f THE " ASHEflLLE CITIZEN. Associated Press ': Leased Wire Reports. TEE WEATHEK: FAIR. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 215, UK)!). PRICE FIVE CENTS, . Vol. xxvi., no. 37. Speed The Parting Guest. LINGERIE TIED TO IT LAYS G MURDERS STRONG EVIDENCE REVOLUTIONISTS P.11NE1S SEALED UP GAINING GROUND PRESIDENT'S DDOn BODIES BUR1EDIN CREATES HUBBUB ATONEMAN'SDOOR FLOOD OF WATER WIU no Longer Try to Check flames In Cherry Mine by Using Water COM, VEINS CATCHING FIRE FROM TIMBERS Impossible to Explore Shaft Owing to Dangerous Gas- es Generated CHERRY. His.. Nv. 25. Details of a, meeting held here early today between the entire state mining board and Battalion Chief Mcponald of the Chicago lire department, ur.il W. f. Taylor, general superintend ent of. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul company's mine Were made known here this afternoon. Battalion Chief 'McDonald, after an Inspection of the work being ac complished by his men who had been throwing water in the east bot tom 9 the mine for more than a week advised Che' state mine Inspec tors and the representatives of f.i coal company that the water bei.14 thrown into the mine was not reach ing the fire and that he saw no use of throwing In. any more -water, us it was merely filling' up the third vein. Bodies of the known dead in that vein are aiready Inaccessible, owing to the quantity of water already thrown into the mine, and to iiy crease this amount of water McDon ald said, rould delay recovery of tiv bodies Indefinitely. Peal I'p Shaf's. Mr. Williams, of the TJl-bana rescoj station. who -had been keeping eare ful noteof tht gases formed In the rfltae,. reported that the fire had ex. tencfed '"-jta the, coal pillar; and was .forming dangerous gaaee,fend making 1t'M1ty9l3r4ei .to" continue at work.'' After considerable discussion i.n careful going over ell phase f the situation it was unanimously agreed by the meeting that the oidy thing that would make possible ulti mate recovery of the bodies in Hie mine was to seal up both the main shaft and the air shaft and Im-p them sealed until the cutting off of the air smothered the tire. The shafts were thereupon sealed. I LEHEflS OF FATHER TB HIS LITTLE DAUGHTER IT Used to Show Strong Yf- foction Which I in jjc11'( Him to Homicide TOOK NO HOLIDAY i.fTTl.R ROt'K. Ark.. Nov. - Thn Inn- which Is irvin W V. Kl-! Us. of Pine Bluff, for the murder of I core Tor tuberculoid-. Nathaniel Parker Willis of Indian-; yale ,m i ,-rsit y is the cnsl odia n o! apolis. satin session throughout today j IMM prize, ud the physicians altaeli tho court refusing to ttdjnurn f"r , f,,, ,,, lhl. v ji !- medical are to act n Thanksgiving, and listened to letters written by Willis to his little daugh ter, Mary Francis Willis, the inno cent cause of the tragedy, which "c - curred In a court room nere iasi summer. The letters breathed altec - tlon and at times genuine pathos, and Were introduced In part to show tin strong love of the father for the child. The father"s fight to regain posses sion of the child led to the tragedy. The letters were ihe feature of to day's developments at the trial aside from two witnesses whose testimony forms important links in the chain of evidence which the defense is trylns to establish that Fills was insane when he shot down the Indiana man. These witnesses. Dr. W. S. Stewart of Pine Bluff, Ellis's physician and Ashley Peay. clerk at the Merchants hotel, where Ellis stopped on the day of the tragedy, both told of the p.