THE ASHMfcLE' CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: PAIS. Head Uio "I'oaJiry and rss" nawiaed Ada. ' . v , ASIIEVTLT.E, N.'C, TUES DAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. VOL. XXVII., NO. 130. PRICE FIVE CENTS Lo DEMOCRATS WILL DIRECT ELECTION PRESIDENT TAFT OPENLY ACCUSED Southward Bound. LEGISUTUREWILL i MONDAY TARIFF P Extra Session Is Now Consid Measure May Pass Despite Senator Bourne Says no Has OF SENATORS WILL NOT PASS If NET nfJTI-TBIJST UK Hub RAM REACn VOTE TODAY OF VIOLATING LAW Bassott BUI Reported Unfavor ably and no Time to Con, slder Another; FIVE DAYS REMAIN ? OF PRESENT SESSION ered as Assured by Lead ers" In Congress Insertion of Sutherland Amendment Used Federal Patronage to Intimidate Congress 0 THREE METHODS ARE PROPOSED FOR WORK Various Committees will be Named Next Week by Ways and Means Committee WASHINGTON. Feb. ST. The tar iff program, of the sixty second con (Tec will be t-ken up for action lone with selection of committees at a meeting of the democratic members of the ways and maanSommlttee of the next house, wench Mr. Under wood, of Alabama, the chairman, to day called for next Monday. The committee will meet from day to day until the work before It Is completed. Democratic laeder of the house ex pect an extra session of congress and plan for the committee,, or rather Its democratic members, to determine upon the' democratic personnel of all the bis committee of the next house and to outline a tariff proceedure. A democratic caucus to be held within a week of the convening- of the extra session will take .up, the tnat ters. The republicans will select their members of committees and the dem ocrats and seven republicans. are handed In they must have been approved by a republican caucus. All the big commute of the next house will have II members, fourteen dem- ocrts and seven republicans. Three courses of tariff ' procedure will be considered. Flrsti the tariff revision legislation and then reel proclty: second reciprocity and then tariff revision legislation; third, tar iff, revision legislation incorporating the reciprocity biH as a -part there of; ,Bpeakr-leot Champ Clark. Mr. Underwood, and others prominent Hp. that party councils say ' there is no doubt whatever, of reciprocity legisla tion passing the house at an extra ses sion; despite rumors that, have come to the house that certain senators have asserted their belief that the house would not again pass such leg islation. TERRIFIC RUNNING FIGHT RESULTS INMINY KILLED Shoshone Indians Had Mur- A dered Stockmen and Tak u en Fosessions OFFICER KILLED RENO, Nev., Feb. 27. In a ter rific running battle between a band of Shoshone Indians who were being pursued by a squad of state police officers because they were believed to have murdered four stock men recently, eight of the Indians and Ed Hone, a member of the police force, were shot and killed yesterday at Kelly Creek, Humbolt county, 25 miles north of Oolconda. The battle raged for three hours and only when four bucks, two squaws, two children and one officer were killed and one young squaw and three children cap tured. , When Captain J. P. Donnelly and his force of police officers approach ad, the Indians started their regular war dance and then opened the fight Some of them were wounded In a running skirmish, which ex tended over a mile. The remaining Indians hid In the brush and contin ued to fight. The police had been In pursuit of the band of twelve Indians for sev eral days, believing that they, were the murderers of four stock men whose bodies were found ten days ago in a desolate canyon on the eastern slopes of the Sierra NevaYla mountains. The victims' horses- had been taken and ponies which had 'been ridden by the murderers were found shot near by, the outlaws ap parently concluding their own stock too weak to keep up with them in their flight , Buckley and Deputy Sheriff Norf singer left Oolconda today with teams to bring In the dead and hold the Inquest The property taken from the stock men was found by the pos se after the battle. REBELS CAPTURE TOWS. DOUGLAS, Arts.. Feb. 27. Two hundred insurrectos today captured Frontera the capital of the Mexican district immediately south of Doug las. Fifteen civilian soldiers attempt ad to resist and fired upon the rebels, flv of whom Were killed. SENATOR SIMMONS SPEAKS FOR BILL If Passed Congress Will Have Power to Supervise Elec tions in Country WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Several speeches were made In the senate to day upon the resolution calling for the election of senators by direct vote of the people. Tomorrow the resolution will bo put -to a vote, and the speeches on the eve of the day that will determine fts fate (wer heard by the senate with great Inter est . One of the speakers