THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEX, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, J911 2 D it,; p. QoClOtt JT AND PERSONAL. Mr. T. J. Owensby and Miss Alll-j Bmull tahlci. The first prii. a hand ion, of Black Mountain, were mar- some piece of cut Klam. ns won by rled at th Panton hotel Wednesday' Mm. A dihen, inul (he second, n mint, the ceremony being performed flowering plant In h willow Jardiniere bv Mr E. B Atklnaon. Tho couple1 went tri Mlm Wnfklns. the third. a sll- srrived In the city Wednesday after-' ter pencil, c, Mm I Alexander noon,' having coma to Ashevllle for The culinary "LAW OF THE HOUSEHOLD' i Wr. J. H. Roach. if High Point, waa an Ashevllle vlsr.ur yesterday, j WANTED A NAME ! Mr and Mra. Thomas Marr. of Can ton, were Ashevllle iaiiora yesterday I guests ol the) Herkrlev. Mr. It. a. Rlveix. .,f f wnaboro, spent yi-aterifgy fn tin- city. Mr. H. IT. Rurneii We will open 00 handsomij, new j randy Htore. located No. 12 Pat- ( ton avonue. Thuraduy. .March lh. for business. Not 'having decided j upon a name for our new place, we Invite suggestions from the publc for the moat appropriate name. To the person offering Ihe beat name if Marlon, la ! we wl" flv !'',, ,'ox l,f ",ir cnolre th purpoaa of being married and for pending their honeymoon here. They will return to Black Mountain today. Mr Owenahy la a lumber dealer at I Hlaok Mountain, and hla brlda la well i knows In that city. j The flret of the spring millinery opanlnga occurred yesterday at the new shop of the Webb Millinery com pany on Haywood atrent, which har bored about half the feminine popu lation of Aahevllle during the day. and the i oiisolailun. a fiamci! In junction. "Try Again." in Miss Carrie Whlttock. There were a. number of guests present. . It will tip learned vUlli Interest that the ' IJIvlne Harilh " Mill shortly lie wlth'n hulling distance, and thoio- who are not averse to "farewells ' ma make the pilgrimage without dlscom fort. Mme. Ilernhardt will uppear In Knoxvllle on the evening of March IS, and will paae through Aehcilllr the following day on her way to Co The new ahop ! dtatlnctly attractive lumhta.1 where she appears on the Ith It amart appointments and har- 1 lonloua coloring, to which yeater i ty'a softening array of feathery lerna end fragrant flowers added a l tla, note. The lighting la excellent I nd It Infiltration fall becomingly n "my lady" a ah frafne-,her heauteoue vlaage round, with rbse rthd pleturn.unea of various shape n4 drea The preliminary f penlng, lnHuncd by the Florida de- i land. 1st Tuiltor going ana return Ing, gr an neourag1ng glimpse of hai will be worn during the turn mer. The new color wr Insistent (.ad tnatantly noted, th prettiest be ing th lovely coral pink, th fvor It of tk on. Brilliant green la a eloa iaecotid la popularity but not to generally becoming. Th burat ttrswg combined with black, are mart h ft peculiarly softening effect. , Th feat ar abruptly turned back Is front it llttl to on aid In a mot rklh manner. On pale bin modal In this atyl attracted great attention, although there were UnaiMMrable ! In vry hade of th rainbow. Th Webb company ha ftfca ncr for th wall known Knog khata asd the amart hat hav a atyl all tbalr own. and gl an air t in morning aniw mat i original ian4 aamaitakabl. Th millinery ejrhtah will hOW th lateM nodal aad an any of th nor oiaborat dree a aeardaii party hate, which ar th rnoat uairung oi aii. I S f T Friday Informal da no thl aroatoarat th Bary Park hot) will pa ooa of tit elaaaant feature of th WNMIk an4 wiH draw th usual crowd rt jew par poopla, . Th young people Uf Aaatwrttl ar ttirnlnf at la fore Wt tk WMkly Informal dans at Ltha Fa, and th palm room I crwdd, ; Th 4aaoa hawa continued Ha yolralarlty aUtoa their Inauguration aim i. waaka ao. aad their trmlna lon. wtdoo, however, haa not been imMMaea. will be received with ra laVat SpaBTa aretaaatra will play as lmhI and pvtmh will ba red. IDaaelnai taguia at halt after nine 'Vctoe?eV,""w',''t r' ' f A avaelal dUqplay of aprln. mllll imrr wfll be ahown at Bproat'a miui jwr ah op Hatarday. Th naual aprlng ,Petag wilt b atmoanoad later. I . Uv. and lira. Robert J. Brraon jMmotrioa th ; engagement of their ltfY Mia Tela Bryaon. to Mr. Irathar McHarge. Th wadding will ;ialt vlaca hi th aarly aprlng at th "honk of Mr. and Mr. Bryaon In Bal- Tbr will b a meeting thl ofter-i-nooa at for e"elock of th Amoriean kWomati'a laagu at th roaldenoe of tMra. Jam P. Sawyer on Hay rood isrtreet. The place of meeting waa unhanged thla week owing to he s f ith T. M.V.C A. auditorium for other purpoeea. . ' Mia Netll Oe. of New York, haa 1en ohoaeo to take th place of Mlaa jdlaabath Andvraon, who haa recent ly rs1gned(hr poaltlen a teacher at ,4h Park avwtu achooL Ml Qee oma to Aatiavill highly