THE WEATHER: FAIR. VOIi. XXVI., NO. 43. t SIGNED P RflhtMay Take Place ln?alt Lake City Is Latest Indication JOHNSON SUSPICIOUS OF STAKEHOLDERS Wants The Money Putin Vault And Triple Locked But Is NEW YORK. Dec. 3. The Jeffries Johnson fight for the heavyweight championship of the world will be fought either in Sa'.t Lake City, Utah, or In the vicinity of Sun Francisco an July 4, next. Final articles for a forty-five round contest were signed by the principals today at Hoboken, N. J. Neither of the contestants accord ing to the articles, Is to engage In any boxing contest before the date of the big ftglit. This effectively eliminates the possibility of Johnson meeting Langford or Jeffrlrs fighting Kauf man between now and then. Both, it is further stipulated, must enter ac tive training at least ninety days be fore, the fight. Five ounce gloves are to be used and the contest shall be governed by straight Marquis of Quennsbury rules, while the referee is to be selected at least sixty days before the contest. If Jeffries, Johnson and "Tex" Rickard and John J. Gleason, the two last named the successful bidders, cannot agree on a referee, Jeffries and Johnson are each to select two men, ami from these four Rickard and Gleason are to make any selection they desire. The referee Is to be paid 11,000, the contestants paying him two-thirds, the promoters the balance. Jeffries and Johnson have each de posited 110,00 as a, forfeit to the promoter if they fall to appear, while Rickard and Gleason have de posited $20,000 to stand as a forfeit In case they fall to stage the fight and toapply an the purse of 1101.000 offered, 81ity day before the fight, Rickard and Gleason are to deposit an additional $30,000 of the purse, and the remaning $51,000 forty-eight hours before the contest. Johnson Cautions. Robert W. MurpTiy. a New York hotel proprietor, la the temporary (Continued on nage mx.l FATHER BELIEVES IN HE IS BEHIND THE BARS Is Alleged to Hiive Stolen $10,000 Worth of Silk From His .Employers TOOK IT BY HOLT NKW YORK. Dec. 3. "Kniil is the best boy in the world. He has lieen my support. I could not wish for a better son. He says he didn't do this iind I believe him." declares Mux Keiss of No. 110 West One Hundred and Thirty-Eighth street. His son Kmll is locked up in the Jefferton Market Police Court prison awaiiln-., examination on a charge of grand lar ceny. But the police declare he Is gullt and he has been in trouble be fore. Max Keiss says thut Hie hoy regc larly contributed nearly hail of his weekly salary to the expenses of the household, was tender and solicitous of a parent suffering from chronic rheumatism, and kind to his brother and sister. Young Ilelss is charged with '.1 " larceny of a bundle of silk from the Harris Raincoat company of No. S7 Fifth avenue, where he had been em ployed three months as stock clerk. The silk was of minor value, hut it was part of a larV quantity of good which had been stolen from the rub ber company in a period extending over several weeks, and the polic declare that Relss was implicated in the theft of all the silk. They placed the firm's losses nt $10,000. Simon Harris, head of the firm, told a World reporter that it was less Jl.dtn Detective Frank Pea body and Cooney, who arrested Reiss, aeaer. they caught him handing a t undle o, silk to Morris Ray on Saturday. The, arrested Ray for receiving stolen goods and locked up Hymnn Hereii welg, of No. 29 Avenue C on the sum charge. They say. Ray is u manu facturer who employed fifty men. and that. HeWizwelg hnd a small store in Avenue C, from which a patrol waeon loaded with silk identified as good of the Harris company was removed Since Thanksgiving detectives hnv kept a close watch over Kelss. Th noticed that every day he went t a building in Fourth avenue, near Nine teenth street. .They declare that he met Morris Ray several times and handed him bundles of the Harris silk. Fl ARTICLES BETWEEN m PUGILIST THE Z HHTHEHS TO BET T T Will Appeal to Members of Congress If Knox Persists in His Course ESCAPE FROM COUNTRY WILL BE PREVENTED Will be Held Personally Re-1 sponsible For Death of Two Americans WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. President Zelaya has not only refused to take official cognizance or Secretary Knox's note, which was pi-Actlcally an ulti matum, but he is declared to have dispatched special agents to Washing ton to endeavor to have the state de partments ultimatum set aside, first by appeals tot that department and secondly by direct appeals to mem bers of congress. The state depart ment Is entirely aware of the pres ence and Identity of these emissaries. These special agents are being watch ed In a general way. It was reported today that any at tempt that Zelaya mlht make to es cape from the country would receive the direct ana