THE SUNDAY' CITIZEN PAGES TODAY 22 ASHEVILLK. N. ('.. SUNDAY MOKNING, JAM'AllY 1H. UMO. PRICE FIVE CENTS. )L. XXVL SO. 87. Newly Found "Pie" ey. fflELT MAY STORYOFTHEMAN. LIBERALS RET! IN FIELD AGAINST L E1 E FLEA 'if .' I SI FM ' - ; (7 iTHE WEATHER: j faib. ; jjg Ni CANDIDATE IS AKE TRIUMPHA 10 CORRUPTED C DMT HOB LOSE SPEAKER CANNON 0URRAGKH0M 1 TOWN POPUIAR VOTE jatlon From Middle West A ..11 I f 1 A fa.tvAM -oVllnS n III ll) wccu Across Country Pif Piwr ml? IV i 'i I L ni ES SOLID IN WEST; i els Sweeping Victory for : mocrats In Next Con- j gresslonal Election i RSHlNGToN, Jan. 1 a. I-Vcsh a Kpeas-h making tour ii un- i h..i-.. 1... iti:nli n careful study K political situation, Koprcsento Ehamp Clark, ill' Mis.smiri. the Btv leader nf the liniiai', wlin ! - R hero today, grew enthusiastic M.w I,, t.iu t ,1 i I leu I :iUMnr''!i!. BKIISH I til- rIHlt-l't.S f"i" il 1 i- oonlrol nl' I lu- ih-xI house hi Motives. Hi- brings back nilh i s-n I- picture uf tin- imtlii'iU edicts a sweeping democrat io in tin- riiiijfri'W.iniil election II ami a ili-innrratii' tmus uf Motives. His cheering story t renewed tiupi'S fur the ill mo- Mr. I'lark saiil lio found ' 9g spirit ul democracy in onm issotiri and other pliaees where iU-il. Clark brought Willi liim from ri i In- interesting story which ;,rni-il at Kuiikuh City of the Bine ol a certain gentleman ho latter place a few days air 'frlcsi, rcproHeiiting practically the commercial bodies uf tin to invite Colonel Roosevelt to t San Francisco upon his r:- the I " n i t imI Slates anil irnrr I'ment from west to o ist. ,oull lie Great Show. a procession across the eoun- ultl t.o the ur. ali-st show seen It earth since the morniiiK "tars img together." said the Memo leader in characteristic Ian Clark recalled that Fresblonl had done much the same thine id that if Grant had landwl at IrancUKO at a more opportune o power rnuliTTiava prevented tnlnatinn for the presidency for term. Missouri the party is imiri- Bonee more as a result ot the City meeting and wo are v i wipe tlie republicans off tl-.i Continued in four. ) ES SOLD COTTON SAVE HIS FRIENDS' fi si Sacrifice oi' Ileavv'Ceiisor Limits New s ( 'onmi': Niniirs io uejieve i n- i i l I ileiiahle Situation. KKT STK'OXCKK ViiltK, Jan. bad a very it h business i la The eoitotl veiling opening n a tremi-mhois liwitiL; !he seiiHii t i I il t s nl viHtfVil;,y. r.'tiii l-lLim ..nuin.J the kO" in nia 's Ihiuidai ion had mark-' ii max or un- re.-ord breil.lngj ut of the past ten days, and ,iv et pool relaliv i'li firm, tie ooeneil at all aiUanee o'' J toj ols. with March contra' is s 1 t .Ml and .May at 1 4." :l before f ,1 of the call or :t.S.'. and M I le aliioe the closing prices Ol J Stlit and in Ho- case of March I , bale abo e the low priei of ' 'ilay at'terlloon. j ioan large spot Interests an.' j J-diorls were enormous huyers start, hut there was alio , - liea in pi hi. n m'ii o Eerests who had held their ooi- est.-rda 's bre-ik but e hail been ibstroeil le i-'I if the bull leadership. flarge commission houses ww i: dited in I he st,-eet with h 1 irn; .1 most of the business ol tie C,,ll leader. Fiigeiv- 1 . Sea a a I tempi e. I .o a i i i.pectacular operations in tic ft market culminated in his ..t- f liquidation of yestenlav ' - statement today a-s follows . selling by Mr Scales veste ;L Siierilice on h's part toe tie of his friends, as he was the uf a concentrated tire Iron' I Jars anil Nr icn mere was mo o-.. Ruling to he shot at and hm ':i-; I .