tin: asiikvili..: crnzKN. Friday, November 2.;. mo. SOCIAL . PERSONAL M I'M. Il .1 M. 1 1 A ill l mm' li'l' tip Se'll 1" .Kim- lire "l:.iini i-w , ri st.l-nee on iMiiti-r : i nil nil. l Martin h.-i Mr. 1 !. i ti -. s Haywood mr- i t , iM 1,1 kf JlOWH-H Mr. I in id K il.uri .rid Mr. K'dj- i-rl Harris, I'M' II H''iT .Mir- I i'li w s 1 1 1 1 1 K .Mi il III.- I ..mi.. II .1 ;.l .1. of inllid.oio, 1 1 J,i ;. h' stay. lioldn-k ii,. I .Mm W. nf Hi.- latt.r f I: ;,b-oli. Is Kiddli k. n 'iii-iit- 50 MILLION . t! .. ill II. I . ' I II I tin- ) III. 111. Ill I .nil !-: v.irH and Ii.im d.-w lop. -I int.. or III.- hint plavcis mi Hi. .-'...ul.-l.-.triiH. Tim matin, c vinti-nlay a 1 1, til. on al Hit' 'inrnd ( iju-r.i bourn- siih a ei.. ii'Hl O.'i MHliilt. 'fill' lll'WH of the victory of Hinelntln Hpri-nil ill id van.e mi. I Ih- i'iiili-ix' entrance Jul. i tin- theatre was r' i-ivi-il with i vi ry ev Kioto i- ..I inter. -at. Tin! boxen win il. ei. rated ulih I Id- I'.lnnhain I 1 1 - -and Ihe ;ri'ii mid rid of M'.i.ihn A Mm' nf Hincjmm pciinaiiix w.im Hlriiiu; ft ri l tin- proscenium ho.,.- tin aire I!i fun- Hi.- i if lirtniil and during tin- itllr-' endi In and vIhIHiih teitniH Halm n number nf spirited cullec.' sons and lln- "yells" wore munln" Jtftm May Klmberly whs oni- ami h.im. Those mi the program witi' " " " Mis Clara vv a I - I Bin ru mini; iiniiv m-irnii mumn hi Mrs. James ilmlK-r. Jr.. inlcita.i. Ml last evening will, a dinner at I,, r home on French lhoi.d avenue. 1 1." houiw was prettily ami simply d..o rutcd for the occasion with cut flowers ami fens- Thtie v"'Ui eight guests. Jl J There will la- a mooting of the AsheVllle Pel Him k ami Poultry as sociation thin evening at ' a" I' ' the offices nf Hr. Wcxh-r Hi'i-dln ik on Kouth Main street. , The amtmtrtK faree, "The l.ament nhl., TnnrodiL af Julius Caesar." wan .ic i,u ii... i it iji In n In n Hii. li ly al.'i' ruFH Hi the High school nudll'irliiiii, Wed- !"f the ntwdny evening very successfully. Af nets Hi B "curtain raiser," u very cnjnvabl nitislciil nroirram wan given, at ivln Miss pan)."! Miss Viola Owenby Mrn ' v l: it.. .I.. .- K.ld. k. r and .Mihh .11 . I..M- ' Itidk-. -I.im II. . .i iii'.iitliH, h:a ine I. ki r, Mis i'ar i: hi h l;adeker ' Vii luria, for r I'.ii k-THhitrK, S'. si II Klllla, next rk. Mimm I 'iii'i-rii e itaiiiai'd leaven the latter .a l I. nt next week for Walh I inl.iii, J . (V. and other eaHt in IfM.lnlM and will In.- away Hevenil j in. .nl In j Mr. I .)-. tl li. I'm kran. of li.illi ,in. im iMitin M i n. 1'inkran, vli- 'with MlhM Hiiihain, Ih hm'Mi1iii hoiii.' Utile at the llatti-iy I'alk hot' I. .Mr W I!. Iliintliiclim, of I'har Inlle, Ih In Awhevllle. vIhIMiik Iiim hruther, Mr, J. H. 1 1 mil inKtmi, uf the V. M, r. A. cod fish, more or lcs-. :k ea h year on the coa t ni the livers of which aic n. Cod Liver Oil. The best oil is made It ni caught at the Lofoten I Scott & Jowne us.- i.t.'1. in making their celela .'. ! Scott's Emulsion it way, iV into the lull that oil and when skillfully i . Ilyi)oplios)hites of L. they produce a med.. e(tial!ed in the wotM up the body. FOU SAI.K KY Aid I' ml I with , ,,:,. S.aia l.ll I'""! tin I"t I inliliiii; Hi-ri'l Vli- . uiimH nf PMT I 1 ' -r ""i bi-.iutll.ii KinK Hink ana ' ' - 11- k. tuM-li bank I'unMtfi n Oiwit I I - SCOTT BOWNE. 409 I'.ail SI . New York Mr. haH a Victor VVIIIlamH, i I'l'ted a ioh1I Ion of AMhevlll ill I he t'eii. , Mi.. iri.,rtjic., l-'reedhinder. and which lin y n iiiiiiiihiii (1 every niiiri i . ,,, ,, irf ,, The Citlz.