; THE WEATHER: THE :SHE VIEC E CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXVI., NO. 71. ASHEVILLE. N. C. FKIttlY Wcwxixa nirppOT 01 ,rw --r- 1 ,r, ' " ' - EDUGATQRS FOLD THEIR TENTS AND : LEAVE CilOTTE Hear President and Elect Oft) TheYf4 plot Speak j ers For DR-.D.B. J0HN9N NEWf RESIDE NT Choice of Klaq For Next Meeting Left (VI th Ex ecutive CoJmlUee IsORTH AND SOUTH ALIKE SUFFERING IN INTENSE COLD Freeze-up in Florida, and Zero Weather Throughout Not th and East Cause Death and Great Damage And Loss. CHABLOTTK, N. Hie election o( offlci pec. SO. With this afternoon and a scholarly adifcs, from , I'rinl dent KmerttU fcllol evening', the Sijuthk association adjournehlne die, the place of th next nltlng being If ft I coldest December (ho south has frith thn executive tanooga, Jaeknvr and other cities prefced invitations. were elected: Johnson, of first vice II. Klrkland second vice of Binning fcident, J. S eusurer, K. I chosen by rnlrMf ore: Poly Atlanta. ksldy, Lexlng- Th following offife President Dr. D, Wlnthrop college, St president, Chnncellu) of Vsfderbilt univety president, C. K. uu. ham; third vice Grabbe, ofJCentuck Burn, of Atlanta. The elective dlrilrs the association this Alahama,Prof. O. -Thacher, .technic Institute, Acn, , Arkansas J. J. Pfe. Florida W. M. Iltoay. Georgia J. M. Ptl Kentucky M. A. ton. Louisiana T. H. Maryland F. E. more. Missouri E. E. T1 Mississippi, L. H. North Carolina-H Trinity college. Oklahoma K, 1J, keron. South Carolina HN president, Wofford die. ' Tennessee---.!, r. fy. Texas R, B. Coull i .Virginia J. L. Jarful , i We.. Vfrgtm . ''Mli4.ywky;' niatrtcf of ColiihiblDJ.iCrosbv Dfi Charles W. Ellkddreied the association on the suet Ust Dl rectlons for Immealaj Kduitlonal Effort" and he was fdwed M Pres ident Judson of the tTtrlstyr Ch Harvard, thla Kducatlonal ATLANTA, Ga., . Dec,, 30, A ter rific cold wave gripped the entire south today, not even the orango belt Of far southern Florida being exemp ted from the freezing temperature This morning the mercury ranged from four degrees above sero at Asneville, N. C. to thirty-two degrees at Elpuo with twenty above regis tered at Jacksonville, Ha- and twenty-eight at Tampa. A few Texas points and the extreme tion of (ht Florida ixuiln-mi.. i escaped tne freeing bitiM. Coldest on Kevin,! This, according' to the local ,v.vi. er bureau was the coldest day of the by warmer weather caster, followed tomorrow. The present cold snap has been ac companied by little snow in the south jtnuiruny una tou&y there was practically no rainfall reported from any of the southern states. The wind, however, has been (Wrong. nimitiee. I'nut- "imic. ji eignt o clock this Birmingham I morning the thermometer registered ten degrees above in Atlanta and for nvvmy oays past freezing weather has been experienced here. The Inn. uuiuuun or cold has nrcvnllo) me greater portion of the smith ahd mere nas been munh suffering nmUM , . , - ceopie, especially the neros In cities Avnere coal in used as fuel. At Birmingham, Aln., where the mini mum was twelve degrees above wn mis morning, two negroes Were fro zen to death, and near Decatur. Ala . wun tne ' thermometer hoverlna around live aoo.,e zero, a family of six were rescued this morning more ueao tnan alive, with one of the chil dren expected to die aa a remit of or exposure from the cold. For the first time since 1888 there wae Ice itoday In the Chattahoochee rivier at Atlanta, similar cmmimon. prevailing In the rivers of Tennessee. North Alabama and the western part of North Carolina. Orange Crop Safe. While It Is believed that no serious damage has been done the Florida urange crop, rernandenia reDorts kner, Baltl- Itfleld. C. Brooks, Snyder, COLDKST IV KKVKRAX YEARS. JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Dee. Hit Florida, today experienced the coldest weather that has visited this section in several years, the thermometer in jui'Ksonviiie registering twenty de grees this morninar anil frees! n.