the Asinoviu.K rrnzKX, Tuesday, march 8, loio. f QOCIETVM Sj LJr and Personal i fjji$ AFTER GRIPPE or any severe sicHness . . t i i. ii M l s A number f mum. ia iim cin ...I . tllJ I'ltl i-ttUl .VHtMi -I 1 ' I ll- II 11 hear1 Mix I'-.lHi' Atkin, w v b i r renlly Nlilnhcd rt ciit?e !ri .i ni Htmly i't tin' New Knc.lan.l i'i.iimi .. tnry of Music. Minn AlM'i Inia :i '.rt.r und cb;tn-clil . x i u f i i ri. H.i- w.'i: U thiit. of tin- cnr.liil Hlmbii: fill: of eiirnuxUicM "I' M 1 I , 1. nilnb' 11 (iri'T'iHlul llll Ml ' '.r. b- r hcnri r. !'("' iulK full i.f v. llm ' 'iiil ii e .(i icni.l" ..I M .-,.-. ... . Hkl, Ullil Die innl : i ri ! i- (rum lac In ''l l-ALDimi-iiTHwir" nn iinu. il r. . r liUIIll llloni', WIIH III ilila III I V il. O, ('. 1 Irtniillun. ln i ' r ii i in"!1 im flutoil Minn A ( l i ii. wiiu; in crouim i, .ilitf(i In bull) of vilili'h nil. excelled. . . The rKiilar of the I. mini of directum ot' tin, VuiniK Wurni-n's Clirletliiii uhsiicIii I Win will lie held I h iv iiHirnlutr tit ten-thirly n'l liii-k. A full lilti'iHliince n ili-Hlif-il. Tli Ihiril it Mr. Jtirdnn'H rcndine Will lie Klvpn mi TliiUHdiiY iiltilil . the T. M. C. A. Thr iiroirrnm will be rlh:iki-Hicnr-'a "A M IiIhiiiiiiiui NlKlit'n liri iun." Tin' Inclib mnl mu- ic. written liy McinhdHHuhn, will l uwil ii ml In order to h ii re Ihi. ureal t pnmible effort from It, Mr. Imjm hum will furnleh a Farm ml -Ceil linn player, mr wnicn hihtihi mumo whs ent from New York. )wln tn the length fif the prmcrnm Mr. Jordan will atari promptly ni eight-thirty. There will bo no Introductory r explunatorv remarka and thuiui who desire to pre pare In advance mny lo en by referr ing to liny nnil edition of WiiikcH pe&re. ' J v The M imli ill Arte eociely held thnir renular weekly reheiiraal luat nlKht. Enthuelnapi exeme to he growing over the new number for the next pro gram end .the date for the concert will, be announced ahnrtly. The Lenoir Zebulnn Vance chtipter of lbs Confederacy, and the local camp of United Confederate Vnterane Will rct a hnndenmn Confederate monument In the middle of the pub llo aquar at Awnnlr. The work for , the monument la to be of ahaft tie Ignr and the material i to be or North Carolina granite. The monu- . tnent la to coat $3,100 and will utiind thlrty-two feet high the tinvelllng to tak place May 9, ljp. The pur- rhaalng committee waa onmpoaed of Hra, Jf. C. Martin, provident of thu local chapter of the United ijaughter of the Onfedernny, ami Major U. W. K. Harper, commander of tho ITnlteil Coifi'drHta Vctorana' ramp. Thar m. Webb Millinery company hae boen for weoka liunlly planning for their miring opening which will take phice on Wedneaday, March B. The many pBtrona" who re anxlouely awaiting to mc the Intent models of Madam lulaon, : . Camlle Hognr,. Mm furller, Mnlaoh Vlrot and oth er win welcome thla announonmnnl Deauriptlon ' of theae hata la Iniule qhatet It la miiriclent to auy thnt the rolltoctlnn reflect fnnilon'a moat fn vored tnodela. , Jl Tha Tahkenntee club will entertain- thla evening with n dnnec In honor of Mlae Mary Htlkeleather. Jl Mine Jeinle Piper, or the Viper -A J linen Millinery company, returned yenterday from cimlern cities, where ah hae hecn purehaelni; flu ror the aprlng opening, whli h will be announced In n few diive. Mr. tonald Olllle, for nine the city , editor of Tho Otiaen, lui temporarily reelgncd hla poeltlon to hike en extended vncntlon. Mr. J. II Waller, former telegraph editor or The'Cltllen, will euccced Mr OIIIIk The Cltlaen hue hIwhvn IuiiI h high .etlmatlon of Mr. (llllla' aci-vlees. l,..l I : i. in. . Ii.. l, .u I.. ..r ; .1 I.. Ill:: II. ..I fllll ll.i.n. I. mini I low I., lei II .,, H. Ill r HiHlr ' 'inn. :iii. i ii,-..