tiik AsiiKvrrj.u citizen, TinmsDAV. November 25, im.. SOCIAL (Si PERSONAL lr. mill Mr. KiiMun til and ( hi uch -. 'I'll.o- Kahiw unwiii" 1111 approiu h'tiK marriair. innate .,f ihc tr, Eleanor Vaiit-han. ! lore D.iviilKi.M Moirifiii rlage will I'll" I'll'' ,,( nt nine VI01 k III til' CM , Mr. . Tie 1 i-nili'-r 1 :. ' 1 Miint! h ol' III Un A 'it Klnst l'ri nhyli Una church vlllc. The- iiiimoiiiii i iiu-ni 1: worthy Intercut to n wi'l. frienda of the vniuiK po.pl. iironilm'iil Minn I' of Iiotl .In -If o Who al. ll,. Win I at present In N--w York Will 1" turn to A.-ln viil. curly In Mlu Murv A 1? n 1 H Sla it 1 11 1 i 11 1 1 o r II will I" maid on honor and Mr. All.-ii Morn eon the beat man One of the pr-lt H-wt horn.- .liluini that has occurred In thiH omnium! for oinn time was Ihnl of Mi." Kffl Core, of Arden, and Mr. linear John son, of Buena Vista, which occu red 'at the home of the luldes parent", Thursday. November the 1. The pnr lor wua beautifully decorated with laurel and chrysanthemum. At the appointed hour the bride entered, to the strain of l-ohcngrlim wedding march, played by Minn Hudlc Fitz gerald, With her matron of honor, Mm. W. K. Fitwriild, Immediately followed by the groom and hl bent man, Mr. V. E, Fllr.serald of Ahe villff. The Wide was bountifully drrsffi cd In a prlnreM gown of pule blue Ilk, and carried a bouquet of whltw carnatUim. The brldomuld wtm drcga cd In ft Imllar cotttumo. The cere mony wai performed, by Iter. Chrln ttnbury of the BHtmo.ro Methodist church. The bride la a young lady of tertlng qualltlee, and htm many frlende In Anhevllle, and elacwhere that h la known, tier friends are limited only by her acquaintance. ' The groom 1 a popular young buel neaa man and holda a responlble po sition with the Southern Railway company at Buena Vtata. The happy couple aeparieu on a weuvnua Florida, and varum otner point the South. They will -return in a few weeka to Buena VUta, where they will make their future home. Ml. J The wedding of Ml Bertha Whit tlngton to Mr. Turner Buttrlek yc- terday at noon at the Klrst BiUptlitt church wa an occaalort of much o lemnlty and the edifice waa filled to overflowing with the friend of the young people. The church vra appro" prlately and htndomely decorated with palm and tropical lnt. The muetral program arranged by Ml Eula Wright. oriranUt of the Si rat UaptUt church, wa unuiually tine and added to the lmprenlvena of the ceremony. The program was aa fol- lOWIi March Plttoreaque ......... Kroegor Jntermno . . . . . ... .v.,-. Roger Andante ................... Kinder Adoration (Holy CHy ........ Oaul Anwer ............. Wolstenholmo i Idvll .ii... Konder The approach of the wedding pro cecaton woa heralded by the triumph ant attain of the bridal choru from Lohengrin, and waa led by the uh re, Mr. Frank Weaver and Mr. George I Hackney, who approached the altar from the two alele and were followed by the little flower girl Mary Blackitock and Carolyn Brown, clad In white and scattering aa they went from amtlux wreathed baakebj, violet and petal of lavender chrys anthemum over which the bride and her maid passed. Mies Whlttlngton made an unusually handsome bride ' In a. graceful and becoming gown of white corded silk. The well cut con: waa heavily braldod with satin cord and the bodico of tho. gown showed touches of Duchesse lace and chiffon cloth, A largo hat of graceful line was made of white silk beaver nnri trimmed with willow plumes. Minn Whlttlngton carried a lame floral wult Instead of Iho prescribed "sho'iv r," made of bride's roses and maiden hair ferns, and wore a gold necklace of unique deslirn with a pendant Mexican opal, tho blrthidone of the bride. Miss Clara. Whlulnglon, tho maid of honor wore a charming froeli of lavender silk rajah with hat to match of the same material, and car ried as did all of the bride's attend ants, a mHiff of lavender rhilTon. Mini Mamie Whlttlngton, the bridesmaid, wore a wliltn Kown of silk rajah, with bandit of embroidered net and u lav ender hat. Mrs I). 