THE 'ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, 8ATTTRPAY. DECEMBER 4, 1909. SOCIAL (& PERSONAL Dr. W. M. Vine returned yester day from Norfolk, Va., whero he lec tured on Tuesday nlicnt. Mo received a royal reception from his "1.1 hui cri and friend In Norfolk ami a luncheon Waa given in hla honor on Wedneadn ' kX tho Kairfa hotel. The D.iil.-tidgw-DtspnUh of that cltv Bpenks In Very complimentary terms of the Ice ture and amonK othor thlnn as: "To see Hev. Dr. W. M. Vine In the pulpit of the Freemason Street llup Ut church a he wo lat nlht gave those present the Impression of old time when he wai the populur paator of that church. The main au ditorium Wai lined for the. lecture md waa crowded to the doora, hi sub ject being "Glimpse and lmprclnii of My English Trip." Ir. Vinos 1 now paator In Ashe vtlle, N. C, and has recently hern abroad. In hi lecture hurt evenlnu he carried hi audience. In Im urination, over the scene of hi tour in Enu land, and It 1 not too much to say ' that hi word-picture and Intensely Interesting narrative aro the next ' thing to an actual trip acru the wa ter. The lecture wag replete with In- . formation and there waa n vein of hu imor running through it that greatly added to the pleasure of the occa sion. Dr.. Vines returns to Asheville tonight ... The children of Hillside Convon: will glvs concert Wednesday after noon for h ladle of the Alter so ciety of St Lawrences. A program of . recitation in English and French songs and probably a little play will be arranged for the entertainment of their guests. The Christmas concert will take place at the 1 lattery Par t hotel during Christmas week, and will be of the usual high standard of ex cellence. There will ba several unique features which will attract the !f-iwMl probably receive a large number cial interest and appreciation of th0. votes although there will be elgh- audience. ,- Invitations will be Issued for the concert Utter to the parents and friends of the children, and tho program will also be published in due tint The Saturday Muslo club meets till afternoon at the residence of Mis May Klmborly on Merrlmon avenue at 1.80 o'clock. The program which was recently published will b given wltu the exception of the several paper on the Old Italian Operas, by the Vic tor phonograph through the court1 of Mr. H. A, Punham. Aldo, Lucia di Laramermoor and Norma are the op eras which form the program and ex cerpts from them will be sung by world rewnowned atngers who have - made small fortune by allowing their golden not os to be recorded. J JsV- ' The Country club wilt he the cen ter of attraction this afternoon at the men's singles golf tournament be gins. ' There have been a number of entries and the members appear to he taking a special Interest In the tourn. ment Tee, will be served and a larg er crowd than usual Is expected at . the club. : . . . v Christmas la coming rapidly, and there is tribulation In the nursery for the first time In the history of the - world. Thai little folks have gleaned front the intellectual crumbs of the parental table, that two washfoiiclt ling bandits have Invaded Santa Cluus' domain and have related everything else they saw but the one thing of vital Interest which Is having been . discovered will Ban to, Claus remove his chattels from the pole to some other planet, will he In confusion dis solve into thin air and never be heard of more T 1 or, blessed thought, mav hap the magnetic North may have conspired with Ldlllputs patron sain'., and by the slightest deviation of the . deadly compass caused a miscalcula tion that kt will take centuries to dis cover. The momentous question ha shaken ths nursery to Its foundation, for Banta Claus has used