THE WEATHER: FAIR VOL. XXVIL, NO. 103. T Alleged Wrecker of Banks on Stand Tries to Show he's Crazy SAYS HE BRIBED BANK EXAMINER Wm. Travers Jerome Appoint ed by Court to Defend Robin NEW YORK, Jan , SI. Joseph O. Robin, alleged wrecker of banks, must Stand trial on eight indictments charging larceny In the first degree. Although five alienists testified that in their opinion he is erazy, a jury before Judge Swann in the court of OeneraJ Sessions- thought otherwise, and returned a verdict of "sane" late tbis afternoon. Wm. Travers Jerome unwillingly acted as counsel for Ro bin under court appointment, declar ed that there had been a great mis carriage of justice. Judge Swann on the other hand congratulated the' Jury for their verdict contrary to ex pert opinion. Robin' himself spent more' than an hour on the stand today and gave a rambling account of his affairs and beliefs, ranging from alleged at tempts on his life to a declaration that he had bribed M. W. Hutchlns, chief examiner of the state banking department to pass upon securities covering loans held In 107 by the Riverside branch of the Northern Hank of New Tork, one of Robin's institutions. As proof -of his state ment he exhibited a check ilated May 17, 1907 made payable to Mr. Hutch ins and endorsed with what porport ed to be Hutchln's signature. COLLEGE DESTROYED. BOSTON, Jan., 11. News of the partial destruction of the American collegiate institute, a mission college for rtrl rfism. Asiatic Turkey, was- received at the headquarters, or the American Board of commission ers for foreign missions In this city today In a cablegram from the Rev. James P. McNaughton, of Smyrna, The extent of loss was not stated, but it is thought that it will seriously In terfere with the work of the institute which was. established 30 years ago under the auspices of the woman's board of missions of the American board. The property Is Insured. EDITOR CROMARTIES B001T SHP NEAR AFTER SEARCH Dissappeared From Hotel Three Months Ago DEATH MYSTERY HAMLET, N. C, Jan. 81. The body of Editor James A. Cromartie, of Soparton, a., who disappeared from the hotel at tnls place Novem ber $ last was found this afternoon in a swamp three miles from Hamlet by hunters. His personal possessions, including a considerable sum of mon ey, were Intact, and there was no ev idence of foul play, but how he met death and how long he has been dead, have not been ascertained. Cro martie was on his way to visit rela tives In Bladen county, this state, and stopped over here to change rnra He disappeared during the night, and though his three sons scoured this section for a month no trace, of Jiis movements could be found- Identi fication was fully established by n relative. Searchers had pawed with in ten feet of his body. Th,-? report several weeks ago that Cromartie had been found in the woods in a de mented condition near Ellenboro la ter developed to have .been a rase of mistaken identification. REBELS MAY HAVE STOPPED RAILROADS MEXICO CITY, Jan.. 31. The passenger trains on the central hrsnrh of the National railway of Mexico are stalled north of Chihua hua and railway Officials here adroit that It is probable that they hare been heldj up by revolutionists. A railroad'; official stated tonight that the north bound train which passed Chihuahua last night and the south bound train which left Elpaso thlj morning are at some point between Laguha and OJo Callente. Laguna is 100 miles north of Chihuahua and njo Callente 1b 100 kilometers north of Laguna. An exploration train left Chihuahua at noon but no reports of Its progress have ben received here. The railroad officials said that all of the Central railway wire north of Laguna had been out of commission all day. fllll DECLARED IE MUS STAND III IN NEW YORK T HE DEPUTY SHERIFFS GUILTY OF GRAFT OVER IN Is Accusation of Representative Dil- lard Speaking of For Breaking up RALEIGH, N. C, Jon.31. After two and a half haurs spent on the bill to create Hoke county, the fight for the county led by McLaughlin of Cumberland and Martin of Buncombe and the opposition bv Bassatt, Thdjui and others who' signed a minority un favorable report, the senate passed the bill on Its second reading by 2" to .11, anil being a roll call bill, In volving bonds and adjustment of county debts, It went over to another day for final passage. On Mileage Nuisance. After devoting two hours to the hearing of argument on the Baggett bill pending In the senate to require railroads to pull mileage on the trains and that railroads that refuse to do this shall not charge more than 2 cents per