1. lioster wore White mescaline aa million of honor and a lavender hat. The IiohI man was Mr. Peley ll.oklley ulul Ih Kroomsinau, Air. J. K Swain. 1i WhlttliiKton intend with the hide and gave her in imivrluKu. The cere mony, which wan nioHl lui . ssi e. was read by lr. Willi un M Vines, pastor of the. Kirnt :,ilisl i lum h After the ceremony a Innetron was nerved at the rexldeiier of li Whlt tlngton on Vance ntr.it, to which th Warm Wear for Chill Days Outing (Jew ns Outing Petticoats, .").-, .."0e. lilankct Uallirolies in wide color range andsize for children, Mioses and Women, l.K) to 12 Flannelette Kinionas, Short 7"ic to .,2.(10 Jjoug $l..r() to .-, t.ou A largo varied stock of oriental designs. M. V. MOORE HISSES' AVD WOMEN'S WEAK. s . nt Intimate friiii'la of th p. I c V. ' i c 1 1 1 M 1 1 , II II Ml 1 H I - j .vci ii lillv .ni.l nilv . Tin l-c.-il- j lis in ii il I ll nil V 1 1 1 i ora I' d wl .1 iiliiliiiih on Ichch and ii 1,-r'il j ii ol ill Ic ;ii. liin iitler hri-i iiiiih. a lili.-c IHiletl ol III .ltl.-r II Hi.- I.ri.l i iiiui il Die ci nli r d Tulle falling from .-.ih ii 1 1 14 1 it nt the four t;il-1. 1 1 . 1 1 1 ik in laic. iIlilliH throiiKhoul ih- f lu'htM Were ihad' .1 I II f'llttlllK the hride iim loiiinl h n hrol In r laid : Ihc eh. i li. hi . I i i olio rx of the I..-., II. y The i hoiiNe anil nth u It h III M lldi l . en ke I he liliK of the hiidi . Mr llohert Willi t IiikI the dime , Mi lleil.erl Williatup, and the thimble hv Mimm Mamie Wh.t tlriKton The hrhb'H hnu.in t or iihiT ttaH tmt tlirnvui, and would have hut II lKtilhcan an m arly all of the .- -NMnihletl kucmIm were married. It will In. recalled thai Die I, ride of M-Bl.r-duv cnuKhl Alrf. 'elmloii Curtis' boiKiuet at the wedding of the hit r during the summer and her weddln,: occurred before tliend of the v.t - i i " iii,. ..id niiperlltlon. The splendid array of wedding presents v. ,,1 ii wet.- ilaced In one of tic smaller rooms, were viewed, by the guests, and Included many handsome pleceH of cut ghtHH, HiKau', china, and furniture, etc, and there were a num ber of checks. Mrs. Buttrlek's travel ing gown was of hluo cloth with a hat trimmed with plums, of the same tint. Mr. and Mrs. HuUrh k drove to tho station accompanied hy about twcrity-tlvo of their friends who de luged them with rice us they depart ed on the west bound train. After n two wueKs' absence Mr. and Mrs. Hut trick will reside with the mother of tho former at Krninu. N. C. One of the most beautiful weddings ever seen In Hickory was solemnized at the Presbyterian church yes terday afternoon at three o'clock when Miss Alice rrlsclllii Lang came tho bride of Mr. Wesley Nlclv ola Martin. Rev. 1. tl. Garth, of h. Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. Tho church was beautifully decorated In whlto nnd green with palms, ferns, ivy, etc. Mr. SaboMu P'Aanmi played the bridal marcn from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn's wedding march during tho cere mony and Mis Arjnle I.. Ab'r nethy sang evernl beautiful and np propriatu selections. Miss Ttelde Ing, of Farmsvlllc, was the maid of honor and Mr. Robert E. Martin best man. Mlas Olio Martin, of Hickory, ami Mis Agnes Martin, of Greensboro, were the lirioesmalds. The ushers were Messra. J. A. Martin and W. S. Martin, brothers of tho groom; and M. H. Yount, J. M. Ham say, J. H. Shufnrd an((l Leroy Altar nothy. The lirldo wore a beautiful