TTTFv AfiTTEVTLLE CITIZEN. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1909. YourLwer Better stir up yur liver a little! Not too much, just a little, fust em;?b to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer & l'ill at bedtime SOCIAL (SL PERSONAL is all you need. These r lis act directly on Auk ifi" J"(t' if k"""" " teller the liver. Made for tbe treatment of con- pilljar a liugriih liver. I hen follow Stipation, biliousnes, dys psia, Sick-hed- ImoJoict. IU know. iJLT'L?.- ache. Sold for over 60 years. I hen follow stipation, biliousnes, dys .. Swt'li: che- Sold for over 60 y.-ar ft' M U W If ft ,1 The musical at tli" t t.i t i i I'm I. hotel yesterday afternoon. t. the Saturday Mimic, for the ln-u-ftt fund w 'U iittcii'ifl ii 1 1 ! 1 1 1 BtumlillK the "I I 1 'I H ''Us 1 1.. ) i III ti 'I V 1 1 i. Christinas Hlmi'i'iiiK v.imh i.ill ii t'.r time of the year. Mihm il it I'mi'i played Alusau's Sonata in J'" mi'.'nr with good effect showing excellent training and received much v !!. urn Mrs. clomenKr was indiHpoHcd did not appear, Iter place being taken ly Miss Kobln Kcmn ll wline,. Ih-.-i ii -tlful voice was hniril to ariMuiluge In the duet with Mr Burn, it Jordan. Mr. Elmer Westall Winn Gounoil'K Serenade with violin uhllKulo i I n y (1 ly Mr. M. V. I'onnell, which pmvi d to be one of the features of the pro "gram. Mrs. WestuH's vole Ih In line condition and blended well with the mellltlou tones of Mr. Coiinell's vio lin. Ml mi Kllxabeth Rnm".v recited pluaslngly "The Boul of the Violin" which was well received. M . Iturni'it Jordan snng two group of (imt!, one of old English alr, "Thu Hutlnr's Ufa," "Pretty, Pretty Creature." and "Countess in Thy Dancing," with dis tinction and (Trace, the. lightness mid airiness of the rendition being espec ially pleasing. In the heavier wo-k, Mr. Jordan's lino voice showed d equal advantage. Mr. t'onncll played Chopin's Second Nocturtie well re reiving a large share of the iippluim -of the afternoon for his admirable Berformnnce. Miss Elisabeth Porter and Hiss May Klmberly accompanied fBoiently and helped materially In rounding out tho success of the afternoon. Tha embroidery circle meets thla afternoon at tho home of Mm. J. W. Moore on Liberty street. J J Wednesday evening will, perhaps, have many more attractions than any before Christmas which will muko It difficult for many people to docldo lust which Affair they will attend. Tho Masonic basaar opens that uftarnoon and will of course attract a very largtf crowd. The work of the ladles of the Eastern Star and their friends will make a display especially attractive at this tlm of the year. Wednesday evening the Musical Art society will give lbs initial concert on which occa ' silon the work of the large chorus arUI be judged by the public. The i. subscribers have anticipated the con cert with pleasure for many weeks , and few will be mining. Wednesday evening also the large and fashionable wedding of ills Eleanor Fakes and Mr. Theodore P. Davidson takes pluca and the edifice will hardly bo large enough to hold the friends who have berti bidden t the wedding. There Are various meetings of societies and club on this evening and Just how the division of time and Inclination will be made, will be interesting. The public recital this evening 'at All" Souls church, "Blttmore, will be of interest to the music loving public and a noteworthy program will be ofTered for the occasion. Mrs. Elmer Westall will be heard In several songs, en of them which Is sung for the first time In public, Is composed by Mr, "F. F. Uarker, and is Inscribed to Mrs. Westall. The ong wa accepted