THE ASHEVILEE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXVI., NO. 50. ASllFA'ILLK, X. ('., THURSDAY MOUNIXti. I )ITK M P.KK !, 1!K!. VUH'K F1VK CRNTS. HIGH TARIFF IS NO A Welcome (?) Bill. SOMEQUEERFACTS IT DICKINSON GIVES BAPTJST SUNDAY BHQKAw insanely LONGER POLICY OF SCHOOL REPORTS JEALOUS, HIS WIFE SWEARS IN GQUR T REPUBLICANS CIVIL MR SHOW PROGRESS Secretary McVeagh Declares Payne Bill Merely a "Sllen cer"of Public Clamor REVISION MUST BE OUT OFCONCRESSHESAYS Parly Has Changed Front Ana From This Time on Will Work For Red uc 1 3ns BOSTON, Dec. 8. That the rrpu'i llcan party haa changed ;'ront and is now marching toward lonv tariffs. In which movement the Vayne tariff bill 1b but an Incident, was tin' inter esting statement mad by Secretary of the Treasury Franklin MacVeagh j i r the Annual banquet of the Miis:h lui setta Bankers' association tonight. Three hundred persons attended the banquet. Among the. other spi-ak-ers were George E. Roberts, president of the Commercial National ban!-. Chicago, and Governor Kben S Draper. He said, in part: "In considering the results of tin recent tariff legislation It is indispens able in my Judgment, to keep two im portant factors in mind, '' lie first is that the Payne law is but an Incidcjit In a tariff revision movement by and within the Republican party, sanc tioned and undertaken by the party Itself and advocated 'by Prcslucn' Taft in office an 1 out of oi!ie , and iy President McKinley with almost his last words. The second is that It i? the resultant effect on the movement which it is important to take into ac count and estimate, and not, essen tially, anything else. No one cxpei t ed this great movement to complete Itself In a single act of legislation, and it was expected to be i ' t that the legislation, enacted last Au gust did not end the movement for tariff revision. "An excellent reason" for a reason able postponement of attempts at fur ther legislation Is that it Is unlvcr .fajly believed that we ought to do no more legislation on the tr.rlff, until we know better how to le slate on tt. The opinion la practically universal that we have seen the last of the" lot rolling system of legislation upon such an Important subject and thai hereafter such legislation must be based on taeto and know ! :1m, and scientific Investigation and not on (Continued on page I) PRESIDENT OF P Allege 1 that He Usc.1 Company's Funds in Stock Market Speculations OTT1KKS INYOIVFD NEW YORK, Dee. R. -Ceorge P. Sheldon, recently -.deposed as presi dent "f the Phenix Insurance ciini "f Brooklyn, lying d atb's door at his home in lire, nv o h. Conn , was indicted by the grand .iorv today for grand larceny in e.uiniVtien wilh the alleged looting of the If insur ance company's treasury to ;he ivt. nt of $1,000,000 or more. As Sheldon was not arrested and probably will not be unless his h allh improves radically, the text of the in dietment was not ma!e public, but an official of the district attorney's office is authority for the statement that the amount w hich Sin li:on is ic cused of stealing is $45,000. According to this official. Ph. 