THE WEATHER: . BAIN. : VOL. XXVI., NO. 61. 'Jl Suefl custom! round EniDloyee Who Crooked Scales Will be Well Paid COtMifeoEB Endorses claim mm. Oilier Claimants For Reward Offered by Law For Smug filing In Formers NEW YORK, tec. 19. William Loeb, Jr., collector of the port of Ni York, has approved the claim to a moiety by Richurd Parr, the deputy collector and original Informer ill Die sugar frauds of Ihe 2.t3,4lS paid Into the United States treasury hy the American Sugar Refining company as dcrwetghing. The announcement will be mnd? by' The Tribune In the morn ing. According to the statutes regulat ing uch awards, Parr will receive "not exceeding In amount one-half of the ne( Proceed," which will mean In this case If the rluim Is approved by the treasury department, approx imating Mr. Loeb approved the claim only after a thorough Investigation by Harrison Osborne, solicitor of the cus toms. ' He held that the cWim was valid In that Parr, on November 20, 1907, discovered a steel spring which was Used by the company's checker to influence the weight of draught- of sugar adversely. This laid bare the scheme to defraud, and it was due to the' evidence obtained as the con sequence of the events of November 20 that a Jury In the civil suit against the company lust spring gave a verdict of guilty, 'which was followed by th paying of fhe penalty, ln6. titfi.j-, and the restitution of 2,000,000 fol lowing. ; Others Ctalin Reward. Parr is not the only claimant for1 the award. He hae had a serious ri val 4n Edwin Ln Anderson, another ,ettstsr&Joft ' but the inference Is that Pirr will win out for the treas ury department has rati fled practical ly rjf' .'tnov of ' Mr. Loeb in the vast sugar scandals. There is some conflict of statutes concerning payments of this charac ter, but it Is said that In any event (Continue! on pa (re 4) GIRL DFf.HSTERY WHO ATTEMPTED SUICIDE Asked that Man's Handker chief and Withered Vio lets be Buried with Her WILL PROBABLY LIVE NORFOLK, Va., Dec. 19. Having thus far successfully resisted every effort to ascertain her identity, the strange young woman who at Wrightsvllle Beach last week signed herself "Ruth Morton, Chicigo," pri or to attempting suicide both by laud anum and shooting, still lies conscious at St. Vincent's hospital tonight with the mystery surrounding her as deep as ever. Though with three 22-cnlibre pistol wounds in her head the girl today began to improve, and tonight it was said that her attending physician n w belinves her recovery quite likely. For tlie' first time since she was secretly brought to Ihe hospital last Thursday the girl Idday agreed to take food. For tb1efirst time she manifested n teresftn Bejrobabl recovery. She has repeatedly declared ?he wanted to die, ahd have buried wllh her a man's handkerchief and a bunch ol withered violets which she brought with her to Virginia Beach. (ine of the strangest features of the case is that the police department, after all the publicity given, has not lesirelved a single inquiry from the outside world concerning the girl. In an effort to obtain some -Lie to hci Identity a woman was today sent to her bedside to question her. The gir, was firm and the woman left without the deeired information. Apparently the only possible clue t, her tdentlty is the laudanum phir.I found with the girl marked "Willow Drug' company, Bummerville, Mass " She had destroyed everything b which she might be identllied even having cut from her hat the name o: the place where it was bought "I came to Virginia Beach to dh because of the remoteness of th place," wrote the girl in the note shi had left, which also told of $25 Bh had with her. to be used In her burial NO RECORD FOfND. ' BOSTON, Dfec. 1. An examination of the poison record kept at the store of the Wlilow Drug company, in Bom eix'ilt Ims -a41ed to show a sale of poison to any one namJ Morton GETS MILLIDTJ I NG ON THE A GRAFTERS THE BODY OF LEOPOLD LIES IN STATE IN THE 001 PALACE Is Viewed by Thousands of His Loyal Subjects Amid Splendor of Death Chamber CATHOLIC EPISCOPATE EULOGIZES HIS REIGN Socialists Become Restive And Will Not Swear Allegiance to Prince Albert HKITSSEIX. Dec. 19. The body or King Leopold lay in state in the royal palace today while thousands who had patiently waited their turn to be ad mitted, tiled silently before the cata falque and paid homage to their late sovereign. In the presence of Prince Albert and the officers and dignitaries of the court anfl government, (he coffin had been borne to the mortuary chamber, while priests chanted the miserere und a procession of nuns told the rosary for the dead. Passing through the garden and courtway up the broad marble stair case, embanked with magnltlcient flor al pieces and across the vast recep tion hull, those who hud come to 'he pulace found themselves in a room of state, the draperies of which were black with silver fringe. It