-. m eainer na prevailed all dav. Frees. ing temperatures extended down loin tho orange belt, but up to tonight no reports nave been received of nnv damage to the trees. It has been cold In the state for several days, which has driven the sap down in the orange trees, and It Is believed that they vvtll not be killed or damaged by the finesse. Arcadia, on the west coast, reports a .temperature of 28 degrees, while other towns In that section re port temperatures ranging from that figure up to 30 and 32 degrees. The: local weather bureau predicts a tern peratureof between 18 and 20 degree: tonight as low its the tentyUUi parallel. in Jacksonville water pipes' have burst nil over the city, causing tlv water pressure in the mains to be come low. The chief of the fire rte partment has ordered all steamws in the lire service to be kept steamed up in case of emergency. -,5 Mgm, DEMANDS DIVORCE S "SfSS jr' l '"iw s I i "i 11IWI !JI. ' . . I mm r uu i -mm i mm mam mm mmmm 'J' ViflMm , .iiPflll It lW!fflli!!ll(!MHlflllIlllllliiiiiiliiimm1.lii .,J PRIOT FIVE CENTS. SlTPFKBINO IX PITTSBURG. FITTSBUKG, Dec. 30 With the thermometer registering sero and at some places from 3 to 7 degrees be low that point, Western Pennsylvania tonight is in the grip of a bitter cold blizzard accompanied by snow flurries and high winds. From the outlvlns that oranges were frozen In tha,t sec-i ,icith ,,n U1si. a... . ...... .na from.otter parte of Florida to the elements are coming in. In " rBlro!w tnt w m the 'iiwtf wr mttsburg alone seven deaths (Continued oniac 4) were resort id to last night to protect tne .trees. , txlt:r$tiMfrt ST the 'far souTJT west hail with delight the severe cold, believing that millions of the boll ween 1 1 have 'been destroyed and a further spread of this insect to new territory retarded. Freezing temperature.) will contin ue tonight over most of the southern states, according to the local lore- SOUTHERN Gil DESIGN IE Ml TO DIXIE'S Miss Bolle Kinney, of 1 ville, Tcnn. Submits Design Accepted have been reported to the coroner. .Al-Xef iOoJU- the trtmperstwe we Isterert Was the coldest December 30 in ten years, the thermometer drop ping to 2 degrees below zero. Elec tric lines inleruriHin to and from Ir win have been discontinued. At ConneHsviile, John Wallace, n laborer, waa severely frozen last night (Continued on Page 4.) PRISONERS IN ATLANTA STOCKADE SUBJECTED TO INCREDIBLE CR UELTY -'Vi "VL . Kept in FilttiQuarters ami Treated Worse Than Beasts. Young Girls Hung Up ny ineir uanas and Beaten in Whipping Chair Invented by Superintendent FROZE TO DEATH WHILE HE CLONE TO STEPS DF FUST FLU- EXPRESS IGTMENT Young ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 30 A em girl will have the honor of tffl I tig the memorial to her sex will be erected in all tin- Soi states by the veterans of the C eracy in honor of the women suffered during the days of IS A design submitted by Miss Pell nev of Nanhville. Tcnn . was c by the committee of veterans li a.nd TiiHt I. sentlng twelve of thirteen Sou! he jumped Davidsftu Oount' School Teacher Has Hor rible Kxpej-ienc( WINNER OVER MHlij WAS LOOKED OUT 30. 3 0 OKKENfUiOIin. N. C.. Dei PassengiM-s who arrived her., day on northbound train No. porti'd that Mr. L. I). Snrratt. a seho.-l bacher and farmer of Davidson coun ty, Irnzc to death on the steps .if northbound train No. 44, which ar- rives hen- at it. 0.1 a. m. i "eftftiarded the train at Lexington fore the train pulled out "IT and ran to his bugt-y states who met ti 're yesterday" K'-t a iiackage which he had for ilirohze shafts will bo cast and jgotten. Ituiining back to catch the i-d as soon as the necessary 'moving train he jumped upon the hra available. Heps of one of the platforms, but The memorial" will show a he vestibule door was closed and he of three figures. Fame sitting U-mild not open it. center, with a dying Confe No one on the train saw him and soldier and'a weeping woman onthe unfortunate man, hanging on to er side. The central figure wjhe railing in the biting cold, with eight feet in height and the othejhe train running at a high rate of seven feet. The statutes will be (peed, simply froze to death and feet by five and a half at the bifhen th.