-irket lleliressed on h'S t'llellds. i jp- selling he could relieve the. Sas stateii mai no ii-iw man i 1,-, of long cotton were thro v:- the early advance lull jt was ffirlie-u ''ny snena iiim in-n on -a reaction of 14.40 for M y fie market closf d steady at : n of from C4 to TH points from losing figures of lnnt night i n tlve months. All Washington and North Car olini Laughing at Political Muddle in District IJr.m( )I,KA I N AKr. IN A FUNNY SITUATION ALSO Endorsement and Counter En aorsemenis are Amusing to rresiaeru iaii Cill'.cn llureuu (H.N II. i:. ('. Kryaiil.) WASH INGToN. Jan. 1 "Who tcStilieil fin- Chief CleellWood ?" to tieciitiie ipiite as common an "Wlin Struck Hilly fulid son '"' Willi din- apologies to Mark Twain, I shall, in the follow ing storv, try to give tin slori of Tile Alan W ho On rupled I :i il nor " Mrs. l'annic Julia Iteed. f.irnierh postmaster uf lUltmoiv. was ttirneil out, and Il.vron laiiher, turned in through the influence of ItepreHcnta livc (Irani. Ihirlug tin progress of the ll.-lce light followed line Chief (IreeliwiHid. a Itie; ly man. made an affidavit corrolioratlvc of certain charges made iiKaint the woman. Frank Carter, one of the livest wins in the Hliii- l:idi;e moiinlains. caine aloiiK and proilihed a rmuil. tclliie-; uf variuils and s 1 4 n 1 1 r v chaises against i;reein I. htiralh nniclurillK his reputation liiu. i!r:inl. wlin wears the liiK'iicsl pouipnil'iur in the house, and one al most as well-i 'i.tehed as that of fi Fiillcttc. tlie cock-sparrinv of the senate, followed with a radiant list of indorsers. Jtuth sides Iiave Is en to ()u pootmaaler general and the president. I'apcrs galore are liled all ahoilt. This is the way matters stand toda. Moth sides are resting on their ours, hut war may he resumed at any time, (.riind Old "To Whom It May oii-Cfi-U." "To Whom It May Concern." Is far reaehiiiK. ' i y few eomliinalious of words are more appealing. A man looks at "To Whom It May Concern" ponders a minute, picks up his" ikui. and tells the world that he taken ereat pleasure' in "testifx in to the hi.'h character" of this man" whom 1 have known for many ears. and have always found fiitn .io he a gen tleman in every respect, honest, truih- Continued on pnKr four.) ilOrlS' ARMY TIGHTENING IIP LINES PREPARATORY TO FIGHT in l'idin Nicaragua in Ad vance of Uattle A KM IKS MKKT SOON HI.!' F.FI KM S, Xicaragua. Jan. x ia New ilr leans. Jan l.'i. The rapid I or w.l id iim of plans lor an at tack on ilri jliiiui and Managua is oi diealed l.y Hi. increased ngors of On l ell-iorsil i p. The ciirr.-spuiulciils are iml niiar I'.'liug wilh tie arrangement as tln-y ha . b. , o frankly Inlorno ,1 l hat t Io Mleee'l o tie pr O V isi 11 . 1 I glOelll lllelll's pl.lUS ll- pi-fid ll"ll O" Si'Cl'eei with wiiii b tin v are care d mn. Il can do en harm at this lime Io -late I hat lb.- bull, of th. pun iM.uia ; II ii which fought at It'ileo an now al i "1 1 1 1 1 . on l he M ii or river, or hevond. An advance cuaid of four linndr. d ol il. neral .b e., s men hn" o. eltpied A.oV.lp.l WitlloUt opposition A light h.l'l been expei I' d at Oli point, lad wlieii Menu's scouting pal ly foil nd the town uiigarrisone.l n took possesion. Mena has relum ed to Italoa. ill of ploniaiti' poison ing Fslr.i'l.i. nsin (be military line, i.i .iii-.cling op. rations Horn Itauia. A Nee ,l llel.l ll o til' It l i I ! til IV phi II includes the capture of Oievtown bv l. ni'liil Matuv Alter III. itnivti. Ma toy is to join toics with the oth. r tr...ips al Aooyapa. Other and more interesting features of ih .s, heme it would U an fair to publish Malm's lone of about on. thou sand men will include six hundred prisoners capllir-d at Ceereo hut who -wore allegiance lo the provisional government at the first opportunity. Ii was orciin.illv planned that the lil'evtown exp-'diti'-n should bo led l.v Hen. ral Kstrada. but il has ap pan ntl- be. n determined that Kstra da should titer Manauga only after the war. and not at the head of the troops coming as conqueror. The armv which will carry the pro visional government s banner against Managua will he the larg.-Ht and bv far the best . iulpx'.l since Zelaya. in the carle, years or his a dm in ist ra tion led an armv or l.'