vigorous attention or the American warships now lying off the coasts of Nicaragua. Secretary Knox's note Intimated in the plainest language that the state department looks upon Zelaya as he man respon sible for the torturr and death of the two Americans, Gruce and Cannon. Agents His Partners. The plan to deflect the United States government's program with reference to Nicaragua came to light tonight when Sencv Fernando San chez and Dr. V. &r. Roman arrived here. Neither Senor Sanches nor Dr. Roman would talk. They gave their addresses as New York. Members of the Central American diplomatic corps Aowever, , werfija a flutter when they discovered yie new arrtvais. eenor nannie. uicj u.w. ed, is a partner of Zelaya in many of j the latter's business ventures in Ni- i caragua, 'and he hns managed to j amass a fortune of between four and live million dollars in .-joltl. Dr. Ro man, the report continued, long has (Continued on page, 4) BUCK-LISTEO COTTON ILL HAND RECOVERS Case Will Establish Prece deirt in the Courts of South Carolina WILL BE APPEALED COH'MBIA, H. C. Dec. 3. The Richland County Circuit court tod.iv established a precedent for South Car olina by awarding $20,000 damages to O. M. Rhodes, a cotton mill oper ative, who sued tho Granby Cotton Mills of Columbia for damages al leged to have been suffered by hli.i on account of the defendant corpora tions having placed his name on a black-list, with a view to preventins him from obtaining emplojment In South Carolina. North Carolina and Georgia cotton factories. Rhodes, who Is a one-armed man. alleged that as the result of a strik" In the mill In 1 907, in which he. ho-.v-ever, did not participate. he was black-listed by the Granby mills, ths.t the black-list was sent to other m?lls and In consequence, he has been on- i able to secure employment In tlie mills of this section. Rhodes charged a conspiracy on the part of the various factories and suert to recover $ la. 000 damages. Afte a hard fought trial the Jury tonight gave him $10.1(00. It is probable that the company vil! appea I. ENRAGED NEGRO KILLS PEACE MAKER AUGUSTA. Ga., Dec. 3. Charles Major, a negro farm hand, shot and killed Clifford Holley, a young white man at Gouch. OA.. yesterday about dark. The shooting grew out of a quarrel between the whiu- man and the negro which was begun sev eral days ago. The white people of Gouch are Incensed at the shooting and are hunting for the negro. There may be a lynching If he is caught. It seems that the negro Major and another negro Ria Walker started the quarrel and that Clifford Hol leyy and his father W. D. Holley took a hand. The Holley took the -part of the Walker negro, and major seeing that he was outnumbered used a. Win chester rifle with deadly effect ELI SENDS HIS ICS STRAIGH ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. ASH EVILLE, N. WINSTAR'S SINCERITY IN HIS F Ea Governor Winston Scores Meddling in The Negro Question AGAINST PKOORESS IN MARYLAND FIGHT North Carolina Would Give up Congressman Rather Than Revive Old Conditions NEW YORK. Dec. 3 President Taft was bitterly assailed as "unqual ified to speak on the neftro problem in the South" by Francis D. Winston, ex-lieut. governor' of North Carolina, who addressed the annual meeting of the North Carolina Society of New York at its banquet at the Hotel As tor tonight. The president, he said, had written "with some hent" tin the subject of the negro and the franchise, a matter upon which, as a Northern man, Mr. Taft had no special right to debate." "We did not expect the president." waid Mr. Winston, "to discuss our pe culiar Southern situation. We konw that his study of it was of necessity at second hand. At the dinner of the society last year, wo were charmed with his speech, and took It as evi dence of his good will to the South in general. . Maryland Campaign. "But during, the recent campaign in Maryland, when (iie state was con sidering an amendment along the lines of those adopted heretofore by el. in other Southern states, the pres Idi nt Injected a letter too direct In its lunguage not to give the Impress Ion thnt the adoption of the amend ment by the voters In Maryland was to be a signal for an attack In the courts. "We could but construe the utter aneeaof the president with the course pursued by several of his predeces sors. A constitutional amendment more drastic in principle became the fundamental law in Mississippi during the presidency of Benjamin Harrison, Under the strenuous Roosevelt, amendments of simMur character be came the fundamental law in several (Continued on puge three.) REFUSE TO PERMIT RED England Declines to Let Them Pass But Germany Will permit them on hack RED CROSS NOTIFIED WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Five for eign governmental communities In the International postal