by the Schlrmer company and Is to be published this year. Mr. Haj-ker has arranged a. personal program which win be ii delight to his audience and on Which will require his best attain ment and ability, Mr, Marker' re " cital have always been popular, but "thl evening's program will attract a larger crowd than usual. The recital 1 a 8.80 o'clock; and the following will be given: Fantasy in Y , . Best Bridal Bong Rogers Wedding Hymn Woodman Mr. Barker. Babylon (sacred song) . . . . Watson Mr. Elmer Weetall. Funeral March and Hymn of the Seraph ... Oullmunt Mountain Song ... ... Wolstenholm Komanxa , , Webbo Mr. Harker. And God Bhall Wash Away Our : Tear t llurker Mrs. Wcatnll. Andante, variation from Symphony la D Haydn Triumphal March '. . H oration Parker Th Strollers will rnci t this even ing at 8.30 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Charles M. Phrtt, 4$ N. French Broad avenue. A Tennyson program will be given one of the bent known poem-plays being read by Mr. Hurnett Jordan. Tho meetings of the Strollers have been of special Interest during Miiuifin and .irly wlni'i. and t lie ul departure of i-adiiiK plays, will continue until after the hull i'.lan ieieur.Mtl iieKiii for ihi-play. i ml Mm. Wiley Mr. li i . I -wiled in tta ul I In ir iiiut;ht- r .Mr. Arthur Allen l-l.l- e W'.-dlit-M'la V one ha-li, at I in liaxier ltrov.ii 'inns to the H.-.J.hii.; , Kal hi l ine , to ''oiotiM, which taliet. l)i-i-i mher Un'l, al borne of tin. In-ide'n 1 1 1 1 l'i ! 1 1 M. Ill 'lllili A il I be i i! Ml HUl ll 'V Hie yoilln; H that h- era I i:m inn . N. The wed- v cry .pi let home affair i miiiiln r or f rlemlH "f iie. it Id unilerstooil oleilaitiiio nlM will ho Kin ii in honor of .Mim Itrown, before her Miairiune. Mr and Mm. Comhi' wdl ii Hide .ifti r Jun-iiiry let ut .MiCalhe .ivenie . C'hattaniHjgu, Tenn. Then- will he a meeting of the Amer ican Woiiiuii'h leiiK"" 'hi afternoon al the llenriell.i on South Main street, All peiHutiH wishing to Join the Kouii.t er' ehapter lire invited to ho present, ami, ahjn any nu n d Hiring to become honorary meinhim. The picture of the lieautllul new chapter house will be Hbown at this meeting. Minn KlUnheth Afurphy will spend the hollduyii al home returning th latter part of the week with Judge Murphy from Ilalelgh, whero tho lat ter llllH heell on bllSlllcHS. Mrs. 'harlen Katun and her "", Mr. Janu-H lOnton, of WeijiietonMliig. Mich., are guent al the (arrolltun Mrs. Katun hue a son who Is a Ktudont at the Ashevllin uclionl and will iqiend thu winter In the elty. Dr. front nence H. West ray Hnttlc has returned New York after a week' fib- Mr. H. It. Cooper, of Wanhlngton, t). C. I In the city for several dltya on buslnesn. Miss Beaumont ITnizard will spend the holidays at the family plantation In South Carolina, returning to Wash ington afterward. Mrs. C. 11. niarkmore, of Ttnanoke, Va., Ig in the city tor a nhort luy and is at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. J. Frailer Glenn returned Inst evening from a business trip to Con cord. Mrs. it. II. Orahum and small daughter have returned from a k'lult to relatives in llanvllle, Vu. Miss Ully and Miss Rose liattorhum return from the Normal college at Greensboro tomorrow for thu holidays. Miss Haael fihanklln. who has been the guest of Miss Lillian Weaver, re turns the latter part of the week for her home In ITinrleston. W. Va. Mis Naomi gchcll and Miss rtena fludger are expected to return tumor row from the Normal college at Greensboro for thu Christmas vaca tion. Mrs. Alfred H. Human! has gone to Raleigh on business. Miss Kmlly Campbell Is expected next week