'don. It was testified before the gran I jury used the funds or credit of the insur ance company, in stork mar'"-: trans actions through a New Yoi k broker- age firm and pocketed the profits The grand Jury will now investigate the connection of others with alleged speculations wun me lunos "1 me company, only charges against Shel don have been examined as yet, al though the report of the insurance department implicated others. in the meantime detectives will be sent to Greenwich to inquire into Hi" condition of the accused man's health. If they are satisfied that h is too ill for trial, no attempt at extradition will be made, but he w ill be Uept un der close surveillance. His condition tonight, as reported from lireenuk-h was critical. Four exhibits of Interest which have figured in the grand .'ury inves tigation so far are three ('rafts To; $10,000 each and one of $15,(1)0 al leged profits of speculation which Sheldon is accused of having carried on. Each of theae drafts is made the aubject of a count in the Indictment Sheldon is sixty-four years ld and Widely known in insurance circles. He was taken fit with ptomaine p.. is mini; six week ago before he was deposed as president of the Insurants company. Responding to Toast Tells of Peculiar Alignment of Leaders GAYNOR REPUDIATES POLITICAL BOSSES Tell Assemblage That His City Has Been Grossly Malign ed by Scolds NEW VOrtK, :cc. X. S.-cretary of War DickinHo:. unil W illiam J. Cuvnor, mayor elect of New York, were the principal speakers tonight at tin an nual dinner of the Southern society of New Y'ork at the Waldorf Astoria. Judge (Jaynor, in this, his first pub lic address since his election, saiil in part: "The long line of officials and bnsws who made themselves million aires out of the government of this city, some of whom live abroad and Impudently visit us occasionally now that the statute nf limitations has outlawed their villainies, is standing disgrace to the moral tone of the community." Hastening to the defense of the clly's name Judge (laynor continued: "This city haw been most grossly slandered for several years In respect of its morality, financial credit or otherwise. Let lis put a stop to that. Mere scolds and sensationalists are not to be suffered to give this city a bad or even vile name throughout the world. 1 am prepared to say from trav el and other means of Information that New York is the most orderly, decent and moral large city in (be world." Dickinson SM'aks. Rising to the toast "The Invasion of the North by the South," the sec retary prefaced his remarks with a protest against the custom of South erners in the North, affirming In pub lic gatherings their loyaltjy to the United States. "The time has pome." said the sec retary, "when there if not only no good ground for. but conclusive rea son against, giving (-special emphasis, as Southerners to such deelarations. Ily implication they suggest a doubt where none should exist. . "In all the largo progressive cities of the North, Southern men are a (('Milinucd on 1'ngn Three.) PRESIDENT OUTLINES Coax tlieni to Favor Yater ways Tlien Lead tlicm up to lond Issue ( Jentlv. knows ins coxornxs V A S 1 1 1 N IT N. 1 -. 9 Mm -iki ru in strung rninr.Hciin-ri( 1" th- p.ilir of waterwuy iniprmrmt nt. I 'r-'snli ut Ta I ! Mlirn'l tip rniK h -n:;isni .lur ing thr opt ninu Ikmus T Hi" sixth i on ntion ol the Kiw-iv ; llarlifts chMltcss h -v totliy. Nun-tlit-il.s iif ili'h nl' S rtri-Mcnt im, sort i"n f thr I n i tiV. S t-- in attendance. Al'lt-r T t'l I iliy to ;i!.'HTS ;i I i ;i pro.prts in lt-t:iil Hit prt'sidi-m n I Dun 1 : "A yt'itr .'inn I'rrsjilrnt !;iM!)(vi'lt iirul 1 were t)K',thw on ;i pl:i t form hf I'orf thf ( onsfrsatioii l rimin ec cutivrntimi in whirh iv.: hnth a . I v o -catcd tin- issuing ol hontl.M in nh-i .i jirnjM t inipru w itcrw.