agreement with the United States have placed restric tions upon mail from the United States bearing Itd Cross stamps or any other such ihsignias. Four of these countries refuse ab solutely to receive them under any circumstances. One other has notified the United States postoffice depart ment they must be placed upon 'the back of mail packages or letters, oth erwise the letters will be returned to the senders in this country. The four countries refusing the stamps upon any conditions, and which have notified th,- American pos tal authorities all letters or pack ages bearing them will be returned, are Great Britain. Orange River Col ony. Southern khoarsm. and the Transvaal. The country which Is willing to re ceive them if placed on the back of packages or letters Is Germany. The for ign restriction placed upon th stamps Is made because such stamps confuse the foreign postal authorities with the regular stamps of the United States. The postoffice department today Is sued the following circular explaining the situation: ' Postmasters have been notified that Great Britain, orange River Col ony. Southern Rhodesia, and Trans vaal, refuse to admit to their mails articles bearing nonpostage 'Christ mas' stamps or other adhesive charity stamps. Germany admits articles bearing such stamps if affixed to the back of a letter or parcel, but declines them when attached to the face. ' Articles liable Lo be refused ad mittance to any of the foreign coun tries on account of bearing charity stamps will be returned to the sender IT knoWn:lf sender lie not known, such articles wll he sent to the division of dead letters. "Articles bearing Red Cross Christ mas stamps for transmission in the in (Continued on page 4) ARDOR OR SOUTH C, SATURDAY MOHNIXG, DECEMBER 4, 1909. The TRAVELING MAN TAKES POISON AND LEAPS FROM WINDOW OF BERKELEY Robert K. Abbott of Chicago While Temporarily Deranged Makes Desperate At tempt to End His Life. Realized He was 111 and Wrote out Symptoms For Doctor Lest He Forget Them. ;rH' Swallowing poison and then leaping through the window of his room In the second story of the Hotel Berkeley Robert K. Abbott, a young travelling man of Chicago, made a determined effort to end his life last evening shortly after o'clock. He we picked up from the ground below his foot broken and hie lly burned by the bichloride of mercury tablets he had swallowed, arM takes to Ma room where Dr. E. R. Morris worked On him for hours, emptying hie stomach and administering antidotes for pois on. . li,i,VSL1j!.,.;.', Tho cause of the attempted suicide Is certainly attributed to dementia, Mr. Abbott showing signs of mental derangement on his arrival at the ho tel Thursday afternoon and again yesterday morning. That he was aware that he wits 111, physically or mentally, la Indicated by the following telegram which came to him yester day afternoon, -but which was not de livered because he seemed to be asleep when it was received. "Chicago, Dec. 3. "R. K. Abbott, care Hotel lierkeley, AshevlHe. "If condition serious, wire, Mother will come, letter particulars follows J. G. Abbott 3 1'. M." - Tho telegram wan opened by Mr. H. M. Drown after the occurrence and he Bent a wire to J. O. Abbott notify ing him of the happening. E Department Offers Prizes to Young Farmer Secur ing Best Results RALKIGH, N. C, Dec. 3. the semi-annual luiilK'-t of the state de partment of agriculture, aggregating $68,000 was adopted by the board of agriculture and a variety of -other business transacted nefore the board took final adjournment A notable new feature beint; an aproprintloti for $600 for prizes lo be awarded, one prlju- of $50 in e.e li congressional dis trict, lo the boy attaining the best re sults In competetive agriculture under the auspices of the Hoys' Club de partment The scope of the farm demonstration work is to be broaden ed by order of the board so as to establish demonstrations relation In every section of trie state. A test farm committee to have in hand perman ently the management of the test farms In all sections of the state was appointed, the in-mb rs being A. T McCallum. William Dunn and W. K. Scott. It was lie, idea" to take no action at this time as to the establishment of a test farm for nrlght tobacco In Eastern Carolina lick of funds being the reason given. (FAIR WASHINGTON, ec. J Forecast for North Carolina: Generally fair Saturday and Sunday; light to moder ate northeast winds on the coast. Black Sheep Of The www : WWW .In f Mr. Abbott made . most determined effort to put an end to his life. He leaped through the closed sash, tear ing out the wooden eatings separat ing tire panes and was seen by peo ple on College street forcing himself through. He fell first to the projection of the. kitchen, one story In height, and thle broke his 'tall to the ground. Dr. Morris was