-n .Mr 11 1 Ml Kllzahidh Hortmi. The play ItliiKhain In clever mthih Th" hanm Ih a Krailuiiti- id Ihe lat. was well cast and the ymmtc pimple '"' aidaijilid In the eelii) nml uthII) mill 1m will known in fin howwt talent and thorouKh rehears- ilmin.-diin. ly won U'il uni - i ity. (In favor of till Jnt. the play K'JInK smoothly ihi 1 luulleii With vim. The IncKlnntwi winKS wnn topics,) verst added much to the sue eess of the evenlnK- , The wedding of Miss Klurcnci Woatherly nd Mr. Henry VVustall, d Aeheville, oecurred last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr end Mrs. James Weatherly on Houth Twentieth etreet, BlrnilnKhm, Ala. The wedding wae quite lare for n . lvet lit home, and anionic the KUents were tneny prominent memburs of Birmingham eoolety. Mrs. W. II. Westall, of Ashevtllo, mother of th" (room,, u present The house was decorated with palms and a profu sion of white bridal flowers. M'sn Weatherly wore a white satin irown embellished with Bnllqtio lnee and a tulle veil suspended from a half wreath of "white Wnssoms. Thern wre a number of attendants, the Irlde't maids wearlnn gowns or white chiffon cloth. Miss lalne Oatee, who was to have been the meld of honor, was prevented from doing so by a recent bereavement, the sad death of hor cousin, Miss Vera Webb. Mr. Jnmes Weatherly, a brother of the bride was best men. A large reception followed the Epis copal ceremony, after which Mr. end Mr Westall left tat Atlanta, Ja. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Westall will reside at Mrs. W. E. Varncm's on Haywood street. Mrs. Charlotte Day gave a Thanks. riving dinner last evening at her rs- tdenca on Montford ' avenue. Cut flowers tastefully arranged decorated . the table. Mrs. Day's guests wer . Mrs. Collier, Miss Brown, Miss Bareh K 'asler. Mlsa Mary Dickinson, Miss Sua Hecso and Mr. Edgar Collier, i The following Invitations were re reived In the city yesterday: North Carolina XJbrary Association Fifth Annual Meeting Ooldsboro, N. C. , Deeomber Jnd and 3rd. 1909. You are cordially Invited to ie present Meeting to he held In the rooms of Qoldsboro Woman's (Tub. Miss Annie F. ivtty. 1'r.sUlent Greensboro, N. ". Mm. Llndsey Pattereon, Kirst Vl?e Presldent, Winston. N. C. Mr. Ernest Crulkshank, Second Vlee lrcsldent, ' Ualeluh, N. C Mr. Ij. 11. Wilson, Hoeretnry. Chapel Will. N. ('. Mr. 3. Frank Wilkes, Treuanrer. Charlottr., N. t". Jl J Mlsa Rose Chapman will entertain K number of youug pwople at her Skyland place, "RosscniKKon," at tin week end a 'possum bolius the fcat ura of the house party. Jl Jl The Friday Book club will meet this efte-rnoon nt the Home Imlustvtul school at the Invitation of Mies Mary Johns. Pope will be the subject of the meeting. Mrs. T. r. Heynolds and Mrs. Foster will read papers. Jl Jl The defeat of A. & M. nan receiv ed with reuret by Ashevlllp people yesterday, on account of thr f i' t that thero were Awhevllle 1.hm on the team. (.rover "'. Olellll. a hli.lil.l' of Dr. K. fl. i;ieim wa "He of th. star players on tin- A. & M. team, also Harry tlaitsell. Mr. (il'-nn ' j Mr It. It Mulllkeli, train diHpalch er of the Houlhern, leaven today for iliiH home In Columbia, H. C., .unl 'will k" from there to 'I'n I l,i Ii.i.im..'. I Fin., to attend the wedding of a Mr AmhroKO l-'eat herHton left yea rday for WaHliliii;ton, I). There wan an cxciuini?