THE SUNDAY' CITI THE WEATHER: ' PAIR. Q PACES . ! today VOL. XXVI., NO. 192. JURY FINDS SILL AGAINST PACKERS Five Large backing Concerns Indicted and AIjo Em ployes DROVE LOCAL CONCERN OUT OF BUSINESS Judge Spear In Dismissing Jury ihanRs Them For Their Services SAVANNAH, da.. April 30. The grand Jury of the United Status cuurt this afternoon returned indictments Scwarechlld Sulaeberger & Co.,, Swift ft Co.., The Armour Packing com pany, and Nelson Morris company, as corporations and against the the fol lowing Individuals: i Emmett B. Adams, local agent for Swift ft Co., Win. I. Cooper, agent for Armour Packing company, and Fred M. Bull, Jr., agent for Nelson Morris ft Co. There are two counts In the In dictment, one charging that the cor porations, sold meat at leas than cost, for the purpose of putting the South Atlantic Packing company of Savan nah out, of business and the other that the" local agents entered into a combination to arbitrarily to fix the price 6f beef eliminating competition. The agents indicted have not been in the employ of ttie packing houses for more than a year. Sold At A Los. The date of operations for which the Indictments is brought lb the year 190; It Is alleged that the packing houses named in the indict ment bought and slaughtered live stock at various points In the west and north, shipped fresh meats to Savannah, reduced the price of meats arid aold them on the market at a loss. The result of this alleged ma nipulation) it Is charged, forced the South Atlantic Packing and Provision company oif Savannah to sell its pro .duotsv , , lam:, and wo In conse tltienee a restraint of business, trade and commerce. The Intent of the larger packing houses is alleged to have been 'to "force the local house out of the field of competition. The second count alleges that between June 10 and August 1, 1908, all nf the defendants effected a combination (Continued on pairo four.) LEGISLATOR DECLARES HE WAS GIVEN BRIBE TO VOTE FM. lOfflfie Latest Legislative Scandal Breaks Out in Illinois Politics ALL DENY HIS STORY CHICAGO, April 30. Representa tive Charles A. Whites sensational, story thift hrf received si ,000 to cast his vote for William lorlmer for the United States senate, and that he (White) also accepted J900 as his share of an alleged legislative "slush fund." met with denials on the part of all others today. Lee O'Neil Browne, of Ottawa, democratic minority lead er at Springfield, arrived in the city this afternoon as did Senator lxuimer. both denying the use of bribes In th.' most emphatic manner. Mr. lirowne, alleged by White to have been the distributor of the Lnrlmer money, de clared that White hud rushed Into print because he had failed In an attempt to use his story to secure "hush money." Robert K. Wilson, a democratic rep resentative from Chicago, declared by White to have dealt the "Jack pot" it St. Louis, joined the chorus of de nials. According to lirowne, White was formerly a street car conductor at East St. Louis and later appeared at Springfield as a lobbyist in favor of labor bills.. Then he was elected to the lower house. White in his charge states that the public mi'-cht expert to hear him called a blackmailer, hut that he was prepared for that, he was willing to suffer Ignominy In order to expose the corruption w hich he declared exists -at Springfield. Browne declared today that on sev. oral occasions he had loaned White money, but finally grew tired of it Theji. he said, he secured White a position but the latter refused It. Then a coolness, he said, sprang' up. "The next thing to come from him," said Browne, "was a remarkable let ter." It ran this way: "1 have writ ten a full story of my experiences at Springfield In the legislature. Those wno io e seen il ueciure mui u is me best story that the world has seen. I wrote it for publication. I have used your name In It with deep regret, for I cannot avoid It nnd still set forth the facts. I also have told Senator Lorlmer about it." E MILL President Urges Congress to Make Appropriation to Begin work WANTS FORTS RKADY WHEN DITCH IS DONE Still Thinks It Will ba Neces sary to Have Guns There in 1915 WASHINGTON, April .10. In n message, accompanied by a detailed report from the war department. President Ta today sent to congress information regarding the necessity fr Immediately beginning the for tification of the Panama caniti in or der to have It completed by lilt 5. the date set for finishing the construction of the canal. The papers accompany ing the president's message does not give the exact location of the forti fication, but it Is expected that this cannot be furnished until informa tion has been obtained regarding the "status and availability of , certain parcels of land situated