-v h ii Dt-Kiin shnuli.l h.' ! in il t in . r-:tsonalh' tim'. I am HI a nn nist nt it 1 1 voi iil tt of t t n ! ry. t h. lit c that the tfovHnuiirnt is t nti lied to as T'lpul a m th(il "t i-vclnp-intr an tntiTprif- 'iu pi'tMn-c d thriuinh as private rorptr-Hi"n. "Hut I want t hi) -.t a ril ol f;iuthn. Vnii are j-'.in to erp-nnntw in (inr,'r.-s's fre-it oinM.sit ion in t h- pointy or .HHumK !)ur.(H rmnt out 'uviuIht of tlu- winter. The t-rnp-ra-han.l Von nr.. mu.-h iw- ik.-!y t- ; tin. in Nl,r!f(ik dr.-p,,-,! to U .'!.- fret from v.nKro a declaration f-f j bi.,nW Z(M.,,. Ht ,,;i(lwooli u wan 17,y in trv Hhare of a derl ,n t i r,n j bH(i anJ ;"t Lan)1,., Wyoming. , . . ' , ' . ' Mf i .in it u i mi i ti - hi u m in i it niinntt-ft of n.nvr - m in tin form of n rcHolntion or a i-i ';:ration :n a Ftat ntf What I alise y hi rlo K- to Kt that lr( laratior,. Then wh'-n hr t!mo mme? that ;io!;i!o;'i t xUenry nUal! pre en l the n pproprin t ion of Hutli' it nt money ;r m the . -irrent rr-v-eii'i'. to put the proper part of th' project through tr.e romin-j yenr or the corninn two ett-i a e-onomy ro fjuirK, ttien tin.- .pi ration if iHSiiinii Wondfi will ariHO. "That may not meet your lrws. )ut 1 have thought it oer and 1 kni-v. iomftahinc ;ttont eonre?.-- I know that you are o v. emotinter op position and the ont wa i the urnl way with th:sA 'iitlrinen. Ton them on t deelare in favor th.e Missouri Impr.ivoriient, In favor (Coutiiiuexl on page I ) With Incomplete Records Greater Activity In Work Is Shown Everywhere PLAN OUTLINED FOR STIMULATING ZEAL Proposed to Hold Great Sun day School Rally at Blue Mont During Summer WADESUoUo, X. C. 1'cc S Two magnificent addresses on the subject of foreign missions, one by Rev. Dr. A. J. Mura rief of Raleigh and the oth er by Rev. S. .1. Porter, I). I'., of Richmond, Yn., were tin- closing fea tures of a tremendous activity of the second day's session of Ihe HaptUt state convention and from H o'clock this morning until 1 0.:to tonight the Raptlst hosts were busy. At the morning session Secretary Jobnsdn reul Hie report of the state mission bourd. This report shows the year to have been part icularly a suc cessful one. The mrsslonary workers report: baptisms -,1'.I7; added by let ter 1,117: professions of faith 2,9X0; meetings held 376; churches building 41; churches finished churches or ganized 8. The hoard has received for state, home and foreign missions $4,(2li.:i2. an Incr.euse or 18,074.57. The total expense was $!i,988.1K. In the budget of expense are included saluries, rent, postage, printing, sta tionery, traveling and office expenses. In this, though, not properly expense of administration nr.' also Included printing ami mailing minutes, and sal aries of recording and statist leal sec retaries. A little calculation will show that the total expense amounts to but 0 i.j per cent of the contributions. These figures do not include the local expenses of the churches. Su inlay School Report. Tlu- report of the board of aged rnTnnrtVfTf relief recited the need of Increased contribution for the caus , and an offering was Taken by the con vention. The Sunday school report was read by .1. W. hniley and pending the adoption splendid addresses were delivered by J W. Hailcv and Rev. I J. of Nashville. 