THE ASHEMLLE Associated Press Leased WirerEepertf." VOL. XXVI., NO. 38. ASlIEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. . D i ROOM IN G.O.P. FOR INSURGENTS J U R Y R ETI R ES WITH The Foot-ball Season Is Over. LOEB DISMISSES Wi EVIDEN TOMBS. N ACM LITTLE Prisoner Enmeshed In Net of Almost Convincing Testimony Her Artist Husband From "Scoffer Became Convert And Broke up Home Cummins. LaFollette And Fol lowers Will be Treated as Bryanltes Indictment of Weigher for Fraud In Figs Reveals New ; Ramifications , THE WEATHER: FAIR. . RSCHHISTYLAYS IL DISCORD CE STRONG 1DMDRE ANDETJnS HOUSE CLEIfiG STETSON CANNON DECLARES PRACTITIONERS STILL DOMINATE HIS MIND Threatens to Roveal Secrets She Knows If They do Not Give up Her Child NEW YORK. Nov. 2 - Mrs. Mav blle Christy, the beautiful wife of Howard Chandler Christy, model for hl famous "American Girl," de clared yesterday afternoon that their home which was Idyllic for eleven years, had been broken up by the teachings of Mrs. SteUon, recentl" repudiated by the Christian Science church. She had Just arrived from Zunes vllle, Ohio, where Bhe began suit for possession of her ten-yenr-okl daughter, Natalie. The child had been mysteriously whisked away by the father, and yesterday detectives were sent out to trace him. "Please do not ask me whether I will seek a divorce,' she said, tear fully, when found in the upartmer.t of her' brother-in-law, C. F. Hull, at No. (29 West One Hundred and Thh-ty-flfth street. "I love Howard, and If It were not for Christian Science as taught by Mrs. Stetson, I 1 would now be living happily with him. "Mrs. Stetson and her practitioner have taught hlra that marriage is wrong; that there Is nothing sacred In It. He has coma to lose all sym pathy and feeling. He Is no longer the same man. "It to my own fault, in a way," -h? added sadly. "I took him to the Flfst Church of Christ (Scientist) In this pty and interested him In the religion , taught there. At first be scoffed. "Remember, four or Ave years afo,?that"T had- to hide my books on Christian Bclenca and read them on the. jmVo Wter Wamy husband tj ward, the sect. A practitioner whom I had consulted had urged me to give UP Howard as a husband. I told Howard what she had said, how she Had declared that Mrs. Stetson, who was one with God in her mind, (Continued on page four.) CASHIER ADMITS HIS EMBEZZLEMENTS AND WILL TELL EVERYTHING At Ago of Sixty Three Must j Team Will bo Strengthened flo to Federal Prison for- hy Purchase of New Play Ten Years I ers at High Prices HTOLE $1 S,(MM) ' Mimanw wi. v.,v. ?.PI1I " , i , r -h. . 1 Allen, Jr.. ,rmer. president of ,-he. First Nfotfonal bank of Mineral (,.lU, ()f wnirn Horace S. Fogel, of Point, Wis., appeared today before ithis cfty, Is the head. The pi ice p.ild t.-a. Bnl.m-n In ih foiled States' by the new owners is said to have ""r" ) District court, pleaded guilty to four out of twenty-six counts in the in dictment against him and was sen tenced to ten years in the Federal prison nt Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the maximum penalty under the liv of any one count. Allen was rharged xllhg 1168.000 from with the emhlcz M ineral Point bank. Allen, who Is in his sixty-third year, has been in jail for several weeks, unable to give $5U,000 bond He pleaded not guilty at La Crosse to the Indictment rendered against him by the Brand jury In that -ily. He came Into court this morning, unexpectedly. With bowed head and almost inaudible voice he plead - I'd. gutlty and when he wus asked If be had anything to say he said no. Allen was returned to jail. He Will go before a grand Jurv at La Crosse- tomorrow and tell all he knows about the wrecking of the First ' National bank of Mineral Point, Wis., of which he was vice president. GEN. CARE WILL ADDRESS CONGRESS! DURHAM. N. C. Nov.. 16 C.en eral Julian S. Carr has been invited to deliver an address upon the event of the great commercial congrern lning with Philadelphia or some nth"-.1 Washington. December 5 rvftd 6 and organized team. Then his case will has accepted the Invitation. he taken up." lienerai ho ua vnr umi vn....