along the route of the canal." The armament for the proposed fortifications is formulated as follows ten 14-inch rifles, twelve 6-inch rl lles, and twenty-five 12-inch mortars. ('OKt J I Million Itollarg. The cost is estimated in excess of fourteen million dollars The report relates that the hoard has examined the gound at the terminus of the ca nal and of territory in the neighbor ed of the canal with a view to se ttle best sites for the big the ria'ht and duty of the States to defend the work un it is expending such an enormous numi" the president Ald in his message. "An adequate defense requires suitable fortifications in the approaches to the terminals, I am of the opinion that such works as may be erected for the defense of the ca nal should be' completed, occupied and ready for operation at the time' the canal Itself is accepted and open ed to the passage of vessels." Acx"ct Statue. The acceptance by congress of a statue of Francis H. Pierrepont from the state of West Virginia for per nyinent exhibition in statuary hall at (Continued on pas?" four.) GOVERNMENT AGENTS ON TRAIL OE MAN BERIND Make Two More Raids and What is Said to be Impor tant Arrest WANT MAN HIGHER UP NBW YOKK. April 30. Following the raiding of two alleged bucket shops, to the acconpuniment of ar rests and the cutting of wires, a new turn has been given to the govern ment's crusade by the statement of federal inspectors that other arrests are to follow and that several prom- i inent brokers not yet named are the real object of attack. At the federal building It was stated that the arrest of l-Yank Maier of the firm of Morrison and Maler Is the most ImiKirtant to date. Special' Agent Scarborough of the de partment of justice led the raid and lodged the complaint against Maier on which he was held In S5.000 ball for examination on May il. The com plaint charges Maier with conspiring with Ixiuig Cella, Edward Altemus, and Henry R. Ouryear to furnish a bucket shop in Washington. D. C. uith quotations stolen from the stock exchange. The second raid was made on an alleged bucket hop In Jersey City by police officials. The only man In the place, who gave his name as Jos. Becker, a telegraph operator was ar rested on a charge of conspiracy. The complaint against Becker was made by Wm. T. Mclntyre. special agent of the department of Justice. Police Inspector Larkins. who made the arrest, said that Becker was em ployed by ThonitM Marrin. of Phila delphia and that he telegraphed to the Consolidated Stock exchange of Philadelphia quotations of the New York stock exchunge taken from a ticker. ( At'Vl ITTFI). BOYDTOiV, Va.. April 30 R. E. Cogbill, who was charged with mis appropriating $67,000 In connection wit?? an alleged overdrawn account from the fa'led Imnk of Mecklenburg here was acquitted today by n special MOR IONS MUSTBESPENTIN FORTIFY E CANAL i lectingX guns. J -IUs V5n which Jury from Norfolk, ASI1EVILLE, N. BOONE MEMORIAL DEDICATED WTH DUE GEREH IS Old Home of Great Plonee Permanently Set Aside as Historic 5 pot JUDGE PR1TCHARD PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Placo 15 Marked by Marble Shaft and Log Replica of Old Home RAMSnrnV, N. C, April 30. More than ten thousand patriotic North Carolinians gathered today at Doones ford, Iloone township, Davidson coun ty, a sequestered nook twelve miles from civilization, to pay tribute to the memory of Daniel Iloone, pioneer hunter and clvlllxer or the wilderness, tin the exact spot where Iloone lived for nineteen yeurs of his vigorous young manhood a replica of his cabin and -a. handsome native granite, shaft were unveiled with elaborate ceremo nies. (Governor Kltchin presided nnd Judge Jeter C. I'rltchard, of the Vnl ted States Circuit Court of Appeals, delivered the dedicatory address, re viewing exhaustively the career of Bonne In the state, and tracing the long trail to Kentucky, while Con gressman. R. N. Page, of the seventh district, made a. patriotic speech w hich was heard with rapt attention. Both addresses were valuable' contributions to the history of the nation. The shaft is in form of a huge In dian arrowhead, steading fifteen feet high on a massive base 'bearing a bronsa tablet with the single word. "Boone," It Is fashioned of native! Rowan granite. ' Memorial Association. The "picturesque cabin which was dedicated today, the relics of the great pioneer that it contains and the unique tablet designed to perpetrate his memory, are fruits of the work of the Daniel Boone. Memorial asso ciation, incorporated by the general assembly of North Carolina, in ; 10. 3"h. association is composed of Eleven men, of whom J. R.