THE SUNDiAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER: FAIR. f)fl PA6ES T04Y VOL. XXVI., NO. 4f. ILL BRITON TORN BY CONTENTIONS OF HOT CAMPAIGN Groat Struggle Between Lords And Commons Sinks AH Other Issues SUFFRAGETTES ON HAND WITH BRICKS Repulsed at Radical Meeting Make an Attack on Con servatives With Missiles LONDON, Dec. 4 The whole of Great Britain la immersed In the po litical campaign which has been in augurated by the refusal of the house of lords to consent 10 the budget. The country is divided into two great camps, composed of those who sup port the lords' action and those who contend that the 'house of commons must have absolute control of the fi nances of the nation. There an-, of course, many other issues, such as tariff reform versus free trude, but these are being pushed Into the back ground by the conflict between the two houses. All Parties Active. While the various local organiza tions are. busy selecting candidates and preparing for the contests in their respective districts, the leaders of the great parties are carrying on a general campaign. The radicals who had long, foreseen the fate of their finance bill are not allowing the grass to grow under their feet. In London this afternoon one of their organizations, the National dem ocratic lague held c. demonstration as a protest against the action of the lords which was one of the most notable ever held In the metropolis. Kully 20,000 persons of the laboring and artisan classes, gathered in Tra fagar square, and cheered the radical speakers, who condemned In unnicus urede terms the members of the upper chamber. Suffragettes Butt In. mkn itli.afLmnt here. flH J.HC V1MJ w. . .j . f. . - kaswhera, oama. lrom.- the Jiuffraciirt who, after a term of comparative quiet again started td Indulge in attempts to break up the radical meetings. The Trafalgar square cr-.d, however, was too great for their efforts to have any effect. They were more successful at Southport where, by climbing to .1 roof and shouting through the sk- (Continued on page I) FOR PUBLIC INTEREST IN Desires to Safeguard it from all Possible Financial . Disturbance. PLAN FOR CONTROL. AUBANY. Dec. 4. J. PIcrpont Morgan's purpose In purchasing a ma jority control of the stock of the Equitable Life Assurance society, as stated by himself and his partner, George W. Perkins was made public tonight In ft statement Issued by State Superintendent of Insurance Hotch kiss. Superintendent llotchklss' stau nnnt, in part follows: ( "Mr. Morgan said to me that in ac quiring the stock, he bud but a sin- notnulv to orecent its Kie I'u' p"" , being sold to different individuals and thus make It impossible that at the expiration of the present voting trus teeship, this .great interest could be used to the detriment of the policy holders. He stated further that he d sired the co-operation of the insur ance department la working out a plan whereby the stock which means the control of the company would be safeguarded In the interest of the I policyholders and that I could assure , Governor Hughes that no steps to that ! , iiil would be taken by him save with the concurrence of the Insurance de- I partment. "Later In the day 1 had a talk with Mr. George W. Perkins, or J I' I Morgan and company, who reiterat. d 1 what Mr., Morgan had said, ana stat ed that the gentleman desired short-i.- tn tuko nn with the insurance de partment the matter of so placing the control or trie iMfuuancie sidck outside the present or any future fi nancial situation in New York tor in the country' would end for all time the dangers which lurk in an indi vidual holding." ROI rOSTOKFICI ATHOL. Mass.. Dec. An ac counting of the contents or the p 'St ofBee safe, blown open by a band o( sven a-ohbers early today showe 1 tlwt the cracksmen got away with over JS.O00 In stamiw ami $i.'i0 in eah. The authorities tonight nre cimpletelT mystified as to the rob bere' Identity and whereabouts T HOOPS ORDERED OUTTOOuELLRIOT OF 0 10 STRIKERS Fire on Guards of American Tin Plate Mills And Pre cipitate Trouble FIVE MEN SHOT IN ANARCHY OF A DAY Strike Began Five Months Ago J Because Company Posted Open Shop Notice IiltlDOKPOKT, Ohio. Uec. 4. Martial law tonight holds sway In this city where 