-cu-liar actions of the accused man short ly before the tragedy. Chancellor John M. Elliott of Pine Bluff was Introduced as a character witness un i then told of an application made' by Ellis for advice on a letter reeclvi ci from Willis. He got no further than a description of Ellis' appearance and condition, when an objection from the stat stopped him and he was tem porarily excused until the court rules on the disputed points. POLICE STOP FIGHT. ..it . i T lrcenv s. c. Nov., 2J. . . ..v.,i.,i,. f..r o. Tne poxing uoui m .r - night between Joe Howard of Brook lyn1 and Jimmy Dasher of Savannah was stopped by tho police. Orders had been received by sheriff Martin from Governor Ansel to prohibit the fight and after a consultation between the sheriff and chief o. police, the nntined ana ine Net of Circumstantial Evidence Tightening About Virgin ia Prisoner HIS AFFINITY GIVES DAMAGING TESTIMONY Robbery Alleged Motlve.Arson The Result of Sextuple Crime RICHMOND. Va., Nov., 25. A Tazewell special to the Times Dis patch, says: "The Little case opened this morning and within thirty min utes after court convened the jury was empanelled. AVhen night arrived and the court adjourned fur the day the ,-)tate had built up an exceedingly strong case against the man accused of the sextuple murder and arson. The strongest witness against the accused man was Mary Lee, who (rwore on the stand that the luntern which Little- brought with him after spending the night of the murder nwny from home was the one which was used in the Justls home and which was the property of Oeorge Meadows. She identified it by the wick which was made from a felt. Counsel for defense fought hard against the admlvisinn of this testt-llmon,- but after argument on both sides, "the Judge decided t" admit It. Thi.i evidence showed beyond a doubt that Little visited the Meadows home on the night of the murder, as It Is known that the lantern was ul the house before the murder wn;i commit ted. Afllnlly Again, Him. other witnesses also admitted that the lantern was the property of the lute Oeorge Meadows. Nancv Sta cy, the woman with whom Little was to have left the town of Hurley for a western trip admitted that Little had told hT that he' had money in the bank at'Blucfield and thut as goon as he could get it out, that 1 !u about thirty days. It being ttt' the savings department, he Intendi-d tak ing her away from this section. Evidence wan admitted, showing that Oeorge Meadows and Kettle Jus tls had J1..100 In the house ut the time of the murder, hut none of the money hart been found on Little. Several times lawyers got into some pretty warm wrangles over admission vvwwwwwwwvv,. (Continued on ;mgo three.) RICH REWARD AWAITS DISCOVERER OF CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS Donor of Prize Deposits It With Yale Trustees and Withholds Name. FIVE VICARS' TEST. NEW VKK. Ncv. . A prl,e awaiting the person win trusties. Th. IrusteeH have invited many well Known ph si'-iaiis to be come m -1 n I r of an advisory board lwhlis, duty il will b.- to pats on the merits of nn s sntunitted. 'Mie result )f n(, prlzc. wij I 81ir,.n work. to encoura'j re- The physicians who have be. -a in vited to act on the advisory board are the bailers In llnir profession in the llnht aga!nl tuberculosis. Among them an Dr. K L. Ti'udeau of Parana.- UKi-. N. Y.: Dr. Simon Kb-x-ni r of the isoekefeller Institute, Dr. William II. Welsh of Johns Hop kins university, Baltimore; Dr. Uiw rence K. I'lick id Philadelphia and Dr. lb rman lM(;s. chief medical of ticer of the department oT health in this city. The donor of the prize wishes to remain unknown. He is an alumnus of Vale and is supposed to bo a New Yorker, lie has gone to considerable trouble lo keep In name from be ing known, for it was not announced at the meeting of the advisory held in this city recently. Ho places few restrictions on his gift and it Is open to any scientist or physician tin world over. The money will be held in trust. It is understood, and the Interest i f rom It will go toward invesngaiing any cures the truster s or members of the advisory board hear about that are not submitted to them for exam ination. The advisory board plans 1 to hold four meetings a yea ar. and will alleged cures that the submitted warrant It. Probably a gn at deal of the time of the advisory board will be taken up In exposing alleged consumption cures, for the pnysicians no im.c I been fighting tuberculosis feel stronif- SAY THE REPORTS Blockade by Insurgent Forces on Coast of Nicaragua Is Effective AMMUNITION AND ARMS SENT TO THE REBELS Expected 1 hat Important De velopments will Occur at Scene of Revolt HLl'EKIELDS, Nicaragua, Nov . (Ky wireless to Cjlon.) The Norwegian steamship I t Hlcin arrived here this mornfns from New Orleans with two' thousand Mauser rillcs. 