2 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN", WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1.000. i! SOCIAL (SL PERSONAL Tho golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Collin uwurreil yesterday and from utmost every tate In th union anil from ik tim Hi.' Mas came irreetlnjrs from life tlno friend of Mr. and Mri Collin. Mrs. Wallace Rollins of Sweet Hilar, Tonn., a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Collins haa been receiving Tetter from tin; many friends who leatcued together in a remarkublu und touching d.-m-onatration of steadfast friendship. There war about two hundred h tiers of uniform ilze, some of them .m talnlng mall kodak picture, which were handsom"ly biaind In eoft red leather, the name of Mr. and lln. Collin and the dates being printed In gold on the cover. The letter were from friend and btialnem mho lali la avery part of the world, aome of tba writer were school friends of Mr. Collin and many of them ho him not seen lne boyhood day. Many of the friend of hla early youth have je coma eminent profealonal men, and other have tone to far off land and achieved fame. The message of af fectionate regard and congratulation received on auch an occaalon have brought the freatoet happlneaa to Mr. and Mr. Colllna, and a toaat will be 'drunk to them from the beautiful golden loving cup which waa aent to Mr. and Mr. Collin by Mra. M. H. Xlaaam and Mlaa Jennie Hutchtnuon of New Tork. Mr. and Mra Collin will defer the anniversary dinner un til Chrlatmaa when all of the member of his family will reunite In Aihevtlle, and among whom will be, Mr. and Mra George Colllna and email eon. Rev, and Mra. Wallace Rollins of Bwoet Briar, Tenn.. Mr. and Mrs. Kd ward B. Safer of Atlanta and Mr. and Mra. Willi Collin of thl city. Mr. , and Mia. Colllna have for many year mad their home In Aahevllle and have (become identified with the char itable, reOlglou and aoclal life of th ctty and are held In the hlghet ei teem. J tk. winter will be enlivened with ukiv dances organised by four young ladlee, Mlase Baale Carter, Margaret Pcnnlman, Agnes Carter and Maade Waddell, who will conduct dancing claaeea every Saturday even ing for tha young ladles TwhegcCDs Ing for th young people and every Friday afternoon tor children, at the Battery Park hotel. After the holidays th Bingham cadet laaea wlH b held - Monday afternoon of each week on which occasion forty or fifty of the younger girl will b Invited to at tend. Th Saturday evening dance Will no doubt prove popular and will mora resemble mibecrlptlon dance than dancing clasae. J - Mr. and Mra H. T. Collin were irprlM laWvun 4r party of their oldest Aahevtll friend who went to their residence on South Preach Broad avenu to offer their congratulation on th ooonslon of their fiftieth wadding nnlverury. J Mla Fannl Patton gave a mftll Md informal tea yesterday afternoon at her home on Charlotte street Mr. and Mr. Sharp and Mrs Grave, of Portamouth, Va.. who have been the gueet of Mr. J. R. Wood cook at the home of the latter on Montford avenue, go today to Waybeavllle to attend the wedding of th on of Mr. and Mra Sharp. Mr Henry Bhaxp, of Denver, Col., to Mlas Swift. The wedding will be quite a large affair and of Importance socially. Mr. Sharp, r., was for a number of year treasurer of the Seaboard Air . Una s j Tha Natlonai Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis - . lauiiui rhi-lntmiui stamua which will be put on sale today at various hop in town, a potew dealgnntlnu th place at which they are old. The tamps are attractively deaigned, bear ing a Bed Cross surrounded by a holly Children's & Misses' Winter Coats and Blouse Suits Lowered in Price COATS: $5.00 Coats in cackt navy & rod loworrd to $3.75. $6.50 coats in navy, lowered ' to $4.75 $7.50 coats in navy and wine lowered to $5.75 8.50 coats in navy,' red aaid Shopperds plaid, lowered to $0.75. Those are all thi season's coats, fresh in style and good value even at regular prices. An overstock is sale excuse for reduced ju ices. Children's sizes 3 to 10 vis: Misses sizes 12 to 16 yrs. DRESSES: ; $7.00 blue sorgo, 8 to 12 yrs. lowered to .