E SUNDAY CITIZEN THIRD SECTION THIRD SECTION PAGES 1TO 8. ASIIEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MOIiNIXG, DECEMBER 19, 1909. PAGES 1 TO 8; TH ii- T " ... i . -..i , - - , , ,, ... - , . - ., , . .. , - ....' ' -. ' ' .Ah ' I I 11 "w The Advisability of liooa Furniture as a Christmas Gilt You cannot conceive of ft more appropriate present to husband or wife than a handsome piece of furniture. Furniture represents the building up of the home, making it beau tiful, comfortable, and habitable. Everv one takes pride in a home and I. Li 1 1 1.1 " puracuiar cure suouiu be exercised in the se lection of the furniture "Vvhteh goes iuto it. ; Our ' furniture will , n&ke gifts of service and beauty for years to come, For Christmas shop pers we have cut u r regular prices on near ly every article in the store, at a .saving to You: of from 1-8 to 1-4. Ladies' Desks ..-.... . and Dressing Tables. Our stock of Ladies' Desks this Tear is more complete than ever be fore. . ' No better present voukf be thought of. IJfrices $7, $8.50 $10.50, '-. I H iltX fcl -; ''- V . - Beaumont Furniture J f fmtmr- iiSl lbs JTnas'JZxneraizcl Baste? IKTUOI'OLITAN ttanta Claim with H auartet of a million dollar! In 11 : chubbjr flat and a amlla that M yJocaai rood cbeer to buodredi of 4boaiaoda of porertyitrlcken of He yt j bcglnulDg to tlr from 61 11 optll'aleep. The almost namberlesa char ' Uiifcli Yoalltutlona and prlrate IndlrMua'a wW' iboeea tbelr puree etrlnge at thla trine" p'jrear to prorlde a ray of Chrtat ataa.aanatStne for the dreary round of life of tbose anfortunatee who are engaged el moat BDceaalngly In a hopelcae tattle with fate are planning to feed end en courage more ttmn 230.0U0 of such bu ana drift thla eulettda. XtaeTacotf work tnrolree hard and earn est toll oa the part of tnoae engaged la if aa4 doe not caae with the prorldlng of the funda. Huodreue of faablonable wooms Tie gladly for the pleaaure of eerrlajr grime Bower derelict and rrtx .amy) PjpsMg WM HlPffrffil r i mvli A "187 CWsfnas Fiiraitaie ii 27 SOUTH MAIN STREET ZZ 1 .Z ZZ newtboya, whose maonera, to any the leoat. are not of the Four Hnndred, with Chrlstmaa cheer. The Torarlous appetite of their warda la ample reward for tbelr toll and eacrlnce, end whether1 they con vey tbelr turkey and pie to tbelr eager nioutha by fork or In grimy flnicera la of little moment, for It la Chrlatmaa. and tbla covera a multitude of lapaea of good labia manner. For all weeka now thla good work baa been going ateadlly forward, and now that the necewary fnndi have been col lected only the finlnklng touchea remain to be put on the thouaanda upon tboo aanda of Chrlatmaa dlnoera that will be erred to tbe Jeteam and flotaam of New York'a aluma. Tbe gathering of these fnuda I In reality tbe amalleat part of thla gigantic taak. Of courae, kundrede of tbe ricb fed that tbelr duty la done f : . , . : , ; 1 'i ' I Papa's lasy Chair & Mama's Rocker We have them upholstered In leather, handsome quartered oak finish. In fact, every desirable pattern and finish you want, and the best values we have ever had. Prices range from $1 up Company when they either forward a banknote of Urge denomination or thetr peraonal check to oae or more of the many charitable tnatlturioo about the greater city who look out tor the poor at Cbrlatmaa. Per aap tbe moat ayatematle and consistent collector of these funda la tbe Hal tat loo anny, and tbese colleetlona are mode at no email aacrlnre and discomfort to tbe rank and Die of the army. At nearly every corner In the chopping district, ea well aa In tbe wholesale c ea ters, a Salvation Army laeaie. or roloa teer, la to be aeen mounting guard over a Uttle ketlle suspended from a tripod. By tbe vigorous ringing of a email dla aer bell slit attract tbe attentloa nf thousand of paaaeraby. It la a familiar eight to all New Yorkers and tbe ail know this girl's mission. At this time of the year few pass by without dropping