TITE SUJffiAY CnTZEK". PETEMBETl 10. 1900. " f?opyrgtr t, ivm, ty Am ertcan-Examiner, oreat Britain Rights Reserved. JJ'? J' ' ' " I - h f V f .mm" i Mi- Th nose clamp ia new and amusing device to prevent the spreading of the nostril." By Mme Una. Cavalier J. BBSS monthi recently In Russia ana six month In ' Parla taught ma em nw fad In tha eultivation of beauty. WhiU tha Amrloan art ao , laar, ai wall aa beautiful, thay may not ' fcava haard of torn of thaaa. I will, there t (ore, all tie roll of thoa devloei for the tmproTement of beauty whloh are flndlne . recent favor la Europe, aome of whloh aeem l He me to hate oonaldarable aalentlflo value, v But I ought to ey that X have aot myaelf vereontlly uaed or teeted all of theae rather feerola now uethoda, Kot all medloal , men 1 are tgrd on all thing oapeolally on new tblnga, and X advlae my., readers to aik the vdrloe of their dootori ; on . torn of tbeio tnattara. ',;' "f:-fc-'-vs ;"..' ; " ;.- There la, for inetanoa, what la known ai ' the vaccination cure for pimpUa, Pimplet I I bave oalled "apota on the un of beauty," Spots, whether on a frock or a faoe, are dla h Bgurlng, and It la desirable to remove them . as soon aa possible. : Xnsoulatloa by a ape a elal form of vaoelne Is the lsteftt method Adopted by the medloal profession, it has . keen In many ( eases very suooeasfuL The only objection is, that l( Is still oompara ' tlvelf expensive. The new theory la thai ) pimples are cauaed br Ike presenee of ma lefle genna, A culture la made of theie Term In beet broth. The fluid Is then ten ' dered sterile by heating It to tha boiling ) point. A small vialful of this broth contains hundreds of millions of the germe. While ithe germs themeelve are dead, the peculiar " pelton gtneratad by thenj remains. The treatment. la given by a hypodormlo Injeo : Hon. This polaon Is deitrnotlve to the living rganUnu, and In few, weeka treatment ebatlnata oaaea of plmplea have been ,oom ' pletely cured by tko weloom new proceaa, Jrpr obstinate oaaes of aene aome advanced physicians are . utilising the X-ray. Black fcoada are klway dlaflgurlng. Certain phyel. : etaaa have adopted the prlnolplo that the -nioro-organtams lodge In the folclee from Which spring the small hairs that form a down on the eheeks. These mloro-organlama spread fast and oauae Inflammation. The : X-ray is summoned to check the spread of Ithe Inflammation. Tale they do without danger to the akin. After three of four ' treatments the faoe look as though It were ' tadly sunburned. This appearano remains. It Beams to the patient, dlaoouraglngly long, feat the reeults are moat gratifying In every aaae I have etudled. The acne haa been per manently removed and the complexion left paauufully dear. A third aalentlflo treatment of great aid to beauty la the removal of acara by an Injection, locally, of a healing eerum be neath the akin. Ita function la to looean the Structure, relax the drawn tlaauea and smooth the surface that bad been, to uae an Amerlcanlem, "puckered." There ia In this laat remedy the element of rlek that alwnya obtains when a foreign aubatanoe ia Injected Into the circulation. Iff "To prevent a double chin, plump women are wearing chin bandages at night" "A lotion is sometimes applied by an eyelash bruai. freshen the faded lashes." 5 awTVV" I t W- H1 A -Jmw it mm Jrmii mwj AV ma Jm3mt' Jim WmfA xN "-SO-. ' " -:;ir J "liftm because they wore nnA clarnns a$- tVI- Mh W V- X v N :l ' iZ&f -tWPjBJ "V ; . . r ; .fvA. ) TV1" , -i -'s; JA I tjttl s&jSfHo-n wy fnoTO Oil four tt- M me. Una CavaleirL 'ME. CAVALIERI tells her readers to-day of new and odd beauty device she found were being employed in raris and St Peter burg when she visited those cities a few weeks ago. She calls attention to new methods of curing skin eruptions by vaccina tion, and of removing disfiguring scar tissue in the same manner. She cites the frequent use of the chin bandage by plump-faced beauties to prevent a double chin, and of the nose clamp to prevent the unbecoming spreading of nostrils. She says that sulphur baths are being used by physician for the cure of skin eruptions and. says that ice is fast becoming a first aid to beauty. Mme. Cavalieri believes that ice, while it first drives the blood from the surface, causes it to rush back with renewed vigor, so promote circula tion and feeds neglected tissues, causing the disappearance of wrinkle. Next week Mme. Cavalieri will entertain and instruct her readers with an article on "Advice to the Blonde." One Once we were taught to let tha eyeUd who disliked the touch of the cold met:tl H''18 anu were warned that It wai SO doltx uhRtltUted IhB homnlv rinnmsrtlp nrrlr-ln ihn cat0 tnat u would Buffer no clothespin. Both the clamp and the clothes pin are well protected by a lining of white silk or velvet. Absurd as these tliing-i look,! was assured by all who wore them that they served admirably their purpose. : " t'i r ' . tfl If il ,11 I A method generally used in Russia is the loose eye bandage to relieve the weariness of the sight. oecause of thla element the method has The past year Parlsiennes h.ivo hon wash not the entire endorsement of the medir.il lnff their hair In prasolinc. Noi hec.iuse. they I'rofesslon. believe that it will cause llie h:iir to prow, A method that has great vogue Is the but for tho same purpose ili.il H it used n,-w or modlHed massage called patting, of upon a spotted garment, to i l.