-' of i-nrfiiiliini ntary yells mid soiiks and Ihe afternoon punned off very nu-plelotisly. Mra. .1. I) Murphy entertained Inst ter. Mr. Mulllkeli will hu away two evenlnK with an Informal dinner at weeks, te her residence on Montford avenue. Mrs. Murphy's guests were Mrs, M 10. Ucnedlcl, of Jnckaonvllle, Flu.. Mrs. John M. Carter. Mrs. W. II. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Locke CriiiK ami 'Judge Murphy. The cadet dance will lake place this evening at Mattery Park hotel Instead of ThiiukHKlvlrig night, the progi'inn of yesterday being too full to uilinli of further dis sipation. The bull room has been beautifully decorated, the Mulshing toui hex will he added this morning, and everything In readiness for one ofthe most .enjoyable In the history of lh school. Thu Mooney team will bo In evidence and will havo an opportunity of adding a few scoro more friends to those gathered unto them yesterday by the adnilr able spirit shown by the tram. A number of invitations have been Is sued by thu (lerman club and Ihe dunce will be a social feature of the autumn. J v The prettiest wedding that hat been witnessed In Lenoir for many years ak pluce Wednesday nlijht lit the Preahyterlan church, at 7-i o'clock, when Miss Alice Ilenkel be (amo the brldo of Mr. Henry A. Rhyne, of Mount Holly. N. C. The ceremony was performed by Hev. D. P. McCleftchy. Just before the bridal party entered, Mrs. J. T. Jones sang "True Till Death," by flatty. The wedding marches were rendered oy Mrs. J. H. Hernhardt, who presided at the phvno accompanied by the Presbyterian church orchestra, Lo hengrin was used as the processional and Mendelssohn ns the recessional. The bridal party entered In the fol lowing order: Six ushers followed by three bride's maids and grooms men. The bride entered on the arm of her father, Mr. L. V. Ilenkel, who gave, her away and was met at the Hilar by Mr. Rhyne, accompanied by Mr. John Craig, of Charlotte, as best man. Tho bride was handsomely at tired In n gown of white Hiitln trim med In rets) laco and pearl trim mings. Immediately after tho cere mony a reception was given the hrtdul party at the homo of Mr. and Mia. I,. I'. Ilenkel. At 9 o'clock the bride and groom left on a special train over tho Carolina & North western railway for Hickory, where they took tho train for California and other points In tho southwest. After a tour of several weeks they will return to Mount Holly, wheie they will niiikn their fulnro home. Mr Henry Rhyne Is tho son of Mr. A. P. Rhyne and Is a prominent busi ness man of Mount Hotly. miss Henkel la the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1'. Ilenkel, of this pirn- and Is one of Lenoir's most attract ive ount: women, and baa semes of friends. M J Tbe viiiiig ladles of Central Mi'lh .nil church nave a dinner In the HiM-rsiile Sunday school yesterday in Hie .Sua. lay s. I I rooms of l!i.. r side ili.it.el on .very street Th' 1-' were al". lit null' u'escut and lie-nil" til,, nood dinner, a !lol social lilu was cti.li.nd In ill present. ASHEVILLE OBSERVED QUIET THANKSGIVING t i i i nit ri w s ( III lt( 'II 108 AM) in Tin: m: iiomi s Mr. Kendall Norlhrup, who has been In New York and other eastern cities for several weeks Iiiih returned In the It . Minn Klorenco -Kelly, of Ulcbtnoni!. Vn., Is visiting her cousin. Miss Win ters, for two weeks. Mr ii ml Mrs. Thomna T. Coleman and Ihelr daughter, Miss Marguer ite Coleman, who have been In Aslievllle for several weeks, have re turned In their hiiiiio In Mucon, Ha. Mr. T. II I .ooin Is. of (Ireensboro. Is In Ihe city for a short stay on bus In ess. Mrs. William Wallace, of Slates vllle. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. A Whitloek at the home or tho latl on Haywood street. Mr. and Mrs. John A, Hamilton, of Ohio, are guests tit the Battery Par hotel. ' Miss Margaret Porter, a slater of Mr. William Sidney Porter. (Mr. i Henry), Is the guest nf Mrs. It. )' Orlnnan, at Bingham Heights. Miss Clara Williams, of Greenville Is visiting friends and relatives In the city for several days. Nwiial Cluuvli Smi.is latg.lv Attenilil and J)rcoruiioiiM Were Nfitovtorlln MOTOR CLUB WILL MAKE ITS FIRST RUN WII.I, IU N TO llENDEItHOX- VIM.IO AND HACK SI N PAY. Preparations Made tor I'.iiterliilii incut or Club and Those Who (in at Hotel (iutCN. i no rou to ItenderMinville next Sunday by the Ash.nille motor clul promises to be n most successful event. The iloiecls for good wen til er are line and the fact that a full moon will make trie night brilliant will Induce many to make the trip In anticipation of the ride hack In the moonlight. The nutoists will assemble on I he stiuitio Sunday morning preparatory to mnklng the star! at eleven o'clock, and It Is expected that between thirty and forty cars will make Ihe run. Mr K. C Sant it. president of tin. club, will be pacc-h. allot- for tbo run. and will see (hat an ci.-n sie,d is nialiitaiii'-d with Hie machines- well .ice, m i that ih.- n:. uill be agree- ble l"l abb- In I : . n il Is II Mill II .111.1 II "I e ,,sl. Hi I Of I 'I to join tl nun PETTICOATS Black iSatccii $1.2.ri Jilack Ht'iithorbliiitiu $2.50 Black TaliVta. also white, navy .wine. tan. t'rey, luinlcrs" titii. rct ila. lavciult r. pink, maize and j "nl lasjrcii . . . .$5.00 laek and Culorrd TatTet:is $6.50 to $12.00 :: The $5,00 Silk I'ettit-oat is cnijiliat icall v , veconimeiided lor uncommon value. There arc better and there arc inferior I'etti fVuits, and what tirade you Imy is for yon to say, but for quality as related to iriee these $5.00 Petticoats give more for the money than you expeet or rarely get. U tl- llli'l IMelll I. e . , ' O , . I I ! O II "I" II- ll , M IO 1 no I li.it - i r MM ii n r i , , lo'loi; loom In. !,, "I I In t,-ui mi; eonmi-lli Ills llll ' Ill lo'JS to III. l.e I ha I a i ' a nk; nn t: ( s i .1 11 I 1 I'd -1 in ! 11 , nc of .Ii mi- - 1 ,, 1 il n ti 11111 1., r at 1 In- Hotel t lat er To;.ri. '"I of tl.e Tl. .1. I. hlllis le obje, I,,, n tune in t In clul. 011 tbo S Of the nl I I s. 1 m 1 1. rl coiiti-mi'lal- : r. chaliin.in at on,,- ol the llii. s. lil.lde S It If ci-1'-Tbc 1 n . ntbnsi.isii,- mit."s n, g'M road man, has 1111, 1, a s.e, i i ran- to llie - Iiib "f !" c.-Mti t. r dinner, and In- hiii tlo i', put hi, 01 i-n- son Ini; K i diiiio i s. nler t. Ash. ill. 1 si II Is 1 11 the city w In tin- Mill ' I inal this rirst run 1 l Motor dub a splendid pel that I'M-rv machln. ! join fn 1 In- run. FLOWER OF THE RANCH MADE HIT AT GRAND Thanksgiv ing, like 1 In cu m is. is lo Asheville peoph) a llll to be eel, -brab d in a reveicnt spnii ,,, pi ms are ever ma.lo for l.u y. s.