from Hamilton school In Washington to upend tho holduys with her family In thin city. Pr. Henry LouIb Smith, president of Davidson college, and Prof. Thomas W. Llngle are visiting Dr. and Mrs, Campbell at their home on N. French Broad avenue. Mlea Pantile Jonra hns returned from a several weeks" visit to friends In tho eastern part of the sinte. is our ciim and we believe we have succeeded in getting I he for tho money T he: most economical in use the most pleasing designs The hest in construction I he chearest to orierate I he easiest to keep in order The quickest in ocration The kind that produces best results .COrfFJi. POT5 unci PLRCOLX I OHS, 1LA WIS and SAMOVARS. ALCOHOL MOVES Arthur M. Field Co. . . the f:Mi:n;i:N Y ukmkdv, f f t I Villi's Croup and Pneuino nlii Kalvo will nave sIiIuichs and Hufferlng and dollars. (Jef Vlck's the old reliable. 2fic, 50c and 100. Mr. and Mrs. W. I., their two children of Mich, have arrived for 1 Uncork and Port Huron the winter Miss rnlv Morris han gone to Ten nessee to visit friends and rolatlv: during the holldayx. Miss Tleulah Cnrliitul is visiting friends In Hlack Mountain for sevcrul day. Miss Ileal of nnrnvllle. Ih visiting friends In the city for severnl days Mr. and Mra. McMillan ( . King mid MIsh King, of Flat Km-lt, are Sacrifice Prices on FUR COATS Good furs liavo acotiiiiierci;il value as con stant us diamonds, and at the following re duced prices an1 an investment opportunity that will Hpeedily hv Kiiajiped hy (hose wlio arc infoinied. Conej' cat roductd from Russian J'onv coat reduced from Caracul coat reduced from Caracul coat reduced from Arctic Seal coat reduced from . . ,"(-. )o to $30. $:..( to 1 1 $35. .: 7.-.i Ml to $45. ..-). m) to $65. !fS:.(H)to$65. M V. MOORE the city for several days and are guests at the Flattery Park hotel. "j Mr. and Mrs. Hllim Iilwl.-etz, of Chi cago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fried man, who are In AwhuvllUi for a stay r several months. Mis, Iteuhen Robertson Is moving Into her ner new home In Proximity park. , Mr. T. F. Unbind who has been In Washington, has returned to town. Mrs. Humphreys und her son and daughter, of South takota, are the guests of Mrs. 8. N. Wutklns. on Oak street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank C. Munson, of New York, are guests at the Iialtery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. II. J Moore, of Htnckltoiise, N. C, are In the city for i several days' stay. XMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR SWEETHEART? AVhy not jrivo her a Harrison Fisher Book! or a Christy (Jirl! We have some beauti ful Holiday books with colored illustations Leather liinding. Mt it Stutiniicry Co. 23 I 'a I ton Ave. II. M. NAIIIKIAN, ITop. 3 MIsm Cattle Boyd, of Waynesvlllo, visiting friends In the city. is Mr. Peter Yates, In town on huslncm of Greensboro. Is Master Fagg Ma Hoy will return on the 2nd of the month from Winston- Salem for the holidays. Mr. Hooper CalTee, who went to IVnver, Colo., son-.i- time nfco from Washington, I. C. is connected with The Denver Post's rcportorlnl staff. MUSIC RECITAL ' FOR Y.M.I. TONIGHT (Contributed.) The i . M. I. considers liKolf very fortunate In Ixdng able to arran a recital here for Mine. Anita Pate Itrown of Chicago. Thursday nlgh of thin week. It will he a rere treat for the lovers of xood hlh cl-iss musii to lieur this widely known Holoist of the race. ItcshlcH graduating from the Chicago Musical colh'gc with honors, she was selected as one of th soloists on (he program when th Lincoln centenary was celebrated In I'liletiKo last February. Mine. Ilrnwn comes here In