-. train arrived at a point a '.Miss Kinney was awarded the mile? this side of Lexington he after eighty designs submitted dropped to the ground, his head st'ik committee had been carefully Inslig a cross tie. An ugly gash was cut ed. 8he already has won consldeh the top of his head, but it Is said fame for her design of the Cartie wound was not severe enough to statute to be .erected at Coluiroduce death. Tenn., and a group of twenty He was picked up by the crew of a rotes figures placed In the Chtuthbound freight train a short time; museum. nerwaras and taken to Lexington mere he was identified an ir Sup. il MADE STILL MORE SWEEPING Attorney General Demands That Other Concerns ftroiitfht to Bar be A I ua fA, (Jtt., , i Dec. 30That unite women wer hung up on the wall of a cell rooni,, As though cruel fled with extended rms. that at least one attempt was made to whip a woman, nd that prisoners were used to do work, tat private citizens, were some of the things testified to today. In the city funnel! investiga tion of the city prlwin, Itrvown as the "stockade." Charges that theTcltv nrlson. ta wnicn men and wopien convicted of misdemeanors and finable to pay a ttion" fliwl'are committed. Is a niihv place unworthy of ioldinjr even anl- "'.. more nas ween graft, and that barbarous cruelties, are practiced there have been made. The grand Juror r.esrU4pdiJle! Hnporlnten-. ent vintng and two of the guards for cruelty, and made public a scathing report which resulted in this Investi gation. Girl Tells of Punishment. Ruby Galther. a country girl, who said she was nineteen years old. was the star witness of the day. After the grand jurors had described the prls on as "the dirtiest, foulest place on ' ""nMSM EMPLDTE STOLE SECRETS DF THE WIRELESS PLANS eaiwi, antler than any pig pen." the girl was called. Khe told how she wasxsent to the stoekftde orter har mother remarried, because she fought "in m-r siep-oromers, and how one oay tine was struck by another wo man prisoner. 8he struck back and fearing: to be punished, went to 8u perlntendent Vlnlng and reported her iniraotion of rules. "Mr. Vlnlng grabbed me." she said "and snapped a "handcuff around my right wrist. Hs and anothor hfi u ragged me to the wall in the cell room ana hooked my arm to a ring in me wan. rne ring was so high that I could not stand on my feet but had to stand my tip taM-lold Vlnlng that I was 111 andsulWin rar n paw no SMillWirfwt, ii oung inere for nearly en hour In agony before I fainted. I do not know how long I was hanging, but I was down and the doctor was attending to me when I recovered contmln.... nesit." Invented Wlilpplnjf Maclilnc. The wltnes staid of seeing another girl, also white, hanging by both wrist. A third girl was htinsr un but her hands were so small that she Upped through tho handcuffs. This same girl, the witness gwore, was put In the whipping machine, a big wood en chair, Invented by Vlnlng. in Which the victim Is placed, fastened and then turned over for the appli cation of the lash. Th lash la a heavy leather strap with large metgl rivets studded In Its surfer. This girl. Pearl Kysn, was so small how ever, that she slipped through the cnair, and the guard yavs up th t tempt to best her, The superintendent and the cuards are inu;c(eu jor cruelty beating a ne gro, Another negro died a few days ago from, blood-poisoning caused by swsrwies NiUn-oerDkr teg and tt ting into th flesh. When orison er arrived at the stockade hkles were riveted on over their clothing and no matter iiw Jong they wer held, they could not remove their clothing, Only lye soap waa furnished the prisoners and they got no towels. .The Investigation will continue to morrow and over a hundred witness es have been summoned. IE HIS WIFE UEGflO BLOOD Couple Were Married Last Alarch and he Thought WILL MAKE TESr CAE IN NEW YORK COURTS Draughtsman on Trial Taking Models British Navv tor ron i UNFAIR METHODS si t ion PLUNGED SIXTY FE1": TY OHDIXANCKK TO COVKRX. rm .mrr -rt-TT xif ieum was an unmarried man TO JJJ!jA1x1 J5X J!lout twenty-four years of age. FLOYDADA. , Texas. Dec - tom Af HI-., neo Canvon. nj iiic , to the bottomofBlanco Canyon, piRMLVOHAM, Ala., Dec-. 