THE ASUEVILLE CITIZEN". WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1909. SOCIAL . PERSONAL The Strollers annual iIIihut I.ih evening- at the Monnr milii' .-. I,ihi-iI any eimilar former m-casioo mul iln affair v.ub ut on.,, tun omul uii'ii-n-Wid beautiful given In th.. i-i'y In nome yean. The private dlnlm; 1.-.1.1 iktts transformed Into a Ini i I ;i t hi:; fairyland. From Invisible HimulM : i p&nded from the relllng tlnwl liih. n of various delicate lint, huntt In yjis tehlng lengths, which causli! nnd r fleeted a thousand t Imca evry IikIiI In the apartment. Under ihl 1.1,1 -lUuit and delicate ranopv, the l-ni,' dinner table, In the form of n nrii. cross, glittered with a liKht c.vitIih! of "snow" and In the eentcr 11 l.i-miil- ful little Christmas tree, villi pal waxen candles, held Klftn for en. h Of the forty truest. The lftH win mall dolts, odd little necklm beads, tinsel UoJl, and vurloiiH pk-ii souvenirs of tha affair The plac- cards were decorated with holly, and souvenir tab! e enveloped In holly and mistletoe at the aide of the room held s, large ornamental basket filled with quaint dolls and Inrirc colored Unset balls. There were rattles nnd horns and various noisy toy peoillur to the holiday season, all of which ware sounded with convincing effect during the evening. There were , also toasts and speeches and the din ner was a huge success. Afterward the fcuests repaired to the Albemarle, club house and the remainder of the evening was spent In music, dam-Inn and bowling. The reading of IXckcim' "Christmas Carol,'' before a biasing Tul log by Mr. Burnett Jordan, surrounded by member' of tho club, wu Uie moat Interesting feature of the evening. Mr. Jordan caught tho C'hrlstmaa spirit which Illuminated his . Interpretation of the well known and beautiful story. Mr. Jordan never read better, nor was he mors appro - dated than hurt evening. The entire decoration Jid success of the annual dinner was due to Mr. Jordan, who lut head of the Strollers ha never tost Interest Jn their welfare, whether the occasion b one of work or piny. There were About forty guests, n few of '. whom, ' weta not tnamfcert of the club and the evening was In every way thoroughly enjoyed. ; Mr. and Kirs. W. H. Weatull tntor talned Informally In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westell, Monday evening at their home on Clayton street. The house wm decorated lavishly With holly and mistletoe, - Mr. ami Mrs. Wee tail's guest were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weste.ll, Mr, .and , Mrs. J.utK, - Hit Illokert, Dr. Purefoy, Mia lw Is, Mr. Lewis, Mr. B. B. Lwln. Mr. and Mr. Crockett Waatatl, Mlas Wolf, Mr, Fred. Wolf, Mr. John Muckay and, Mr. Chorlos Westall. ' O' , t ,, S , '" Uttle Mia Oertrudo Nichols gave a prtty children' party Monday after nnon at her home on Ann street In honor of her tenth anniversary. Th.4 , children played number of gomes and later, in the afternoon refroah ment were aorved. . The guest war Mlaae Mabl Morris, Clara Alexander, Mabel .nd Annie Corbln, Olnrly and Lnhv MoCanle, Ray Wilson. Master Jlmmle 8ugH, Cyril Henry, hoy Nlchol Mid Edwin Alexander. -: -- J V- Mia Mary. Ambler entertained In formally last evening at her home on Mammon venu with , Christmas party to which a. .number of youni. people wer Invited. Mr. Willis Collin will entertain Thurday Afternoon at her home on Cumberland avenue In honor of Mrs. Wallace Rollins of Sweet Briar, Tenn , and Mrs. E. E. Bagan of Atlanta, On., with & tea. .: 1 : - j j If bet Eva Horner entertained last evening with an Informul Christmas M. V. MOORE Announces a Clearance Sale of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR at Cent 25 per This is a l.rc-invciitorv l shall he in effect only i'nr uy, Friday and Saturday The underwear is neither soiled, nor inhroken assort iiu iifs. Much of lutely new, has iiiK heeii purchasetl for next Spring soiling. It will not he displayed : that would mean more labor. The single exeitse is to reduce stock foi1 inventory. The lino is complete and abundant: corset covers, drawers, petticoats, gowns, chemises, and combinations: prices for all grade, V.) cts. up to $15.00, uniformly discounted one fourth. ., v. party in honor of ln-r bonne ku ct , Mitw Ail. I.ndc vv'Ii.