mile for passenger fares the Joint committee on railroads de cided to resume hearing Thursday af ternoon when both sides are expect ed to have additional speakers. Senator Raggett , author of the bill, opened his b!U by voicing the claims of traveling men that thj mileage ticket requirement is an in excusable nuisance. Principal arguments In support of the mileage ticket regulation were by Assistant General Counsel George B. Elliotte of the Atlantic Coast Line and1 General Passenger Traffic Man ager S. H. Hardwlck of he Southern railway who argued that it is the most reasonable and convenient man ner possible and the only one yet de vised that will assure the carriers getting pay for the service rendered. Senator Brown, of Columbus, Intro duced a bill to prevent social clubs from handling Intoxicants for mem bers and to prohibit near beer. Ther was also a notable bill by Boyden of Rowan to protect human life by for bidding persons from ' walking on railroad tracks; Robert's Divorce Bill The house passed the bill by Rob erts of Buncombe-to allow divorce jrher there are no children from the union, aftet UJH .ttparatlan adtfr out Trie' requirement that both havs resided in this state for the ten years. The senate birl to ratify the pro poned amendment to the United States constitution providing" an Income tax passed its second reading In the house by 93 to 6 and on ohjectlon by Dll lard of Cherokee to final reading took its place on the calendar for final passage another day. It was adopted after a lengthy de bate on the Ew.irt resolution, as a FEARS NOWEXPRESSEO Will MELT AWAY IT. Is President's Opinion of Canadian Reci procity EXTRA SESSION? WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Presi dent Taft refuses to discuss "extra session" In connection with the reci procity agreement between the Uni ted States and Canada which he has recommended. He hopes that the present session will act favorably on the question. In conversation today he empha sized his belief that reciprocity would be a good thing for both countries, declaring that it would establish cur rents of commerce which would ben efit both the United States and Can ada. The fears which are being express ed in some quarters, he said, were the ghosts which would melt away Us soon ns the agreement w?nt into effect. Many letters have been re ceived nt the white house congratu lating th epresldent on the decided stand he has taken in the matter. He has been told uIko that he would have the backing of many Industrial associations throughout the .-ountry. The president declared that he had not talked with any one about the possibility of an extra session In case the present congress fails to ratify the agreement. He said he hed not and did not Intend to hold nut any threats but that he was placing con fidence in the present session, "suf ficient unto the day Is the 'good' thereof" Is the motto he has adopted in the case. THRlMJNG ESCAPE. LONDON Jan., 81. Sir Edward Gray's brother George had a thrilling escape from death on Saturday. He was with a party stalking Hons near the Athl river. British East Africa, when he rashly galloped forward and fired. A large Hon sprang at him and seising th ehunter worried him like a rat. Gray's friends came to his rescue which was effected with difficulty. He was found to be bad ly mauled but is progressing favorably. ASHJML ASHEVLULE, N. CHEROKEE Law . Giving Fees Distilleries. substitute for which the senate bill was finally taken from the commltt tee and passed without any party di vision. Graft la Clierokee Dlllard of Cherokee is making a fight for the repeal of the 1908 law allowing sheriffs f20 each for block ade distilleries broken up, as It ap plies to Cherokee county, startled the legislators with the charge that depu ty sheriffs have "grafted" his county out of 11,800 for fees of this kind when In reality there had not been more than two rlstlllerles In the whole county within two years. Representative Stroup offered an amendment to include Gaston county in the exemption bill and the amend ment met strong opposition, but a motion to defer action was lost and it looked like It would pass, Speaker Dowd Take Floor The point was made by opponent that the committee on liquor traffic la preparing an amendment to the state law that would eliminate the evil complained of In Cherokee. Speaker Oowd took the floor In op position to the till asking that, the Dlllard bill not pass but that the house wait for the committee to re port its bill designed for general re lief from the evil. Finally by agree ment, the matter was held