THE ASITEVTTXfl CTTTZBK MOXDAY, PECEMREK 13. 1009. IE 0 IE DEPARTMENT THATLOOKS after THEODDS ANDENDS I'nltid Stiiln, I ht K'iv rutin ru tl pOS lt.M'1 in V-llioU ,atlTM IMUI"'' than i',- 0(1(1,000 Hull. Winding their way thioiigh Hit- I r -tufii.iH channels in Mid nv r.j of lie I 'li II I I-1 1 1 y , n Kr''it of li.irl;. net. from i'i. . .aid .mil K'""l' Ii. .-hi 1 I itif m lor ' i ' ' . f 1 1 1 1 e h a r t 1 1 a I -I :i Hal in i.- ti i, ! i Wat- .' s I in .- ti I v ' lu ll. Hi. ill Secretary of Commerce and Lalor Covers wide Diver sity of ,Sub jrcls m :i.ii: ' w..i k.i.i: i..f AL.-k I iin lh !rM.,i s 1,1 I I "4 : .. il. I ini; lh. Kill' it -: A nut In u i I in' I - SUPERVISE DOMKSTIC RELATIONS OF SLALS .1 Docs Anything from Test ing Steel Rails to Mn. il age and Fixing Weights IS... u Ii clearing I if III., in At., hk Hi ii..i i ii. rri . de, l. u l.;iml .il' i i . 1 1, ri.itt li i ii.- fi i i- It.e I ; Mount . i.i 'l ii v lh f t' i t '.in. i. I:i TI.. v. . II , il in I In I I; in ler e i uv lh. nil ti. w . . 1 1 ' h U ll.TI-V I I' Hi ', I'll ...!,. as hi en i h''ii.i lltiliiin mill ili. Y nl -.ii m i r Ii I.i .lie WASHINGTON, 1) C. Doc. 12 About tht tlmo every year there cornea trom tho tjovemment printing office a host of rather dry-looking document annual reports, setting forth the ramifications anil results of the activities of hundreds of gov ernment officials In every corner of the national territory. Behind the long column of flgurea, underneath the serried dollar-marks nnd other forme of tatlatlca, Between the Hue of bare and often cumbrouitly-wrltten official statements of men whose forte la not literary llo atones whleh, If onto had time to dig them out, would be es Interesting us "Robinson Cru soe" or any other of the famous tales - of adventure. Take for Instance the report of tho secretary of commerce and labor, Charles Nagel, addressed to tho presi dent and first made public tonight. The following paragraphs Indicate the cope of the activities of this depart ment, and Home of tho entertaining material with which It deals In the course of a year's work: For example, who In the world east of the Eocky Mountains would have suspected that some seals are married - and soma are bachelors, and so rec ognised officially by Undo Sam ? Yet It seems that there are at least 2,000 ""bachelor" seals on Bt. Paul's and Bt. George's Islands) Some two thou sand of the seals there are benedicts of a polygamous temperament and hav among them aoout 60,000 wives, classified by the government experts Into "harems", and spoken of that way when they are officially talked about.' It also appears that thera aro only HO.OOO teals lft now on the Frlbilof Islands, an the deduction must follow that at tho rate of de crease In, the last ten years, It Is only a question of time when the seal will be a memory and another of the mam mal families will have become extinct by the greed of man. ., TM question arises,' whi knows all this? Up on the barren reefs of the Prlbllofg there la a band of men call ed tho ; "Alaskan fur seal service." These men counted the married seals , last year and found there were 1,071 happy families on St. Paul Island, where one pater famlllaa lives In se renity with a don wlyes. They found S.600 little bachelor seals and : promptly tagged them as immune from the hunters, because Uncle 8am wants to encourage, every bachelor to get "harem of his own. 80 laboratories. Bo much for the top of the seas. The bottoms do not eaoupts Investi gation. Down at Woods Hole, Mass., and at Beaufort, N. C., there are two sea-side laboratories,' where a set of experts study the mysteries of the deep. ' Off the coast of Florida, a se ries of experiments have proved that we can produce our own sponges. They have discovered that In 29 months a sponge can be coaxed to grow so big It will weigh an ounce and a quarter, when It Is empty. Somewhere between Ilatteras and lAbrador, there Js an expert for the government