-MeRar?, of tg Ingtoivta chairman, and it is vested with the power to perpetuate ltselfi; The memorial association has only begun Its work. It Intends to make of this beautiful and picturesque spot a Mecca for pilgrims from everywhere. It Is about twelve miles from Lexing ton In one direction and an equal dlstunce from Salisbury in the other. ' - i -yutnj-jrixi JLWsc,kjti. (Continued on pagn four.) HIDLET FOHITT FOLK Proposes Great Corporation to Furnish Homes for City Dwellers BACK TO THE FARM! ST. UH'IS. April 30. A nation wide "back to the farm" movement lo be Inaugurated In this city May 5 at a preliminary meeting of Inter ested parties called by Governor Herbert 8- Hadley. He proposes to organize the Na tional Karm Homer association with the philanthropists of the country as stockholders to furnish farms, equip ment and Instruction for worthy ap plicants who are necking to escape from the cities. , Prominent men are taking an ac tive part in the plan. Addresses will be made at the preliminary meeting by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, W. J. Bryan. Jacob Kiis. and others. Hartley's plan is made up of the best features of similar ideas In use In Europe, with minor additions by himself. H is proposed to Incorporate the association tor $ 1,000,000, the stock to be divided Into one thousand shares of 11.000 each, these shares, '. is expected will pay dividends which either will be taken out by the stockholders or added to the capi tal. It is then proposed to locate col onies on model farms in Texas, Mis souri, Alabama and other states where land is cheap and fertile. Each farmer will be allotted forty acres, a home will be erected for him and fences, utensils and live stock fur nished. Thirty two of these 40-acre farms will constitute a colony. Each colony also will include a central farm, presided over by an ex pert agriculturist, who will oversee the work on the farms, the proper rotation . of crops, etc. Tenants will be given ample time to pay for their farms, and their proofs have been figured out by Hadley as averaging J3.E00. Each colony will have a school, where scientific farming will be taught in addition to the usual curriculum. Entertainment will be provided for the colonists so that farm-life will lone the monotony that U now largely responsible for the rush to the cities, In Hailley'a esti mation. C, SUNDAY MORNING, Census Man Won't Get Yovlf You DEMOCRATS SNARL AND DECLARE OPEtf WARFARE Daniels and His Followers Try to Regain Lost Power by tion and Withdraw From Mass-Meeting. "Cry For Local Self Govern ment May Mean Reopening of Local Option Question. RALEIGH, N. C, April 10 The highest expectations of those who an. tlcipated the sensational In connec tion with .Wake county democratic mass meeting called by J. W. Bailey. Editor Josephus Daniels and other democrats for toduy, were outstrip ped In the actual developments and since the meeting or rat her, meet ings, have adjourned the people who participated in them seem to movo about in a sort of mane, wondering what thevMiave been up against There were twdTirisettng. One, led by Mr, Bnlley and Editor panlels, -who first- MUled thesis "oleettn, was out on ther curb upfront, sot the court" Douse, after vain attempts to meet : Jn the academy of music, snd In the court house. Th academy was filled, but bellevlna- the place packed to prevent their control, Mr. Bailey and his advisors called on their fol lowers to go to the court house. Bailey and Daniels- were followed by a great number of people, and Ihe word quickly spread for all to go to the court house, which was filled. Call nu "Jones." The appearance of Bailey on the stand was a slnnnt fcr the uproar to begin. There were cries for "Jones." some calling for Armls- tead Jones, c hairman of the county i executive committee, and others for DEATH OF PUGILIST PUTS McCarthy's Death in Bout With Moran Stirs Up Feeling Against Sport SAN' KRANCTSCO, Cel., April 30. Gloom hangs over pugilistic circle here as a result of last night's prise ling fatality, when Tommy McCarthy met death in his bout with Owen Moran, the Englishman. Even the arrival of jack Johnson and the ex citement of s personal slxing-up of the big negro failed to lift the sporting fraternity out of Its depression. There Is a k neral . feeling that the occurrence have an effect on the light game in "aiifornUi, now possi bly at lis 'ast stand. Knlnuslasls are recallinif Ho- H.irk spots of puglllKtlr history here The blow that put Mc Carthy out last night was Identical with the sin ih that caused the death of Jimmy Kraney In his fight with O'Connel! ten veare ago. The Inquest over Mc Carthy will be held May 6 and In the meantime Moran and the other's ar rested in connection with the fight are out on bail The affair has served to arouse chtin h and civic associations to renew opposition