THE WEATHER: BAIN. VOL. XXVII, NO. 108. JD COURAGE TIIEMEOFMESSAGE ii Speakor Elect of Next House Believes World Is Grow ing Better MANY INSTANCES PROVE STATEMENT Flying Machines Will Make ' Wars In Future Things Impossible SPRINGFIELD, Mas.. Feb.. 6. Redwing that he Is an optimist and that he believes the world is growing better. Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, speaker-elect of the next house u representative at Wsshing. ion, delivered a message o : "hope and courage" la an add rem today be fore the Younr Men's Christian As sociation her. ? If - th world Were not growing; better.'r Mr, Clark, said,' 'then the school system, about which America boast and Which, cost so much was an Ignomlnous failure and all re iig'orr was a failure and he did not beileve either to be true,' Why ' so many good people believe th eworld 1 growing worse was explained by Iff, Clark as a matter of evolution of co-nmunlcationi that nowadays any . ltaee on earth Is in reach of the chruch and a, man 'may do good things and never get his name In the newspapers but the first time he does 4 bad thing 1n It goes". -Missouri Is Better. .. Mr. Clark said when he 'went to Mlrsourl ti years ago the average number of homicides in Pike county vvas between' four and five a year and now ' they average less than .'one. That. bo believed was , measurably tiua or every other county . in the country. Up to ten or. fifteen years ago a prise light could be pulled oft In any state with absolute impunity. Now there, la not a single , state in which It is not a penitentiary offense. T'o- to-oonvparattvely recent years a duel could be fought tn any ' stale without fear of serious consequences, now, there is no state- tn " whit 4t to -Jn "conclusion Mr. Clark said:-' wars Become iiaivr. "Thanks be to Almighty Ggd, wars are becoming rarer and rarer. One hint which the flying machine will accomplish will be to put an end for ever and forever to all wars. Insti tutions for preservation of morals, iciief of human sufferings, for per- (Continued on Pago Three) E PROGRESSING INHONDURAS " WHILE IKTICE HOLDS American Officers Urging Cessation of Hos . itilities . BONILLA UNDECIDED PUERTO CORTEZ, Honduras, Feb., 6. Both the revolutionary and government officials of Honduras f pent Sunday , " in considering Peace negotiations. Captain Davis of the United States cruiser Tacoma which returned here from Ceiba is using his -best efforts to bring about a settlement of the trouble. While, at Celba Captain Davis conferred with General Bonllla, the revolutionary leader with respect to a proposed armistice through the good offices of the administration at Washington General Bonllla promised to take the proposition under advisement but as yet there has been no definite action. General Lee Christmas has Assum ed control where he seems to be very popular. Bonllla's army. While ad vancing on this city, was stopped by detachments from the Tacoma pend ing developments on the proposed trmistlce. The government army Is intrenched opposite Piemlenta, vhlch is the Interior, about 45 miles from Puerto Cortex and the next bat. tie Will probably take place there. The United States gunboat Wheel ing has arrived here from Guanata numo. The Hornet, the revolutlon nry gunboat Is on her way here from Trujillo, under command of Ensign Fruce of the Tacoma. COMPLAINTS AtfAINST RAIROAD NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 5 With twenty prominent railroad men sum moned ' as witnesses, representatives of the interstate commerce commis sion will begin an investigation to morrow of the complaints against the New Orleans, and Northeastern rail road, charging the diverting of coal shipments at Meridian." situs. The custom of "back hauling" is said to V Involved. I mm pguhk THE IE T Legislature In Session will Have to Move to Some Other Town Probably STATE CONVICTS DID HEROIC WORK Many Valuable Records of State Consumed Including Those of Legislature JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. S. The Missouri capital building was destroyed by fire tonight . The total loss, including the strut ture and many records and state papers In the offices of the gover nor, secretary of state and treasurer. Is estimated at one million dollars, with no insurance. ' -, Lightning which struck the cupola of the dome shortly after 7 o'clock, spread the' ft lames to the roof of the ho!ise of representatives , on the north side of the structure and in less than halt an hour it was apparent that the building was doomed. ' Convicts Worked Ilerotoully. Because of the Inadequacy of the water pressure the fire could not be reached and po aid could be given tor some time by the local company. Governor Hadley directed V the light against the flames, which rapidly gained great .headway- The peniten tiary ftre 'department was called and the connrlcta