beating his way up the coast on. "wind-Jammer" looking for a ry elusive fish, the mackerel. When he learns hla tricks the govern ment Will toll the. flsh'enm n. Upon the coast of Alaska, at Afog nak, there Is a new salmon station which has liberated more than 3,000, 000 young red salmon to the rivers, nd during the year, nil over the I up i it th til. ei. il . Klrie. th with ti, itiiti I I'IiiniIi-Im.i. have lie. II locating III,- III-' on roll. i I of longitude. The Iiiimii i"i- nil !" tore land Hiui- in Mo- v ,lliy of ,.n of III, great, st lh' 1.1 ill llil wollil. I 1 I ii if I.i i'l I In re now. Knell as)., et of this Work ( oiro lllutiT Mi. Hie ore- of tfle tlli-i II il" tlf Hie lleplit I llli-llt. 'fill V eoir I Vl-fV Ihlmr. in I lie Inn en iim of ( 'iri'ol'.i I ion the proper onlrol of III. (.:t- at In, inn trial and fines of lie cnn try in the nhsnrhluK problem. A sw li'iii of Htatnlnry i . u 1 . 1 1 -) 1 In willed Corporations vlll lie I' quire,! port tile essential llietH ol I M I I V OI- Kani'Jitlon am oii(ltiifi, !h hiikkohI Tills rniiBt lie il'itie Ii y tin- I i-ili tri I Kovi riiment. Secretary Nhki-1 delle i-h, ami lils iei,,rt wivs n ri v attempt o Holve tile pi odli-lil HiroUKll Hlate ne lloii will he futile. Ihiiiiih.- no iiomln i' of Htal'-H eail ever liKr ll etal.tiHh- IriK ami itiMlntaliiliiu ono eystem. Itcport on liiiinlKtliilH. The dtireati of liiini liral loti doi j In colli IIkiiich Hint the longer the ulrutiKi-r Hlays In Hie I'tiidil States the tin. re unlikely in- Ih to away There has deen ilurlni; tde jeiir an ItiereitHo In tde IniiiilKniiit popn lal Ion of the United Hlaten of than (00,000, More than a ijuiifti r of u million IminlKi'anlH went back home Kill, 000 of them hurt been hero less than live years. There were only 2,000 departures of (hone who have been here i-'O years. The Hlntlwties show It Is the unskilled InimlKiaiit who In the bird of piiHKUKe anil that lite me chanic and the urtlHan stay In their new homes. The protecting waves of the wire less telegraph have spread tlnm selven over the sea anil formed it life net. Of 282 stenmshlpH that carry steerage ptisia.-HKers to and from Un united Ktates, half have 1 n equip ped with the wireless, and the pro portion unequipped Is a small (Inure. The mainland of Alaska, the United States, Hawaii, 1'orto lllco and tho Panama Canal zone have been equip ped with wireless mnd stations ami a vessel at sea within 300 miles of shore can communicate. . The department has made official tests of mucilage, steel rails, soap for use on the l'utianiu cunal, Bilk and many other things. It bus estublinheil a bureau of standards for honest weights with which somo of the stales are co-operating. And when tho de partment has cared for everything else In Its Jurisdiction. Secretary Na gel'a report calls attention to the fact that It has accomplished the work With appropriations which have in creased only a little more than three (er cent. In the last four years. CQRPORATiDNS MAY AS WEIL BET READ! (Continued, from mikp one.) t Is expected they will bo from two Causes. The first Is honest error and (he second Is Intent to defraud tho government Honest errors will be corrected, but any attempts at fraud will be met with vigorous prosecution. Tho regulations rto not call for spe cific methods of keepliiK accounts or any other particular method of book keeping. Tho requirement Is simply that the business tntnsnctlunst be so recorded that accurate returns can he made and verified when necessary. J'. H. LAW, 35 Ration Ave. The Last of the Special Sales ' This Season and the best of all MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Tables full of goods offered at one price 25c, 50c, $1.00 The goods offered in jthese sales are all first-ClaSS gathered from all over the store. As to values, it will figure about half price on an average. Buy now for Christmas get first pick and avoid a rush. J. Hi LAW, 35 Pntton Ave. TEMPTATION HELD OUT