THE ASHEVILLE CTTIZ EN, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7. Mil; j-. ViTfl ..AND PERSONAL. JL The Ann Alori -Misiilopn'-: .( cU-l' t)f Centra.) Methodist thunh holds lis regular, monthly iuMtin tl.l nfier 'Hoon at 4 o'clock at the churc h f A very quiet heme wedding cctui ffed Sunday morning at the Jem e ' Af Prof, and Mrs. H. I.. KlriK In "WuoUtr, when th"T youngest diMt-li-tet, Bertha, J married to Mr. it. ; 0; Bouasett. The ceremony was per formed by Hav. 1. H. Chrlstonberrj. pastor of the Methodist churches of "Blltmore and Mt. riensant. The day of the marriage hl a Uubl a nl- flcanee. tt being ths fortMh- .mni- Versary of Urn wedillng of the bridu's parent, and the with anniversary ot the wedding of her Mister. Mrs. V. Kobert ft Btovtna. luiroeilhite:,- lif ter the caramon y Mr. and Airs. !'- ' "ett left on the Cur-din spi-iiul fi.r brief tour, after which ;hcy will ' be at home to thtlr (Eland at the ':.. home, of Prof. .tnU Mrs. King In Wuoiaey. Jl Jl i The February number of Vogue Contains a number of very attractive pirtur tt women U kwn lr 1 Maw fork aoolety, taken In various . .e-oetutnej worn at the Charity ball given at Sherry's esrry In January. One of the moat harmonious of tr.e ' umber wa that af Mm, Conde Nasi at "L Toacam." The correctness of ' detail aad simplicity of this coalum -a brought into trn contract by the Inartistic cost urns worn by some af tha other. overBurdeBed with JawaJk aad MajMagiea (, in Vlaw Ot tha ootua bait tu take alaca bar after Kaiser, (ha pictures ' m vogua mignt five many vaiuauts - autgaaiieaw. Cutitum ball tm o ha ia great fsifor in Ik Boat,- and U tfthteftux rtyanta tke aUu-'e In th hMrin i Tt h f "i'' InC up' baa tak poaaeaelca of -alerjr leader, and many of tha cot tunas wont r costly, 'aad tome ar beautiful,, ' ' Tha Jtfoadty daac at th Battery ' Park,, yterday afternoon wat ur-auatl-f WH attended. Tha Bingham v aadata; Wrf mucji Ju'tvldenrt, Mon day laf tinea having' bean kaowi a "pinghaa day Thara ' -wart snany of tb youager giria . Baart ; etf ad th dance yad most eiJoy- !. , lA'vwa''1 :-. .' , ; ' ' Th wedding of Mis Wrtha Ifam Htqa, daughter of Mr. and lira. J. tt. ' JRaUto. t Mr. Aufuatui jfhata, takea pUtu thbj evening tt , All toula' ehurcti, illltrnora, a( tiaJt ' iftar alght o'clock. Dr. ft. It. Iwbp aerferailng tha carrmocy. A fecep ie will follow at tha vaeioann f tha rtda" aaraats, Uf. an Mr J. If. Ueanlitoa, tt iiajatlt atreat, Wlt Inor Oult usbr ot Invitation eta aa laeued tad tha Weflllng : wilt i eaw af tit Itrgaat of recant ' a '.ft- " ' Ta) frr (alala 'at th ' Athttrlll : aeheal'liavt laaued laTUatioa Whtoh war reeelved yeslar.1'. for coi. am which will h flvaa evvalng by the file aaaT Hndolla Mtb of the Asheville Khool, . A;xep taiaa at required.. The concert will begin at half after tight o'clock gal 1 urday evenlag. . The omlttlnr uf tha annual play at the Ashevlllu aohool lityw u I dlnpoolatment to the : larva aumber bt frleada f th fxculty j a atudtata wa rtofivad lavltaiini.t ; aach year, d the Invltatloaa recelv d yesterday watt fy pleasant uv- rlaaa. The Concert will very ac captabty tk th placa of tr plays aad tha aehool auditorium wilt be niiad aa usual natuiaay tvtnmg, Jl id h mm r. 4. Sumaar tnd Mr. ll)bur fjumaef were tae guesta at holier f: rr i Buadrtd . prty . given yes terday afternoon by their aleter, Mr. - Archibald ay, t her hotue In , Treacl Broad ayne i Th houc was attraottvaly dseoreted wHh ci llatlona ant a. collation wa served