tho In terest of the Y M. I. As'do from her work on Thursday evening there will be a sltort urogram rendered b some of tin. best local talent. Sev eral selections by the Y M. I. quartet. Ins I v lr J Y. Walker, Secretar: W. J. Trent, Miss Nancv Weight, and hit r. adlnus hv Mrs VLiKgle Jones tles. red seat tickets are now on sale at tho Y. M. I drug store. to ci iu: rou) ix oi: day. Take LAXATIVE PUOMO Quinine Tablets, lh-ngglsts refund money If It fa!N to cure. K. W. OKOVK's sig nature Is on each box 2Sc. NOTICE. All tlioso d.Mintinir tn the Mason i nl K;ii rn Sitir hnxaar aro r,iui,tttMl I to tFitriK tiii'ir ilt'iKithm to Kof i's onil Stoutw' slofo rit-'in. n xi door lo Vi- t th';ttrt hf ;t fternoon. Tht liulit H who hnvv rhaiiRe of the !i(Vt rout booths, und 1 1 who cxprrt i artist In tin MrtPoni- and Kastrrn :ir liM7.aar tiro roquet td to n.oot at HL'''i-n and Stouts' Ptire room, next tor to I'uluce 'theater, at 2 .Q this Hftormon. Tho Masonlr and Faslern Sar ba iar will o.jun at 2 o'clock Wednesday iter noon, nnd will no open tho ro- CJIRISTMAS COAL Is the eonl that will give most warmth and comfort. That's" M & W INDIAN COAL Phone 130 for a ton. Carolina Coal & Ice Company USfl CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS A tfreat holiday display! Complete preparedness for the greatest demand lb? Holiday goods in the history of this store is reflectedjja all our fresh, new Holiday stocks. The choosing of ap propriate gifts and the supplying of personal and house hold needs of every description could never be more pleas antly and economically accomplished than now at tfiis helpful store. 'i Quality is idealized here, and every article and piece of merchandise shown is absolutely the best of jtsjkind. Prices are as low as our ambition to always offer the lowest possible on highest qualities can make them. Every con venience, attraction and advantage that the Holiday shop per could desire is to be found in this great Holiday, ftorej Today we call your attention to the glove and merchaW dise certificates. No where will you find so great a stock. No where will you find values to equal those offered you here. Glove and Merchandise Certificates Last year wo issued certificates for gloves and merchandise. This was quite ar limovarion nut it proven to tie a popular one. Urten a person gives a gift thai isn t particularly useful to the recipient. This abolishes that trouble Certificates at the office for sJil.(K), $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $5.00, and $10.00' They are good for three months after date of issue. - . - Meet Your Friends at The Bon Marche COFFEE TEA Kreh roasted Coffee every week, at Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. 35 K. 'COLLEGE ST. All rders rromptly delivered Phone 1713. THE VERY BEST ICE CREAM That can be made from pure cream, is offered Ashe viae people at $1.25 a gallon. In bricks at $150. Phon ASHEVILLE PURE MILK Ca ?C Proscriptions Culled for and w. o. Wolfe ASHEVILLE PHARMACY iuuuumcuiii auu luiuustiuucii Domestic and foreign granite and mnrhle. Iron fence -bases, and all kinds of cemetery finishings. De-! sit! us on application. Wolfe build-! ir.K. Cack Square and Market St. i Ashevllle. N. C. Qpp. Delivered. Post Office. PhoneiVmo-S' 2 SALE of SECOND HAND The following list of Inntrumont taken In cNrhns as partial i" inent on the Artistic StlefT and Shnw piano, am being thoroughly over hauled nnd each one will he In tint condition, nnd might suit some pur chaser who would like (i servli-able Instrument at a lovr pi ke and on easy terms. if so write at once taking first, second and third choice, nnd we will give you a full description by return in.