TO DRINKING VAN REGALIA LEFT FOR FEMININE FINERY l UK I I I(S OF 1,1(1 Olt Not M s maki: vivid sri;i;i:s'i ions Help H Keep TrulhV In SI u IT (inlm; l:eu In Dry Old Noilli Stale. Tho ri H i rl of Hie coininliuoner of Inleriuil ri'wnue ilei'llntf with the ls Miianee of liquor l-onsoM in North Carolina up to 111 end of the last fiscal year .lime 'MI discloses the slut t llmr fai t that s.itli' l'iiily is still doltiK business at the old or some other stand somewhere In the state. In ad dition to tills tiie Ken, ral reporl of the depurtjmnt shows that the con sumption r whiskey has largely In creased during tin- past year all over the country while the consumption of yet people Tit wfi.fhh i:.t itwt.i: st it r- SFS AND MTAItl'l. Woman Hum fft II, i I Jal.oiale Out Ill of Sec ret Order .mil Cannot Wear It. Just at present events In Nlearaeua Seem to lie KiilnltiK a lltt'e on that crii-is wliieli tiuy hue la-en ch isin;: go long. Clearance Prices on Tailored Suits and Coats $15.00 Suits rcdiK't'd to . $ 8.95 $18.00 1, 'J(.(N) suits iv.liKftl In $11.95 $25.00 suits ivtlui'0.1 tt $17.95 $.l5.(Hj t. if KUMi sui Is iv, lined t. $25.95 $45.00 t, $.V).(Kt suits t. $35.95 $(0.00 to if,. ..00 suits icliif.'il to . . . This iiirludrs our fiitiic lint' ol' t.iilnivd suits of tli is season. They are all up i a standard whii-h we and all our nistoiiu-rs regard as iiiuli. The only reason for the reduction is the late ness of the year. The Coats are uniformly reduced 20' ; in price, at when figures they represent most beer bus fallen off. An wonder. How can they wonder when such tempting "llternttirij" Is sent out by the whiskey houses. Is (t surprising that ti matt drinks vvlierr tin; Joys of a libation are sung In the lyrics of a Cooglar? Those who have never known the temptation of drink per haps do not get theso circulars, and It may bo as Well to .reproduce, one bo tliut they may ae Just what a man who has tho slightest craving for 'booze" has to light against. I.jrlc of "Bm" Here Is a sample of .one sent out advertising a well known brand of whiskey. "As ripe old cheese differs from laundry soap, so tine old whiskey dif fers from the'Kalii 'punk' sold In lesert places. "Anticipating the holidays, let this mirage appear on your mental hori zon; I ho (lirilnins testa! board with Its ensemble of delightful odors. The savory turkey of generous proportions the bountiful accessories. Tile de lectable in I mi' ile (Unit annual dis turber of your Internal mechanism I and above all the grateful, gustful uurKle of tile ambrosial t-Kgno made of course with fourteen year obi ( ). V.rouch Is tuiKft-etsplelt the shy insinuating dlstlnctlvcucs of that i'KK nog foii-vi-r sweetens the dtsposi lloti. It also renews waste tissues and llspels brain fag. The Holiday ninst vividly Impressed with your six yllniler, i uhlier-1 it ed, ball -bearing hospitality. 'Your package of ( i ready. Hy nrtletiiiK now you dmlke the sus- isi' and giu'Mi'-pimples of the pro- craHtlutil or Ii Is shipment always ar rives Just one day too laic " II' the temperance people could suppress such literature as this, tln-n tlnir crusade imainsi the "demon rum" niii:ht he l'lYeiio, hut as huu: as a man Is permitted to t;et the aro ma of that egg IIOKIT sugg'-steil to Ills T 1 1 1 1 1 I It's no use What riguros Show. 1 ti, i.l. ntallv tlie ticin'cs lor the ii'iiiili, r of Uct uses l.isnetl f,,r state i-i inter, si intr The report r, I . iTi-.l to il'"M' sh.,,vs that there are ti I s retail ',i in tin- stale and ho n l y-1 mi r Inderal, is. whiill is .'Illy I'llil fewer ! ( nli is and :'ii H lvi r w holesalers lie in in (he last ear t'el'ole the state 'M-ni dry. Then were xlto. n main I . I : s i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 s anil 4 fruit distilleries ami during the ear L':I(I.ihki gallons of whisk. w, re reeilliod In the state. Somewhere in.thi; I. niad land tin re gocth a, man In the lullness of his pride lo a, sad awn i' iuiik. Meantim" Mrs. ,VI. V. I'enley neiiiras the loss of a dress suit case till. . I with feminine a . pa n I such as sh. was taking with her on ;i visit to Salisbury. One day lust w.