- assigned to a North Carolinian and will dlacuss "Opportunities for Manu facturing in the South." There are manv national figures Who will make addressee at the con - feren'ce. "PERFECTLY WILLING TO TRUST THE PEOPLE" Boss of The HouseSays There will Never be Any Change In The Rules KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 2 "When Senators Cummins, I .a Kol lette, Hrlstow and their so-called 'progressive- following Join bands with Mr. Uryan in making war upon the republican members of congress who passed the tariff bill and .upon (he president, who signed- it. in that contest 1 know of but one way to treat them, and Unit is to tight tbeni just as we fight Mr. Hryan and his following." Such was the declaration of Spcnk Oannon, who delivered the princi pal address before the Knife and Fork club here tonight. Mr. Cannon said Senator Cuinmliu alone had read himself out of the republican party. He defended the rules of the house, saying they will remain sub stantially us they have been and are, so long as there is a congress. Bot law lvrr, Hnl Mr. Cannon asserted that while the Payne tnriff law Is not perfect It Is the best ever pussed under republi can leadership; that since the enact ment of the new law production in this country and Impbrts from for eign countries have greatly Increased and day by day conditions are Im proving. The Insurgents' and their followers, he said, are seeking to hin der the progress of prosperity by criticism and denunciation and this too within three mrmlhs of the enact ment of the tariff law. Only such agi tation can halt the prospective era of prosperity, said ,tbe speaker. Continuing Mr. Cannon said: 'The demagogue we have al-way with us, an'd as ours is a government of the people, the only way to dis pose of him Is tn move on. 1 am j perfectly willing to trust the verdict of a prosperous and happy people In the elections in November. 1910. af ter the new tariff law has been In operation for over n year." 1 QUAKER CUT BASEBALL TEAM PAYING S35.D00 'want catcher kunu PHI LADKLPI I IX, Nov. 2. The Philadelphia National league base- I bH t a gynd. een 3r,0,000. Charles W. Murphy, president of the Chicago club, of the National league, represented his organization at the conference in order to see that the provisions of the National league constitution were properly observed. The fuct that Mr. Murphy was pres ent caused a rumor to be circulated that be would be financially inter ested in the new management, but this Mr. Murphy subsequently denied The Philadelphia club was former ly owned by Clarence W lf. a bark er; James 1". MVNti hol, n promim n! Philadelphia politician, and the late Israel V Durham, also a pollticiil leader. President l-'ogel said tonight Hint it was the intention of the new own sis to strengthen the bgal club by the purchase of new players. An of fer of $15,000 was made to President I Murphy for the release of Kling urovidinit l.e National commission will reinstate the famous Chicago catcher. WILL COXHlDEft IT. CINCINNATI, )., Nov. 26. Pres ident August Herrman of the Nation al baseball commission tinight w hen asked concerning the matter of ihe Chicago National league team for $15,000 to Philadelphia, said Kling Is Ineligible at present, but the .commission will take no action in the matter unless he starts play WHOlKKAI.E ESCAPE. OAMBOA, Oaxeiy,', Mexico, Nov.. 2S. Twenty six prisoners in the peni tentiary at Tehuantepec, many of 1 ihem murderers escaped yesterday by digging beneath the prison walls. MADE INQUIRIES ABOUT OLDW'JMAN'S MONEY After Staying Out All Night Returned Wet And Blood Stained RICHMOND, Va.. Nov., 26. A Tazewell, Va., special to the Times Dispatch says evidence of the most sensational and damaging character was introduced today at Grundy hi the triai of Howard Little for the murder of Mrs. Betty Justly, her son. In-law, George .cii'ws. Ids wife, and their three children, and lit I lie conclusion the case went to the jury. Senate Justls, a son f the mur dered woman was the first witness loduy. He .dated that he had worked with Little when he was foreman of the (titter Lumber company and that Little had frequently asked him how much money his mother had "by her". He told him. Another witness stat ed that Little said to him that if he was the old woman he would not keep money by him; that It would be an easv matter for someone to murder the family, rob the hou.e and burn the victims. Mary tUacy, the woman whom Little was to leave with, was 4he next witness. She stated that Little gave her 120 the dav before the murder to buy clothes that she might be ready for the trip, and told her they would go as soon as he could get some money from a bank. Damaging Testimony. Several witnesses test tiled as to the time of night the house wus burned nnd voices they heard ,gotng In the direction of the building. Mary Lee, the woman who made her home in the family of Little, was -the- most important witness of the day being,, on the stand over two llours. .She told of Little's relations with Mary Stacy, and his troubles at home with hl.i family. She stated that on the night of the murder a lump was kept burning when Little went away nnd that he was absent all night. She stated trim t she was (Coot tuned on page four.) F FOR MORE THAN A WEEK Department officials Believe Nicaraguan Officials stop ped Them INTERESTS (iUARI)EH WASHINGTON. Nov. I'll. As no word has been received by the slab department from Mr. Caldera. Ameri can vice-consul at Managua, the in ference Is that bis dispatches have been intercepted by the Nicarguan ol licials under President Zelaya at least to the extent of culling the telegraph wires. The department has no doubt that Mr. Caldera has attempliil to communicate with It several times during the last week itr more. Owln;? to the absence of specific information which was sought to be obtained through vice-consul Cald.