2,000 striking employes of the Aetna-Standard plant 01 the American Sheet and Tin l'lute com pany, a subsidiary of the I'nited States Steel corporation, have been rioting .since midnight friday. A reg iment of infantry, one sipiadron of cavalry and over 1MI deputies and company police iyuurd the city and tin' plate mills. I''ht- men have been shot and more or less seriously wounded during the past t wenty-four hours. A federal court injunction has been asked for in Columbus, Ohio, to restrain the strike rs from Interfering with the operation of the plant. Gov. Harmon at Columbus is be ing kept in close touch with the sit uation and has plaeriT the fullest mili tary powers 011 Hrig. ("Jon. John C. Speaks, in command of both civil and state authorities here. Striker Fired First. The lawlesncss bringing on the present situation comes uf a trivial In cident. Harly today one of the mill guards stepped outside of the mill en closure to escort another guard to a ub. A fusillade of shots greeted the two men. Two Millets struck one ol the men. but the wounds were not serious. A third gunrd, rushing from the enclosure dragged the two men to safety. The shooitng from tin' mob of strike sympathizers outside the mills gates continued until daybreak when Sheriff Armlne wired Governor Harmon fqjti'oups saying In his men? sage: We fear another Homestead strike and much bloodshed." Object to Open Sliop. The strike at the Aetna-Sta mini d plant hail its inception live months: ago when the Ai 'can Sheet and Tin j l'lale company is-md an order tint. (Continued 011 page 4) TRANSPORT STILLSTUOK INTKEMUO; NO PROSPECTflFRELEASE Ofiicers and Men, Filled with Lust of War Chafing at Dolav. RFMOVINd T11F CAl.CiO I'llll.AOKI.I'IllA, T)ce 4 VVifi nearly all her coal anil mi ll uinin titii-s of stores on lighters, the trans port Frairie is still fast tonight in the mud Hats of Pen patch Island win re she grounded Thursday ni::lit while speeding down the Delaware river on her way to Central Amerlc 1. Another attempt, the third sine be became fast, vrn made at flood tide late to day to Moat the vessel bin she was not nioVHsl The dig transport is im bedded live or SIX liS't in the sot: bottom of tile river ami it ie now be lieved that every bit of hot i,.rgo uii h to lie taken off before there "ill lie a chance to flee her. Aictildini to river men the Prairie is about 1-et west of the main ohan.iel. Four tuns worked on the Hhlp two hours this afternoon. Admiral Kimball on board the Prairie Is in constant cop: inunication by wirelivss wit 11 the nav 1I1 inartmetit at Washington and be.x pcets to reveive unit rs during the night with regard to further attempt to Mont the vessel Aw the Prairie is resting In a bitl of mud Uiet has bet n no injury to lo r hull The ofiicers and seven hundred ma rines on board are eballuy: at Goth-lay in getting avvay. but : re work ing vigorously to tlont the hip. ARGUE LEGAL POINTS FOUR WHOLE DAYS. ACSTI.V, Texas. Dec. 4. The trial of H. Clary Pierce in the district court of Travis county progrcsted slowly. For four tlavs the riuestlons as to whether or not perjurv could U asaigned to the nfTitJttivit which he matb because of its indeflnlteness and lM-caue It was a mere expression of opinion; antl a question of wheth er a woman is entitled to be a no tary public under- the constitution and laws of Texas as the affidavit was mnde before a woman and the question as to whether or not the statute of limitations in the pennl code of Texas will protect the rum resident the same as the resident, have been under dincvission. A8IIKVILLK, X. MEXICO DESIRES L May Send Special Envoy to Washington to Propose Amicable Settlement MEANTIME WILL BE STRICTLY NEUTRAL Former Ambassador Creel Called to Capital For Consultation MKXIOl CITV. Dtc. 4. Mexico has done nothing so far in regard to the Nicaraguaii imuler; it is taking sldi-s neither with Nicaragua nor the United Ktaten." This declaration was made today by Governor Creel, of Chihuahua, for mer Mexican ambassador at Wash ington. Governor (.'reel has been called to Mexico City for a consultation with the department of foreign relations with a view of his being sent to Washington in case that certain rep resentations made to tlie American government are received with fav or at Washington, according to a statement by Minister of Kareign Iti lations Mariscal. "Mexico's policy Is not .vet dcllacd." cuntiued the governor. 