THE SUNDAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER: FAIR. ,VOL. XXVII., NO. 135, ASHEVILLE, .'N. C SUNDAY MORXIXtt, MAKCII 5,1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS am paces LQnirv nr t MS ujiiuli ui I E Became Angry at Democratic Colleagues and In Heat of ' : Moment Resigned EXPLAINS REASONS , IN LONG TELEGRAM riovernor Refused to Accept Resignation and Texan Yields to Friends WA.SHIM3TON. , March . Senator Joseph W. ; Ballsy evded to the excite ment Mid to the extraordinary epl mo&fi surrounding the sixty first pon greaa today by resigning tile office as senator from the stale of Texas and ' (aw minutes later withdrawing his resignation. AnwMjf hu k f i i rla Ilia Am. cratlo colleague in favoring the re solution approving the new constitu tion of Artsona' to whose radical fea tures Mr. Bailey has declared his un dying opposition,' he wrote his resig nation and took It to the vice presi dent with the request that he an nounce It to the senate. Mr. Sherman declined to have 'anything to do with It; Senator Baoon, importuned In like manner to announce It, took a simi lar position. Thereupon the Texan telegraphed tt to Governor O. B. Col liltt of Texas, who promptly refused accept it, replying as follow: ' Governor Wouldn't accent ; "t. decline to accept your resigna tion as senator from Texas and re spectfully ask you to withdraw it. Please wire fully." , 'Meanwhile the resignation was a subject of excited discission about the capltol. Many of Mr. Bailey's dem ocratic colleagues expressed regret at his action "and those who talked with htm urged him. to reconsider his action. Nnt a few prophesied that he would think better of his decision "after ha eopls off" and would with draw the resignation." He did with draw it, and this evening made publjc the following telegram sent by him far Governor Colquitt. 'n-iTroio' know' hew . unalterably J am opposed to these popstlstlc heresies, known aa thf.jlntmtlve, referendum and recalL-ajtid I would willingly re main rn th senate or any branch of tlra public service if a majority of the party frlneds associated with me (Vbntlnued on Pago Four) STUIOFeOVElOH i MATERIAL Some Legislators Will Stick to Sheehan Through All Year ' CONFERENCE HELD ALBANY. N. T., March 4. The handful-of .legislators in Albany to night differed materially in opinion as to the effect of Governor Dix's letter Will have on the senatorial situa tion. The insurgents. Including Sen ator Roosevelt, were hopeful that the deadlock would be dissolved by the ; withdrawal, of Wm. F. Sheehan, as ! advised by Governor tHx. but Daniel : F." Cohalan's statement in New York ! that seventy-eight men can be count- i d on to stick to Mr. Sheehan "until ext January If necessary" was not 'egarded aa Indicating such an In tention upon the part of the caucus candidate. CONFERENCE WITH MURPHY. NEW YORK, March 4. Wm. F. Sheehan and Chas.-F. Murphy, lead er of Tammany Hall, held a long con ference today, but neither has made an yannouncement concerning a reply to Governor Dix's statement of last night urging Mr. Sheehan's withdraw al aa a candidate for the United States senatorshlp to succeed Chaun cey M. Depew. Daniel F. Cohalan, Murphy political adviser, this morn ing -voiced hi belief that the govern or's statement would not materially affect the line ef the legislature at AthAnr- Mr Wnrnhv hlmulf r. lum o sy one wora, ami jnr. aoer- han would not receive reporters. Edward M. Shepard. Mr. Sheehan's eppojent until he withdrew recently, I Issued a statement praising the gov ernor's stand, which he sYe Is In ac eord with the "opinion and wish of we overwneiming majority or me fnocratlo party in this state." IIE AT AGE OF 105. SEATTLE, Wash.. March 4. Mry ' Wray. who was born a slave In VIr- ' g!nl aln February. 