the wamnjE citizen, Saturday, rnvmiBm 21,1m. SOCIAL l PERSONAL The senior phllathea clans of tin Ora street Presbyterian church, n tertalned Thursday night with a Thanksgiving social, hi the home of Ihetr pastor, ltev. K. I.yaioh t (Iran. 57 Or, street. Many nanus won- play ed, end conumdrums nuked, and a delightful lunch vas fei v. il In the dining room, by a committee "f three Of the class. AmonB thoso lricui were Misses Ktt;i W'orley, HerU-y Worley. Lillian Downle, MunniiiK West, Mamie Jacol. draco lira ham. Lllllon Deck, Ma Davidson rhriatlna Kev. Newlund Foster, Pal lia Harrison, Honnle Ju'knii, Per tha Foster, Dolly Uaddy. Mamie Sur rells. Beulah Wilson, Mabel Isaac Hnn. Halev. Krvln. Hradshaw, MIn- enhelmer, Annum, McCiary. Mill Wagner, Prltchard, Walker, llamsi-y Mel lame, Itoblnson, Foster, Downle Mr. and Mm. Major VVorlcy. and lu-v. . and Mrs. E. U Urau. The Chlldren'e Missionary society more familiarly known an Th IJtcht Bearer will give an "IntcrestlnK uro inm Sunday evening at Central Methodist church at 7.30 o'clock ' which will take the place of the reg ular service. The collection will be ' , sent te the foreign Odd for the sup port of missionaries. The following 1 th program: 1. ; Hymn No. ' 1. Bible lesson and prayer, t. Bong .. ..'We Greet You Ail." . . Recitation, ''A Little Utrht Bear- r.f ,v ., .. t ' . Kuth Chodaster. , ''. Recitation "Just ft Pmny." Martha Chambere. Bong, "O lot the Children Sing." t. Itecitatfon, "That Little Cllrl In , China," ,; ... ', Gwendolyn Buckncr. I. Recitation, "A Little Girl's Story" .. .. Carrie Lee Weaver.! . Solo, "Only Little Baby Girl." Marguerite Canada. 1. Reading, "For Christ and tho " Church." i . ' By a class of glrla 11. Song . . . "Missionary Ship." It. Recitation "What Boye Can Do," By five boys, 11, Reading . . "Two Ploturee." . Christine Lee. 14. 8ont., "Bend Out the Light." 15. Reading. , "Do Missions Pay?" , , Helen Nichols. H. -j Offertory . ... , Mlaa Robin Kennett. 17. Song' .v "Be a Little Sunbeam," 18. Benediction. :'' . J Little Dorothy and ffarrar Parker gave a ' small children's party lest evening at their home In Proximity 1 park, to which a few of their small friends were Invited. The Wednesday evening brldgo club met this week at the residence of Miss Settle Sites, M J . The Woman's club will hold Us semi-monthly meeting Monday after, noon at the residence of Mrs. Charles S. Jordan, on Montford av. "Much Ado About Nothing" will be complet ed on that day, under the leadership of Mrs. Jordan. ' The next play which will be read during December, will be "Twelfth Night" with Miss Idi Hamilton as leader. Thanksgiving was filled with innu merable small parties and a few fairly large ones, of which the dance given by the Boy and Qlrls clubs Well Selected Showing of WOMEN'S COATS That is our humble opinion, and if is based .on first hand knowledge of the New York mar ket. Corroborative opinion by our customers : has already compelled reorderng, and we invite your own estimate. Dingonal worsteds, broadcloths, cheviots, camel's hair, Kerseys etc: in brown, blue, taupe, i green, grey, black, and black and white checks. Latest approved styles: Women's and Mis :' ses sizes: Trices $12.50 to $:5.X). M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S FCKMSUINGS. j.ATTOV AVEt of I Ml t mm''- Wi.H one. Tin- followin Kurats weio. pM'.sf rit: Mr. and Mi l n'il-r li k h'i iin-y und Mr8. J. M Hainlliun, Misses NHl and Ktliel l.ip,-, Alice ami lii-rla Hiilylmrlon, (!'M' li-vi- nr)xli-r, MarKart.-t arid Kdifli Arthur. Uli;,n Hirst, Hertli.i Hamilton, Cora Uule arid Ant,; James and George Arthur, James Iienton. Tom Johnson, Jinny VVllHon, illH fvhulze, James l.lp1 Vernon, .JnniiH llalyhurtou Itoli.