was Senator Raynor of Maryland, who advocated the adoption of the resolution, de spite the Sutherland amendment which had been voted Into It last Saturday. Another was Senator Ba con, of Georgia, who from having favored the resolution, had become, perhaps, its stoutest opponent in its altered form. He strongly resented the aim and purpose of the Suther land amendment placing the control of the elections In the hands of con gress. Senator Percy of Mississippi, also antagonised the measure. Senator Jones, of Washington, Benator 'Simmons, of North Carolina, and . Senator Bourne of Oregon, also were among the speakers, all being In favor of the resolution. It had been believed by many that the fate of the resolution was scaled when the- Sutherland- amendment was adopted, the hostility of enough southern senators to prevent the nec essary two thirds vote for the reso lution, it was thought, had been groused by the amendment. Today, however, supporters of the resolution still manifested a belief In its suc cess . t Senator Bacon "contended that It was not safe to adopt the elections resolution with the- Sutherland amendment engrafted upon it say ing that ha would be for the resolu tion without the Sutherland provi sion, he argued that the effect of that provision would be to place It In the power of congress completely to regulate and control elections. He did not believe this wise or safe. TRIAL OF BANKER Tl Jerome Appearing for Fi nancier Contends Still That He Is Crazy HISSED BY CROWD NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Joseph O. Robins, former president of the Wash ington Savings bank, whose nnaclal operations recently causfed the clos ing of that Institution, the Northern Bank and Indirectly the Carnegie Trust company, was placed on trfal today In the Supreme court, charged specifically with stealing $27,000 from the savings institution. Altogether, It is alleged, Robin misappropriated $207,000 from the Washington Sav ings bank. Six Jurors were chosen today. When the prisoner was brought In to court this morningthe question of his sanity again was brought for ward by Wm. Travera Jerome, his counsel, who contended that Robin was not capable of conferring with counsel and, therefore, should not be tried. Justice Seabury. however, over ruled Mr. Jerome, stating that a Jury already had found Robin to be sane and that the trial must proceed. The examination of talesman waa then be gun. Robin throughout the day evinced little Interest in the proceed ings and sat most of the time with bis eyes closed. 17. N. O. LOSES GAME. - LYNCHBURG, Va.. Feb., 27. The Virginia Christian college here to night gave the University of North Carolina a surprise when the col legians defeated the varsity basket ball quintette 13 to SI. The last half ended with the score 31 to 31, and after five minutes of hard work, Stlckley shot the winning goal for the Christians, winning th egame 33 to 31. PITCHER SEXTON SOLD. LYNCHBURG, Va., Feb., 37. The sale of Pitcher John Sexton to Bir mingham, of the Southern Associa tion, was announced tonight by the tocan team. Sexton was one of the leading pitchers of the Virginia league last season NO DEFENDER AMONG ALL OF THE SENATORS Famous Patronage Letter Is Quoted Along With Law Applying to Case WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Presi dent Taft, by Inference, was charged tonight with using his appointive power to lntlm'date members of 'con gress. The Inferred charge was made In a speech In the senate by Senator Jonathan Bourne, of Ore gon, president of the new progres siva republican league, and until re cent trouble over an Oregon appoint ment the Intimate friend and golf ing companion of the executive. The surprising thing was that although ll of the senator's audience con- strued his remarks as an attack upon the president not a word was Utter ed in reply. Famous Patronage letter. The famous patronage letter writ ten by Secretary Norton to an un named Iowa congressman while President Taft was at Beverly last summer, declaring that the presi dent bad , withheld federal patronage from certain senators and congress men, but - would discontinue that practice, was brought Into the lime light On previous occasions Insur gent senators have threatened to read this letter In the senate but until tonight no public reference had been made to it. Mr. . Bourne opened his speech by a discussion of the Oregon law. He declared that this law If enacted by all the states would destroy the pow er of the federal machine to renom inate a president The rteam roller, lie says,, will be relegated to the po litical scrap heap and Its operators to the shadow of things fprgptten, whlls fourth class Dostmastara . will tease to pontic asset for' any body or party. ........ . . . Senator Bourne said that the use of the presidential ' appointing pow er to coerce members of congress would be either bribery or Intimida tion -bribery If patronage was used as a reward and Intimidation If with held as punishment LEADER OF ROBBERS WAS ST1 or Escaped From Canadian Prison Where He Was Serving Life Sentence TWO NOT FOUND GAINESVILLE, Ga., Feb., 27. Geo. Anderson, who according to his companions was the leader of the gang which held up and robbed the Southern railway fast mall train on Feby., 8, near White Sulphur Springs has been Identified by detectives of the PInkerton agency as A. E. (Old Bill) Miner, a notorious stage coach and train robber of the northwest Miner Is said to have escaped from prison at Westminster, British Co lumbia, a month after he had been given a life sentence for robbing a Canadian Pacific train on June S, 1906. Miner also was skpected of being- the leader In the hold up of a Canadian Pacific train near Mission Junction, Canada Sept. 10, 104. Ac cording to detective H. W. Minster, who is working on the case here the prisoner bears numerous marks- which tally with those of Miner. The repr-rt that there were five robbers In the gang which held up the South ern train are being investigated by the railway and express detectives here. Conductor Uooney In charge of the train declares that there were Ave In the gang and a woman running a boarding- house at Dahlonega asserts she fed two others besides the three men now held for the crime. No trace of the other two men has been found. EXPTLSIOX OF CADETS UPHELD RICHMOND. Va.. Fe. J7. At a meeting of the board .of visitors of the Virginia Military Institute held here tonight the recent action of the superintendent In expelling eighty members of the third class for al leged mutiny was unanimously and unqualifiedly endorsed and It was provided that none of the expelled cadets shall be reinstated, though it aas further provided that this ac tion shall not prejudice th case of any of the cadets who may apply for readmisaion as Individual at the opening of the next session if their past record at th institute shall be such a to entitle them to considera tion, th superintendent to be the Judge of such fitness in every case. SENATORS BAILEY AND CUMMINS IN SENATE BEGIN ENDURANCE CONTEST Both Have Matter. Dear to Case .Cummins Want Same on Tariff Board.' Two Lock Home and ; ? . v'Jtrndt h Fh$i Night Sitting of Present Session, WASHINGTON, Fb., 7v-Xt took several hour to accomplish it . but supporter of Senator Lo rimer to night advanced the cast, where roll call may be started at any tlm when the antt-Loriraer forces mgy ( be caught, napping, After several sena tors had consumed time with ''home consumption", speeches on th sub ject of popular ; election of senators and Canadian reciprocity, wmaior Bailey took advantage of a lull to nvM that when a vote is taken on th Lorimer resolution It be by call ing th ayes and noes. . Senator Bran degree, who waa 'presiding, lost no tlm. 1i J!it!)tng ythf usthMV t the senate and It was declared car ried. -'-- ' Senator Bailey wanted a ' ' time, some time, any time, flxe.d for a vote on the Lorimer- case. Senator Cummins wanted the same thing for the tariff board mil, and apparently I e wanted it Just as much as the Texan wanted a Lo rimer note Teat of Endurance. "It will be a test of endurance", said the Texan and the lowar, ap peared -quite content-to pit his pow ers against those of the leader of the Lorimer forces. . TO START WORK AT ONCE Contracts Authorized and Road Promoted by Dukes Is Now Assured GREENVILLE. S. C, Feb. 27. The syndicate marangcrs of the Greenville. Spartanburg and Anderson Interur ban electric railway, at a meeting In New York this afternoon authorizing the .letting at once of contract for grading from Greenwood, 8. C, to nrnviiiji and locatln permanent line from Greenville to Spartanburg, preliminary to letting contract. Thl announcement means that the cities along the route of th lnterur ban have met all th requirement as to Mock subscriptions, etc., and that activ construction work will be gin by May 1. Th line from Greenwood , via Greenville to Spartanburg (about 10 miles), will untimately go to Char lotte, there connecting with the lines of the Piedmont Traction, company covering the territory from Charlotte to Durham via Greensboro. - " WA!TS RETCBK MATCH NEW ORLEANS. Feb. z7. Frankle rviiv nf Konosha. Wis., who was de feated by Johnny Coulon in a 20 round bout at West Side athletic club sun day afternoon today challenged the Chicago lad for a return match. Con ley asserts that his failure to beat th twntam welsht champion Sunday was due to the fact he took off ten pounds In eight days in order to make th required weight. 