250.000 rounds ( am munition and several pieces of 1 i t4 1 artillery for thn revolutionists. I li steamer also brought several Ameri cans to operate the guns. In an Interview today Ocnernl Chamorro, the revolutionary Icadci, Bald that when C.roee ami Cannon, the Americans, who. It is said, wire executed by President Zcluya, wciv captured by Oeneral Toledo near Oreytown, SSelnya ordered thetn shot. Toledo refused ta obey the order, lint had them placed In the front ranks where they were open to (iein'r-il Chnmorro's attack. They were un injured, however, and subsci)ueiill.. were sent to El Castillo fort, wheie thoy were confined to the dungeon. Oeneral Chamorro says he knows nothing further regarding Oroce :r.il Cannon. Chamorro declares the blockade of Orevtown Is effective by sen and laud. and Is confident that the troop of President Zelnya soon will give In. lie leaves tonight for Oreytown with three hundred recruits and a partv of sharp shooters. Conditions her are ouiet. ORl'.AT ItlilOKiXO. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 85. -There Is niuch rejoicing monff the revo lutionary, forces In "Nicaragua, accord ing to passengers arriving here today on the steamship Marietta ill Olorglo from IMiieflcIds. The followers of Oeneral Estrada nr.- elated over what they claim has thus far proved a successful advance against the gov ernment of Zchiya ami nrc sanguine ly predicting the fall of Managua, the Nicaraguan capital within ir shori (Conl limed on page three.) ARTIST CHRISTY RUNS TO KEEP HIS DAUGHTER Barely Kseacs Habeas Cor pus in Ohio as Part of Wife's Divorce Suit. UVA 'ONCIUATION. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. In spile ol doiiieslie tronbl. -, Howard Chand ler Christy, fa iii'.us ai t ist and produc er of the Christy gilt, slept late at tin Ua.vpool hotel this morning and when he went down lo Tireakfast was In g I spirits. So was little Miss Na talie Chandler Christy. hN leli-y.-ar-olil daughter, who is indirectly caus ing her faller to do a great deal ol traveling just now Mr. Christy, accompanied by Miss Hose Christy, his sister, and by his liltle daughter, b ri Xanesvllle, .. rather hurriedly last wick to aold habeas corpus proci i-dings by Mrs. Mabclli Thompson Coristy. his vvif' , who is seeking pot icssinn ol tie daughter. Tip y w -nt lirsl lo Cincin nati and then came on to Indianapo lis. Mr. Christy, accompanhd by hi" daughter, went iVom New York city to his home in nhro. last July. Mrs. Christy remained ia New 1 orK. .Mr. Christy says his wife's desire for the sAirl of society in New York caused lhl trouble. He pielerred to live in Ohio and she preferred New York. Ilcr family gave oi-rtie Hir-.'gestioiis and trouble followed. To determine what Miss Natalie Christy's lcws are on tin subject, she was subjected to an Interview this morning. In answer to a question, the little girl said: "I like o live In Ohio best." He father smiled hii ap proval of what he apparently thought was her good sense. Mr Christy was told that his wife had charged that the little girl was not being properly clothed uud edu cated. "I don't believe Mrs. Christy ,v r made that statement." replied the ar tist. "You can ti II by looking at her that she is properly clothed and a for her education she is studying every day. She Is Al In German and Krench and shf la studying music. Bhe is doing well In every study ex cept one. (Continued on page three.) L 'mWvli r,fT ,9 rlJ & DR. BURROUGHS WRITES GOVERNOR r OPPOSfG THE "SAtilTARY SUNDAY" Declares Preachers Too Much Inclined to Give Gratuitous Advice, and Are Not . Competejit to Advise in Matter of Health. Medical Society Has Noth tag to Do With the Movement. THOMA8VILLK. N. C. Nov. 