-I.-kh. The iiM.t Hii'f'KMfnl I'hriitmna on-li-rlii in rii'-nt i--i- kI-ii In the IdntMry .f Hi.- lira Hlr.-il I 'n sl,y I 1 ,.1 ri rliui. h and HnliUilh m Imul wriM Indd Mnnday ninht i't61i" i hurrli un ' ira atr'i t. l-:vci y room ivjia unc1 to ac '!imiri'iilalijhi. pcupp- and a very laiKM v..ih turned :nvi.y. The Hithjei t was "A V'lall from Mr. anrt Mm, Sanl.i I'laua," anil they both played llnlr iarm splendidly. Th pr'HKrarn van hj followM: Hiimk by tlni Mihool: "Joy to the World. ' IriMi. Kev. K. I.ysander ilrnu ltecltatlutl: "I lur Welcome," Ua- cntnlie Janne. KiuiIIhk: "Who Santa Clang Mar ried, " Mlna Kather Key. Arrival of Mm. Bantu ('laua and n uhort talk hy her. HonK: "Chrlatmas Oreeiing." thirty voices of the Junior I'hllathea rlaae 1-otiK dlatance telephone message from Hanta :iaus, leaving the North pole. IfernhlH of Christmas: Six girls of Ml Ha ICIIu. I'iiIIm' clan I, cola MeCalis ter, Clara Htreetman, Cornelia Wells, Geneva. 1'reaiilcy, Kugeiilit Herrmann and Alberta I'iikIi. Hook: "Waltlnn for Santa Claus. fourteen children of the classes of MIhh Rtockton and Mlas Hmlth. Itecllatlon: "If I iould be Hanln Claus," Herbert Kay. "When Christ Was Horn," two boya of Miss Itodd's cliuwt, lloylu Adums and Hoy Mull. liong ulstunce telephone meeaie from Hanta Claus at Buffalo. "What I Want," eight boys In cluaees of MIms Frankle KUe nnd Mis KltiKenald. Will Monday, Teddy Steele, Arthur Mclean, Edgar Mich aol, Thad Ailnmu, James Harrison, Willie Downle and Wealey Poor. Ke.tatlon: "The Herald Htar," Nu onil McUUn. Bong: "Long Ago on Christmas,' forty voices from the clnsscs of Ml Smith and Mlae Htockton. Htar Drill, five girls from Mrs. Hay's Class; Mary Cnjdwoll, Kdwlnna Hay. Daisy Prussley, France Tarpley anl Clii.rft Knlster. Motion Drill: Kuby Mull of Mlas Potts' class, usttlstod by Opal Mul Allwrta Pugh, Clara Htreeiman, Kll Potts and Thelma Kllllun. Bung: "(, Chrutmaa Hells, Iti tg 0ut,", about fifty voice from the claw of Miss Fltsgerald, Mist Fnunkla Else, Mlsa tlodd, Mr, itu" anil Mlas Kllu Potts. Long distance telephone mesaage from Santa Clau at Richmond. Recitation: "Santa Claus Is Com ing," Jeasls Pott , Hanta Cltaue comes In and makes a Short talk. Distribution of gifts by Mr. and ,Mr. fjanta, Claus with several helper. Tn nouso wn nnauiuuiiy aeco rnled with large signs of, "Welcome." end "A Merry Christmas," and alao holly branches and holly wreaths, and large hells. The tree wa artistically trlmrhed with ornament and tlnael and over the tree were thltry-two mall candle power light In different colors. Around tne cage 01 me piai- form wa a row of larger colored tight. Just before the distribution of gifts to the children, Mr. Santa Claus presented to Rev. nnd Mr Orau euch a beautiful gift, which was moat highly appreciated by them. Much credit is due to Mr. and Mr. J. C. Hlackwood and the decortttlng committee, who made the church look so beautiful. Rev. and Mrs. Grau wish to thank all others who helped to make the entertainment a success. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Alexander gave a Christmas tree and dinner at their home In Acton for a number of chil dren which oroved to be a very Discount price mlurtion nut a Wednesday, Tliurs nf this week. dm p worn is charming affair and dellxhted the irmnll gueU exceedingly. The ar tree was heavily laden and each of the children departed with their nrrrn filled with toys anil vurlous Klft mere wern a numlx r of Kuentu amniiK whom Ii-Iiik Mr and Mrs. 1 1.. jinxHnrnr. sir. and Mrs. Jihw Crook, arid about llftei-n or more chil dren Including tho. of the Immediate family. Mrs. McCeney Werlich K"ve a small tea VeHlerday afternoon at the ISattery Park hotel, when- she is spending 1).. season. MImr Florence I .arnlicrl.son enter tains Informully Ihla evening lit her home on ( 'urn herland avenue. A ol the younger act have heen Invited. MIhh Martha Wooldrldge has Ihhuc.1 Invitations to a watch party, which will take place at her home 1 n Mont ford avenue 1'rldoy evening The Kdward Hiiocomlre chanter. D. A. It., will meet Friday afternoon at tho residence of Mrs 8. Kllzabeth ltolton on Client nut street. The bat tl of King's Mountain will be the subject of the meeting. Mrs. Elwln Hpcar will entertain the Friday Bridge cluh at her home on Haywood street thla week. J The French Mroad Council, Jr. O. TT. A. il., will entertain Thursday even lug at their hall on Houth Main street The following I the program for the evening's entertainment: Pruyer Rev. . J. Helaabecl- Readings Miss I.fna Youm; Music, male quartet C. A. Rice, (luy Weaver, A. C. Williams, J It. tlrlce DiieUt Miss Myrtle Harris. Miss Vir ginia Fortune. New Year's Resolution In Khymc--(luy Weaver. Address . . Hon. J. M. (Ridger Refreshment and Informal greet ings will close the evenlntc's enter tainment. J J The Florence hotel gave n dance last night to Its patrons and several of the railroad men. There were about thirty couples dancing. v M The Trinity Hominy achMl classed held their Christmas entertainment In the Hunday School room of the church yesterday afternoon. An Interesting program was carried out. Mr. I.lnn Milton Hourne, Jr., Is at home from th University of North Carolina for the holidays visiting his parents lit No. ltl Hearrten avenue. Cadet Francis C. hourne, who Is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. wid Mrs. Louts M Hourne, at No. 1I llearden avenue, h-m as his guest IJeut, Olney Davis of lllllshoro, Tex., who will graduate from lilnit hiun next May. Mr. V. W. M. Honthwark of Huston arrived yesterday and is tha guest of hi cousins, Mrs. H. Kllsaliuth Holton and Mrs. K. W. Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlnenklo of High Point are guests ut the Mattery Park hotel for the week. Miss Marlon Lewis of Greensboro Is visiting her cousin. Miss Adams, for several days. Mlas Opal Rrown ot Charlotte III spending the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hrown. Prof. R. V. Kennedy has gone to Charlotte to attend the 8. K. A. con ference. Messrs. Hugh Fullertnn and Htunrt Fullerton of Springfield, O., and George Fullerton of Webb City, Mo., are In the city for a stay of several week and are guests at the Hattery Park hotel. Dr. and Mrs. Silvio Von Muck have arrived safely In Naples according to a recently received cablegram. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rragaw have gone to Lexington, N. (.'., to visit friends and relatives. Mr. T. W. Snyder of Hot Springs Is In the city for a stay of several days. Mr. O. W. Hill or Memphis Is In the city on business for a few days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Powers who were guests at the Hnttery Park hotel for several days the latter part of the week have returned cajit. Mrs Pow ers wa Miss Helen Lemley before her recent marriage. Mr. Hugh Fullerton of Springfield, ).. la In the city for a few das on business. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore McClaln and small children of Fort Worth, Tev., arc vlnlllng the relatives of Mrs Mc clain in I he city Miss May Thomas and Miss CI.11-1 Williams of I'ldomliln. S. C. are islt lag friends in the city during the hol idays. Ruffner Campbell bus gone ! W.iy- nesvllle to attend a house party given hy Miss Ports Nawlln, and returns to town today. Mr. and Mrs George Collins who have tieen visiting Mr and Mi's. 11. T olllns returned yeslerdity to SmIIm- huiy. Mr and Mrs Hoy Itaiikln of Ti yon are In tho city for a fortnight's stay Miss Anna Pulton of Christ si luml to town liuls. for the week v isll In; ViW Cl'RlOl) IN TO 14 I YS. PA.t) OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure anv case of Itching Rllnd oi Protii,llnr Piles In to 14 days or monev refunded. GUc DR. BURROUGHS GROWING WEAKER At nn enrly hour this mornlntr Dr. llurroughs was still alive but was steudily growing wwiker. His condi tion Is such that hts physicians have almost given up hop. Thora la Only One "Bromo that la Laxative Bromo Quinine usto me would owe to Always remember the full name, for tliia signature on every box. CGLIN'S CUPID DART HIT HER IN THE FOOT A I NWKNT TO HI'.K HlvUtT AMI siik wot i d not ritosrt i Ti: Court Frowns on that Sort of Couit ship and Keml Colin Out fin- Eight Months. Colin Davis, a negro employed nt the Crystal lunch room. while Imbued with too much pule corn li quor became Imbued also with th Idea that he was a inv. hoy from the plains, a desperado, a had, wild and woolly man as he was dancing with his "lady friend" at George Ah xan der's' dance hall on Christinas eve and just for tho Jollity of the thing he took a shot at his "lady's friends twinkling toes while she w .s his partner. When called before Judgi Cocke to answer for the offense yes terday his lady friend, Ophlmstcr Thomas, was loth to prosecute her Colin .and Said she did not think he meant to shoot her although the bul let found It way Into her best danc ing foot. Judge Cocke has little patience with pistol shooting as a side attrac tion to a dance, and told Colin he could go out on the roads for eight months nnd Improve his ulm with a pick. Colin thought badly of the sen tence and appealed. His bond was fixed ut $200. Henry Hunhar and Jack Jones, both negroes for the pleasure of (uklng a whack at each other In a common assault drew fines of $10 and costs each. Hies Flack, colored, and Jess Pen- land paid the usual price of a drunk. .l and costs, and Chancy White for disorderly conduct drew a fine of $5 and costs. Mrs. M. J. Hludor and Tollcy Kar- low each sulci the other had commit-1 ted an assault upon her. and proved It to the satisfaction of the court, but Mrs. Kinder seems to have got the la.tter of It, or dge was more to blame for while both were found guilty and taxed with the costs. Mrs Hluiler's assailant had her costs re mitted by the court. FIREMEN AND CITY OFFICIALS TO DINE ntl.l, ni tit KSTS OF MIT. MH'GU RAN Tin itsn.w NIGHT Suannaiioa nnd Its Proprietor to be Rocogfllurd as Part of tlio City Government. Mr. Frank Loughran Is to be elect ed official host of the city, and the Swannanoa hotel la to be selected as the official botniuct hall. Having feasted the city police force yester day until not a single blue cout or tho bunch could have run ten yards had his record depended on It. Mr. lyoughran has invited the rest of the city officials to he banqueted by him Thursday night at nine o'clock. Th Invitation Includes tho mayor, the al dermen, and the ilremen of the city, and although mentioned last, the firemen really should come first, for the hamiuet Is primarilly to them and tne other city oitichiis are in vited to be entertained with tlnin. Mr. Loughran has a warm place in his heart for the city firemen, and each .year rcnieinhcrs their good work In the service ol the city by a siiinp (uous baiiiiief. The banquet will follow n business meeting of the illy firemen ut which several matters of Importance relative to the tlreiiien's Insurance company will con' up for discussion and as President McNeil of the State fir men's association Is expected to In here he will aNo he a guest. Mr. l.oughran purposely set the hour for the I'.inquot at nine o'clock to enable t Hi' Ilremen to dispose of their business and also to Rive the illy aldermen and officials plenty of lime to make their speeches after (he menu has lieen disposed of. The dinner will be one or the most