CIsSi i . j .'ittirnRM a coin into tbe kettle, for they all know that this Is (. means by which tbe army feeds Its ' hrlstmns follower. This year tbe Knlvatloo Army propose to feed either at table or by basket 80,000 unfortunate. Table will All erery available Inch of apace In the arena of Madison Square Garden, nud tboae known to be worthy, irbo are too ill to attend In person, will be npplled wttb a well Oiled basket rontnlnlair a portion of all tbe good tblncs spread npon tbe long row of table In tbe arena. To on in. tereated In human nntilre there 1 DO bet ter ventage polut to atudy the onder world than the Garden on Christmas Day. Hundred of men and women wbo are Interested In charity gather bera at thla time, and while all the work of preparing the food, serving It and packing and dealing out tbe bnaketa Is done by mem bers of tbe anny. nevertheless these phil anthropist occupy prominent seat and realise that their contributions bare been properly expended In helping to satisfy tbe voracious appetite of tbose wbo tee been picked Bp out of the gutter and grog shops and bronght Into tb glow Ins warmth of society's favorite play kM It Is bard to realise tbe change tkat aaa been effected in tbla Gardes la sis abort week. Early la November taw weakb aai mdty and fashion of Us Kast here assembled to pay bouug to IHFiSi Brass and Metal Bedsteads Comfort, ek'nuni'K, and good taste. f National Springs, Stearns Av Foster Felt Mattress. Try on of these. Money Hack If not .pliaa- , , .-.-V; ' Beaumont borse worth their weight la gold. Christ mas Day many leave tbtlr own happy Br, sides to watch several thousand atsa and women gather to eat tb on big assal of the year, few of whom bsv aa sjoch as a nickel In tbelr pockets. Tbs advanced coat of food staffs thl year present s problem difficult f solstloo to the purveyors to the poor. Of course, tbs piece de res lata nee at all sack gath erings is turkey, but with ttirksy at S3 rents a pound tb portion will not be ss liberal tbla year ss In tbs past. Tb Salvation Army sod other eaaritable lav stltutlon receive little or ao eonaldera tlos st tbe bands of tbs dealers whs they go to make tbelr wholes I pur chases. Tbe best tbey can get 1 a whole, sals rate, aud they bare long sloes real ized that sentiment la not allowed to creep Into tbe transactions sbex tbs dealer is concerned. One of the roost spectacalsr Christmas dinners In Orenter New York Is tbs sos annually provided by ftenstsr Timothy D. (Big Tim) aulllrao. tbs scknowledged leader of the lower Kast side. Each year at his political headquarter on tb Bowery from fi.000 to 10.000 habitues of tb Bowery and Its adjacent slum form la tins sad pass tbrougb Big Tim's po litical headquarters. ICacB mas receive a ticket for a Christmas dinner served at some ens of tbs big balls oa tbs Cast " ,:' ""WW miii ah Pifkss Prices, $2.50 to $95.00- Furniture Cbmpiuy; 27 SOUTH MAIN STREET i I side and another calling for a pair of new shoe. Women sod children are welcome to Mm to the dinner, slid tbtii too, sr provided with shoe,, as welt aa, aa order on some nearby coal deslsr for, wood or coal. It I estimated that this ebsrlty costs Big Tim lo the neighbor hood of 130,000 or 1211,000. Naturally, ba Is tbs Idol of tb East Bids, but soma of tb more onrbarltabls an so nnllnd ss to bint that tb advertising aud tbs vote bs gets oat of tbls aunoll function amply repay biro for bis cash outlay. H la high In tbs councils of Tammaoy Hall, It Is recalled. Those whs know ulJIrsa best, bowvr, sr quick to resent tb Imputation, and It can truthfully b stated that bis outlay at Christmas I by far tbs smallest part of bis annual donations to ebsrlty. Tb Bowery Mission's mod of cele bration tbls year Is tbs opening of tb regular bread Ho distribution of roll sad coffee st 1 A. M.. tbs giving sat of bssksts to poor families wltb provlsloas enough for a dinner for sis at B o'clock, and a Chrlatmaa dinner for B.000 mea St T