2 THE ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN', TITURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911. Bakes Hsme Baking Easy uattum Juparior . tfooarel for tha tttgr Pressed Woman 1 C m vtuii iL ir m Jf AND PERSONAL. JL The Washington birthday danca at the Battery Park hotel Friday eve- - ning Is arousing Interest and will be ' attended not only by the member lf the dancing pet but also by a ! number of the older people who will previous to the dance, dine at the hotel. There are several dinner par ties arranged for Friday evening The dance will be one of the most ' tnjoyable of the winter. J Little Mia Bernudlne Mills waa given a birthday anniversary party yesterday afternoon by her parents., Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mills, at their home on Ashland avenue, celebrating the completion of her fourth year. , Washington's birthday anniversary being the same day,, the decorations were very bright and attractive,, cherries, scarlet Jiatchets and flag were conspicuous. The children play- . ed games after, which they repaired to the dining room to cut ths glow ing; birthday cake. . Miss , Helen Murphy entertained with a small luncheon yeeterday at ber residence in West Ashevllle. Mrs. Rodney Rash Swops enter ; tslned with a small dinner last sve ' nine t her residanos in Blltmore. The unexpected wintry blasts have caught the flowering shrubs una " wares and reduced them to a stats t dejection ' beyond repair. One of the pathetic sights) of ths premature 4 spring was ths psaoh trse In full bloom covered with robins, who sat huddled vp nursing " their courage sgalnat the snow storm and hitter . cold. The robing have been trusted as harbingers of sprint. . but this year they war lured north by a " false) spring, but sre bravely migrat ing northward by ths hundred, s The llUws hnvs Inch long green leaves, ; and the pussy-willows havs baan checked In - mid . ,;; fussy career. The) sap It running and ths host be loved roe tree and ether plants that r ambitious to leave and bud had beet b . protected - by coffee aacK coats and mufflers. , Four ysart ago (Iter Jutt such a. mild 'winter the n-latarta bloomed bounteously out of reason, only to be burnt and black ' nd by heavy fraets. into serpen- ne length with not vestige of Ctelr amethyst tints Of ths previous ay, Straw will help ths llrst liUlt 1 yaclnths, Jonquil and Iris, and pro isot them, -i Ths board of managers of ths Voman's Exchange will meet this Morning Jn ths tea, room at half after ton o'clock., ' Mrs. Carl y, Reynuiw . entertains afternoon at the Albemarle eluo ; i honor of Mrs. Jere Cocks, with ; tra. There will b tnusle. Tha Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Angus- , I'ta u. Bhspard, Jr., was christened straay afternoon at All Souls ureh by Or, R. R. Swops. Ths , remony wss wltneased only by the rr embers or ths camiijv :-;'-:-v,, Jl,,. Jl Mrs. Edward McDowell sntsrtalns ' lday afternoon ths children of the - '"infederacy at her residence.. Ill . ' -ln street ; Ths ohlldren who have 4 ""antly put in their application for -"mftershlp are also Invited to at- 'id ths social meeting by Mrs. Me- tswalL The oratorical contest or ' children of the Confederacy will ke piece March 10th. and thoee - 'to Intend entering are eakad to , lephone 701, and give thslr names. e4vral of ths children at the meet i ng eld the latter part of ths wsek r.a their selection, and received - ommendatlon for their pralsworthy t (torts. , i J J Ths Qeorgs Washington tea glvsn - eeterday afternoon at the home of trs. J. W. Orlmes by the ladles of 'he Home Missionary society of the ' sntral Methodist church was largely ; attended, end waa quite a eucce. The reldnce was beautifully dec orated In ' national colors and flag, 'he table In ths dining room having f large cherry tree aa Its center piece. Hunches of cherries were scattered ver the Uhle adding to the effect. About flfty guests were preeent, A : - peclal program waa rendered during -:he afternoon, this being participated n by Mr. Arthur Prltchard. Mi rtuth Wiley, Miss Smith, and Mrs. V. U Stone. A delightful dinner wss served yes terday at