1807. died here 1 jetrdsy In her lOSth vesr. In her j childhood ah wa sold to 3oa Lov- , ell, of Nashville. Tenn.. on whoa" plantation she lived until the close of the wsr. She h el pea to- eut and haul tie for th flrst railroad built Into Kashvlll. GliGESHISMIi ABOUT R SIGNING , nitf urn 'niminrii LEGISLATURE NOW RUSHING WORKTO ADJOURN MONDAY Over Hundred Local Bills Passed Yesterday. Torrenss Land Title Bill Passed Senate But Recalled. lSlo Trust Bills. - RALEIGH. N. C March 4. This was the last day of the sixty ttt the constitution allots for mesnbera to draw per diem and legislation went through with a steaby grind and hur ry against time. The assembly Is sure to adjourn Monday. The first -of final ceremonies, for adjournment was at noon today when members of 1 the house presented to Speaker Powd a splendid, silver service as a testimonial of the regard and esteem of the members of the house. Mr. Turlington of Iredell presided for the ceremony and .Mr. Dillard of Cherokee was spokesman and- In a chaste, eloquent, ., and brief add reus presented the testimonial as coming from appreciative . hearts for the speaker's impartial, able and kind administration, of his high and re sponsible duties. Speaker Dowd was deeply affected. responding in most appreciate terms his appreciation for this man) testation of esteem. ; Members of the house stood while the speaker was responding anilapf The house passed the Torrorurtnn titles bill similar to that the senotW recently, defeated and sent It ty special messenger to the senate for their action. The house vote was 67 to 11. The horte passed the Pethel bill to regulate crossings of railroads snd electric lines with an amendment that it "not apply to towns of less than live thousand. Many Wal Bills Passed. Over one hundred local bills passed final reading at this afternoon's ses sion of the senate. The senate defeated by decided vote Hobgood's bill to prohibit rail road uompanles from exacting liabil ity release contracts from employes, the bill having the effect of breaking up the relief association of the At lantic Coast Line railroad.-- ' The sensation of the session Was the discovery that the senate had un knowingly this morning passed and ordered enrolled the Torrens land title bill which had passed the house earlier-" In 'the"day and- sent ts- ,h, senate, no senator grraepln Its mean. Ing by the humdrum rending of the tKle'by the reading, clerk. " : i The senate several days ago killed the Senate bill on this subject by a decisive majority and when It was discovered that It- had today passed. unbeknown to tteelf -an identical bill! from the home a wave of excitement GIVEN PLAGES 01. TARIFF Congressman Howard of Georgia and Page of Uni versity of Virginia FIVE MEMBERS NOW WASHINGTON. March 4. Presi dent Taft today appointed former Re presentative Wm. M. Howard of Geor' gia and Thomas W. Page, professor of political economy in the. L'nlvi-r-Elty of Virginia, members of tho tar iff board, thereby increasing It from three to five members. This increase was made possible by the fact that I22S.OOO was allowed in the .t,ndry civil bill for continuing the work of the board. The three prcuf.nt mem bers are republicans. The new oni are democrats. Mr. Howard has been a member of congress for the past five years but was defeated at the last election, PRETTY GIRL IyOSES SUIT NEW YORK, March 4. Anna Ber tha Orunspan, the protty little Pari sian, wept bitterly today when she heard the Jury return a verdict In favor of Wm. English" Walling, de fendant in her breach of promle suit. After regaining her composure, she declared that though she had lost her $100,800 balm suit fur wounded offections, 'the l not through with Mr. Walling yet. He will find that ha cannot escape so euaily after trifling with my heart." PHUSIDKXT EXTEISTA1XS YALE MEN. WASHINGTON. March 4. After one of the most rtrenuous davs of his career, serins the lst., ennatre. through Its dying hour. President Taft tonight entertained as hi din ner guests at the white house 8-1 membera of Ms clefs, thai of '79, at Yale. Auto present was Jos. A. Hlil. clavs boy. th iirs't son born lo a m- ber of the prenldenf class. he table In the rich stat- dlnlnir room was arranged In hornew.'ine Hhape and decorated with pink rarnaiUitis and greens. Pailtii a largely ai fortit ten in the : colics', reinl-iiweoces wTikh paascj about the big table. ran through the senate chan.'ber