30. S.! R. Becjt: thirty-five years oldje city council of Birmingham bv her ten ,ear old son, burned to dtinimons vote, adopted the state yetenay. Mr. Beck was serii1e prohibition laws as regular city injured. The family was drfinances. Heretofore the city ac abng the narrow trail when pa with the state laws but decision of the harnes broke and the re Supreme court knocked out all team carried tht outfit over the hvict ions. Many men working on A small stove in . the wagon set li city chain gang will ha ve to he the wreck. rased from am .it. . WARiriNI.ToN, Dec. .10.' Hi a printed brief of 2C,X pages Attorno Oeiierul VVIrkershaiii and his special iisHlMlant, J. c. l.-ynold, today pic sented to (he Kupreme court th.- sh or the government in the famous Imecn trust eases, which will be argued next week In that court. I ho attorney general takes the to- that these nndlllas. sweeoin,. IS I hey seem to have been. Were nil broad enough and asks the Supreme court to extend them as to so widen their scope as to take In the forelijr. ompanieH and some individuals who were relieved from the operation of he verdict. After showing that In 1S90 rnmne tltlon was free the various coalitions ire traced in (he document and facta are given to show that the combine- ion has grown until Its crmblnd isseis amount to 1400,000,000. It Is sserteil that the combination manu factures all of the cigarettes for ex port and almost three-fourths of th smoking tobacco and cigarettes for domestic sale, more than three fourths of the plug end twist and fine cut tobacco and almost all ni me snuiT and cigars that are mad: It is asserted thn the "defendants have persistently exercised duress, have practiced wicked and unfair methods, and used their great power in oppressive ways." Further, It is asserted that they have been actuated by a fixed purpose to destroy com petition and obtain monopolies. "Competitors have gradually disap peared and the combination now strongly entrenched, unduly restricts! the business of those In the trade and prevents otT7ers from entering." Coming to specific Instances rein tlve to the operations of the trust, il is declared that substantially all es tablished Jobbers In New England were induced to throw out Independ ent products, as were those t.f Phila delphia, New York and many other specified places. It Is also asserted; I'm "i i "i. i' -ni -inn trui LONDON, Dec 30 The wholes., I. theft of wireless plans mo,, u ,,i sketches, which In the ha mis of un e"xpert would reveal all the working and innermost serrrts of the wireless service of the British navy Is churned against itlehard Knowlden, who was placed on trial at lortsrnoiit ti to ,y Knowlden Is a draughtsman ailaebei! to the torpedo s. hoolshlp Vernon. In his room were found no less than leighly plans for wireless Impruvc- ami eeriain nooks or the most confidential character which are is sued to officers only. The author; lles attach the greatest Importance to the arrest of the accused man as th, contend that ir tin- documents ab stracted from the Vernon hail reached foreign governments'all the labor of recent years given to the perfection of a wireless system fur the HriliMi navy would have been rendered prac tically fruitless. PRESIDENT TAFT ATTENDS WEAK OF HIS NIECE JACKIES USED U1.C.A. With Daughter, Helen, and Enjoyed Cots Ashore and Son, Robert, Honors Nup tials of Miss Louise Taft Had Quiet Little Oarat Before Retiring COSTLY P.LAZK NKW VOI'tK, Dec. 30. Miss Louise Wall bridge Taft, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry W. Tuft, and niece of