'A THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1909. SOCIAL 8l PERSONAL The approaching marriaKe "f Mis Frances Cooper, dauKhUr of Mr. ani Mm Chalmers Selden Cooper of tins city, .to Mr, Ashley U. Ogden of ltal , tlmore which takes January Kill t the home of the brides' pat-inns will w ' interest to the many friends of the former In Ashevllle. The cnmit;.- jnent which hue existed for sever. il i months has not been made jiuKlii- un " U this time when thu date of the m early marriage I also announced. ,f Alias Cooper Is considered urn- of l he . most beautiful Kirls In Ashevllle, In r unusual type being distinctly nrtiHtk '" Mies Cooper is nut only charming but '' fflfted with a remarkably firm vol... ,. Which It Is predicted by prominent fi musicians, would undoubtedly have placed her among the foremost ging ers on the concert stag)'. Miss Cooper Will leave many friend In Ashes Die "f to regret her departure, while they Will be glad to know that he In ro- Jng to Baltimore to live where, In tin artistic atmosphere she will be espe cially appreciated. Mr. Ogden In an illustrator and color plate engraver, and designer of prominence In Haltl- more and has an established engruv U, lng business of some magnitude In sst that city. Immediately after the mar riage whlcti will be very (inlet Mr. and Mrs. Ogden will go to New York (or a several weeks stay and have t- taken apartments In the "Bclvldere," n In BalUmors which will be their per jfi roanent home. The wedding takes a place at noon, Saturday, January nth, at the home of the brides' parenlH, ' Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Cooper In Wool t sey. if Jt J ' $ The Young Woman's Missionary L society of the First Presbyterian church met at the horns of Miss - Stockton on Merrlmon avenue yester- v day afternoon. m . If If ! Mrs. Arthur ilankln entertains In formally with a small bridge party J Wednesday afternoon at her home on Vrange street. t Jt Jt Mrs. W. C. Hudson has Issued In- ii citations to an Informal bridge part)' which will occur Friday afternoon tit her residence en Chestnut street. Jt jt f The children of All Souls', Jtlltmore, i will have their Christmas entertain ment this evening, which will begin with Mereoptlcan pictures and will nd with a Christmas tree. The ,- children will sing a number of carols composed by Mr, V. V. Marker during .which special and appropriate slides will b shown, , t t -J Jt The board of directors of the Young Women's Christian association Will be entertained at luncheon today at the Henrietta on South Main street At , four O'clock at an Informal tea, the ; directors will receive the members of L the various committees at which time ! a report will be read of the recent conference at Richmond, Vs.. A fore cast of the Year's work will also he given mud the afternoon promises to ' be of special interest to those wno at tend. ' j j jt .' Hon. and Mrs, James Ottdger, jr., leave today for Clyde to attend the ' Klrkpatrlek-Pferffer wedding which occurs Wednesday at noon, and dur ing their stay in Clyde will be the guests of Mr. D, M. Cagle. Wednes-i ; day evening Mr. dudger has been In vited to make an address at the Ma sonic rally in Canton which he tins accepted and on his return to Ashe Vllle Thursday will deliver an address at the holiday banquet glvon by the Jr. O. U. A. M. Jt Jt The Strollers annual Christmas dinner takes place this evening at the Manor, the private dining room be ing elaborately decorated for the af .. fair. Every conceivable bnublo of the Christmas tree has been Included In the scheme of decoration, and yards of the tinsel lichen (so difficult to ob tain latterly) have been used. The souvenirs are pretty and original, the place cards and unique center pieces, to. There will be between thlrty flve and forty guests and the dance which follows will be largely attend ed. Dinner Is at 7 o'clock. Jt Jt Mm. Frank Carter entertains "'it-i urday at her residence on Montfonl; avenue for a number of the young people of the Montfonl section l:r are at home for the holidays. The'i affair will be verv Informs 1. I Jt J The Thursday Itrldge club will meet ! this week at the residence of Mrs t George Calvert. i Flannelette and Outing KIMONOS and NIGHT ROBES at 20 per Cent Discount Cotton (Ycpe Kimonos .uv rrtluccd as well s the flannelette. Lniitf at '2.M) to jC.I)0 are now Boiling for $1.60 to $4.00.. Short at $1 ."