the North Pole as a hitching post for hi rein deer since the beginning of the world, and to have it turned into n bone of contention would be an embarnuwln i Intrusion not readily overcome. They might have left It alone, of course, because no one would ever wlah to live there and its very Inaccessibility was the reason that Banta Claus o 1 acted ft a his home and work shop beyond the reach of prying eyes. There (till a grain of comfort In the thought that no mortal will ever live there, and after all Santa Claus might not have been at home on th- : memorable day when the explorer-, discovered the polo in whkh happy event, the life of trnod Krl Xrtngle will continue undlsturlMHl. At any rate the question is of too much moment to dtscuiw off hand and no one will know anyway until Chrlst- Special Prices on Waists Silk, Lace, Tailored, & Lingerie Inlaid $3.95. silk wjtfsfe minced Mnsilir:), lingerie, madras taffetas, and fancy inessa exactly Half Price. Another lot of colored and and plain taffetas, all in duced from $7 and .10 to $5.00. Black taffetta waists, open back or front, plain tailored or fancy, a very special value but not reduced in price, being absolutely new $4.00 and $5.00. M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S roixisniNGs. miia. It behooves little children to i"' very ood oml perhaps he will m I'IH anil conic tank anyway, . J Mr. Klmcr Wcstall ha accepted an Invitation to teach sIiikHik " ti'e Asheville Hehool or MuhIc mid lrn nintlo Art and will make her lirst public appearance a a member of the I faculty Wcdncsdfiy afternoon at a I recital given by the faculty of the I school. .Mrs. WcotaU's ability iih a public al hk'-r Is welt known and her personal clwirm and popularity win be a decided advantage In her work ut tho school. J J The Asheville .School of MubIc and Dramatic Art are negotiating with the Italian (Irand Opera company of New York Willi n vIiav to bringing the company to AshevlUe. The opera com pany with a hundred voices and un orchestra of twenty-one piece la on It way to Cuba and will appear In ten cities m their way South, the first ten offering the required guaran tee receiving the preference. If the dales have not all been filled the company will appear In Asheville. Home of the beat known grand ojieru singer are In the company which bun appeared at Ilammerstalns In New York In all of theopera. A repor tolro of twenty opera will be ung by tho company any one of which they will lng In this city. The pro posed iplan of the school of muslo l, after puhllahlng the Hut of operas to have each subscriber write on a slip the name of the opera preferred and that receiving the greatest number of votes win be requested of the com pany. The hlgheat priced seat will be 12.60. Mime. Butterfly and-lA Boheme teen other operas to choose from. Whether the company will appear In the city or not will be known the early part of next week and will be made public. Jl Mia Leonora Flntey, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. W. Ftnloy wa pre sented to society Wednesday afternoon at a large reception given by her mother at their home on Massachu setts avenue Washington. Ml Fin ley's father Is president of the South ern railway. Mra Ooldaborough and Mrs. Henry Spencer presided at the tea table and the girls of the younger et who assisted In receiving the guests Were, Miss Mary McCauley, Mis Laura Merrtam, Miss Adelaide Heath, Miss Catherine Brltton, Mia Ruth Pilling. Ml Alice Whiting, Miss Katharine Brown, Miss Jessie Krogitadt and Miss Elsie Downing. Jl J Miss Daisy and Ml auale Smith entertained thw Embroidery Circle yesterday afternoon at their home on Chestnut street, from four until six o'clock. A salad' course was served