but the oversight was soon corrected by a vote to reconsider and recalling the bill from the enrolling clerk's office. This Incident put all senators on their guard and the .careful scrutiny given each measure Insures no recur rence of such a blunder, No Gnmo Commlaalnn. The house, defeated f 0 to II the Dillard bill to create a state 'game commission. . Bills passed requiring additional educational ' qualifications for medical licenses that was defeat. ed in the two previous sessions of tho assembly. It pureed this time almost without opposition. The senate had a sharp light this morning over the Koonce resolution from the house tor investigation of thu conduct of tire Insurance compan lea In North Carolina. Senator Beggett insisted on Im mediate consideration. Others In sisted that the resolution be referred to the Insurance comntttte for re--port. Eaggett declared this would, mean the death of the Mil. The son- lit voted to refer to the insurance .committee,,: . tKThe; enat passed the committee ;;iil!vt) .rearportion the senate metn- bcrsMp and sent It to the house. f b,ouly change In combination nf Erfjpecomb and Halifax counties In one district with two senators, there by making tS Instead of 19 district In the senate. llnllroad Sale DroppNl. The - house resolution, that passed last night 4o Investigate tho sale of the Atlantic Yadkin railroad to At. Untie "Const Una and Its dismember ment In division With the Bouthem was voted down by the senete over the strenuous protest of Senator Hob good. The senate concurred In the house amendment to increase ths gover nors salary to flvu Instead of ilx thousand dollars. The' senate passed on the second resdingith machinery bill making only a few change In. It at It came from the house. ,11 took Its place on the efcinnBfrr", . ' s ' " fjlt wa aanoueaV.W"Heimtiii WW9 ner thut -e. clseslncatlon of the counties-as to pauier status by the state treasurer lifted sixteen out of the pauper class and placed them in the surplus column. The Hobgood bill to allow' life In surance companies to withdraw e- '------- - - - . .n.fXJTn.r i q (Cotitlnunt on I'agp Six PHIS1AL PflESlDENT IS Will Serve Until Election Can Be Held in October Which Is Arranged DR. BELTRAN MAN March 4. Francisco Beltram , has been agreed upon a provisional prc aldcnt, of Honduras to serve until a successor to President lJaillla Is elect ed in October. The two w-jefcs dead lock In the peace conference was, broken lust nlpht and tiie a?reemcnt vns signed today. i Dr. tfcltram Is a supporter of G n- ! erul Manuel Bonilla and was one of the three men proposed by him for- pr.nislonui president wl-.en the revo- ' lutlnnary leader announced fhla with- ilrawal an a cnndldate. It a agreed ; that the members of the cabinet ami j all other government officials be com- j posed of an equal number of Davila j and nonllla political adherents, t'orn-pl-jt amnesty was agreed upon and the Honrturan government will pay ! the war expenses of both side. i Absolute freedom of the presidential i election In October Is guaranteed. It ' Is understood General Bonilla will ! then offer his candidacy for the presl- denoy, hut the present ruler. Miguel , It. Davlla is not expected to be a ' candidate. ' General Rorie"nd Dr. Membreno the peace envoy, consulted m-lth Vir. ! Dawson before Dr. Heltram was ' agreed upon. Mr. Dawsm Is under- j luo.l to be pleased with the selection ' cf Dr. Beltrsm. i President Dnvlla telegraphed Oen- ; era I Resales today accepting the -ir-rangements ss agreed upon by tho conference. The egreement takes ef fect Immediately. MANY I'LAtEH TO FILL .WA8;it.VCTU.V. March 4. In so cordance with plans maJe at an In formal conff-rence of democratic members of the re- house last week l:eprer.tatl Clayton of Alabama, tonight issued a call for a caacus of democrat for Monday, April . , at 1 1-Tloc!'. neifie;' the formal election of Ciif ip I'lai'K as speaker, various HrUl(.o In th house will be filled In cluding that of clerk, j sergeant at anna, door. Keeper, post Piaster, chief dcrk and jubfual cuerk. SIXTY; SECOND CONGRESS CALLED IN , EXTRAORDINARY -SESSION APRIL 4 ' 'i ' giiiBiissjiiiiisssssssssssssssssssa i.