THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, MAY 29, 1010. TIE DOCTOR SAYS Why OrnamcnJ Your Stomach with Cut Glass? ItopfeM Cooking Utensils 'Are solid melal-NO GLASS COATING TO CHIP OFF-cannot rusl 1 l Save food and fuel are practically everlasting Complete Stock J. B. LAW, 35 Patlon Ave. SOCIETY Utand Personal i , The announcement of th cnnaiie- metlt of MlM Ilobln Kennett ami Dr. Arthur Prltchard was made yesterday t a luncheon (flven by Miss Myrtle Rollins and will be rered'td vlth in , l(rat by th numbers ot friends of the young people In Aahevlllu and in the matt. The Intimate of Mas Hon nMt n Dr. Prltchnrd have known f the an moment for jme time nnd tt kii rumored In these column sev eral month ago but to have Mono fu- - thtr would have defint-d th pretty plan jf the luncheon uml the formal ' ai.ruiuneement on that occasion. Mlaa Kennett to the daughter of Mr. anil aire. F. B. Kennett who hnvn made Ashevllle1 their home for several year. Miss Kenntt I unuamtlly pretty and attractive and la tin well beloved and known that t) expatiate further upon her charm In unnejos aary. ' Mlaa Kennett has hern a mem ber of the Choir of Central Methodist '. ehureti and her One voice noi made tier a valuable addition to Aahe vlile musical circle. Dr. Prltchard la a son ef Judge Jeter C. Prltchard and la prominently connected In" the state, physician of repute and nsso date of Dr. W. D. Milliard. The marriage takes place on the evening of June Ith at t.10 o'clock, nt the residence of the bride. Miss Myrtle Oudger will be the maid of Inner and Mr. Robert R. Reynolds the best mnn Miss Ruth Wiley will sing during the ceremony. The luncheon yesterday was charmingly arranged nnd pink rosea, the brides favorite color, v4 bPfcmed li fragrant profusion from every point or vantage. 8m lax form ; d delicate drapery for window and . doors, making an effective baek ; ground for (ha delicate rosea A wed ding bell hunt pendant ... from the chandelier, wa oonstruoted of foliage and orange blossoms. The light were shaded with pink, and tho place card were appropriately decorated with dlmlnuatlve bridal couple driven by Cupid. Small pink satin Iieart-ahaped boxes containing rice were the souvenir "Kennett-Prltch-ad, June Sth, 1910" wna Inscribed on each box. Mlaa Rollins' gueeta Were Mian Robin Kennett. Mix Itiilli Brown. Mlaa Kate Nichols, Mlw Myr tle Oudger, Miss Lillian Weaver, Mlar i tTltherlne Bond lea. Mis Florence Barnard and Mlaa Kllabeth Arbognal. . . The young ladlea who are at preennt ' guests at the Manor, were iilven a dance hurt evening which was largely attended by the young people of : Ashevllle. Mlaa Alice Drown, MIh. Marie Rail, Mlaa Marv AInsle, Miss Eleanor Raoul, Mlaa Wlnnfred Ijiw rence, Mlaa Charlotte Smith, Mies Cornelia Smith and the Mlaeea New , man were the several gueata of honor. .. J . The raddle of the Country club eome Into thlr own this week and the occasion will be marked by one of the biggest crowda of the season . The long eufTerlng caddies who have Ohaeed recalcitrant bulla over hlh- way and "by-ways" for an unending length of time), will have their own tournament of In other words they Will be the rhonoreea" (what ever that) on thla loccaalon, given by the members of the ?ountry club In ap preciation of their services. The prlxe wlll not be tho usual silver cup. but a trophy much more to the point a purse. A purse holding the contribu tions of so many, and the member ship of tho dub la large, should be truly worth while, and no doubt the caddln will con teat the tournament to the bltter-HWect end. The duy will bo duly announced. ,t Miss I nuc i.Ui nave a small tea jeaterduy afternoon In honor of Mian Jean C'oltraln, of Concord, N. ('.. who la at present her gu.cst. Mlaa Col train la a member of th Kappa Delta Sorority and only the Ashevllle iniyn- bera or the sorority were. Invited The Kneels wi-ru MIh Maude Holt, of Charlotte, Mine Oertrudn Withers, of Danville, Mix Mary and All mi Jcealu