was lit up with the glare of electric globes and the softer glow of hundreds of candles. CuIIioIIch Laud Him. The mahogony casket In which the king lay wus half draped with the colors of the old grenadier regiment and surrounded by his daughters, flor al wreaths. It wag guarded on either side by three officers. In uniforms glittering with gold and swords brought up to the royal salute. Against the walls and between the tall palms other officers heldM, the standards of the kingdom. In front of the cofTIn were kneeling nuns and priest. For three .tours the stream of people passed through the palace,' witnesses of the Impressive scene. The Helglan episcopate today issued a pas torlal letter eulogizing King Leopold as the apostle of peace and Justice. the glorftier of the v-atholic faith and the promoter of Christian civilization, (Continued on page 4) THREE SILENT SISTERS Will Be Indicted Tuesday for Murder of Ocey Snead and Will Not Talk EVIDENCE FOUND NEW YORK, Dec. 19. The thru eccentric sisters Miss Virginia Ward law, Mrs. Mary .Snead anrl Airs. 'ar nllne W. Martin, all charged with the murder of Ocey Snead, whose emacia ted body was found in a bath tub at East orange, N. J., will be indicted by the Essex county, New Jersey, grand jury on Tuesday next, accord ing to the program mapped out by the county authorities. Immediately thereafter application for the extra dition of Mrs. Snead and Mra. Martin now held in the Tombs here, will l made. It is believed lhat tin two sis ters in New York on the advice ol counsel will consent to ' to .W,: Jersey for trial without a legal lit tle. Miss Warillaw maintained the fam ily's afmnst morbid desire for seclu sion today when she requested thai the bars of her cell be plastered with newspapers In order that the other prisoners might not look at her. Bu: becauso of precedent that the granting of such a request would create, her plea was unheeded. Mrs. Martin mil Mrs. Snead, in separate cells, spen a quiet day at the Tombs. They on to be arraigned In a police court to morrow for a continuation of the preliminary hearing which was be gun on Saturday. Prosecutor Mott of Essex countv, N. J., says that he has positive evi dence that both Mrs. Snead and Mrs. Martin were instrumental In engaging the house in which Ocey Snead died Charles Kirk, an eleven year old mes senger boy. will testify that he car ried Mrs. Martin's suit case In Eflst Orange on November 17, while the prosecutor says he has additional ev idence that Mrs. Martin was in tliO house after Ocey Snead met death and before Miss Wardlaw so tardily noti fied the police. PRKSIDEXT HOME AGAIN. WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 9. President Taft, accompanied by his son Charlie returned today from Watertown, Conn., where on yesterday he at tended the funeral of his slster-ln-ln w Mrs. Horace D. Taft. ASH ASHEVILLE, N. Iff AS T Makes Triumphal Entry Into Capital as If he Were Al ready Chosen INSURGEN rs REFUSE TO RECEIVE MESSAGE Although Hailed as Deliverer by People Situation Is Still Very Tense MAN'ACIUA, Nicaragua. Dec. 19. Jose Madrlz, Judge of the Central American court of Justice, at Carlagn who has been put forward as candi date for the presidency to succeed Zeluya, received an enthusiastic re ccptlon on his arrivHl here today. Long before he reached the. capital, .Ma- driz was the object of cheering crowds. He was met by delegations from var ious departments and acclaimed all along the way from Cnrlnto to Ma nagua. At this place the crowds awaiting the appearance of the candidate were extraordinary. Troops and police were out in force for the protect Ion of Madrlx who proceeded on foot to a hotel through an almost inextrica ble mass of people, the soldiers and detectives breaking a way for him through the solid ranks, pushing and throwing aside the frantic people. CivllluiiH Make Way. In front ofthe pant there were hos tile cries against the attempt of the soldiers to clear the street and imme diately fifty civilians, all of them res Idents of Leon, the home of Mutirlz, and the stronghold of the liberals who favor his candidacy, whipped out revolvers, brandishing them in the air. They formed a complete compact around Madrlx, acting as his bodyguard and escorting him to his quarters. For a moment the situation was critical. There were shouts of "Viva Leon; to hell with Managua." No shots . were iired however, and the procession . moved. The president-tall candidate's face was flushed and wore a look of anxiety. He was accompanied to the hotel by the Mex- i lean minister, and from this place the crowds were shut out. 1 Dr. Madrlx arrived at 9 o'clock this morning at Corinto aboard the steam ier Acapulco from Santa Arenus, Cos- w ws,'- (('onlintictl on page ) Mm RESIGNATION MERELY A PRETENSE TO ESCAPE PUNISHMENT Expects to Put in Tool Whom he can Manage and thus Control Government MEXICO INVOLVED WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The Ni enraguan Insurgents are growing tir ed of awaiting attack, according ti advices received here tonight and i. decisive battle between the govern ment troops nnd the army under (Jen Juan J. Estrada ma wbe expected within the next two or three days. It a cablegram to I)r (astrlllo, the rep- rrseniative hen- of the provisional' government of Nicaragua, ncrV Estrada says: "The enemy has been out In front for eight days. We are strongly en trenched before Rama and are await ing the first opportunity to take the offensive In accordance with certain plans." What the military plans are is not made clear, nor do the agents of tin Estrada party know positively. They declare, however, that Estrado un doubtedly has been extending anfl perfecting his system of trenches Private advices from Bluefirlds, likewise received hy members of the Estrada party here declared that tht resignation of President Zelaye Is the veriest pretense. The Informants hen also say that the entire procedure It a plot. In which are involved Dr. Ma drlz. General Irias. both of whom are mentioned as Zelaya's successor, and a representative of Mexico at the Nlcaraguan capitals. The machinations of the conspira tors, It Is declared, would place Ze laya In the background under the stress of present circumstances where he would be free to dictate the gov ernment and direct the actions of hit pupils. The Mexican referred to also Is said to be a partisan of Zelaya'r and to have worked hand In glove with him In many of his official acts. It Is this close co-operation between the Mexican representatives and Zela ya that gives rise to the suspicion Ir Central American circle here that Zetaya looks to Mexico as the agency whereby he will be enabled to leave the country- EMI HAILED NEK PRESIDENT EiDEE CITIZEN. C. MQNDAY HORNING, ASHEVILLE FLORIDA TRAIN skRVICE TO BE IMPROVED MARCH 6 Southern Raflwafcr Makes Announcement To Effect T hat Two New Trains Will bo Operated Between Asheville and Columbia. Means Much to The Future of City. "Washington, P. C, Dec. lfi, (!. "J. H. Wood, Ashevllle, N. C. "Heferrlna; to your recent visit to Washington and Interview vith Mr. Cary and me, and also your letter to Mr. Cary. recom mending the; Aahcvllle-Florlda train service. "We arc glad to Inform you that as our management Is de sirous of doing all that they con sistently can ln behalf of Ashe vllle, it has been decided to op erate this service beginning first : Sunday in March, the sixth. This , will mean a 'ow train .between ' Ashevllle and mimWa' in- eh direction connecting Immediately at Columbia with our Florida trains Nog. 29 and 30 and the Cincinnati-Jacksonville car via Ashevllle will be handled on these trains, making the lay-over a few hours at Ashevillo and no lay-over at Columbia for this service. "Please give this Information to the citizens of Ashevllle who may be Interested Including the mayor, board of trade, hotels and newspapers. ''If this service Is to be suffi ciently remunerative to be main tained the fullest co-oporatlon on part of the people Of Ashevllle will, of course, be nectssary as you are'nware . ; MRS.BELMDNT PRACTICAL IN HELPING HER SEX Remains in Police Station Nearly All Night to Mail Out 1 i i-l Strikers NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Mrs. I' H. Helniont dc ioonsirated in Ihi'Sni.'ll early hours of today that site has the interest of her Hex of the working class at heart fhree o'cl. k this morning foiiul her in the ii:kIiI court awniting tii disposition of tin- eases of lour wo men shirtwaist workers eh'irged wrli disorderly couilin-t in connt-i-l ion with the strike. Several lawyers hae h. n retained by Mis llelmont to defem1 the strikers but with the approach "I morning they h nl disappeared, nol w lien the girls re called to the no one wa piist'iil to appear for them. .Mrs. Belmont here stepped into lb- gup and offered ball for the girl, tendering her leime In Mailiyon ave nue as security. "Is your house worth ?S0(r.'-' in Hutts, in routine replied Mrs. llel quired Magistrate manner and tone. "I think it Is." mont. "It Is valued at 1400, (too. bo; I think there ma he a mortgage open It for 100,0fl which I rained to help the shirtwaist strikers and the woman suffrage movement." The security was accepted. WASHINGTON, Dec. !. Forecast for North Curolina: Local rains or snow Monday. Tuesday generally fair, moderate to northeast win-'s. DECEMBER 20, 1909. Nothing For Them? "Detailed schedule figures will be furnished you In a few days. "S. H. HARDWICK." The foregoing telegram from Mr. 4. H H ardwlck, passenger traffic man ager of the Southern railway, speaks for Itself. It means that the much needed- through service between this clty and Jacksonville, Florida, Is to be a reality on March 8th, the- time for the returning Florida reporters to vis it Ashevllle. The addition of these