promptly at his side and had him carried to hi room. . Mr. Abbott is travelling representa tive of H, E. Buckten and company, 'Chicago, makers of such patent medl- einaa ma rvr Klngm DteooveettT-an his order book shows many orders In North and South Carolina. - ' Complained of Nurse. Mr. Abbott has frequently been a guest of the Berkeley, but was not well known to Proprietor W. C, Hawk or the clerks. Thursday he sent for Mr. Hawk am) complained about "the nurse." Mr. Hawk told him there was no nurse In tho hotel and advised him to go to sleep. The man asked Mr. Hawk if he would ytke care of him and was assured that this would be done. Then Dr. Morris was sent for. Dr. Morris realised that the man was not mentally right, because, though he had not bei-n drinking he had written out his symptoms, hand ing these to the physician with the statement that ho had wrltton them out because he feared he might for get so mo of them. Dr. Morris gave HUD OF S.P.C.A. Fl Set (lame Warden to On ten Culprits and Caught Wis Own Relation NKW YfiltK. Dec. 3. Colonel Al fred Wagstaff. of Went Isllp, U I., who I head of thu H. IV C. A. In tho United States, recently Informeil Game I'rotector Hank Huff that some persons were "dusking" ducks, con trary to law, and that Hnff ought to capture and mako examples of them, Hoff took the hint, got busy and ar rested I'olonel Wogstaff's two sons and the bride of one of them. TIm-v worn ha led to court and fined I "i each anil costs. "Dusking" ducks, which !v frowne.l upon by the state fM?caue It Is consid ered cruel and destructive of th sport of riiuk shooting, consists ' shooting lucks at dusk or after dtiri., when they cannot see well. A fa vorite method Is to attach strings to live wild dinks, which are made to iinuk by tugs at the strings. Thei the birds fly nwir and Hre shot. flame Protector Huff and an es sistant stalked some "duskers" In Wll lie Cr-k, which runs from Colonel WiugstafT's Hike to the bay, on Sat urday night. Ho heard fh- captive wllik. dorks quacking and an occa sional shot, anil finally arrested thru" persons. They were ss Indignant is society people well can be when laws they consider made for others are ap plied to them. Jtistiee 8. flmlth Wright, of Isl'.p, raised his eyebrows when Mr. an. I Mrs. David. Wagstaff and George li. Wagstaff were named as the prison ers ' (.INNF.KK UOfHlT. MRMI'HIS, Tenn., Dec. 3. The National Olnner'a association, in its monthly re-port Issued late today, es timates that 8.880,000 bales of cot ton has been ginned up to Decem ber 1 of the present season as com pared with 11,008.000 during the same period of last year. Family. him medicine and called again yes terday morning when the man's con dltfon seemed to be fairly good. When the telegram came yesterday ' after noon It waa taken to hi room but not delivered as, he was asleep, Lea than two hour late he leaped from the window. , i Relative r.'otinrd. Among Mr. Abbott's effect ws a card of membership, No. 6707", (n the Iowa State Travelling; Men' associa tion, which showed hi home address to be No, 41S Monroe avenue. Chi eu)v -Kle company' address Is- H Michigan avenue. ' A- telegram. Informing Chicago rela tives of the accident was sent by Mr. H. M. Brown of Aehevllle Post T. P. A, and Mr. Brown saw that the com mercial traveller received all needed attention as did Manager Hawk of the hotel. i At 10 o'clock last night Mr. Ab bott had so far recovered conscious ness that he recognised Clerk Norman and made a cheerful remark to him to tho effect that some one would have a big expense account to pay. When asked where he had pain he In dicated from his stomach. to hi mouth. He was not asked about his motive In seeking to kill himself lest this exclto him. Dr. Morris wsa unable lost night to say whether or not hi patient would recover, fearing Inter nal Injuries. DR. ABBOTT EXPRESSES NEW VIEW OE CHRIST Doew Not Regard Him aH the Ascetic of the Com mon View of People PMII.ADKI.PHIA. Dec. S Minis ters of the leading congregations of the city, reinforced by U large number of students from the University ol Pennsylvania, formed the large aud' ence that listened this afternoon to fl lecture by Dr. Lyman Abbott, of New York. "I think Jesus was one of those men who think It Is right to be rich,"' said Dr. Abbott "To Him. accumula tion of wealth was not wrong, but ac cumulation for Its own sake was will ed. What Christ condemned was the hoarding, and not the using ol wealth: lie would not approve of men whose whole mission In life Is to ' quire, and still acquire wealth, an I who do not put any of the'.r culture, money or education into tlw greet problem of poverty confronting' us. "Christ liked pleasure, and (ltd not renounce tho world. He accepted a great many Invitations to dine, ron all kinds of people, reputable and" dis reputable. "I don t know wha.t Jesus Chrtt would do if he visited the big Ameri can cities' but I am very sure if He was captain of the football t' am, nnd there was any man who attempted to "win foully. He would give, him u talking to he would remember to the end of his days. If He came to Phil adelphia for tho men who are corrupt in this city, He would have a red-hot: Iron to brand them for the rest of their lives'. 