-, ,,!.ir , , . bralions or for public nli 1 1 iinnn nts such as are distinctive of i.tln r cities. biH in Ihe churches and in th,. home circle Ihe spirit of tin day is ob served in gladness and reverent, grat itude for Ih,. bounty which has bccfi vouchsafed by a klinllv Providence. Yesterday was such a d.iv 11s to de serve a special thanksgiving in ii self. It u-iih such a da) ns conies bill seldom to phn cm outside th'-FC "sun kissed mount, 11ns' ami though thort. have been others :iH tine, per haps, and may be oiln is finer still, none of them will mike ipilte the same appeal to that spirit of rejoii -Ing which the incidence of Thanks giving gave to yesterday. All thu churches held special ser vices with special union services nf the Methodists at Centfral church and bf the Baptists nl Ihe First Hnii tlst church. The decorations of the Episcopal churches were especially noteworthy, those at All Souls', Rllt more, being designed with great skill nnd artistic tasto. ' And tho churches wero crowded. In tills at least the Puritan origin of the day is' still pre served here. Hut It la douiriful If the 1'uri'na fifiherB ever saw, tasted, or Imagined such bolinfeoiis feasts of the good things of the land OS burdened the. tables of the Ashevlllo homes . s terday. In spite of the drawback of being In the mountains and some what remote from tho epicurean delicacies of the waters and In id AaheVllle Iiiih mere than its share of Lucullan devotees who can order, serve, and relish a good dinner. Th market men say that no such prep rations were ever made before fi the annual feast as were made this year, and from tho contented looks that one saw on the streets yesterday II Is reasonable lo believe that these preparations materialised Into tin expected. There wen. amusements enough if one was looking (or them. The fonl- ball game at Riverside drew a laic crowd, the ni:ilni"es nt the vaude ville houses v) ere well patroui.ed and the pel foi in;, lid's at tile lit-. mil attracted many lovers of the play. Hut the leal celebration ul tin- day was In Ihe I101111 s of the people where neighbors "dropped in" and found awaiting them the good i-le-i r f genuine hospitality and the re freshment that ih never lacking in Asheville The streets Hero prncllcallv de serted. All business houses ei-.- losed. and although the Super, m unit tried to mako up time by con- tinning Its sessions, it. loo. llclde.l flnallv, and ad i. aimed earli.r Ih.tn usual It i,tsa da) of rest, a 1I1) of ,pii-: doniesli-- p. .iMire. rt llav sueb : - Vslo ville in.ik'H "I its best bolld.ivs illiSlifiliil mm ivnramuMMHsessi Jhanksghu'ng Js Over. Now for Xmas business We begin at once to prepare for the Big Xmas Trade that we expect during the next four weeks. You will do well to do your Xmas shopping early. Special Values on Suits Continues The Special Prices on Suits will continue for a few days. The stock is limited, so make your choice with out delay. SUFFRAGETTES GETS . SEVERE SENTENCE Is IN TH iN. N., L'..--M r.'. Alio i 'fin pin, tin- mil Hunt KuffrrtK.t lr. v. hu iii.liir'i( n MilliiiK rlcrk ;it Ih- Her mmiII'Im x hy-i lt-t l tMii wImmi st- miih.Il. '( a boUl'- t-niili'iinlnK rnrrosix ;nnl Hmii ;i liiillut ho v.:js ;-nr in-ffi in Ih1 H;iil (Milit'c cmirl Imlnv, to Mt'VlTl IllolllliS I Ml I I'IMO II RM-tl t Shi u;is nii irttil upon two rh;irgc, ilin muiithx nf Jii-r juiMifshnH'ht kiv - cn fi r the nftriiwc nf intcit nim h luillul aiul tlic h;ilani.f nf th-' (rin for jiSHaiill Ji)i'il'' iipiin tin1 poll i 1 ik rlwj(. A ims Allison Nii-l;i ii.s. who iiunlr a miliar atlrnipt In t xpiss suffraKfttf srnt iiiK-nt al tin i t -tion Iml witli HrritniH eoiiNciiurii- --h. iilnu was (( ii v i c l fi 1 and h iil rn 'l In thrri- inntitliH imprlMniitiM-nt. 11 1 1 u( K 111 