$5.25 $8.50 sailor blouse suits, 8 to 12 yrs., navy A red, lowered to $6.25. $10.00 sailor blouse suits, 12 to 14 yrs., navy I & red, lowered to $7.25. , $12.50 sailor blouse suits, 10 to 14 yrs., white ; fierge lowered to $9.25. $13.50 sailor blouse suits, H to 1(5 yrs., blue V ' serge, lowered to $10.25. ; Natty, shipshape little suits, braid trimmed. Y chevrons, sailor knots, pleated skirts, blouse . waists, strong wear-well serge, and altogether incommon bargains at lowered prices. ' s M. V. MOORE tTOMEJT8 fTRXISH IX G s. vvren'li nii'l fomt: lettering. They itrc a m nits i ,k h have no nirr.Mriv value, inn) must he iik. d wild (hi: Uil. il kio r nrnelll stamp. The money ! ii- ".I from the h! nil j.m whh h will he hi all i,i,r the enuritry (luring the h'lililayF. ,v I,,, imed to hj n the work of tin. W)chM, iiliotit two-third of tin. amount Koln t the state the slatnpH are Hold In. The tmpH are decorative and will add to the ultra. -tivenesH of the Christ mtiH packages. J J The Asheville Poultry end IV. Stock Hhow opens toilay and It la an ticipated will repent the soicce i,f hint yeur. The poultry already placed yesterday rnakcH a Koodly array, und wllh hint nlnht's additions and a number of belated arrivals this morn ing the birds will be well represented. The raeeiiniiM were- placed yenterday but tho smaller animals will he put In early this morning. The rhow will he the center of attraction for three day and several thousand people will view the linn exhibition. Mrs. F. ', Darker has been chosen a tho soloist of the first concert which will be given by the Musical Art society, December Kith. There will he hut one soloist and the se lection of Mrs. Marker has Klven gen eral satisfaction. Tho entire program will shortly be published. J JM The men's singles Kolf tournament will he continued thl afternoon at the Country club. The present tour nament Is arousing unusual Interest. Jl Jl The Saturday Music club's musical which has been arrangml (or the ben efit of the educational fund and which takes place Monday afternoon at the Battery Park hotel will be an occasion of Interest, and uu excellent and lengthy program has been ar ranged. Ticket have been placed on sale at the Battery Park hotel, the Manor, the Asheville Pharmacy, Yates ana Magulre's and the Woman's Ex change. The program follows. Sonata In F. Major Mosart Miss Robert Porter. 1 Dove Prende (duet) . . . . Mosart Mrs. Francis J. Clemenger and Mr. Burnett Jordan. Serenade Quonod Mr. Klmer Westall. Reading, "The Soul of the Violin," Miss Elisabeth Ramsay. Soprano solo Holected Mra Francis J. Clemrnger. (a) Hear Me, Ye Winds and Weaves Handel (b) Countess, In thy Dancing . . ' JLeraalre Mr. Burnett Jordan Second Sonata Chopin Mr. M. F. Connell. Still a the Night (duet) . . Carl Qootii Mra Clemenger and Mr. Jordan. J J Mr. Erwln Sluder entertain with a mall bridge luncheon at her homa on Montford avenue Friday. Jl Jl Mlsa Sadie Roberts and Mr. James Ptulgett were married mst night at the home of the bride's father, C. E. Itobr erts, Penland street. The Rev. J. 8. Williams, of the Methodist Protestant church, performed the ceremony. Th wedding was a tiulet one, bring wit nessed only by the family and Imme diate relatives and friends. Mr. Pad get Is connected with tho Asheville Elolrle company. Jl Jl The American Woman's league held an enthusiastic meeting yester day afternoon at the Henrietta on South Main street. Indications at present' ore that the Asheville chap ter will shortly have a paid up mem nersnip wnicn win assure them a i,uuu ennpter nouse. Jl Jl Tho ladles of St. Lawrence's Altar society are Invited to attend a con cert which will be given by tho res ident pupils of the Hillside convent this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Follow ing a varied program of Instrumental vocal music and recitations, etc., the f 11 PATTON AVE. . 5 J . H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. Special Sale Pictures Framed and unframed pictures; not all but a good portion of our line will be brought down from the art department and closed out at prices that will he Decidedly Interesting Wednesday and Thursday will be bar gain days in pictures. Prices will be from 50c to $4.00 only. We intend to close this line out. BUT if not interested in the above all the Christmas stock is ready tor in spection and sale. N. II. 200 mom of iIiimo dainty picture mounts with calendar luive Just conio 111 us Ix forc, Oi: cai h. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. trial scene from "The Merchant of Venlio" will Ihe presented by the senhirs. Jl Jl The public recital this afternoon at 4.30 at the Asheville Si ho., I of Music and Dramatic Art will ho of Interest to tho lover of music. The program which Is devoted to the works of Mo zart will be given by the faculty of the school and a concert of a high order Is assured. The program was puti- llshed yesterday and Included the names of Mr .and Mr K. F. Marker, Mrs. Klmer Westall, Mrs. James ). Btlkeleather, Miss Minnie Wt-stall, Miss Jackson and Mr. M. F. Connell. The recital will take place as usual In the recital fit u dir. of the school In the Auditorium, and the public Is cor dallly Invited. Dr. W. O. Met.'ready left yesterday afternoon for New York. Mr. George W. Neal and small daughter have returned to their home In Toronto after spending sev eral weeks here. Colonel 8. T. Kverett of ifavldson ltlver was In Aslwvllle yesterday en route to New York. Mr. and Mrs, Oeorgo T. Mamlll of Kansas City, Mo., are spending several days with friends here. Miss Lulu Seaman has returned to Converse college after spending two weeks with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. T. C Seaman on Cumberland ave nue. Mra D. It. Jackson has returned from a visit with friends In Norfolk and Baltimore where she spent three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Susong of Chambersbunr, l'a.. arc spending sev eral weeks In Asheville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. ('haiiubcrs on Vance street. Mr. A. 8. Harnarrt leaves today for Raleigh on business. Mr. Walter Toms Itay has returned to his home In Falrvlew after a bus liU'B trip to Asheville. Mr. J. C. Arbogaat baa returned from u trip to Lake Cloirles, la. Miss Nellie Hooper, of Norrlstown, Pa., who Is spending the winter sen son In Ashevlllu lenvea today for her home where she will upend tho holi days. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. It. Yeimer of New York, accompanied by their .small son arc spending several days in Ashe ville, en mute from Tlorlda to their home. Mr. O. C. Ward nnd Mr. Clinton Ward, of the Southern railway passed through Asheville yeeterihiy en route front Canada and other Northern points, to Almond, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. It. I. C.lnnuth. who have silent several weeks with friends In Asheville left yesterday for their home In Ohio. Mr. A. F. ('lower, of Charlotte. N. C, Is In the city for a lew days. Mr flower represents the piano tlrm ot ('has. M. Stlelt in Western North Car olina. Mrs J. K. Wolfe ami son, Thomas'. I have returned from Hot Springs, Ark Miss Mchlo, wiH has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Kdttar llrlght. has re turned to New Orleans. Miss Juliette Howard, of Lebanon. Kv , who Is well known n this city. I;' lsitini; Mrs I'reilern-k k' Cone :lt the home of the latter III llrooklvn Mis. Coin, was hefere u r marriage Miss Nina Johnston. Mr and Mrs Henry Westall hne leased 12t Charlotte silent and will shortly take possession of the resi dence. Mrs. Charles A W.-bh and children h;lo (iino to lhllledill. li -i , to spend seeral months. Mi' 15. U I'orter -in, It .small son if Ital-iKh. who have 1 ell ihe Btiet f frien.l in the ctty have returned th.-ir home. Mian I.oiiIho Hector him returned from a s. viral months trip to Uk-h tnond. W'ils.in and tllnh '.I'oint. Dr. l'urefoy and Ja(k Purefi have Knne to HalitTTnire Mr. anil Mrs. Pen y Whltakcr have leased an apartment in the Altii Vlst i on Clurkson ntrfvt. In Denver, and are keeiiiiif; house. Mr. Wfta'aker h;'s been very HUccoflwful in Iiiihiiii'hh ven tures In Denver and u ill probably miiiki) It his permanent li".n". PILES Cl!KKT IN TO I I lYS. PA.O OINTMUNT Is i-uaranteed to cure auv casa of Ileliintr. Blind, oi Protudlnir Piles In 6 to 14 davs or money refunded. 60c TWENTY-FIVE years of active ex perience and honest manufacture is behind every box of NUN NALLY'S candies. You don't have to try them to see if they are good or fresh. The name on the box is gold-bond security for perfect quality, generous assort ment, full measure and delicate freshness. A fresh supply always kept by RAYSOK'S DRUG KTOHK, SI Platan Avenue. "None Like Nunnally'M." REFINED PEOPLE. desnand rare articles, old hand-made Jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts and Crafts Shop' Somlley Building Haywood St. Beautiful Works of "FOREST CRAFT" FOR XMAS GIFTS at the Ml. City Stationery Co. 2.1 Pulton Ave. II. M. WIIIKIAN, IVop. a ais SALE of SECOND HAND INSTRUMENTS The following list of Instruments taken In exehatiire as partial pay ments on the Artistic StletT and Shaw piano, are being thoroughly over hauled and raeh "i will be in line condition, and ininht suit some pur chaser w ho w on like n servlenble Instrument at a low price and on easy terms. If so. write at once takine first, second an, I thn,l choice. nn, m will glo on a mil description hi return mail or in person: N,i. No. 1. Harriott. .n. rosewood case eolf .hn it- J :tii 2. Sti. f, rosewood east .. 