THE HUXDAY CTTTZEN, .TANTTATtY, 29, 1911. JK5 o; cietYJ AND PERSONAL. !y- i I:!V.v:ivSl-ri:i Mm. Hi.ftn4l.ul Williams. Ile well-i -f the winter eulimy ulll d f..rtli nnwn filiHki n. iirl;ui in inn r. will! with UriK'Tle friiihs, and wmnl not xtplit-nr Thursday iwuiiik i"'- ' ' M. C, A, iiudttnrliim. glviiiK a lt- tn r. on "llmn am) Jull-i " t'ri.l.i v Bin, "A Vou Uko It" will bo Mm, Wllllums' suli,."t. Mis Will.jim i very gifted woman and hm trmde most envlalde rriiiiKittun n It -turi'T, hondliiiK hir aulijeet In a oholarly ami witruil. mi in to llnd hi-iivli-r aiipari l in ' ' ih.'i r . lint- of the slnlitH tH'Iduni m "ii in Ajdifvllle wiin il Ilowrr iiiv, wild vi-N-turilriy wended his friiKrmit way IIiT'iiimIi I'ntton iui-nui', t'i';dliiK an imrni riKi (ray of loli-l li'd u in smull bum lnM I.'.y lln. Ilmi; li na ' iii-il I hi', vitof "i i". I h i i' "were f('W flower left. Till' I Inlets linvt- terestltiKly nd clearly that she hulda Ihih iinliMiiiilly fine thin ycer ami her audience tliniiiKlmiii. I lie op portunity ircejilid of hvnrliiK M rs. William will lie tsnilcfully itrrciiteiJ by studenle of Hhukespwire, ami 0e pulillo Kcnerally. The proceeds, f-tt-r the first two hundred dollars, which ?o to Mm. WIHUim. will lie used In holpinK Improve tin- olin grounda of the public schools of the fltv; In view, of thin fuel It I -pectsd that special Interest Wflll he taken, pipoi'lttlly an the attraction of fered If exceptional. . A number of the Kir In of HI. Genevieve's t'onvent itwvo a churm ln birthday dinner party Inst evctiliiK nt the convent. In honor of Minn Hoatrlce Macartney of Knifhind, who, with her ulster, Mis Iwendiillnc Macartney, came over In the nutumii to prepare, for a. degree under Moth er Ihj Planck. Miss Macartney win pleasantly surprised by tho dinner which her friend hnve neen arrann Inir In secret for eeveral day. The dining room wna decorated In pink crepe paper, and the center piece waa a lurae hunch of pink carna- natlone. The dainty place card were In the shape of pink roses. The birthday cake, tinueunlly larwe, unit elaborately decorated with pink leliw dealKn, wn Illuminated with a num ber of candlee, Ml Mucartney had the ceat of honor at the rlicht of Mother De Planck, and the rake won placed before her to cut first. Af ter dinner the yourifc" people icpalred to the ball room where thuy danced until ten o'clock. There were twvn-ty-one rueU at the dinner. 41 Jt The orchestra at the Battery Park hotel boKlna Wednaeday and will add greatly to the attractlveneaa of the hotel, Mr. Bpear hne ordered all of ' the latent mualo from the' comic op era which tuneful aire will make ym pathetic accompanlmentii for the dancere during1 the aeaaon, Informnl dancea will be alven at Intervala In the palm room, which la turned over to , the brldna pnrllei aeveral niht week. Tha Improvementa are very noticeable and the hotel hae never had a more beautiful eettlnir than at the or lent time. The nrrounda when the treea are In leaf and the ftowere blooinlnr, will be one of the eight of tha city. ri The mualo at Central Methodlet church nt tha morning aervlce will be from Oaul'a 'Hly aty." Mr. Mearea Will aln "Thei are Tliey." and the choir will elmt "No Hhad- nwi Yondeiv" At the evenlntt acrvlre th mala fluartet will elnir two num. mera "Saved by 0rae" and "Trie Old Waynlde Croea." J The "falao aprlna" which hae made Iteelf felt for the hint few weeka, hn been reaponalhloi for ft rather tobev turvy world, and hae ao demoralised the rnmmunlty that no one knowi Juet what la the eeaeonablr thlnit to do. The ahrube that uauelly bloom In the eprlnff are out and' 'one mnv ee hranchea ooerred ,'wlth yellow hloaaoma, the fruit treea and maple era beginning to ehow alicne of life and are put Una forth tiny bud, and nature la alowly waking up arter the long ileep of the 'Winter. The hlfcla . that abide here . during the aprlnn end aummer are returning to build, and fill tho early morning with mu- miich In demand. The ifurili nu nrc l, I4lnnin.'