THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: PAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXVI., NO. 68. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 19091 PRIW FIVE CENTS. 2ELAYA SEEKS TO ESCAPEBLAIVfEFOR AMERIGANS'DEATH He Believe? That Knoxs' Atti tude Was Fa! ?e One And . Not Popular SAYS RULES OF WAR OBSERVED BY HIM Late President of Nicaragua Now on Rim Would Jus tify Hftnself SALINA CRUZ. Mexico. Dec. 27 -r Declurlng that the iXtltude of Secre tary Knox toward him could not rail to be disapproved by all fair minded people and that he believed the sec retary's Judgment wan warped by false reports of conditions m Nicaragua, mad by an American vice-consul at Managua, former President Jose Sin tos Zeiaya endeavored In 'in inter view today to justify his treatment of the Americans, Cannon and iroce is an act which any one in liiit position would have committed. Zeiaya debarked from the Mexican gunboat General Guerrero this after noon, and left tonight for Mexico City In a private car attached to the reg ular passenger train due in that city on Wednesday morning. "I am going to Mexico City to re main for air months," h said. ' I! the climate agrees with me 1 will send, or, vee for my family. If it does not agree with me I will go to some place In Europe. I am goinsr to Mex ico City to thank President Diax ind the Mexican officials for their kind new to me," The Querrero with Zeiaya and his party arrived outside the harbor last night, where the boat lav until, this morning. At a little past eight o'clock It steamed to the dock and Zeiaya ap peared on deck to wave a greeting to a crowd of townspeople which had gathered. He wus accompanied on his: trip hither by Luis A. Cousin, his former secretary of war; Kobert C. Bo we, his secretary and former Jefs politico, and several friends. Talks to Press. To s. representative of The Asso ciated press whfiiH he received this afternoon on hoard the gunboat, Ze iaya discussed the killing of Cannon and Groce, and the note of Secretary Knox. "Cannon and Groce," Zeiaya declar ed, "were engaged by the conservative party and were brought from Guate- (Continued on Page 4) KENEY BRINGS SUIT TO CLEAR HIS FI NAME OF UGLYJMPUTATIDNS Millionaire Croker made De fendant in Libel Suit for $250,000 BROUGHT IN N. V NEW YORK. Dec. 27. The formal complaint n the damage suit of Fran cis J. Heney of San Francisco, against William H. Clroker, the California millionaire, for J250.000, on an alle gation of libel, was filed here today. Mr. Heney bases his action on an open letter bearing Mr. Croker's nam which appeared In a New York e -enlng newspaper December 1 in which Mr. Croker defended his si tlon In first eupportlng. Heney in the San Francisco graft prosecutions and l.i;ei withdrawing his support. James M. Beck, counsel for Mr. He ney .said today: "Mr. Heney, who nearly save ri life to the cause of exposing corrup tion In San Francisco, desires to set tle once and for all the quest ion as to whether he conducted the prosecu tions against the San Francisco grart ers In an honorable and legitimate' way. In the heat of the great contest in San Francisco, many charges wer made by irresponsible men against Mr. Heney. but w:,?n Mr. Croker as sumed responsibility for these charger and gave them wide circulation in a responsible organ of public opinion. Mr. Heney felt that his opportunity had come to have a Jury of his fellow countrymen determine the Justice or Injustice of the accusation against him. "In San Francisco the graft prose cutions have so divided its people hostile camps that it would seem to be a matter of exceeding difficulty to secure a jury which would consider tha questions Involved with absolute, impartiality. In New York, however, there can be no selfish interest In the Issues which grew out of. the San Francisco graft prosecutions, and her? therefore, a Jury can be selected which can Impartially and fearlessly judge between Mr. uroser s nua tions and Mr. Heney's account of his stewardship as a public official." MYSTERIOUS RISE AND FALL OFSTOCK TO BE FULLY AIRED Believed That R. I. Was Selected For Manipu lation But Plans Miscarried, Investigation Started by Board Exchange. NRW YORK, Dec. 27. Th New York stock exchange has an Invest! gation on its hands. Comrrrfin stock of the Hock Island company rose 31-1-4 points almost immediately aftjr the opening toduy, then, even more suddenly dropped to 50. Thereby hangs a. mystery or a fiasco or some thing that the governors of the stock exchange with characteristic dis patch, will sift to the bottom. With the close of today's session, the governors held a conference and it was announced that a special In vestigation had been Instituted. Fran ces 1. Karnes, former president of the excliunge; J. T. Atterbury