reoommend i ad and th achool board feel that It 'haa mad a fortunate selection She ;win enter upon har new dutle at ; KYftO. Mra. E. Rrwenfeld entertained the Thursday Bridge club yeaterday aft ernoon at her residence on Orange traet, th guest of honor being Mrs. Irilvrmau. of Providence, R. I., and Mrs. Charlg. of Brooklyn. N. T . w ho ar spending the spring at the Bat tery Perk hotel, and Mlas Dorothy Long. Th color used waa green, and lh house wa beautifully decorated i by the nee of rare fern and tropical plant, palms, etc. The Ice, bonbons and iced cakea were green of the collation which waa served at the evening, March 18 II will be possi ble to go to Knoxvllle. witness the performance, return on a late train, arriving In Ashevllle the next morn ing about 8.45. Mme. Bernhardt has Juat finished a triumphant engage ment in New York, and Is appesrlps tn a repertoire of her moat interest ing plays. it will not lie difficult to ascertain wlihh characters she will Impersonste In Knoxvllle and Colum bia, but It will not he of special Im portance aa the plays chosen give her eiul opportunity for displaying her histrionic gifta, which have been acclaimed aa the gTeateat of the present day Mlaa Mary Ixton. auperlntendenl of th Mission hospital and training eciiool, waa presented a very hand some sliver coffee service recently by the phyalclan of the hospital staff, In recognition of her services. A per sonal letter further expressed tho ap preciation of the staff and waa pre aented with the service In Miss l-ax-ton. Dr. t U Minor designed the monogram with which each piece of Silver waa engraved. The following Inscription waa engraved upon the sil ver: "To Mlaa Mary P. I.sxlon. from the staff of Ashevllle Mission hos pital aa a token of their appreciation of her faithful and efficient services as superintendent and her service as th head of th training school for nurae." Signed Ir. M. H, Fletcher, Dr. Thomas Cheeaborough, Dr. Carl V. Reynolds. Dr. Charles P. Jordan. Dr W, D. Milliard, Dr. W. U Dunn. Dr M. C. Mlllender, Dr. U 11. Mo Brayer, Dr. C. U Minor. J J BOCIETT Th regular monthly meeting of the T. E. C. will he held today at three 'clock with Mra. pit one, S Ashcland avenue. J J Th ladle of the Maccabees will hava their regular review tonight at at the K. P. hall. The cake and candy social at Wool- sey hall tonight la sure of success as t attendance and th finest enjoy ment. Home made cakea and candles will be sold In all sorts of packages and lia and at all sorts of prices. An Interesting feature will be an Im promptu debate by Messrs J, M. West- all, Chas. Barber, Charles U. Lee. and J. B. Anderson. Mr. J. E. Rector will preside over the debate. A sub ject will b announced at the open ing. Everybody la Invited. It summed up in the fa mom Wes ton Snov. drill Oil Cook Book. It bringt lo every home ihe clioic el recipes the world has developed lor Ihe epicure, and alfordi many an economical solution lo knoll y prob l(n oi ihe dining room and kitchen. And instead oi hog lat and animal (alt and greases, it bringt into the family the nourishing, healthful in lluence ol a pure, highly relined veg etable oil unapproar.hed for fine, results in shortening, frying and salad dressings. Mad by HE S01TBTR COTTON OIL CO. New York New Orlcs candy Commencing Hat urday. March 11th, ! the dale of our grand opening, we I Invite the public to call at our store t and fill out one of tho aiijfgestlon coupons. Itemember thia la entirely free and .. ... C..n, mrtll -Inn.. .on. are spending a few days In the , Matur(lay. Mar,n ",g. IIAKKK A A DAI It, Manufacturers of High Grade Home Made Candle. 32 Patton A.enue. spending a few days in Ihe city. Among the guesix of the Swan natioa jeaterdriy .ih Mr W. J. Hepark, of Ri.lelKh ! Mr. and Mrs. A. I) Wood, of fan- ; rity. " . M ft Mr Cowan Dusenlx rry. of Concord, the Inventor of.Oowan'a pneumonia remedy, la spending a few days In Ihe city In th Interest of his busi ness. Rev. J. m,, Sharp, of f Stateavllte, apent ..t-esterday In Aahevllle., staying at the Swannanoa. Mr. Jameg M, : Ramsay, of Btntea llle. was an Aahevllle visitor yesterday. Boys' Cake Bazaar. Hawyera' Store Haturday. tea Ckleego A 11 ymr itnln br th Umtti, Vrmi An--rtrift Oil CO"K WW. II hit ppV U lwiiMnl.1r1tU(Iifrii9ei, .fUn'ii n)r ifii . wilt mill M ht vtih aplnduj loiimor lrM iMdme K'im i Ctih. u.. Mr. and Mrs W. U Kallman and Mlaa Kallman, of New Tnrk, are In th olty for a brief stay. Mr. kall man la th assistant freight traffic manager of the New York Central line east of Buffalo- N. Y. Mr. W. 8. Hyame has from a trip to Tat Spring. returned Mr. and Mra. Jamea Kllllan, of Waynenvllle,- who have apent the win ter In Florida, returned yesterday to their home. I)r. and Mrs. C. K. Cotton, of Hlnck Mountain, apent yesterday In Ike city