7m FAIR WASHINGTON. Keb. 27. Forecast: North Carolina, fair Tuesday and Wednesday, except ram or enow Wed nesday in extreme southwestern por tion diminishing northwest winds. Their Hearts. Bailey Wants Vote Fixed on Larimer t A motion by Senator Hal to take a recess until sight was made at 1. 10 o'clock, ; Senator B al ley wag willing If t time for a Lorimer tote could be fleet). Senator Cummins objected and barred his heart that the senator might see how dear to It was th t ra id board tt'an. But the Texan was obdurate, for he too,, waa ohartaMng a hop hop that Lorimer might be declared by this senate to on titled to his seat '- - - So nto night sessim . th - body went,, but with a new presiding af ncer.j Ve president Sherman had business, iewhr.. Calling Senator Kean.'of N. J to the har, th vie president started 'for hhf- horn in soma, hast. . , . . No sooner hd Senator I tale's motion for a recess been mad than Senator Bailey said that If th Lori mer question could b put out of th way other business could be materi ally expedited. Cummin Also Want Vote. -' senator Cummins thereupon frank ly and Impressively stated Ms Inten tion to resist the fixing of a tlm for a vote on th Lorimer mstter unless t oquld be coupled with a similar Understanding In the matter of the tariff - board bill. Th Iowa 'senator' INDICTMENT IS nCllNET ROSS COX Grows Out of Supplemental Charge of Perjury by Political Leader CINCINNATI, O., Feb. 17 A sup- pigmentary indictment today was re turned against Geo. B. Cox. tho re publican leader. Like th first bill, It charge perjury, Th original Indictment charged Cox with testifying before th Ham ilton county grand jury In 110 that he had received none of th "gratl utles" paid by Bank to county treas urers. It stated that In point of fact Cos received I4M00 from John D. Olbson, a former county trasurer. Th supplementary Indictment Includes thl charge and also alleges that Cox obtained $17,500 from Tllden K. French, also a county treasurer. Th second Indictment was served on Mr. Cox today, He gave ball for 110,000 additional. TWO INJVRKD IX FIRE NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 27. Two men were badly injured and a prop erty loss estimated ai between 1121, 000 and 1150,000 was occasioned to night when the mill of the Read Phos phate company, located north of the city limits In West Nashvlll was burned. The Injured men are fire man C. H. Vaughan and Switchman Harvey Bride, who were hurt as they were drawing a number of freight cars standing on the track In th midst of th firs out of danger. Th fire loss la covered by insur ance. nrVESTIGATE MATCH TRUST WASHINGTON, Feb. JI.Th house adopted today a joint resolu tion looking to an Investigation of th so-called match trust The reso lution Is the result of the recant rec ommendation of President Taft that the use of ' whit phosphorus In matches be prohibited because of the Injurious effects upon employee in match factories and the disclosure following a brief Inquiry by th com-' mitt on ways and, mean. aid that h considered th , tariff board bill of paramount Importance and added that an there were no prospects of the democratic house of th nest congress accepting It he would prs th bill as far as parlia mentary tactic wjuld nabl him to do so. A i;:vir ;ii.r-iv'i.-;.' ! 'In other: wards", Interrupted Mr. Bailey, "although th senator I con vinced that th Illinois senator t not entitled to hi Mat, he Is content that h should continue to prevent a vote in. fals ess unless h cm gat ft wot on th other measure," . v , -"'PreolselyV responded h low senator. . ' , . "If th enfitor I willing n have nw adaption of that aiiitui go b f or th people, . I am content, to let it stano," mid Mr. Bailey. . , Perfectly Content. ' "And X am content that it should o stand", quickly asentd Mr. Cum mlns. Who Insisted that the Lorimer matter could not be measured In its Importance with . that &t ' tariff board. .. ii.U.;:;i:i..f; :;r , Mr.: Bailey urged th right of th hxt congress as th expression of th will of th people to pes upon an tann legislation. But 4a th mat ter of th Lorimer oas, h would as soon aeiay case Ineonrt, NEGRO'S BODr IDENTIFIED Not Only Shot Policeman But Had Been Guilty of Long List of Crimes GREENVILLE, 0. C, Feb. I7.Th body of th negro who waa lyriohed at Warren ton, Oa., last week arrived her late tonight and within half an hour after arrival was positively iden tified .by sis men as that of Arthur Toung, wanted here for th murder of policeman Gunnel and a doten or mor other crimes of more or Ins se rious nature from store robbery to safe cracking. Th negro wm traced from this city to Augusta, Ga., two days after the murder of the Greenville officer and a local detective was hunting him In Augusta at the time of th lynching Ing at Warrenton. Th detective reached the acen of th lynching too late to view th body, which had been sold to a medi cal college