worked heroically, scal ing walls an taking dangerous chan ges for their lives. . The local military 'company was called out and . formed a cordon around the building, driving specta tors from dangerous positions and re moving records from the , different state depatments. -r The fire soon spread to the roof of the senate chamber, where the ef forts of of the firemen proved un availing to check it. State Record DcNtroyod, The records of the house of rep resentatives were, destroyed,' while those- of the senate were saved. In ther state treasurer's office mora than $20.000-- is in the time, vault, sup- posed! fire proof and may be saved when the debies Is cleared away. There was ' no. Insurance. ' The capltol was erected In 1818 at a cost of 1350,000 and In 1887 re modeled at a cost of 1250,000. While it was built of stone the roof was cohered with much inflammable ma terial. The legislature will determine tomorrow whether to continue Its 1 session here or elsewhere in the state. YELLOW FEVER SCU T TI Vessel Allowed to Cast Anchor at Key West MALARIAL FEVER ON BOAD U. G. GUNBOAT MARI ETTA, by wireless via Key West, Feb. 5. That there is no yellow fever aboard this gunboat was asserted pos itively today by Joseph Y. Poter, su perintendent of the board of health quarantine office at Key West, who visited the ship thlB morning and made a careful oiiignoel of the sus pected cases. The quarantine officer assured Commander Cooi er that the suspect ed cases were malarial fever only and after examination of the fever chart Coxswain J. H. Minor, who died aboard ship last Sunday at Puerto Cortex, stated thit while the chart was typical of yellow fever, the case rould have been one of other fever. Hr. Porter Informed Comamnder Cooper that he could haul down the quarantine (lag anchor at Key West. The ships' officers he udded. might ko ashore. The ship still Is in quarantine, however. Diagnosis CoiiiiniKil The suspected cases of yellow fever on board the U. H. steamer Marietta, which arrived here last night from Puerto Cortez. were this morning di agnosed as malaria by Dr. S. D. W. Light, Key West quarantine officer; Dr. E. E. Ppragnc of the II. S. mu rine hospital service and Dr. J.' Y. Porter, state health officer, who went oil board the Marietta this morning. The sick men were all convalescing and It is statetd there is no fear of the fever spreading. The vessel will coal here end proceed northward. No objection bas been raised to the Ma rietta epMceedin; to the pier at the navy yard and tho officers will be per mitted to go ashore. On the ad vice of th physicians, however, shore leave will be withheld from the crew and no visitors will be allowed aboard the ship. LIGHTNING STROKE BUR ED GAP OLTD GHDUrJU ASHEH ASHEVILLE, N. INSURGENTS FAIL AS THEY EXPECTED Fierce Battle Is Fought Sev eral Miles From Town Near Border HEAVY LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES Insurgent Policy of Delay Prov ed Most Costly In Attempt on Juarez EL PASO .Tex.. Feb., 5. At 11.18 o'clock 'tonight the axact results of today's developments about Juares are -being clouded by numerous con flicting reports, From the federal viewpoint the situation may he sum marised as follows: Colonel Rabago with S00 men marched Into Juares at 0.26 o'clock tonight amid the Joyful acclaims of the cltlsens and soldiers. Rabago's command repulsed the at tack of Orosco' force at Uauche to. day with only one dead and six wounded. Indicting a loss of 140 kill ed and wounded on the Insurrectos side. Insurrectos reported widely scat tered as a-result of today's clash General .. Navearro'a command, strength unknown reported marching to the relief of Juares and expected to arrive tonight or tomorrow. From the. insurrectos viewpoint the situation Is as follows: Rabago's command reached Juares tonight after defeat at , Bauche In which they are reported to have lost more than 100 ttwtn and a substantial part of their arms and equipment. Alani'a rebel force of COO men in the fight with 100 federals 2& miles east of Juarez. Alant' expected to Join Orosco some time tonight for an as sault' upon Juares, which, is schedul ed for about daylight tomorrow, - The star of the Insnrrecflon loader Pasquate Orosco, who was to occupy the city of Juares by sunrise . thin morning, appear to be on the wan. His policy of delay has enabled r Inforcemente to reach Juares and the probability of taking that, city now is considered much, mare remote than It was yesterday.,, .Other reinforce ments In the shape of General Na varro's column, are en route iron. Chihuahua and will reach Juares to night or tomorrow It is expected here that the federals will bo able to hold the. city and knowing th's the insurrectos will retire. There Is a rumor tonight that the Insurreotos- are near Juarex but this cannot b-; (Continued on pace ) AFTER FflLLOWINS FALSE GLUE