tlie president, was married this of lernoon in tne nome of her parents to (ieorge Hnowden of Seattle, Washington. Invitations in the cere mony were limited because of tho re cent death of Mrs, Horueo J). Taft, an aunt of the bride. President Taft came from Wash. ington t attend the wedding. The president was accompanied by his daughter, JVI iss Helen Tuft, and his j sons Hubert and Charles. I The ceremony was performed In a 'room decorated with palms and ; hung wlili mistletoe Hiid'holly. The i bride was attended only by Miss Mary '.Margaret liwe, her school chum, as maid of honor. The ushers Included her brothers. The Hey. Dr. J. (J. li, Harry, rector of the church of Ht. Mary the Virgin performed the cere-, niuny Mr. Hnowden, who has exten sive business Interests In the North west was graduated from tho Shef field Scientific school In lr He and his bride had been acquainted since tin y were children. When Asked as to hertJtnt of Blood Declared Sm Old Notiw NEW YOrtK, Bee. IO.-.WlIllam ft InrlOtt Of No. It ftfldford alr Vnilker, u Well to d, contractor at No, 304 West On hundredth street, suuinutiun, .-hn .sued to annul his marring to Edith May 1 W. Morton. oil the ground she did tint 'tetr hlth. . before the wedding she . "),; 'nnu ' Wood m her vein... Th suir.wJil be watched with Interest by lawyer .' nils it rr.i)M th question' whether- , woman I bound to tell her fiance II about her origin and th question whether negro blood m a wife' vein to a valid itround- for .-folding the marriage. llorton's attorney. Jrn, in h n Toomey of Mount Vermin, obtained yesterday from Buprern Court Jug. ' tic Howling an order, appointing John J, I'hrlan of Drldgepnrt, Conn commissioner to take th testimony regarding the , wife ancestry "f Olady E, De Vol end Mrs, lierUelM ' Uurke, hunt nt M(r. Ilorinn, and Mr. Kll )e WlllUms. ssld to he he grandmoihsr, . . . . Married It March. Morton say that-he-married hi. Wlfei who I twenty. March -art did not lirn of th alleged taint In ner mooa until several month later. Then h mads an Investigation eid learned, h ay, that hi wit' fatb r and mother wer mulattoe. ir not full blood negroes. Hi wife deulu I j this and represented herself to be pf SpanUh and Frenehsirautlon. , , on monllt; after Mrs. Horton's . marriage. It I charged. woman re, embllug her Contracted with John R ' Bate of Norwalk, ta erect aA eipi n- t iv stone at th grv of Mary 15 William, a mulatto who died In Nor. . , walk , about two ypr ago. Hortoii ha a photograph of Mr, tlorton with a woman, suld to be Ella De Williams, her grandmother, taken before her marriage. . Mm Did Not Know. . Armed with this evidence. Horton . - obtained an order from the 0uprem court, directing hi wife lo pper for examination before trial, At this cx animation sh said her mother's nam -wus not Mary De William and' her father' iienry De William; that her mother died about two year ago and that her father died on an ocean voy age many year before. Bh sup posed he was burled at sea. When shown the Contract with the Norwalk monument man she said, U did not bear her signature, When shown th picture of herself and BIIm Da William sh admitted it wo her picture, but wild h jdld not know the other , woman. When asked point blank whethtr her father and mother were not mtip. lattoe and whether h did not kne this when she married Horton, she -answered that sh did not know. Her attention wa caled to the mnt rtage license. In which she swore s'i waa white. She said she wa as whit as a great many of darker skin who called themselves whit. FOR ITSBJD SERVICE Plaintiffs Allege Cold, Men tal Anguish, and General Inconvenience in Suit FORMER JUSTICE BYNUM DEAD GALVESTON, Texas, Dec. .10 Fire here today destroyed the north compartment of one of the concrete wiiarves on pier No. 12. causing dam age estimated at 1100.000. The prin cipal loss Is on cotton awaiting ship- f HA RLOTTK, N C. Doc 30 mem to Liverpool, About 2.800 bales ; William Preston Byn'iim. associate en, waj! unrasgra to nroDa 1)1 V . tnsl ce of lh u, . 