'I do not tldnk Jesus would be a to tal abstainer If He were In America, and I am sure he would not confound temperance with total atlneneoe. . "He would not say, have you, p rooms In the churches, but denounce a play In a theatre as wicked. No enjoyment I right that doesn't Jtel; to develop manhood and women hood." . , Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Discharge of Gun Blew Hold In Box And Rendered Him Unconscious BODY RECOVERED SOME DISTANCE AWAY or Virginia family And Bo came Head or Washington Bank Two Years Ago n A I.TIM OH K, ; Dec." Henry I.ynn, president of the American Nn tlonul bank, of Washington, p. CT, met death while ducking on the Busnue hanna flats, ten miles from Havre Je Grace today. Mr. Lynn ana occupy Ing a sink bos, and had "omplalnod to those In charge of the tender that It was leaking. H wo filvt-n dlreu. tlon what to do and appeared to have carried them out.' , , ' ;4 Bom tlm afterward. It wnf d'.sV covered that Mr. Lynn wit not In the Ink box. Investigation showed hat the boit had a hoi In the "net appar ently made by a gun ahot It I bu lls ved that Mr, Lynn' gun wa aeciv dentally discharged, blowing th hols In th sink box, and that th recoil reoelved perhaps In hi' abdomen mad It Impossible for him to call for help, 'which wa within easy reach, Thar ar no wound upon the body and It appears evident that Mr, Lynn, probably !nenlble from h erfet-is of th recoil, Arownui a th weight of hi body dragged the sink' boy down and filled It with water. The body was recovered In five test of wit ter about fifty feet from the sink bun he had occupied and was taken : to Blkton.1 ' , . . , ( . WAS vmoiNiw. .WASHINGTON, Dec. Mf. Lynn, wo born in Loudoun county, Vlrtrmt', HI father I W. Lynn, president Of the Loudon Nallonnl bunk, of Lees nurgi.'Va., of which IV lUnu y Lnu waa cashier Until 103, when lis came to this city it cashier of th Amen, can National Bank. H leave a wld-. ow, who wa Mis Jsannett Karri-' on before her marrUigo, and a baby girl residing at Leesburg. The body will he taken lo that place tor Inter ment. ifT v ' , met sm a rm WJLLdJ nJi HO 1 11 Alii ii UNDER OLD NAME n a nmA vvvsf TEict o A rw . According to prent plans, the rs cently completed Carolina,, Cllnchfleld atvd Ohio railroad wilt Inaugurate a passenger Schedule Sunday tinder the old nam of th South aad Western In this state, Ths freight schetul wilt probably b Inauguarted the fnl lowing day. Th road ha been ready to operate through train for over a month but ws unable to do so owing to the constitutionality : of the the special act under- which ' It charter was granted being questioned. Th Supreme court recently decided ad versely to the road making It neces sary to do bulnea In.thl stats under the name of the South and Western under which It entered. ' ' 1 , LEAVE CHURCH FATHER T TVfiooinrtofV Wovlf in Vt()V or' brought Undesirables Into Btaid Congregation1 NKW YORK, Dee I. Old' Jolilt Htreet church, the "Mother of Meth odism" In America, ha become) the held of contending taction, whlc:i threaten even live church l-rganuUt tlon. Prominent members have al ready taken away thel church let tcrs, It is said. It was learned yesterday that on ac count of th acute situation the Reir,, Dr. John Wesley Johnson, who hti been pastor nine year and waa for merly associate editor of The New York Christian Advocate, will aever bis connection with the-church at the end of the conference yeor. ' The trouble began several years ago when Dr. Johnston started a rescue) mission. This brought tato the churon fold many from the feowery lodging houses. They displeased staid old members, whose forefather had wor shipped there since the church' (stance, and complaint were made. In charge of the rescue work the pastor placed "Bister Cora Doettinger, who is said to ha-ve been a woman of the slums, converted at tho Had ley mis sion. " , The first serious result of the trou ble came only a few week ago when Dr. Johnston dlsirslseed from their po sitions the deaconeea, Mr. Viola Downer, and the organist. Frank Mo Clerey, ch-u-glng that they hsd Inspir ed a revolt in the church a gains him and "8leter Cora." Mr. Cowner, be aid. had sent a written complaint to a mwrnl- of the official hoard. Th result of this letter waa the closlmr of the mlseion, the '-withdraw.! tif "Sister Cora." and the proffered rts!.s nation Jato, , , j RANKER 1 WHILE SUOTI DUCKS IN SINK BOX