.' lo bp plowed nil the lu-.iu-1 1 f n J 1 v illtielrated cataloguoa from the v.irlmm jiiirKfrlrit nrnl m-i'd honm-H nri' beiiiK n i-clvi-d, ailrrgeiitlng ihe p. prom IiIif: n i nl i'ii -m a kin it time. II If In hi- hojiiil that tho freezi that mniiH iruv Italile, will not come tliln fur Houlli to bll(tl)t the flowers ami t rent. , . All who attend tho nu-mhemhlp euppar of itjo Young Women' ChrlH tlan iidnoilallon on Friday evening. February 3, will plume notify MIh m.vrn nt the iiMnpiliillon on Mon day, January 30. Telephone HI I .4 .4 Miaa (inborn will conduct the In formal veitr hour nt the Voting Women'- Chriatlun ano(;lnUon m Hutiiliiy afhertuion at four-t.hlrty. M women lire cordially invited to upend thin hour at the aamiiiutlon. A j The liullea of Uethel church will lui'. " chvirge of the Sunday evenlriK crvlce. A apeelnl program ha been prepared. All are cordially Invited The 1yrlc club met Thursday af ternoon, the iilleiidalii'O being un- u'lially liirge. Th clrb derided to ehango tin- name of tho widely to that of tho Ht. Cecelia. A general Invitation la extended to thime mu hally Inclined who would cure to Join the aoclnty to meet next Tue day afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Auditorium of the Ashevllto School of MuRlcat Art. It i hoped to make the anclety repreeenlnllve nnd to give ome good coneerta in the near fn ture. The officer elected were lirealdent, Mlea lliittle Beott; vice prealdent, Mr. Herbert Allen; eec retary and treamirer, MIm Kmllv Campbell, librarian. Mine Iteed. Mr. K. F. Marker la th director of the eoclety and under hi efficient train ing tho society will undoubtedly give a good account of llelf A J Mr. Deorge I Hackney wiia given a eurprlee party by the members of hi Sunday echool clam Friday eve nlng at his homo In Chestnut street the young people calling In n boor to express their appreciation for the Interest ho, has taken In the cln and their regret at his resig nation. There were about twenty tn the cliiB, all of whom were In the parly. The evening was spent tn pluvlng gnmes and In music. The twelve-holo handicap, medal play golf tournament, nt the Coun try club yesterday afternoon wub the feature of the aftornoon and the link made a. brave showing, dotted with golfers In their gay colored "swea ters." This tournament was played with tho old style hard rubber halls and wna won by Mr. Kdwnrd I. Front and Mr. Alfred R. Horniird. Hoth Dm and second prlres were acts of golf balls. The following wna the score: Mr, Frost 57, Mr. Barnord Mr. Tench Coxe (II, Mr. J. A. Burckci el. Mr. P. II. Urnnch (11. Mr. Uuy Mnnkln 66. Mr. Vance Itrown 8. Mr. Tim Cocke 70, Mr. Joseph Hinder 71. Mr. W. H Unite ker "4. There were alioiit fifty rricm ber.t of tlie club rwit playing tennis, games of golf, bridge and dancing during .the aftornoon. Mr, iteuben Itohertson served tea late in the nf J. H. LAW, "35 Patton Ave. China Clearing Sale We have just finished stock taking and wish to close out at Bargain Price a lot of China and Glass that we shall not carry in future. These are mostly fine goods. Sale continues one week, or till Feb. 5th. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave Swift's Pride Cleanser will make your home bright and keep your hands .white. Use It in your bath I too in, your Kitchifh, on Tin and Olassware, Oil Cloth and Linoleum, Woodwork and Floors In fuel on every thing you m ant to make shine. Per Can , 10c STRADLEY & LUTHER. Bella tha world's beat coffee. S East Pock 6q. Phouea 01 and 061 etc. One day two attractive girl ternnnn. Mliis F.the! llecveji will be the hostess of the coming week at the club. J J Mr. F. Ij. Hunt ontertained yes terday oJternoon with a bridge party at her residence In Hlllsldi) street. Mrs. H.kJit will again entertain in formally with bridge 'the latter part of this week. Jt J Miss May Corcorun will be thu aololHt at the First llaptlst church at tho services this morning. Miss Smith will be the sKilolst at thu eve ning services. J .4 The Itiughum dance yesterday af ternoon was a very happy occasion and beginning of scries of dancer to be given by tho cadets during the winter and spring. Mm. flinghiim, Mrs. Oriminn and Mrs. W. it. Wil liamson chapcronitd the dance nnd greeted the twenty or more girls ol the younger set who went out to tli dnnce. Tho cudets have formed hi orchestra and played delightful!) during tho afternoon, keeping per fect time. Punch was served. The tlanen was thoroughly enjoyed and most successful. .4 .4 The Woman's club will meet to morrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock at the residence of . Mrs. Charity Husk t'ralg In Montforil avenue. The study of "Henry IV" will bo continued under the leadership of Mrs. Charles M. Plait. Women's Petticoats I ( itedn u 1 ji, f.!ll.lw Big Sale 1 on Muslin Underwear ItcRlnnlng Monilay, and running for one week we will have a big Muslin I'mlerwcar Sale (hir culler ntin'! has lHen plio-ed on four largo tables In tin, center aisle of tho smith wing of the Women's Hepartmenl. ICv erv artlcli. I plu-tlck i led. hiu'lng on same both original nnd n d deed price in plain Iik lires. This Is ft prrcat op portiinlly for busy wo men in make a gmxllv saving on excellent un derwear. Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers All the wry best inmllty nnil style. tlowns high ami low neck, long nnd short sleeves, reduced as follows: Ol- 1 llll Illy II TTw ijualllx n Jl 00 ini.iiliy II. "S iualli 5l.r(l quallly 11.75 iualily 12.00 iialil $2.50 quality M.00 (iimllly IJ.f.O quality 14 OH Uliahlf- iniw f.l.OO nuallty now now . now . now new 3o 5Bc .. ..7c c . .. . .. 91.29 . ,.$t.9 . . .tl.M . ..$!. tl.Vi a.7o . . . $3.49 Chemise and Combina tion Suits $1.00 ,ju.-..!y 7rtc tl.'r, quality 9e 1 .-, 0 quality tt.19 11.76 quality $l.2 IS. 00 quality 1 9 12. B0 quality l.9 !. 75 quality $1.79 IS.7S- quality 92.49 $4.00 to H Z0 qualities .12.1)9 5.00 to ib.hO quiilitlea . 8:t 09 $6.00 to J6.60 qualiUes ..$1.79 nihinalinn sets corset covers; rovers redui and i i orsct low tl.2i'i i)iiallt H r.ii quality $ I 75 qtiality t: 00 quality 50 nuin $:i 00 quality 1.1. 50 i unlit v no 15.00 16. .0 17.50 ft 'llillily quallty quahtv quality of drawers skirts and ed as bo- .. ..J.I9 . . . .l.29 .. .. ,.l.79 . .. $2.19 . . . . 2.0 . . " . ..'.9 . . . . .t.9 . . . l.7 . . ...V.F Princess Slips lleduce as follows: J 1.25 quality . . .09c t . 7 ri quality II. S9 J2.00 qualily I.I9 '$2 50 quality .l."ft $3.50 quality 2..0 $5.00 quality 1.1.99 Children's Gowns. Drawers and Skirts Itcduuced aa follows: 5 0c quality 39c fi!o qualily . . . . .!0c S5c quality ... a5 $ I 00 quality ... 