1S73 to 1881 one third of its value. All loss", llr, covered by insurance. I . y u i 1 1 wpm (Coiiilnued on page 4) WASHINGTON. Dec. SO Forecaflt: N'orth Carolina: Fair elightl wnm. J er Friday; Saturday fair light to mod. era t iuth west t south Wind from and one of Hi state's most prominent cltixens, paatied away ' at his home in this city this afternoon at tne age of ninety. Since his re tirement from the bench Judge By. num has lln-d quietly here. He amassed a fortune at hi law practice and has given lavishly of hi means to the cause of education In th state. ELKS' HOME IIK8TKOYED. JOHNSON CITY, Tenn.. Dec. 30. Fir today destroyed the Am burst 8mjth building here, entailing a loss, of probably $5,000, partially covered by insurance. The Elk1 home and many office were located In the build ing. The fire required strenuous fighting to prevent a conflagration I lie building was In the heart of the business district. NEW YORK, Dec. 30, Since the arrival of the Atlantic fleet th naval branch of the Y, M. C. A., on Bands street, Mrooklyn, has eccommodated several hundred sailors. The big dormitories have been well (tiled each night und every cot whs taken About 2 a. m., yesterday the night watchman was awakened by the ring ing of the d)or bell. Outside be found half a doaen sailor whoso cots hal been reserved for them. They went to their respective dot mitorles, but returned In a few minute with twenty-five of their companions. "Wo want to read scripture," sold one to the watchman. "Show i where the Ulble room Is." The room was thrown open and the watchmen Wont back to his j-oolii well pleased with the spiritual ardor of the Jaekles. A little later he heard somethlra thU did not sound exactly like scrip ture. . He listened. Then he distin guished these words: "Come seven. Baby need new shoes," Tho watchman made up his mind to investigate, Entering the Bible .room a mfist unusual (sight for a Y. M. C. A. institution met his eyes The sailor were ail squatted oft tl.c floor and In front ef each wa a pile or nickels and dimes. In the centr! of th group was a pair Of dice. Then the awrul realisation of what they were doing Struck the watchman full force. They were shooting craps Chase yerself," saffj one of the player a the watchman ordered them to top. "Where do you think you arey in Heaven?" The watchman went to th street, where he found Policeman George B. RUton. When Fatten 'entered th building the sailor ran up the stairs and; were afe In their cot before th watchman and bluecoat had time to mount the tirtf-and turn on the light. ' '. .- "' '.--.... That Is, all wer safe except Rene Coward and Henry Willi, both. t iTler In ihZ AA. Vk-J hp " M,ht ' ,f '"vers., Mrs. J,H?t Z t9 e i f Jt",sl Klech. her .Ister-lb-law, w pleaded guilty tr a charge of dlor .,.,,.w ,, '..," ,,,,. .- I -' ... ..... .,..,...., I . t. .... . . 1 , . .... ivtMer uno susitniicu a paiuiui in RALEIGH, N. ('., Dee. SO. .R. O. Richardson and B. ft. Whitley of Bel ma have sued the Seaboard Air Line In Wake Superior court for f 6,000 damages each because the Seaboard failed to furnish th plaintiff with seat on a train from drtmoutb''(o Raleigh, forcing them to M&nd for several hours Cold contracted, se vere pain, mental anguish and Ineon- ' venlence suffered through th negtl- gene of the railroad authorities, are th grounds of th suit. Th Pullman company la Included a defendant for the reason that exorbitant charge were demanded ror berths,, f d.5 In stead of 13. Thl I the first tit of thla kind ever brought In . th! state. , , , WATER HEATKB EXPLODES. ATLANTA, Qa., Dec. 30. -Oh wo man wa seriously Injured and anoth er, painfully Injured when a. water hetter exploded In th home, of Mr. Mlnnla LoUplecb her today. Mr. Minn) Lotsplech wa th more seriously- Injured of th two. She wei badly scalded and probably will lost defly conduct, pended. I Sentence wa sum- Jury In the side,

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