() to $3.00 are now selling at $1.20 to $2.40. These Kimonos ;;re fresh and new in bright coloi'H, and at lowcretl rices in the middle of winter should lie very attractive. Outing Kightrobes are red need from $1.00 and $2.00 to 80c and $1-60. Kxtra sizes as well as regular. M. V. WOMEN'S FURNISHIN OS The children of thu 'hcstnut Hired MethodlHt ihiit' h are Kolni to tunc a t 'tirlt ro.iti ent erta iiinn at thin ' V' li IriK whlih will ev lt the envy of not only thi' rent of the nuclide world, but also that of the grown lips. Hanla i 'lane will arrive In a boat laden to the guards. It h toys fr om In- North pole, made during his vear'H retire ment, and or new- and hcuutlfiil Hhnpc. He will Bleep In bin boa", until aroused by the .young people, who will tell him lie has reached his destination, and he, will then deliver to them the various packages. The children are .ntlrlm.tliiK the event with the greatest pleaxure, and at 7. '10 this evening they will all be ther waiting for bis arrival. I'.ev. (I. i Hurley, pastor of the church. has been Instrumental In making rrniii,e mutilH for the visit or Hantu I'laus. Jt M Ikh Oladys Kcdwood entertain wltlr an Informal card party this ev ening to which a number of her ynuiijf friends have been Invited. J Miss Kllsaheth Murphv. who is spending the holidays with her par ents. Judge and Mrs. .Murphy, will entertain informally Friday eviinll)'! with a "watch purty." There w'll be ill! I1C lllg. Jt J Mln r'hnrllv I'rniir entertains In formally Wednesday evening at her residence on Montfonl uvenuo. Jt J A very enjoyable evening woe spent at the residence of Kev. und Mrs. H. I'. Walker In West Ashevllle, which was given In honor of Miss leucine Ooode. The party was verv Informal, gomes were played, there was music, and later refreshments were served. Amnnir the sueets were Miss Ooode, Mrs. Pattwstin, Misses Minnie and Lillle Jones, Miss Julia Brown, Misses Annie and Myrtle Uigon, Mr. Charles Llnelterry, Mr. M. H. Jones, Mr. wii ii,.m itaiiinirer Mr. John Jlalllnger, Mr. Theodore Bbelton, Mr. Theodore Kyser, Mr. Taylor Cockran. Mr. r.m mons Patterson, Mr. Carl irgan, Mr. Mack Drown, Mr. Itlchard Duckett, Mr. t'url T. Oossett and others. J Jt Mr. and Mrs. George O. fiinith gave meuntlnn at the r beautlrui new tim "UrooUwooil Ilunaiilow." In Kdgemont pttrk lust evening to the members of the First cnurcn or Christ, Scientist. The bungalow Is one of the most perfectly planned end .etl.tlenllv n.nil harmoniously oecoia ted In the city, and Christmas holly and mistletoe decorations usea lest venlnff com Dieted a very beautiful picture of Interior decoration. There were a number of guest present, the list being confined to the members of the church. jt jJ One of the pretty children's parties of the holidays was given yestsraaj by little Miss Martha. Moore Woold rldge at her home on Montford ave nue. The children played many luiiea, danced, and enjoyed a very pretty collation. The guests were Misses Mary Minor, Cuthbert and Adele DufoHr, loulse Keeling, Emily llourne, Mildred Courtney, Dorothv and Annie Tennent, llannati Jons, Dorothy and Virginia Randolph, RUm nor McCloud, Florence Mlllor, Kuth orine Arbogast, Elsie Alexander, Flor ence James, Emily MeCreudy, Annie Lowe and Gladys Lowe. Miss Mabel Stone entertained last evening, at her residence on North French llnmd avenue with a dunce Holly and mistletoe decorated the house and the affair was altogether delightful. Miss Btone's guests wore Miss Hortense Jones, MUs Helen Taylor, Miss Dorothy Long. Mlsn Catherine Beadles, Miss Kleunor Teague, Miss Myrtle Ouilger, Ml Henderson, Miss Kathleen Morris Miss Elolse Carroll, Miss Virginia Wil liamson, Charles lllltiard. Will Drum mond. Clayton Rogers, Armand Thorpe, Harry Schuessler, Allen Kld dlck. ithett Dufour, KlfTcn Rockwell, Richard Loughran, Raysor Bnlley. M lrlght Chambers, Herbert Stone end Albert Low. m. rhrlstmns dance nt the Bat tery Park hotel was one of the Jolllcst parties of the holidays, aim tin " ly numlx r of young people who brav ed the elements, were amply repaid by the warmth and gaiety