gown of whlto aatin and carried a bou quet of bride' rose and lllleh of the valley. The maid of honor wore a gown of pink messallno and the brides maids gowns of "Redola a Suskenu" silk with pearl trimmings and curried pink carnations. Tho ring bearer, little MIhm Hvelyn Lang, slater of th bride, wore n. charming accordion plaited dress ot white chlnu sill;. Tho groom's present to tho brldo was a beautiful diamond brooch which clasped her bridal veil, and to the ushers, handsome gold stick pins. After tho ceremony the young peo ple drove to the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. LanK, where a delightful wedding reception was given in honor of them. Mrs. llavld H. ltosensteln enter tained Informally with a musical evening Bt her residence on Mont- ford avenue last evening. There were a dozen or more guests present, all more or loss prominent in mimical circles In Ashevllle. After a delight ful Impromptu program to which each of the guests contributed, Dutch supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Tiiyte, of Hrh Mon, will entertain a Thanksgiving partv for the remainder of the week. Mrs, Ta te is a sister of Mrs. n.ivl 1 Kuti- berly, who, with Mr. Kimh.rly will be among the gueKts. Mr. and Mra Mei'orklc and non and Mr. William Duncan, of Ashevllle, will -ilxo be guests, iim will also a nuniher ers from South Carolina. if oth Mih. Arthur I". lteeH ent I lain. Kelll with a. dinner thin evening at worth lodge. Iiiltinore road. Theie will I..- a number of dinner nil ilra i num parties thin cxeiimg, priciite III. I .ilsn lit the hotels Quite her of t 1 1 1 1 . -M hae hecll ele;l(.,d lit I'. nk hole) and with Un are at present at the lio dining hall will he filled Thnnkigi ing in. nu will il. li. a. i, H and t he u.-uai chestnut dressing. Many the It.lltetV I. SlM h'l 1 the hirge I'he M.ecial It, r inan lllcev Willi I tie llil, II Kuesis liming inita- 1.2."t, . 1. ."), T l.T.i. l'.oi 7.").-, I.(h). 1 ..". r,..,! II l'ATTOX AVE, I I l;l t i . o u r i v 1I1K I" I ib n. , . ih Jll ot II M I alith. II New and Useful Items in House Furnishing Dept. AT I.AM S, 35 il;iss Butter Churns, 1.1." Ciii vr.l Urciid liihirds, 7()r, f Crumb Hnishcs, Hcst J5rist I C.ikc linllin I'ins, jc j n m I ; i i-ing v;iri(iis d-siin.-1 1 i;i rUins $1.25. Hutcl K'olliny; I'ins, vt-t'S' heavy, die. Kitilifii Wall UnickHs, cry Handy Household I'nislies special 12e. l!f'own and White Mart lien ware Cooking I'teiisils- -All at close prices. Alcohol Stoves in great variety, etc., etc. J. H. LAW, tluriH to the liinghani cadet germ. in this evening, will remain for that in tereatlng event. The hall room will he fluttering Willi the pennant of llinghnin and the dunce will not nt.iy he one of the largi-Ht hut alao one ol the moHt Important a (fairs socially that him taken place during the au tumn. Col. nnd Mri. Bingham, Mri. 11. T. (Irlunan, Mrs. Holierl ' I iingha in, Mrs. Mckee will chaperone the dame The Mooney team will lie honored gui'HlH of the evening. St .) The. board of managers of the Wo man's Kxi.hange will meet Friday morning, November 26th, Instead of this morning. Tho Thanksgiving football name this afternoon at Uivcrsldc park be tween tho cadets and Mooney for tin; "Prep." championship of the South, will be tho principal feature of tlv day. Every one seems to have taken a keen Interest In tho game and the holiday spirit will guide numbers of spectators tit Riverside, who know In reality, little about tho technlcalltl s of the game. The enthusiasts wi'.l be there nnd paper megaphones will lie used liy the "rooters" to encour age their team or confuse the opp t nents. The Mission hospital will protlt hy the game as tho lllnghaio and Mooney teams have