and Ernest Groesheck were appointed a committee to conduct tile investiga tion. Conservative members of the exchange are much exercised over the episode and a rigid and search ing Inquiry is demanded, with sum- mury punishment of the offenders of their guilt la established. .Not UcKimnslbls. Officers of the Hock Island dls lalm any responsibility for the movement. At the office of Danlelll (J. Held, who with ex-Judge W. H. Moore. is the acknowledged leader of the Hock Island group. It was said that Mr. Held was Indisposed today. Judge Moore affirmed that personal ly he knew nothing of the excitement until told of it upon his arrival In New York from Chicago this morn ing. So much mystery and, confusion surround the movement that any thing like a clear explanation seems well niKht Impossible at this time. During the brief session which the governors of the exchange held this afternoon several members who fig ured in the ibuylng and selling were called before the committee but no details regarding the preliminary in vestigation were made public. Those brokers credited with executing the orders declined to throw any light on the subject. They will be called to testify later before tha Investigat ing committee. -Stories Co..fliutltiK. Stories purporting to explain the situation are numerous and confliet inss. One theory was that an at tempt at manipulation in the stock had miscarried. According to this evribmation heavT buying orders were placed on the market but HAMMED IN TWO THE E Keeper lludjins and his As sistants Put off to Sea and are Rescued WAS 1IOUSK OF CAUDS NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Dec. 27 Having been rammed and almost cut In two by the four masted schooner. Malconi Baxter. Jr., the Thimble Shoal lighthouse, located four mlli-s almost due east from Old Point Comfort and near the tail of the horse shoe In lower Chesa peake Bay, caught fire and was to tally destroyed at 8. SO o'clock this morning. Keeper Hudglna and his as sistants. J. H, Thomas and T. K F.iulcher. put off in a lifeboat and were subsequently picked up by a rescue en w from the United Sttt"s scout cruiser Birmingham now an chored in Hampton Roads. The men were taken to the cruiser and landed at old Point Comfort late this eve ning. The schooner was Inward bound for Hampton Roads In ballast and vv:i nroce edine under sail. The strong westerly wind and swift tiib threw her off her course and with ,nit warninii she crashed Into the frame lighthouse. The house cruml 1,-d before the vessel like a box and in the smash up the stove in the lighthouse was overturned. The hot coals set the building on lire and all efforts of tbe occupants of the lighthouse to extinguish it were fu tile. After the collision the Malcom was later towed to Norfolk for was was later towed to Norfolk for repairs. The vessel was damaged about the bow. A request has been made to the lighthouse board that a lightship be placed near the wreck until a new light house can be built. MASONIC REUNION. ati.avta TVc 27. The reunion of the Scottish Kite Masons of the southern to risd let inn of the Vnited States began at the Masonic temple here tonight. The sessions oi me ,,,n,-inv, will continue for four days during which fifty candidates will be promoted to the thrity-second degree. of Governors of Stock through some over-sight the orre suefidihg selling orders did not ap pear. The result was, following out this theory that there was compar atlvely little stock for sale and the brokers who had charge of the buy Ing orders had to bid the markets up In order to execute them. During the flurry of the stock to day, the balance of the list. Including the active Issues was extremely weak, with vague apprehension of another "corner " Today's operations in Kock Island common totalled approximately 1118, U00 shares, or more than twenty-five per cent of the whole. The stock fluctuated between :i-4 und XI, Its top price of the llrst half hour, and closed ut 61 1-2. a net gain of l :i-4 points. An officer of the Klrst National bunk of this city, which has Intimate relations with the Hock Island, ex pressed the belief tonight that the whole matter hud its inception In buying for European interests who are supposed to have 'been short In the stock. MINK ON I'lltK. KNOXVIl.I.E. Tenn., Dec. 271, M. Jones, in charge of the Knoxvllle mine rescue station, received a mes sage lnte today summoning him to Artemus, Ky., where the Cumberland mine was reported on fire. He left at once with a. full equipment of ap paratus and should reach the scene at midnight. Nothing Is known here as to whether any miners are Impris oned in the burning mine. The mine (. ovned by the George U. Carter Interests I.KAtil'K REFORMED. . UAJLEIGH. N. C. Dec. 27. The Eastern Carolina. Baseball