-rsi and other agencies, the officials here undoubt edly will delay ai least for a short time before taking further action. A dispatch received from Minefields reascures the Cnitnl States as to whether American interests or Amer ican citizens are being interferred with by the revolutionary army. In effect the dispatch states that great care is being exercised to protect American interests. It is also report ed that Amelio Kspinosa, of the rev olutionary provisional government has given up his post as minister general It H generally understood that Mr. Espinosa will be elected president of the republic under General Kslrada should the revolution be successful. IX)NDON XOT NOTIF1KD. LONDON. Nov. 26. OITIclat confir mation is lacking i re of the publi cation of the despatch from Mine fields, Nic. which round its way Into the I'nited States by way of Colon and was cabled to London to the effect that Commander Thesiger of the British cruiser Scylla. had paid an official visit to Provisional Presi dent Estrada. The war despatches from Blue fields, Nicaragua, should be read In the light of the knowledge that Blue fields Is the headquarters of the in surgents, who are able. to. pint rol the city Just as absolute! as President Zelaya regulates press matters em nnating from Managua, the capital. JLTl 1 1 or .i , 7 W MINISTERS AND DOCTORS AROUSED BY DR. BURROUGHS' OPPOSITION Prominent Members of Medical Profession Declare He Is Making Grave Mistake in Rejecting Help of Pulpit in Fight Against Tuberculosis. Seems to Stand Alone. The statement of Dr. James A. Ilur roughs, and ills letters to Governor Kltchln, and to Dr. C. A. Julian, sec retary of to state association for the prevention of tuberculosis, published In yesterday' .CHI Ken, In which he ex pressed his strong disapproval of the proposed "Sanitary Sunduy" stirred up more comment and consternation in church and. medical circles yester day than any other event has for many years. Inquiry into th Mews of the min isters and physicians of the city devel oped the fact that Dr. Burroush stands almost alone In a. position whloh the Vigorous tons of his letter howi. however;- & Timnded upon earnest conviction. Dr. Iuiiii'h Statement. Dr. W. I Dunn, of this city, who Is president of the North Curolln- Society for the Prevention of Tuber culosis, gave the following statement to The Citizen last night: "Editor Citizen: "It Is with the deepest regret that 1 read In this morning' Issue of The Citizen Dr. Ilurrough's delayed nnl unexpected attack upon the Sanitary Sabbath only two days before the plan was to be put In action, and In cidentally upon the work of th" North Carolina Association for the Prevention or Tuberculosis. It Is.'i sad spectacle to see the president ot FAKE DROWNING AVAILED HIM NOTHING AGAINST LAW Swindler ';uitfht after Tmtf Search and Found (luilty of Charge PRINCETON. Ind., Nov. 2fi. H. E. Asar, who an mged a false report of his death h drowning to escape those whom be swindled through grain operations today was founii guilty of embezzlement by a Jury be fore whom be Iiih been on trial. Sen tence was defer ie. I pending a notice for a new trial Agar was itiptoied at San I'.enilo. Texas, several ueoiths ugo after a chase which Listed for nearly two years and extended throughout the country. Fearing expoHiir- In January. 19'IH. Agar disappeared He arranged ap pearances to hear out a report thai he had fallen from a steamer In the Wabash river and drowned. He '-,ir-rled a large life insivance, and The insurance companies and his credit ors refused to believe the report of his death and le t.m a search whli li finally resulted m his capture. He was convicted today of having embezzled funds belonging to the General Trout company of Evons- vllle. Numerous other charges nr" pending against linn. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2G. Fore cast: North Carolina: Fair: warmer Saturday: Sunday fair; warmer tn east portions: light to moderate northeast to east wind. lBjklff pjj? tU FATR2 the North Carolina Medlcul society take such an ill-considered position against the little Red Cross Christ mas stump which has done so much to lesson the suffering or our poor, and which has been one of the most powerful factors in interesting th people In th great tight against tu berculosis not only In this, country but all over the world. I say this ad visedly because the Institution of a Banltary Sunday was sug gested and approved as a mean of popularizing this , little tiwu senger of good will . to men and of hope to the sulTerlng., Iparther, Dr , Burroughs . knew lAhttt till m th csarfcMiM it was -dlscwwMl In hi preenc, ' 4 ' "It 1 especially regrettable lie cause Dr. Uurrough has used the dignity and Influence of hi nlflce to give weight to that which, 1 believe, must be a purely personal eplnlon and which cannot possibly have the support of so philanthropic a profes sion a our. Doubly regrettable be cause the by-law of the North Caro lina Medical society in chapter VI. section 1, specifically state, In speak ing of the dutle of the president. 'He shall be ihe real head of the I profession of the state during his I term of office," etc. "llefore condgmnlng the governor of our state It ffad been well If Dr. Uurrough had been sure of the fads POLICE WANTED MANWHQ MASQUERADED STREETS Part Ifequired hhn to Dress as Uurjjlar and it Came Near LandiiiLr, Mini NEW YOP.K, Nov. 20 James F. Meehan Is a wealthy builder who has built hundreds of houses and apart ments In the Hunt Point section of the Hronx. lie Is Just now very much interested In a play to be given for the benefit of the Church of St, Ath anaslus In the Harlem Casino tomor row evening. In the cast the star! part is that of a burglar, and the play requires the burglar to work with the aiil of a dark lantern and a real set of burglar's tools. These were secured for the production by Mr. Meehan. The cast has been rehearsing nightly In the hsll of the church on Tiffany street, near Southern boule vard. last flight after rehearsal Mr. Meehan. John J. Conway and Hobert A. Ilogan. all of the cist, were walking along the Southern P.oulevaril, which at this point Is sparsely settled and dimlr lighted. They were dressed as burglars and carried their outllt with them To policeman Hrgndt of the Morrlsar.l.'a station, who is new to the Hronx, they looked like "the goods." The policeman watched until he saw the trio seporate, and then went after the man with the satchel, Mee han. The policeman wanted the gr.p opened. Meehan refused and told who he wus. Hrandt Just laughed and examined the satchel. When the dark lanterns and Jimmy wer.? shown he was sure he had made un Important capture. Finally seeing that he could not explain to the policeman, Mr. Mee han. asked the officer to go with him to the church rectory, a few blocki away. There he called out Father Joseph Cherry, the assistant pastor, who quickly explained the situation and the explanation was accepted. In the cae, because Oovemor Kltch ln did not by proclamation, or other wise, appoint November the 8th a Sanitary Sunday. Ho, If explanation are necessary, Dr. Uurrough I ti e one to make Uietn. Ministers lo Know. "Furthermore,. It I not a fact that the .minister' know nothing , about the prevention of tuberculosis, In deed, the great hope for - the final limiting of this terrible scourge llfl In the ,fact that tht prevention, of ,tu. berculosi. Is sw simple that tne hum Ulegt can understand It. Surely, ths clergy -of jtr Mat represent lully e :htgti'.''-i.vtC;otlntJlliiM the member of our own prorewlon, "Requests in reference to Banltar." Sunday were-not mad In the nam of the medical profession nor In the name of the stnte board of health but in that of the North Caroling Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, "A fw facta about the North Car. olina Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis: "1, It la not it purely medical, but largely a aoctologlc organization. "2. Men and women from over walk of life are eligible to member ship. . "8. A it name Indicate, it pur pose I to teach the people how to (Cont'imed on age lliree.) DOPE FIEND FIRES INTO . (Iroensbom Woman Barely Escapes Death at Hands of Her Crazed SjKiuse OftEENHIIOItO, N. C. Nov. Mrs. Cornelius M. Edward, who con ducts a popular boarding house on the corner of South Ahe and West Sycamore streets, hud a narrow es cape for her life yesterday morning when her litislwnd, who was appar ently under the Influence of a drug, fired a revolver Into her room, Mrs. Edwards, realizing the condition of her husband snd being frightened, locked her room cOor upon retiring last night. A few minute, urter mid night Edwards knocked at the door, and upon being refused admittance, became angered and llred his revolver the bullet shuttering- the glass In the door and passing