within. The hollv and pungent cedar scented the atmosphere with a very "Christ mass v" odour, and from the low swinging boughs across the huge mantb-pleees. tarleton stockings AIM with nuts, fruit und caudles, added MOORE It PATTON AVE. much to the siheme of decoration. The young people darned until mid night and between dunces roasted chestnuts, and toasted marshmallows on long wire books. The evening was delightfully informal and was such a success that Mr Alexander Was Im portuned to give another dance and has announced u New year's eve dnnoe. The young people will see the new year in. and light refreshments will he served, etc. Spears' orchestra will play every evening during the week Tii' usual Invitation list will prevail :il the .N'.-w Years dance. The ijuii t marriage of Miss Amelia Heniiley of A risonviile. N '., arid Mr. it. .4. Ab inethy of this lty wus sol emnized at the Ora street 1'resbyter lun manse, liccernber 21st, by the pastor, Kev. 10. Lysurnler Orau. There were u few Intlmuie friends of the young people present. The small drawing room In which the ceremony ra i urreil, was prettily decorated with chrysanthemums and ferns Miss Hendley wore a becoming gown of blue i loth with hat to matc h. As the bride onP red the room Mrs. Orau softly played Mendlessohus wedding march. Mrs. M. I- C'hunn was the only attendant, and was attired In un amethyst colored gown with but of the same tint. The best man was Mr. M. I. Chunn. Miss Hendley who hus resided In Aahevlllu recently, has made many friends during her res idence In Ashevllle and Is most pop ular In the younger set of Anson vllle. Mr. Abernethy Is well known and llkitl in the city, and holds a responsible position with the South ern rullwuy. Mr. und Mrs. Aber nethy have gone on a wedding trip after which they will reside at :!82 8. French Hroud avenue. Jt Jt Mrs. W , 11. Wcstttll entertained with u dinner Christmas duy at her residence on Clayton street. The dec orations of holly and mistletoe were especially attractive and artistic. Mrs Westall's guests Were, I r. and Mrs. William M. Vines, Judge and Mrs Prltchard, Mr. and Mrs. Ixgan, Mrs. Walter LuU and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westiill. Mire. R. U. Hunt who Is III at the Mlsalon hospital is doing well. Mrs. Jnmle Sawyer and her dnugh ler have gone to Mobile to visit rela tives for a fortnight. Mrs. Philip C. Cocke anil her son Philip, Jr., left yesterday for Florida where they will spend the remainder of the winter. Mrs. Cocke, hus not been In good health recently und goes to recuperate. Mr. Herman (Judger, the son of Judge anil Mrs. Huseklah (ludger, Is spending the holidays In the city and will later return to th Hnlveriity of Pennsylvania law school. Mr, end Mrs. Kdward 1 Holmes and small son are spending the weel with Mrs. James Green Mnrtln, nt "Bonnivlew." Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Collins and son Douglass, are guests of Mr. end Mrs. II. T. Collins during the holl days. Mr. Newton M. Anderson of the Ashevllle school has gone to New York for a week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Moore nnd their daughters hiwe gone to New York for ii two week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. l Johnson have re turned to Yale, N. C, after a visit of several days to their shlldren In this city. Dr. C. W. Hutchlns of New York Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. F. I.. Hunt. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. C. Wuddeil, Jr., and Miss Eugenia Johnston arc gu-sts of Mr. and Mrs. Tench Coxe at Ituther rordton. Dr. Joseph B. Green Is spending a few days at his former homo In Birmingham, Ala. Messrs. Grady Dotson, Ray Stalon Paul Rhodes and Calvin Williams are visiting Mr. Carl Oossett nnd other friends In West Ashevllle and will remain several days. Mr. C. T. HeiiTln after spending the holidays with his mother. Mrt, Charles Hoarln In Albemarle park, left yesterday for a short visit to Mobile before returning to school In Luwrencevllle, N. J. Mr. Willurd C. Northrup has re turned from Winston-Salem to spend the week with his parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Northrup. Mr. Trumbull of Chicago Is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Thompson