-. i I II I HI t ..I t . Mik l;;.l.. ... i . 'i r . ' .nil. . A Vim l( . : I i I Hill' . ii . in i LI . H vl i 1 1 1 il I 'll V'l lllllil. 3 1 Mi M r II II. I ,t I I .nt.,n. t : W tin Inn i- i... nt 1 In ... int. Villi , w ill i . I hi i, ., I In I'l-i. I Ml til. I nn II, is vv. . I . Ml I'. J A III. i blil Ih f I in i I I'll I '.eli I 1 1 ill .i i mil'. f lllllh'. . AMle ilno lit Mini; Iik f TO HI til IS BY FAR THE BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC. We will supply it to any onn witli the iinrl rst.-inflinr t ' , , if it ilwi not do what we claim wa will refund the money paid us i t it. SMITH'S DRUC; STORK., A8beUie. in. I Mi V..i Ii, 'I'm in r ( 'oinntiii Ii nt Murgu Ti iiiui- Mm A '. I T 1 1 1 r i ; 1 1 :,i., Mih. Win . Al It. nl New V.iik i ill. lilt, I ti n iilniii'i-'l hI. iv lit .Vl.ut'ii 'IVrr. i lilt MMtitil.ii im- At In tit i.- I'ily. Mr. nnil Mm. lili hiil'd Ii linuth, of I'crrlMlnirK. VI, lire Hi.n.lil.t mveriil ueekH In the elt-. Mr. Howem n ml f.unllv. of i 'hut hum rnlllltv, Imve Ii ','ixeil llle hliln.i of M r- Y. .Mlmikiielil 1, 1 1 . 1 will hiii. ml tin xiiring anil minimi r In Hie elty. Mrs, 1,1-ilyiiril, of Mniiltfiiriierv, Alu will arrive tomorrow, and will la- tin glli'Mt of M I'M. r. It HrheilNHler. Mre VV. A. Murder, of New Vorl hue gone, to .VI ex li u for n hIioiI aluy nun win orinu in r iiitntiy ami rome l Ashevllln for the numiner. Mrs. Wedmnre hiiN returned from A elx weeka' vlMlt to Key Went, l'ln and la the gucKt of her iIiiiikIiIi t, Mih II. II. Darker l ForeHt, J lit. Mlaa Cameron Jnnea hue returned home lifter a delightful vlwlt lo reln- tlvea In Itulelgh. i i Mlea Miiry Agnea Kluydcn left om- terdny for Aiken, H .t'., where Him will remain a month. Mr. A. W. SpuuldlitK. of Tryon, ar rived yesterday afternoon and will r turn today, Mr. J. (I, Hebmldlupp, hanker, financier and phllunthroplat, tn" Cln- Finnntl, t il gyeat at tile Mattery Turk noiei. Mr. Brewaler ChHpmiin, of New Jrork city, him arrived and after n anort atuy in Aahcvllla will go to Auguata. Mm. .TnmcH Oreen Murdn hna re turned home after a vlalt to her daughter, Mra. Charleg Muti, In At lanta, Mra. ttverton Trice, hua gone to VVnahlngton, whero ahe will vlalt her on, Mr. fiverton Price, for aeverul week. M-. William tVmper l'loelor, of Clnelnnatl. or Hi,, proctor tlaiiilde Soap to., a ai o. t-,i,rv ilir( hotel. Mra. William Svilnev Poller lot Rone to Whllmlre, H. (V, where ale Mill he th giieal of her xlMler, Mis milium i oleman. for u month. ,Mi '' .n Krwin i el ii i ried lint nicht f'i'lli ;i iihiI ot In. i weekM wllh Ii ieoila in ( im i lot Ii- III- anil Mih Ii. I', ('ampin II Ii ft 1 ',( .1 i:i 1 I'm- .Munilnel 1 ill.., ,s r is Ii, le they III remain .1 imoitli. Mi' Mohli-r nlliT a may in the i iti li ft ycHterday for I 'ineinitu 1 1. Mi" M. V.. MiailnwK lift y duv inorniiig fur Alixainlria. wli. i. nhe will vLsil her hIkIi r, I' I. Cornier. Hie- will II,, n ll' ami other Kaaiern i si i--Va , ,l m 1 isil I I. H. Auioiik tin' reeeiit .irnvalM at the Manor are: Mrs hVank p. ,,l Cotii oril, N. il : Mra. Krank llim kl. v. Monitor, Mii: .M m. J A HiiHKler, Phil ailelphln: Mra. Albert I". Tallinn ami llltllghter, Chicago; Mra. M. H. I'ai It .iril, CoIiiiiiIuih; .MI.hh Krnilv Coiiietl. Columliuv, (i ; Mr. and Mrs. M n Kelliilalu, New Vol k ; ami Mr. ami Mih I! !' 