up until Friday with the expectation that the committee bill will be in by thajt time. , . A great number' of petitions came Into the house for urohlbltion of near beer in North Carolina, the counties of Wilson, Polk, Perquimans, Burke. Buncombe, Hertford, Northampton being Included in the petition. . .Raleigh Must Pay Costs The house finance committee re ported unfavoranly the bill introduced yesterday to provide for the state in stead of the city of Raleigh as to pay ing the costs of the unsuccessful In dictment of the Standard Oil com pany lh the city court for the violation of the state anti trust Iaw. 8. C, MARRIAGE LAW COLUMBIA. S. C. .tun t Tn, house today passed the marriage li cense bill on second reading. The bill is the same that has already passed the senate. It will come up In the house tomorrow for final ac tion. No further trouble Is expect ed In passing It. Marriages perform ed with out licensee are to be valid but a man who contracts marriage without .a license is to be guilty of a misdemeanor. ALBEMARLE DEVELOPMENT COMPM PROMOTERS ARE Paring Attempt at Escape From Mecklenburg Jail SIBLEY AND MASTERS CHAItLOTTE, N. C., Jan. 31 But for the timely Information conveyed to the authorities by a prisoner in a neighboring ceil. J. H. Sibley and R. C. Masters, who are held in Meck lenberg Jail by order of the federal government to await trial for gigan tic land frauds would doubtless have been free men before daylight. But one stcl bar lay between Masters and Sibley and freedom at dark when the Jailer and his officer acting upon the information received descended uwin them, discovered the tools with which they had been working and removed them to anoth er and safer cell. The Informing prisoner used a clever ruse to foil the escaped. He summoned a phy siclan on the plea of Illness and through him conveyed to tho chief of pollee fne fact that the noted pris oners were endeavoring to effect un escape. Immediate Investigation fol lowed and a complete set o?Nsawsinil other tools were found seoreted in the cell. Further investigation de veloped the fact that several white prisoners In adjoining cells were to receive money for assisting in the de livery and the money has been pai l them. Two women claiming to be relatives of the prisoners, who have recently visited them are presumed to have secreted tho tools m bundles of clothing brought to the prison ers Sibley and Masters were brought here from Mississippi where they were arrested after a chase of weeks by secret service men, charged with promoting a fraudulent resort scheme " ot great proportions at Albemarle, N. C. and are be in if held for 'trial In 'April. EE C., WEDNESDAY MORNING FEBKUAY'l, 1911. THESTATEDEPTIS COiDEMi TAX E J, Much Agitated Question has Now Entered Into Realm of Diplomacy SECRETARY KNOX IS NOW INVESTIGATING - Germany Contends That Mat ter Is Nt an Import TO. at All WAflHTNQTotf, Jan., Il.-flthe ac tion of the Gtwman government in imposing a penalty; tax OB th pro duction of potash, after having been for many months subject of exam ination ant) exohang of briefs and notes between the , . American con tractors and. repreeentatlvee of tho German potash j syndicate may oe said to havo passed Into th realms of. diplomacy today when Count Bernetorff, th Uermaa Ambassador, presented to Secretary Knox th an swer of hi government to th sec retary's inquiry A to th reason of the action complained 'of. ' . ' i Th German answer defend the eetloa of the Oerman government in imposing th penalty tax as a meas ure necessary to conserve the , valu able deposit of th empire and pro tect them from speedy exhaustion such as might bo expected to follow a ruinous reduction In the price of potash from unregulated compe tition between these syndicates and the Independent 'potash miner. :)- K era use of theimport an ce oj! Hi matter. Secretary TCnox I conducting the neg-otiatloas' himself and there are Indications that they will not lag. In view of the length of the German answer to hi inquiry, th secretary was not able to read it in detail be fore he wa called to th regular Tuesday' cabinet meeting nut from the ambassador's explanation ft war able to secur an outline of th Qr man position. Tht Is believed to of; baaed upon thi theory that th 1m position of th a m potasn is t asxdad MP a many a-wel In ternal affair and that a a matter of fact It 1 not an eaport tax. It is also asserted that th tax 1 not Chargeable against tho American pur chaser but should be paid by me German mine owners. Furthermore, it is charged that the so-called "In deuendent" potash producers