-rt Hall and Kdward Ualey. Mr. and Mra A. II Mi'"ormlek wir dinner honln, iniinlc folio (UK the dinner, Thureday evenlinf Mine Helen Taylor entertained with B dinner and also Mr. and M ra. JoBeph DaninnlierK al their Merrlmon ave nue iiorn. Tim Kolf tournament will tin c n cludei this afternoon at tin- Country club and thu llnalu will lie watiln-d with inlereet. Th cups offered by tha club will bo prevented on thle occasion. The mild wathcr has lured the members to tho club and inka in gratifying numburs recently and this afternoon on account of the concluding tournament a larger crowd than uaual Is expected. Tea will be served. Jl Mlss Leona DeYoung'a pupils will give tho following program at her studio this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to at tend Air from Feust (piano) .... Qounod Miss Irene Caldwell. Screnado Schubert Mlsa Lucille Dunn. Jaglled Schuman Miss Christine Illiulr. What the Hose Bald to Me.. Edwards Miss Myrtle James Reading Swlected Mr. Frank DcYoung. La Chasse uux Oaielles .... Calvlnl Miss Manning West and Miss Hue Landers. A Tokn Manncy Mies Maude Hlnton. Garden of Dreams Miss Theresa Brtggs. Chanel In the Mountains Wilson Miss Manning West. Tuletide Bells Miss Carrie Bowles. Mr. Albert Dunn will be accom panlst Jt J The Lyric club will meet this of- ternoon at 3.45 p. m. In the audlto rium studios. A full attendance is requested. The children of the Hillside con vent were given a Thanksgiving treat which filled them with happl nees. Mother DePIank arranged that the borders, chaperoned by the sisters, should spend the afternoon driving, and several carriages' niled with young people wended their way th .o,iw mountain rnjia .-'. turning to the convent In time for ... a a f uiu Uvu and Mr. W. B. Mallonee, of Wnvnesvillo. occurred Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gaston, at Hominy, N. C , and wn. In a measure a surprise to their many friends. The members of the families and a few Intimate friends were present and the wml- ding was very unlet. The Thanksglv- Ing dinner which followed was turn-1 pi! Into n. wmldlnir dinner nlso nt which the friends of tho vnunii Deo- pie wero present, ly connected In Miss Lovo Is wide Waynesvllle and In DIFFERENT people like different varie ties of candy. But people of good sense all agree on quality the very best NUNNALLY'S. There could be none made of purer materials; there are none better. A variety to please every taste, and a price to suit every purse. K fresh supply alwsys kept by KAVHOK H DRCO HTOIIK, SI 1'taton Avenue. "None Like Nunnally't" this county and la an attractive and popular young woman. Mr. Mallonec Is well known In Aahevllle and In the Western Union operator at Waynesvillo station. Jl J "no of tho most Interesting sale of relics occurred recently when Miss Mary Custls, of Richmond, Va , Bold to the Valley Forgo Museum of I Pennsylvania, for 15,000, tho (Jenrg'-' Washington tent In which the -'ath- r of hla Country" lived during the I Revolutionary wur, The proceeds of I the sulu have been given by Miss Iee to the Home for the Needy Confed erate Women in Klchmond. Miss lee Is the only daughter of (Jen. Hobort M., whose memory Is h il- lowed In the Houthland, and the t;nt of Washington had been an heirloom In the family of the Virginia Lees since thu days of tho Revolution. J J Mrs. Carl V. Reynolds entertained Informally last evening with an "oys ter roast", at her home in Proxim ity park. The Rlngham dance latit evenlnw at the Battery Park hotel quite came up to expectations, very successfully closing the Thanksgiving celebration. The ball room was attractively dec orated. The chandeliers were -with domes of laurel and pine, supported by, long streamers of blue and grey, which ended In loose knots of the col ors, all radiating from the central chandelier.. The pennants were hung from every point or vantage and made a notably artistic effect. The stage was banked with rhododendron and palms, partially concealing Con nell's orchestra, which played some excellent -dance music. Col. and Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. R. T. Qrinnan, Mrs. Robert