TTTE ASJIEVTLLE CTTTZEX, TIITTRsT) A Y, DECEMBER 30, 1909. SOCIAL SL PERSONAL I The wddlnK of Mis Kniin.i JUallonnefc and Mr. William W. .M' Dottqll of this city occurred . -t.-i day afternoon at r .1 k -it home of tho brld' parents-, lav an. I Mra Mulluni'c at Pluck Al-ami a ,n The wedding wan a very 'ini'i 1 1 't i . affair attended only by the iii.-ml.. is Of the fumlly ami a ! lniim.ii' friends, Mulloiiee has Oh a ye ir been employed at the More of Mr John H. Iiw ami has made .lining Iter residence In the city ninny vvumi friends and admirers. Mr. MiHovv.: la the ion of Mr. and Mrs VV. C Mr Dowell of Victoria end l a vv.-ll known contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Mi -Powell ri'turntid to the city lant cvi nlng and utter a visit of a wek or ten daya at the home of th- parent of Mr. McDowell will reside at a r t-l -donee owned hy the latter In Victoria. Mr. John H. Law wuh one of the Ashevllle guests at the wtidUlnit. J J A watch-Illitht aervlco will be ob served at the First Huptlst churc h The exercises will tiegln promptly at I o'clock, closing at 12. A most In teresting pro pram la being arrunp-il. consisting of solos, Instrumentu met vocal, recitations, essays and addrers . es. Among those who will take part are Misses Clara Whlttlnttton, l.ucy : Vance and Messrs. Allmond Jones, John Btarnes and Reuben Mi lirayer. There will be brief annual report fmm nil iluna rtmen Is of the church. Dr. Whlttlng will five the results of prohibition In Ashevllle during the past year. Mr. J. K. Tucker will tell . of the march of missions during the 'year. The principal address of the .? evening will be delivered by Judge Ptltchard. The entiro exercises win be under the direction of the pastor. Rev. W. M. Vines, . I). From 10 4m 1i ftfraahtnnlV Will lift Served till- der the auspices of the Ladles' Aid -society. It I expected that a inrit) kadlenca will be preseat and every , body Is cordially Invited. Ml Charity ftuslfcralr entertain ed Informally laat evening at her horn on MontMrd avenue. Quito a ftirmber of the younger set were pres ent and the evening waa given over to the' pleaaaht pastime of dancing, playing cards, music, eto. i Mm. Frank Hewitt has Issued In vitation to tea which will be glv n la honor of Miss Nan Mead and Miss Hewitt, New Tfeara afternoon, at her home on Montford avenue. jk , Tho New Year eve dance at the , Battery Park hotel -will be a feature of tho week, and according to Indica tion will repeat the success of the Christmas dance. The play, "The Ber vant In the House" which take place the sam's vnng; wtUw,and many mora of thr younir people to Join who will wtttch the New Year In. The dance will b quite informal al though the Usual list will be observed, and la anticipated with much pleas ure. Spears orchestra will play during the evenln and refreshnutnla will be served, ' J 4 Ranta Claus and company, the can tata given by the children of the Flrftt Presbyterian church Tuesday awning waa a very creditable effort and one which won the large audl Mic completely. The stage waa con verted Into a woodland snow frosted, . which served as an appropriate winter accne for the appearance of the "Snow Fairies," "The Holly Fairies" and 'The Evergreen Fairies." Wln throp Collins made a very likeable "Jack Frost," singing his songs and sustaining his character admirably. Dorothy Woetftll as the ragged vrair "Polly,"' discovered In her quest of Santa Claus. by the firtrles, was rli.rmlnr and sang Very prettily her several solos. Sara McCloud and Mar garet Jackson acted their parts un usually well and added to the success of the play considerably. The fairies were as beautiful as one Imagines falrlea could be. Santa Maui who in every day life is Mr. Honeas. present ed boxes of candles, etc.. to the chil dren after the cantata was finished. Miss Linda Schartle who had churgn of the affair deserves much credit and to her efforts much of the success of the cantata was due. Jt , . Miss Phelnn of Atlanta will enter tain with a reception Tuesday nt her home In that city. In honor of her cousin, Mrs. Caroline Ileal Mi'CJi n. Furs are for Frigid Weather Like lli is, ruitl furs ;irc rcjillv flip only tiling that will ward off such icii, t rating ,.u,'i. -Atj1 when you .