THE A.S LLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: RAIN. Leased Wire Reports Associated Press ASHE VI LLE, N. 0., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY V, 1910. VOL. XXVI., NO. 84. PRICE FIVE CENTS. . - - HEAD OF ATLANTA STOCKADE FOUND GUILTYBY JURY Superintendent and His Whip ping Boss Convicted of Assault on Prisoners EVIDENCE SUPPORTS CHARGES PREFERRED Many Witnesses Testified to Brutal Treatment of Unfortunates ATLANTA. Jan. 12. 1. M Vlning. recently suspended as superintendent of the Atlanta city stockade and l'cle Cornet, a guard at the stockade, were found guilty In the Superior court here late today on charges of assault and battery growing out of the alleg ed brutal beating of Floyd Green, a iM'gro convict. Sentence was deferred until tomorrow. Follow Investigation. The Indictment againt Captain Vlning and his whipping down fullow. ed an Investigation of the city pris on by a special committee of the Ful ton county grand Jury, which created a sensation by declaring. In a lengthy report to the court that tie filthy condition and cruelty practiced at the stockade were a disgrace to a civiliz ed community. Jn that report it was stated that the- prison ris ked with filth, and vermin, that the food was unwholesome, the clothing of the prisoners and the bedding filthy, and that men and women inmates of the prison were cruelly beaten. White wo men, for trivial breaches of the pris on ulee, th report stated, were fast ened to the wall with Iron rings, their feet barely touching the floor and left In that position until un fainted. Inhuman Treatment. In the case of the negro Green. II was testified that he was .placed in the "bucking machine" and given twenty-seven blows with a heavy leather strap, the IMood from the cut on his body running down Tils fal te sores. Mayor Maddox nnd members of the grand Jury testified to seeing the sores on the negro's body, some of which were three to four Inches in length and an inch in width. This punishment was administered becuuse the negro had cursed and threatened (Continued on page foiu.) E AFTER MARRIAGE WITH CHAUFFEUR LEAKS OUI Daughter of Kit h Familv Prefers Handsome "Can dy Kid" to Family COliBETT'S FI I FN I ) NEW YORK, Jan. 11!. Miss Mar garet G. Li-u-ltt, daughter of II. How land I.eavltt. the 1-lushing million aire, left her honi" yotorday morn ing after confessing to h r f;imily that she had seen-tlv married her former chauffeur. Joseph Smollen. at Jersey City on January fi. Iist night at the I.eavltt home. No. 14,1 ltowne avenue, in the most aris tocratic section of l-'liistiin. it was stated that the whereabouts of the daughter of the house were unknown, tint that it is supposed she has Here to Join her husband. The house was a house of mournirie, and all t v nini: friends were K"ing in and out to offer their condolences. Miss l.esvitt Is twonly-fivo yea -s old four years old r than tile man sic married and is an athletic js well as a romantic girl, who has always taken a prominent part in the social activ ities of Queens Itomugh. Ib-r father Is a director In several, birt" enter prises the Atltriista-Alton Kai'.wav and Electric Co. the North AukusI-i F.lectric and Improvement Co.. the V.'yckofT Water Co. tin- K.inl of l,..n:: Island, the Third Avenue Itailway Co, and the Augusta Itailwav and Kleetri" Co. He has offices at No p.road-w-ay. Mrs. I.eavitt. who was a Miss Milh-tts. hi lomrs to a prominent fam ily. ne of tlo-ir daughters married Cord Meyer, eon of the former chair man of the democratic state lommit tee "Joe" Smollen was formerly chauf feur to James J. Corbetl. anil bis mother used to run a laundry at P.