25. Dr. C. A. Juliun, secretary of the association for the pre- ventlon of , tuberculosis, has postponed ''Sanitary , Hupdiiy? until late In March in order to allow the state ibourd f health to furnish ministers with Iltera- ture giving information n 1m- purtunt sanitary points. A. DeiJartnphat.Ll!toriflt much Inclined to give gratuitious ail--lco which U frequently detrimental to the public, President J. A. Hur roughs of the medical Society of th staie of North Carolina enters bis of llclal protest against the plan of hav ing the ministers of the state deliver sermons on sanitation m-xt Kunday. Dr. llurroucli yesteiduy wrote Oovernor Kitchin a letter In which he remonstrated against the action of th'' governor in officially endorsing the project ol a "rlaliitary Kundir '' and staled that the project for preachment on vinilollon is totally without the enil n si llient of the State medical society and the stste board of health. "The medic al profi-wdmi is etitln lv capable of tiikiim- cure or Mil situa tion. It has alrtays been my po!' y to reject any intervention fnnii the pulpit in regard to medicine, hs the clergy is entlrel incompetent to cope with any medical subject," writes tip; president of tin state (society to the governor. Oinernor The letter of called forth by l.iitlwrtic Plan. Dr. Murrouiilis wa the publication In CHARTER IS GRANTED Will Duild Line a Hundred Miles L"tier p, Mineral Lands in Southwest. I.ICII.VOND : ri' ,nia '.',, Il.ll tel l ll ; f in mi-.-ici. 'o ...,,l i ll-nali ii -The lodas ra i I w a : v. a ra lion lild a Ii louc.li .. I rail ne hun- '' '' e'lol Virginia CO-tei "llll.l I : n -- ' ci ,, . According t" president of i who was' in Hi' a to lie adveitis. traits awarded peeled to begin . and w ill cold i ' ; years. Tie- i-t 000. 000. The road will lo Mr Slniileni. i mlli-alc when of mineral land ,i I':.- .1, ,f. Stoutenliurgh. Virginia Wi stern, uofid todav. bids a re oi at once ami oi Construetiou Is ex ibinit May next yen t or a bout t wo iialed cost is $10,- Im built accordln: gh by a New Yolk owns large tracts s In Southwest Vlr- giniu. West lr-inia mid Kentucky. WASHINOTi N. - Nov. 25. Kore- cast: North Carolina: Fair Friday, Warmer Saturday; moderate north winds. yesterday's Cltlsen of lht official dorsement of "Sanitary Sunday" ly the governor llirough means of It tut tcr to the North Carolina Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis In which his excellency says: ' ., ' "l-feel sure thnt the ministers of the state will be glad to co-operate with your organisation In the cru sade ugulnst tuberculosis. Thlr ao tivity. in the matter and their ilistirs slon of it wlll,rult in very grout yvodnu: fh'iiwoi'l" t thl"sut 1 urn vr'i ulad thdt yuu wrots to the services in behalf of the healt h. 1it me again Biwuri public you of my thorough sympathy with you touching this subject." It was In reply to this that Dr. Hiirrougs yesterday wrote the govern or the following letter; A Warm Lellcr. Guv. W. W. Kltchln, HalclHh, N. C My dear Governor: I regret extremely thHt you have called upon I lie clergy of the state to aid in In a cam'puigu against tuberr ciilosis. Tlie medieal profession is per fectly capaldevof luklng care f this situation. It has always Iccn my pol icy to reject any Intervention from the piiplt In regurd to medicine, as the clergy is entirely Incompetent to cope will) any nodical subject We have a board of heulth ill North Carolina some of the mem bers being appointed by the governor of the state, and the others elected by tin- state medical society. I am a leembi r ol tills board of health and now positively tiial no oniciai rc piest has lw'"ii made upon your honor o si-l aside the. twenly-elgblh day if November, or any other day, upon EOUR DOGS TAKING TAKE HONORS IN ALL TRIALS Winners at, ( 'harlotte Have Had Lou;,' Si rili,' of Sus- cesser Isewliere i:, l: l:i;i:S. N c dell, J ol the Clllill' o 2,',.