'IVnn. Prion tlie report Ho se fac ts are gathered: The department has paid Its own (Continued page I) T T On Plains Thermometer Re 'is(crs Way Down IVIoW AY IRKS IN TROTIIKK CHK'Ar, . Dec. N W ith the tem perature near the zero points over praeiitally alt of the middle VHt. tel egraph roitipaiiie (e re today found thetllKelveS Se eey tia lulirapped itl trivriMiitil t rK messages. The in t niK- cf l'lhviim the nnow tit'irm eon -traded the wire and snapped them at many points. ; s I iu:i:dKs. ST. JnSKI'H, Mo, l).r. S. Ah a result i'!' inadequate supply of natural gas from the Ka n as K' tndds ses sion in ail sch i oil houses here in w hh h Kas is us d for heating were hup iiiled A ihiiiiIm r of faetnri al-o have closed. TVf .K i: HKMW ZKK). N KK' fK. N- o , :. c. H. North j Nebraska. Southern ami Western i y Mitti I akota. and Xfrthern Wyom ing toiluy Hiiffeietl ftatrn the coldest Mt was L'u 1m-,,w. COI.I ON IAKKS. C1.KVK1.A-NI. Iec. X A northwest wind with a temperature of ten ahove zero, conipel.-d the East Ohio 'las company to discontinue service t- fiftv .r more local factories. Ap proximately lit.iioo men were tempo rarily laid off while artificial Kas plants could he foit In vvorklnK order, (;bu:k kiixh .hki;k. ROANOKE, Va., Dec. 8 Michael Misalis, a 'ireek nineteen years old. xial. bed pind killed James Sl.i moulis, jirojirietor of a itoanol;e rei. taurant. The men ipiarr-Cd in a tir.-ek brlnr nhop and when the res taurant man attempted to eject Misa lis the latter stubbed him in the breast. Misalis csrttped. II THE SNOW SI8TR&M;j M m .-1 1SETWORK OF WOVEN AROUND MRS. WARDLA W Body of Mrs. Snead is Burie d With None to Mourn but Husband's Mother. War rants Issued for Her Own Mother. Many Life Insur ance Policies Belonging to Pead Woman's Mother in Vault of Nashville Bank. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The body of Ocey Knead wot hurled today, hut an uncomprumtalnK lmpilry Into the manner of her death roc on una hated at East Orange, N. J , where Virginia Wardlaw, her sp!nx;ir aunt is held a prisoner pending an inves tigation by the Brand Jury. "Sentiment aside.'; said tlw chief of police today, "ttu-ro remains, thn , brute facts In this raae, and nothlni; In ex planation of thm hits bum offered. We have ft girl found dead In twelve Inches of water In a. bath tub, on the himrt ,-iHWlWtTI!" HHist, H' nvfwttr who lust saw her alive, but f illed to report her death until twenty-four after It must have been discovered. Aunt and niece lived In the same house; it is lii'iedible thai the h.iih room could hue remained unvisiled for that lent'th of time or thn in their closely n latcd life one of the two could havi' been absent ho Ion; from the house without arousing Ihe anxiety of the ether. "These tvv.i linslc fuels alone ire sufficient in themselves ' warrant their nip to the ui'ainl lurv , even If then- "ere no of In surance to lllil.lVel, no liaenonl.-i of inal-nutrftjon :md hv'pnosm by a rep utahlu phvMi i. in, no duplh-allen ol wills and no ;itlempled piii-eh.iKe of chloroform kill cats'" Will Xrrst Mother. Mayor Canlvvell, of Kasl oranije, lssue1 an oi.l.r this afternoon that BY THE CITY OF AUGUSTA Destruction of Undc by FI.mkIs 1,-iitl to Olistiuc tim of 1 !ki "Railroads At'Cl'STA. counsel nf , . for $ r;o.iHoi Ka II wa y com ol a city he Savannah r i in t he Keder . The eity t the IPfod tif letfes i" the jt spanning the hridtfe which Smi t hern ra 1 1 1 cindernned ' this distre t it piers, and bridge ratis washed off 1 ' The South been ahamloi in had n pa 1 1 next April h ' I.. ee. S The ily ustii today enn re.l suit ik a Inst t he Southei 11 ny for the ,t nt rue i. -n w hleji o.inned the r 'Do- m 1 1 1 1 was lilt-, ourt. va dei;tro ci U : iiH, and . h' citv :n ' t ton that a n ofd hri.H'e 1 er Just ah.o. 1 t - clt v H the properfv 'if the d and which had