o'clock In tb evening. This plsa sis wilt be adopted by tbs tUscne Society and It annual dinner wilt bs given at tb Dover Street Midnight Mlaslos to tb drifter sod other frequenters of China town and tb Bowery. Tbey also plan to feed fl.000, and tbelr dinner will eon slat of neat turkey, cranberry sauce and mince pies, vegetables, fruit, tea and cot fee. Lata comers also will bs fed, and wben tbs turkey, cranberry sauce sad aloe pies bsv been consumed, roast ehlckea and duck will It served to tb homeless mi and women. Corn beef and boiled bam will be tb reserve sup ply, wtalls celery, spples. orange and bananas will be smoug tbs eitras served between siisdewo sud dawa, . Ons of the most Interesting Sight la Jtew York tbls year will be the feast oa Christmas sight at tbs Mewsboys Home st 14 New Chamber street. Hers twelv hundred little street urchins, for tbe most part bauitues of Iark liow, lower Broad war and Wall street, will bs given a 1 Christmas dioaei consisting st roast tor. I k. mA "all Am trlmmlne." This Tear tbs dinner Is provided by lb estate of r it ? 3 Gift Suggestions That Fill home Need In the Home JAPANESE VASES at half price. Parlor Clocks, j Pictures, Dinner Seta, " Ruby ( 'hairs, Ha by Walkers, Go-Carts' Ladies Kockers, Morris Chairs, Fine Center Tables, i Lace Curtains, Portie'ries, ' . ; 4;"f Table Covers, . - : Toilet to, : Hall Hacks, - v .. Kitchen Cabinets, . : China Closets'"'. '; . Library Tables, ; ' and Chairs?,; . Sewing Machines and Afany otljer useful things- fur 'Xtnm pre sentatin. - ' Rug Specials , . . ,i ' This , department W our pride. Mjf it", wet havrj",tll the' ' ty&fa. of; Itu'gs! ,vanteV -y. nnyi one, blit every . one , a, bargain ut i,iir .prices 35c to'$30.Q0,V',.. ' ; i r t .si t ft , f ' 1 ,. i t . 4 , ( tb Ists Mrs. Willis Aetor. wWamos. other provlsloas, sat apart fund, foi tb , semiannual entcrtatsmeni, t Tbaokaglv lag and Christmas; Day, f the eiiy "newsies." Tb dsy following sack si tbs diner will attend soo on sr tbe near 'wester as tb guest s( bis fsvottts Ben- per. V .-"v V;'i'"; f Th various orgsalsed Charitable socie ties all vis wltb each tbr la tb Jiunv tier of poor served ea Chrlatmaa Day. It Is tbs so dsy I tbs year Is wblrb they feel that all restraint cas be cast aside, and they sta buy and provide ll" sat thought of sost, well knowing that, soy on of a thousand rich swn asJ women la New York would Mbesttarjagli! sisks ap their deflrfeocy if appealed to. While tbs svarags New York love te parads but wealth, it must be sdtaittcd , tbst tbey r modest I tbelr Bed t giving. Hundred ef thousands of dollar dud tbelr way tats tbe toffs re of tbe charitable erganiutloas st Christmas tlm -sad alas sat ef every tea of tbesS dams . Uoa ars either saocyuMiusiy sasds s slss tb donor request ihst hi U withheld. Tb Meet liberal f taes sr , Mrs. Bussell Msgs snd Ml Heles UsaldV Tbelr donation suwnt high la tbe thou sands earn year, and sever ha a chart-, table organisation appealed to either la vain. The tat It. II. Harrlmaa was an other wba adhered to ths Injunction ef sot letting tb right band kaow what the I left doeth. Those poor wba bsv hen, ftted by Mr. Usrrlroan a generosity la lb past will oot go hungry Ibis vsr. for, Mrs. Uarrlmsa Is quits ss susritably .in clined a her late buebaad. . A practice that haa become very much Is vogue la New York la lb pest few years Is tbst of sending out baskets to tb poor by weettby Individuals Tneas saea and woowa eaiploy eomsalsslober t make a round of tbe most poverty atrkkea districts snd submit te Urea k list of tbs more worthy tber dwelling. 1 tare list frequently tonulB the names of 0v or all hundred families. Not only is tbs' provision desler Inatructed to send III erslly filled basket of Chrlatmaa edible to each name oa this list, but a psckags of clothing and shoes mors sites tbaa not accompanies ths basket, . , 4 :,4 ; I ...i i I t t

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