-an imy at a discount ri'ht in the lnidst of wiufci ami in wintry wcailicr yon can ill afford to neglect the opportunity. -At 2,,'. discount, arc all furs in this store, and sonip liandsoni,. fur coats arc reduced even more than thnt. For example: a $.)(). K) Tonev Coat is reduced 1. 1 $30.00, and an if'S.LlH) Tara' chI Coat is reduced to $65.00. Fur time is now: to-day the day: this the store for furs of ijiiality at reduced price. M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S Fl'HNISHIXO S. i ill I i I II Ml I ' I: .In., ml 'In. Mil a i '.mil., rl.iml Ah. '.ill.: "lay. .M. 'In ii- Kave n . iiijiit nt . ii . I.-, to ii ii v r Mid ..I m rii. t li . It II I. er I lie I llw li.iln Wi If 1 1 1 it'" vv r , M i .mm Laura a i,. I I ! r I I Ii ml. r.x -ii, Mill Miny Kxuin Mf.iC', Ml mm I'hanlv l phv, .Mix Margaret aur, Minn 1 1 .ah. i h Mnr Martha Wool. 1 1 i 'I u e. Minn Mill. nil' r, Mlw Virginia VS'illlamion, Kll.iili.-l li li Mi Jtinl" J..UIM, MIhb .ii, MIhh I'lanicH ''alter, Jiiiffni r Campbell, Caleb Carter, Ja Tiile Mitchell, llurdy ChnniberM. lw In llniiil. Harry HartM. II, Milton I J it.iw'Ti ... Churl. -h Mlllendi-r, AlbriKlit Chaml l'aiil WrlKhtH.i Hon- bright iIIvpii, Robert Kedwood. J J MIhx Florence Ijiinbertaon enter tained lant evening at. her home on Cumberland avenue with a unliiie party, in which tuneful Christmas bellH were the pleasing feature. The decorations of holly and mistletoe, supported the melodious wclfdit of In numerable, pendant bells which were used In the guinea played, several of which won new and interesting- Poe's "The Hells" was used in a mlseing word content for which a prlssc was offered. The party was one of the pretty affairs or tho week and the original plan of It was due to tho in genuity of the hoxte. Miss Iambcrt son's guests were. Miss Huby Rob ertson, Miss Wallace Tucker, Miss Hortense Jones. Miss Myrtle Cludger, Miss Nancy Mcrrlmon, Mis Helen Taylor, Miss Helen and Kuth Far- rlngton. Miss Frances Hnrtsell, Harry HartMcll. Powell Tucker, Will Drum mond, Will Wilson, Harry Hchuessler, Hhett Dufnur, Ki.shcII l.'arrlngton, Will tjumberfson. Cnrlysle Craig, Wil bur Buniner, Frank (lutlger, Ijliw rence Miller. J Tho Hlltmoro choir will enjoy their annual "frolic" this evening which will begin at the Pariah house and will bo continued In town. Tho plans for tho first part of the entertain ment have not been fully announced, but a dance will be a feature of the evening. The choir numbering twenty five or thirty will later In tho evening come In to tho Candy Kitchen where a dinner will close the evening. J J Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge U. Hmlth will entertain this evening at their home In Kdgemunt. J Mrs. Conully Coxe entertains this evening at "Fornlhurst" In honor of Miss Margery Pearson. SOCIETY F.TN Tho opportunity of witnessing a performanc'0 of tho now celebrated play, "The fiorvunt In the House," by a metropolitan cast, such as will be here New Year's eve, is n rare one, and one which Will surely ho tnken advantage of. Mr. Tyrone Power, who originated the principal role in New York, will appear In the same Character In AhIiovIIIo. Mr. Power Is considered one of the foremost Amcrlc4i.ii players, and his stromr characterisations have placed him on the artistic plane of the great Her man actors of tho day. Mr. Power has been especially engaged for the larger productions of costume and morn scrlus plays for a number of years and Is without a compeer. MIks Edith Crane, (In private life known as Mrs. Tyrone Power) plays the leading female role and Is an artist of distinction. One of her greatest succcHHcH In this country and Austra lia was as "Trilby," In which she appeared In the New York cast. Tho Light Hearers of Central Meth odist church will give a New Year s party Friday ufternoon