-. -- For Purpose of Passing Canadian Reciprocity Treaty OU Congress Ends in Con-fusiom-" 'Tariff Board and Statehood For New Mexico Doth Defeated, Appropriation Dills Barely Passed in Time. ' . WASHINGTON, March i. Presl' fourth of April,. 11L. at II a'olock dent Taft in eslllng congress into ox- j noon t the and that they; may uon traordinary session Issued tho follow, f sldtr and determlna whether the eon. ing proclamation! , . Whereas by this spwlal messna datd Jan. S. 111, there wss trans mltted to the senate and house -uf representatlva an agreement between the department of i tuts and the Ca nadlan government ln; regard to re- riproral tariff legislation together with an earnest recommendation thst the re Mtwry tsglslaton be prompUy adopted: ,'. ji . ', And. whereas, a bill to tarry tntn eb'eot said agreement bus pasted the holts of n ifesmtatlves "ItuV has tailed to reei h a nt In tha se nal. - "A a,- artnsfiNes. M. agissea aupi. y i " - .... . . . I ulstrs not only tnat lhg President of the United States will tfommunlcol to congress ts , conclusions; now reached and recommend the adop tion of such legislature msy be necessary nn the part of the United Ftates to give effect o the proposed agreement.' but slw that the govern ments of (the two countries will use their utmost efforts to bring about such ehannes'.bv concurrent legisla tion at Wiishlnaton and at Ottawa. 'Now, therefore. I. Wm, Howard Taft, president f the United States rf America, by virtue of the power vested In me by the constitution do hereby proclaim nml declare that an extraordinary oectitlon requires the convening of both houses of the con gress of the United Statoe on the BBYA!i AGAIN DECLARES ill HOTBCAiITE With . Roosevelt and Taft Willing to Carry Out Pol icies is Satisfied OHICAOO, March 4 Replying to a humorous sally of tho toastmaater at a press club Iuim heon here today, Wm. Jennings llryan reiterated the statement that he would not be a candidate for office aaln. Dr. O. Frank Lydston, the toRStmaster, had remarked facetiously that the run ning for office or t'olonel Brjan had become an Institution, ra;her than an Instance. . lit. Rryan In his reply declared tnat Kooseve.t arm rowed democrs tic doctrine, ' Fo. said he, "why desire the narusnips ni ine ehlte- house when I can get other men willing to carry out my policies? Do not think, however, because 1 r not a candidate for nny office that 1 am out of politics " MEMPHIS SPFCIAAL IS DERAILED AGAIN KOKXVILLK, Tenn . March 4. Eight persons were hurt When alt, but on of the roaches of the Bouth-J em railway trsln No. known M j the "Memphis special" were derail-j ed a abort distance south of Beardon ! today. 7 H- k.1! FAIR WASHINGTON, Marolv 4 Kro- J caati Xorth , Carolina, gerIly . fair j lalloit to th rate on th sam com Kg inlay" and Monday; mmterato west I mndttle from the Norfolk producing ndt becoming north ad east. A Hard Blow. 1 grrsa shall, by the necessary leglulu- t.on mak operative th agreement, "All person entitled to ant a members of ths sixty-second congress ara required to luxe nolle of this procluiuutlon. '. . : ; . i 'Oin unuf my hand and th seat of l he United Mtates at Washington th 4th day of March in th year of our Lord one thousand nin hundred and eleven and or. the independence of th United Hlateii th m hundred and, thirty-nftli. . - ' (Signed) '. WM. . fAVT. "Bv the president: ' r-V-KKOX, in wy of Slate." WA8HINUT6NV ilsfch ..The flfty-flrit eongress, betdless of n -xf th most Important legislative tssks set lfore (t, cam to an end short!' after no today. Within ths hour lollowtng President Tart; had issued a- proclamation t-aillntf lite new eon grew to : meet in extraordinary ses sion af noon Tuesday April , At tht time he will jiiihmtt for rnU Iflcstlen to a liuuae oyerwhelmlngly democratic an to a senate barely tv publican the . reciprocity agreemstt with Canada. The WcCall bill iai rying Ibat agreement Into effect ' nd pasted by th house met today at the hands of. th old senate the death that had been freely