the Trlvola In honor of Mrs. Randall's birthday, and alio In honor of the national holiday. A number of friends were Invited, and ' the party in the afternoon enjoyed Kayser .stockings for women are shaped at top as illustrated so give more room at knee. They are made of Italian silk and come in $1.50 and $1.75 quality. We carry beautiful stock of Onyx hose in Lisle and Silk. Silk stockings come in all colors. Priced $1.00 to $3.50. Neckwear Recently dainty neck fixings have been received in jabots bows and collars. Prices 15c to $5.00. M. V. M00RE & CO. THOJfB 7. V ; tt PATTON AVE. II old time quilting. Mrs. Kundall was th recipient of a number of present. Ths members of the Kilwurd tiun rumbe chupler, rtauKhtsrs of the American Revolution were given 11 George Washington t,.tt ymterdMy af ternoon t the residence of Mm. F. K. Mitchell on Munlford avenue. The residence wss handsomely decorated with the national color, and flags of varloua sizes were gratefully drap ed over tha entrance! and about the house. The dining room prusenled a pretty acene. The center ple of the table waa a cherry tree, and a number of smalled trees were used about the room. Souvenirs of the evening; were red hatchets. A busi ness meeting waa held early In the afternoon, the tea following. About forty member were present and each had the privilege of Inviting aome friend, Mr, J. K. Ramsey and Mr. Thomas Woelrldg ervcd ten nd coffee in the dining room, aualst d by Ml flattie Heott and Mr. F M. Messier. Mr T. 8. Morrlaon, re lent of the local chapter, Mrs. E. C. Chambers, Mr. V, K. Mitchell. Mr. Child, and aeveral other member received the guest. Mr. V. L. Btons has returned to the city from a ssveral weeks' trip through Mississippi and Alabama. Mr. William C. Jones who for the past year has been one of tho soda Clerks at Raysor's drug stros has re signed that position effective the first Of ths month. He will be succeeded by Mr. C. M. Ray. Miss Ruth Radeker left yesterday on the Carolina special for Cincin nati and Parkarsburg, W. Vs., where shs will visls her father, Mr. t. W. R. Radeker, for a number of week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Henry left yesterday for Atlantic City, N. J. , Mr. Ralph Graves of Clnclnnntl I In the city on business and is a guest at the Berkeley hotel. ' Mr. Qeorgs Smith left yesterday for Washington, D. C. on business. Miss Lucy McCutchson, who hns been visiting frlsnds and relatives In tha city , for ssveral weeks, has re turned to her homo In Montgomery, Ala. Mr. F. W, Cona has returned from Orsensboro, where he has been the guest of bis brother, Mr. Bernard Cons. Mrs, Charles Wright snd children, Lola and Harold, of Chicago, III., ore In Ashsvllle for a several weeks' stay and for a vlait to relatives here and la Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bourne left yesterdsy for Tarboro, N, C, when they wsre called by the sudden death of Mr, Bourne's father In that city. Miss Lillian Weaver, who has been visiting her sister, Mra Harvey Derne, Ih Weit Virginia snd friends In other states for several weeks Una rsturnsd to ths city. 'Mrs. Reford snd her on, Mr. An drew Reford, of Montreal, who have spent' the winter st the Manor, leave shortly and will later go abroHd for an Indefinite stay, Mr, Allen Morrison left yesterday for Greensboro, for several days, on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oates. Mis Lalage Ostes, Mr. Versus fttike leather -and Miss Mary Btlkeluther who have been In Florida and Cuba for a number of weeka, are expected to return to Ahevllle In about u fortn'ght. Mr. H. J. McMalton of Newport. Tern., t In the city for a short atxy on business. Mr. Alfred B. Rsrnard leave today for New York on u business trip. Mr. G. Hutton of Hickory was In the city yesterday on buine. . Miss Elesnor Whltmnn and her brother. Mr. Ralph Whitman, of De troit. Mich., are spentllng the sprlns In Ashevllle. Mr. K M. Irfixton of Charlotte Is s few days In the city, a spending guet at the Huttery Park. Kayser Shaped Stockings iol Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder mado from Royal Orapo Cream of tartar K0ALUM.N0 LIME