Bingham, Mrs. McCeney Werltch, Mrs. Bessie N. Dawson, Miss Porter and several others were of the party which chaperoned tho dance. Thero were about a hundred and fifty guests. The younger girls looked more charming In their pret ll s"pi imc u.u I last evening, and the grey and blue i unuorma or me caucus gave a mm lary touch to the dunce, which was most pleasing to the eye. Tno Mooni Wm were present und consplcuou by the (umbra black of their evenln dress. In sharp contrast to the re; uniform of tho cadets. The dance wus a delightful affair, I o . Conch Norton entertained th Ulngham football teem last event r with a banquet at the Candy Kitchen Several after-dlnnur speeches wore made after which tho election of M James I.eaku as captain for the coin Ing year met with aciplauso and en thuslasm from all present. Mr. Uarco, the retiring captain mado line record during tho past season and It is hoped that under the cap tainshlp of Mr. Leako Bingham will retain the championship of tho South ern preparatory schools which It now holds. The team, In recognition o the Services of Coach Norton, pre Dented him with a handsomo stein which was used as a loving cup. Mr. I'lerce Wyche, of Laurcnsburg, IN. C, Is In Ashevlllo for a few daj laud Is the guest of Mr. liernard Ellas Mrs. A. K. Abrahams and Miss An- I nlt Abrahams whoso residence on I Montford avenue Is hclnw: occupied lv Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ilryant tem porarily, are at present In New York Mr. and Mrs. Hrownlee and famllv of Peoria, III., have taken the Dermid I residence on Pearsons drive lor the winter. Mr. Q. C. Rogan Is visiting Mr. J M. Sumrow at the Hotel Rlbera tca- Italan, Jallasco, Mexico. Mr. Sumrow vvas assistant manager at Kcnllwortu Inn. when Mr. Rogun was niatiaKlng that hotel, and Is manager of th Hotel Rlberla at present which has enjoyed a unique success. Mr. A. II Snraflan, formerly of the Ashevllle division Southern railway, land for the past year In tho superin tendents office at Memphis, Teun has accepted a position as chief clerk to the superintendent of tho Mis souri Pacific railway, at Helena, Ail;. Mrs. C. H. Hearln and Miss Heaiin who have been In New York for sov- Ieral weeks are expected to return to the Manor December 1st. Mr. Jackson Vrnnklin. of Lajarn, Col., Is In Ashevllle attending the Tweed trial. Mrs. J. W. Wallace has returned from Oreenwlch. N. Y., and hns open- d Dahlia cottage, Albemarle park. Mr. and Mrs. Samin I Mcllhcnny, of New York, nrp In Ashevllle for a .several weeks' stay. Miss Flennor Brown, of Fort Smith. Ark., anil her aister. Mrs. I". I.. Voodson. arrived yesterday and will spend the winter in Ashevllle. The Misses Burns, of Toront . Caiuidi, arrived today for the win- (Continued on utgc three.) mm l; Last Saturday our store was packed with an enthusiastic crowd of bar gain seekers and rhey did not go away disappointed eithei for we had the bargains waiting for them. Tonight we will sell some more attractive values at equal reductions with the previous sale. There will be enough good things to last the full two hours. J nf ants' Is) inter Coats Spec ially Priced Jot Jhis Sale We will sell a number of infants' winter coats in plush and other ma terials formerly priced at from $3 to $5 in sizes ranging from 2 to 5 years for $1.98 Each Jifter Supper Prices on fifisses' Coats It is not necessary for us to de scribe these coats other than to say that they formerly sold for $5.00 to $10.00 each. After Supper price is $2.98 Each Remember the Sale fiegins at 7 p. m. andAosts till O p. m. SURE HELP FOR FOOT TROUBLES Consult us. MISS CRUISE, " Hwo',d 8t Cakes Fresh Daily A full line of well assort ed bakery products of pleas ing quality. College'Street Bakery. 