--y-slde. He is handsome and so pr'n tnhle that Corlo-tt made a personal friend of him. at one time introduc ing blin to the C.'reen Room club. He was formerly a treasurer at the Balas oo theatre. Hut he b ft that job. his brother Hugh says, because "it gave him no chance to meet heiresses, you l:now." The chance came eighteen months ngo, 'when Miss Leavltfs father (Contlnm on psr fiif. LARGER CHOPS THE COTTON TUMBLES ,,H ONLY SOLUTION OF LOWER THAN EVER CiU LIVING PROBLEM ON HEAVY SELLING hyftk) fHfM Farmers Falling to Increase Production Proportionate to Consumption NATION IS LIVING FROM HAND TO MOUTH At Present Rate Must Soon Look to Foreign Countries For Necessaries HUSTON, Jan. 12. "We must In crease production per acre by more intelligent methods or we must fac the relentless certain day when w. shall not produce food enough to sup ply our own necessities," said Presi dent William C. Hrown of the New York Central railroad in an address tonight before the New Kimland rail road club. The wages or laborer, he declared, must continue to advance in fair ratio Willi tin- steady inn-case in the cost of living. Many n-pr scntit tives of New England railroad Inter ests were gathered about the banquet tables at Hotel Somerset. Governor Kbt-n S. Drajier. also was a principal guest and speaker. President Urown's km eoh, coming as It does at the height of a new flood tide of national prosperity, was intended for a warning of the most serious import. It ains added force by its reiteration of the recent admo nitions of James J Hill, another great railroad man as well as those of visit ing students of Our Internal affairs, and it Is especially timely in view of the fact that the employes of all the railroads east of the Mississippi are formulating demands for an increase in wages, based on I he increased cost of living. t'ou.Hiiiiimutiiig I'Ul tH. Mr. Hrown said In part. "The most portcntious cloud cernable upon the political or nntnlc h-orizon at this time is dls- the steady, relentless Increase In price of everything that goes to make up the cost of living." Thnf' rrtrosfiaT hwnrmrwmw Steadily rising values in the face of a long succession of Imuntlrul crops if ne of the most important us well as Interesting problems that confronts tlie political economist today. The crop grown In 190X has been almost consumed. The coal mined last year has been burned, but the gold pro- ( Continued on pugo four.) THREE IIS LOST IN Several of Most Important .Structures of Jamestown Fair Destroyed NARKOW KSCAl'KS Xtlltl-'t l.k Va , Jan I persons, two of them chlldre Tin - Wi re tmrntM to death in ji tin- whit h t ;irl tnlay d-stnyi'(l several if the Hinall.-r lnil'linH mi the Jann'ft n exprthi thii KrfMiinis Tin tir" sl.iri'-'l in the Halt inmr eily buildinK whieh was oenipiel by II. T. Halsteaii, nf Maltimure, an a rfHiih nee The nfcnrjiil urn- asl p when the (Ire hoan. ,NVv;i and Wal ter Halstt ad w-c- sitfTn. a te ;ind hurned bi f-ir-- tln-y enuld b- n'tten rtiit, antl l-.m K. MileH, pier fnre n, ,in il tie Virginia r.nlway, who w a -let-p mI xn in an upper room was no! awak in (I until Hi" (ire h id Main, d sueli hendwiiy as to cut off his seape. The bodi.s of the thr-- ' i almost cremated. Miles from Warren. .V In an attempt to scape Mr.s, Ilab .t ad. mot her of i fn- I o li i Id ren. jumped from a second ry window breaking her riht ankle and severe ly injiirim; lei head I'.em ;i very te -t y oiii;in her IiiivImioI otild