l tha conclusion of th gam. Mrs, Ray'g gueat wer: Aflaa Dlckjrrnan, - allaa France HartaeM, aflsa Kathei- Ine Oirunatmy, Mis Uth Taylor, Ml" Margaret Folaom, Mia Klean ,r Ftoncl, Mis Ruth Allhrlght. Mis Katherln DtTaulf, Mia F. A. Hum star. Meaer. Armani Thorpe, T. A. Coxa, Jr.. Allmond Jnnea. (add Purr war, Wilbur Sumner, A. f. ny. Mr F4 4, Sumnar, Mr. W; W. Hv. W Jl J Th Woman'a Home Mlaslonary o. lty of tht Haywood street Metho dlt ohurch will meet this afternoon at , o'clock al th residence or Re, yf. A. Newell on Patton avenue. All mombera are urged to be present aad alt ladle of th city Interested ta thla work are cordially Invited tin Fresh Stock Received Collars and Jabots Uei:e is O'Gws A son of our customers. To those of yen that hii . e Won waiting for our ueW ntu-kVear to arrive, we wish to say thai: we a?vf reeeivt'.l some unusually" dainty P? 'UK fleKipm in collars and jabots. 1 her e nre styliMh jaliots daintily edged with iae,4Ml prettily hnnd eihroideved yHU solf and; colored figures. The collars too are new and , beautifully sty 1 ed many dest i neti ve ev brprdei;ed designs,. V're;are exclusive agents for Keiser's mer ehondise. Keiser's designs are just as exelu sfe as his agencies. Beautiful qualities and newpsfc sty tea are here for you to select from. Vneen, colln rs jabots 25c to $1.00. ' i k mom & co. H0NK . iit('in1 The subject, fur discussion in: rne JNeea or u juvenile i nun In Asheville." Mrs. Newell will nlntf. The following program will he r n dered: 1. Song "To the Work, to III Work." Lmson from Proverb 3,1-10; Matthew 18, 4, C, 10, II. .'). "Th Agitation or n Juvenile Court In Asheville," Mrs. 11. A. liun ham. 4 Holo "Tha Tender Child e came a Alan," Mrs. NewwelL 5. "Ho to Vi event Children from Becoming Criminals," Mrs. Turner. 6. "Work of Juvenile Courts In New Orli .inj und Oi-nver," Mrs. IJurk tur. Mr. J, W. Flcss, a prominent ut torney of Murlon, N. C.., Is In lilt elly fur several days on legal busi ness. Miss Delia TcQgufl, of Rryson City. Is In the city on business. She is the guest of her sister. Ml Ttoxmn Teagiie, No. t Ashland avenue. Mr. W H. Btearns. of Tryon, la a uet at the Baltiry Park, hvlug arrived In tht city yesterday. Mr. W. T. Lee, of Waynesvilie state corporation commissioner. Is spending a few duye In the city, a gueet ot th BcrkfV. Mr. Archey Jenkins, of ClaalonJa, Spent Sunday and Monday In th city with his parent, Mr. and Mr. L. j. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Child, th parents of I)r. Child of the Normal and Col- levlate Institute, who have ben his gut for torn timt, left yeaterdny so aBvme, u. Mr. Horace liunt and cblldren, cf New Tork, are visiting Mra Hunt' parent, Mr, and Mr Yt. Adam., at tnir homa i tuittnor. Mr. Albert 8. Queorad, low nrent of the Southern, baa gone to Raleigh on buatnaat (or asverai day. Mr. John Q'ponpell aad Mra Nichols have leased 31 North h Broad avenue and are at present occupying It. Mr. A. K. Orr, dlvlalon freight nt of tha Souther) railway, is making an Inspection tour of th Murphy branch. '' i, i Mia Luhv day Winiamaan 1 vis it In Mlaa Bllert Parry In Oreenvlll. 