elaborate of the season both In vari ety and abundance, for the city offi cials are know n to be men of ample appct ites. HtOQl OIS SM'E.., WI1.MIXTOX. N. C. lVc L'S The t'lyile liniT linfiuoiM which lost her rudder nnd an. -bored on" the l'rylns Can Shoals lightship Is now on her way to Charleston in tow of the Mal lory liner San Marcos. A blow (a the Back. An overcoat is neceMary nuisance ami the tendency to laid it off ou warmish days in late autumn and winter is as Ktrong as it is A treaoherous wind hits you in the back an the next niorning you have lumbago, Kul well and often with l'erry, Davis 1'ainkillo: aad y-ou will be aatonished to find bor vjuickly all sureueu is baaisbed. Quinine" pure a cold im one oat. e a cold IK one t SWA Look 2&c. AMUSEMENTS Few plays produced In recent years have aroused so much comment as "The Heryant In the House," whl h comes to the Grand Friday night, J. cemher 3 1 (New Year'K fvi'). t has enjoyed remarkable runs in both New York and Chicago and has ndiled to that record a series of ready remark able sin cesHi s achieved in ev ery lar'.-o i lly jn which ii bus been fresentid The play is described as a modern comedy, sparkling with humor, but Its theme is Intensely dramatic and several of its scenes are of such stir ring pathos as to occasiona II v border on tragedy. The most remarkable feature or (he play is Hie central char acter, Manson, given In the progran: as the "Bishop of lienores." It la not distinctly stated that this mysterious Hindoo "Servant'' Is a reincarnation of the Christ, but the hm-ruuec of the play and the costume in which thla character is garbed lndl"i'ie lha: this is the impression it Is desired to convey. "The Servant In the House" bin been so thoroughly dlBoussed in news papers and magazlm that It Is un necessary (o oudlne the plot again. It Is probably of more lnt rest t, Ashcville theatre goers to know (hnt the original New York production and number me company is being sent to Ibis clly. Tyrone Power In his fa mous Drain-Man role, heads the cast, which Includes George W. 'ViLion cm the lilshop of Lancashire.; Wilfred Roger as Manson; David Gbirsford ra ttio Vicar; Falilh Crane as 'he vicar's wife; Jessie llenillnnilig as Mary, and Handd de lieclicr as Rogers, the pare boy. This attraction is guarantee! t the management of the Grand :ih one of Hie really great dramatic treats of the season SECOND VICTIM OF MADMAN DEAD MACON, Ga., Dec 2S. Mrs. -Maltha Exum, who waB shot hy her son In-law, Kdward II, Alfortl, last night, died today, the bullet which entered Hie neck resulting 111 complete pa ralysls of the body. This Is the sec ond death resulting from Injuries In dicted by Alford, bis wife having jeen slim and almost instantly killed at the time he shot Mrs. Exum and himself. Doctors tonlnni gave nut the statement I hat Alford cannot live through the night. The deputy sher iff who has guarded him since he was nent to the hospital was relieved from duty this afternoon, the surgeons statlnw that death would bar the law from Its course. HKRE is a gift that never fails to please a box1 of NUNNALLY'S. Every body likes it, everybody wants it, everybody knows it is the finest, purest candy in the world. You can make no mistake in taking or sending it to the most fastidious lady in the land. A fresh supply alv-yi by HAYNCV ; ,KK, M'OKH, :'. I Pntlon Avenue. "yVone Like Nurmally" CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK DIAMOND HkAM. A l.adlrBl Ak your lrsi't ftir i hkrhnMer-a IH. jTtrndA I'llUI Ur4MA Uold n,nllicV soled wltll Mile. RIMms. lrurlt. A,k( IIM IiVk-TFRS niAMoND iiRAinn hii.i.h. f- sa yevs kntrniuBol, lialm. Alwrt Kellftlil SOLO BY DRUGGISTS FVERYWHEPF Reduction Sale of Oriental Goods Here are a few items. 2 dozen "Jabots," former price sjfl.'iO. now $1.00 .'5 dozen Crochet (1ollars former price !U. .", now $1.00. 1 dozen Real liinenhand emliroidercd Sliirt Waist Patterns, former price $".