In the Sunday school room of tho church. A pro gram of songs and recitations will be given by tho children. A small sliver offering will be taken up for the work oT the society. The election of officers of tho Tnh keostce club will be held Monday, January 3, at the club rooms on South Main street at 8 o'clock. . The Knlshts of Pythias of Hender sonvlllo will have a big New Year's hall Monday evening at the nine Kldg.t Inn. Preceding the ball will be a banquet at which then, will be a hundred and tlfty (riiestM. The K. ot P. ball will be the moat important1 11 PATTON F.. M. I i. Klven duriiiK lb" bolidaVH In lliml.-r-sonvllle and will be largely atf. nde.l . Jt Thi- I'hilath.a "nhoM.r ' whl.h was In have Ic.i ai lb.- Ccniri:! Methodist church this afternoon has ben postponed until next week, but tho day has not jet been set. Mr. .1. A Mill of riiarli.lle Ik In ihc city for a few day .,n biixin. mh. Mi ni Hi. I' F. . 1 1 . Whit- i I'liim f ,. w V..rk Is Mr. and Me J,,hl, U llnniv ami mil. ill a. ,ii .. Lili I.- Kn. k. All, an Kp mime On In. lid. ism wiili tii. iids all. I I . I.I I i, ,M in I lie city. Mi'M lleulab (livens who ban Imhi vlHiting HI. nd.i in the city left yes terday fur h.r home In Chailottc MlHX 'I III;.- Wllliama linn I., (Ir.ctiMl.iirn to visit relatives for a wi ck or ten day. Mr. and Mm. Walter McDonald of Toronto, Can, are In the city for a tay or aeverul months. Mr. N. J. Ileywurd of Charlotte is in the city for u Btny of several days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mclntyn- and Miss Deborah Mclntyre of Hlrmlng ham, are visiting relatives on French Hroad avenue.' Miss Helen Mitchell left yesterday for Annapolis, to visit her brother Midshipman Stanley Mitchell. Mr. Prewster Chapman has return ed from a brief trip to New York. Mrs. Kate Moblry and daughter, Mls Annie Mobley and Miss Mary Alice Plutt ore Hpenillng the holidays In Oreenvllle, H. C. with Mrs. Mob ley's brother, Mr. McCrorey. They will be away two weeks. Mr. Eric Itiiwls has returned from tho University of Virginia for the holidays. Miss Julia Hernard has gone to Baltimore and will luter Join Miss Florence Harnard who is vlaitlng Mlsa Mellon In Philadelphia. Miss Mary Johns and MIms Mi Klm strey of the Normal and Collegiate have gone to Weavcrvllle to spend tho holidays at the country home of the former. Judge Leo. D. Yarrell of Emporia, III., has returned to his home after a brief Visit to Dr. and Mrs. Mat thews on Onk street. Mr. W. C. Htroeter leaves today for Chicago to attend the untnuil confer ence of the Children's Mountain Hume society. Mrs. Murk U Heed goes to Urecn vlllo Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Frederick M, Burnett. Mr. Frank Lock wo ml who has been a guest at the Battery Park hotel for several months, has returned to New York. Mr, and. Mrs. C. II. Itedfern will spend the remainder of the holidays In Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. (Meon have been called to Itcndcrxonvlllc by the dentil of Mrs. (i.steen'B father, Mr. i'. F. Pace. Miss Florence 1IIII has returned to her home In Wilmington after u visit to friends In tho city. Mr. (Ira ham McKay of Washington, is the guest of bis father at the B. l- vldere on ypruce street. Miss Fannie Beau has returned to Waynesvltln after a visit to Miss LjiHHte Randall. Miss Randall attend ed tho Kirkpatrlck-Pforfer wedding in Clydu yesterduy. Miss Fugenia Johnston has return ed from Itulherfordton where she has been the guest of Mr. Mid Mrs. Tench Coxe who have entertained a small Christmas house party. Miss John ston and Miss Maria Brown leave parly in January for Vancouver, H. C, from which point they will sad for the orient to tie away several months. Mrs. Albert Hull baa gone to New Orleans where a he U the ipiest of Mrs. Oorm. Mrs. Harrlll of obi Fort Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Docke Craig-, at the home of the latter on Montford ave nue. Mr. Rhctt Unman wll snend Hi.. holidays with bis mother. Mrs man, at her home on Chestnut street Mr. Ktlward DuBose of Atlanta is In Asb.