FKOSPHATE MIhh Kathleen Ware l quite III at her home on oranxe street, which news will he regretfully received by her niuiiy friends. Mil's Maude Ctid ger Is substituting for Miss W'uro In her school work. Mr. John C. Mlllo of Rutherford ton Is In town on business and Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. Miss Hurtle Mint who lias been vis iting Miss Edna IOiik", returned yes terday to her home In Baltimore. Mrs. J. R. Craddock has returned from Chicago where she has been for several weeks. Miss Grace Jones hns gone to South Carolina to visit friends and relatives for several weeks. Mr. Duff Merrick, who recently went to Kngland on business for the Whiting Lumber , company, cabled yesterday that he had srnved In Lon don. . Mr. Brnest Wither' of Waynesvlllo is In the city fur a short stay on business. It will be learned with pleasure that Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Bartlett of Chicago will spend the greater part of the summer at their handsome country place In West Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes of Hender onvllle are visiting Miss Sadie Rol lins for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jones of Philadelphia . srs in the city for a short stay and are guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. S. f. Robertson of Pittsburg are In Ashevllle for' the remainder of the aeason and arc guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mrs. Frederick Arthur Woodcock is spending several day In Waynes vlllo visiting relatives. Mr:- H. F. McPheron of Haleigh Is a visitor In the city. Mr. J. P. Elliot of Chsrlotte is nn Ashevllle lsitor, staying at the Swannanoa. Mr. V. ". Tucker of charlotte Is a guest at the Battery PhiR. Mr. Carl Felmet Is confined to his room with an attack of appendicitis. . COLIS CAI'SK HEADACHE i LA3fTaW BOM? Quinine, the j r' l.:',!01 ?re"'!?.y Look for signature E. W. drove. 25c. REGULATION OF JUNK BUSINESS PROPOSED .AW XITI.YINti TO IIINCOMI IS DHAKIIul) III View of HrtTiil i'licfts of .1 unk rVom llouwx New Measure Is Proposed In an rffort to decrease crime anctng the Ihijs of this cltv aiid coun ty, who have the temptations before them of Bieullng Junk of all descrip tions, ami to make a more rigid law by which Junk dnalers will be guv erned. sn that a ban -will be plavod upon the handlitiK of materials nils appropriated by children, a lull has I. een prepared and will he sent to Senator Julius t '. .Martin to lie acted upnn ttv the ylJite legislature. The letter to Mr. .Martin accompanying this bill ekplama the necessity of more rlKid laws us a means id' de creasing crime lh.it is constantly In i reading- among the younger set. The letter recalls past instances of thefts similar to that of a nuiiilicf of .os of this lty. who recently suluulttcd to the eharffo of stealing but who escaped punishment la.-sue of their age It Is recalled that a few jpure ago. offenders of the law vent so far t" rob the electric sr hucs of the copper wires that linked the rails. The letler in question, attributes the crimes of this nature to Junk dealers who fall to abide l the present law. which Imposes a tine of $.0 on those not keeptiiK detailed records of all purchases from minors without writ ten consent of their parents or guard ians, contending that the temptation to the young Is encouraged from time to time. The tlrst section of this proposed bill is in effect the ime rts the present ordinance of the r'ty. but the new hill If enacted will effect the W'hole. county of Hunromlwv Following is a copv of the promis ed bill: "Ait act to regulate the p jurduiss . ol personal property from mi mors !,; pawn brokers, Junk dealers and doal- tcrs in second-hnml goods, wares and You Want Good Coffee -and Tea of course you li", who d.mt? You want the frajrrant o1an kind well you San have It without luM. Juol order today '"White Houfe", the world best co!T'e and tea, sold only In net weight unitary tins tUat keeps all gnndnrm In and all badnee out. It is easy to ask for, is Is.eosy to get. the fragrance you will qever forget. J I pound air-tight tuinitary tins , ...Stk: 3 pound air-tight Hanitary tins $1.10 STKADLEY & LUTHER. 