()), now ... ...$3.50 Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, greatly reduced prices. if. City Stationery Co. D. M. Nahikian. 23 Patton Ave. Col tdarm Id'mter ftosiefy forj the Snfire f umily If bosiery is wanted tbiH is certainly tbc place to et supplied. Our showing is always good whether you conic a few days after Christmas or a intinth -lie-fore, We believe in keeping our stocks' up to the highest point of efficiency and thus you will find our hosiery stock. Cadet hose at 25c a pair are the very best to be had at the price. Judging from the number that we have sold recently, lots of people have found this as sertion to be true. Kverwear hose for men are priced at $1.50 and $:).00 a box of six. Kverwear hose for women are priced at $2.00 and $:.()() a box of six. Thes' hose are warranted to wear six months without a hole or tear. . - v. - The celebrate! 'Cordon Dye' Hosiery is sold here at all ju ices from 15c pair to 50c pair for cottou hose in phiin colors. ( R,eadytQ'b)ear (garments at Very Special Prices Better buy now if you want to get a nice suit or other Ready-to-Wear Garment. Trices way low now. ' i 'i .; Eve Specialist No. 9-10-11 Drhumor Bldg. ASUEVILLE PUARMACYoi-P. Post Office. Phones JSCO-UC Prescriptions Called for and Delivered. ' L IT IS A WISE THING , ,, 1 !H1 All kinds of of pastry, cakes, bread etc. Fresh Dai'y LITTLE BAKERY ST E. Collctre St. A Happy New Year To one and all. Forgotten friends can yet lie reineni licred with a box of cigars. Schas' Segar Store S. Main St. Phone 511. Watch for oM iiilia of our new store. , A liberal Reduction in Price Shell combs, hair ornaments combs, brushes, toilet re quisites, etc at special pri ces. MISS CRUISE, 27 "wood . WATCHES MY Sl'KCIALT If you need a watch that will keep time, wc have them, and at prices that are riKht. l-'hie Wutrh KcMllrlii!; J. K. CAltl'EXTEH, 32 l'atoll A vp. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS. Center Pieces, nil at V: --.1,iTn)V FREE! t ft It will cost you nothing tu consult me regarding; your eye troubles. p Take advantage of the opportunity It may sav you money later. . P. K. GARDNT5R, Manufacturing Optician Cor. Church and Patton Ave. to be prepared for emergencies. Many people W through life and suffer from cramps, eollca. neural gia, rheumatism, cold on their chest without knowing the q ulck comfort that a hot wateir bft(' gives. Wo have them In different sizes, a well as all kinds of rubber goods In sprays, douches nnd everything up-to-date In the Drug line. , WALTON & McLAlN , J 20 DISCOUNT SALES r Commences Dec, 16th' at 9 a. m. and lasts until Dec, 81, p. m. This M no fake sale. Come and get your nlcs , useful presents, and Bave 20o on every dollar you spend., , ' Walton & Mcljaln Furniture Op. Phone 1S1K. IS S. Main St. For a Christmas Gift. A rare exclusive old piece of Antique Jewelry, or fur niture would be most appre ciated. VICTOR STEUN'S Antique Arts nnd Crafts Shop Sondley Building Haywood St. 21 1 NO PNEUMONIA In the home that has M & W Indian Coal in the cellar. It is THE perfect fuel sold in Asheville. Over 95, pec cent carbon. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company ataiVrtaitimmammfammmmmmmmm PAINLESS DENTISTRT Now Is the time to look after four decayed teeth eaves pain and worry during the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain o charire for examination Prices always reasonable. Ir. Matthews' Dental .Parlors, Cor. College and Sprnce Sts., near the Court llonw Office Phone 049, tUxi. iIcimo Phone t72. Stoves, Heaters and Ranges at reduced prices. Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main St. M. WESB & COMPANY Millinery Importer , Xo. 6 Itattcry Park Place, Phone 1IM4 COFFEE TEA Fresh masted Coffee every week at Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. 35 E. COLLEGE ST. All orders rhone ITU. promptly delivered.