who made the contract with the Ameri cans for the delKery of potash In l0i did so with full knowledge that the German government had for some time been contemplating, andj had practically decided upon the im position of a tax on the production of potash. CONFIMJI SENATE Including Judge Hunt Against Whom Montana Land Owners Made Fight WASHINGTON, Jan. 81. Five of President Tsft's appointment f cir cuit court Judges were confirmed by the senate today. They Included Wil liam H. Hunt of Montana, against whom a fight was made by Montana land owners; Koherl W. Archibald of Pennsylvania; Julian W. Mack of Ill inois; and John Emmett Carlmid of South Dakota, who were named as additional Judge to serve on the new commerce court. The other confirm ation wim that of Ilenreaentatlve Wal ter I. Smlih of Iowa, who was named to succeed Judge Willis van ucvanier who was promoted 'to the Supreme eonrt of the I'nlted States. Nothing now stands In the way of the organ isation of the commerce court. Mar tin W. Kn.-ipp. former chairman of the Interstate commerce commission, who was named as the presiding Judge of the new tribunal, was con firmed before the holiday recess. VIRGIM KDl'CATOB M I CHAnUtTTICSVIU.E. Va., Jan. il. Dr. James A. Harrison, for IS yesrs professor of English nd Ho manic language In the University of Virginia and one of the best authors of the 8o.jt.ii, died here today. He has filled sijef esslvely chairs at Itan-dolph-Mar on college, Wsshington & Lee university and the University of Virginia and was leeturer on Anglo Saxon poetry at John Hopkins. WabhingtoN, Jan. ' ai. Fore cast: North Carolina; fair and warm er Wednesday: Thursday fair: 'mod erate south wind. : RifJPOTAi CITIZEN. CRESCENT CITY IN HARD FIGHT LOSES cAnal exposition Great Celebration ing of Canal in In the City of the Golden West WASHINGTON Jan. Jl Th house of representative today by k vote of m to 1S9 decided in favor of San Franclaro and against New Or leans as the city , in which n expo sition to celebrate th opening of th Panama canal In 181S shall b held. Thi vote wa taken on roll call to determine th Ban Franclaooon or th New Orleans bill should have consideration In th house. On a. fi nal vote th SsnFranelsoo bill was passed by a vote of III to 41, The advocates of San Fraitslseo are claim ing tonight that their fight Is won and that the senate will ratify the action of th hous. ' . Baa Francisco won by capturing th republican vot In th hous. New Orleans support cam from th democrat Only thirty republican voted for New Orleana Thirty lot democrat voted for Ban Francisco. Doc Wot Ask tor Aid. : ; ; Th Ban Francisco . bill doe not ask for government aid In any form it Imply authorise th president of th United Stats to invlt foreign nation to participate In th fair. ! An effort to amend th resolution to include provision for an Interns tlonal naval par ad from Hampton Road through th Panama canal and up the west coast to Ban Frsnolac was defeated v on " parllmontarjr point of order. - I The Now Orleans bill called for an appropriation of 11,600,000 for a government exhibit gnd th creation of tv government commission. . .. ? Th. proceeding In th bona marking th cOlmiaatlon of th position light wer most unlqus. Th galleries held th greatest throng of th present session: and there was no attempt, to restrain th applause that cam, from .; the spectator aa th light progressed. ; , Committee Dodged Ink. i Th rival claim of th two eitle recently wer put- VP to th' rule oommlttse of th hous. ' That com mitt woul trot undertak to f which exposition measur. should have the right of way, but 'rendered a Solomon-llks decision that thert sh'otild be a call of th hous and each member wa to rise In hit place and vote "Han , Francisco" or" "New Orleans" Instead of'"y"or no" as usual on. roll calls. This course was' followed today and during the taking of th ballot ex- citement ran high. Th race be tween the two cities waa exactly a tie when 87 vote had been cast on MOOD GIVESJUTQ TAGS To President Taft So He Can Ride Through Mary land Free BALTIMORE, Md., Jan. 1. Presi dent Taft will have Maryland auto mobile licenses without cott as an act of courtesy to the chief magistrate of the nation. Governor' Austin I Crothers today took cognisance of the action of state motor vehicles Com missioner Oeorga In withholding li censes for the president's automobile pending the receipt of the registra tion. The governor directed Com missioner Oeorge to send the tags to the president Immediately. "Kegnr'lless of the law," f he said, "I have directed that tag be tent to