directly over Mrs. Edwards as she lay In bed, imbedded Itself In the wall on the opposite side of the room. immediately after llring the revolv er Edwards left the house, but was arrested In a short while and carried to the police station, where he was linked up pending an Investigation. Edwards denied that tie shot at his wife or that lie had possessed a pistol In many years. No revolver ai found on his pereon. The family and acquaintance of Edward believe his mind ha become unbalanced through the exceelve use of whiskey and drugs. The case of Edwards 1 most piti able. By profession he I an expert ac countant, and before his health be came undermined by the ue of whiskey and drug he I said to hav been one of the best men engagea In that line of business. For a num ber of years he held a responsible position with the American Tobacco company In Durham, and rew young men had brighter propect In Ufa. MRSf OF SERIES WHICH GOVERNMENT EXPECTS Dismissed Civil Service Ap pointees will be Replaced., NEW TURK, Nov, I". A pew se ries of alleged cystoma fraud w . brought to light her today' with th - arrest or Thomaa C Cfddlngs, a cus tom weigher, on ' ,a.n , .Indictment charging hhr. with cimspiracy to de fraud the government- In- otneetHni with Importation of fig In I90G. According to th fatlsral prosecutor, (lidding underwelghsd two ahlp ment of fig consigned to local In porter, recording th; weight ef 1ft first ahlpment at .10,000 pound W stead of 4, 000 end, defrauding th government of duty on 1,701 pound of the fig contained' tn fht ' second hlpment, . , : , v Mora Weigher Propim!. , ITT indictment agslnstjdlddlng, if I 1 estimated II th Hrt of ierw which the government hope to ob tain from the grand Jury now In ses sion a a result of following up Col lector Loeli' investigations and, dis missal. , ,,' i ' , - , jU Ten mor assistant weigher were dropped by Collector -Lanb from the. custom service today.- , ' ; Mr. Loth announced that , with v the dismissal ' th "general hmr cleaning" In th custom house a iht result of th Investigation into up derwelghlng fraud had been' com pleted. Horn individual ' cssnt re mained, howtver, on which ha might find It necessary to tuke -action,' ih collector Added, . ' Made- Under (ho Rule. Inoludlna- todaV dismissal. "a ' tot tai of eighty-three men Jtsva' hj.i rmovd .toy th; collector ln ti' ork of readjustment of the stuff m the cutom service Iwgan. The nun ; dismissed tody wr civil ervle ; appointees, snd their successor will b ehoien from th civil rvic list Of eligible. ' - The collector o Id he wished to correct misapprehension which ap peared to him . to.bw6mwhat gen eral, to th effect that th civil sf vice rule had been disregarded In the dismissal nd appointment pre-i vlniisly mud during the upheaval. Thl wu not th.c, h 'declare.!. the civil rv!o role MaVIng bn trlctly regarded nd ' appointment of new men tn )l case having been mad from th civil service list. MARINKH nEADY TO MIU PHILADELPHIA, Nov., I . Heo ; rtary of th Navy Meyer today, r vlswed at the Philadelphia navy yard the marine who ; will Mil probably tomorrow on th transport Prirl for th Panama can I ion or pocwlbly Nlraragua. Following the revlmw there ws a dres parad In honor ( th ecretary In which all th aalu ors and marines t aliened at the yard, about 1,000, participated, ' - Willi TIKES HER LIFE Ix'ft Thanksgiving ; Dinner to Commit Snicifle lc caiiKp of 111 Health DURHAM, -Nov. it. iSjrt. Rusun R. Lipscomb, one of Durham' prom inent women, committed ulcld yc trrday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mr. T. Q. Sexton, with whom he was temporarily living. t; ... -jl-The deed was executed with won , derful nerve for a woman. Friend.' and the family had. just eaten dinner when Mr. IJpacombe went for her;. afternoon nap. One of the ladle . wanted her to come down and play . : an old melodeon for amuaement and.. going to her room found her lying In f her own blood with her head cut half ( off, the windpipe and carotid arte-.( rle everd completely and death, . . undoubtedly Initantaneou. Upon the mantel wa laid carefully" Mr. Sexton' rasor which had been taken from hi room. No outcry waa ut- " tered and the stillness ot death wa upon the act fro mtha beginning. ' Melancholia,, superinduced by long Illness and aggravated by the death of her youngest daughter. Augusta, are explained a the Cause. Bh had suffered greatly with rheumatism. She wss th daughter of Dr. ). M. Holt, of Orange faotory, lter of Dr. E. M. Holt, of Duke, and wid ow of the late Thomaa Llpacombe. county commissioner. Bb wned a farm ten mile In the county and until her visit her lived there. He- side the relatives she was relate J ' to Other well known people.