.con against Costa rtien. . Tide of Favorln EnglandTurns Again Toward Aristocratic Policy WALDORF ASTOR WILL NOT ENTER PARLIAMENi Mob Drives Chancellor of Ex chequer From Platform for Trying to Speak l.ii.Mxi.V, Jan. la. The Mrsl en gagement in the light for tariff te form. a great navy and the supreiiiacv of the lords, as against free trade, re form of the house of lords, and home rule ended tonight with neither pail in a commanding position. The resulu of the polling today tend to coii linn the ion oust that the liberals w ill retain control of the government with a greatly ri dueed majority. The un ionists have gained an encouraglii" number of scats, although Icnh than the t w etity-niiie w hich they expected to take away from the liherals out of the seventy-four halhuted for. The popular vote goes slrongly against tie- lllverals. The members ol that partv who hold seats Won them today by majorities ranging from thirty to sixty per cent below tluii majorities in turn; except In a few boroughs whore special conditinis figured in the campaign. The papular votes polled by the lilH-mln for tin twehe London Reals show a stronger hold un power than in the piovcince. 'J he majority of the London hor ougs were labor districts. , .Manchester and Itlnninghani give hi arty unionist gains. Birmingham has been strongly conservative, large ly the result of Joseph Cannon's cru sade for protection and today, the unionists carried the city solldlly by increased majorities, nearly X.dtili larger than In 190(5. The most sweeping change hi lm ilon was in Fislham borough, where the middle class population went en thusiastically for taTlir reform, giv ing W. Hayes Fisher, the unionist candidate a majority or 2,000 Waldorf stor lcfenteil. Waldorf Astor and Sir II Morti mi r liunind. the former to the Tutted States, who contested (Continued on iiiitrei four.) SELECT MEMBERS TP Personnel of Committee Practically Decided Vmii l.v All Parties KM.OUSK IXCOMK TAX WASIIIN'OTiiX. Jan. ir.. Th. ae li'oi ol Ihi- caueiis id' delno'iai a ll pi esellla I i V IS ill the house tulliglll indicates that III.' house member id lb.- llalluiger-I'inchoi inv.-stigu i in,; . "rilllllllee proba lily will be lie ',, low ine liemu. rats: Janu s. oT leiilie;v and Kainer. ol Minims, chosen to night. Ilepnhliean regulars .Mel 'all, o Massachusetts; Olmsted, of Fenian! valli.i; Slev.ns. of Minnesota, .;.ier..l Iv reported to have been sel.-ct. d. I: -publican insurgents' Madison, id Kansas, generally understood 10 ii. i he insurgents' choii .-. The iletnoera I cam 113 lasted tee hours though all lad l'lf an liuui ol the seMHIon was devoted to speech making an.: Vtatloting on (he helce loin of a Jl.lillU Sflecial m'SSen'4cl to lb., minority. .1 J Speight, of Al, urged by 1 1 epresen t a live (".'.- t..u, b. jng chos.-n. Minority ieader Champ ''lark non, inated ollie James for the I !a lllr.g. i - I ill' Iml committee. The caucus unanimously adopl'd a I sollllloii pri seQIed by Mr I 'aril w 11 k. of Georgia. declaring "tha democrats throughout the countr. are urged to take an active part In procuring the ratification ol the in 1 ome tax amendment 10 th.- const, t ul ion " This amendment is now bein fought out in the stales There w-.-re about 12." demotrili' representatives pnnent. Mr. cl.ctoe. ol Alabama, presiding Tin- republican caucus for the se lection of th'-ir members of 1 he com mittee will be called Immediately af ter the president's signature to th. nallinger-finchot inquiry resolution that is now In conference between Ihe two houses It is possible 'he 1 aliens may he held either -Monday or Tuesday night. GR AJSiT REF USES TO TELL MRS. REED CHARGES HE HAS FILED A GAINS! HER Replies Insolently to Demand. "Crack Your Whip; I am Ready to Meet You". Contents of Affidavits Secretly Filed in Post Office Department Can not Be Learned. According to a soeeial dismiti'li lo The Cilizen from il-Wnhingtoiv bu- l'eau, received last iiighl. Congress man Grant, is not only lighting a vn 111:111 in his attacks upon Mrs. Fannie J. Keed, formerly postmiuster at Jillt more. Inn w ligli,ting her with all the weapons of a merciless politician, ! lighting her secretly and untie the cloak of his orllcial position. Moreover, he deiianlly and con temptuousl' rel'usi'8 to