league wn reformed at. A meeting nt Ooldsboro this evening. It is composed of the same towns as last season. Haielrh re-entered through Mr. H E. Lewie and associates. Dr. Joel Whltnker oi Releigh was re-elected president Raleigh was re-elected nresldent. perfected. ADMIRAL'S VISIT TO MIDI MAI BETTER UNDERSTANDING American Officer Insists it was Merely Personal Visit and Meant Nothing MARCH OF KVFNTS MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Dec. 27 Hear Admiral William Wirt Kimball, in command of the American wur- hips ut Corinlo, accompanied by Georgo T. WeiUel, secretary of the American legation at Panama, and two naval aideo, arrived at Managuu today to pay nn unnfltclal call upon President Madriz. A great crowd gathered at me station an I gave mem cordial greeting, alter which the; drove to a hotel In the earring". Several American Mag were displ.iyeiT and although there was Ino demonstration considerable excitement prevailed. It is rumored about the. city that the vlslt might mean the recognitloi, of President Madrlz by '.he United States. Admiral Kimball, nowever. was emphatic in his assertion that hf called on the president only in liif private capacity. He refused to per init tho georgeously uniformed aid' whom President Madriz sent, to ride on the box of the presidential cue i iage. Krnisto Martinez, the former fi nance minister, whose arrest was or dered on the charge of mlsappropria lion of public funds, has made his escape to Oranada. Joaquin Pesos, Zclavu's son-in-law, is now under ar rest on a similar charge, while Joa quin Navus, a millionaire from Leon also is in the hands of the authori ties. He Is charged with obtaining sso.OflO of the public money from Zeiaya for the surrender of the hid concession, which Wus improperl granted him. The arrest of othei men who have been enriched at In. expense of the country is imminent The belief is general that there wll he a restitution of millions by tie large number of persons who hav. been permitted by the tormer govern ment to 'enjoy large gains Illegal!: through concessions to which the' were not entitled, and in other ways This may mean that the imposition of a general tax will be avoided. The innnclal condition of the present gov ernment is such that it has been un able to ohm in credit for the purchas of flour io provision the army. HUSBAND 'S DEB A UCH ENDS Was Despondent and Morose as Result of Protracted Intoxication. Wounded Moth er-iryLaw and as He Was Dying Tried to Shoot Policeman Who Came Up MACON ,Ga Dec. 27. Despond ent ' and in an ugly moml following xcesslve Intoxication, Edward H. Al- ford tonight shot and Instantly killed his wife, seriously Injured his moth- r-in-law. Mrs. Martha Exum, then turned the pistol on himself, firing m- bullet Into his right temple and another Into his right lung, inflicting n juries which will result In his death. Attracted to the place by five suc cessive shots, Officer R. I. Thomas, would have also fallen I victim before Alford's gun except fori tbe fact that all five cartridges had Keen previously fired. As the officer walked up the bank to the place where the bodies Trains Mo. 'ting on Sharp Curve Send Freight Crew Into Eternity SEYMOUR. Ind.. Dec. 27. Five trainmen were killed and two were fatally hurt today In a head-on freight collision on the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern railroad near Fort Ritncr The dead are Ijuv.rence Amlck, engineer; J. 1.. Routt and Ja cob Emly, firemen; I.lnley Iee and Frank Hattabaugh. brakemcn. It. I. Conley, brakemnn and Frank M. Walls, engineer, were fatally hurt. The trains met on a sharp curve. apparently because of misunder standing of orders. Locomotives and . are were smashed and their wreck age was piled high. The Injured suf fered terribly In the cold before help reached them. MAY TAKE ANOTHER WHACK AT COOK COPENHAGEN, Dec. 27. Tnn special commit! of Coienhig" i I'nl- rsity whicu Investigated Dr. K-c.te.- ick A. CnoiC.i uolar record", I' n-iv.- considering whither or no: it wvil publtHh a Re-old report, gh In;: fur ther details cf Us work. If to- com mittee should .Ici'le Io do s. , P III issue the renin nbo'j' the i.i.'l (' of January. A member . f C.e ' itnmitt' i t'. ', to lay "that some. ( detail-. f Dr. I'ook's narr.itl'.'e los c?'.l i.,n were fabricate I .ind ! p:ip".'' s.k w- that he had n J calcula . loin fur nUhed bv C- I'".:n I,o.. . 