Htlkeleather, Mlaa Katberliia Mnaon and Mrs. Henry W email. J Mrs. Alfred H. Barnard entertained with a luncheon yesterday at her res idence on WutaiiKa Btncct. The gtrl Mends of Mlaa Robin Kcn- nct have arranged it acrlca of showers and Informal entertalnmenta In her honor durhiK the week. Mlaa Beth Arbngaet has Issued invltatlona for a dinner In honor of Mlaa Kennett, Tueaday evening, which will take place at the homo of tho former on Montford avenue. Mine Ruth Wiley will entertain with a novelty shower Wednesday afternoon and Miss Myrtle (ludifxr will nJvo a linen shower Ra.t urday afternoon. A week from Mon day the girl friends of Mlaa Kennett will be eiUertaliKMl Informally at her home during the afternoon. . Tho Btudy club, which ha been called the "Ulohe Trotbere," will meet at tiw home of Prof, and Mrs. It. J. Tlghe, Junie 2nd, In the evening. At the last meeting, held during the week, Holland and the Khlne were the subject, Mrs. Tlgho giving In teresting talks on theeo countries. Switzerland, Oberammergrnu and the Passion Play will be the aubVcta of the next meeting. Tho memtMrs of the olub ore Included in Prof. Tlghe's purty wWeh will go uttroad tho latter part of June. The following are members: Mlsa l.aurn ltow'. Miss I.ula (lay Wllllnnmiti. MIhh Main lie Miller, Miss Cerrle Wagoner, Mlaa Ku genla Howe. Mine hYaiii en Hultle, Miss t'laveiia. The ri'sult r the recent meeting of the coinniltteo on entertalnminl at thc (Country club will lm rei-elved with- general eatlsfnetlon, and the members I of the club have an exceedingly pleas-' ant prospect to look forward to, dur ing the long" summer. The illnrter dancea have won the day. and will bo an Interesting InuovalUsi. Tho flln-ner-danccs will Ivo glvit on olteriiate Saturdays, commenclmr .lime 4th. Tho small toihlee must be reserved in advance and will b placed conve niently on tho broad wra'nda. The rescr'atlnns must be made not later than the Kiidoy prerlmia to the dance nnd tho tickets am a dollar each. The dinners will be especially prepared for theae occasions, tho menu Includ ing various dishes famous in lands where tin culinary tirt Is not yet a lost one. Home of the viands of old Nelv Orleans, the ieciws for which will bn given by Southern members of the club, will grace the board. The Italian recipes of the noted singer Mmo. Tetrasudnl, will also be a I tempt-, ed. The iliimi-rs will h. "different," und each one Is n ntlcliwi.ted with curiosity and Interest. The dance mmj Jhe Mowing Women's Parasols in Beautiful New Styles These smart Pavasols of ours hid wclconie to hot suiishiiio, yot hurl defiance to every piercing ray, for none pass through. One of the newest and most attractive of our styles is a green silk Parasol with the dog head on the handle, $4.00. SPECIAL $2.75 We have some unusually fine silk Parasols, regular .!50 values which we have marked very close $2.7.").- There are all the popular and dainty pastel shades for your choosing; black and white stripes and checks, and linen ones with Persian borders. 1 We have other stylish Parasols of handsome Silk, ranging in price from iitf.fiO to $10.00. M. V. M00RE & CO. SMART PARASOLS. II PATTOX AVE. will follow in tho large reception hull of the club. Tlaa orchestra will be stationed on the veranda, on which the long windows open. A apeclul car will be placed for the conve nience of the gueata at tho termlnun of the Charlotte street lira. The din ner dances "will nil a long folt want" and their Inauguration will bo an auspicious occuslon from which few members of tho club will be mlsalug v J Mrs. Hufua Woodcock entertained In honor of her slater and brother Mlaa Agnea Pons and Mr. Donald Pons, last .evening at her homo In drove park, with a dance. The ex torlor of the residence and grounds was illuminated with Japanem bin terns which were ee.ffctlve and arils tic. Under a huge Japanese parasol at otifl end of the veranda, punch wuh served. A buffet supper and Ices w..r served during the evening