been h federal ..Hi' ern of H (irst W aslieil Irom ttinjf HfCaillSl Me- eile 'he city hroit-e to oe ' i tb also railway lo id": h id ly th roao and ,n ) Tht unit will l. h i.l 1 JudKf Kniory .pe. filO'e. MCTCXmiTK. WAHIIINC' T h o n i w i n i o M IjuIII I wentv yea i s by tile Smitl. i ity i n roil k li II J'lant, ol 'V Dee. X I'he . rite." whPh fell in .'it y, leorK la. Ilea: l' i;f, has been received nian Instil nl ion in ens courtesy of i vtacon. (la. (FAIR WAKMIN'(;T".V. Dec. S. Forecast for Norlji f n iina: Fair, continued cold Thursdav and l'rlday: llifht north west wind. DAMNING EVIDENCE Mrs. Caroline Martin, mother of Mrs. Ocey Snead, be farreated it found In New Jersey. "A technical chorus of vagrancy could be preferred aualnst her," he said, "and she could be held until this case has been ihorouHhly aired. Mm, Martin, however, bus shown' no desire to visit New Jersy. Hhe did not appear at the- funeral of Iter daughter today and the only repro sentutlve of the family fit the K.ave was Mr. Mary Bnead, mother of Fletcher Snead, thJ mlsslnn husband. Hea.vU veiled,, and ehs-ifcert. y-ei vtilsive sobs, there seemed no doubt of her Kenulne. irrlef." Mrs. Snend's Hlatcineiit. "We are the most persecuted fam ily in the world," she said, ,ifl"r tile funeral. "Ocey was a sweet, f 't 1 1 Inff tflrl. Her niofher loved lor dearly, hut as a school teacher she was ac customed to exiu't aulhorlly There Ir no other foundation for the stories of hypnotic compulsion. "As far as Insurance is concerned, Hie airents not hold of us and boiian Im.kcIiik us to take out policies. ' .Mrs. Knead would not tet whether In r Hon, Fletcher, is alive or le i 1. Cr.iiiklin fort, Jr., her sister's counael had nvised silence, she sat. I Air. Fori admits, (nr his part, however. 1 punted by Mr. and Mr. ! letcher that the relleeiiie a lid Inleiis' pride Knead but nlway Hopped tit a dltTer of tip. ramily have hampered him iu : enl hotel from the ono patronlxed by mailers as to which he desires fuller I thetn. Ilecord show Mr Martin's knowledf-e. Holii Mis. Marv Hnead, ' last i heek wa drawn In April, 1WU7 '1 011 MuyiiiK Said lo bp for Public fuvest iiwiil, SKW YOIIK, her h -N w hii;h liKures werej rccoplcil l(r (lo He 1 hoard Air him- HeeitritieH n the ruil this a Tt ei noon when I h eornmon tottehel 'Z - and the second pre ferred 47 This is an advance of 7 1- points foj- the conution unil nine points for the second preferred within (lie week. The huyln tod a y wn.H sa i! to he of cTnt i nued k d . hanicter, KICIIMoNI). Va , Der-. A John SKeiton 'illiarns, who Is a. menioer of the !( ullve eomiio" e (if the Si a lioard Air lane railway when cel. '1 Polay whether he thought llcr.- vv in any foundation for the curnni ru mors that lh- Mawley sy.vern r any other railroad was in thn market buy ing Seahoard securities for the pur pose, of control, said hi; had no idea that such whs the case.. "The ret elvers," lie said, ''have demonstrated wha,t can lo- done ith this property under proper manage ment and Die puhll is n v lo viiik Seaboard securities upon the theore that with all interests co-opei aunt and their energle directed lor.ardh a common end, se:urlty hold rx will tie abb; to get the results for e hlcii tt.'V have walled so patiently an-i hm;." IMIV T nc IO Kl. . RICHMOND, Va,, Dec. 8 There is a well defined movement on toot In this state looking to the removal of the laxly of Patrick Henry from its resting place at lied Hill, Charlotte county, Virginia, to the '.ury:m; grounds around old