11" - nil report, ne add-i would I !' ei ut evidence to that ed't. TAFT'S NIECE TO MARRY SNOWDEN NEW YORK. Dec. 2" George Hogg Bnowden, twenty-six years old. r.t Hoattle. obtained a license at city hall today to wed Miss Ixmlse Wither- bee Taft, daughter of Henry W. Tart, brother of the president The wed ding will be held at the Taft home here December 80. , WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. -Forecast for North Carolina: Generally fair iiiesday and Wednesday, light to moderate west winds. (FAIR IF WIFE AND HIS lay beside a fence, Alford prostrate upon the ground and groaning with pain, turned and snapped his revolver In the policeman's face. At the Macon hospital at midnight the surgeons stated that Mrs. Kxum would recover. She was shot through the fleshy part of tho left arm and through the neck, Airord's death Ik but a matter of few hours. Alford was an employee of the Mosses Fel ton company und was a steady work man. He was under the Influence of liquor for several days recently, but had become sober. Two months ago he attempted sui cide by taking morphine. Several CUPTIBIGEW'IEUS OF PERILS OF THE DEEP Little Pour-year-old Daugh ter Was Hurled From Wreckage to Safety NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Captain Edkar Hlgelow, his wife and small child and the four members of the crew of the American schooner Eu gene Borda, which was storm wrecked on November 29 while car rying a cargo of lumber from Nova Scollu to Philadelphia were brought to port today by tho Red Star line steamship Vuderland. which effect )d their thrilling rescue while on Its eastward trip. The Vuderland took tho rescued persons to Antwerp and Hu n brought them back to this coun try. The captain's wife. In speaking of the rescue at sen suid that the small bout from the Vaderland could only get within twenty feet of the schooner and that from that distance her four year old daughter was hurl ed from the deck of the Borda tO the Vaderlund's rescuing crew. All on the schooner were suffering from hunger when picked up as the entire food suflply had been souki'il willi sea water. YOUNG MAN DIES AT HICKORY, N. 0. 1 1 ICK' It Y, N. C. Dec. tl. fr. James A. Collins of Orange, Va., died here yesterday morning at 1.45 of consumption. Mr. Collins und bin sister, Miss Harriet Collins, moved here for his health Hbout two and one half years ago, but he has never improved and during the past year he has steadily grown worse. The death was expected. Mr. Collin wus twenty-two years old and a graduate of Kandnlph-Macon college. He con tracted the disease while In school. He has five sisters living and three brothers, one of whom Is Mr. W. H. Collins of this city, assistant superin tendent of the Metropolitan Life In surance company. Two of hlr sisters, Misses Harriet and Ada Collins, will accompany the body to Orunge to night. FALL TO BOTTOM OP MINE AND DEATH KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Dec. 27 being lowered Into McPhcarson mine at Dnicktown, Tenn., this morning Henry Walker and William Clauntz were Instantly killed. They were nearly hree hundred feet below ground when an Iron croseheod above them broke loose and falling struck both men, knocking them out of the skip. They fell to the bottom of th shaft Into a pool of water. Nearly ronr hours elaimed before their bodies were recovered. i IN M URDER OWN SUICIDE years ago he also attempted to take his own life In a like manner. After abusing his wife and her mother tonight he drew his pistol and stated to them he was going to kill them and himself. They fled from the house. Ha followed and fired upon Mrs, Kxum, shooting her u she ran, The wire run toward her husband after tie had (hot her moth er. He fired upon her and then turn ed his gun upon himself. The hus band fell across the body of his wife and In this position an officer found the three prostrate forms. A fourteen year old daughter the only child, was absent from home when,: th tragedy occurred, ' '''i'-1"." , - . .,....; IS IIAl Former Treasurer of South Pines Country Club Near Raleigh is Wanted NEW YORK, Dec. 27 Russell B. Geyer was arrested here today and held for the uuthoi-itles of Moore county, North Carolina, charged with etrrbcjczlement of 1688 from the Hou them Pines Country club near Rat leigh. Ueyer was treasurer of the club and the alleged offense was com mitted more than year ago. Ueyer said he hod been In a sanitarium for more than a year and did not know the police were looking for him. He declared that he had gone through bankruptcy proceedings and believed that his accounts with everybody were square. BRYAN WELL AND ON WAY TO SANTIAGO HAVANA, Dec, 27. William J. Bryan who Is on hi way to Jamalcu arrived here Ihls morning. He was entertained t breakfast by tho Ameri can minister. Edwin V. Morgan. The guests who numbered more than one hundred Included the vice-president of Cubu, Alfredo Kayos, Brigadier Gene'. at Ashert, Governor of Havana prov ince, Colonel Orestes FVrrara, presi dent of the hous.. of representative and other Cuban officials as well an the most prominent members of the American colony. Mr. Bryan made a brief address, expressive of trie corniai rood wishes of the people of the Unit ed Staten toward Cuba. Afterwards he was presented by Minister Morgan to President Gomez, Mr. Bryan .efl tonight Tor Santiago. BRIDEGROOM KILLED ON WEDDING DAY iitii mui.A . 