ALL NIGHT CITIZENS Now Believed to Be Hidden In Cumberland County . LYNCHING LIKELY WILSON, N. C, Feb., 6. Informa tion contained In a telegram from the sheriff of Cumberland county to the effect that the negro1 West, the nlleged assailant of Sheriff Munford and Chief of Police Glover of this city, was In that county, turned the attention of the authorities in a new channel, and tonight posses, heavily armed, were started to Cumberland rounty to rajd the home of West lo cated 40 miles from. Fayetteville. The chief of police of tho latter city stat ed that West was reported to have been in hiding at his home this r icrnlng. The clue which kept posses of citi zens up all night last night, that West was concealed In a house at Kenley, did not bear fruit. Tho pos ses descended upon the house a day light only to find that West had elud. ed them. The woman who owns the house Mary Young, and an ex-convict, Jim Kimms. were the only occu pants, and on the strength of the woman's statement that Slmms was In the house at the time of the shoot ing Himms was placed behind the bars. It will be morning before the posse reaches West's home where he is re ported to be in concealment. The condition of Chief of. Police Clover took a turn for the worst to night and he will probably not sur-i-e the night. Excitement here Is still at fever heat, and the citizens will probably make short work of the negro West when he ia overtaken. MOIIF. THOOPS FOIt BORDER. WASHINGTON, Feb., I. A troop of cavalry stationed at West Point, U. Y., and a company of tho- signal corps from Fort J. A. Russell left today for El Paso, Texas, for service along the Mexican border, according to orders from the war department. TO CAPTURE JUAREZ C, MONDAY MORNING, nhA of The Polls. commission zSErr-V FORM OF 5 M ; --jr. GOVERNMENT !" ' ' ' ' 'i- n mil V"i " I'nmf " i r.''ii ,','it i ,'i , i r1, ' 1 1 1 'i 'in ""ii1 1 1 ft" "'ff'ii m j'n"""M mJ 'i , ", '.V 'i ,.! Nft3g3acaPta CONGRESS WORKING UNDER TENSION ' WITH AN EXTRA SESSION PROBABLE s4 ' Lorimer Co, Election of Senator byVhect Vot of People Fortification of Panama, Reciprocity With Canada, and Many Appropriation B7Y Yet WA8HINOTOH ' Fer" s'.--Congrei worked under high tension during the last week and the prospect - fort the remainder of the session , IU sot pTomlse many jiaya barren ef citement. -The congeelloa ! such that spproprlatlon bills are In soni dan ger, but members f t-xperlecce recall conditions equally bad whloh .'were not without the nsetejuty of extra ses sions, ' v - ' , u Time U Hhrt - , j The real ,djff Acuity .m both branch es seems 40, be thvt there are nu meroosKparters of a poliUcal or par tlsattntttusr bei$iAVeUsWAlPr eldsratlon- before the close of con grass on March 4, aa-l R Is r'allsed that many of those must fall through lack of time. . nMost of the measures of an in flammable character are pending lu the senate and chief among them are the Lorimer case and the reso lution looking to the election of sen ators by direct. vote of the people. The latter as 4h. result of a persis tent fight made by Senator Borah, who reported the resolution from tho judiciary committee under circum stances which assured a contest, was advanced last week to the position' of the unfinished business, Will Consider Direct Kloetlon Senator Borah Is determined that there shall be a vote on his resolu tion In time to obtain consideration by the house. ; ( The Indications ar that he har: sufficient votes to carry out this pro gram. The situation Is extremely Inter- estlng. A large majority of tho re I publicans are opposed to the resolu- BODY OF PHILADELPHIA POSTMASTERJOT FOUND Dragging Water Beneath Million Dollar Pier at Atlantic City ATLANTIC C1TT, N. J., Feb., 5. Detectives and boatmen, personally directed by Chief of Police Woodruff, dragged the water under and around the million dollar pier today without discovering the body of Postmaster Richard L. Ashurst of Philadelphia, who is believed to have fallen or Jumped from the pier last Monday night. The work of grappling will be continued tomorrow. The cane belonging to the missing man which was found last nlgnt was hanging on the rail within a few feet (f the spot where Jane Adams went off the pier about a year ago. Chief of Police Woodruff stated to night that it Is his beilef that the finding of the cane is assurance that the missing man was drowned and he has halted search In other direc tions. 