two trains each day between this tlty frnd the South will enable the hotels board of -trade ot .AshavUla to make, jtHUMtr effort to secure their share of lhl high class patronage to which this city Is entitled. There will he a greatly Improved chance of bringing tha Nor thern tourists around this way with a good train service, and the number of our visitors in the early sprtng hnuld be greatly increased. A portion of th advertising fund has been withheld for the special purpose of attracting the resorters from Florida In the event of this ex pected Improvement In the train ser vice, and the winter advertising cam paign will now be extended to In clude the Florida and the Southern resorts. The action of the rtouthe.rn raillwjy ; while not entirely surprise, comes as an unexpected piece of good news. I AT FUNERAL BARRED BY WILL Man Who Carried Political Prejudices to Grave Un able to Protest KINOHTiiN, N. Y Dec. 1 9 Menty I'.rannen of Samson' ille trb-d to carry his political beliefs and prejudices be yond the grave, anil, although he di rected that no republican shou'd be allowed to have anything to di with his funeral yesterday, by mistake one pall bearer turned out to be u member of the party he hated. "No republican shall have 'inv'Y ig to do wiili my funeral." he said fre oiieiilly during his lifetime, and In his last hI knexs he impressed upon his family ami friends that they were to be particular to select a democratic undertaker, democratic dominie and democratic pull benrere. In selecting the pall bearers the be reaved family chose men they thought were true blue democruts. When the mourners assembled for the funeral they recognised among the bearers one wan who was ua strong a re publican as the deceased bad been a democrat. The situation was explained to tin republican, who iil-tly withdrew. An other friend was selected to fill hi" jlar e. After the burial It was learne j that the substitute was a fl'onj re publican, too, but his republicanism was unknown because he never dis cussed politics. RICHMOND CAS DRINK. RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 19 Rich mond's long delayed water settlement hufcln system is pronounced complete at last and water from the baeins will b turned Into the city reservoirs through a new flume Just constructed tomorrow or Tuesday, clear water for the city being definitely promised by Christmas day. EXPIX)KION KILLS flVE. NAPLES, Dec. 19.A manufactury of explosives near Casert exploded today .live persons being killed and five Injured. It might be termed a Christmas pres ent from the railroad In the city of Ashevllle, for it has not generally been supposed that the desired action would be taken until after tht offi cials of the road had visited the city to confer with th commltteo recently appointed to discuss Urn matter with them. '' .The movenient tor a better train service to and from the South . was begun by ,.'Tte;Ci.tke it;1 several wfeeM ago who It was discovered that the plana for advertising this city in 8ou- capped by lack of railroad lucuuias M nanuie ine people wno mignc want to come to Ashevllle. Private corre spondence with the railroad officials was supported by published Interviews from many prominent cltlsens. As a result of the discussion Mr, 3, H. Wood was called to Washington for a conference with the passenger offi cials, and he endorsed and urged the addition of the desrred trains to the present service, The .outcome l told In the telelgram printed above. Mr.!'. L. Alexander, proprietor, of the Ijflttery Park hotel, upon receipt of a py of the announcement of the Improved service, sent the following (Citilimfl on page ) CANNOT FIND PLACETS After Trying Two Locations it is Found That Fund Cannot be Used at All SPARTAN DUKU, B. C, Dec. 19. The mayor and members of the city council will breathe a sigh of relief when Nichols and Nichols, city at torneys, announce tomorrow thn'. they ar of the opinion that the city cannot use the proceeds of tin sale of the colored cemetery, now held In trust for the colored people of Ihe city by council, for the erection of a hospital. The report will bf mad at the regular meeting of coun cil tomorrow ui let noon and action will be taken. With every section of the city that has been spoken of as a suitable lr cation for a colored hospital up In arms against the project, and Key J H. Walklns, pastor fo the Firsl Presbyterian church, threatening ttir city with a suit for not building tht hospital, the council Is In a dilemma. The money in question, amounting to $5,000. was realized from the sutr of the colored cemetery near the C. & W. C. depot about two years ago. Home time ago the negroes of the city decided that they wanted the money applied toward building and maintaining a, hospital for their race. An option was taken on a lot on Hampton avenue and coitncilc wai about to locate it there when a war like petition protesting against a negr' hospital In that section of town cam? In from the residents of nearby streets. An attempt to locate In an other port of town met the same fate. Finally a site In the midst of a negro section on South Lberty street wiu selected and had practically been agreed on when council, at Its meet ing Monday afternoon, received a pe tltion from the people of that sectlot refusing "to stand for such an Institu tion in their mdst.