5'i. Doc. -7 A ! few minutes alter he ImI yen ruar- rlod to Miss Rose Butler. Gabriel I-n. a young farmer, was shot and almost Inirtuntly killed by Joe Jackson, a re jected suitor of the bride near Lyrp to. duy. The sceno of the killing is in a remote section of this county and of the particulars are known. A sher iff's posee with bloodhounds is pur suing Jackson. CARNEGIE HURT A: BY PALL ON ICE NEW TORK, Dec. IT. Andrew Carnegie slipped on an tcy spot while aiound the reservoir In Cen tral park today and suffered a painful Injury to his left knee. He wes unable to be present at a dinner at hie home tonight which he gave to Oovernor Hughes, President Butler ot Colum bia university and thera. BROKAW melange F Matrimonial Bickerings of Wealthy Snob And Bride Cease to be Attractive PUBLIC IS GROWING SICK UNTO DEATH Ergo. Newspaper Space Will. Become .More Valuable and Keal News 'Vltl Follow NEW YO UK, Dec. 17. Jaur Wall .'' boys, preferring the tory of tbe mnt rlmonkil troubles of the wealthy Bre kaws to the thrills of sledding, wers the only outsiders who braved the snow drifts on Long Island today ti" attend the court eeealon at Mlneols. Mrs w. Oouid Hrokow did not arrive until (ho afternoon with her father ! und sister. She listened gHentlvcIV to the croMs-examlmitlon of her hue bond, who dqtfed today That the tone of his testimony on Friday meant that he was eager for a reconciliation. M, "You suy you are fond of her do you love her?" queried Arthur , J. linldwin, counsel for Aire. Urokaw. "Well. I'm fond of her." "Do you love her T" insisted lh lawyer. . .. ' .,..,.;.(... . "Not so much a I did," Answered : he witness "Then how about ail thee rcon-v filiation statements?" , - , "1 never talked at All lo the news paper men. t haven't tuld anything except In court." ' , . . , "Then what did you any In court?', ''I an Id," continued Urokaw, "thu' it mrs. ura saw wuuia us iiiirereni and . I could believe her, f might talc her back under certain onndltlona.". "Do you, or do you not want ti take her back ? naked Mr Baldwin "Not alnce 1 found out certuiu. things, which ! have learned - sine Krldey," said the witness, , i v ' ; ; "But ,hjven't you changed . your mind rood many times?" . . , . , . W$feevJUa", parried lu-okaw, v ' Anxious About ', The witness declared that his pre-,f nt decision was final. Broke w scrtit Intied telegrams which have figured ' conspicuously In the trial. lis sold -that his many .telegraphic queries ' concerning his wife's doings were prompted only by tollcttuda for her health and not by suspicions. . Asked If he had ever employed a detective to shadow Mrs, Itrok&w he replied: ' . - "I never did. I haven't paid any bills for detective work since before, my marriage." Couneot lor Mrs. Broknw Inquired. whv certain uersons had not been subpoenaed witnesses for 'the de fense, especially Brokaw't prlvat eecretary Byford, for- a ion time Hrokaw's confidential man. Brokaw replied that Byford had only returned from Europe last Friday. '"Did you ever know of Mr. Byford ending telegrama to butler and ser- . vanta Inquiring about Mrs. Brokaw'a movements without your knowledge or any secretary who did?" asked Air. Baldwin, "Oh, he may have wired to ash v what was going on In the house' an swered the witness. "Then we are to unaernann . inn your eecratary Inquired of the ser vants and In that way found out about Mrs. Brokaw'a movements?" "Well, it was not done with the purpose of spyln on Mrs, Brokaw. It was to find out what was going on -In the house." , - r "He wanted to Inquire about Mrs. Hrokmw's health?" ( , "Yes." "He' waa very fond of Mrs. . Hro kaw? Yes. I think ha woa." a. CM1 HER LIWYEBTHE TIN CAN Colonel Hare, However Had Withdrawn from the Case For Unknown Reasons MEW YORK. Dec. .7, -Mrs. Car. idlne U. Martin, mother of Mrs. Ocsy Hnead, victim of tho East Orange hathtub tragedy, changed - lawyer today. U was announced that Col i ni..r .1. Hslre had withdrawn from the defense of Mrs, Martin and ,er sister, Mrs. Mary Hneaa, new hr for en trad It ion to New Jersey ; on Indictment chancing them with complicity In caualn Ocey aneaa trta oi iice waa taken by . Clark I Jordan, an assistant from whose of fice had a long consultation wun two elderly women today. The day was bare of development In the famous case, : , TWENTY EIGHT DEAD. i. MADRID, Dec. 17. Dispatches re ceived here say i that . twnnty-elKht ptrwma perished In a lundslide caused by the Hoods in a village near Vlana, Navarre., i DRAWSACROWOO FOUR SILL BOYS

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