'The nltituih to be taken 'by this country wili de pend upon developments. In fact, these developments tire being await ed, meanwhile this country Is remain ing neutral. The situation is of course grave, but it is not considered as necessary for Mexico to take a stand either way in the matter, as the pres ent Issue Is strictly between the I'nit ed States and Nicaragua. Wants Oiny lVncc. "In so far as regards Central Amer ica as a whole. Mexico is anxious to si peace preserved and that all of the countries oltservc the provis ions of the Washington treaty. To this 1 ud Mexico will tie glad to assist the I'nited States. This country nat urally feels a deep Interest In Cen tral.Jk,oii;rlcii. through tho bonds of language, sentiments, and habits, and is anxious to contribute to all that I' nils towards its well holnts. Touching the possibility of Govern or On el being sent to Washington. .Mr. Mariscal ai,l that Mr. Creel was pe, nicirh titled tor such a mission having been ambassador at Washing- (Continued oil page A.) T OVER SALE OF HER HOUSE Children Saw Kuraed Man SlaiiiiliN'rinir Familv and (iave the Alarm. MAKFS HIS KSCAl'F. CI.KVIOiAND, ., !. 4 Mrs Josephine Mangino. and tiro of In 1 hildi'i 11. Annie and Jimr. u- l.upiea were murdered In the kittAo 11 of tjiei, honie here at noon lodav in a iumr I over money matters. Joe i.ujiicu. t li 1 baby of the familv. '.va la'ally sttio beil. Search toniglit was iliiei'tcd to ward Antonio .viangiti'.'. iii.soand and step-father, who bit the noma- im meiliatelv alter the ir.ig-dv for Me utheuMlei n .art of town .vlii re Ins riiatl'H are s:inl to liv e. Mrs. M. 111141110 ami the line,. 1 1 1 1 1 dren were horribly beaten .ml stall lied. In ea h instinee, tin- victim's head vvas eroslietl with a htavv iron) bar and the v.iy stabbed again and again Magino's share In the tragedv was witnessed from a iloorwav bv Angi In- I .up o 1. lour vears old ami Marv pitoiifo. 1 neigliboi s I child, but Jimmie l.uiiic .. t he III, boy, gave the alarm. "Mamma's killed and I'm Int." he cried, running the slrei I ; ml tb.n ran back into tin- house n ati tffor; to auv c tin- li v is of the th r i hi Id 1 1 "i. but fell dying on the threshold. According to the slorv ,ie,tc I., the police, Mrs. Magino h id sold On hrtuse at hnj Orange street, w In.-ii was left her bv her lirs'. lufsbaml. Oulseppe Liipica. who was Flint in a street tight two vears ago 1 'rum tin: sale of this bouse she was reported to have realized $1,700 Magino, who has been out yl work f "r three months, became involved in an ar gument nor tiie situation today. It was heard by the neighbors, who paid no uttention to the matter, however ADMITS FRAUD IN DEAL IN COTTON N C. Dei.. 4 There is to tie no preliminary hearing In the case of J K Smith, charged with adding ten bales to a one Iwle weigh ers certificate, and collecting about seven hundred for cotton from Br her Hms., more than he was entitled to. PEACE IN CENTRA AMERICAN STATES ('., SUNDAY MOliXIMJ, 0UR 8R0THERS wm MMiW ... ON TABLETS Of If AV 7'-W 3r5sLr? vsv 7 RIED TO BRIBE LA W YER TO ALTER WILL OF NIECE ON HER DEATH BED Elderly Woman Accused of Murdering Her Niece Offered to Pay Him in Life Insurance Policies. Seemed to Have Woman Under Hypnotic Spell. Appealed to Him Whn She Was Absent. NKW Yl KK, IK. 4 -Tlie develop ments which ftunti to light in tin- mvs teriotiH death of Mrs. icey Wurdluw Martin Siitstd, whose lifeless imtly was found last week In a hutlh tub In a de serted house In Kast Orange, make the case against her aunt, Miss Virginia Wartllaw, who has burn arresteii charged with the murder, look darker. It is 'horned that ,MisM Ward law murderil her nelce to get possession of her property Valued al llOO.OOn and two life Insurance policies ag gregutiug $24,0(10. Julian V. Carabba a Brooklyn lawyer hus staled to thi police that last September he was summoned to thwVteaise. whore the nnnwii was found tlea4 bv an elder ly Woman who olTer.'d him $7,000 in life insurance polii o s on tin life of Mrs Snead if he would tix her will so her