St. Jonti's church, this city, lii which church the Vir ginia patriot made his famou- "xive mo liberty or Klve m- death" epi ecli to M-ect a suitable monument over the Red Hill urove. It is thouxht itrobahle that the leKislature will take th matter up at Its next session. he said, and her mother, Mr.l. Msrtha Wardluw, would be conveyed Into se clusion tonight. "The whole solution of the case,-' hp continued, now renter In the ul clder note found beside the Path tub, 'riends of the family have provided plenty of money for the expense of the trial, snd we ahull retain oxpurt to prove the note Kenuinn," NABMVIIXB. Tenn.. -hee. . In th veuJui of ,.the--Mft,JiJn4in-U bank, at Columbia. Tenn., are lx life Insurance policies left there by Mr. C H. W. Martin, mother of Mr. Fletcher finoad found dead H week iifio in a bath tub at Kast Oranire, N, J. The policies may be In force, o far as officials of the bank know. One is on the late Wardlaw Hneud and hoe never been collected. The other five policies are on the life of Fletcher Hneud, payable to his mother, Mary W. Knead. They are for $1,000 each. They were placed with tho tank In The books of the bunk how small (balances to the credit of Mrs, Martin. Mrs. Fletcher Sneud and Mr. Mary Knead. Mr. Martin on her trips to Columbia, wa often uceom T ER,nKE hens than Nine Million I mien dinned up to Dec., 1 as Against Klcvcn lant Year NEW YORK. Dei'. H The report of the census bureau showing only N,HTN,277 bales of cotton niniicd to De cember I, cfftiipiiriiiic with 1 I.VUH.Vlil to the Si. Hie date last seas n W II fol lowed by Increased a livltv and e in slderalile .x' itemeiit In Hi' cill ni market this mornltiK with May eon tracts selling up to IS.39 01 1. point above tile closing figures of last night and at new high record for the ilea -son. Heavy realizing attribute. 1 to Honut of the leading bulls, caused slight rey cessions during the morning but there v as a great volume of outMde ouylog and the market showed i vert nrm tone vvltii hulls claiming that the e u kiis ligiircs Indicated a government estlmale of under 1 U.250 (Hul bales. The crop last year was In the nelh- l.ort d id 1'.00O bal 1. The market lieeanio even mor ' a'-, live later in the day with buvhm "i ders reaching the ring from all dl reclions while It looked as though some of the larger of the bolls "ere replacing cotton whl'h tll'V had sold below tltteen rents III c X I a 1 1 in ol I 'J cents hefore Christmas. .May con tracts sold at IT, :.i r $ 1 4 'I per bale aleive the closing bid of last njuht. while August adv aoced to I 4 . or 2 40 a hale. The was steady j with I lie general ni.iiK.- showing a gain f..r Ho- da - "t ir on t io .. llOllltK. M,l. WOOD l)KAI. HitlHToK, Va., Dec. 8. Major Henry Clinton W Hid, a distinguished citizen of Bristol, who made a nota record in the N.nfcUerviU service in the Civil war, died tonlifht aged evenlv-two. 11- par'le pi ted In forty-two engagements in the Civil war and was wounded at Chancellorsvll'e. He was the republican candidate to lieutenant-governor of Virginia on tho ticket with John 8. Wise, candidate for governor. Liar" Was About His Only Pet Name For Her During The Honeymoon ALMOST DKOVC HER TO SUICIDE AT HIS LODGE Ordered Her From Table in Presence of Guests Be ciusc f heDMnk Wine . NEW YORK, Deo. g. "I.lnr." with niallileation of varylnu lntrlty wu one of Ihe mildest epithet W. OoulU Ilrokaw. tho millionaire ynchtaman, wu aecustomed to apply to hi wlfo, according to th testiniony In court today. '.