8. for eevenal clay. Mr, C, Crr, who haa ban very ill with pneumonia., nt reportel Im proved, but not yet able to !eav bi usa. . Mr, and) Mra L. p. Mllllaan. of Ontario ar in th city for a sverl waaaa- atay, and art gueatg at tr.e uattery park fcotal. ' Mis Mary Wlnatnnley, of Quebec, kt spending aeverak month In Ashe ville and will later t Joined by sev arai membera of bar family for the spring month. Mr. Frederick Jf. While, of Char lotte, 1 in the city on business and I a guest at the Unitary Park hjtel. Mr, Julian, W-soduock baa gone t; Tampa, Kla., wherw ha will spend several weeka with Mrs. Woodcock, who 1 thero for the remainder of the winter, : . l Misa Knthnrlne Cnrtmell ha Mken Peter Pan cntUure for everal months and has Mlsa Hayes, of ltlchmond, M her guest dur'ua that tlni. Mr. It. W. Itwttaj ha been -ailed lto Virginia by tha lllneea ot his fu- ther. Ii. and Mr. Pai'l Paquln and Miss Pauline Paquln have returned af ter a several ' weeka' absence. Dr. Paquln was away on business - con nected with th equipment of the tnterivittonnl Printer and Ptvsmcn'a Sanatorium and In pursuit of certain Hnea, of study In New Tork hospitals. Mr. Jnmes 8. Hoopar. deputar tirnnd tent of the Koyal Arcaniiin. who h leen In the city for a mcnth, leaves today for Oaiton. Mr. Cheater l.vmian haa been I') Philadelphia for several weeM, the iicst if her uncle. th lit. Rev. (1. W. Whltaker, Mshop of Ponnsyh'anhi. 11 vayw AVK. Mrs. S. F. lieunetl left last eve ning for fit Augustine, Ha, fyr a slay of oiy week. Miss Caroline Jenkins, who hue been visiting friends In thy city for several weeks, ha returned to her home In Concord, Mass. Mrs. M Kane and her Unnghtrr, Miss Claris McKane, who have made Anhevlllo their home for a number of years, expect to return lo Huston Within several weeks, their . fo-tner home, -where thc-y will reside per manently. Dr. dayman, of Knoxvllle, Tenr., formor pastor of O'tkland Heights Presbyterian church, was In the. city yesterday, and called upun a number of his old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg Wright have leased a cottage at the rorner of ilulrd and Pine tratta, arid ore at present occupying their new hom;. Mr, Howatt and hr daughter, Mr. Richard Grojmi, are. spending the winter in New Vork and will not return until Kuster or after. Mlaa Nora Devtnith lae for JJew York early In March to ahter the nursen' training achuol of St. I.cke'u hospital. Dr. and Mr. Gm,rge Mebane, of Hpray, are the guens of Dr. ard Mrs. Karl von Huck. Mr. and Mr. Bradford, of Char lotte, who have resided In Asheville for two year, have leused the for mer homo of Mr. V. H. Winston ami have moved Into It. Mr. Bradford I connected with the Metropolitan Life Insuranc company In I hi city Mr. Emma Burbank haa returned from Memphis, Tenn , where she has been visiting relative for a nun-irer of week. Mr. and Mr. C. D. Beadle have returned from an extended trip to New York, Washington. Philadelphia and Mr. Heudle'a home, Toronto. Mr. Asbury Barnette ha return ed from Jtlrmlngbam, where ubt has spent the greater part o the winter with her parent. the guest of her lster-ln-law, Mrs. the guejts of her slster-ln-law, Mra a. A. lirickley. Mist I.oulse Rector haa returned from a vlt to friend In Omnge burg, 8. C and Columbia. Mr. Orme Edward haa r "turned front Hendtraonvllle, where h (pent th wetk'tnd, Mr. I. If. Hearn, who haa been visiting relative ta Suffolk, Vo., kis returned to tha city, aflsr aa arnen l tevernl week. Mr. Robert 0, flteven rti-rnd to Augusta, Oa,, yagterday, after a brief stay In ths city and will b Joined by Mra BUvana in August within several day. Mr. Btevens cam up to attend tha Klng-Bassctt wadding. tr. I. i. Archer, ot Blacli Mun taln, spent yesterday In Aahevlll on business. TO CURB A OOU I! ONH DAT Tak LAXATIVH1 BROMO Quinine Tablets, , Druggists refund money If It falls