- Notice of the threatened suit by Dr. J. 8. Watkint woe received at the same meeting, and the matter went over., . . Associated Press " Leased Wire Reports. PRICT FIVE CENTS. BE INVESTI6ATE0 LURTON ON THE BE NGHWILL His Pro-Corporation Tenden cles Not Liked by Some " Senators ' NOMINATION WILl BE CONFIRMED. HOWEVER ? ? Senators May Vote Against Hlmlo Put Themselves . ""H on Record WASHINGTON, Dec. II. With probably fewer than a' quorum f members of either house In the city, all legislation in congress during the n .xt few days -will ,.oa, by vommon . onsen t. The wU undertake s nothing more than the passage of some bills of minor. Importance, .and the completion of Its worka on the bill, which already ha been under consideration for two or three duys. v It had been hoped that the' army : supply bill might be taken up and disposed of before adjournment, bnt that program hat been abandoned In the fare of the departure of se many members. It . is expected that very little time will be necessary for the disposal of the District of Columbia ' bill, and with It out of the way the bouse, in the ntaln, wll simply "tread ,t water" until the time .for adjourn ment for the holidays, ' .,.". . Will Conllrm Lurtnn, j The senate will undertake very lit tle except the connrmalUm of .Hon. Horace' H, Lurton to be en associate. justice of the Supreme court of the United State. The nomination Will be reported favorably to the senate on Monday and an sort will be made In have H acted upon. The present In- dlcatlons are that there' wit be no ob jection to such a course and. that Mr. Lrtirton' confirmation win take place before the beginning of the holidays ' thus enabling htm to take hie seat on th Supreme .court (henehiupon the- re . convening of that body after the hol iday. .tv.f-v'l'.-.-tvf 'f!' ' '.'It la nnt exepcted that ft nvurumr' writ Present -'either.', on Monday , or, - Tuesday, arid If uch should prou; -to be, th cae a call .for an Jiw .nnd; M V6te 'would ?huve the . effect of postponing action tnt II January. Ha one eeems willing to' Bcoepl this' re sponsibility, and Senator Duron of th judiciary committee : who has chargo of the, nomination Is hopeful -that the expediency of suck a call will not be resorted to. . ' . . imereetlug Record. ' Undoubtedly there are a number, of senators ,who consider Mr. Lurtoo age to be against him but the ebjec tlon doe,.noi go to, t)f extent of pronounced opposition, Borne Investigation I being made of Judgu Lurton' decisions M a circuit Judge with a view to determining th foundation of the charge hat they -are In the Interest of corporations and a statement covering this phase of the (jiH stlon probably will be . presented tc the senate when "the subject is taken up for consideration. In the main th disposition I to allow the president to have his way In the selection of successor to' Justi.-e P-ckhnm, but many of , th tn.itors r disposed o mull, a rec ord regarding Mr. .Lurton , hort-r comings, I he has any, If It were ft question of success or defeat Mr, Irfjr. ton would havn many ehainplcu nnd . there Is no doubt would be connrmod) urt a vote. TV only quetl.n Involved at this time Is the advisability of 4- , lay. He would be confirmed soon af ter the holidays, even though the question should be deferred M Ion?. Uoth house will adjourn Tuesday for two week, the day for re-con. venlng being fixed far Tuesday, Jan uury . Swanson Asks That Requi sition for Officer be with drawn ' RICHMOND, Va.. Dec. !. Upon assurances from counsel for' Judge Samuel W, Williams, attorney general-elect of Virginia, that the latter will appear at the January term of the McDowell county, W. Va , criminal court for trial on the charge of as saulting ex-Judge Bandera In a court room altercation. It is understood tnal Governor Swanson ha asked Govern or Glasscock of iWest Virginia to withdraw hi requisition tor the at torney general-elect. Th requsltlon reached Governor Swanson yesterday and almost at Ihj same time with It there camn a tele gram from Judge Williams, Wntnscr at Roanoke, Vs., as follows: "'We' assure you that Judge Wt Heme twill appear at .the January term of th criminal court of McDow ell county, and that no requisition Is, or ever has been necessarv." , It appear from the affidavits act compaoylng the requisition for the person of Judge Williams that, the Indictment charges malicious and fr), 5 ri i IU

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