treat her with tho fairinsn and opennens a man iould, by force of strength demand, and declln.H to let her know J1I what chiiigeu he has made against her. The attacks hitherto tade upon Mrs. Heed by Grant hve Vcrlmfly (harged her with attempts to brib". Now that sho has made a (leniino upon him for th' specific cluirgee made to tho postofflee dc)artm"n! against her In writing. Grant ni her with this polite and courteuti" reply: "Crack your whip. 1 am rei"lv to mil you." ' This was his reply made to 11 letter addressed to him by Frank Cuti', Mrs. e I s counsel, unking for a 1 opy of the charges filed. Grant led only refused to answer the letter, but under cloak of his official posiii'in was insulting. Mr. Curler's Letter. The follow ing Is .1 copy of th "' r sent, to Grant by Mr. Carter, attorn' v for Mrs. Iteed: January 14. I'd" lion John G. Grant, lions.- of Itepresentatlves. Washington, Ii c OiMir Kir: , Mrs. Ftinnhf Julia ! ! was appointed poHtmanter al l.iil- NEW YORK SNOW BOUND IN WORST STORM OF YEARS' Nine Lives are Lost ami ' Planning One to Maiinfac Many Injuries leoitni; t lire Kvery article of Clo I )iie to 1 leavy Snow tiling She Wears NKW YollK. Jan 1 :,. Nino I were lost and six persons injur. one of (he worst slorms ibai v isiteil New York city The snovv fall at 10 o'clock this mot n was 14 1-2 inches, second only I" blizzard of iHHii, wh.ti I :. I--' i-. I -II. and of 1 XXX. in which S. 11 l!us ( 'unklin lust his lif.- v 2ii ll Inches fell Kighteen Ihons men have been put to Work cb 11 the Streets and it is 'estimated t the cosl of removal will exceed $ 1 (1110. Mayor Gaynor appeared at the , hall today qutke as if he had city :iit last1 Ihe n; n-hf the re- fought for his lio In the storm night. T was somewhat su prised," n ma'or. "to learn hy the noo papers that my life had been tho in danger. The worst effect ol incident on mys'-lf is a certain . nesa of the chest which I feel o and which f believe Is due 1 ' lu ing the bitterly cold wind. WATT WASIIINOTON, Jan. 15 Forecast for .orth Cartillna: Fair fiiinduy and Monday; light north and northeast winds. ' A 7A I more, N. C , to Miiceii'il her diS'etiseil husliand, Dr. Geo. W. Iteed. t:pon the expiration of her term she np 1 plied fur re-appointment and the ref old of her administration of tho oMh e was so good, her endorsements hy the patrons of the office Mo strong, and the sentiment both In the depart ment and In tho community, In favor 1 of retaining a widow who had "made , Kood" wan so obvious that she felt. , and her friends felt, that her appli cation should receive your support. ! The disappointment of this e.xnee. . tation wus accepted as one of the j vicissitudes of politics until It liecani ! known ihal her displacement In favor I of Mr. U, J. Lutjiw had been procured ' tlmean of a secretly 'prarMl I charge that she had been guilty of the j crime of attempted hrrtiery, In inn , nectliu! with her application, and ! that the charge wus supported hy 1 affidavits made hy you and by mem bers of your family, j Asks Vindication. Protesting her Innoeency of this I 1 harge, and valuing her good name ; more than the offlee or the paltry sav ings iiecumulaited during hr Inoum ; henry, Mrs. Iteed employed coiiiibi I ; to vindicate her character hy 1 on listing thei charge against her lu every forum In which It may properly he presented. Her present effort la to secure her vindication from the very authority ( with which the charge was lodged I through re-lnstatetnent Into Ihe ottbv ' from which she was removed. I am her representiitivo In this effort, and as such am addressing yon this letter I llnd myself seriously handicapped1 In this contest by the secrecy of vopr WOMEN CANNOT ESCAPE EMBRACE OF HUGE TRUST NKW Yol;K. Jni IT. -A eorpoia- 11. .11 nt $:iimi, nnii, nun to coiilrol eO'ivihing pertaining to 'he manufacture of women's w taring ap parel, Is under consideration by the AsHoelated Waisl and I II'CSH Mann- fiu-turers. Acciirdiiig to ihe secretary of the aKsociatiou. artii-li-M