not move her i' kly and she was badly burned v hih lyin : Ipb-s. It is thought her sknl rs frwt nred. Slo .'h taken to the Norfolk hospital as was J. II Siimmerill, weiKhmaster for the Virginia railway, a boarder in the bmldinr, who wi''iirlot his ba 1. in jumping from an upper window to eseajK' from the flames. He was oii sidera by hurried. The tire vva.s jv stubliorri one ;url was fought with KT'-at difficulty. IV fore the lircmt n had Kd ten t he flame under emitrol ihe laliimoie eiiy, buiidinK I'nited latiK:htra of the i 'nnft dera' . (rrand Trunk railwa and I'an-i't esi.yteriari but Id i nun had h- n ib-atrnyed., The Daughters of the been destroyed The I aughters of the Confedoraey building wan a duplication of " Ileauvair." the former home in Mississippi of Jof feron, Davis, president of the- Confed eracy. Th- Virginia, Maryland and pe nnylvunla tat and other build Infra wera threatened. The. burned butldinit coiH nhout $15,00. Panic Stricken Longs all Over " , -. i Fill!! World Dump Their Hold- Mi jJfW f gflf Ings on Market pfT COLLAPSE WORSE THAN ' MjM wMiP --"S THAT OF SULLY BOOM (7J-&X P vST illf I ( T" ) Spot Cotton In Leading South crn Markots Shows no Woakness NEW YolSK, Jan. 12. There was a further big break In the cotton mar ket today, making the third sensation al slump in prices since the. movement started early last week. Panic strict en longs in all parts of the world seemed to lo liquidating their cotton regardless of prices, and the action of the market showed such intense ex- cltement ami demoralisation as finds a parallel only in the series of serum tional movement following the col lapse of the Stilly boom. For more than a year the cotton market lm been steadily advancing and toward the end of last month prices had reached a level which since the Civil war. had only bom when Sully was at the'helght if his fame, March contracts selling it 13.17 and May at 16.41. Hut at the culminating point of today's de- Hne March contracts sold at 1 4. fit md May 14.7H. a loss from the high record ot troni . .: to in.tu per naie. almost all of which has occurred during the past week The decllnef from the cloBing prices of Inst night mounted to more than fS JiO per bale. SMM-ulHtlve Move. There does not ;tpper to have been iny change in general trade condi tions to warrant the almost precodent- il slump In prices and In contnurt to hi' Sully year no financial difficulties iavo l(en precipitated, it is apparent, however, that one after another of the big bull elliiuit .nub had been organizd In depend--"v during the progress of the big bull market have been liquidating -Migbfttty : Ui' selling movement - wm originally due to an effort to obtain orollts on long lines owing to the ap proach of the new planting son son and expectations of greatly increased irea, while the absence of any spec ulative short interests left the market with very little support. It was re ported today that spinners were buy (Continued on pngo four.) FOR RECENT FIASCO IN Head of Chapin and Com jiany Killed Off Kxehange for Two Months WAS ACTING FOR REID NKW VoltK'. Jan 11- Sumuel P Chapin, head of the New York am ;ileaKo linn of s. H. ('hapln ami corn pan y, w a suspended from t h pri ibes of the Sfw York Htm k eXehariKe for it peod of BlXtv days for participation in the Hoei Island tiHsco of I leeeinber 7 biHt. when allecd ill-managed manipula tlon sent the common shares of t h lovk Island company from MJ to SI and back aaiu in a period of twel. m in u t e. ". I ( 'on nt ism, one of Mi ('hapin's partners, and the only