'I'riii luc k. Norfolk. ii. To Get the Best Vanilla. Aak for and get Mine l(il.l,.,n. At all Kinii lH. i . A I I ii i IIS II W ilH u In re the i tin negro JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP CONTEST IS NOW ON WAHM V. M. !. ,. CANVASS m:w mi Miti uw , I (lit of Thirty Hiiro "Joiners" StartM i Hot Ituee ror the I list Honor. THF NEW YORK CAFE I'.'ileiH to all up, - lll.'.i. Mlimill ..on I'limliogN und I., i of Hei'viie. I 'Hie nilli iih todtii 1 1 . 1 hi IIH I i.n liino you of thcae la. Is. :: I ""', I , 4 ALMOST A SKlII'H S CKIMK - I" in-Kleet to Inn. na.fy ill the lioine Viek'H C..,.i anil I'nell- lli.ini.i Rilve, f,,i na.lineHM In lll.'. l Hi, He llall," I ,,iM lliHi aai M In more than h It I ho li.ittle. -f L'.'.e. r.oc ami $ t mi .u st. .'ur mile lit Curtlli. h.lel'H lirug .Store. 4 .MIStCHVISi : S SHOP 25 lluVM.M.,1 St. 1iili Hl novelties In 'I'm lam ami Itraiil Shell Ciirillw ami Hair llrtin All klnila of m, to ilato Hair We buy r..n,l.iiii;M and eut liiia llientH ( IooiIm Imir. Capt. J, A Perry left n visit to WtiHhlngion. .Vi'Hlerilay for Mlaa Moreni'e StivetiH has k,. WiiHhlngtoii for a ImM Mr. and Mra. K. n. Hiimlall and daughter Nellie apent an enjoyable Mundiiy nt Clinton, where they Mete Invited to the birthday dinner of Mm. V. M. Shook at the Central hotel Mra. White an. I family led vet, r day for Twin Pa I la, Idaho, which H to he tlnir future home. I I'r. t.. It. Meltruyer ban from ChhiiKo when- lie lias been at tending the medical convention. Mr. Ituffner ( '. until. ,11 i.tniii. d yea- ter.lai to I l.-i ills..,, I'.-ll i. .. president of the labor! i lull ...,i. i,, ..... . ', Amerleun Natloiiul hank, returned I Mi.m.l .ivenue. ' Mr .1. If. Carter, Women's Onyx Hose in Spring and Summer Weights Have just arrived. This liosiorv is cclcl.ral ptl the country over for quality," fasl n. ss of color, wear and for its shape aiid excellent lit thitf features. We liave a superb or .? lor . 1.00. Spleiitlid silk lisle in a pair. (Jossamer lisle of unsurpassed qiialilv rior finish .Hid lnm :!7.e. ')() and pair. Colored eiiibroideiy nntl lace hose :.(),, 7; n pair. Ticautiffil silk hose with lisle and (l,,ulle silk soles, in black, tan. o,,ld. suede, bronze, emer ald, wisteria, heli..; blue in atlantic. copenha Ren, sky; old rose, prunella, pink ami red for $1.25 a pair. J n tlio same shades we have a bi tter of silk tor 2.oo Yesterday afternoon promptly at ri o'clock a large crowd of eager and ev clteil lioya gathered at the V. M. C. A. to what him been the greateat meet ing for them yet In the Junior mem- herahlp conteat of the local iihhocIu- tlon. To the workers In thla content thla mooting meant much, for the nunioH of thirty boye who were prac tically eel tain to Join during thlfl campaign were read out to the work era, and each one having been urn. vlotiely provided with pencil and pa- icr, promptly took