to cur. H. W. QROVE'3 atg ratur I on each bog. !5o. LEW DOGKSTADEB&GO. WILL SHINE T0NI6HT King of Miiiatrels ami Merry Hsnil Will Delight Audlcnco lit tlu' Aiidltorlmu Iovers of minstrelsy will have an opportuidty to a. It In Use highest perfection tonight when Lew Dock stader nml hi band of fun mukers appear at the Auditorium. The ad vance sale Indicates a good house, and the inimitable "Iw" will doubt less spread himself for the occasion. This year Mr. Uockstader haa aban doned the old-tashloned minstrel first pari and treats the public to a sort of musical comedy called "The Possum Club Hunt Revue." It abounds with noli music and rare humor. It Is stated that everything In the "chestnut" line has been ellm hinted from the fchow. WEATIIEIt RT. V S. department of agriculture, weather bureau. Willie L. Moore, chief. Temperature 8 p.m. Max Atlanta 44 46 Augusta 48 60 Boston 20 20 Brownsville 74 82 Buffalo 21) 20 Charleston 54 t8 Charlotte 8 4 .IS Chicago 2 T Pes Moines J 26 Onluth 18 18 (liilveston 70 7 4 Jacksonville 70 7S Koy West 72 78 Mobile 50 76 New Orleans . . (, 72 Ml New York 21 22 Norfolk 43 Oklahoma Palestine .... Pittsburg St. Louts St. Paul Savannah Washington Local temperature 49 72 3 30 20 All (lata . 111. At 8 a. m.. SS;1() a. m. lis; t p. m.. 44; 4 p. m , 4 4,1: 8 p. m.. 41. . 35: 12 li. ; S p. m., Normal 17. , Highest 47; one year agi 12. Lowest 85; one S'ar ago 18. Absolute maximum 5 In 1904 Absolute minimum 17 in 1907. Ixical preciptatlon for thla month. Normal 4 . Greatest amount 7.02. In 1905. Least amount 1.04 In 1906. For last 14 hours ending at I p. m , .18. . -- 8tate of weather at 8 p. m. Cloudy. COFFEE THAT WILL SATISFY. Have you ever noticed the expression, on a person's face when he I (llSMHtiijfled with the coffee he Is drltiklnif. or have yuu ever expe rienced It yourself and said "Oh' What horrid coffee," If you have White) House ui an absolute pure coffee and sure to pleuae the most fastidious taste. I Pound Ahr Tight Tins 3c 3 PoHitil Air Tight Tins $110 STRADLEY & LUTHER. Sells the world' best coffee, t East Pack bq. Phone 1 1 and 51 BASEBALL FANS ARE MOST READY FOR WORK ARTICLES OF IVCORPOItATIOJi liin;cTKi foii associ riox PneotM fur Kncce-iful Scaio Hccuinlng flrlglitrr Uvcry t lay Now Ire At a meeting of the stockholder b( the Asheville Baseball association at the city hall lost night, several mutters jf Importance wi re consider ed. Mr. H. Cm. Bernard, who kindly donated his services to the associ ation, was Instructed to draw up ar ticles of Incorporation Cor the associa tion aa won as possible. When the charter is issued a mectlnic of the stockholders will be held whin ill rectois will be chosen' and officers elected. A bit of news that will prove Inter esting to lovers of the national game here Is. thht LaVi Cross of the Char lotte team ha expressed his Intention of letting Ashevlll i use Jinmile Mayes during the entire season, Hayes Is here for his heaith und his physician has state J that he will be able to play hall In this climate, but to return to Charlotte would prove detrimental to his health. The matter of giving passes to tockheldurs of the association came UP for discussion. It was decided to Issue no passe to stockholders. This would tend to reduce the Kate re ceipt and would probably cause trou ble In settling with viNlting teams who would play on a percentage ba sis as they would object to a Kreat number of passes. Also that the stockholder thick that there Is no use of Issuing passe, us