President Taft for his four automo biles and that po charge be made for them." continued the governor. "I think this Is a courtesy due the ex ecutive from a sovereign state that forms a purt of the commonwealth of the nation, and Mr George will send the tags right off." H.tNKKIl IS BKNTKNCTD. NEW ORLEANS, Jan., tt. AfU overruling a motion for a new trial Judge Grubb In the It. H. court today sentenced Wm. Adler, former presi dent of th defunct State National bank to serve six years In the Atlanta federal penitentiary. SIM 1 ttHL tJ RANTED. JACKStLv'VILLK Kla., Jan , !1 A new trial of the 1200.000 damftgo suit of John T. HammOnd, of Orlando, Fin., against the Consolidated Gro cery company, of Jacksonville, and other members of .ttv .Southern Wholesale Grocer's association was allowed by Judge Locke, In the Unit ed States District court here today on motion of counsel for the defend ants. WKALTHY FLORIDIAN DEAD PENSACOLA, Kla., Jan. 11 Chas. Manley Covington, on Of Florida' wealthiest citlien and for many year prominent In banking and Indus trial circles of the Southern states, died here today. He had large hold ings In naval stores end bank and was vice president of th Consoli dated Grocery company of Jackson- I vine. He is survived by two Drotners who reside In Jacksonville. in Honor of Open 1915 Will be Held each side. It remained even up to th 100 mark and then Ban Francisco began t oforge to the fornt When th decision In favor of th California, city wa announced thr w tv demonstration both on th floor and in th galleries. Voted for Milwaukee. Mr. Carey, of Wisconsin, evoksd laughter by responding "Mllwauk" when hi name was called. Mr. Moore, of Pennsylvania voted for "Washington." I4CAF TOHAOO BALES CANVIIXB, V., Jan. 11. Th ale of loo leaf tobacco on th Danvill market brok th record of th tobacco season In thi or any othr market today. . For th first Urn thi season sale wsr blocked ad several hundred pile had been unsold when th closing hoar arrived. Th total number of pound cold at autftloa on th floor of th evn warehouses here was about a million pound. i , ' . RRVAN LEADS IBf FLA. . JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Jan. II. With oorapiet returns from no coun ty except Monro and Incomplete re turn from all th other except Ight th two candidate (or th ten a'torlaj nomination are running neok and neck with N. F. Bryan than 100 vote ahead.- Th remaining oounUe to be heard from will. It It thought, materially Inoreas Bryon't lead and indto&Uon ar tonight that he will b iectd. The vote was arly ana half larger than that out In th first H-lmary' whan W. , A. Uiount led ' ITS KA8Y TO FOOL . 1 If 'if , . j ...... ti . NEW 'YORK; Jan. "A dlth of melasse; . a bull' y lantern and, a dark room 1 all that la necessary to prov how the pviWI ha been 4e eelved by men in th government pay as "('lenyno computers" Dr. FrederlcJt A. Cook make thi irtste. ment in a letter which he sent today to Congressman Ernest W. Bobsrt, a member of the committee of na val affair which baa en hearing the case of Captain Robert B. Peary In reference to the work of H, C. Mitchell and C .ft. Duval, of th coast geodetic, survey. ION QUEST Local Option Bills In Ala bama Legislature Tak ing All the Time MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Jan., II. That local option 1 delaying all oth er legislation seem to be the con census of opinion among the mem bar of the Alabama legislature. To day's session In both, house was brief and nothing evaa accomplished. In th hous the substitute local op tion bill wu introduced and the pro hibltlonlsts at one demanded it printing or it reading. The bill wa referred to th tsmperenc commit tee without Instruction. In th sen ate two resolution! .oh th same sub ject wer introduced, one affirming the position of the senate to be that that body Is attending to publio busi ness which was, sent to committee and one ridiculing the fiouse resolu tion known as the Fuquway resolu tion which favors the enforcement of the Phelan laws, this one putting tho body on record as being "unalterably opposed to the boll weevil and the hookworm and In favor of good roads" which also went to commit tee. TV COBB BUYS PAPER. AHOUHTA, Oa Jan., Jl. "Ty" Cobb, a baseball player, is one of the stockholders In a company that to day announced the purchase of the Augusta Chronicle. The extent of the ball player's holding In the nowspaper was not gtven out IT. OF A BAKKBALL. ATHENS, (i.. Jan,, II. The base ball schedule of th University of Georgia was announced this evening. The games are limited by action of the faculty