E ASHBVILLB CITIZEN. TH Citiaen Want Ads Bring Results. THE WEATHER: FAIR. ASHEVILLE, X. C, TUESDAY MOHNIXO, FEBRUARY 21, 1911. VOL. XXV1X, NO. 123. PRICE FIVE CENTS, LL ADMiniSTRATlOH BUILDING IS SURE AT HALF MILLION Senate Cuts In Hall Proposed "Amount of Bonds For New State Building ONLY TWO WEEkS NOW REMAIN OF SESSION Despite of 6hort Time Both Houses Are Flooded With ! New Bills RALEIGH, Feb. JO. In the- house the bill for a constitutional amend ment to allow waiver ot homestead exemptions came from committee with favorable; report, thlg being the measure advocated by the Merchants' association of the atate. The house . fa flooded with another mm of new bill, principally local measure. At 13.10 the bouse resolved itself into a committee of the whole for con sideration of the revenue bill. There were a number of admendment of fered for sections .two and three as to tax rates, but lengthy discusion brought about the defeat of all amendments and the adoption of the sections as they came from commit tee. This action was concurred in by the house and the revenue bill gain set as a special oraer tor lesday after the morning hour. Admlnlairalion Building. The state administration building bill was taken up la the senate today for the third time and after voting down all amendments ' except' the two by Senator Boydeh, one cutting the amount of the bond issue to ' 1500,600. and the other authorising the building commission to erect a lire-proof building or buildings on suitable site, and an amendment of Senator Barnea providing that the bonds shall not be sold for less than par .the senate by voting 28 to 18 passed the bill on second reading and -It took Its place on the calendar for final reading another day. The mi nority made an,- effort to have th " 'amount of the bond fssne reduced to MOO.000, but after an extended debate their efforts failed by a de cisive vote. President Newland announced the appointment of Senators Brown and Coxe as members on the part of the atate of the Joint committee to In vestlgate the state's interest in tourn plkes and railroads as suggested by the governor In the message trans- (Contmoed on Page Fonr) D O'JDERNSiTHTUS Victims by Thousands Are f Being Cremated Every R STILL SPREADING PEKING, Feb. 20. There ! a no ticeable activity on the part of the Chinese government to stay the spread of the plague and sanitary measures are being strictly enforced $n all the towns where a few weeks MO the disease was allowed full wing unhampered. Instructions have een Issued that every village burn ' rjL aead. The panic and fear of the "plague have over ridden the Chinese auperstltion against crematfon of the bodies of the victims and now almost daily the torch is applied to piles of tuiitily constructed coffins among Which are often aeen bodies wrapped only In shrouds. In the town of Kwang-Chang near Maneharia where tha dally death, list has numbered a hundred or more, masked men go about with sleds and pick up the bodies lying In the streets where they have been placed by rel atives. The sleds transport them to the west gate and rom there they' are jremovad in carts w me cremauun grounds. The Mukden authorities are prompt ly dispatching physicians and nurses, with all the requisites, for tak ing care of the sldk, to villages where outbreaks eccnr and this precau- n, it is Dcuevea win resuu in icklng the spread of the disease. A correspondent who visited ,Hu Lan. which la thirty miles north of Harbin, fouad that town sorely af flicted. For many weeks the govern or with the customary fatalism, was Indifferent to tha awful work of the plague, '-fie has now been suddenly arouse ".to action and clad la mask and bandages personally superintends the cremation of the accumulated bodies. In one vlUage. near by. where formerly 70 people lived, there are torn 14. tha others having died rom tha plague and been, cremated. IS FOR BUILDING OF 10 BATTLESHIPS Proposed Preparations For War Will Reach Into Many - Million Dollars SHEPPAKD OF TEXAS , CONVULSES HOUSE Will be Fight Requiring Build Ing of Ships Under Eight Hour Law WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. The naval appropriation bill was consid ered in the house during an after noon and night session and practical ly .all of the measure's Items were agreed to except the building of the two new battleships which will come up tomorrow. The bill provides for two battleships of the ed per-d read -naught type, carrying twelve 14-Inch guns; two fleet colliers, eight torpe do destroyers 'and eight submarine. An attempt will be made to