property would ni.ni1 to her. Miss Wardlu vv's, li.niils at bet ib-utli Slrnngc Visit. In licHi-rlblng tie visit to the liouse Mr. Carabba. tells a weird story which savors of the thistly mysteries of Poe. In his slorv 10 the pohce ol the visit to the house h" said: "When we got upstairs we wi le ta ken to 11 rear room, vv here I saw Iv ing on a cot a yoium v.oman, who sceiued to have been laaatillll, with a niae;- nilicenl bead ol auburn hair. L it whose sallow com .exion and emai ia led t ondilion v:a. iier the appearim t of a corpse. "There was another old woiiim present, anil sb. and .Miss Wardhor sat down on tl Ige of h,. , ,,t ', stood Ui. The whole affair i.n presc! mo lis most extraordinary. The two agetl women h"l their hats on ami were heavily wil-il IJouml thel'' necks were sll itnc Iteatls and m llnlr hands were Ibhhs. from vbuii they chanted at time.- while tiny made strange passes .nai motions tovwiri! the sick woman. Airs. Hiu..oi. as I .0 forward I011111I out STARVING, WAITS FOR LORD TO TELL HfM TO EAT onsnniltl i ! lias F;istc! 1 .Montli ;iiitl Vims will not i Fat I'm il Lord Speaks. i;u.ii:. ci lie will not ,, lips until Almic and coinmaiiii 'I ifip' ti, a i 01. 1 id in v r.i I fasted for twi i I ' I. -.v. mi. i . .- looil to past his t ' Moil H,e;t I,., f., him ii In , at. W ill, am .ner, a lid i n 1 1 i , si -. : r j.ries in re has . rght da v s. He has i en lois lor s. v i r- suffered ft oil, I al vears bill ves Ihat Ibrougll I II tl ll .111,1 f.lMn:. lie Will be cur. d. His theory is 'f ' food slinilv fur nlslos (U'l !'i illsea-e Although his wife and !i 'Is lag him to tat h" ih tiar, s h' ' not ib, so until tile v oh e ,, i:..i omniuml" him lie savs he is n it i.'tngry and has in, desire for f I .ud will await such time as Mod ' tit (o reslor. Ins appetite. Tippen is v - : .vettk and un.ilib to leave his bed in I his death is daily expected. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4 Forecast for North Carolina : Fair Sunday. Mon day rain, colder in west portions; variable winds. Mil li n Wl W-X'KMHKU 5, VMX Eikdom's Day Of Sorrow. - tfJUNMiirti- "Mrs. Snead lay there on the cot. watching the, two women and seem ingly unable to move or say a word. I thought she was in a coma, until suddenly Miss Wardlaw, In a weird vob e. asked her Is she did pot wunt to make a nuw will. The p isstvs wer i going on ail the time, aiu at the nest ion Mrs. Snead aiisvvei ed in 11 lear voice, as though impelled by onie power that she could not resist, or so It seemed to me: 'Yen, I do ' "'My Ood, women!" I exclaimed, 'this woman is dying. Hho neetU it doctor and nourishment and cure. I'll get a doctor.' , ..,. "The minute t mentioned the Vof1 doctor the two old women seemed to get seared and exclaimed that thevi didn't want one, that the woman on tile cot was going to dp. an.-, way and that tin y (oiihint afford a physician. "That gave me a thoulit. and I aslted for food for the women. The.' said they had none, couliln 1 buy any. So iTitougiit out my checkooiik ami pretended I bail no pep. I asked them to get me a pen and ink and Til write a check. A I one the two women got up and went iiowiistalrn for tile pen. Mix Sneilil pMals lo lllm, "The nuliiite the door !.. d behind them a t'einarkable change t-.tiiM- over the woman on the cot. Sb" muster d lit a ureal effort and turned tovvarl me As I drew 1 loser to her she vvhispi ri d. ' 'I'm d ing, I'm dving' I see a -Masonic pin on you and I believe can trust you. nh. lor Cod's sake, please don't Iimiv e me ' ' She reached under the pillow and dragged out a paper. "'Mere, here,' she inuttertd fever ishly 'This is my will. I'uke It arid make yourself the executoi do any thing you like, but for Ood'-t sake take care of my child ' LIVELY HOTEL ROW I! NOW ON AT STATESVILLE Present Lessee l)ec;ires ihat lie has Riht to Stay and will not Vacate STAT KM. II. I. K. N C.. I . c. I -'Ho-lab st ip-v i lopnu tils Ih the Iredell ho ld i .1st' .,i, inn p s, lug In that . It is . li. Mr K. M Mllmor. 1 1 - pnseiil b sv, . . alter in ing served with a no li', to vaeaie ,F,i ii im t y I bv Propra-tor C S. Holland, declares that, he bus a lease on tin hotel until March. Olio, ati'l will not vaial'- text month. Mr. Holland s, rv'l noiice on Pro prietor I ;. M Mlluicr, who has iiad I lie hotel le.'iSe.l f',' Koine y.