to the Jeffries Johnson fight ifnd lo the present laws governing contests In this state. Its Immediate effect was to cause Johnson to e. n.el his exhibition ap pearance loniKht. for which there had been an enormous seat sale. WASHINGTON, April JO. Fore cast North Carolina. Mouth Carol I Pi, fair Sunday and Monday: light to moderate Houthwcet wind. aw - .aa m MAY 1, 1910. OF WAKE COUNTY GET IN "Buck" Jones, his eon who Is also especially active In democratic poli tics and Is a senator. Along with the cries went up Inslstnnee that kMr Hal ley be heard. Artnletead Jones, head of tho democratic machine op posed by Bnlley mounted a table, to ask that the meeting ,be quiet and listen to Mr. Hulley. but- sit were powerless to stay the storm ot can. fusion that went up from all over the hall. , , The contest went ot) vlth efforts from one or 'another, declaring the situation a disgrace to the patty and apsaiing for order- Rome one usi gested that ex-Oovernor Ajrock be called to the rostrum. .Others ehout ed and gesticulated towards James H. Pou, butt neither would v have t any voice In the conflict. - ' Declare Open War. f ' Finally Bailey, Daniels and their followers left the court house 'for the curb In front of the court house, where speeches wet-e made end reso lutions adopted, declaring war to the hilt in the June primaries against the machine. Va In the court house, which was i atllP well filled, through the appealer of Chairman Jones, for all good democrats to remain," Ru- tus Dunn, of New-Ltrht tnwnihln was nominated for chairman and nuieklv ub.el.,1 Ai-,r,l.,t,.,i inn.. T FOD FUN OF FLYING KITE Pays That Amount for Horse Which Became En tangled in String WASHINGTON, April 30. It is proverbially expensive for the' United miw 0u,ci till, (7 u I. lu uu uilliuvb Oliy-I , thing but no one suspected that it t h U ceM ot 3- B- Carraway, lor. cist Undo Bam tt much as $200 toimer teller of the National bunk of engage In the innocent umusement of I flvln ,. LI... i.ntll inA-. e TV. I. vtimr.'. flying a kite until today. This after reJm- noon the house passed a bill horsing ej man In Virginia to the ex tent of the above amount for the loss of n "sorrel horse thirteen and a half years old, fifteen hands high and weighing 1300 pounds," which got tant'led tip in the wire ot a govern ment kiln being uxed by the ngrlcul toral department for weather obser vatlons, and ruined llfwif. Tlie kite came down In pasture win-re the horse was, and the two Kot mlxvd ui with, aili-ged disastrous results to the horse. It took affida vits, a printed bill anil report and some oratory on th floor of the house to induce t'nele Sam to. pay for the Injured optimal. ' TIIK COMI-rr TODAV. - May I: llalley.' comet rise today 2 51 a. m.! tomorrow 2.48 a. m. Hun. rises 4. S3. Comet's speed today about 1, 761 miles per mjnute; earth's average speed 1J50 miles per minute. Comet's distance from earth so.i' miles. Comet appears ner to Venus a seen In sky: the formr, right as cension. 2-'. hours, 55 minutes; declination. H degrees, 20 min utes, north: Ahn bitter, right ascension, 23 hours. 42 min utes: declination. 2 degrees, 40 minutes, south: this beautiful sight seen nearly the same tomorrow. The actual distance of the two apart 4s about . 000.000 mil.-, one-half a great as the least distance be tween comet and earth. Don't Watch Out. Ousting Present Organiza proceeded with a speech In which he denounced as no democrat those whom he charged with going Into hie record. Temperance Question. ' Hon. Daniel Hugh McLean, of Harnett county, we called to apeak. He paid tribute to the democratic party and appealed amid enthusiastic applause for a return for th demo cratic party of the whole etst to th fundamental JefTensonlan principle If democracy of local emit government, makln it clear that he meant this m to the temperance question, well as others. A great revolution, h declared, Is going n in the mind of the people all over Uie state. ' Mr. Chappelt offered resolution declaring lor more local self govern ment. It wae received with great en thuslaam, but after remark by J. N. Holding that It would he unwle to take any action on It, H was with drawn without a vote. Holding de clared himself heartily in favor of It. Ex-Chairman Bart M. (tailing fa vored the local eelf government principle, but w glad th reolu tlon wua withdrawn. He thought th convention utter the .primaries would be the time to adopt platform. The court, waa waiting to convene, It was (Continued otl page four.) GARBAWAY SENTENCED TO PRISDMJFOBFIVE YEARS Not Guilty of Embezzlement But Guilty of Falsifying Books of New Bern Bank NEW BERN, N. C April 30. Af ter deliberating ail night, the Jury Mcwbrn. today returned verdict of ' . not ft"""1 on th " ot embeiaie ment, but guilty of the charge oi misappropriation, and making of false ; entrlp. He was sentenced t" di . i.. Iii,.t. ...,hII ..Milii fit aafrl'1 ... T ,,. i-. The case f C. L. Httvcns and i T. Taylor, charged with being e cessorles were continued and their ball reduced to 12,000, after motions to uuash tho Indictment against them had been denied. 