Increase and decrease this program. A proposed repeal of the clause in last year's bill that all ships let out by contract should be under the eight-hour labor law, will be fought from both sides of the chamber. There will also' be a1 fight to have one of the new shipi constructed at a navy yard.' . . .Aa Interesting "Pair" One of tha mast Interesting "pairs" recorded In the house, of represen tatives for a great many years was arranged to cover the absence from tonight's session of the house v of Epeaker Cannon and Champ Clark, the speaker-to-be. They signed an agreement to oftdet each other on any roll call on. any. question that might coma up. ' : , '..,s f , - In the. general debate on the nayal appropriation bill In the house-Rep. resentative Morris Bheppard of Tex as made an old time democ ratio speech. He described his remarks as a congratulation of democratic tri umph and as a message of condo lence to the republicans. He had the house in an uproar when de scribing the "stand patters" and "In surgents" and there were renewed shouts of laughter when he referred to Colonel Roosevelt as "a human Sldllts powder." HON AGAIN SEES RED Says This Country Would Soon Find Itself Absolute ly Helpless WE ABE UNPREPARED WASHINGTON, Feb., 20. Repre sentative Hobsoit of Alabama, lnfer entially referring to Japan, declared In thle housse today that the United States might be Involved In war within ten months. Mr. Hobson declared: "You can count on the fingers of your two hands the number of months before the United States would have a war on Its hands. This nation Is 'not going to prepare and the day Is coming wtnen it will be struck by a nation that is prepared "War Is a visible certainty?" asked struck by a nation that Is prepared." Mr. Driscoll of Ne wYork. "Yes. and not very far off." "In event of war between Russia and China would not Japan be forced to Intervene and would not the Inter-: ests of the United States compel our Intervention by arms or otherwise?" querr1nd Mr, Henshaw, - Mr. Hobson replied that when Russia Invaded Manchuria and occupied Port Ar thur. America protested and called on Russia to evacuate and sent the American consul but we did not have any fleet in the,Pi!SjafcC ocean and Russia laughed In our face anil we had to stop our consuls In Japan before they got to Dalny and Muk den." "Whether we are struck from the side of the Atlantic ocean or the Pacific", Mr. Hobson said, "we are going to find ourselves at a remark ably early stage of the war absolute ly helpless." The house had under consideration the naval appropriation bill and Mr. Hobson Was speaking . of the neces sity of the United States adopting a definite military policy. STORM Rl'UES KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, Ky Feb. 20. Lex ington and many other points in cen tral and eastern Kentucky were shut off from wire commnnlcation from last Sunday until lata today when repairs on a few lines were effected. The breaking down was caused by one of tha worst sleet and Ice storms ever known In this region. Tha storm affected an area ot 100 square miles. NAVAL PROGRAM SENATOR ALDBIGH F, Letter to President Creates Astonishment in Ranks or Standpatters ALDRICH IS NOW SICK AT JEKYL ISLAND. OA, On That Account Win Not be Able to Return and Help President's Program WASHINGTON. Feb., 20. Senator Aldrlch, chairman of the 0 nance committee of the senate, has written to President Tart that he favors the confirmation of the Canadian reel proclty agreement. Whether the let ter makes promise of assistance In getting action in the senate at the present session has not been disclos ed but senators who have seen the letter Intimate that the Rhode Is land senator will do all he can to aid the president in carrying his pro gram to success. Crcatos Surprise. The announcement that Senator Aldrlch whose name is attached to the existing tariff act had subscribed to the terms of the reciprocal agree ment with Canada was received with great surprise in the senate especial ly by the "stand pat" senators who tuvvte come out against the agreement saying that It is not In compliance with the tenet of the republican party on the subject of protection. Some of these senators were loath to believe the report that the chairman of the finance committee, who .In tar iff fight has always been found on the side of protection for ever ytndua try, whether manufacturing agricul tural or mining, had endorsed tha president's program for free trade with Canada Early m the present session Sena tor Aldrlch was compelled to leave Washington on account