during ths afternoon, and the meet Ing was one of the most pleasant o recent dale. Among those present Were, Mr. James O. 8tlkelcUher, Mr. O. P. Howe. Mr. Oeorge L. Hackney Mr. F. L. Smith, Mra T. C. Smith Jr., Mr. J. M. Duma, Mis Laura Kowe, Mia Eugenia Howe and Mis Annie Kerr. Miss Ruby Newton entertained Thuraday evening at her home on Jet ferson drive. Mis Newton' gue were Ml mom Grace Graham, Man Beaton, Lena Felnvet, Rose and Li Green, Blanche Hawklna, Ada El more, Leona Gunter, lleula Franklin Edna Hampton, and Minnie Lee New ton; Messrs. Dates, Krwln, Itiont goracry, Hawkins, Enlow, Ciodfeltem, Welch, Colvln. Taylor, Trlnk. Foster Koonce and Galloway. Jl J Mra John M. Aakew, entertained Informally with a brldgo party t her ilioms, 17 Cumberland avenue, yvtur day evening. Mr. J. P. Lawrence went to Co lumbia, S. C, on business yesterdny Mies Lucy PFympton is a guest at Forest Hill. Mia IMympton wna the city during the summer for a stay of sovernl weeks. Ir. Silvia von Huck liaa returned from an eastern trip. Mm Charles White and small aon. who have been visiting the parent of the former In the city, have return 'd to their homo in Dos Moines. Ia. Miss Myrtle Thomas and Mia May Knelling who have been vialtiiiH $G.)0 and .$7.."0 to linen, lines black an odd silks, lot at white nets good styles fancy ire re- 15 cent Sale 15 SATURDAY (Today) SPECIAL SALE We have covered one large table with odd and regular goods for a little bargain sale All at 15c Each Most of the items are worth from 25 to 75 cents. And we have added 20 dozen thin China tea cups and saucers, nicely deco rated. Our regular $3.00 per doz kind. Today Only 15c J-. H. LAW, 35 F"atton Ave. frksnds In the city have r turned to their home In Charlotte, N C. Mra. Adelaide Wills, or Ohio, ;ind Mrs. Hlahoprlc, of 8t. Catherlnec, Canada, are the guests of Mra. Cull von Huck. Mra. H. K. Buchanan hiia gone to Washington for a brief vlalt. Mr. C. W. It. Hadeker i.nd Mli Radekvr left yeatenlniy for 1'a.rkcr burg, West Va. Mr. F. W. Thomas from Washington. has returned Mr. Ambrose Feitthorstnnc, jr., who has been In Washington, I). ('., on budlneaa for a woek, has returned to the city. Mia Rachel Howland nan gone to New York for w, Several weeks' stay. Mr. W. E. Ashley, of OrcenslHiro, In tho city for a few days. Is Mr. Wei) more, In her daughter, at Forest Hill. of Ronton. Mr. F. F. I visit -Harker, Mis Bums, of Toronto, Can., Is In Ashevllle for a several weeks' stay and Is a gueat at Elbomar. Mrs. Banks Amiss left yesterdn:.- for New York, where she will spend the holidays with friends and rela tives. Mir. Tim Cocke ha returned the holiday from college. for Dr. W. O. McCreudy from Miirtlnvlllp, Ind., eral weeks' stay. ha returned after a sev- Mra James Oroen Martin, who re cently leased Flonnlvlcw, on Haywood atreot, for a number of months, nna taken posseMlnn of the residence. Mr. J. ft. Heineman, of Baltimore, I In the city for a short sta on bus iness Mr. F. C. Clarke,' of Chailotte. la in the city for a stay of several day. Miss Minnie Winters, of Oreena boro, ,1 visiting friends and relatives In the city for a few day. Mr. and Mr. W. 1. Davis and chil dren, of ItnJelgh, who have ben In tho city for several week, have re turned to their home. Mia Kathleen Clarke, of Barnnrd, Is the guest of Mies Katie Nichols, at her home on Liberty street. Mr. Hannah M. Baker returned yesterday from Boston and Is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chan. H Jordan. A letter received ycatereViy states that Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Henry and Children nrw at the Hotel Mlramnr. (lenon. txlatrlcit Passenger ARent J. I' Wood reft urned yesterday from a con sultation with Southern