6HOYVER& WASHINGTON, Feb. .Forecast: North Carolina: rain Monday in the inferior and by- night on tb coast; Tuesday rsln; moderate northeast to east winds. f E CITIZEN; FEBRU ARY 6, 1911. ' 'J n to be Considered. i . , - tion, but tho progressive republicans and democrats control the situation by two or three votes. . Several ef forts were made by : Senator liornh Co hav a day fixed on which to take a vot but unanlmois consent thus for has been refused,' ' , ,4 ! On senator could prevent a vote en the question sc long at he. bus strength to occupy the floor , and three senators could conduct 'a suc cessful filllbueter for a week. ', Half a dosrn determined members probably could hold the fort for th balance, of "the session without any difficulty htavwJt- is. tinilkMyv however, that moasures so ixtfeme will bo taken. Mar , Settle I.orlmc Caso If the resolution pstsea the ,inat It is not know what Its fat Wl! bo in the house. The ; situation , has' changed somewhat in respect to the Lorimer case. It n.iw loot-. as If there may be a vets during the present session. Senator .,. Burrows, chairman of tho committee on privi leges and elections, oaa promised it, and there are other who favor Ren ator Lorimer who deny that there I any plan- to filibuster against such a vote, As this mitter I entirely In the hand of the senate and re quire no action by the house, any day before March 4 will be sufflclent for the recording of tho senate's de cision as to whether Senator Lori mer ts to continue a a member of the body, Legislation to put Into fores the Canadian reciprocity agreement prob ably will be grextly advanced during the present week. Many application were received by the ways and means AID OF GOVERNORS ASKED FOR PENOJIGSENATE BILL Providing For Election of United States Senators by Direct Vote' WASHINGTON, Feb., . The re cently organised national progressiva republican league through ' Senator) Jonathan Bourn', Jr., of Oregon president of the league, sent tele grams to the governor and legisla tures of the various State today ask ing them to bring influence to bear on their respective senator in favor of the Joint resolution providing for the lctlon of senator by direct vi.te. The telegram la as follows: "The Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution pro viding for the election of United Ktate senators by direct vote will be noted upon by the United Slates sen ate within a few days. It is not cer tain that It will receive th neces sary two thirds vot. It Is . certain that ninety percent of the people are Jn favor of It. Will the Senate rep tesent the public sentiment upon this question T Do you know how your senators stand? If their position is ! in doubt wire and write them. Bring I the forcco of public opinion to bear upon them. It Is a critical tlm your influence may deternjln th , result, wire them today." ItECTOR-8 RESTAURANT ROBBED CHICAGO, Feb . Rector's res taurant .one of Chicago' most widely known down town cafes, wes held tip early today and the cashier robbed of $3, too by a masked man who pointed two revolvers at th employes, secured the receipt of Saturday and escaped. x'f;VVJ . commute for hearings,' but such Injuring a are granted probably will be disposed of by Thursday,' tfiu Mv Call bill on the subject may be re ported out of tho oommlttee on tho following day and a rule to permit consideration of the measure without amendment will be brought in with oat delay,, i f4nat Mar Kill noclproclty. ; Many of those , who oppose tho reciprocity agreement In the House concede that it will pas but the s.ttu sttlon. In tb senate Is not so favor aide, lit upper house would not be Jlaslg.Uo 4)tilt, th. paasaga of , messur of so inuoh Important un til after opportunity iw had for full debate, "Ther will be no chanc for such debst this session, tfenat leader, however, ar extremely anx ious that thor shall b no extra es alen. Some- of them tear th.t th.i calling i of congress ftr MireH 4 would arous sentiment throughout the country in favor of general re vision of the; tariff. Thes ar prln. olpally leader who say that th tem per of th country at th prvsent time Is uohj that tariff revision session might menace ' th principle of protection, Whetner ' this fear will weigh heavily enough to mum th enate to act upon th rolprocl ty agreemnnt i doubtful. - !itioortio fancn 8om of th demoorat of th house sre believed to b In favor of th Canadian agreement but to de termine this question absolutely a caucus ' has been called for tomor row night to frame a party policy (Continued on Page Four) WEATHER WILLI MIXED DURING PRESENT WEEK Several Storm Areas on The Move Accompanied With Varying Temperatures WASHINGTON, Feb, 8. Th com ing week will be marked by series of well defined storm area passing eastward across th- United . State from th Paciflo ocenn. In conse quence of which porlods of fair and foul weather will follow , In quick succession, according to the weekly forecast of the weather bureeu. The first of these disturbances Is now over the eastern slop of th Eocky mountains, whence it will move east ward attended by rains In Southern, rains or snow In Middle, anH snows in Northern district oast of tin Mis sissippi river and reieh th Atlantic states Monday or Tuesday, nother disturbance will