also, on the veranda. Th house was beau tiruny decorated with foliage and masse of field daisies and pink rose There were forty gueata. The fnctulty and students of the Normal and Collegiate Institute have Ibwu Invitations for tho commence merit exfTclse which begin June third and last for several days. A feUur will b. the presentation of The Taming of th Shrew." Shake. penro's well known rnnvedy, by the graduates. The caet will be announc ed during the week. The following la the program of the commencenienn exerclsea: Prldny, Juno 3, 4 p. m.. Normal seniors' class day. Hunday, June 6, 11 a. m., Sermon before tho graduating cIumscb. Monday, June 6, 8.30 p. m.. Annual concert. Tuesday, June 7, 10.30 a. m., K.xer clses of the. graduating classes in "the Elizabeth Hoyd memorial chapel. Oraduiites: Mary Tate Hnlrd, Manil Mary Ualdwin, Julia Kttn Hrookshire, Ilelvni txickwood1 Itrowri, l.ncy Virgin- la Iturch, l,lllan Stewart Ityrd. r.lllls CarwIK Oroce Crawford. lleulah Mnnrrie Edge, Marie Laura Fred ericks, Mary Penwlck Oourley, Annie MarUu Oudger, Idtle Hart. Rerthn Celeetle Honeycutt, Eleanor Helle Jaynes, I.ennlo Oertrude Mackey, Jes sie Qulnn, Annlo Rtghtin Richards, IJtura Roherts, Ronnie Kllr.abeth Sams, Frances Ocee Whitlow. Esmer alda Willlnims. Certltlcnto clasaee Domestic Arts course: Mnrgnret Arthur, Mnry Eas tnugh Ruttrlck, Annie Kugenln Cas aldy. Marlon Mae Raines. Matrons' training course: T.lllle Mary Ammnns, Agnea l.oulso Farmer, Frances llolmnn, Katherlne Yeugun Lee, Mattle Sllgh. .) . Tho following Invitations have hei'ii Isaued: The Itonrd of Mnnngi-rs f the Ashevllle Mlaelon Hospital Invite you to bp present at the grad tinting exen-ls)! of the Training School for Nurses Class of 1810 to m, hold nt the Y. M. C. A torlum Thursday evening, June second, at eight-thirty o'clock, Aslewllle, North Carolina. orndnatea: Pearl flosaett, Allle Revla, Lillian Sutphln, Lottie E. Wll llama. Reception. Nurses' Home. Friday evening, Juno third, 8 to 11 o'clock . M The Misses Stevens pupils enjoyed a most delightful outing In the coun try, on Friday. The straw ride through the shndy green woods ad ded much to the pleasure of the day. While the children ' played a deli cious luncheon waa spread under the trees which all enjoyed with fine ap petites and returned well content with the day. Tho school will close on Monday, after awarding the price and certificates, to re-open In Sep tember. The aeml final of the men' golf tournament was played yesterday af ternoon at the Country club. Mr Herbert Hrown wow from Mr. J. E Rumhough, Ithree up. and two to play. Mr. J. A. Hurckell won from Mr E. C. Sawyer three up and one to play. The final will be played Wednesday afternoon between Mr. Rrowii and Mr. Hurckel. Jhe Most cf tractive of B,eadytQ- iidear Appar el 9s J4ere Jhat J4as ffo Squat Jn Point of Variety Kvcry line shown in this department is a revelation within itself. Each is complete to the most minute detail. We selected this display with care. When garments came in that were not up to our expectations, they were shipped back only the "survival of the fittest" remain for your inspection. These garments are made to fit and will hold their shape. It pays to buy Bon Marche goods in the long run the best is always the cheapest. Special Prices on Cloth Suits Our lightweight wool suits are selling fast at the low prices now asked for thorn. $20 Suits for $15.00 $25 Smits for $18.50 $.'2.50 Suits for $25.00 Jhe Pongee Coats Tf you desire u light Summer wrap, nothing is more appropriate than one of our Pongee or Cloth of (lold long coats. They lire greatly in vogue at present. These coats are marked at "moving" prices $12.50 h $30. inen Suits, presses and Jkirts "When we purchased this line we anticipated great tilings for Linens in other words we bought largely. If there are "larger assortments, better varieties or superior values outside thejurgest cities, we luive not noticed it. Come here tomorrow a look will convince the most incredulous. Linen Suits, plain, braided and embroidered, are ju iced at $7.50 to $65. Linen dresses, plain and embroidered, featuring the celebrated Chanticler dresses, for $7.50 and $15 to $35. Linen Skirts are priced at $4.00 to $10.00. Underpriced Sale of Silk Dresses For street and evening wear our silk dresses are very becoming. You take no chances wheu you buy here our styles urc authentic. $12.50 Silk Ureses for $9.50 $25.00 Silk Dresses for .