to eighteen, and therefore there will be no game between th 'Varsity team and prep schools. CtTP TO GRAHAME-WHITE LONDON, Jn. II The feature of the International Aero club meeting tonight was th presentation of th John Gordon Bennett cup to Orahatne WhJte. Graharae-White victory wa cored at th Belmont park meeting last October, While Sopwlth secured DeForrest medal with the crossing of the English channel on December t, numerous othr trophle were handed to th winner. Citizen Want Ada Bring Results. -;. PRICE JIVE CENTS WITH MANY BONDS Jumps From Moving Train at Kings Mountain and Is Hurt DOUBLES ON TRACKS OVER CUNCHFIELD Wires For Attorney From Washington to Como ! to His Aid V BHUSLfir. N. C, Jan. II.TelsmoB Smith Curler, , an Atlanta broker whoa mind la aaid to b Impaired beoaue at recent financial revere, disappeared from a train between Rutherfordto and Charlotte - thi morning and has thut far eucceeded : In eluding th oftloer of a half dot en countie who ar trying to locate him. Judge K. a Clone, hit Atlanta attorney, la conducting the starch. Cuyler, . H le understood, wired Judge Clone from Washington to meet him In Bhelby. that he waa In le gal trouble. The broker arrived at King's Mountain, the first station south of this plac. on No. tl Bun day and lred from th train whll I waa moving, auttalntng tome in fury. Local officer arretted , and Jailed him a a suspicious character. He put up 111.000 in Rock Island railroad bond as tsourlty, borrowed a suit of olotha from a local at torosy, drove to Bhelby and caught a train for' Butherfordtcn where' tie entered a hospital. He I eredtttd wna in etstemenc tnat detective Wer en his trull and that. If they caught htm and attached hi bonda ha would b a pauper, v Sheriff .McMililn, on wire advice from Atlanta this morning, located Cuyler in the fttitherfordton hospllul and Journeyed there tu bring the man back to Shelby. ' Near Uuttlo, the connection of th Carolina, Clinch Bold and Ohio, Cuyler disappeared mysteriouslyi from the train. Judg Clqnse who arrived ' her from At lanta ; later engaged an automobile and etaru.4a search of Uia missing man without result It waa learned tonight that Cuyler had first taken a southbound Clinch Held train at Bostlo toward Spartan burg, R C, and then doubled on hi traoke and bought a.tlrkst for John -ton City, Ttnn,. oveVth same road. Judge Clonte and Sharift Wilkin took the neat train In pusult wiring au thoritiea ahead to capture Ouyler, Cuyler has hi bond In hta posses Ion. -'" :' .;"'' , ii r HUDUMUn ANNUAL DEBATE OfJ RIVER In Connection With Pauage of Rivers and Harbors Appropriation . , WA8HINOTOr, Jan., II. Afts three houTt of eonalderatloit the n U today pasted Uv river and har bor bill carrying appropriation ag gregating about UMOO.OOO. While th bill waa under consideration sen atora Burton and Bailey engaged In their annual debate over th policy of Improving th harbor at 8au: mont and Orange Texas, so aa to ac commodate ocean going vessels. Mr. Burton criticised th provision ' be cause of th Inland character- of the two towns. He Intimated also that the harbor were desired aa a means of reflating freight rate la the Lone Star atat. - Mr. Bailey took exception to th Ohio senator's reflection upon . th democratic affairs of hla state and Anally asserted that thi matter waa "none of the . aenator from Ohlo'a business". The course of th board of army engineer in pronouncing against the two project on th ground of commercial andesirabllUy waa severely condemned toy Mr. Bell ay. The amendment waa rotd In as wtaa also one for tha Imorovsment of me Missouri river, to woicn nr,MTT' ton also took exception-'"" PRESIDENT DINES SUPREME JUSTICES WASHINGTON,' Jan., St. Chief Justice White and the associate Jus tices of the Supreme court tonight eocompanled by their wire were the guests of honor at the annual din ner given by President and Mrs. Taft to members of that tribunal t th white houa. - Beetaea tn member or we su preme court, th guest Included At torney General and Mrs. Wlckertham several senator and represent Uvea and their wtvea; the chancellor of tha Supreme court of Delaware and Mr. Curtis, chief Justice of th Supreme) eonrt of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Fell, . Jam Keith, rh president cf tha Supreme court of Appeal of Virgin la, chief Justice of th court of Ap peal of Maryland and Mrs. Boyd, tha president of tha Fupreme court ot Appeals of West Virginia and Mr. Williams, former Senator J. B. For akr and others. ATLAfiTA BROKER ELUDES PURSUERS

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