appear on the Pa cific Monday, cross thn Middle states Wednesday or Thursday and th Ess tern states Thursday jr Friday. The third disturbance of th week will reach thn Pacific eoxst by -Wednesday or Thursday and prevail over the Middle West the last of th week. Marked variations in temperature will occur during the week In practically all districts east of the Rocky moun tains. GEORGIA SENATOR MUCH IMPROVED WASHINGTON. Feb., (.Senator Terrell of Georgia, who. It was be lieved last night, was critically ill, waa reported today to be muchIm proved. The attending physician de clared that th senator's illness Was sever case of acute , indigestion. Th senator was taken stdk In hi room in th senata offlc building lat yesterday. . Citizen "Want Ads Bring Results. PRICE WE CENTS? POSTAL SAMS S; BANKS. Hi JIIIST MONTH DID FiriE T ' Sixty Thousand Dollars In De posits In Tho Forty Eight . Established r. EXPERIMENT PROVES . MOST GRATIFYING Patrons-Offices All Over Country Clamoring For ; v New Banks WASHINGTON, Feb. .' th eesry appropriation war avail ably I would establish postal savings bank tomorrow tn fiv hundred town and eitlra of .th United States." H This statement wa mad tonight by Postmastsr. General Hltcr.coctt in View of report thus far received con. eerntng th first month' operations of th postal savins system, Tim report ar must gratifying to hv, Hitchcock and to tn other of leers ot th postal savin m service : Tlie ar regarded demonstrating that tht'new system already , ha passed th experimental sluxe. - Th certiflcat of deposit plan, which Is an Innovation In th rn, action of postal savings - buslnesi, is shown to b admirably adapted to Its purpose, f . It 1 found to be readily understood by d"pcltor and ably handled by postmaster. Th total deposit In th forty eight existing postal banks for (Ii4 month : -of ..January will r mount to approximately . nm avarago of About 1,200. Awuni - that this averago will la maintain, t throughout the, tho agi:requt i f annual deposits will bo to thr.-u quarter of a mini m d.diars. 1 1. too, will be th situation in tii 'ti i ofllce where the banks now a-e in operation, it. Is uamn-i'il t y the of ficers of th system that the nVj'" will be correspondingly tcreitter 'v tha iervlcn 1 extended to fir. t i Otllees. Tile flVeriiu.! ii'o t t,C ,1 - posits being r-e,!v,l at . ,i i s Indicated by the January rl. i Is larger then tlie rnrriwnon'' "? v. erag tor the l,mii i,. ..tuui of i- -. tat savings depositories la lfoi, the moet successful in th history of that yatem, ' A larg majority of th depositors in -January were foreign born Ameri can, many of whom have been in tho habit of lending their savings to their nstlv country for deposit. An important result of the system, there for, 1 to diminish th outflow from th United State of such funds. In view ot th successful operation of th new system during its Ant month Postmaster General Hitch cock ha recommended to th con- gresa the approrrlatlin of U.OOO.OuO to b immediately available for the extension of th postal savings sys tem to a considerable number of postofflcas, th patrons of which r clamoring for th new banks. .- SIX TH0D5D YICTG OF B0EC::iG FllSl'E ;:e Ll'M lift W I i JltblliiUI I III Mortality Among , Doctors and Nurses is Very High PITIFUL SCE1IE3 HARBIN Manchuria.. Feb. 1 Al ready nearly six thousand bodies of vlcUm of th plagu hav bn burn ed er burl.d In th outskirts of Har bin. Forty eight hundr4 ot the , cam from th Chines town and , thousand from th Russian quarter. Yesterday sixteen stack of coffins and seven pits tilled with bodies and oiled logs, biased outsld th town. 1 Th mortality among th physician nd th hospital attendant 1 high, considering the man taken for their protection and doctor, nurse and orderlies ar succumbing to th dis- . w. The sanitary authorities hop - soon to test ths remit) of their man ufacture from th Manohurtan bscci-. as th foreign importation v hav - proved ineffaotlv. Ths happening in th seventeenth century whan th "black death" swept . through tb ; couutry ar ' being r peaUd bar. Fear bordering on psn io have gripped th Chines. At first ": they defied th medical officer and kept their sick and dead, hiddden for th purpose of carrying out th ancient funeral rite, Now ia brother against brother and father against son. Th stricken one ar forced Into th street to starve or frees or to fall perishing from th swift and deadly attack th plagu make upon Its victims. Passersby avoid them, but sometlm those engaged tn sanitary work, masked and bandaged, reach them befor they die and eart them to th pest house or If they ar dead, to th funeral pyres, Not Infrequent ly an outcast la seen to be kneeling and making hi obeslenc befor th gray of an ancestor In sight of a pile of bodies In which jn la soon to bcom on.

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