Frnicr at Crows Nest." Mr. Trumbull Is a brother of Mrs. Fraser. Miss Arney Robinson left yesti r dny for Rochester, N. Y., to uttend the student volunteer conference, to which she was appointed delegate I rum the Women's College of Colum bia. H. C- Superintendent R. J. Tigho luif gone to (liarlotle for several days. Mr Harry l.ungel has returned to Chicago after spending Christmas with his rainlly on orange street. Miss C.r.i. e M. H. .lories left esl.r dny tor Charlotte. Mrs James Walter Shaw bus gone to New York and will vhortly go aliroad, spending the winter In Ab". andrla. Fgvpt, and in Southern 11 ilv Dr nnd Mrs P l. Sinclair nr.' spending their holiday vacation will! Mrs Siricdlair'.s parents in Morgan ton. Miss Bird Zachury of Cashiers, N. C, wiio has spent the liolli' n-N wtth Mrs. Mabel Buchanan on Swannano-.i has returned to school in Transxh.i nia county. Mrs C. M. Trull, who lias been man ager of the Green ,v Co ..drcs-sina,;-Imr establishmi'nt during the past seoson has resigned and in a short time will open an establishment of her own. Miss I.ila Sumner who has been "KRESS' 5, 10 & 25c Store Will be closed this morn ing. Preparations are now going on for the annual in ventory and all left over holiday goods, odd lots, soil ed or damaged goods are be ing .separated from the regu lar stock and will be on sale this afternoon, on bargain tables. All Kress' Managers have received instructions that every piece of open .stock holiday goods, broken assort ments as well as all goooX' that are the least bit scaled or slightly damaged must be closed out before the annual inventory is taken, Friday afternoon, Dee., .r51st, so look out for bargains this after noon, and until sold out." yesterday for Rochester, N. Y., to at tend the student volunteer convention as a delegate from the University of Wooster, WooSter, o. After the con vention Miss Humner will return di rectly to the university. Dr. C. W. Hutching or New Yur!. Is the guest for the holidays n, Mrs F. L. Hunt on Hillside street. AMUSEMENTS The Serant In the House. Tyrone Power, the creator of the famous Draln-Mun role In "The Ser vunt In the House," occupies a unique position on the American stage. His splendid physique, great voice and compelling personality have enabled him to portray with telling power and absolute realism characters that no other actor of the stage of this coun try could make altogether convincing. Mr. Power hap created some of the most Impressive characters In latter day drama the Drain-Man being the climax of this series. The wonderful and weird power or hl Judas In Mrs. Flske's production or "Mary of Mag dnla" was the sensation of a recent season. Charles Frohman selected him especially to create I'lysses in the American presentation of Step, o n Phillip's poetic drama of that mime. Mrs. Flsko sought him out to por tray Lord Steyn. the roue old noble man or "Reeky" Sharp. None of these earlier successes. however, has added so sulwt.'intlally to Mr. Powers reputation as his pres- nt picturesque and intensely dramat ic role. This character, the Hraln- Man. Is a person of necessary, but, ordinarily, not savory occupation. At the 'beginning of the play he Is a bit ter socialist, almost nil anarchist. lie- fore the end of the play he proves GUKSS what I'm wishing for right now; a box of N U NN ALLY'S. No other candy can take its place. There is none so pure, so good, so uni formly fresh. It comes to town almost daily by fast express which keeps it in much dain tier condition than the other candies which come by slow freight. A fresh supply always kept by KAYSOIt'S DKl tJ KTOKK. 31 ration Avenue. "None Like Nannalty'M." himself the dominant figure of the story and In a scene of tremendous power In the last act announces his Intention of facing almost certain death to save lis brothers, one of whom had grievously wronged him. There Is a wealth of pathos, comedy, and eloquence in the Drnin-.Muri role. : and Tyrone Power gives It an Inter pretation that brings out Its full val ue. Mr. Power anil the original New , York cast are guaranteed to present I "The Servant In thv House" at the Orand next Friday night. December 31. This is promised as one of the dramutk' events of the season. TO Cl'RlC A COLD IV o.VK DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. K. W. OKOVE's sig nature Is on each box. 25c. i:DOHSKI). 