-ansc the g.tr hlch I have already written. This Is ment and remove the spots Also K".-"ol!ne accepted by those -ho have ahvr a i een makes tho hair soft and si. ken of texture. nelstent enemies of massage ally given. Their theory is that massage, ns many have known It. merely moves tho wrinkles from ono part of the face to an other. Patting, thjy declare, does not drag the akin, but builds up tho muscle? and pro motes tho circulation. Tho name Is a cll flttlng ono. ratting Is done very llg! -with the tips of tho fingers. The nose clamp Is a nerr and : .u in' told. I have myself used gaFoMnf a few times on my hair, but trying to keep It away i. ...j M-alp as much as possible. 1 cannot be o that casollne Is good for tho erulu. I take the gaeoline shampoo somewhat as I do the water bath for the hair. I wash it In a bowl of the gasoline, pour out the first bowlful and wash it through another, then another, until the las! bowlful is entirely cato that It would Buffer no manlnuU.Mon. ' Hut I found that many woman freshen their aged looking eyelids by applying" ' yrt pomado: Alum, 15 grains. ;,' ! , ; Tannin, 15 grains. " Borax, 30 grains. Fresh tallow, 300 grains. This was applied at night, uatng- 'great, care to prevent Its getting Into the evea. In the morning it was removed with Want water. English beauties whom I met In Parla dls, carded all other washes for the eye, but bathed them in much diluted tea, and cooled and freshened the eyelids with tea leaves. raris physicians, also those of the Russlaa court, have withdrawn their objection : to) perfumes, and luxurious women are using them more than ever. They are more die creet and discriminating than former!, relying more upon perfumes used aftdr tho bath, when they can be well absorbed into the skin, and causing them to remain jonfef than by a hlt-and-nilss application of then) upon tho hair or clothing. This, borrowed from England, Is a delightful tonlo applied to the skin after the bath: v Rosemary, 6 ounces. Orange peel ground Into fine powdery y2 ounce. Thyme. V2 ounce. Rcsewater, 1 pint. Spirit of wine, 1 quart. Dath bags filled with equal parts of orris root powder and almond meal and bran are tossed Into the baths Instead of soap, and are more refreshing and quite aa whitening. . An anemic friend rocclved mo, much re freshed, after a bath of tepid water 'Uvte w hich she had emptied a wino glass of thla: Eau de cologne, 1 ounce. Spirits of camphor, j2 ounce. Tincture of benzoin, y4 ounce. Ice has come to be one of the Brat aid of beauty. I found It used after mass-age of tho face and neck to harden the muscles, J found women using It to drive away wrinkles and that seemed to mo scientific, for while tho shock of the first application will drive the blood from the surface, It causes It to re bound, bringing a fine flush to the akin and feeding the neglected and shrunken tissue. Whatever renews the tissuea eradicates wrinkles. Many physicians are endorsing aulpb.ua facial baths to cure acne. Thla lotion is ap pl I several times a day, they told me. with good results. device adopted bv beauties and would-be clean. Let aa little aa9oline as nnKsihl nt beauties to prevent the spreading i i..e 110s- to the scalp. ti lls and to give tho no, that mil I other- uut ,ne shampoo is always taken on the wise bo too round, a delicate point. 1 have rooming of a clear day. Never do I have It called on my friends in the morning and (ine wrii0 there Is a light or n re In tho have been received in their bedrooms. They room. If I did. It would bd as the Turkish looked very charming In their night robe baths. There would be no more llna Cava of dellcato batiste, embroidered and further liorl. Gasoline la most InMammab'e ornamented with pink and blue bows, not Another method generally taken up in pink and blue hows on different gowns, '.ut Russia, where women are noted for the 1 omblned In the same gown. Their hair beauty of-their eyes, Is the loose eye ban carefully parted, from the point or 1 ho fore- dage to relieve the weariness of the sight, head to the back of the mirk, and braided Bandages moistened in witch hazel, rose In two loose braids, either hangs nccom- water or strong salt water are bound over ingly over their shoulders, one bnid tied the eyes. The woman who wants to look at with a blue bow. the other with a pm ;. .u tractive at night removes the traces of a match the ribbon garniture of ii.o night wearing day by lying down in a dark room robe, or Is twisted loosely around to I . . id. for a few minutes and binding upon her eyes chin muscles by hardening them with lumps Their complexions looked fresh and cool such a bandage. The eyes brighten from c held in the hand and pressed against those f:om their bath of cold cream, but they all such treatment as a flower freshens after a muscles as long as the pressure can be looked odd, and I shrieked ah launur 41 dew fall. dured; also by wearing chin bandages, f Rose water, 4 ozs. Precipitate of sulphur, 1 dram. Tincture of camphor, 1 dram. Women are beginning to realixe that sag fi:. muscles, rather than a superabundance l ilcsh, are the cause of the double chin. They -are preventing, as far as possible, the falllag cheek muscles and the pendulousnesi of tha