- illc for a short stay. tx)i,ns cArsH iii:.iciir. IAXATIVR HltOMO Oulnlne. the world wide Cold and Orlu remedv re inoves euuse. Cull ror full mime, liol, for Dlirnature K. W. UKOVK. 2Dc wi'WKitvn i i: ori:s. WKAVKItVII.I.I-:. , c, i ,-.-. . . The Chi-lHtmiix hniid.ivs. so h.n i- pnsse.l uitiioni a Mlncln iMl.isll.i. phe of note. The lireerackeia :in,t lu toy pistols were lesn ill ci,l.ii. ,. Ih'll ever before Mini there lias I., ell I. ill llli .smallest nmount of drinKici: K eryhody In r.-iii-iiiI bus taken i ureal interest in jj.-tt inn remly for chrintmiiH. ami the We;i er ille Pn, ban done a n.'od business ('or the I.. si v eek and the nhoppers who crow d. . I the cars came buck I'rom the .:t veil loaded with p.u kae. s of .,1! kinds. Ve.xiet day cvcnlnt u crowd f kic folk met at the home of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Hubert Weaver to .-del. rate the twenty-third nnnl ersury of theii marriage The evening was spent 11 pleasant social intercourse after whl.h refresliini-nts were served. Ahioiil those present wi re Mr. and Mrs. H 1"). Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. C P. Wea ver .Mr. nod Mrs I.ce Weaver. Mr and Mrs. W. I! Weaver. Mr an.1 Mrs Kufus Weaver, Mr. and Mrs J. ; l.otNpelch, Mism Ailella Mcpovvcll. L Candles.Cocoa&ChocoIates Arcarknoirledcd.theb"t tht world oftr. Oaly the highest grade of matvrisli, tested ty our chemistsare allowed to enter into the same,-and the blending is. BUDcnrised br experts. WTiaf with careful werkaunship, as welTis scrupulous deanlhiese in our Plant, it jt not surprising that v fief First Choice, Her Last Choice, And Her Choice at all times U the Unequalled Matchless Misses Mary 'lorn li l.-1 Mlji- We Mr. W. li. Weaver. Mrs. , li. Mel) Durham on u visit. Mrs. (loolsby win IliK the lust fi-W v. relatives left today -II Is li from . tnts In i .-ks iii i . for hi r M.l IV I- isitillK liotiio In up from bolidaVH and Mrs. Panama. Miss Adj'lla McDowell is Kpnrtunburg en.ling I le nt tiio pleasant home of Mr Robert Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. A. K Roberts will shortly leave, for Arlz.-na for a con tinued stnv. In the meantime their cottage will be occu...-d by Mr. Ceo. Tllsnii and family ol Aahevlllc. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. jtengan ha v. gone to Rrysnii City lo spend a week with Mrs. HcaKnn's parents When tho Methodist assembly Is lo cated hero you may watch Wciiv.-r-ville grow. The committee to tlnally declde tho matter will meet here Jan uary D. VOUR sweet tooth knows the differ ence between the best and the second best be tween NUN'NALLY'S and the others. Don't compromise. (Jet the candy that is pure, wholesome, always sold fresh. Different varieties at different prices, but only one quality the very best. A fresh supply always kept by KAYSOIt'S DltlTfl STOHK, HI Pulton Avenue. "None Like NunnaHy's." i'lnn Watch Ucpulrlng WATCIIKS MY SPI'X'lAl.T If yuu need a watch thai will keep time, we have them, iiinl at prlci-H that are rlu,hl. .i. i-:. Aiti'Kx ti:i:, :I2 I'alon Ave. Yuu will i.Ib.hii nn, I our store In- tiMi-Htinn lor ;i rule excllmU.- iieec of Jewelry, or silver, also a line ol An. thine Furniture. VICTOR STERN'S Antique Art and Crafts Shop Sondloy lliillillnir llaynmxl St. A Special Message To Mothers We want every niother to try YU U'a I'roup ant! Pneumo nia Salve (hat she may know what a ureal comfort and use ful rcmeih it is in the house Will Kladly reinnd the pric to any ilissutialled one. All druggists. It will cost E.TO SWH lallst No. 0-10-11 Drhiiuior DIiIk. r: Reduction Sale of Oriental Goods I lere arc ;) lew items. 1! tillen "Jabots, former price .fl.-iO. imv $1.00 .'! dozen (Vncliet Collars former price $!."(). now $1.00. 1 (liizeii IJeal liincn hand einbruiilered Shirt Waist Patterns, former price s.".0( now ... ...$3.50 I lanrlkerchiefs, Sc-irfs, Center Pieces, all at irreatlv rcihieetl prices. Mf. City Stationery Co. II. M. Nahikian. 