79c $1 25 qualily H9c WANTED. The ladle to bring In their comb ings and cut hair. Wo make, up all styles of the latent hair goods. Faded switches and curia dyed to match your hair. -MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 95 Haywood St. Tha Old Time Furnlhu-J gboy ST North Mala tt. Buys and Mlla all kloda of antique furnltura m: make . epacialt ol repalrtng 4 -eftnlahlng nl piece. Pho- 1074. UVNBK a KISETB. The Ashovlllo Chapter of the American Woman's loaguo will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho Y M C. A . auditorium. It is requested that there will be a full attundiince as plans for the chapter house will bo discussed. Plans for the swimming pool or gymnasium will lie brought up and discussed and il is urged that all members Will lie present. Mr. II. A. Plummer and his mo tiler, Mrs VVIggln, have moved to 309 Montford avenue from their former home, 1N9 Chestnut street. Mr. T. S. Itlum, of Winston-Salem !a In the rltv for a short stay on busl ness nail Is a gucBt at tho Hotel Herkeley M. V. MOORE & CO. WOMKVS DEPARTMENT. 11 PATTOJf AVE. Mrs. Kliner Heston has gone t 'At. I.011I.M on business connected wilb, the American Woman a league. Dr. 1'. P. Kloyil. of Inuishiirg N'. C , Ih In the city for a shi.rt stay in hti.iiurss. Mrs. iav Orecn left last evening for Havana, Cuba, and Vlorlrta, where hIic i 1 1 remain for several weeks Mrs J II. Ijemmers and her daughter. Miss Carolina I.emmers. of St, I .on is. MO., (lire spending ecv- eial wicks In the city. Mr. I,. Allison, of Wnynesville Is In the city for a short stay on business. Judge Charles A. Moore loaves tn day fur New- York. Mrs C.irlli'k nnd her daughter. Miss tiarllek. have leased the rcsl del I Mr. Charles A. Webb In Merrlinon avenue for the spring Miss l.euiso Hill, wlio has been visiting friends In the eltv, has re turned t.i her home in (5roensboro. N. C. The many friends of Carl T. Cos sett will be glad to know of his re turn to the city from an extended trip to points in Texas. Hr. and Mrs. T. M. Cheney, of Old Fort, are ,isltlng Dr. nnd Mrs. Ed ward Kv.-ms of this cltv. Mr i i; Norton, of Marion, who has bet n .it Whlttomore's sanitarium. Is very slowly Improving. Mrs. Clarence Fullam of Fort Worth. T.-vns. Is visiting friends In West Axhcllle. Mr. F. ,T. HolUhger has gone to visit her mother In Minneapolis. Minn, and on her way will stop In Cincinnati. Miss Ksther Klnnioutt of Chicago Is visiting Mrs. Omenney nnd Miss Katherlne Omnnney a,t Marigold oot tage. Miss licrothy Warner, who has been visiting Miss IJlllan Fletcher, leaves today for her home in SOuth Mend. 1ml. tt'onthiiuH) on Pmgo Three) Special Prices on Silks Jhis Week (Main Store) HiiikIitiIs of yards of silk . will he put on sale Monday at very .special .prices. These are offered to pet you to buy now. Later on you will have to "pay full price for them all. The idea of low prices, combined with Hon Ma relit; quality should ap peal to every woman. Jt will appeal to you when you set; these goods and reason out the saving made by pur chasing now and here. Hc Rough silk, in all colors, 27 in ches wide, for 50c yard. $1.00 Rough silk,' splendid quality, only (0c yard. $1.00 grade of yard wide taffeta silk, in black, colors and two tone effects. Jadies Jfome Journal patterns for Spring on Sale Have vou begun your spring dress making Vet? Jf you' have or if you intend to shortly, you need patterns. Ladies' Homo Journal patterns are the best. They are designed by skil ful American designers, who are fa miliar with