down the names or llle entire thirty and immediately began to cani'aNa. The mnncH that were rend out were tlioao of the w how. memberships have extilreij and who have nut as t renewed. The eollleHl started off Veatenliv with a riiali and already a nniiib. r of plh iiIIoiih hale been til-'lle,l up and iywhere on the streets enn be seen the ttOliielH 111, I. IIIIH UOHieiiile niemlieiH und asking them to join the local assoeht lion. The idea ,,f possessing a heller lniAehall ontllt llniii any other l..- in Ilila Sllllllll. l s I. as. iiall league has i aught Hi,, ram i ,.l the winkers ami Hie I. that win the bea u tll'u I prizes lloW nil display ill llle windows of ll.o km i M.iale and I.. Mloinberg may e be plain. I of the athletic giniils ami the honor of winning the ...lllesl, ror these prizes will only be won filter one ,.f lb, hanbsl lought llleUlberHllill i.mtesls ever Waged alllilllg th,. Iiiivm ,,f Dils i ity. Today a large bulletin board will .c .nl up in Hie ..f the ass,.- ialiou building and oil this hoard I will be written the names of t. e,,, ! ti via lils and opposite t heir nam, s w ill I ' ' la,tint -ip.n e In., I ked oil with , Pi lor the result of each .lav's ii oil. Ki.Ty alieiiiooti at a o". I...1, tbe "i lilts that the different eon test. nils hive Hull Will be posted tip opposite tb. ir names so that at tin. 'lid ot .a.h day the w inkers will" at a glance Inst how tin s stand in l his coiiti si. I am now dlaplaylng a large collec tion of very high grade rare old ex clualve antique Jewelry. VICTOR STERN'S Antique Art and drafts Shore Somlley KulliUnir Haywood St. I KAVE TI!l;M to us. We will do your tnurketlng, nerve your parties or luncheons, or uttend all your out of the ordinary cure of housekeeping. Watson's Cafe Catering Co. II Church St. 1'bono 172J few Suits, presses and Pongee Coats Came yesterday r They are coming in every day and the more they come the prettier they are. Yesterday was our biggest suit day. We hope to improve every day, as the people become more familiar with the best line in the city. Suits are priced at $17.50, $20.00, $22,50 on up. Another big line of dresses came yes terday, they are indeed pretty espec ially the accordion pleated ones that are to be worn so much thfs spring. The dresses are priced at $5.00, $10. to $25,00. The coats are priced at $8.50 to $20. delightful Showing of Spring trimmings, garnitures, flouncings. Bands, etc. New Spring Styles in Easier Slippers and Low Shoes TEETH . ftpreiiiLT LFSKi i If j'tm do not tak advan tage of our Reduction Sale on I 'limps, Oxfords and Kveniii"; Slippers while, we have your size and style, you will no doubt pay more for them later. We have an abundance of all leathers, shapes and styles. Come let us show them to you. 60c to $4.40 the pair. i leclh lllle,) and extracted without pain. No ehai i;.. lor rxiiiiiinal inn. All umk Kunraiiteeil. ltoasoinihle . li. es. Or. M.illliews' Uental Vnii. n.s L'S-liI--'7 New McAfee bldlf.. cor. Colleip and Spruce SI.. ..ppoHlio 1st Haptist church and n. ar the' court i Clione mil. Il.i.lence phone WE SELL FOR CASH GOOD MEAT AT LOW PRICES Our nieals urn the bent and our prices much lower than city dealers We nlso Bell Heaxoned block wood cheaper than y.oi can buy el-fcwhcre. I'houo J0. l. II. MCGIIKN. r l( I It 1 : ( (l,l I oK DY. iVilie I.AXAiiNh: UltliMO Quinine Tabid. OruitKlHts refund money if il ItclH 1. 