they are of the opinion that ovrvy muti who In vests $5 in th orgnaiaatlon will get at least $25 out of It. as they think this will he a sccesHful season here. It 1 practically, assured that each itockholiln Willi receive the amount be Invest and It is unite probable that dividend will be paid as a cap Ital of 111,1011 will allow the manage ment to GUT a team which will make thn Ashevlll gate receipt swell. If the stockholder at the nd of the season cll the franchise a large dividend will probably be paid but the uj-aeut. kid lea Huns are that a atookholder tw! Vm A-heville Base ball association -will sooner think of parting with standard Oil stock or I'nlted 8teel securities than his base ball stock. Enquiries are liting received from many players of note concerning the prospect for getting a tryout on the Asheville team. Truly, tho baseball bug Is buzzing. 5 mile auto ride 25c. Phone 244. Piles Quickly Cured At Dome Instant ltcllcf. I'ermancnt (Hire Trlul I'ackage Mailed Eroo to All In rutin Wrapper. Many cases of lilea have been cur ed by a trial package of Pyramid Pile rure without further treatment. When It proves I's value to you. Bet more from your druKKlst at 50 cents ;i box, and he sure you get what you ask for. .Simply fill out free coupon below and mall today. Save yourself Horn the surKtion : knife and its tor lure, the doctor and his bills. ! Fit EE PACKAGE OOFPON I PYitAMIU DRUt COMPANY. I 2(iS Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, j Mich. Kindly send me a sample i of Pyramid Pile Cure, at once by j mull. Fit UK, in plain wrapcr. i Name I I Street . . ! city . . 6. . . . . . .State "Just Say" HORLICK'S It Hum Original aad Gfnulut MALTED MILK Till Food-drink for All Apt. Mare healthful ihaq Tea Ot Coffee. Agree with the weakest digestion. Uenoous, invigorating and nutnboui. Rich milk, malted grain, powdet form. A quick lunch prepared ia a minute Take u tukttitute. Atk for HO RUCK'S. Other am imitation. Groceries r Fresh Meats IMPORTED LIMBERGER CHEESE New Shipment Justin Poultry Vegetable Everything to Eat 1V1 . HYAMS Cor X. Main nd Merrimon Ave. Phones ASHEVILLE MAN DIES IN RICHMOND HOTEL Mr. E. E. AikIm'ws, a Traveling Mao, Olcil Very Suddenly Yesterday Morning News -,vas received here last night that K. IJ. Andrews, of 12 Milliard Lane, this city, died at the Alhambra hotel in Klchrnorul, Va. yesterday at ten o'clock. The news of his death cume as u sudden shock to his wife, who knew nothing of his Illness. The Information contained In the tele gram revealed nothing of the nature of his death. Mrs. Andrews has wired those In charge of his body to send It to Greenwood, S. C, hi former home. Mr. Andrews was a traveling man, anil wua a member of Halsam Camp No. 1, Woodmen of the World, of this city. NOW OPEN Sproat's Millinery Par lors. Oates Bldg., Pack Sq. ' ""tS Avoid Saw Eche Collars Phone 70 And test our methods o aiindei'iii"' collars, so that they have smooth edes. A trial is all wc ask. Swannanoa Laundry "We treat yncr laundry whito." EV617.Wee.2n I tuwrnieu n(l UlOUIa KDIIW l about th woiulerfoi .MARVEL Whirlin Spray TO saw Tarlnal jrlni. II elMiws Aat yonr d rnnrl ft for tt. ( caruioi iuptr !i I .CC. 1 np for tuU prtrBUr aad dlnxuiorj in- 1 fclnablr to ).iia. M HVl I ( .. at-A auaast 24i tvweakt.M fe WVastK. ' all NOTICE. Is hereby given that application will be made to tho present session of the Ovnornl Assembly of North Carolina fer the passage of an Act dissolving the undersigned corpora tion. This January .10. 