of bis health He is spending the winter at Jekyl Island, G., and although much bet ter than when b. left here. It is not likely tr-wHVfre-aM to take any rum ther part In tariff legislation for his service In the senate will end March Soon after the Canadian agreement was sent to congress and It was re ported there was little chance for ac tion In the senate at the present ses sion. President Taft wrote to Senator AMrtch. H is understood he urged the venteran tariff bill maker to come back and take charge of the (Continued on Page Fonr) Secretary of Treasury Mac Veagh Wants Issue. (to be Popular $50,000,000 WASHINGTON, Feb.. 20 An is sue of $30,000,000 to 150,000,000 of the Panama bonds seems certain to be made If the house passes the bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury to withhold the new securi ties as a hails for national notes. In the event that the present opposition to the legislation affecting the bonds should prevent Its passage an Issue of three percent certificates of In debtedness having one year to run Is probable. That Is the treasury's ten tative plan now. In view of the sale of about 1100, 000,000 Industrial Improvement bonds during January and the pre diction that about 1500,000,000 more will find their way to market In the next few months, treasury officials agree that this Is a propitious time for an Issue of government securities. In any event they would have to be issued during the spring er early summer. Secretary MaeVeagh wants to make the Issue a popular one. Recent sta tistics which were gathered for him by assistant Secretary Andrew show that more than four fifths of the bonds of the United States are owned by the banks and that only 20,000 Individuals of a population of 12, 000,000 are registered as holders of government securities while France with a population of forty million has more than five million Investors. EXPLOSION KILLS ONE; INJURES TWO WASHINGTON. Feb, 30. By the explosion of a sixty ton holler of a froight locomotive on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, near Randolph. Md. early today, Samuel A. Markley of Baltimore, a brakeman, was ter ribly scalded and two other men were severely Injured. Maqkley - was thrown 15 feet Into the air over an embankment and Into a fieM two hundred feet from the wrecked en alas. Tha boiler - Itself was thrown high Into the air and landed ISO feetf away. X defect In the boiler la be lieved to he beea the cause of tha explosion. t:-J.. n-'ii::' HEARTILY VORS RECIPROCITY BILL '1 SUPREME COURT OF NATION HANDS DOWN MANY IMPORTANT OPINIONS WiH Review Famous Naval Stores Case in Which Several Defendant Are Under Sentence to Prison.Interprete Hepburn Railway ActMany Othen . ' Affecting Inter-State Commerce. WASHINGTON, tfeb. 10. Nolp for years have as many, far reaching prin ciples relating to Interstate commerce oeen approver oy ins Bupreui .vuuri of the ilnlted States at were estab tfsnad m Its stecisloM today as the unquestioned law of the land, de cisions on a number of other dif ficult questions were also answered. Perhaps the most important of the questions of interstate commerce de cided was: As to Hepburn Law. "That the passenger has no right to buy tickets with services, adver tising, releases, or property, nor can the railroad com pa ay buy services, advertising, releases or property with transportation." This derision was an interpreta tion by the court of the Hepburn law of 10. The cane Invotved a' large number of contract between the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railway company and various pub lishers. In another case the court held that a state law regulating the slse of crews on trains within the state Is not an obstruction to Interstate com merce, but rather enacted In aid of Interstate commerce, and may be passed by a state for the public safe ty. Foil Crnr Aid. The so-called "full crew act" was enacted by the Arkansas legislature In 1907 and provided for an engl- Orowers in Session Declare for No Crop and Trouble May Follow LEXINGTON, Ky., Feb. 20 Con trary to expectations the convention of the Burley Tebacco Growers In session here today voted unanimous ly for a "cut out" of the crop this year. Practically every delegate to the meeting bore Instructions to sup port the movement The amount of acreage that can he pledged to the movement Is doubtful because of the apparent Indifference of the Burley Tobacco society. A eomfflumrstftm was sent to the older organization asking It to call a convention of Its member In Kentucky. Indiana ana Ohio to endorse today's vote. The result of the meeting is re garded to some quarters as presag ing a resumption of night riding and Similar disorders as reports received show that the tobacco growers gen erally are inclined to the belief that a crop should be raised this year and none in 1913. 