in Atlanta. Th officer went there and secured possession of the corps. Young was lynched for th murder of a Oeorgia railroad pas senger conductor. BRIAND'8 CABISKT KEtflGXS. PARIS Feb., 27. Premier Briand and his minister resigned today and President Fallerl accepted ' their resignations. Th president then went into consultation with h's ad visers, including th president of the senate and chamber of deputies and tonight It was announced that M. Briand' successor would not be named until tomorrow.1 .... PLAY CACHES MORE RIOTS. PARIS, yeb., 27. Organised dis turbance were renewed tonight at th Cumedie Francals, where Henry Bernstein's "Apr Moi" is being pre sented. Both within the theatre and in th street adjoining the distur bances showed careful planning. A partv securely barracaded In a log, set oft fireworks, stopping th per formance for fifteen minute. Out std a troop of mounted municipal guard trotted up and down the square and prevented th rioters from forming; a mim s . Transylvania, Swain and Hay wood Counties Exempted : From Forest Bill' ' RALEIGH, ft, C E'eh. StSon ' tor Baggett's anti-trust bill, said to be , an exact - psturn of th Texas ' anti-trust law, get ; a unfavorable vtport from th senat judiciary committee, , Senator Hobgood s ; anti-trust bin , will b considered by this commute Wednesday afternoon,- Senator Be Mtt asking for tlm to read and dl-, gest It, This give little propott for , any anti-trust 'legislation thl ses sion. , , ;s . ... ,, , - Bill to pay annually ss.tOO for ex penses of the state board of Internal Improvement in, looking '.Iter th state's interest In various properties ' and th tat institutions received a favorable report from th senate ju dlnlsry committee. - Th stat bill for th prevention of forest fire (hat passed th senat -ha met such opposition ' In th ' house that It Is now to be emended In commute to ths extant that a number of counties having th larg est areas of forest are to be exempt . d, . these : Including 'Transylvania, Hwanl and, Haywood. T hs bill witr provide , tor th . state geological board or stat geologist to appoint fir Warden to be paid out of a fund to be raised by a tax of on ralf cent per sore on large tract and flat tag of IB cento on owner of a much a fifty ecros of forest, , The bill was threshed over last evening before the committee on propositions and grievances, and with the (hntiK Indicated will b reported favorably slob) Conimlnslim t'rrni-l. The hniiKn tiii.Md, nfi'-r ImtK .(''-. 1 .,i mid Without WMteljill HlJHMHl" meiit, the ItKlvMI committee bill creating a fink commliwlon to regu late th 'commercial fisheries Inter set. efforts to exempt Currituck, ' Onslow and Camden counties wer -' voted down. ' Among th 'bills favorably report ed today wer to - Incorporate Uur . bam and Danville railroad Co., pro vide for central Vtat , highway. Brown of Stanly offered a bill to In corporate th Raleigh, Charlott s Southern Railway compuny., , t In convening : th , nous ' today Speaker Dowd warned member that th most . orderly - proceeding wer -necessary tor th remaining day of th session If Ihers was to b that " degree of dlepatoh that would bring about clearing of th calendar by Saturday night whan th Msslon plr by limitation, v 0S Bill on CalMidnr. - Ther ar S bill on th calendar -. In addition to great number from th senat and out in hand of com mlttees and Introduction of new bill I not yet abated. He pledged hi . best effort, to dispatch th bustnea nd begged that no members get ner- ; (Continued m FagO TltrM) FIVE DICE OOuIEfiS BLOW OPEN BO SJFE : AND ESCAPE V1TH GiSH: Posse of Citixens ' Fired Upon by SenitinelS While Others Worked " WAS IN VIRGINIA iiiKVtrj.l? Vj VV 17 A baud of robbers, supposed to pumber five) men, between the hoar of t and t o'clock this morning blew open th vault of th bank of Clovr, at Clo ver, Va, a town of flv hundred In hhiinia fort v mile east of here. and escaped with all th caah in th building. The robber secure oe tween between three and four thous and dollars. ':- The robbery was spectacular ana wm nmnlted only after a fuailad of pistol shot bad been fired at citi xens who had been aroused by th explosion which awakened nearly tn entire town.--.. .-,-' --.?;.'';.'''.,?.'. .;' W. J. Smith, who reside opposlt the bank was th first to arrive at, th scene after th first explosion nd wa fired at by two mett stationed In fnni t.f lha hnlldlnit. In a few sec onda two other explosion occurred and Dr. R, H. Fuller, who was r turning home In hi buggy after Vis iting patient, drov up. ' A volley of bullet whlxzed by Dr. Fuller buggy and he put the )-h to hi horse. OUier cltUenn v ' tured near the building- wi upon and by this tim been " formed but t 1 completed their j ! 'g. 4 ... J'

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