1911. ASHEVIl.I.K AI'DITOR ICM CO CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS mm iM simrt siiia s : Sheer awn. Special at S l-Zc If ard Having bought two eases of ohq kind of laiwn, at a very special price, 'we are taking this method of closing out most of it. Every woman who will , make dresses for summer in the near future should buy this niaterial. We bought it at a very low price and we are selling it the same way. Vou can take our word for it, thr.t this special is one of the best ever offered the Asheville women, in clean, perfect and desirable merchandise. It has been our policy to look out for extra good values and we know how scarce real ones are; This is a real one. . .. . v Sale of Curtains WillCfim Joday C It was our intention to take these curtains v off sale today, but because of the .inclement- weather -yesterday, we. decided to give those who could not get out, on opportunity to purchase today at the same low prices. $2.50 curtains in ecrne and white, regular size, for $1.95 pair. One lot of curtains formerly used as samples, for half price. These can be launder ed and rendered good as new. Another reduction on Lingerie Dresses. Dn escs heretofore 16 Ho 140 -. . .. 17.50 to 125.80 While you have the opportunity to buy Lingerie dresses at such reductions, It would be wise to buy now and dodge spring prices. AT LINGERIE SHOP Postoffice Square 78 Patton Avenue FOR SALE We have a genuine barga in in a seven room cottage on Chestnut St. Size of lot G0xl87. This is a very at tractive place. See us at once for price. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. THERE'S BAD WEATHER AHEAD Why not lay in your coal supply now ? Phone 1P0 for a ton of M & W Indian coal. Prompt delivery. Full weight. Carolina Coal & tee Compan Tba Old 11 m Fnrnitoi-J Hbof $1 North Main SU But and aella all kind of antique furniture anc make exclalt oi repairing nd ieflnih!ng old pieces Phoul. iX4 HAVNKR KIBCR. Prof. Bros. Stwim Dyi Work JrorBrly AaktTlll atsMa Dv H S FOOLS BS03. w"to? Tki finl-w axDar elastnara aad n dyer ia AaharUle. 01 POOLE BROS., Phono 12SI STOVE and CORD WOOD For Sale at reasonable Prices. Phone 283, Room 11 Carrier Building, College St. Get vour Razors concav ed, honed or rehandled at Asheville Barbers Supply House. 23 N. Main St. CUT FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS w : ... Folks will MARRIED and we alnrays do our best on Flow er for weddings. that the parties may remember the occasion wjth much pleasure. Van Mndley Co.. r W3 Greensboro, ST. C. PJiVia SMITH'S IKCG cwidk LiaeH: I i onftrii r n anm ttkli Aii Ml I ':A 17 I ti L f V i I l.'Jf.V. I ,f . 40 inches wide. Every Man in Asheville Should Own a' "Compacto" Cbifforobe Darn's Furniture Company "Home Furnishers" 19 South Main. Phone 1515 r Phone 38 Weaverville : For a horse and bug gythey'll be at the car on arrival. Robert 4 William WeaTarrflla, N. 43, Private or class Instruction In Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School oi Shorthand . MISS SADIE EMANUEL, Prtn. Phone 1733. 133 W. Cheatnai Accordian Plaiting From 1 to 27 inches dttn. HOOD'S WANTED. Tho ladles to bring In their coral Ings and cut hair. We nuikt n;t ci. style of the latest hair Rood. Faded switches and ci.r!s ilyost to match your hair. MISS CRUISE'S SIIQ3 S3 Haywood St. SEWING UACHJN? New Horn, Fre. Mtnrt.n t for Bale, Rnt or Echasx.. Expert Bpa't "' Asheville Sawing Machinal Company LEAL IrtJlMa, . 6 mile auto ride 16c, Phone 344. r- i