predicted for It. SIXPEHSOnSMEETOEATH Many Others Injured as They Were Attempting to Take Ooods from Flames GKNTRK; Tex., March 4. Caught in crashing brick walls' of a small building from which they were tar rying ilry goods menaced by flames, six persons perished here today. Msnv oihers were hurt, some of them fa tally. ' The fire began in Mlatrot nrothere' store. A score or more person vol unteered to aid firemen Jn removing goods from th biasing building. In the midst of the work brick walls k b lhe nmM collapsed, wr"ru " STRIPLING PLACED IN GEORGIA JAIL COLCMBUIl, On.. March 4. Edgar Stripling, former police chief of Dan .1lle, Va.. arrested for killing W, . rornett at Hamilton, Oa , fourteen l years ago. brought hr this af- temoon by Deputy menu it. . - (wrat f Harris county, Oa., and pja.l tn Jail to await th disposition f his case. He has a life sentence hanrlng over him but many persons lrl Oeorgla favor a pardon In view , hi apparent good record since he escaped from the authorities In ll7. VEGETABLE HATK8 CPHEId' WASHIXOTOX. March. 4 In dis missing a eas Instituted by the truck grower association of Charleston dis trict, Month Carolina, against the At lantis Coast Una and many other rail ways today th Interstate commerce commission held In an opinion hand ed down by Commissioner Harlan that tho freight rales on vegetable from th Charleston district to New York, Philadelphia. Paltlmor and other northern market were not un reasonable or discriminatory In re. points. ' The president well asrned, If not entirely reconciled, to the fate in tir lor th measure at thu vapllui to witness th obsenul. The bill vn not allowed at any time to com up In the senate for u moment's ..-oualil. e rati on. Tariff Itonrd Xfeuti(1. Th permanent tariff bunrd bill, forced to Its) passage through relmt lant seiiste at 10 o'clotik this nrn. Ing, was hurried over to the lions, ther to b strangled by democrat Id filibuster, Th president In the room rtervd for him In tli snut lobby, hesrl the new with rexlnnii. lion, t 'on grass prnvlditl fumia to continue th work of th te tiprury tariff board for atidthef vi,r -' . It wag t th refiuest of th 'dentt. rrsts of th house sod senule tht f'rld Taft fixed the date i f 'ho extra session on, April f, Ths ne-v democratic way and rnelns nommll tee of th house, -which Is alio to srv ss th new "t'ommiit on om mliUes," -will meet oh Mond lo take up It tatter duties. A full rati cu of all the democratic ni-'inhers of th new house will not be h.ild un til April 1, in tluansHiitlfii flan for th axtrt) seisldj.. vill huve ilovel oped. - V3" Will Revlso Tariff, There li little doubt that the dem ocrats of th house will tinderuk to f Continued on Pago ftcvrn PRESIDENT WILL REST Speaks in Atlanta Then Go es to Augusta for Month of Recreation WA8HINOT)N'. March 4. During the months' Interim between th as sembling of th tra session Presi dent Taft xpect to pn several weeks in the South, most of it resting up from tho strenuous days he ha had during the past few months and In getting ready for a possible entire summer In Washington. On March 10, th. president will address the Southern Commercial congress at At. lanta. Today he practically promised Representative Moon, of Tenn., that on h's way to Atlanta be would atop for a day or portion thereof at Chattanooga. After his visit to At lanta, the president probably will go to Augusta to spend a week or ten day In taking life, easy, playing golf and forgetting for a short time all about th cafe of state, PIOXEEIt TEXTILE MAX DEAD. LANCASTER, tt. C, March 4 Capt. Bamuel HEr Whi4 -ln4trnilJj)aniltiri were his wU sn pioneer . testile manufactgrer. died here tonight at th hem of his son-in-law. Col. Leroy A. Springs. At th close of the Civil war, through which he served with distinction, he foon fl ed at Fort Mills, 8. C, the first ging ham milt established In th Booth. He was president of th mill at hi death and also of th bank at Fort Mill. He was 71 years old REBELS HOLD MTXIXG CAMP. DOt'OLAS. Arl.. March . The mining camp of El Tlggr 1 still held Incommunicado by th rebel under General Hlancor Th- wire remain rut and courier aent out by Com mlssaiio Vasque, of Agua PHeta, to procure Information hav not been heard from. It la believed they wore captured by th Insnrrecto. L SHIP SUBSIDY IS Commltteo Exonorates 1 All Mfmbors of Congress From , Even Suspicion STATEMENlTS MADE Jy WITHOUT FOUNDATION Associated Press Discharged Representative Who Was , Under Suspicion ' ; V. WASHINGTON, ' March v.