oth . r board member' of the firm, wi also suspi uded for thirty days. Notwithstanding all the pre-nt ru f I : 1 1 . InvolviriK the name of Ianiei ; !;!d. chairman of ihe board ( dir''iors of the I lock Island eompan; for whom, it is said, '"hapin and i'Mini:iin ei up d ihejr buying or decs, tie- -,erdi.t of the sjtoek e-x chnm;e Kovernnrs ifdicateH that th infractions of the suHpended mern b rs arn not r n: rdej ry wnousl v Th were found k'uilty as announced of "acts detrimental to the w lfar- of the cxi halite. " I'oiiirary to 'lo ral e.p tation no ot her un mli'TK id t tie ex ha nue a r t'j be punished though H in known that the in vest iiral ion "f ' be Hpeelal eom in it tee a pp"inted ley the Kn'Tn fir.s brought out fa Im :?iippoHerl to have invoed several other firms. The session of inv sliKatin eom mittee were exeintive and the "In side" of t he entire tranwaetioriH ia thus kept from the general public Atf Wail street ha-s analyl thu sit uation h'WV' r, S. H. ''hapin ati company at ted for Mr. Kejd or oth ers in the purchase of Iork Island stock, while a looked for eing r,r der was not forthrornlriK. thus nlp idriK" an ititenied "match sab-" which wrnibi have threatened a corner. The firm of S. H. Ohapln and com pany wan . rri$anized in the latter part of 1901. T hi r main office are 1 n Chicago and there connection have aiwayw twn of a powerful and profit able character. i " . . .. I LOCAL POLITICAL M UDDLE RANKS "Discretion Being Better Part of Valor", Grant Adherents Saying Little. McKee's Friends Do Not Like Casual Way Local Bosses Are Trying t0 Shunt Him Aside. Has Strong Backing. The eitlwn Bureau, Washington, V. C, Jan 12. OutKldo the itlltrtmr postofflro row, IntcrpBt amouj- North Carolina visitors now hoi renti-rs In thf ef fort lieliia-Mged l)J; frii-ndu in Ix-half of Mr. Dunn Mclvv who scoks tho appolnlment of I ft K. niarsluill for th Western district. It 1h said Hint powerful inllui'ncr are at work for Mr. McK, but honu more lmtrnt than those of Mr. Hi ncrol Hates, Mr McKee's rnoUier-in-raw. No woman In Washington e ouUhlnn Mrs, Bates wh ft eomes to diplomacy. WhH sh 'ohrtrisH PrwrtoVnt Taft as she was to ills proii&eossor, Tho-odoro Rocsaevelt, sho knows tin- Innrr worklnirs of ihe cabinet and Is well established on the vlaltlnK list of the foreign i inhasslen. Pp-aldi-nt 'liHsenHt had surli contldenre In Mrs. .leneral Palis when fieneral Ma ;oon was mini'- wuvlHlona! governor if Cuba she nnd her husband, flen 'ral Puti n, lati ly deceased, were urged to bi to Cuba with Magoon nd take up n-sidi nee In the exeeu llvc manalon. :-neral Magoon was a bachelor, and If the ttovernment Miannion at llui inna whh to be a min iature white house, it was neci-Hsary that some ' llrsl lady of the land" ad minister Its affairs Ho (ieneral Hates ind his uri-nniiliah'd w)fi wi-nt to BUST OF GOV. GRAHAM UNVEILED AT CAPITAL1 Distinguished Ptioplc (J;dh eicd t Honor Famous Son d' North Carolina i KAl.KIGII, N C, .fun. 12 In (In lireHenie of a ni"-ii iliHtiiiKUlHlied rum liany. iinloiliiu: ibe urand lodge of ,'lasons, a mnl'N bust of William A Grabani was !" - u'-n!eil to the state by (be stale li is I . ib a I assoilatlon to night, and tie bust nnveileil with Itlinw rerenion', :rabam was gov-j rnur of Nnrtli I'arollna and Cnlteil Slates seTrilfir. will a member of I I'resplr-rit Kiimi'.m's cabinet, as Mei.-re- lary of thenar. I le ri signed to ta k- ' bo uliig iimuiii illun dr ii-e prirs- blent -in the I' il, (ieneral Heolt. 1( was lllle siivlni; In III. (ate nf 'iri;ini.i as rneinbr-r of lh onimiKsjoi) tn -'Mle tlii iHspiile as i"! 