37 10. College St. SOILED TABLE LINENS QUICKLY MADE CLEAN AND WHITE ' i AT THE ASHEVILLE LAUNDRY Phone 95. ASHEVILLE LAUNDRY 9. A. N1CBOLS, Mgr. rhone t5 CHICHESTER S PILLS Wjr- THE DIAMOND BRANB. A lanlAt mAHiiMi It It AND F1LLM. for rftt k ntrmn 5S BsSt, SeftSt. A1wV RtllM SOin BY njflJfjfilSTS FVFRYWHEPF CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS. LatflTI Aft Jr ieraiM Kar hlhr.l. r lH"on4Tmiia I'llla In HrJ a-tH UU .fUlllcV ttJc Willi hits Ribbo. V Te. n MiWr. Br f Jr jf Aelrrrsri II IS II I' f 1 P. tm H It will cost you n-'thMiy jour ee troubles. Take advantage of tho you money la for. Kye No. 8-10-11 Drililinor lllilg. Jo-Mght from 7 O'clock until 9 n.Kii' in iiAsii ni Kxrcit. Wo have one Hose Burner, Hard Coal Stove left. Will sell it at a bar gain. BURTON & HOLT HI WEBB & COMPANY miloer Importers No. Better? Pert Flam. Pfcoiia 104 YOU NEVER ATE ICE CREAM H,'tt'-r than m- sent jmi f.,r (-8lt-rday'H UintnT. .M.-iii,- uf luii't' i-rt-ii m. Cliueiil.'tti1 ;tnl X'anilla flafrH. 1'ronipt ,U 1 i riit'i-ctly ;ik.i. Asheville Pure Milk Co. East Walnut St. Fhone 654. TO GET A QUICK FIRE You must have good coal, for there's nothing more exasperating than to wait for a slow, obstinate lire. M & W INDIAN COAL Is quirk tire coal. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company I W. O. WOLFE. Monuments and Tombstones Domestic an-i firoisn granite and marble. Iro;. ieiu-e biuses. antl all kinds of cemetery finishings. His siens in , Wolfe I.ulM- Ir.K. I:. K s, no and Market St: Ashevil'e. N". C FREE! 1 .'iiMili nie recardln ppertunlty It may sive P K. OAHDXF.Il. Msnufarturlni: Opt ii Ian ClirIi riml attoii Ave. Cor. wmmmmmmmmmmwemmmmmmmmmmmiMmmmmarwmwmmmmmmm BBBVsBBmsMBVHtBBBBVMnDaW'BBWMaai Te- ' A. J" " r - mu-n m mspi m , m nni innih . O'clock pressing Jacques and Kitno nas Qreatly Reduced This is really the greatest value of of the After Supper Sale. We ad vise you to come for one of these Kimonas or Dressing early for they won't last long at the price 49c Each 59c pressing Jacques isdill Be Sold for ZOc Sach This is a very good value and al though they are not quite as good as the others they are excellent val ues and will tempt even the most economical customer. t Jbw fJl La Orecque Corsets Styl Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., ia CHuncir st. REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-mi Jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts ano Crafts Shop' Sondlt-y liiiUding Haywood St. GET THE HABIT Eat Pistachio Nuts! Delicious! Nutritious! Appetiztng! For sale at al! leading grocers and drugplsts. Siinipl package at Mt. City Stationery Company. II. M. Nahlklan, Prop., 23 Pntton Ave. Rocker to the person holding- the lucky number, Christmas. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look In their window. Phone 1515. 19 S. Main St. nc r? r New Christmas Ribbons Wo lvcoivod by cxpivss some vorv nice and inex pensive ribbons for fancy work. " X. 1 Satin and Taffeta No. U Satin and Taffeta X o. .Nitin and lalTeta wuier Kihhons m all jrici's. Pi-ctty line of lace Collars, stock Collars and jab- ct Redueod prices on all tfo goods charged sent on approval or exchanged at this Me jVt MLsi"SJiaJL' ALow PAIXL.ES8 DEXTISTKY Now Is tha time to look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge' for examination Prices always reasonable. 'Lti X5 V...... T 'J Dr. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, Oor. College and Spruce Sts., near the Court House Office Phone 49, Resi dence Phone 972. Every Vosan im wiereiwa ana mould know , about Uh wonderful MARVEL Whirling Sprsy A yonr dru(lrlat f,-r It. 1c be cnruiot uipiy tb M AK VKL. itccon other, bat fnd itamo for fall nartientftrfl an.l ilinMtru i J TuluaWo to ladies. MHIVKLO). 4 Guat 23d SUeet.NE W tOBK. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS t r? e as 1ft Ribbon 10c bolt Ribbon 15c bolt lixbbon 20e bnlt widtlis at very reasonable coat Suits todav, VSilff-iftS TO m -saw rmtbvc W,f BY J

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