railway otll elals In WaahliiKton. Hon. W. T. I,ee. of Wuynesvlllc was here yesterday. Mr, Frank S. Adam arrived yester day from Montreal tr spend two weeks with his family at Flat lloci MAGISTRATE AND DEPUTY Revenue Ofli-ers Caught Ited-J landed ', at Them lug ('urn Liquor Still MNl"OI,NTi. N C. Ii .1 TlmoOiy ball, a and. Carl Swlnk, a deputy alierltT of burke, the icIJoinlnK county, were :ni;lil reii hand4Ml toduy tiy revenut- ir?lcers, while openntliiK an illleli iltlllery In the Hoith Mounuiln dlstiK-1 twent.' miles from this town. The Mill was n full blast when the olllceru lcMccntl- 1 and a flfty-KKllon mill, nine fei - metiters. one thousand cnllons of '4"r ami iiuinj- gallon ,,f rorn wUi:- key were destroyed. The eovimty (f- rn werv driven a pre-llmlnii.r' heai- ii K and went to Jail here In oVfanit f bonds. rmi: at li'mbeuton. UAbKHlll. N. c. Dec. 3 The en tire plant of the Klngsda!- bumlur company, the company's store an 1 aeviTal other bii.1Ullnu locntil mar umberton, N. (, was destroyed by lire laat nlKbt. -Jiaa placed at o , . - MISFORTUNES GOME IN TROOPS TO WIDOW The lire whl't partially destroyed th,i house iMtlonging to Jim fcwlnk n South Main street near the Intersec tion of Church early Thursday mori -ln. brought to Mrs. I', b. ownn, a widow who occupied the upper story of the house a train of misfortunes. She had been sitting up nearly all rright with a little four-ymir-old child who was ill and. Had ban ly fallen aaleep when the fire broke out. She managed to escape uiif! to lescuo hr three other chucre.n before the tiro cut her off, but In doing ho she had no time to save anything, and all her furniture and clothing for herself and her children were cwt roved. A few hours after the fire her lit tle child died, and the homi less am) bereaved mother, almost destitute and with her dead child to bury, dranl; the cup of 'bitterness to Its dreg. She ha been fortunate enough to find friend to 4) her a little, but al Is desperately Jtt'.need of ruire help than her friends-can give her, nnd from the report that have come In her la a proper case for the Investi gation of the local charities. Only One "BROMO WUININE." That I LAXATIVE HIIUMO OUIN 1NK. Ijook for the lgnature of E. W. OROVR Ued the World over to Cure a Cold In On Pav. 2Gc. WATCUK8 MY SPECIALTY If you ne&o a watch that will keep time, we have them, ami at price that are right. Vine Watch Repairing. J. E. CARPENTEIt, 38 1'atlon Ave. What Is In a name? Much when It la a piano's name. The name filled signifies weet Tone, Indisputable Excellence, Fine Finish For prices of Stleff Shaw Pianos write to and Chas. M. Slieil Manufacturer of the Artistic Stleff, Shaw and Stleff Selfplayer Pianos. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, -N. C. C II. WILMOTH, Manager. (Mention this paper.) I Barrel to ehlldrw at Braskfut, ; I Lame mad Sapper isumns thir J ksiltkfol gravth. , f mmmmm Suitable Cjifts in Our Heady-to-lsdear department The more you visit this part of our store the more pretty things you see. Our Ready-to-Wear Dept is superbly ready to :,erve yuur every need in this line. What would make a nicer present than a set of Furs, a sweater or a score of other things that you will find here. Meet IJour None of tho women Mrs Alfred 8. Post, Mrs. Chrlstino Towns, MIkh Olivia beventritt and Mrs. Herbert O. Itobhlns who were appointed as members of the board of education for New York ',y Mayor MeClellan, in a suffruiflst, but neither nre they antls, (or they aru all said ti he In favor of women being allowed to vote on certain questions. HAIR GOODS AND ORNAMENTS The and most attractive things are alwavs shown here. Hpeclal Holiday stock now display ed. MISS CRUISE, 27 "ywo FRUIT CAKES, Whole or by the lb., also lavcr cakes, pound cakes, etc. College Street Bakery. 