i;t. hu ut; iit, , Nu. llerniati J'niincr. Iii!Hi.n'k "f ;i Iticul Cnnlhall li'iim, ."iiU'iTi'il a Iracturril cnllai Idiiir in a (;;inu !mi Intlaj' Rlieumatisnv "My ninlli'-r i a great sufferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain fills is t lie only remedy that relieve her." MRS. G. DAY F.NTORT. Roycciicld, N. J. For the pains nl rheumatism there is nothing that can eijual Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They overcome that nervous irri tation, relieve the pain ami swelling, while they have a tendency to allay fever. Jl taken as directed they are invaluable to chronic sufferers, as the weakening effect of pam is less ened. Try them your druggist sells them. , The first package will benefit: If not, your druggist will return your money. lie 111. -IU- i;.iii.-b" i lll'l .1", ol II . It 1" hi less The I low i 1 "I Ih i- know 11. t In hou , a vi- been packi d. Hi'- ' Mini ol " iii iUeslioii , M o- i Ihe W ,nti is. ,,nd a d.iinf' lilll, In is. oh, can sing oioi .,t,i 1" I - lotl 1 . titlios it . olid sli, 11. -Ill dne ,., John I '. I--i.ii.:. I .1 1 no 01 1. is a pl.-a.siin; -. on 1 o'-iil s! no presence. l..s ,, i .1 is ;,h,-r the in- in le r-; o: rus a,'!.;n,it thctiiselv' s in ., !,- 111 1 mi- r J. ,M 1 'l.iv 1 ,,i - .la. I n. I .1 th.- ll tile , lo . dit,-! lIKI.ie 11 lb ! II li as t. v I UU'-'l ! I Its -,e , I'he audii 11 .- c, ma 11 ih'11,11 ih" i.'V'.thlo slonv " I In I'oh-Silf I.I' ii C; a sup, 1 li o Weil w 01 : b In he niriuiikh t.e O il . -'Milieu.'.' 'fund On- nio! tttends th, s!i, ai isti. ,1 vi ith it herifl'. .1. SI..V 1 - ' .J one of Hie !.- si is n lo for a bote t on. . ' 11 ' w .is Immensely pleased. t it why the moit iv o' the sc.nson illicit raid" Tonight. 'ti ; , 'ion w ill b. ' Tie 1 from all a. onto -lion and will I e :ice of admission, if the Oiand ha" it Ihttt it offers t - 10 any person wit -, might .uol ,s do- M. V. MOORE ii- it 1 ast . "f "The Sho Its afl, , t 011 audience at Flower of t h ;it- itrsi ton, regretted thai the li.id the recent appearance w fllrl" In litis city had the si?'' of last night's Ihe Grand, when "The e l'.nieh" vns put on for in Oils citv WOMEN'S ITRXISITINGS. li PATTO.V AVE. it was pia, lically the tirst real mu sical comedy of the season, bright, tuneful and catch) nnd produced with scenic elT. . is that have seldom been excelled here. .Moreover, the production could boast of a real plot of Interest, an unusual feature with the average musical comedy. Had pii.i:s crut:i in to ti iys. PA.O OINTMKNT Is guaranteed to cure nnv case of Itching. Hllnd. or I't .Ending l'iles in to H davs or inotiev refiniilsil Fflo Hay's Hair Health N r Falls to Restore Grar Hair to Its Natural Color and Beauty. Moiiuia!lirg -ui.nw tHwItiviv rem.' liasdnitt. Is not a lly-. k'.-fiisc .01 -.oit rutni. I' lX) 101J Sii I , nl.-. 1 Mailer ai l'riiggiitn. Seud i. ntjatp le." t-.-b, -' l .ti- 1'...-. .1 i:w llatr." I'laioUa. tjixsi.Cu.,;! ) iiatouSt.,Newtk,N i. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS As near as it is Possible fur ns In do s. i t ra c vry piaiii Hrild ly iih. ami prnirti mir runt oiihtm from t he miort'in's-ii- tlinllS nf llUHrnipilliMlN ailil jl.miii- lu.-t'-nl tuners and rrvmirrrs nf pi-Hlin.