1 STASHTNOTON,' Feb., JO.Foe- cast; North Carolina, fair Tuesday and Wednesday, colder tn astern portion Tuesday! brisk " wast winds d!m'nhtng toward, o'",.. Help The Cause. neer, a fireman, conductor and three braksmen on all railroads In the stats of fifty mile In length, on trains of more than it ears. The officials of the state brought Ictto t Mctrvar tha psneltlee pro vided In tha statute. Th case grew out of the Rock 'Island and Pacific company n answer attacking the constitutionality of the ace' princi pally on the ground that It was an unlawful attempt to regulate Inter state commerce. The Supreme court of Arkansas upheld the constitution ality of the law. Other Opinions. Among other questions decided by the court were: That the Supreme cowrt will review the validity of an order of the Interstate commerce commission even though the two years limitation in the life of the order has expired. That a railway system may not escape regulation as an Instrument of Interstate commerce because one of Its constituent parts is a whsrfage company and Its dominating over the wharfage company rests In tha fact that H is a holding company. That the Interstate commerce com mission does not possess the power (o reduce a rate as "unjust end un reasonable" merely because the rate Is inequitable under some circum stances as In cases where railroads Indue shippers to enter a field by offering rates as low ss to be un- r FDR THE ESCAPED ROBBERS Five Men Who Held up Southern Fast Train are Still at Liberty GAIN9VILLK, Oa., Feb., 20. Two posses of the three that went out tMs morning In search of the five men who on Saturday morning held up and robbed Southern, Passenger train No. S, near here .returned here tonight without having discovered a trace of the hold up gang. The third posse It Is believed will continue the search throughout tonight In hope of locating the robbri" Tha amount of money taken from the express car, which was robbed, is now said to have been between seven and four teen hundred dollars. The officials of the company, however, refuse to discuss the amount. GOTH LOKH TO AMEItlCVS BOSTON, Feb. Frank Ootch of Kansas City. Mo., champion heavy weight wrestler of the world, lost his Handicap match to Amerleus of Bal- iimnra hr lat nlcht. . Mi agreed to throw Amerleus twite In an hour but rained only one fall after 10 minutes and 2G seconds. Amerleus succeeded In standing off he champion for the rest of the hour. THHKE KOXF-.D I WHECK STILLWATER, Okla. Feb. J6. Three, passengers were I killed, two others fatally Injured, and several se riously hurt In a wreck of an Atch ison, Topeka and Santa Fe passenger near here tonight. Tha dead are Dr. Alfred Lows of Greenfield, Oku, and remunerative and later Increase the rates. The court furthermore de cided a constitutional a state statute providing no contrast of relief bene fit or lnnurar.ee should be a bar to tha Tlal.rarVn'enllHoya engaged the operation ot . a railroad to sua th employer for damages resulting from Injuries received In tha course of his employment Case of Contempt. ; The mayor and oouncllmen ' of Clay Senter, Kansas, were held In contempt but excused from punish tnent with the payment of costs, be es use they destroyed the subject met ter of a litigation before the Sit. preme court after it decision was announced but before mandate had been Issued of time given for a mo tion for rs-hearing. The famous boycott case, brought Itt the local courts by the Bucks Stove and Range company, of St. Louts, against the American Fsderaj tion ot jDur was rormauy oiimiinii, The officials of the American Nsv al Stores company were granted a re view of their conviction of alleged violations of the Sherman anti-trust law, , Men t'nder Sentence!. Of the men concerned in the court's action, Spencer P. Shotter, chairman of the board of directors of the com pany. Is under sentence to serve three (Conthmcyl on Page Fonr) iraoEsre STRIKE Boilermakers Walk Out and Machinists and Black Smiths Likely to Follow CLEVELAND, 0 Feb., 40 The strike of the boilermakers in the shops of the New Yark Central rail road line which began today, has the sympathy of the machinists and blacksmiths employed In the shops, according to the officials of the Boil ermakers union and within a few days, It la claimed that over 