'In. Virgitil i M ' ' land tb.iil i nnl i a. I i li.s fatal Illness in! mr.. Crank Nash. aiblriHN "ii I llillboro. deliver,.,! , I be Iiersotlilllly ami ! I Governor Graham I on, of N'ort ba ni pi un. on "Th Value r till III je Servile rhouia- W ,M.. Htiolie eliMllen'l HiHlurt' Ml Muii 'iin in u Iii idm' i;iii Slate." I'ol. .1. Hran i.rime.x pri-senled ih biisi, -md i;M'inor Kitehin. in a lillllK It, paid bis high tribute to Governor Grab un ami to Graham's family. WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. Korpoaat for Nofth Carolina; Increasing cloud iness; raia. by Thursday night and on frrlday, modern-Us temprrntn llht enst to southwwrt winds. DEVELOPING Cuba, and those who know what they are talking about uniUi In sayluu that the diplomatic efforts and sun nil cxjiiunon sense of Mrs. Hales Iliad much lo do with the straightening of the Cuban muddle. Ho with "the general." as Mrs Hates is known lo her close friends, enlisted In his tight. Mr. McKee's chances are regarded as decidedly rosy. Other Interests, too, are pitch ing their business In the Mi-Ki-u camp and the pot Is boiling merrily. it la asserted by Mr, McKee's sup i&orters that th ligan stock , has waned considerably slnrv Mr. 1nn has been dragged Into tha Orant Keed affair. Hefore the Mi-Kee strength developed Mr. Iogan was regarded as an elfc,y winner. Hire nnd there, however. the statement is made that Mr. McKeu will not get the appointment. Lull In right. No news was received here yester day by the adherents of either Con gressman Grant or Mrs. Heed from Washington, the seat of war over the I'lltmore postoffleo. However, this fact was simply re garded us a lull between the blasts of the storm which Mr. Omul's affi davit a'-tlons havo raised, and further developments are exported as soon as SWAIISOIil URGES BETTER ROADS AND STATE BANKS fn Strong McH.sag! to Lein- Inturc Iteeonnneiid.H That Doth lc Improved ItlCllMMM, Vh.. Jan 12.Tln Virginia ro oimtic! i noon !oi!h with Hi" uiriKil tf-fMo-t nt f- tnn torlly In lolh hoitru-v oriit pi rferl pwrty harmony pr' ;itliriK. It ft Imp) 'ivlyn livid, or Win lnHtcr, ( hoHon Ktknr iff thi! hoiiHe at 1 h oVmo ntt lc fau'iiH lat nlht, wum duly cl('f:tf'd, jlh wen- other o(I1alH niirn-d hy th' (ailf HH. fji-iiti-nattt liruflfinr J. Ttfi.y - Inr Kllv wtTi i-Hidd o' -r th wmtif Th- I--W r'-piihli ariH hav named John ' Not I, if I an th lr floor l' .'d-r In (he Heiiiitc and H ln dl' ton, of ,S oM, ii Ihhikc fjmr l"Jid'r I ( cu. illation of hIiI" hanttH imd th' J -1 j 1 1 1 1 r i u; f off ro:uln an- two of In- ?ri"Mt i m poi t ant i c om rri'-rida I lonx in o'lmriior Swarmon'M taw ttf-nnnK' , id- 1:1 fi-r;il atHi-inlly read ht-for 'hat hnd V t '"la y. "Th'- rriny h.'H, th- u;r-at ilHtrH : nd tin- IhipIiii'MH d i t Im n't h ouir mn in many ' omi rn h ri i t ) on a rn tj Tit h.tnt. failiinw fanned hy r-ck I'-ftK h;(rtkin.' fraud and d'-fa -a t Ioiih. loud Iv roi l;urn tin iirK'-nt ro HHit f h -k itsl i t inn providmif raMirist hh rnu -la t in for the on I rol nf Mta t- han k i -nd fi'-'Mo rtt (xanttnatlonH to that t J I r. i, ;, M,M flf I ' li( f'( , " Sa H f ; pvrriior HwattMon hi Iiih jii'-kwik 'I'fi pr'i'h anniiall-.' ;t furnl of $ '.,o.iHMt ff.r tfad iruprovfirif tit in Virginia. ti' o.vfrnfr KutrK'H that Mo- h-H 'd thf r'iiiif d'-rivt! fjm III'- f ran luff tax upon t hi' ht'kh fa r nini;H of Mm Ht-a in a nd fh-'-tri'-railway.1 of th- utatf. h. nt awtd" llo r omrnffnlM t It- polfry fd working 'onvhtH nnfl jail priMonT upon th' puldlf highway. KMJ I l HIS I IUKND. 