-lirs. Ill vacate on or before the Inst of the V'nr Mr. Milmer is out ,,1 town at til-, pi, lit and bis Inline plans iali not it. bariiefl. It is not horliat iv e -stand, hov.ev, r. that Mr. Milliter l.j i i mm a right to I he hob I nut II Mai, b II. COO. and .lln-lli, r In will vintite before that tunc is a matter vi t unknown. 'I'he hotel is now undergoing " i pair w hich are adding much to me appearance of both tin- liilcimr and tin- ext.-rltir of the building Mr. Holland unnmmocw further that he will Ijcgin the t ic lion ,,r a Hat on Mulberry street In Hi" mar future The Hat is to contain tin, e apart ments for residences atul will be tie llrst building or lis kind in Ktutesville. v . m:a(;i i: to Mi:irr. t.Y YN'CHP.I'IIO. Va., Due. 4. Tie annual uieellng of the Virginia It-agu will b'- held In I'.ichmond next Tues day night at which tImrTftfTocrg wiii be eleciMl and steps will be taken fur the HMO schedule. Tit" meeting promises to be of little Interest. "I was naturally iliimbfocnilwd (it this turn of a IT a Irs, but mw that I ho time wus short, and In great husto opened up tho will and snatched in u. w words hurriedly to conform to hur Instructions. 1 had barely fin ished and pushed the will Into tit)' pocket when the two old women came back Into tho room. "1 wrote out a check tor IS and Mrs. Hneiul Indorsed It. As this was being done I caught sight of two new twenty dollar gold hills in a bajt neid by one of the old women.' Why,' said I, r thought you had no money. i'!JAi.Wr.w nhOQluhar. hud, and said: 'This la pension money and docs not belong to us.' Ho I snld nn mors about It, but suggested a bat Mrs. Snead ought to be taken somewhere to get proper care. They answered that shu would bo Inwt with her friends. Then we got down to what the old woman really wanted of we. What They Wanted. "It seemed thul they wished to offer me two life Insurance ihiIIcIi's, one for $2,000 and the other for $5,000 on Mrs. Hneud's life, held by the New York Life, If I would arrange. 11 will for Mrs. Hnead that would make them her beiictlolarleH Instead of her grand mother. Martha Kllxe Wardlaw, who was named In the will In my pocket. "The next day I acot a doctor to see her Tho doctor's first move whs to 1 brow Into a corner all the books and beads the two old women had on the 1 01 of Mis Hnead, and then he up braided them for thefr neglect of her. He said she ought to be lit u hospital ninl that (hero she would get well liilckly, as all she needed wus care mill nourishment." A Southern Woman. Mrs Shi-iid before her rmirrluije was Miss Ocey Wardlaw Martin of " m "- iii"kw'unj-u-UVMXraVVyva (OhiIIihhmI (Ml pfgf I) WRECKED REPORTED Storm Drove Other Schoon ers ol' New Foimdland Fishing Fleet on Rocks. ST. JOHNS N C. Dec. 1 The Mioiiiistr, Mass. Ilshing schooner. John li. Itradlcv, vvnich la came wide ly known through In r use by Dr. Frederit k .. Cook in his An tic ex pedition and which was reported last night In have been wrecked in the re el ut gal'solT the roast oT New' Pound land, is sat,- at llonnie Hay. Three other Mloiieesler Vessels, the Clltltoll- iit, Die lb nrv M Stanlev and the Ma Is! p.. Hiiies wert- driven on the ns-ks oil I'.av or I Hln mix is a total loss. It Is underst'iod that tic Hines also was i.'ompletijv w n eked, but that the Clin lonla later came off tin- rocks only Mliglilly llamagetl. The crews (were saved. The mail sle.unei. Portia. r ported wreckt d during her passage from Sydney. C It., to IPuinie liny reached Itomiie Hay after a terrible experience In the storm. She sustained much damage Four New Koundland Ilshing schooners also have been driven ashore on the wist coast. Their crews reach'-d land In their boats afb-r a hard struggle and much suffering from cold and hunger and exposure. DANKKK Ml ItDKHI'l) . NKW YOitK. Dec. 4. The body of Addison M. Davlee. who was at one time a prominent hanker of Iynch burg. Va., was found in the Kast riv r to, lav He had been missing from ii.a hrma In l-trooklvn for thrta weeks. C M. Davles, a son. who idenirmjti the Imdv Utl't he believed his father had been murdered and robbed. WAVY. FIVK CKNTS. WlLLluT IFKNDX' CHARGES E