37 E. College St. CHICHESTER S PILLS -"- . 1 UK UIAMONII IIKANO. a Urn. AtkfnrClii.I'lfKK.TrRet yeofs known lleit.Hafct. Always Keliabl SOID BY nat'GGtSTS FVtRWHLPf PURE ICE CREAM. PHONE 554. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. Kast Walnut St. Phone 5il. Eyo Sieclalist o. 0-10. II Idicwl AtLtTOr Irrufgliii fnr A rtl-rhM-tr IlnmonU TlrndyV I'llis in U 4 ami 4tol tr,lcV im, MMilet) with Hlne RKjn. V IbLs HA olkn V the well kiKiwn landsfajic jiaintcr will LESS DKV (JOODS CO.. a collection l i i mi i i i i own studio, i lie exn nut LKR OKFK1JS THE P1IJST PRICK. Kvervbtith invited We are receiving daily lots of pretty things for and take a look at the can easily please you. J he prettiest kind of New Line oi Children's Dresses Just Received, Priced Reasonably Crepe and Flannelette Kimonasr at $1.25 up Silk Kimonas at - - $4.00 up Furs in sets at - $5.00 to $50.00 Shipment oi Curtains was received recently. Children's Coats, Leggins and Oats to match. friends at the LADIES' DESKS We have Just pdaced In stock a new line of ladles' desks and we boughf them so we can sell you one at a vers interesting prices. Beaumont Furniture Co. M. WEBB & COMPANY HUller Importer No. Battery Park Placet, Phone lMi REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-made jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique) Arts and Craft Shop' Sond Icy Building Haywood St. PAJNIJ2SS DENT1STKY Now is the time to look after yoAr decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No cliarRO for examination Prices always reasonable. A. J, -i i ' Dr. Mnttbeus- Dental .I'arlors, Cor. College and Spruce Sts., near the Court House Ofllc-e Plioue 819, Kesl dence Phone 972. WALTON & McLAIN OFFEHS A Hooker to the person holding the lucky number, Christinas. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look In their window. Phono ir,l,r,. 19 S. Main St. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS FREE! It will cost you nothing to conmilt me regarding your eye trou bleu. Take ndvnntnge of the opportunity It may save you money later. P. K. C..H1XER, Miiiiufacturliig Optician Drliiimor llldR. Cor. Clmnli nnd Ihittoo Ave. PEERLESS Sale of Oil Paintings Prof. Otis A. Miller, of Asheville have on handsome will last out week beginning tot la v. PKOF. MIL- beginning 10 PldTKlvS SOLI) to see the display. numerous articles suitable for Handkerchiefs in abundance. Jake the SleVator for ths -Jwf Department on JYlarche La Qrecque Corsets Styla, Comfort and Fit, Beyond Compare. GREENE & CO., 13 CHURCH ST. Mt. City Stationery Co. 23 PattonAve. See Who is Here! Just received over 500 volumes of standard novels (paper cover) also a lot of detective stories which we of fer to the public at 2Q( Ite-Kularly gold for 25c. BARGAIN IN BASK BUBNEIt ' We have one Baa Burner, ' Hard Coal Stove left.' WiU sell it aj; a ar- sain. BURTON & HOLT 3 It is impossible to find a coal that is more perfect for all fuel purposes than M&W Indian Contains over 95 car bon. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company fi!ia UMVISSMS MmrwlwnBWMan J--'"i"ti-i -'i,nnri i . i i i ii in J Every :A7onab w uiir?TfjiuMi ana tnonld know l tHut the wonderful kMARVEL Whirling Spray new vxiaai fjAti.' nelH on convun- 11 oleomas A It V K L. leant othor. but tana Btann, fur muHtfatM lifHik wftlAd. ft tri-wmm full pArttoBiHra ftad dlroctloiia In , Tiilnnl.le tn In, Ilea. M Mil l l.fV). . 44 tvuat3Ubt.wt.NKWXOUK. 1 s It Ue cftiinot MippiT the CrSL mlMI0trLAW M A It V K L. icciot no rW'K ms s exhibition at the PEER- Oil Paintings from his s AT VOUR OWN the Holidays. Come in Hoilday gifts. We n II TATTON AVE. 000.