8T. M-Gt-KrtNK. I'"ls . 3iM. 12 Whib- playinif wrlth un tintomatlc pistol In un effort to (i-b It to work, Rex White nerldcntally killed his friend. Archie Holt, yestMrday at V" pancola, near here. White thought the cartridge hnd been removed from th pistol. IN G. O. P. BITTERNESS I Prank Carter, Mrs. Reed's altornef. reaches the president and relates to Mm Ihe highly serious charges which have been made, not only against the congressman, rut which now Includes Chairman W. U, Logan, since tha lat IT went to making alildavlts and car. rylng tha affidavit of Cliinf tiroenwoml to Washlngtort for uso In bolstering up the Grant affidavits that Mrs, Hoed tried ti) bribe him. The Giant forces sevm In hut gotten .tonguft tied, Nons of them hava anything to, ssr stimut tht case snn wniio ha Is rffilng tongue lushed hy hostilities he And ho defends. Tha Grant people, when asked what they think, reply that thoy don't know n-unh about the matter, or that they have not talked with Mr. Grant The friends of Mr. Luther, Hlltmore post master, are making a stand for him nnd Insisting that he ought not to be held responsible because of something in which ho was not concerned, that as Mrs. Reed was removed from the office there was no reason why he should not be appointed, especially as ho makes an excellent postmaster, which everyone admits. Home say that Mrs. Reed was not so very effic ient as postmistress, but It Is rccog- ( Continued on I'age Four) COHEN PINCHES LITTLE 1BEHOTECHEEK Hhv ProtfHts That She Doo.s Not Think More of Her Jo than of I for Ixvc;r 'MIICAiio, Jan. 1 a. -Kohcria I J anon, tlw rhlhidrlphla h"lrciis nnd rr- rh-rh k t'olu n, walti-r with whom nhn i Ifipf'l on ivvvnhvr 2, Iff t for I'hlladt -Iphla today with offlcir wlwro th y atf dm at G.S7 p. m., to morrow. The (l't'ctl vn ohsrvd thu Kreati-rd ' f rccy In KMiIng tin ( lojt th out of tin- city. They were taken lo tin Hlathm In a cloHt'd farrhiK' with th- curtalriM drawn, nmuKgl'l Into thf hautfaic" roimi and takn to lh train Hh'-d In a frrdtfht fdi-vator, Th' y w-ro hiirrj"fl a hoard t'n train and th rurtalriH of th drawing room v i-rp dra wn , 'fdi n'M ph-lii-f iin'l nif nurf mf iiIb hv thf hf-rlillon MVHtrn wto takdi hffor tin- party hft 'hlra.K,o. f'dun w;m takfti to tho HarrlHftti Hi i t poliff Htat Ifiri durltiK t In day and not MImh O" Janon for Ihe flrnt Hrrif hi in h- w;i)i h rtf td. 'oliii ii'm ptnfh'f hf r h'i k and nald: "I hy thf pajH-rH that you ap pear tn think mor of yfuir rloK than you do (ff nif " "Why, that Im untrue," replied Mls I hi Jnnori. " Vou know I don't.' "I Hiipp'tKf thf-y will lv' yc ahotit yi-ara" Bald 'fh'n. "hut I don't car'. I had tht pleafturt of makiric yo'i happy for a whilf anyway. Wlu n you K'd hack luurif don't tell anything hut thf truth; that tn all I ran do. I KU'mk fvf'rythlnx will corno out all rlKht, I trcat'd you llkx; my own dangM" r." ji i.i: hi-:ki ii:ad. .MONTGOMKKY, Ala., Jan. 12. Jinljce .John Calvin Heed, of Atlanta, (in., noted as a lawyer, author and xi Ivilnr died here today aed seventy three. Ho graduated from Princeton In the class of '4 and saw service throughout f.he Civil war In ths eighth Georgia volunteers. Hs Was an netlvn lesder In th Ku KIhk Klatl. 