-Thr 1 and has been Mo lobby or Us, of ' Imprnper tnfluortoe. oltntr for. or gainst ship subsidy legislation, sayf th sixeclai committee uf th house- of rprerntatlvi In It report nftef ' tt investigation for hkh it was ap pointed a year ggo. Charges mad in ' this connection that rutlsct upon nismlisr of congres r, th report ' declares, wholly tale and "the par ties whj tnad them have admitted that they - bad no InfomiatKin ttptiit ' whk-h. to base statemenU or nibld a- tlnn but relied upon surmise, tug plclon slid rumur," Kenresentaitv Ktovnersoii, of Mln hesulit, and Kuatorman, f Wlst-iin In, took notice of tho charge und were represehled by rotintel. tiotlt - r Hlitinduntly esonerattd by th committee, . ' Th) i onimlttee that few nf th ''UilTtrttviy interested In th mer h,nt mnr'h ltnKue'hud any per olint fliiNhclHl Interest In th league, f t'retnry John A. rentnn and the e'-ttlva, "ommltte nssumlng full rs- fticnsllilllty for It ptihllcHirnns, ' Ar- tlflr jripeclally virulent In their at ticlt. ptilillshed by the then editor of llic leHeus's organ. John H. Maxwell, war Investigated, and - Mr. Mux ell 1 re f need to glee authority for hi statements, therefor Ignored h( tes timony: Insufficient for considers--lien. ; - tH Th chmmlttee also finds that th rmptnvment nf Jeroin J. Wllber by th (Inmlmrg-Aitieilcen facket coin. pn and the North Herman Movd Uteamshlp compsnv was merely In llje nature Of gpprlstng those nm eerns of siicil trglslntloil as mivlit nf fert tbem. the vld"nr shnwiiig nn ftnnertlon wtlh n lobby. ffr, i' i t. wg a member of , the Asaoclalcd rreaSStnff st the lltrt h wss rolled m n wiinensi and . win to his itusl fmnlnymsn atres" hsd been publicly laid thereon that Th Asswisted Press iked; for Mr;. T'lll-efs resignation. WOMEN UMIUM KILLIHGOf'liil'Ori, RELEASED itJ CHAELQTTE Conclusively, Proved -Tnat r He Oommiitted . Suicld Because of Women ' ;: BODY TAKEN HOIIE CH AflLOTTE, N. C, Jdaroh 4. Annie Louis eleven and Don WIN on, the pretty blonde wh hav been incarcerated In Mcklenburg jail since last Tuesday charged .with the mur der of Al. Oi Winn, a travelling man from New Orleans In a foom at a local hotl, wr nequltteil of complicity In th rlm ihy Judc Hl-igs in chamber tonight tn ani dente addut ed at th haarlnaj sh.v Ing conclusively that Wlnrj took Ills town The fact that tn women. though In nn adjoining roont," dented hearing, the psrtol shot and otlirr suspicious circumstance led the coro ner to hold them. It. deviloped to night that Winn suicided becana th Stevens woman, who has poed " hi wife,-had decided to hlN .lln and go on the vaudeville stag, Th Stevens woman admitted tonight that she was a Mrs. . Dick of - Cafaala, Ala., and that she we seeking a divorce from her husband with h Idea of marrying Winn. , Th body of At. tl. Winn,' whfr't for two day ha been at an uralertsj Ing establishment In Ashsville, - was yesterday morning taken to hi hotnt Ut New frlean for burial Aecom- tlttl five year old ion. "together wits " a brother and her father, CoW Geo, Delamore of New Orleans, . LEGISLATURE ASKS : PARDON FOR SEVERAL - MONTOOMERtV Ala.,: March ' W The Alabama legislature today adop ted a resolution reqoestlng President Taft- to pardon W. 8. Harlan, u E. Huggln. q C, Hiliton; Robert Gal lagher, and Walter U. Grace of th Jackson Lumber eompany, Lock hart, Ala., who are serving a term In the federat penitentiary , at Atlanta for pennsge. ;. ,, a-., ; 4, j. -. .. The rcsotiitlnn recites that 'lt i tho unr erral opinion among thos who know the facta of the case that., if gnlltv at sit, tho defendants were only tnc.hnicallv guilty end hail no In tention of offeimlng against the I i -1 IS OBBYFOR THE REPORT ilE