1 cine l:. w. C lt( V IO'm sin naiiiie en ctich box 26c. ilaek silk lisle ;!,"e n pjiir 'l.'i' k .'iiul tan for ."ide v II HEAVY TOLL You Will Gel A load -I v In a. . i M ,C- W In si nun. il linn, I ...I thai .i. t oriler IV I 'IAN C A inei i, a . sal islo . alls for ,1 The Carolina Coal & Ice Company silie !' a ;rade a jt.'iir. Our black silk I'd.- Onw- !,,. f,- -iv ,,: .m, ere for 1.25 nr.- the utronecsi iim . Th, , ,,' mjpenor to mml hoar, for liu-,.. style, linish and and are eccund to none. M. V. MOORE & CO. tir.d and I. ture: 4 f. tS It IWTFOX AVI0, (( .iiillniicd lioin I'nj-o One.) Iill I 1 1 .t u-. v. . r llle II ec I ... n .... II ' b I I' l'iili Mi. mall I. II HI..I- 'II M Hlllll' .1. S. m lillS MV..-.I III.' in. i " '. ini and alt, luptcil l.i ; 1 "I n. II. l;ti rii. i t w ,,s I.e. 'ill sb.-l tbe If i:ro Ihr.nii;!! be Ii. a l. Till.- .-hint was not la- 1 1- I'll, el b. i n, 'i .i ,... ae,t to I'm ! " and .,i 1 the I. nil, Is il' ii.- I, .A, r bp V b. n the ,1, s b id , in ii fif ,T In- c.un be l i-- in it.. -v . 1 1 1 1 1 . I',- I ouirbr on. I t he w ound. .1 lie;! ., I,, nn ,1 bis liilnu .ill . . I t" ' i.eail I M' A -licit tin, aitived. and atf r bat the n.-Kl ocs had I Sam Kills With bill .1 lb. Melt t a ti .1 p...-. f .11. later 111 I. ai n i iik 'I 'll, i i I. t- Mt.r slu... mm tlir ncicro to death. . bills .ic laid f,,r the capture of llle oil,, r 111.. I!,, i iiie p...-s,., i , mi - ...-., I ,, , .,i,i h.iii.lrcd in. n. w a tllv il, d . a cuddll of bcuily V :J: yrTO-NIGHT 1; :: Ic0i&M 111 JM. 'tt 'I'tlMIIA' i All I I 1 I0c7 2!c RtV n etie : : il e Spring Opening of French Models and Tailored Hats Wednesday, March 9th, 1910 M. WEBB COMPANY Importers 6 Battery Park Place Asheville, N. C. e e e ?8 e I mmnmamrtimmintmmmtnnttttrittstmaantutmtatnnct CITIZEN WANT ADS WORK WONDERS mm IS5iL- Kiirht is one of Nature blessintrs. I take - v--' CJ : good care of your eyes. IS-i -l101" f)'0 trouliles see Kye Sk- lall-t anil MHiiufHcturtug Optician. No. 43 S. Main St. Ripe Tomatoes By the Basket. sale- of Rinc Tomatoes hv the l:ikcf km pers liudt'i'st. ind the ocononiv indieate of this I I'-t that liiiiii nietiiod ot l.iiymg. An especially nice lot. of one hun dred and tiy baskets, each containing six and one half ton i ids. ' 70 Cts a Basket. 25 Montford Ave. OWNBEY'S Phone 56 HOT nolCHNVTS, HRKiVD ANI Hl'NS 8 A. M. ami 4 P. M. COI.LEGK STKKCT BAKERY (Two Stiires.) 37 K. College St., and 14 North Pack Square. Every Woman kMARVELWhirlingSpray ucn hiuii pjrugo, iH'iM C4U cinvvn tertt. u clcAJioec H1 A TWdnicdMf.Ttt. If Im casaut uuni tlM (UVl. .' HI no OUlfT- bill annd MAIDS ftlT UluMnwl book . I aJeH. ft I full partfruir-ftsd ttm-lin . in- niHM to M(ial,l.m.i SEWING MACHINES Expert repairing and ad justment. Phone 1309 Asheville Sewing Machine Company, IcruI ItuildiiiK. "Brenlin" Window Shades. .If. yoit coutcinpbite- new window shades, don't fail to examine the "Brenlin" BURTON & HOLT. CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Dr. E. R. Russell. Office. The NVw la D.iiui . , e uuiiuiiiie, Practice limited to the eye. ear. nose and thr,.at. Honrs: to 1; 3 to 5. V II I'lturie oriico and residence. X !

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