the needs and wants ol the American women. They are priced at 10c and 15c each. Yews and Views from ! the Annex " ? (Annex) You, who have visited and noticed. the exccHent apparel sold here need not be told that what you buy is tho best to be had at any given price. But- to those who have nol had the good;-; fortune to visit this new store,., we want you to come i n and familiarize yourself with a growing institution. The following items art; listed he low to give you an idea of what we are doing here: , The spring skirts, in back and col ors, best styles this season, for $5.00 on up. Plain and checked reefers, for chil dren, priced at $3.75 to $7.00."" ' Linen shirt waists, plain and em broidered, for $2.00 on up. f : ' ?' : J off on black and colored long coats; $15.00 to $25, for $10.00 to l).Ct off on all dresses; $15 to $50 for $10 to $Li;5.00. Spring Suits iow on display See Windows Mph . . . Accordian Plaiting r From 1 to 27 inches done. HOOD'S f The Most Refined Fuel M. & M. Indian Coal Full weight, prompt deliveries. No dirt, little ash just good, clean coal. Rhone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company jj A, most desirahle lot of LINGERIE DRESSES marked for quick Belling. Every dress reduced or more. Quality not Quantity. Postofflce Square AT LINGERIE SHOP 78 Patton Avenue Groceries Fresh Meats STRICTLY FRESH QUAKER OATS 10c Package Poultry Vegetables Everything to Eat Vf . HYA1VIS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. Phones 49-243 I Good Horses buggies And good and double rigs. .Horses are always well groom ed and iu good condi tion. Rhone 3S. Ya verville. Roberts & Williami WeavervUIc, N. O. FOB SALE. 9-room house on the best part of Cumberland avenua. Price $3,600 with terms f desired. This is the biggest bargain yet offered. . Act quick lfyou want L THE H. F. GBANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. WESTERN MARKET Choice groceries and meats. Corner Victoria Ave. and B. Main, (live us a call. FOR SHOPPING OR PLEASURE DRIVING Millard's glass carriages (heated) are the standard of ex'j-Jlence and comfort for cold chilly days. Give us a trial and be convinced. Millard Livery Co. Hume im N. Mala St. LA MARTINA A gar. Cuban hand made ci A 10c smoke for 5c. Try them. . SUNNY SMQKB SUOp D. H. FATER, Prop. S ITnywoofl St. Opp. f. O. Phone 103 "Bveiythlng In Smokers' Supplies" Broi. Steam Dyi Work 't'Foraarty Aahevllla Steam Ttjt tyf g POOLS BBOI. Tha only axpart elaanara sad M dyer tn Ash mil M POOLE BROS., Phont 1U9 mm CUT FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS Folks Will (TPt MARRIED and we always do? our best on Plow- 1 ers for weddings, t ' i. : llllll. lllU (HI ui may remember the occasion with mui'h f-l pleusure. J. Van l.liidley t'o.. SMITH'S Dlircs !im STORK JU&m ASHEVILLK AGT. v. m -i I f. j i mm Get your. Razors concav ed, honed or rehandled at Asheville Barbers Supply House. 23 N. Main St. SEWING MACHINES New Home, Ftea, Btan dad. WblU for Sale, Rent or Exchang. Expert Repair Work. Askeviile Sewing Machine Company LEGAL BUILDING STOVE and CORD WOOD For Sale at reasonable Prices. Phone 283, Room 11 Carrier Building, College Rt. VVc arc Strong on DINING ROOM FURNITURE Harris Furniture Company "Home Fuxniahert ;' II Bmtth Mate. Phoi tilt. Private or class Instruction In ogrnphy and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand um HAUlt; KMA.XI.KT.. Tr'u. I Plione 1783. 132 W. Clu-ve 9! aMtftfl i a i ant ai i ft m fli a f ' 11 ) ami . i i

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