--Tbe III.. I l-lelll Trbllll noon today, the following dogi , setter. owned r Phihidelpllh , II. Elliott. ol second. Ithod- : clnl w as linished at !ju'e,s declaring th ' He iiiie rH: l-'irsl: Eugene . . I,, I rani: lt illy. iin,bd by W Courllaliil, Alabama anlde. setter, same owner and bani' br; third. Creole Hue, setter, owtiet b ; c. parsons, of New York, and handled bv Jake Pishop. of Ituthii- I'ord. Alabama; fourth. Elshela Spoil Wi.ollon, pointer, owned by .1 A I'.igelow. or Columbus. Ohio, and handled by K. D. Oiirr. of loiiisvllb H Is a strange coincidence that these four dugs linished In the sam' order In I be h'citlucky derby lasi week and have been winning ever since the quail (rials began under all the Judges who have passed on them. The Judges here are Col. Arthur M.rr rlmiin. of Memphis, Term., and The odore Sturgps. of ,1'alrlield. Conn. The decisions were well received. Immediately upon conclusion of the derby the all-age stake was be gun and two braces wen- run off. lb" dogs distinguishing themselves beln the pointer Oilt Edge, owned by I'ixlev and Hamilton, of Oma.ia. Neli.. and the English sitter, fJinnO: Tony, owned by F. H. coti, oi Win nipeg. Manitoba. lioth dogs found birds In grc: t stvl. and showed great searching .ability, the work of Oilt Edge prov- : ing particularly brilliant. Twenty i,ix dogs are entered for this stake j and tr will require at least twd dajn more to complete It. which thn ministers of thj staWof North Carolina should deliver a ser mon on the prevention of tubcrcu losls. ' Dr. C. A. Julian of Thomiisvlllo Is sincere in his efforts; but t think that ho has lacked Judgment on this point. I shall send a copy oC this letter to Dr. Jul lap. . Helli-ve me. my dcur tleovernor, Yours most humbly snd. ohndl. inly,, " , ', . JAMKX- A. BUlUtOirOlW, . ' I'resldeivt '.Mutllcia t Huclt'tK North fnHn:'', Noli ff lrM'llOTN. The governor's letter will be eh erully taken to mean that the physl clans of the' stuie endorsa the plan of priiHchlng as an aid to the pre vention of tuberculosis and It Is for the purpose of removing this Impres sion that the president of the state medical society makes public his let. ter. To explain tho reference to Dr. Julian a copy or a tetter written t( him by Dr. Ilurroiighs is also made public. This Is ss follows: "C. A. Julian. M. !.. Thomusvllte, N. C. "My dear Doctor Julian: I have carefully considered tho letter to the governor of North Carolina, which you dictated to my "secretary, request ing that the governor nutlfy each minister in the 'state to deliver ser mon on sanitation November the twenty-eight, 1 must decline to com municate this to tho governor, ns In my Judgment all such matters should i be kept out of the puplt; thn clergy being too much Inclined lo give gru tuitious advice, which is frequoutly (Conilinirfl on iMMte fir.) BISHOP SAYS PAPERS Would Have Daily Press Feature (iood World Is Areoiiiliishiiitf. I(A J.h'Hill, N. C, Nov. Bishop A. W. Wilson, seiiror bishop of tint Mi lluidlHt Episcopal church, South, presiding over the North Carolina conference, lu re declared In Thanks- ghlng sermon toduy that there are too muiiy dally news papers featuring eil that the world Is searching from day to iln.v lor all that Is bad and this dished up fo- perusal at the breakfast table. The lime was when thin wax not the case, lie Insisted, thut In suite of the appalling volume or wrong thai Is heralded In the new papers, the world is growing better with triumph of the religion of Christ certain. The Thanksgiving colle'ctioh In con ference followed the Bishop's sermon amounting to i,76l. II was for the Method let orphanage. INDICT BATCH OF THE ON YICK TONOS HAN KllANCIHCO, Nov.. 2f., A grand Jury today returned Indictments charging murder against Tong King Chung, editor of the Chinese Free Press and Hecretary of the. Chinese Free Masons; Oee Hong On. president of the On Ylck Tong; Lee .Suet, Inter. i.reter for the On Ylck Tong, and three other Chinese. All these Chin esc are members of the On Ylck. Tong which has been making war on the Y e family. Seven Chinese have been slain since