signified their Intention of presenting half the re ceipts to that deserving charity. Tiui matinee at the Grand of "The Flower of the Ranch" begins at 4 o'clock, the curtain being held until the arrive I of tho cadets who will occupy the boxes and tho floor of the house. The Thanksgiving dance given by tho ca dets lit tho Battery Park hotel will close tho program of the day. S j At six o clock Wednesday evening Mr. Alfred F. Tyson of Rocky Mount was marled to Miss Sadln Daughterly at the First llnptlst church nt lilack Mountain, Rev. R. P. Smith of Asln vllln officiating.. The color . hone wan white and green, mountain fni liige and galax being used in profus ion for decoration. Mlns Hella Uui.IIh played I he wedding inarches. The bri dal party consisted or Mr. Walter ltouirherty. brother of the bride, Mr. Parley Stepp, Mr, Walter Many, Mr. Garland Slepp, and Miss Maynie He atly, of Charlotte, maid of honor. The bride entered on Iho arm of licr brother, Mr. Jon. Dougherty, who Have her away and I lie groom with his best niHii, Mr. Floyd Dennis. The bride's cosluine was duchesse satin and duchesse lace made moyen age worn with a tulle veil caught with a wreath of orange blossoms. Hhe car ried bride's roses and lilies of tile valley. The maid of honor waa gown- I in white point d'espirit over nlle green liberty sntln, and carried while earnutliiiin and ferns. After the wed ding an informal reception was held at the home of the tn lde where many beautiful presents were an evidence of her iHtpularilv. Mr and Mrs. Tyson left on Iho morning Iraln for an ex tend, d tour. Mr. I Stat.-.Ml w. I.I Thomas has gone spend Tha n ksgl ing. to Mrs. K i'. Daw lev who has fre UUclllly been a lsitor to Aslleill, s at present visiting Mis. I liinlingion ai I:iria, li.. and will after Christ mas return to Ashevllle tor a stay ol ecia! inoiilhs. Dr. and Airs, t iwi I Ii. ir i.i enl out ti ret in nei 'olllt Comfort, n Smith w ho has lage hei sterdav the old Nil. Mis. William illl plleUUIouii 1 'heslllllt st I eel. 'l'hoilli: at her i is ery home ill 1'iof I:. J 'I'igho who has been in the Kust iuspeeting arious schools, will return In the city Monday. M v. Mail. it spend find Mis. , O . in rt v i he winler Thomas Henley of d yesterday and will In Asheville, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Lawrence eft sterday t.u Norfolk, Va., when nil the Thanksgiving between A. ,fc M. and they will att. football game V. P. I. Mrs. Tjiwrenre's brother, Mr Harry Ilartsell luing the star plnytr of the former team. Mr Harts, tl has rccentlv recovered from a Held accident and has made n tine record this season. Mr. Hartsell's pictures have appealed in a number of the Southern paers in accounts of the football ganns. Mr i iiil Mrs. W. r. spending i r.r.iwn and son. Thanksgiving a Hal. arc C.reeln ill Tcnn. Mr. Percy Werllch. of the Ashevl'h school, is spending the "holiday with Ills mother, Mrs. MeCeney Werllch, at the llntterv Park 'nitel EST IF" T Sir. Peter Yates, of Greensboro. N. C, is In the city tor several days. Mr. W. D. Wakefield and Mr. E. I.. Woleelagel, traveling evangelists who I'AiTO.V AVE. ;ind $1.75. 1 .50 and $2.25. i s 7 lr, aiul us fill. I fie, 35 Patton Ave. iii the city for . spi nt yesterday of (he !(. M. C la.. M r I nu n : Flow r;- I. Iltle Margaret Jo daughter of Ml and aim is w ry ill, In rci small Jones, Mr. .1. as slight 1." ildrcn. who ir several w ( irleuns. Mi 1 1 1 a d. Mrs. I'. I,. Ilaynes and i h have been in the cily I' weeks, returns Friday to X. Mr. Donald McClnin. villi, school, 1b visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. lireendeld, O., at the hoiil fur aeveral days. of the Ashc lils parent:!, MeClaln. of Battery Park Mr B. F. Engelhardt. of New York, is In the city for a several days' stay on business. Mrs. A. K. Jobe, of Jackson. Tenn., Is In Asheville for a several days' visit to her son, Cadet A. K Jobe, of Bing ham school. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Friedman and Miss Fdnii Leaom, . of Chicago, are in Asheville for a -several weeks' stay, Mrs, J. A. Nichols gone to Jinrnard to days. nnd family spend tile hiiv." hull- The little daughter, Elisabeth, of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q, (lilkry, of Marlon, who was operated on hy Dr. Meri- weatlK ter. r lor peritdnltls. Is much hot- (Icailiichcs nml Neuralgia froni Colds. I.AX ATI V K IIItoMO (Juinine. Hm world wide Cold and Orin n-m.-dv re- I moves en use. Call for full iiunie. Look I for signature K. W. ll;ii i;. :T.c. i iTCinxt; i:t.i:M, WASH Fit WY Is ll Worth a." CnntM lo Yon i,, He Curnl or That Trrrible skin ItiseuMC? Is il worth IT. cents to on lo stop : h '.' Surely that awful, agonizing it, you will spend 'Ja cents or gist's recommendation, t our drug i coo and heal and soothe that terrible iiching eru Pt Ion ? "By iirrangt-ineiii with Iho D. Ji I . Laboratories of Chicago, we are able to make a special offer of a -a cent bottle of their oil of wintergreen com. pound, known an D. D. D. prescrip tion. Call, or write, or telephone to Smith's Drug Store. We absolutely know that Uin Itch is stopped ,'' K by t he 1). 1 1. D. Prescription, and the cures all semn lo he permanent. PI) liiiVi Well Dressed Men 1 he man w ho wears ill's Simes feels that Lis footwear is faultiest. A stylish easy trim pair of shoes has made possible many a victory, and the strong man nevei neglects this important ally. From the designing of the last to the time when Witt's Shoes are placed in Look, for this trade mark. CENTRAL METHODIST ELECTS OFFICERS At a metiliif; ol the hoard of lew irds of Central M et hodixl church held yenterdiiy alicrnoon the following oiricers were elected: Chairman of 1 1 he hoard. W. Al. Jones, treasurer, J. A. Xlchiils, aaaixtant treasurer, M. M. Sullivan, and meretary, IC. L. Hiown. jr. Several mutters c.imc up for dlHcuanlon hut nu Iniriiiu-HH outride of the election of officers was defi nitely decided ijjmn. , iii.i : hi :i if a m:izi:i. MACi i.V. ln.Miector I' flo enra of hi., 1 I'ure Food A. Metlivin, has seized Hour which ii Is alleged have been of nilloge i In pure f. Cult, d St;i 111 idled through the use peroxide in violation of I la w ot i orgi.i and the . Two ;iis a'.- held at at Thoiiia ill.-; another and He l , ; t i i is held at Mae,. i III at Ceilait.o Hi un i. I-.. T. likes i lllg dlmiel nd al i mine, 'a n dy pie Thauksgiv Kitchen, title. Every Woman iiJ3wreurj aiiu mould know . Aitonttlw wonderful iMARVELwhirlinqSpray 1 TJte new Variant Sjrlnxc. All TOTlr druwlm f.-i If be c.inri"t mil. ay tho M A It V li I,, ft.'.'.'iil. nt OUliii". hiif fc.-irt alAirin fur llluiLr&ti'il lr).h.ftl.l. Tt c inn jwrtiriiiHm Ell'l (iireeiitnid in altiftlile to )mlU4l. M AltVI.I. f o. i taut 3 M s . e,. t. N K V V Oil K. As near as it is Possible fur iih lo do so, we ti';u r-ery piano Hold ly us. ;iml jmtc. t mir fiiHtomiTs from tlit ini, rt pres.-n-ttions of u ni rii pit Iiiuh and ini 'nn Ietent tumTs and n-paii t-rs of ttnoa. If yiu own a STIKKK VI AXO, tit1 very carpful uhn lanijK-rs with it. We maintain a mips of coinpi tnit rn n in this line, and will furnish one to look utur your instrument any lime it neetto at tention. Our representatives are duly uoorcilitfd, and if n tdiaiue caller rejireent- that h- i from the DOUSE of S1IEFF Insist tli thoritv. it he We shuw you his au itaml bark of every representation made bv our repre sentatives, and this tin t lias temp ted dishonest persons lo ma.sijiier ode as being our representatives. If jour visitor can show the prop er endowment, trust him; if he cannot, the chances are you've caught a swindler, in which case we'd thank you to let us know we'll look after Dim. We don't propose that the people hall he mulcted al '.he cost of our repu tation. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Mloff Self-player Piano Baltimore, . .Md. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WIl.MOTU, Manager. hi x, superior materials am orknia:i:hip i em!irie t( lend stvle and duiabiulv lo everv pan". At $3.50 to $5.00 there is no shoe that will ap proach them in quality. It is only a matter of time w hen you will wear Will 's Shots Why not now) Manufactured bv t D WITT SHOK CO , Lynchburg. Vi. Fjf Sale by Your Dealer vjKx;;kva lii jicii .junminnxpn. w t ISM v- Closed Joday thanksgiving Pat i Pack Square Cafe Thanksgiving Dinner 50c I IVeMcr I'll, 'Mini Tickles Olive Celery Salted 'ealllls Soup Cream of Asp;ir.ii;iis Fish Hakeii ilray Trout Spanish Sauce S, id. lie of liahblt Willi .Mushrooms Itoaat Turkey with Dressing; Cranberry Jelly Masiied Potatoe Spinach with Kgijs String Heang Steamed Hice Corn Kread Tomato Jelly Salad .Mince I'le I'liliipkln I'ie lco Cream Cake Itemi Tasse J. -t.. 4- r W VH MY SPECIAliTY 4 f If you nee! watch that r111 4 f keep U r.e. wa vave them, end f at prlcnn that t right. 4 4 flat V.ntiii repairing. J. i o'-IlPEXTEIt. 4 4 3i. Vatton Ave. Pretty, Well Manicured Nails itilil to M wdijiiin'R chiirm, and b-'spfak rt iint-mciit. Lot uh d yusir wurk. MISS CRUISE, 2' s Phone 554 ICE CREAM for Today's Dinner Asheville Pure Milk Cc. East Walnut St. Phone r,54. GET THE HABIT Eat Pistachio Nuts! Delicious! Nutritious! Appetizing! For BaJe at al! leading grocers and druggists. Sampl pifeliage at Mt. City Stationery Company. II. M. Xaliiklnn, I'rop., 2it I'atton Ave, Rocker to the person holding the lucky number. Christinas. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look in their window Phone 1516. 39 f Main SI. Ko Sm i lallst Nu. n-10-ll lllini r Bids. A OF? 171)1 r? c Accept Oop Hails We take jtleasure in tliankin-- mu- many friends and -pat runs fur their liberal patronage, and extend1 fu them a most boiuilif'il Tliaiiksgivino;. Our store will be closed tutlay. Specials in our Suit Department on Friday nud Saturday. : t - i MAIUiUN IX BASK BTJRNEIfc We buve one Base Burner, Hard Coal Stove left. Will sell it ftt tt bar tfaiu. . BURTON & HOLT rw """ -"-" ""-i Mil OJm'iir.l IMUMMJMMIIMMMM FOR PERSONAL COMFORT There's uo eoal like A; M. & W. INDIAN Over 95 per cent, carbon, free from dust, dirt and slate it gives most fuel valuo fur the money. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PAINLESS DKNTISTRV Now la the time to look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge for examination Trices always reasonable. Ir. MattltcwN' Dental .Parlors, Cor. College and Spruce Hta,, near the Court House OttU-c PlHtne 940, Resi dence I'lioiio 972. La Grecque Corsets Styb, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & C0.r 12 CniTKCH ST. REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-mado jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts and Crafts Shoir Somlley Building Haywood St. M. WESB & COMPANY Mllllaer lmportcfa No. Battery Park Ptaoa, Phona 1044 TIIK lf)CKI-7T NfCltVE fs tlie most sen.--i.ivo ni-rve In tlm human hody. This i. one neiw yo v, in inrxcl ju have if you Lay your optical !;.... from ,,s. Kvea examined. Frames fitt-.l. I.cii-.s K,o,n,d and a complete lino or Optical Oor,d. I', li. ;.mXKn. Maniiiaciiiriii(c Opticlna Cor. ( liurch aiul I'atton Ave. I 5 'TO:

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