1)11 :H Kl!llK.LY. BPENCEIl, N. C, April 20 W. H. Ellis, aged seventy years, a ' well known citl.en of Spencer, waa Aound dead In a barn lit his home early; this morning by member of the faitilly. n u.,.. miM..,i from hi room nri ttt was found that he bad wanderedi to, the barn and had fallen dead. Hert; failure la assigned as the cause cf ltis death. He is survived by four sons one of whom la Prof. Weldon T. Kills of the faculty of the A. and M. col lege at Knlelgh. ' The Aibevllle Citizen: - " ; . . . . I have reason to believe that I hav been missed by the enumer ator In the recent census, and am desVou of having my name - .;; , ... "... .. . , . enrolled as a permanent resident of 'this V,",-'f - v.-v. NAME. . . . u nnu Street and Number r trnirM , (Fill In and Mail resseeeeeeseeee eesseeseeesseeeeeeeeeesseseeeeses PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRANDS GARFIELD- Balllngor's Attorney Intimates That vTennls Cabinet" ; is Plotting. ' SFr.PPTAPV IfPPDC AM DENYING EVERYTHING Glavf sXounscl Declares wicK ersham Bolstered up,. President's Mistake s! ' WASHINGTON. 'April .10. fiecre tary Bellinger continued to contra dict and deny eta t omen is and accu sations against him from the witness stand In the Ualllngcr-Flnchot In vestigation today. He was still under direct examination when the com mittee adjourned until neJtl Wednes day. Mr. Bellinger launched Into Justification of his attitude toward the reclamation service.1 v, His most Important denial waa of the charge made by Director Newell. and Chief Kntlneer A. K Povla' of the service, that he mle represented to Ihe presi dent that the reclamation service had recommended .the restoration of the water power sites withdrawn by Sec retary Oarfleldi 1 , , The reclamation service - officials wore Mr. Illlllnger ordered them to recommend these restorations. Mr. Halllnger swore- Just - us positively that he made no such order, although he felt that the lond had been le ally withdrawn and should be re stored to entry and had so etated to Ihe reclamation offlrtnls. Mr. Rlllln ger made no secret of the fact that he woirld Jlks to see Mr. Newell su perseded a head of the reclamation bureau, He told the committee he did not have much confidence In Mr. Newell administrative' ability al though he denied hostility to the government' reclamation policy. ' . ',.'! Bet'il Meld I'p, . Asked by his lawyer why he did not "make a change" In the reclama tion ervlreV' Mr. l1 illlt.-er retorted shspply: - "Because my hands have been up for month and I have'nt been aide to got them down.'' ' , v Mr,. Bellinger probably will be on the stand for; three more day at least. Two hours of today's session war consumed by tns committee over the question of granting Attorney Bran- dels'e request fur papers and docu ments bearing on the summary of the Qlavls charges prepared for tho president by the attorney .general. The committee again denied the re quest though taking one small con- argued the question and threw soma light on the . controversy. ; . Mr. "Vertree charged there' Wa a conspiracy afoot against other ad visers than Mr. Uulllngor of a pres ident who happened to be distasteful to the conspirators, He Intimated that former Secretary Garfield and former Forester Pluiiiot were the chief conspirator ("or the first time Mr. Brandela op- stily state his belief "that the attor ney general had ante-dated his sum mary, with the Idea of making that appear proper which was not proper t, when done.' , , ' , . t j He had referencit to the dismlssnl of hi client, U It. Olnvis, by the president on September 11 last and was Intimating that '"e attorney gen eral, months after, that date had , drawn up eummary In an effort to Justify an error of tn president,- and . In order to make the deception com plete had dated it two day before the president' action waa taken. ALLEGED LYNCHERS " INDICTED BY Four Must Stand Trial In Spite of Threats Against State's Attorney ' ROANOKE, Va.. April 30. A Tare, wen, Va., specttU to ' The Jtoanok Times saya a sensation has been caus ed at firundy, Huchanan county by th indictment ot Wayne J us tie. La- layette Justlc, Klthard lwson and V. U Johnson, charged Witn lyncning Frank Pennington at Hurley last Christmas eve. . Pennington was being he'd for killing John Baker and (Contfnned on page thrw- era mm NVr to The Cltlaen.) PINGHOT CLIQUE' AS CONSPIRATORS