'J7.ri :i. Ivors . I', .iid, mahoRiuiy viUH' 2 fit) 4. Mathushek. ebonlzed ease LT.O r. lmerson. u.ilnut ease.. ::oe llraunuiller. oak ease.. I".1 .No. No. 4 n.i. r. No. No. 7 No. i No. !l N... til No. 1 I No. r: 7. KinKshut mahogany -use Ari-.n. el.onr.ed ease .. l.'.'i Ollhert. . h..iilzed ease. . ur. Swi.-k. eh.imil ease.. . . 1 in.lsor, ;i!nut ease .. l'jr. Cr.uvn. w :i 1 11 ut case .. . N. l.'l. Steinway wnmrc ... 1 M' No. It. NeuTii.in l!r..., iunre .. 7.'. No. 1.".. Knipire s.m.ire " ". No. Ill StietT. .li:i'e 7.". No. I.', i !ro ivi .1 ii. sqiytre .... N"o. IV. Sli.-ff snunre so No. t:v Kniil." s.iiar. f.0 No. 20. Crison sniiMre r0 K.isy wcrkK or ninthly pnynient if desired. Chas. M. Stieff, Manufacturers of ihe Artlstie Stieff. Sti. fT S. If Pku.-r and Shaw, the pi anos with the svA.et tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade St.. H A Kit TTK, N, C O. U. WILMOTH, Manager. U ) Shipment 1 We received a large shipment of Everwear Hosiery yesterday. These goods are guaranteed to wear with out a hole or tear for six months. If they do not, you get a new pair. The half-hose come in very appropriate boxes es pecially designed for Xmas giving. These together with the big line of Cadet hose in Christmas boxes make our showing the most formidable in the city. Men's Everwear half-hose in attractive boxes are priced at $1.50 to $3.00 a box of six. v Ladies' Everwear hose are priced at $2.00 and $3.00 a box of six. The Cadet hose are recognized as the best 25c hose being sold today. ' They are priced at $1.50 a box of six. Meet lour friends at the Qon filarche - W. O. WOLFE. Monuments and Torabstonea Domestic and foreign uranito and marble. Iron fence busies, and all kinds of cemetery finishings.. Do signs on application. Wolfe hulbl Ir.K. Vack Square and Market St. Asheville. N. O. 1'AIM.KSS DENTISTItY Now is the time to look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pan No charge for examination Prices nlway reasonable. Dr. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, Cor Collene and Spruce Sts., near the t'ourt House Office Phono 919, Resi dence Phone 972. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS. z 2 COAL vs. COLD M. H W. Indian is always :i winner, l'lumc 1 :')(.). Carolina Coal & Ice Company au iumi iiimhhwioiW ii iuj l iiisii it i nil- T- - - Consult an Expert ronrerninr tlir cm re tf n r liait. Hair Itcwinr, Shitniptmirm. Scalp titatmcnt, it's a specialty. All kimls r hair mnoils am! ornaments in st tu'U at rcjiyoiia hlc prices, MISS CRUISE, 21 h st. M WEBB & COMPANY MUUlQer) lniixirten Nn. t BattNT Put PlM. Ftim 1044 FRUIT CAKES, Whole or by the II)., also Inver cakes, pound cakes, etc. College Street Bakery. :!7 K. (dl(Ke SI. PURE ICE CREAM hi ciiocolatc and va nilla llavors, in bulk or brick, perfectly packed. Asheville Pure Milk Cc. Kast Walnut St. Phone 554 WALTON & McLAIN Oli KISS A ltocker to the person holdins th lucky nunil" r (iirlstnms. You pet a eh.inee with eiery dollar 'im senil with them. Imk In tli.tr window. Phone K.15. 19 s. Main St. la. I I J I I If o of Christmas hosiery Came yesterday I Opening of My 23rd Anniversary Postponed (o Next Monday Night from 8 to 10 O'clock Councils orchestra of six pieces will furnish the music Cigars will he furnished to gentlemen and violet chips to ladies. It will be of interest to see my first start in business in the year 1887, the original pictures which I have procured around about the city will represent the old model e?gar store in the rear of my present large floor space. Ladies don't hesitate to come. At the mean time you'll look over my large assortment of Xmas presents for your husband, father or boy. No goods will be sold during the opening. " . Successfuully yours, L. Blomberg. NOTICE RESULTS OF WANT ADS THE VVIDDIFIELD PIANO For a Christmas Present will only cost you $250.00 You can't get better value anywhere FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 21 S. MAIN ST. you money K.VO SM-( allst So. 9-lti-ii nrliuiiiur HldK. Another Shipment of Pretty Handkerchiefs Just in Knibroidcred and Initials for Ladies and Gentle men. Kaiicy l!o K'lichinus at LW antLlic Box. Lace ( 'ollars and .lahcts. Silk Scarfs from fSc up to $2.")0. Crocheted Slipjiers at and 7.V air. r.eautiful line of lelt lhu kles, 2"-, ,";(-, and 75c. The sale of Paintings continues. Come in totlay and select the oiu s y u pre 'er. About 7." paintings to select from. m a & t. x xtJciiu It will ( ost you nothing to consult me regarding your eye trouhles. Take ad vantage of tllH nnnorlnnllv U mo., eova later. F. K. n.ARnNISR, Cr. (1nir.li ami I -at ton Ave.

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