$18.50 Other priced dresses reduced in proportion. Quality sShirt Waists We are prepared to till your every want in stylish up-to-the-minute waists for warm weather wear. Among the many brands we carry are 'King Tailored Waists,' 'Victoria,' and 'Columbia.' We are sole agents for each of these popular makes. The prices range from $1.2; to $10. audi Mlaa Mary Alice Tennent Is at home for the holidays from Greens boro State Normal school. Mr, and Mrs. James M. Oudger. Jr . who are In Henderson county for several days, return to thie city Tues day. Mlaa Helen and Mlaa There Chap man return today from Washington n. C, where they have been at school Rev rr J. C. Rowe passed throu.-h the city yesterday n route from lirveon City to Salisbury where he has been visiting his daughter. Mrs A. M. Fry. Mr. Oeorge Othey and Mr. Patten nnd Mr. lxe, of New Torft. have re turned from a ramping trip to PIs gsh. The party fished In soinei of the mountain stream, making- good catch. Ssasssaaaaaaaaaam j!K,'.'yVUA..Vi. ';.'.':!:! i-'.l. '.I-:-1..i --.t: ;;:'.! V-:.:--'.. s lingerie Press es tre Priced at $5.00. $7.50. $10.00 to $25.00 They're Coming to Dinner WHY NOT YOU? Four Dinners Daily Turkey 50c Duck; 35c Chicken 35c Regular ...... . . .25c Regular Dinner changed Dally. Soft shell orab and Fresh water trout. Special attention given to Ladies and Families. If you can't come, phon 1$SI, and tt will be sent. No extra charge. THE NEW YORK CAFE, 11 Snath Main Street. Jl IXiMlAT Old ou ever bear anything but praise for Vlck's Croup and Pneumonia Salve? It la the best. It s worth 15 to 50 dollars to any family and often more. 2Sc; GOc and 11 00. For sale at Carmichael' Drug store. f-f- (Continued on pa go three.) THE CENTRAL CAFE. There is no waiting to be served we serve the best in eating line everything is up-to-date. Regular meafi 25 cents. Exclusive livery for those who want THE BEST Millard Lirery Co.) Pbone 184. X. Mala M. i III MiSS Cruise, 25 "nywod Street. We are manufacturing the latest novelties In Hair Goods. Mme. Recamlar Puffa and Curls, Chlgnon8 of many varieties, that are easy to arrange. HflAT. IHP 0 WsTa.aU A WAV : KITCHEN RANGE Should be ALL When you cook M. & W. Indian you get perfect regular heat in range. Phone 130. Coal, with Coal and your Carolina Coal & lee Company Company The Old Time Furniture Shop ft North Mala St. Bnra and sells all kinds of antique furniture and makes a specialty of repairing and reflnlshlng old pieces Barner and KIm-t, Props. Pbone 107. NOTICE. I, W. H. Wilson, hereby notify the public that after thl date. May 23rd.. will not be responsible for any debts made by my wife Mary Freeman Wilson. W. II. WILSON. I White Canvas Ties and Pumps STERNS The store of Exclusive Deslrn Artistic, Old Gold Jswalry, DutcH Solid Coin Silver, Quaint Furniture, Sheffield, etc HAYWOOD ST. SOXDI.ET BLDG Opp. Battery Park. M. WEBB & COMPANY MUHnery Importers No. Battery Park Place. Phone 1M4 Are going to be worn more this sea son than usual. Come let u, you our beautiful styles. Prions $1.50 to $3.50. sho A' Boston Shoe Store Wc Sell for Cash. SEWING MACHINES New Home, Free, Standard. Whit For Sale, Rent or Exchaag. Expert Repair 'Work. Aiheville Sewing Uachint Company, jegal Baildlng. CHICHESTER S PILLS - i IJtit Ak yoMr &rup fa mtm-wa i llr I1IU In UrJ ud 4sM mZl? """ www wm tUkM M ihrmSB- SOLD BY DWCfiiSTS EYERWHEg Sisrht is one of Nature blessinrs. I istkm crnnA lorn of rmip avqo jbor eye troubles see ye Ipertollsl and Maaafacuurlng o, 4S 4V Mala M. 3 'J