of itn or porallon will be filed In Albany vlth 111 the next few days. II. llymiAli, president of Ihe xee lllive committee of the association, and the originator of the project, said tonight after a conference of Hi" manufacturers that the Idea oim mends Itself to manufacturers and dealers In Ihe South with whom he has talked as well as to many of the largest woolen manufacturers Ir New F.ngland. "This l not the formation of a trust," said Mr. flyman. "Nor Is It aimed at labor orgiiniz.i I Ions. On the eonirtiry, it will mean a great, benefit, not only to the Iniltislri'-s cun'crne'l but to the workers in better wages and Improved condltloiw. We plan to obtain control of everything from the raw material to the finished product ond in limn we expo t our organization to spread to oiher euun tries." I'OSTI'OM-: KKVOI.l'TIOX. NKW OHI.KANH, Jan. IS. Find ing conditions unpropitlous for the inception of a movement lo restore General Manuel lionllla to the pres idency ff Honduras, three of hi. leaders. General Alfonso Collardi, Colonel Fa 11st o Davllo and fir. Octa vlano Colliirilo returnol to New Or leans today on Ifje steamship Mere, dlu. - - 1 attack. You are fully aware Ihttt tho rules prescribed for th government ol the pnHtotflce department do not admit of my seeing the affidavits ajul c harges tiled hy you. And you are further uwuro that It would bs breach of propriety for 11 nimbt 01 congress to give m Information upon matters of this sort which may come to him by virtue of his privilege. My client Is, therefore, In the position of being tried upon an Indictment which she, ha never seen and of replying to testimony she has never heard, . What IH Aflldnvlts Chars. Wo are . Informed thut JTOU have filed an afftdavlt by on Chief Orson- Wio,' ho j;; chiefly nt4 cler i versatility In crime, but we hav no knowledge as to the contents of said affidavit, except such ns comes to us through rumor. W'e hear also thai Mr. W. B. Logan has llb'd an affidavit, but we have only conflicting reports as to Its con tents. Wo have never been able to see your own affidavit and th attest re port leads us to apprehend that we hava Inot been correctly ilnjformcd ns to Its contents. Wo hear that you have filed still ether affidavits, but we have no knowledge either as to the name of the deponents or the nature of their testimony upon which to base Intelli gent action You have charged publicly that Mrs. Heed made 11 bribery proposition to lion. Hpencer H. Adams, your state chairman, and when she sought (Continued on page four.) INAUGURATION DATE Conflict between Commit tees Compels Koeommit incut of Measure WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 The light between the committees over the Jurisdiction uf the measure propos ing a. f'onstllulional amendmeiil to change tlie dale of the presidential Thiirsady In April resulted the Thursday In pill resulted In the house today committing the matter back to the Judiciary commit which had reported II The action was a temporary defeat of ihe advocates of the Henry resolu tion, hut Mr Henry later announced that an effort would he made to reach an understanding with Chairman Gaines of th" committee on election f president and vice-president, which had reported an almost Identical nieusiire, and thut the Judiciary com mittee would take up the Henry reso lutl'.n nd report It back to the house within ten days. The battle was fought amid a confusion of parlia mentary tactics. The house received the report' of the territories committee recommend ing statehood for New Mexico and Arizona and Chairman Tswney of the appropriations committee announced that he would try to bring up the ur gent defk-lency appropriation bill next Mnday. Aft'-r eubgles by a number of members on the late I'nlted Htates Senator Shoup of Idaho the house passed a concurrent resolution ac cepting the Hhoup statue Jue placed In statuary hall of the capitol. The senate was not In session. Dlekema. Regular From Mich' Igan. Announces