3 East Pack Sq. Phones 64 and- 661. FOR SALE Very attractive seven room home on paved street In best residential dlgtrli-t. Has all modern conveniences, Including hot water heut. HUo of lot 100x214. Has garden, chicken yard, etc. Trice very reasonable. Good terms. THE H. P. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. merchHtidlse, and requiring written reports thereof. "The general assembly of North '"urollna do enact : "Section J. That no pawn broker, Junk dealer, or dealer In neconti-hand I koodx. wares and merchandise, nor i the ugont or representative of such Pawn broker or dealer, shall pur chase or receive from' any minor, goods, wares, merchandise, or other personal property, for sale or (rain. In connection with Ills said business, without the written consent of one of the parents or the legal g-unrdlan of such minor. "8ectlon 2. Thut within tvrenty four hours after the purchase or re ceipt of such goods, wares, merchan dise, or other personal property from a minor by any person, firm or cor poration as aforesaid. It shall be the duty of such person, firm or corpor ation to make written report thereof to the chief of police of the city of Ashen Ille, If the sale or delivery is within the corporate limits of said city, or to the sheriff of Buncombe county, if the sale or delivery Is with, out the corporate limits of said city, giving the name and residence of the minor, the time and place of the sale or delivery, a detailed list of the property, the price paid therefor, and the letter or written authority from the parent or guardian of said minor required by soctlon one of this act. "Section 3. That any person vio lating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. "tiwtlon '4. That this act shall ap ply only to Buncombe county." Y.W.C.A. MEMBERSHIP HAS NOW REACHED 270 Interwt In Membership Contest In creasing anil Prospects for BOO Excellent The V. W. QiAj membership eon test Is growing more Interesting each day. Miss Opal Brown; as leader of the Kreens, has St to her credit, while Miss Florence Barnard and her contestants, known as the whites, have secured 84 members. The to tul membership sow reaches 270: The campaign is meeting with much en couragement and the contestant are zealously working for a membership of BOO. There will he a meeting today at the Y. W. C. A. headquarters at ten o'clock of the workers to consider business connected with the contest. Skin Sufferer Says "If I Had Only Known" "If I hud only known how quickly Kcxema can be cured, what Ions milA it a vvf iil iifrrincr It u-miH , haV(. MVed me," writes V. A. Will of --.-.0. Washington. 8t.. San Francisco. I Cal. j Tl.iw. after 4ft years of suffer Ins ' and after lining less than one bottle 'cl tlic (HI or Wltitergreen-TIn mol ). I. II. Prescription. Try at least a 23 cent bottle. To : our terlulii knowledge. D D. D. I'reacriptlon always gives instant re i lief. absolute relief inside of ton ! si onds! Smith's l.'irni Store. if WOOD'S SELECTED Seed Potatoes We are headquarters for the best Moine-grown, Second Crop and Northern grown Seed Potatoes; stock selected and grown specially for need purposes, and superior both in quality and productiveness. Wood's New gives de Seed Catalog acriptions and full information as to the best end most profitable kinds to plant, both for early and main crop. WrUer prices and Decriptfve Catalog, mailed frea on request. T. W. WOOD O SONS Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va! flirted 1cut4$! ST FOUNTSINStHOTKLSaOR tLSIWHCRa. Original and Genuine HOBLIGIC'S SV3ALTED MILIC QtieUsJmUattin TheFoodDrinkforAUAges 3 RICH M1U. aULT GIAUI aTTtACT. 