the outbreak of hostilities. Revered College Professor Compelled to Resign And , Students In Rebellion , . SALACIOUS TALES OF, ' : ' UNSEEMLY OOJNCS taught Moral And Other Kinds of Philosophy Including ' Lov.m I'M'j v if-' CHICAGO, Nov. jS.Talea of huff glng, kissing in the dark and other love-moklnn In the unllKlitcd ehpul of Northwestern college or In the private rooms of the' pretty teacher c have been followed by tho nuddett resignation of President H. J. Kle' lioefer, head of tho collcgs, which Is a religious school at Nnpersvllle, III. Himself a. professor In Ihfellectiml and inurul philosophy with supposed ly definite Ideas and strongly dellnnd mural principles, President , Kh.H hoefer, , kindly : old man, the 'father of three girls and a boy, has been, revered and; loved In Napervlllo for a quarter tit . century. : .' ., . Northwestern '0llftire." with its 3tt9 : students, of whom fifty aro girls, la near rebellion and (he. Evangelical ttssoclaUon, religious ordvn which founded tho school, la dlvldod. . . One of,, th - four , teacher Mis Ornos i A, Austen, .'director, of miws resigned -when gossip , linked , hetv name , with the president's. . Another. Miss Mary Hv Jhifklt, treceptress. Im came deflanv. nod defended the presi dent, whlls ft third,-Miss Mabel, tleld. ler, violin and piano teacher,," like Hiss Mario UubbelL n vocal Instruet- or, auld she welcomed an Invesllga- tlon, Not unmlodrul of the stir thai hud been crettejl President vKIa hoefer wsf silent,.;' , ... i ' Mnuerkt: wi I'resldwit's lotr. ; r , ' Indignant students tied a piece ot lingerie otJ4tS doorknob of tho pres. ldent'"ham ' fow' ivlghls ago The , next mortilnif . Mia liiehienl. ws upon the tongue of ;svui'y' student. . 1m- : promptu mass meetings of sludepu. hoys and girl wc4-e. hold and At mand M made that President Khdc hoefor hav heorln. - Then mem ben of the board -of trustees of till association srrlvsd. hunded by BUli op Thomas Bowman, -of Kansas fity' . "Let the women teachers' testlf," wa the request of tho sludchts, a bo. finally three of them, the Misses Austen, rieldler rind Hubbelli were called, but, brought face to facta ltltV the group- of ministers, thev oioiit tlu lr confidence, 'though It Is wbl . they told of instance whim the presi Ident had displayed affectum lowaru them. President Klekhocfor's resignation was accepted. ' I . - Hpecllle charges on tho Hps of tu: dents and villagers were: "That President Klokhdefcr eom-t time ago was seen to caress ftliss Austen as she sat at the pipe orgun In the chapel-, ' ' i That he placed hi arm about the wulst of Miss lieltllcr on numerous occasions, . ' n I j That he bestowed caresses on'ii pretty co-ed at a recent social when his wife was present. "That We also nuide an open exhi Itlon of his affection toward Mls llubbcll In his ofllce, 1 1 v ' That he showed marked attention to Miss Bucks, tho dean of tho worn en teachers, ' That he frequently entered the private rooms of the pretty teuelutre 'Continued front p4g fonr.) ' TEN MILLION DOLLAR Threw Over (Jonnta uud the liike ttr Marry a Plain . American Millioinirf. r AM Kit WANS AUK li&ST. NEW YtiiiK, Nov. aluil not marry till my hciirl tells me t" do so and tt really hasn't twlketl tut. publication as yet," smiled Mrs. viv Ham Hayes Chapman, ut the Hnwi Ht. Kegls last Kattirday night.' ... Yesterday, at noon, that slluwt heart spoke t laaL For Mrs, Chip- man, who has been calleu "ine most proposed-to women In Ntw York, who has thrown over a rnmn cuuni and an English lord and a Ilussian grand general, who Is worth ten mil lions in her own rtgni ami i i"i,' thirty yeitre old, beeame the wlfe of Philip Van Volkctiburgh, a New York lawyer, who has bh olllce ,lxt No. fts VTllliam street, and whose fur tuno Is estimated o-l St,O0f.00l. ;L The ceremony took place at Ji'n apartments In the - Hotel St. Hegis. She would not give tho name of thu ollicluting clorgyman, but tho we,l- ; i (Continued on :age tnrce.l promoters were was called of. (Continued on page four.)