-.-k Mrs. I'enley while waiting for In r train at the de pot cfr her suit ens, for u moment and when she returned It was itnni'. In its place was left another suit case almost like hers, but when It was opi'iiyd sin- found a wonderful array or llnngs which ni'M i- found place in any woman's Wardrohc, Among tho male trapping In the hag wan a full set of n-galla for Home secret order Including several caps something like "I'JoMes" are wont to wear when they go mi pilgrimages. Mrs. I'enley turtied Hie substitute bag over to ( 'apt. Clark and now wants her own, which someone must have taken by HiiBtukev It Is not ph asait to think what tin owner of that regalia, said wlji-n h" found be bud swifted a lot. of feminine finery. Xor Is there anything to Indicate that slandpntiing Ih going to ho .my less il 1 lilt-u 1 1 this session thin it h been lor some lime. Watson's Ijulies' Cafe anil Ten lioom. II bun i St. et the Skirl I'm lory lOverylhlng new, tnble as good u the best, superb service, "ill cat'i tn the Helcct. orders taken for parlies, humiucts and socials, estimates gicn free. Will serve at residences, chur ches, and balls. Fair prices. .1. W. WATSON, Prop. SALE of SECOND HAND INSTRUMENTS The foll'Mving list of Instruments taken In exchange as partial pay ment on the Atilstlc StiefT and Shaw piano, tiro being thoroughly over hauled and Ii one will in' In tire condition, ami might suit some pur chaser win. w.'iUl like a servicable instrumi tit . terms. If first, second Will illii . return mail ,'o. PAYING PENALTY OF MOSLEM CRIMES (XiNSTANTINOPI.K, Dei.. 1!. Twenty-six Moslems were cxecutid at Ad. ma ',c-t'tilay ami today in eon niiiion with the April massacres. (lieat trow da witnessed the execu tions, and tin- relatives of the eon iletnne, in. n, tog- Ih. r with thou sand:! i.t others j"ini d In the manlfcs. lotions ..I' grief. I'JV" VI"' yya VI PAINI.HKS DKNT1STKV Now Is the time to look after your decayed teeth- saves yaln and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No chargs Zor examination I'rlt-eH always reasonable. f ' i : useful and lady friend, of holiday in your se- l)r. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, Cor. C'olh-ga and Spruce Sin., near the Court Hon' Office 1'liono 919, Kesl deneo I'hone 972. GENTLEMEN If iu uant to lnjy ;i ii opri;i)i' Kift fr a call fi ml ' our ( k K'nuls iind H t us aid y MISS CRUISE, 27 st CHRISTMAS COAL Is the coal that will give most, warmth and comfort. That's M& W INDIAN COAL Phone V.V) for a ton. Carolina Coal & Ice Company &o your Christmas shopping at the Qon Marche MS'tinH COFFEE TEA Fresh rousted Coffee every week, at Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. 35 E. nil.l.KGK ST. All orders Promptly delivered Phone 1713. W. O. WOLFE. Monuments and Tombstones Domestic and foreign granite and marble. Iron fence bases, and all klndH of cemetery finishings. D slgns on application. Wolfe build ing. Pack Square and Market St Auhevllle. N. C. M. WEBB & COMPANY .Millinery Intorlcrs No. II P.allcry Park l'la c Phono 1011 Beautiful Works of "FOREST CRAFT" FOR XMAS GIFTS at. the Mt. City Stationery Co. 33 Patton Ave. II, M. NAI11KIW, Irop. REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-made Jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts and Crafts Shop' Soiullcv Hulldllig IluyuiMXl St. MACAROONS Almond and Cocoanut Fresh Daily. College Street Bakery. 