1 . J ' GRANT SAYS THAT Gl Leading Democrats of Bun combe he Claims. Signed Petition For Him SAYS CHARACTER IS ABOVE REPROACH Blltmore Office Now Assam, os Interesting Phase and Both Sides are Working (Hy 15. K. V. Brjant.) WASHINGTON, Jan. J3.Th Washington correspondent of Tho Chailotta Observer will say tomor row: Representative Grant, who Is be Ing severely criticised by the demo crallc press of th slate for using tha affidavit of Chief Greenwood In coi nectlon with th fight over th Bllt mora postoffleo, threw out a llv wira today In -political circles, "Wfoy" ha ' says, '' have In my possession peti tions signed ty soma of tha loading democrats of Hunoombs county, tea tlfylng to the good character of Mr. Greenwood." This said Mr. Grant produnud the original. of tha follow ing paper: - ' , w r "We, the undersigned cIIIssm 'of Ashevllle and Uuni'omhe county, take great pleasure In testifying to tha high character and standing ln; thla community of Mr, C C. Oreenwood, Wo have known Mr, Greenwood for miuiy years, and have always found him to be a gentleman in avery re spect, honest truthful, nnd a man whose character is above reproach." Thla was signed In their own hand writing by William J.-Cocke, R. M. Kltspatrlrk, W. K. Johnson, J, J. M ac key, Lock Craig, T. Kc Hunter. tit. Krwln, and D. (J. Nnland, Mr. ' arant drew from side .pocket .. second petition, worded exactly Ilk , the foregoing, and signed by Dr. I), K, Sevier, chairman ot the democrat- nd county superlntemlunl of health;'"" 3, M. OudgiT, irj and other, "Mr, Grant said It wa his purpose to file these at the white house ann with other matter bearing upon the case. Mr. Frank Carter, attorney for Mrs. Fannlo Julian Reed I making a desperate fight for hi client, nd will carry the case to th White Jtous This afternoon, accompanied by Ijen ator Overman, he called on the post- master general, Mr, Ultchoock, and presented the farts, as h has them," FOR BACK INTEREST ON Committee of Bondholders Requests State to Bring Suit HAVE HALF MILLION IMto VI DKNOK, It. I., Jan. 12 Pmposlns; that the statn of Khode Is land should take legal action to re cover from th state of North Caroli na payment of coupons on bonds Is sued by the latter In 1 869, thn bond holders committee of North Carolina today sent to Governor Aram J. Poth Icr, bonds amounting to 1511,000. The orlxlnal issue amounted to 113,000. 00" and is distributed among Individ uiii,. In various parts of the country. it Is understood mat th state paid the coupons for only three years. A few years ago the state of North Ifctkota secured Judgment against the state of North Carolina for the amount duo individuals In North Da kota, but the dwlsion In the case was not broad ennough to cover hold ers In other states. As an individual cannot bring suit against a state, the bondholders now desire the state of Ithode Island to take the matter up and endeavor to have final payment niHiio In all cases. Governor I'othier referred the proposition to the general assembly. aVKN TO STATE. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. The bonds upon which Khode island will demand payment of North Carolina, though held by Individuals, have bsen given outrlKht to Khode Island for the pur pose of collection nnd If anything la realised on them the proceeds will be used for public Improvements, - New York city Is the headquarters of the "North Carolina bond holders" and through Kdwsrd L. Andrews, . their secretary, they made public to night s letter written to Governor Pot bier, saying among other things: "Willie the holders of these bonds have no intention of restricting lit the slightest manner the uses to which they should be applied, they would be gratified If their proceeds were utilised Xor tho public, snd enduring oucjet .of-them. etropolltiiri park. Im provements. , ,. no is RIGRLY ENDORSED RHOOE ISLAND f.f AY SUE