-i. If nun h ST1 KKK Pl- AN(, hr vry l areful wlm taniptTs will! it. W tnaintJiin :i mrps (f nmpftont men in Mitst line, a n-.t will furnish me tn lonk after yntir in st ruin cut any t into it nopde a t ttntmn. Our rep-pqntath es are dul aceroditfil. anr if a v ha net' ealler represent that Iip is from Hie BOUSE ol SHE! T insist Uni bo show you bis ,-ui-thoril'. We stand bn-k ot every l opt i ,'etitattoii made b our repre neittal f. es. aiul this fact has temp ted .b-h'Mi' st persons in ina:-'iui'r-,1 ie ,ts Ii 1 nt; on r r- ,n s, nui 111.-., M v 1 , ii r visitor tan shoe, the prop . .1 1 iiiioiv-nn ti 1 , t rust Ii tin . if tie . 11 0 11 it . t lie .ha he,-S 'a r.- V oll'v c c.ineht .1 : -.v 110 Her, 111 vv hleii ease W ' .1 I h.llll, ' Ml o e US k'"l - M' li I' 1 1 i 1 1 . We lloll't p'"P--' lh.it tlo- people e'i.,11 i llllll- t' ,1 it 'III' cost o! o't 1 opu- tali'.li Chas. M. Stieff Mniiufacliircr of liin Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Sclf-playcr Pianos Baltimore, Md. Southern Wareroom B West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WTLMOTIl, Managvr. Av.vrciirs mv spi:cii.tv If yu need a )tt.h lltttl ,' keep time, w e have theiii. and at prices that arc right, l ine Watch Itepalrinsr. .1. E. OAKPEVrEH. 32 Pat ion Are. GET THE WHEAT-HEART iiABir Vmi will never ivgrt't it. Hundreds of faiiiilit's have used Wheat Hearts daily for years. It is cheap, delii-ious and uiitritioiis. J j-inoAjniiMii itit(. iv i ham: nniMdi, We have one Hasc IJurner, Hard Coal Stove left. Will sell it at a bar- BURTON & HOLT Pretty, Well Manicured Nails add to a woman's charm, and bespeak refinement. Let us do your work. MISS CRUISE, yx ' Phone 554 ICE CREAM lor Today's Dinner Asheville Pure Milk Cc. East Walnut St. Phone r, 5 I. FOR PERSONAL COMFORT Thorp's no coal like ' M.&W. INDIAN (Ivor !)5 per cent, carbon, free from dust, dirt and slato it gives most fuel valuo for tho money. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company itMiW immnif 3 PAINLESS UENTISTRY Now Is the time to look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge for examination Prices alwavs reasonable. Dr. Mntthevvs' Dental .Parlors, Cor. College and hpruce (-its., near Hie . Court House Office Phone MA, Resi dence IMiope 972. La Grecque Corsets Style, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 12 CHURCH ST. GET THE HABIT Eat Pistachio Nuts! riolicliimi'. Nutritious! Appetizing! For sale at al' leading grocers and drucgiKts. Sainpl package at Mt. City Stationery Company. II. M. Nablklan. Prop., J.t ration Ave. Rocker to the person holding the luckv number. Christmas. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look In their window. Phono 1015. 19 S- Main St. REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-made jewelrv and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts and Crafts Bbop' Koiidleiy llulldlm; Haywood St. M. WEBB & COMPANY ttlOUitrt lmjtortem No. Battery Park Plaoa. Pbona 1MU CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS Kyiv SK'cialiHt u. 0-10-1 1 Dliruiiior Blilg. TI1K POCKKT NERVE is the most sensitive nerve In ihe human body. This Is one nerve you will forget yon have if you buy your optical poods from ns. Kyes examined, Pram,-s fitted. lenses ground and a complete lino or Optie.il Go" (. V. K. GARDNER. Manufacliiring Optician Cor. liurc li and Pniton Are. PEERLESS Coat Suit Sale Today r Any Coat Suit in Our Stock at a Reduction of 25 per Cent We are oeitimr ready I'm- the Christinas holi tlav s and would like you to visii mir sture as often as pi'Ssihlo fii.im now on. XQVKLTIES AHKIV1NCI DAILY. 1 t

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