-ili or In person: N'o. 1. Harrington, rosewood cubo self player $300 N-o. 2. Stii-f, rosewood case .. 27" No. 3. Kits St Pond, mahogany on" 2 fill Xo. 4. .M.ithushek, eboniivd case L'SO No. fi. Kinerson, W'linit case.. 1'int No. ii. Itr. lumuller, oak case.. l.'O N'o. 7. Kingsbury mahogany easel Ti No. S. Arinn, ebonized ease .. l.'.rt No. S. Oilhcrt, ebonlsed case.. 1.';. No. 10. Swiek. ebonlaed case.. ..IlT. No. 11. Windsor, walnut cane .. No, 12. Crown, wlnut case .. . 1 u r. I No. 13. steinway. square .... l.'.O No. 1 4. Newman Bros., square . T". , No. IR. Kniplr squaro No. 16. Stiett, squre No. IT. i r i v eetee n , sqiuire .... No. IS. Si . (T square No. t;i. Kn.ihe square No. 20. l'r-sson square M. WEBB & COMPArVY Millinery Imiorters No. 6 Flattery Purk Place, Plume 1011 IT IS A WISE TIUXG REFINED PEOPLE. demand rare articles, old hand-maJe Jewelry and furniture at VICTOR STERN'S I Antique Arts and Crafts Shop J Somlley Huilding Haywood St I Eve Specialist No. 9-10-11 to De prepared ror emergencies. Many people through life and suffer from cramps, colic, neurai Kia, rheumatism, cold on their chest. .... .wlthoti knowing the quick comfort that a hot water ba. gives. We havw thorn In different sixes, aa well a all kinds of rubber goods In sprays, douches ant everything up-to-date In the Drug line. , FREE! It will cost you nothing to consult me regard! your eye troubles. Take advantage of the opportunity It may a you money later. F. K. GARDNER, Manufacturing Optlcl Dr I mmor Bldg. Cor. Church and Patten Ave. MACAROONS Almond and Cocoanut Fresh Daily. College Street Bakery. 37 E. College St, GENTLEMEN If you wnnt to buy a useful and appropriate Kift for a lady friend, call and see our stock of holiday goods and let us aid you in your se lection. MISS CRUISE, J"""'""1 st- WALTON & McLAIN OFVERM A l:coker to the person holding fhs lucky number, Christniug. You get a chance with every dollar you spend with them. Look In their window. Phone 1516. 1 S. Main St. Every Woman u uiierefcUMi ana taouia Know . about the wonderful kMARVEL Whirling Spray 1 I'M naw fjrU.o. flillil vmrL' mm . iit. I S II -k V TF ih. - 'i wmnjr Bent M ot oonveu- 11 C1UUMM Ah Ttmr tlnimtiit f,T tt. If h eannot suppir the A u r. !' 'in no -1 Othr, bnt tona tump fur llUwtraU'it book -twl. It I full partimiiirt Mill direction! tn- miistii t.i imtiM. M AHra.m.. 4 1 tiuit JUkt,wl.M.WIUKU. PAINLESS DKNTBfTRT Now Is th time to look', after yoj decayed teeth saves pain, and iron during the cold weaUjpS : Teeth filled and extracted withal pain No charge for examination Prices always reasonable" -; Dr. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, Oaf . inege ana Kprac sta., near Us Court Houne office Phone 949, Real uence f none 7Z. ; R.-lsy Wei If desired.! kly or monthly payment? Chas. M. Sfieff Mnniifactut'er of the Artistic StiefT StletT S. lf Player and Shaw, the pl nnos with the vcet tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WtLMOTH, Manager. The Special Sale of Oil Paintings by Prof. Miller ends today. If you wish a handsome Painting at your own price, come in today. New Neckwear and Furs Have Just Arrived r.cauf il'ul neckwear put up in pretty Christmas boxes at 25c, 35e, 39c, 50c, !V. and 75c each. ' , Dainty handkerchiefs i'roiii 15e to $2.00. We are niakinsr an assortment of Furs which we think will !o iust tho : tli in?; for a Christmas gilt. (onie in today and take a look at them. 1 1 r. mi 11' 1 J s fnaindor of tho wook until 9 o'clock P- m. i U PA1TON AVE. sf . ,

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