That he Is out for Place UNCLE JOE 'HAS GIVEN NO HINT OF QUITTING Clark Says They all Forget That Next Congress Will be Democratic WAHIH.',;T'i.M. Jan. 16 Repre sentative (). J, Dlokomn. of MJehimn, today formally announced his candi dacy for speaker of the house of rep resentatives lo succeed ''Unt'le- JoeA cannon at ihe end of the present ses sion. Speaker Camion has already an bounced that he will be a. candidate lor re-election to congress, but has never declared that he would he A candidate for the speakership. Ho sides Mir. Ulekema a number of halm's of possible speakership candi dates have been mentioned. Mr. Olckema does not believe, that Mr, Cannon will again be candidate for tho speakership. "I am a. Regular not iu Insurgent" said Mi. Dlekemn. 'No man could evnr give me; whiter treatment than Speaker Cannon haa given, and I think he ia the fairest presiding officer I ever saw,! In Ihe chair." -.j't "1 believe that th next speakership will go to the mlddU west and,, not to any irvun who haa bad a. long service in congress and has had close Vftillu- tlon with tne men who hava acdninai ed congress. It does hot seem possi ble on the other hand. that th speakership will go to any of tha present Insurgents." I , ' Mann Not Candidate. . -Mr. Dlekama'a announcement was brought out by direct question put to him as to whether ht would sup port Speaker Cannon for re-eleouon, Ills reply that fco-aouW not d set because Its wit goln-rlo bs canJl date himself. . Ho haa served two terms In congress and la a .member of the judiciary committee and the com- mlltea on election of ftraaldant. Vina president and representatives In. con gross. He was speaker of the Michi gan house of representatives, boast ing tha distinction of never having art ; spiH-sl from his rulings on ant. par liamentary question during that .0x months' term. Following his an nouncement Mr. bleknma had a con ference with Speaker Cannon.' "I am not a candidate for tha speakership" said ltepresentatlve Mann of Illinois who haa been men tioned in this connection. "I em for 'Uncle Joe' first, last and always. I regard him as the very best man for that office. He has been the fairest on the floor and the ablest presiding office." "He's over-looking the fact that tha next house of representatives will t democratic and that the democrat will choose the speaker" waa Minority 1.. -,.. ...... iunlj'i ' flM lTUtirr 11111 1 VIBI JIia" Mr. I H'h'nia' nrinouncmnt RAIN INTERFERES WITH THE PRANKS OF AVIATORS asfstSsiiasstaBriaBsstsaB .'(' Mud (loiiix Qualities About All That Was Demonstra ted in Trials A VIATIAN KIEMJS, V" Angeles. Cal. Jan. 16. While devoid m start- luiL- Incident", the lnternatlfl avi ation meet today developed important fads from a comnnercliu stana-poini. 1 .011 is Paulhun and Glenn li. Curtlss. demonstrated the mud run ning capacities f .their (machines, lifting In heavy ground and flying against a stiff breege. in, flkxhts today were mad- famtor t small crowd because of the rain, and were confined t speed lupa around 11. u , r,,,r,. Paolhan tried to beat Cur tlss' ten lap record but failed. Wll lard and Hamilton failed in .similar attempts. ' Mlscarol In the balky little uienoi mi.nooinne. carm- out tor an eghibl- tion. using the tall controller only. in. i..,un. he tried ton -short a clrgle and the machine tipped,, striking tj ground and -tweaking ona wing, jaw '11 rill jumpeo hiiu wu uiM. 1 I'l.oihan. it was announced, would on the iat day of tho meet try fpr the Michelln cup ror long distance flight. Henry r'arman of England holds this cup for a flight of 14 miles In four hours 17 mtnutea ana 3 seconds. Hamilton then ascended. Knaben- shue In his dirigible lose t a height of one hundred feet and nroppea homhs within a twenty foot square. This was In line with the army test of Thursday. It has virtually oeen oe. ..nninjxi that both aeroDlanes and dirigibles can float over a gun pit and. drop bombs accurately. -( ,

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