01 rOWD I O aj . . M:il T.l HUI 1U Ally lUWX 1 Udl I St.M.MOXS t)U RI-XIKK Summons for relief against Newton Plttman has been returned to the ! office of the clerk of the Superior Court. Plttman was summonsed in the -rase of Harris Burnett Dry Goods company s. Kut Mace mid Newton I'lttm.'in. The ummons whs returned from tho sheriff of Mc Dowell county where it wos under stood that the defendant could not be, found. SMALL RLAZtt The tire department was called out yesterday afternoon at 1.45 o'clock to extinguish a small blaze on tho roof of the house at ths corner of Chest nut and Charlotte streets occupied by Dr. John Campbell. NOW OPEN Sproat's Millinery Parlors. Oates Bldg., Pack Sq. EveirYccisn lauMfmmmum in nmin now k MAR VEL Whirling Sprtt I TtoMW TcIomI ijrWi .1 Sit nl U oti r Of it en- it eletviM Am rear dnirltf.Tlt. II T L. sue t othsr. mil send ilAinn for PI tutMtf.fi brofc Hilui ft taM (nil Mruanlara SJUl dirctlu:i la. 1 slittVii to ltioiTM A R VSCCQ. r SsMstSMlfewat'EWXOUsU: OLD BOREAS W ill Much make, his iilie;ir;iuc'. even if ho is a little slow at times; so don't neglect your COAL SUPPLY M. & W. Indian, the best that is. I Carolina Coal & Ice Funeral Flowers rniiKort just ns th-v i't ji 2rb MJ should lx, nl the ISTl feVt- kiml that will kpep.f ' Wm" a n6 rsht I'rl.-e.' 'fM a 1 J Van l.tmllpv rn..i JgjV. tircensboro. jr. C. yit SMITH'S DRUG (1?$ STORE. II'-J AS51IEVUJ-E ACT. ?,ros Steam Dye Works p.i . . .....,. . M; I rM f ormerly Asncviuo meam ive 1 POOLE BROS. Worka W J Th only expert cleaners and (I4 drs in Ashevllle. tn HI K sT 'nf"isaWIYiii -, ummti 1 wmt?ipi mum J , M ' illlfBKiLasjswa' nawMJiti neja j I H m J r.tlf?TLi llierp nn time, ar- A pp Special Attractions at Annex Jhis ibeek $4 Slack and Colored Silk petticoats for $Z.?5 Here is the best silk underskirt value ever offer ed the Asheville women. These underskirts are made of very good taffeta silk. The finishing shows them to be far in advance of any previous sale skirt we have yet sold. Tho colors include; tail, brown,, green, pink, blue, navy and red, also black. Ifevf Spring ong Coats' Came tjesterday Our Buyer selected a number of up-to-date long coats several days ago and yesterday we received an advance shipment. They are indeed stylish; sonic have' the kirnona sleeve, some sailor collars and thoy are all right up to the minute in point of style. . They are priced at $17.50, $18.50 to $25.00. Me lS J edfern Corsets begins V M I a TL - WT Dresses In serge, bssket cloth, chUffon, voile, etxt) . are selling at prices less than we paid f,or them. Every dress reduced one third or . one-half. Prices $.9 8 to 35. Fr dresses that Were 118.75 to foG. AT LINGERIE SHOP PostoWce Sauare eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeseeee eeeceeeeeeeee Groceries 6 lbs Best Lump Starch 25c j Poultry Uverything Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. i'hones 48-244 MABDI GRAS CELEBRATION NEW ORLEANS, LA, MOBILE ALA., PENSACOLA, FLA. Tickets sold Feb. 21st to 27th, final return pass age March 11th, 1911. . To New Orleans 22.40 To Mobile . . '18.20 ToPensacoIa 18.65 Furthev limit on return jxirtion of tickets by depositing with special agent. Convenient schedules, Pullman accommoda tions arranged on application. J. H. WOOD, Dis't Pass. Agent. 'JIAPPY HOME" CLOTHES DRYERS MAKE HAPPY HOMES Harris Furniture Company ' 'Home Furnishers" IV South Main. Phone 1515 Let us Rive you an estimate of I that Electrie Wiring Our work gives j satisfaction. j W. A. WARD, AXVTHIXG ELECTRICAL .., , Plione 119 and Demonstration 78 Patton Avenue Fresh Meats Vegetables to Eat eeeeeee U. II. GRAHAM, City Ticket Agent. Private or class instruction In Sten ography and Typewriting-. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL. PrUtS? Phone 1733. 133 W. Cliewaaa The Old Time Furniture Shop 57 .Vorth Main St. Kuys and sells all kin.ls of antlout furnltuie, and makos a specialty, of repairing and renninhtng old pieces. Phone 1074 HAVXKR K1SER. Prop Accordian PlaiiinQ From 1 to 27 izufies done- HOOD'S MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood st. The latest Novelties and Huir Or- Huir Or oilet 'Jo , naments, Hair Ooods and Toile ! tides, Manlc urinjr. Chiropody, poolnjt and llajr Dressing. NOTICE. Is lierehy given that application will be nde to the present session of the General Assembly, ot Nort Carolina for the passage of an Att dissolving the undersigned corpora tion. . v v This January SO. 1911. ' ASHEVILLK AUDITOUIUjLf B 1 rl teas' 1 j ' . 14 insist on MOiu-iCK.-s'i pooLE BROS. Phone 1230 12 'urih . - ? . : - - ' r '...-"'': ". a .-'.-V . : . - .:-.;:'-' . . ; ". v ;'.-...'..