4 by highest medical experts and observant druggists us the most valuable discover!' of the age, Yick's Crorix : neu- f monia Sale- i.il., a, .;;i:.-,ti- tute f : .. i. sold reliable, ar,,-. r , arid $l.aii All druggists. 4 WATtUKS MY KI'KCIAl.T If you need a watch that will keep time, we have them, and nt prices that are Hunt, lino Watch Hopairlnr; .1. K. CAUPEXTKIt. 32 1'alon Ave. Stoves, Heaters and Ranges at reduced prices. Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main St. Every Vcman iBiuu'wtufu ana iQouiti Know about Uw Wunderful LMARVELWhirilngSpray I II tWW VustI! h,rli C(.. 34 oil cnnteii- Jt clcah0ts 1( U ofttuiot .USPIV tlio H A II V K 1.. , (. pt no ottiw. tint wnd .tmp fur IHiMn.U'd bouk -alml. It rilmm full luvrtlrnlArs luni Jirwrlo" la- I l.ul SldM.wl.Kl.WlUliK M. WEBB & COMPAQ Millinery Importers No. 6 Battery Park Place. Phono 1011 COFFEE TEA Fresh roasted Coffee every week at Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. 35 K. COI.I.KCIF. ST. I All orders promptly delivered Phone 1713. Ti'-'" Tl i I .-in ''ni A roar (tnwrrtntt-Tlt. Wk. t 'mlKwfifet u i ... m 1 '. VJl.:..WliHiA.'.' - .". - Another Shipment of JHq$q Popular cCa eine Corsets The La Reine has been one of our most popular sellers in corsets. The continued success of this corset is assured, for they have given entire satisfaction to all who have worn them. The La Reine is a corset that has stood the test so well that when a woman wears one, she always wants to duplicate. Some ladies have lots of trouble with corsets, this will be entirely ob viated by securing a La Reine. La Reine Corsets are priced at $1.00 to $5.00 each. sjole Jtgents for the Celebrat ed a eine Corsets you money Eye Specialist r No. -10-ll Drhumor Bldg. ASHEVILLE PHARMACY Prescriptions Culled for and Dellve 3Z 0 8jB Having received my Holiday Supply of Oriental Goods a little too late for the season, I am going to offer them for sale at 20 per Cent Discount t Sale Opens Today (Monday) at 9 a. m. Ml City Stationery Co. H. M. Nahikian. 23 ration Ave. NO PNEUMONIA In the homo that has M K, V Indian Coal in the cellar. It is THK perfect fuel sold in Asheville. Over !)" per cent t-aihon. JMione VM. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PAIXI,KSS DENTISTRY Now Is the time to look after your decayed teeth saves pain and worry durlnfr the rold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain Xo charge for examination- Prices always reasonable. K Pr. Matthews' Dental . Parlors. Cor. College and Spruce Sts., near Uie Court llou.se Office Phone BI9, Itasl- ilcuce Phone 972. CITIZEN WANTADS BRING RESULTS. '.i,A'li.jy - '.i. - ..) ,.t.,e.TT.B'.'"t-"!-'.I.V.'-!t.-W: FREE! It will cost you nothing to consult me regarding your eye troubles. Take advantage of the opportunity It mav uv later. F. K. GARDNER, Manufacturing Optician Cor. Church and I'attoo Ave. Opp. Post Office. Phones 1360-260. red. IT IS A WISE THING ' 4 ' to be prepared for emergencies. Many people go through life and suffer Trom cramps, cilii-e, neural gia, rheumatism, cold on their chest without knowing the quick comrort that a hot water bag gives. We have them In different sizes, as well as all kinds of rubber goods In sprays, douches and everything up-to-date In the Drug line. ; J WALTON & McLAIN. 20 DISCOUNT SALES Commences Dec. 15th at 9 a. m. and lasts until Dec., 31, 6 p. m. This la no fake sale. Come and get your nice useful presents, and save 20c on every dnlliir you spend. Walton & MclJiln Furniture On. Phone lSir.. ID 8. Main St. For a Christmas Gift. A rare exclusive old piece of Antique Jewelry, or fur niture w ould he most appre ciated. VICTOR STERN'S Antique Arts and Crafts Shop Snndley Huildlng Haywood St. Christmas Dinner. at Watsons l.iulics Cafe and Catering CV. 1 1 Cliurch St. Phone 1723 See Citizen Saturday for Christmas menu. .1. W. WATSOX. All kinds of of pastry, rakes, hread etc. Fresh Daily j LITTLE BAKERY 31 E. College St. The latest in HAIR GOODS f Can lie seen here MISS CRUISE, " roo bl spending the holidays at home left v

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