2,000 ma chinists and blacksmith will walk ettt In sympathy. . , , Vice President Weysnd of the In ternational Brotherhood of Boiler makers' and Shipbuilders, who Is In charge of the strike, claims that about S00 bollermakers and helpers struck today. These figures are dis puted by the railroad officials, who also elalm that many of the men re turned to work and that in . most of the shop the majority of the strikers were promptly replaced with non union men. r" The New York Central violated Its agreement with the onion and we are In the fight to stick" sajd Vice President Weyand tonight. PROMINENT MINISTER DEAD RICHMOND, Vs., , Feb. 10 Rev. Robert, W Forsythe, t. D aged 4. rector of St. Paul's Episcopal' church, this eltyy died at tho rectory tonight after a long Illness. He was of Vlr finia ancestry but was bora In Balti more, lie had held pastorate In that Kjr Portsmouth, Vul, end mi..,i,.i- tug is . THING OFTHE PAST Two Thirds Votaof Houso Can Cut Off Further Debate . and Amendments OMNIBUS WAR CLAIMS , V IS RUSHED piPOUCH House Measure Leaves Out French Spoliation and Navy Ovortlmo Claims WASHINGTON. Fb, .O.e-Fillbuft. taring In tha lower branch of eon grass during thlg seasloA Warn thing of the past today whsn tha house votad a largt majority for a rula which when Invoked by a two third veto as to any pending meaa ure forthwith reduced (ha tims ot debate to 40 tnlnutei and cuts oft all amendments. The ruls was in voked against the filibustering on lh omhtbu war claim bill and that measure, a house substitute (or ft senate bill, was passed in short order. The hou bill cutt out all of the French spoliation and th navy yard overtime claims, - There' la great deal of hop that It will 'be accepted hy ths senate, - Characterised 'as a "gag" fay som of It opponents, th rul adopted to day can only ha brought Into play when two-third of the house desir It. In the rule cnmmltu It was proposed at first to allow a majority to. Invoke the rule. : Th democrat objected t this and tha two-third provision wa Inserted. In urglm? the adoption of tha ruts In th house, the dwmiwatk) , leader pointed out safeguard find that th minority party would jlwy be In a iHmltlun to uuwtef mors tiian ime-tmrd Hi mem bership of the house, could therefore defeat any .' undesirable, measure, Through this power ot vto it wag' further stated that tha , democrat war in a position to demand that appropriation tin : Cald Up under th rul b put in atlfaotory nape, ft,. . Ik. -111 .-M MA Ih..MH. d wholly as a "steam roller" but as a moans of ending uselesa filibuster' era was demonstrated within a very few hour after its adoption. Tha hotisa resumed consideration of th naval appropriation bill under th or dlnary rule. More than two hour war tpsnt In genertl debet and then " the reading ot th bill for amendment under th flvo mtnnta ruie was oegan. - Tha naval bill reported from tha committee, call for th repeal of th sight hour clause In the building of battle ship and other navel vessels at private yard. It also provide for two battleships. It was not believed by those In eharg of th measur that th two battleship program could muster a two-third vote. NEGOTIATIONS FDR PEACE BEGIMlNJABSESTTODJir inncauons urn Auaii isuii- ! ference Will, Fail of . ' Agreement - DAV1LLA TO RESIGN PUERTO CORTEZ, Honduras; Feb, 20. Via wireless Thoma C. Daw son, special representative of the" Unl ted States appointed to attend the peace conference on board the Uni ted States gunboat Taooma between the representative of President Da vita and General . Manuel Bonllla, provisional president, errlv.d at this port today from Puerto Barrio. M fmo Rosales, who will represent th Da vlla government ha been here sev eral dey. Mr. tawosn is now awaiting th arrival of Alberto Membreno : from Ceiba, where th latter is conferring with General Bonllla before entering the conference. The conference probably will begin Tuesday morning. Nothing authentio concerning the proposal that will be made Can yet be learned. ' General Bonllla declare th rev olution will eontlnu if he I not per mitted (o assume th presidency. Al though avowedly Bonllla' personal friend, Rosales declares that rather than accept Bonllla as the nation's head, he and our other leaders In the country will fight to tha hitter end. Da Vila haa already seen the hand writing on -the wall and announrca that he "1 ready. i to assign the r i' : deney to any man satiefirt. r i, i to Honduras tm the r Much bad feeUiur e ted States ex;- -r FIUBUST WITH RULEADQPTED

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