Zelaya Asks United States to Make Investigation Into Conditions PRESIDENT WILL LAY CASE BEFORE CONGRESS will Ask Authority to Take AnyJStep Necossary to Cope with Situation MANAUl'A. Dec. President Z layu hits usked the I'nited States to send a commission to Nicaragua to luveMtlgata contlltluni existing hora ami says that If Its findings show that Ills ndmlnlstratlun Is detrimental to Central America he will resign. President Zelitya believes that tha information sent to the United States regarding cruelties practiced by hit government ia prejudiced and that a disinterested investigation would show matters tit a better light. , i.i:avk it to oonukumi. WA8I I INUTON, Dao. .a'hert seem tn ho little doubt that thu priwident will lay ta-fora ton grass nt a nearly data tho fuuta um to tha, Nlf tmiguun aituutlon with a. view to r crlving u,tithirity for any turthwr atepi lie may at lit to titk in thu Interest of Americana reading In that coun try arid with a view to butting an end to the Intm mlruibls atrtfa i Central Amwlou. . , " ;.v,,.-, -. v ,. . The queatUttl of Indemnlly far th killing of tho American. Cannon nnd Orocis ia atlll ludd in ubeyuno, and thura ia reason to bvlieva that to da mand will 1m ntodfl ntU Uta iaaua bar . twaun the Zalayan govarnmcnt an4 the revolutlonlats has bean aatUed. With the urrlvul at Corlnto possibly today or tomorrnw of tha rruUnr At buny Tirut tha gun . boat Vorktown I rum, tl"' I'nited Clataa will b tn'. a, poaiHMP to' ,jk t a argroaaivo. atopi a, any occasion may demand for th trout-ctloit ot Amarioan interests along tha Puultlc CAXSQX HAI tiItClr.B. .' Y RICHMONP. ,lnd Daft 4. "Irny Cannon wus beatsn In prlaon by Z laya's orders and ws eagar for ra vengo" aald Isham Bodgwlck, a coffea planter nf Nicaragua who ' la In thla city visiting hla' relative today, 'I knew Cannon ory- well,"' con Untied Mr. HodgwUk, "tho laat Vma I saw him was an July 4 at Guatema la city. Ho had escaped from prison. He told men he was .dotormlnod to,, get even with Zelaya for having him ((VhiIIiiikhI on Vgn MX.) HENS SO PROUD OF DYED TAILSCASTSJOPTO UY Poultry Fancier Wanted Plumage to Match Her Apidiifi and Colored them. NKW YORK, Den. 4. t'artly for esthetic and partly for practical rea sons Mrs. Herman Alberaof Klatlanda dyed the tails of .ll her white leghorn hens purple and green, and as aoon aa the hens discovered what had hap liened they Ixgan to run around In rlnies. t'p ti a lato hour last night they had not stopped running long enough to luy an egg or o to roost. Mrs. Albert Is the wlf of a well known sporting man; their noma l No. 1.1.11 ldist Thlrty-aeventit streot. As for the esthetic and practical reasons: First, Mrs. Alitor weur a gris-n ii ml purple striped apron when dm goes to ttsj thi chickens and, be ing a woman, she loves .elorhnr inonlcs. Hhi read In a poultry book, hen shu decided to go In for hona rco'iilly, that to sucots'd and gut egg when eggs ar worth 0 cents a dozen tho poultry woman "must have tha ben in her hert" that Is, love the hn and have rui much in common with ll as poaaible. Hho thought that one good thing would Imi to have almllltirily In cos tume. Mrs. Albers didn't want to mur a white apron to mutch the tails III the hen yard, for It ould get too m ussy, so she made the tjiila ma tch the upron. Her practical reason for t sing tha dyes was to get a mark lor QUlclC Idenlillcuilon when her her strolled serosa thu road to visit Neighbor Ca rey's IliM k and mado the eertotis nils take of laying their eggs in Neigh bor Curey'a nests. The fifty leghorns were frescoa4 yemwday morntng by Mrs. Albera and her husband after they had bagged th Iwiid of each hen to prevent tha coloring from running into us eyew. The first hen that got her head free after the operation happened t ea her tail reflected In the water pan. Hho Immediately pecked off tha ban dage. of th next hen ao that aha could ace her tall too. Then the llrst two removed tha Van dagea from two mora and .. ao on through the flock.' The. h..-i tttij round began, either from prlda or fright Today, If tha hen are still running. Mr Albera hopes to slap eah tail aa It flaahea by tier with a whitewash brush. . t PROVEN THU

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