expects to win. NI-:COND 1K(.I(I i:. Pisgah lodge number 112 will hold Its usual Tuesday night meeting to night at 7.:t0 o'clock in I'lsgnh hall on South Main street- Tie- second de gree will be conferred on several can didates, and nil members who attend will get their money's worth. TO l Hi: A COLD IN OXK DAY. Take LAXATIVE liltuMo Quinine Tablets. DrugglHts refund money If it falls to cure. E. W. CltOVK's sig nature Is on each box H5c. HERE is a gift that never fails to please a box of NUNNALt-Y'S. Every body likes it, everybody wants it, everybody knows it is the finest, purest candy in the world. You ; can make no mistake in taking or sending it to the most fastidious lady in the land. A freab aupply alwgy kept by KAYKOICS DKOU 8TOUK. SI Plalnn Avenue. "None Like Nunnally'a." As near as it is Possible for us to do so. we trace every piano sold by us, and protect oil customers from the mliireproson ttlons of unscrupulous and Inenm peteiit luiier.s and repairers or pi unos. If von own a STIKI'K I'l A.'i. be er careful who tamper with It. We maintain a corps o competent men In this line, an will furnish one to look cttcr mir Instrument in time It needri at tentlon. our representatives ar duly accredited, and if n chan caller represents that be is fro the HOUSE oi STIEFF Insist that be .show yon his au thorlty. Wo stand back of eve reproentatlon made by our repre sentatives, and this fact has temp ted dishonest persons to masiiner ade as being our representative U your visitor can show the prop. it endorsement, trust him; If he i it ii ) t . the chances We you've caught a swindler. In which com we'd thank y.ui to let us know- we'll look after hfm. We don't propose that the people tihnll l. mulcted at tho cost of oiir rcpu tation. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of viie Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and fetlefl Self -player Piano Baltimore, . . .Md. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WTTiMOTH, Manager. BUTTLE CASE OPENS FDR -TRIAL ATJGREENSBDRD Case involving; Alleged Ir n 'tfuhiritics while (';isliier May Take up Week f. ItKKXSHOFiO. The trial of 1.,: with iri gulariti. a the d. futlct City N. C. Nov. 22. H.IiiiUl... charged while cashier of National Hank of this elly wa brought up in the Fed eral court lo re todny. Th' re were no suggcKtionM of a continuance from either side, jury being fe let ted In fifteen minutcH an,j AsKistant DiHtrict Attorney Cdde proceeded to read the hill of liiiliclriK nt. (if . iglii counts for false i utile." th- largest is on the sworn report of January ITilO, where under tiie load of "loan.s exceeding tho limit," the report says "none" While the nllcgantlnii in the bill of in dictment Is thai the bank hud a loan to the Iloniona Cot:on Manufacturing company of which .Mr. Hattle was president, ill Illlilli to JHII.dll'l. Fred A. Hull, national bank exam iner will be the lirwt witness for the government tomorrow. The cum- will probably consume the entire week. MR, WEAVERS ELECTION GIVES SATISFACTION Mr. I". M. Weaver of IhlM city was elected at Hickory conference a del egate to the general conference which to meet here In May. This is the highest honor that can lie Kien to a luymun In the church, and it pleases the many friends of Mr. Weaver In ml around AHhevllle. To serve with him at this general conference will be: Mr. W. It. odell of Concord. Mr. S. I.umbeth. of High Point. Mr. II Ireland of (ireenshnro. Mr. J. 1,. Nelson of Lenoir, and Ex-I.leuten- int-(rovcrnor V. I). Turner. It will be recalled that this body of men com poses the lawmaking department of th' church and great responsibility rests upon Its shoulders. StKKT AT lidCMtliriTA. The Asheville chapter of the Anu r. lean Woman's league will meet tin.- ifternoon at 4 o'clock at the Ileml- tta on South Main street. FOR PERSONAL COMFORT There's no eoal like M. & W. INDIAN Over V per cent, earbon, free I'roui dust, dirt and slate it gives most fuel value for, the money. .Phone 1:50. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Every Vcnan is imer fr,!ti ana enouid know About the womlerful LMARVELWhirlingSpray jii'Hi m tint eoiivt n- lent. U i-lt aiir'is Linit&iitJy. Amt Tonr drntfi-lnt t If he t-anii"t suiipty I M K It V I- I.. te.-Mt im othtir. 1'llt Beoti Ktiiiiin fur llhijurati'd htiok-n-'ftie). I Rtw fult ixini.'iiirtra ami uirf''i"on in- vtUuaMo t i triilien, MAKVI Mil, 4 1 l .uxl J.UlM.r.t.M u omu riI.KSS IKN TISTKY N'nw 1 tlio tlmr to limit after your i!'!iyeil teith Sii in pain and worry .InrlriK the cold wcsiIut. Tci'tli filled nn.l rxtrartrd wlll)on pain Xo cliarK" for xamlnatlon erli-cs always rcasonatlo. Ir. Muttlii'ivN' Dental .rnrlors. Cor. Ctillfjic und Sprui Sts., nrar tlie Court ltliiu I'liono 810, ltesl- UeiH-p l'lionn 72. La CJreeque Corsets Styb, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., ia airmen (st. GET THE HABIT Eat Pistachio Nuts! liellclniih! Xutritious! Api'etizlnt;! l-'or pnji' at ii!" h-adliiff grocers and Ironists. Siiinil paek'iirii at Mt. City Stationery Company. K. M. Naliikian. rroj).. 23 Pulton Ave. Uockor to the person holding the Uk kv numher, Cliristtnni. You Ret a chuice with every dollar you spend with them. Iiok In their window. Phone 1513. !! 8. Main St. Tf you are dining out THANKSGIVING let us dress your liair. MISS CRUISE, 27 "J"I st- It. V. f. GHGsZ'. l!io WM.r'.zs i 'i ' 1 i .'T a Jhanksgiving cCinons Continues Until . Jhursday Today and tomorrow will he your last opportun- : iticK lo huy our Tahlo J.amnsk and Napkins at so low a pri-e. Af nny people have benefited by this sale why. don't you I These goods are staple articles arid you will need them in the near future-it' not at present. ; To buy at the prices we are ofi'ering our table lin ens will be quite a saing in the long run and should appeal especially to economical housekeepers. Onlv a verv I w prices are etc. Sf2.(J0 grade of-Table a i Thanksgiving sale at . .$1.00 grade of Tablt Thanksgiving sale at .f1."0 grade of Table Thanksgiving sale at $:!.')() grade of Table Thanksgiving sale at tfew things Coming in &Very Day for the Christmas Jrade 111 i.i' -ii i--i.ii. ... - '" - mufri---- Mrs. Lynch & Son Offer for Thanksgiving week String Beans, Cucumbers, Toma toes, Squash, Bell Peppers, Brus sels Sprouts, Radishes, Lettuce, Celery and a fine line of Fruits. CITY MARFCET PHONE 334 t-t nn-in hmwsttiWsWMs1iit' i REFINED PEOPLE. diMimnd rare articles, old hand-made Jcnrlry and furniture 11 1 VICTOR STERN'S AiitlQiii Arts and Crufts Sliop Sdliillcy Itilillliiljj lliiyMKil St. M. WEBB & COMPANY MUllQeri Imixirtfin No. Battery Pmrk Flam. Ftoonr 14 ll.vo SM'iallst No. 0-10-1 1 Dliriiiuor BI1. The Citizen "WANTS" For Results rwi ty Thanbsgivlng LMeis We will continue our Special Sale of Thanksgiv ing Linens until Wednesday. We have some real good values in Table Damasks, and the very low prices on them make them doubly attractive. Come in. Sale of Jqble quoted lie re. priced for the . . . . .$1.60 yard priced for the . . . . . .78c yard juiced for the )am is I Damask Napkins $1.20 dozen Napkins priced for the ....$2.40 unii i ICE CREAM FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Chocolate and Vanilla mado from pure cream and delivered packed in ice- Hulk cream J I a gallon: in bricks at DO cuts a iiuart, four quarts 1.7;.. Asheville Pure Milk Co. Ha?t Walnut St. Phono E5(. TIIK POCKirr M.UV15 is ho most soiisi.hc nerve In tho human body. This l.i one nerve you will fnrcet yoti have if you lniy your npti c:il koo.Ih from ns. Kyes examined.. I'l iinies fltteil. Ieii-'es K i u n : I and a complete lino of ( ipt ical Oo oil.-i. I-'. K. (i.lllDXER, Ma n u fat I u rl ns Optlclu n Cor. Cliurcli anil l'litton Ave. wioij 1 v 1 1 '".-4, i.4)K: : - -r riTiri.i HiCrTOj