7 K. College S(. Have Yon Joined Our Hoosicr I Kitchen Cabinet Club Yet? Just One Week From Dec. 13 to Get la v 1:1 'I 11 C " 11 11 I I $1.00 DOWN And a dollar a week puts the Hoosier in your home. You can pay for it out of what it will save you. Fine chance to make "just the" Christinas pres ent and not miss the money. We'll store the cabin et until you say deliver. Ask about the FJIEE cab inet as you conn,' in. Burton & Holt Everything in Furniture for Everybody. Patton Ave., and Battery Park Place. THE VERY BEST ICE CREAM , That can be made from pure cream, is offered Ashe-" ville people at $1.25 a gallon. In bricks at $1.50. Plume fr4. ASHE VILLE PURE MILK CO. ASHEVILLE PHARMACY No. No. !nv ii'it'f ami wi rv wrllo at uiit'i1 taking 1 third i'h'it and u i full dt'K.r H'tit'ii li ;!1 porHort: 1. ll.iM M ; on, ros iM.d i ;is.' srlf p!a r $;ii)0 '2. Sli.f, r..siewood r.iv .. "7r, ::. 1vth A 1011(1, in;ili.gany 2T.0 MRS.J.W.D1VILBLISS DIES OF LONG ILLNESS .Mrs n ill'! 1 C- e . I ', I,-. I, I 1 il I 1 :te lj Ml Id I-.... wif --. lli' il .11 ll, I ll i r,la a 1 1 ni".'ii . i ft. : a I. !!.- lit;:. will he ll. id ,11 I le . l!l...lli. , Inn. ll this 'clock and w ill he Mi. ( ''.nil pi. hi. as; of J. . 1' I I lepot ,.nit lour I- Utl' 1 11 I I . I ..ed 1 1 1 . re ...Hi lucled o, No. No. No. No. n. No No. N.. No. Nil No. No. No. No. No. 4. Hi. 1 I. l :'. I :i t l l :. 1 1; 1 lv. 1 'I. :'n. Mat I) ii I'jller Miami K 1 ii c. s I Ari'.n. lill'i i I Su 1 1 I. . Wind-- ( 'I'.'H I! SleilM'. New p. Ceil.,.. mon value and wojth. fresh merchandise. A should not be iioglivlcd. new (lesions rare opportunity Ullciilll- and that r i. no M. V. MOORE Ailt!iti..n:il i iih iii i th it tint hk all th.' . inir tin- rhorry niiiic ;ts lost sit:ht "f uiinisjtnition. st . in i t i it- rm nt UsastiT rr.H hy tllt hi Ml 1 1. ':.'k, ebniiiz ii, waltuit i.Mt'r, oak ra ' y maliot;:i n y honized 'ast tbonl''il t;t lionized taM ? walnut ras. walnut ranc squaro . . ltros., stvi u i 8Quaro , . inure n, ftnvut- iiar1 unar . . . . simro .... -r mnt!)!y 1 r;ise ",0 ISC WALTON & McLAIN Ol'l'I.ltS A 1; Mker lo the person tinkling th luck.v number. Christnmx. Vou tret a ckance with ciery ilollnr vou spend u ilk them. I k In their window. I'h.-ne 1515. 19 S Main St. Opp. Post Office. For and Delivered. IT IS A VISK THING Phones 1360-280. to be prepared for emergencies. Many people go throuKh life and suffer from cramps, colics, neural- Kia, rheumntis m, cold on their chest without knowing the q nick comrort that a hot Water bag Kives. W'e have them in different sizes, as well as all kinds of rubber xoods in sprays, douches and everything up-to-date in the Drug line. FREE! me regarding; It will cost you nothing to consult your eye troubles. Tako advantage of the opportunity it may save). you money later. Eve. Specialist No. 9-10-11 Drlmmor Wlg. Cor. P. K. GARDXEK, , Manufacturing Optician ' riuirvli and Patton Are. v TIT T T at A. IP i :: You'll Find our Store a Good Place to do your Christmas Shopping if de:ired ei. Mlelltv Chas. M. Stlclf, 11, ( Mr. ( 'annon 1 i .id he lor c r it. - r and li ri,oi-. t S" ;'. m lo t In r his part wa had h. , hill Sll , in po Manufaetiirer.v StietT Sell PI. i anus u Hi the f the Artistic StietT. r nnd Shaw, tile pl- eet tone. W'e have a splendid assortment of I'i'ctly Initial Handkerchiefs at .. .. I 'lain Linen Handkerchiefs at Kinhroidcrcd J landkcivl 'olnifd Uordcr id's at . Handkerchiefs at Vac and $1.H) colors at . . . . jt wills suitable for Holiday gifts. 5c, 15c and. 25c 5c, l()c, 15c and 25c 15c, L()c, 25c to $2.00 5c to 25c La.-c Tollars 5)r, 75c, $1.00 to $2.50 50o Southern Wareroom AVi-t Trade St., CIIAItl.oTTB, X. C. C. 11. WIl.MOTir, Manager. La.-c (. liars 25c, 50.-, I'lioeuix Mufflers all Silk St art's from 98c to $2.50 Cro.-het Slippers at. 50c nnd 75c pair Knitted Underskirts at 50cto$2J0 Children's Sweaters at 50c, 75c to $2.50 Ladies' Sweaters from .. $1.98 to$10.0v. Ladies' Kid (;,.ves -it $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pair Ladies' Kid Cloves A pairs in Fancy Box for .. $5.00 Tourist Combination Cases 25c, :i5c, 50c, 75c and $1.25 Line Blanket Uohes at $2 MS and $:.5() Baby Blankets at 75o And lots of other articles to select from f J: or pot nsiiiiieton dispati h. One toin k of pork makes th congress kin. whoh WOMEN'S FTKNTSIIIN G 8 11 TATTON AVE. .I-".-.