- Mm. Urokaw. who wu Mwy Blair, I sulnn her husband nt Mlneolit, h. I., for separation and alimony of l0,000 a year, on krround of ttlleeed ernel and abusive treatment and fiWIuro to provide for hr support. Tha Bro kaw wer married in l7. j ' We hnll how," Mid hr coumwi,. In addressing th court today, l"tht nbiisfl of tne hrld bosrsn two hour after th marrliiite ceremony.; Bro ltw wa madly jealou fur no r on, Hb nrtn foresd hi Wife, to oat nlon and kwp to her room for tha entire day,. During th hnnoyntnon they ate only four mcala totthr. Ha broke Into her room at all hour and, on one occasion, whan tht door wn lammed In hi face, amaafM red Ink on hi forehead and ran around th hall way in hi pajamaa, erylnn and complaining to th boll boys, li wa habitually lntoxlcate4 and frequently uaed abuilve language." . . s. Ah'Ush1 Her of FllrtliiR. Mr. Ilrokaw teedfltMt 'thut her hits-, twnd was Jttiilou bf ttttr brotheiM, that he flcud her of flirting wit li' hi uncle,' hi nephew and hie doctor, AD Ashevllle, N, 0., physician. ''What : were aome of in name that Mf. Ilrokaw ' called I""".' when you denied hi "'ffhnrgMT' usked touneel,- tWt ' - .. -, The wlinea wrote hei rvt'ly- on a heet of paper, which wa Hot read. On New Year 'a eve", HOT, tMwtirred an Incident, Mr. Ilrokaw testified that raused her much humlllatlorl. ' It.hitd been her husband' euatom, ah ald, to serve her at , dinner, dinger a7' poured from a cliiimgagnc . bottle, whllo he and hi gueM drank t ham pugne. By mltk, the butler guvs her real wine, .. When be ralwd er glass her husband became furlou, he said, and ordered her before her guRit to go to her room., The wltnes wept a slie related . th la. Ilefore court adjourned, Mra, Rro kaw ' attorney announced . that he -would ahow how Mr. Itrokaw In feb ruary, 1908, attempted suicide In her husband' shooting lodge t Kalrvlew, N. C. after a. quarrel, .because of Mr. Ilrokaw' treatment of her, , W. Oould Ilrokaw was divorced from hi firt wife, who wa Miss Coralio Coudert, In HI81I, Ilefore mar rying again, tt 1 said, he (bid 17, Oil (I to Katlierlne Polllon to cUI-j breach of promise stilt. . j , Ten Appeals Disposed of From Various Counties Throughout the State HAI.EICII, N C. Dec. . Tea opinions were delivered thl evenlnij by the Hupreme court a follow: Rhyne vs. Ithyne, Ouaton county, eJ' lirineil: Hall va. Jones, Mecklenburg, error. Htnte v. Starne, Caldwell, new trial. Hryan V. Modnt". W--t.nigii, modified and affirmed. Tultlo vsV 'I'own of Lenoir, Culdwi II. ainrni rilMiac vs. Southern rJllwi'.v, C tawlia .nlllrmed, Dumber Co. V. Trlfihtt, rVildvvell,' affirmed. Roberta vs. Ualdwih- Henderson, reversed. State vs. J'lttk Cataw ba, per curium, affirmed. On authority State V. Ring, 142 N. C. 5'J8. Fowler vs. Rull way. 'abarru. per curiam, affirmed. Tl ; AXD CRKW LOST. f liEACMONT, Texas, Dec. 8 Th tug Jlmmle, of the Rowera Southern Dredging company, of Galveston, wlc a crew ol five men. Is missing and be lieved to have sunk in the gulf be tween Kahine Pass and flalveaton. Search Is being tmtde by the revenua ( utter Windon. AFTKK F.I.KVKX YKABS. HAWKINSVH.LE, Oa., Deo. . John D Watts, wanted here on. harge of double murder committed) eleven years ago, wu brought back, today from Linden. Texus. Wherti ho was recently arrested. He will ,m tried In February. ROI rOSTOITICE. DEKfMAH 8PRIN08. Fla":, Dec. 8 Burglar who left evtdenco of having been professionals, dynamited the poatofflce aafe at Cblpley, near here, last night About t,00t In tump and currency waa taken.