23 Patton Ave. All kinds of of pastry, cakes, bread etc. Fresh Dai1 LITTLE BAKERY 37 E. College St. A Happy New Year To one and all. Forgotten friends -;iii yet be remem bered witli a box of cigars. Schas' Segar Store (I S. Main St. Phone 511. Watch for opening of our new store. Liberal Reduction in Price Sbell combs, bair ornaments combs, brushes, toilet re quisites, etc, ;rt special pri- iiiss cruise, 27 nawo"d st 20 DISCOUNT SALES Commences Dec, 15th at 9 a. m. and lasts until Dec, 81, 6 p. m. This i no fake sale. Como and get your nice useful presents, and save 20c on every dollar you spend. Walton & M Dnln Furniture Co. Phone 1516. 19 8. Main St. NO PNEUMONIA fn the home that has M & i W Indian Coal in the collar. It is THE p-rfect fuel sold in Asbeville. Over 95 per cent carbon. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PAIXLSS DB3NTISTRY Now la the time to look after yoai decayed teeth Bates pain and worn during; the cold weather. Teeth filled and extracted without pain No charge for examination Prices always reasonable. Wj:t''W. lW-H".-t'8f-f''t,V Or. Matthevrs' Dental .Parlors, Cor. College and Spruce Sts., near the Court House Office Phone 049, llesl ileiioe Phone 973. Stoves, Heaters and Ranges at reduced prices. Beaumont Furniture Co. 127 South Main St. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. 6 Battery Park Place. Phono 1014 COFFEE TEA Frost, roastoj Coffoe every woek nt Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. 35 K. COM.F.tiK ST. All promptly delivered Phone J Till. CITIZEN WANT-ADS Brzja insults. FREE! vim nothlncr to consult me regarding your eye troubles. Take advantage of the opportunity It may save you money later. F. K. OAIUlXER, MuunfnctitrliiK Optician Oor. Clmrch and Pntton Ave. 3 ? Superior Showing of Wool glankets Xow is the time when you are thinking about warm coverings. These cold nights, with promises f even colder ones put the problem of warm cov erings up to almost everyone. No doubt you were thinking about that very thing when you noticed this ad. Where to buy is another problem but a much easier one, for if you want the right blank els or comfortables at the right prices you will eomo to the Hon Marcho. . Carolina Wool Blankets, 10-4, are prieetl at $4.00. Carolina Wool Blankets, 11-4, are priced at $5.00. Other. Wool Blankets are priced at $5.00 on up to $15.00. ; Comfortables in many pretty designs are priced at $1.25 on up. One Special ot ofineriahd Cotton Jorchon ace 5c yard IF YOU ENTER ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE this week, you get a full set of books FREE with your scholarship. Out-of-town pupils get rail road fare Flit EE, but your scholarship must be signed up this week. THIRTY NEW PUPILS Will enter in .January one hundred must en ter the Winter Term. Please call at the college or write. HENRY S. SHOCKLEY, Prin. ASHEVILLE POARMACYopp. Pout Ofnce. Phonea lS6-20; Prescriptions Called for and Delivered. PEERLESS flappy Week" Sale PROGRESSING NICELY Despite the inclement weather, we had a good crowd of eager shoppers all buying and feeling happy This sale will last one week, but don't wait until all the good things are gone before getting , i. .our sua re. A chance like this to buy good seasonable goods at such low prices doesn't often occur, so come in to day and take a look at the awaiting you during this "Happy Week" Sale From 10 to 11 this morning we will sell 10c Bleaeh Domestic at 7c yd., 10 yds to each customer. Knit Underwear Sweaters ( loves Hosiery for boys and girls Domestics Dress Goods lllankets Comforts Coat Suits and Capes all included in "Happy Week Sale." THE IT IS A WISE THING to be prepared for emergencies. Many people go through life and suffer from cramps, collca, neural, gla. rheumatism, cold on their cheat. .without knowing the q uick comfort that a hot wtater vtMMf. gives. We ha wo them in different sizes, as well as all kinds of rubber goods in sprays, douches anil everything up-to-date In the Drug line. , j , -.:. s numerous bargains I f

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