and were guests at the Berkeley Ho tel. Mrs. Krwln Bluder. who haa been visiting Mra. William Hardee In New Orleana for several weeks during Mardl tiras, returns to Ashevllle Ut- ilay. has been vlsltlngMrAajd-Mrs, UUhert Hall and otherTnenria VorW Is expected to return shortly to Ashe vllle .and will spend the summer at Warsaw, the country home of Mr. and Mra. James Coleman) near Weav- ervllle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marr, of Canton, are In the city for u brief stay. Mra. 8. V. Grimes, of Memphis, Tenn., la spending several week In Ashevllle. Mr. B. V. Dennis, of Charlotte, was In tho city yesterday on business. Mr. W. T. Norton, of Carlyle. Ky., Is In Ashevllle and a guest at the Berkeley hotel. Miss Margaret Porter la expected from Whltmlre within several days and will be the guest of the Misses Carter on French Broad avenue. Mr, and Mra. H. Sternherg, who went to New 'tork to meet the broth er of Mr. Hternherg. Mr. Jacob Stern berg, who arrived recently from Ger many, return to the city today ac companied by the latter, who will be their guest for an indefinite period. Mr. and and Mrs. William Henry Harrison have returned to their home In Kdgemont park, which has been leased during the winter. Mr. J. C. Kelley, of Charlotte, la in Ashevllle on business. The frlenda of Mr. Ambrose Feath- erstone, Jr., will regret to learn that he Is critically 111 and It la not ex pected that ha will survive many days. Mr. Featheratone waa one of the most promising young lawyers until his falling health made It nec essary to go west, and hla exemplary character and Integrity won for him numbers of warm friends both In huslneaa and socially. Mr. Milliard Booth, who has been a rrequent visitor to Aahevllle, ar rived yesterday from New York and will spend several weeks here and in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Hutchin son have arrived from a trip to Ha vana and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Krneat Davis on Montford ave nue. Mrs. Hutchinson waa before her marriage Mlaa Hollle Day. of Ht Augustine. Kla., and haa a number of friends In the city. Misa Dorothy Long, who haa been spending the week with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Long, on Park avenue, returns Sunday to Columbia,, a C. Mlos Mary Agnea etlnyden Is ex pected shortly from New York and will he the guest of Mrs. Fakes and Mrs. Theodore Morrison. " i The funefal of Mrs. NlmrOd Buck-I nnr. n no. (ilea at her home In Jlen-iT dersonvllle yesterday, will he conduct ed from the Klrat ' Baptist church of that place today at 11. ,46. Rov. A. J Justice will officiate. In th absence of the regular pator,r . .Two sens and a dauhter of :iihe decefcaad live In Ashevllle. and In addition to them several Ashevllle people will attend the services today. 'T! Take a chance. Have Mrw. ih;ck:k-k fi-skhai,. iZ jour Prescriptions fill- I Agents for Ceniemeri-Kid Cjhves These imported gloves are the highest standard of glove excellence. They are noted yiierever good gloves are worn. We have, heen agents for them for o rears. Since we started scores of new makes have appear ed, hut none have taken the place of the Centemeri. Centeineri gloves are honestly made no skimp 4g nothing hut high class leather used only ex perts employed lo make them. That's why you get such satisfactory wear out of Centemeri Cloves. They are priced at iM .00 and 2.00 pair. All col ors, hlack and white, can he ohtained here. Jiigh Cjrade. ftluslin Underwear Shorn on the Second floor t MacKay'8 Pharmacy I Prescription Specialists Opp. P. 0. A ONE POUND CAN OF WHITE HOUSE will make 40 cups of the most delicious coffee you ever drank. Not so expensive after all, is it 1 pound can ... 38c 3 pound can $110 STRADLEY & LUTHER. Sella White House Coffee and Tea the World's best S East Pack q. Phones 6 4 and 651. Come in and see the values we are offering in Spring Waists of the latest models. Prices $3.48 to $25.00. AT THE LINGERIE SHOP THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. 31 Haywood St. Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment Nervousness, Paralysis, Aathnia, Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of women and other chronic diseases. The Bath and MaSSage department, of the Sanitarium Is open to the public. Turkish, Russian. Cabinet, Ketz-Hot-Alr. Klectrlc-Light, Tub, Sltz, Foot, Shower and Phone 684 for select cases of Needle Baths. GaUanlc and Karradlc Treatment, Electric Vibrating and Sweedlah Massage ai d Movements. Thure Brandt .lausago for Diseases of Women, Douches Lavage. E Redwood & Co. ! Mr. Charles A. Moore and Miss l.ulu Moore have returned from a , Judge and Mrs. John l.lttleford. of Cincinnati, who have been visiting the brother of the former. Mr. Frank tleford, and family, at Husbee, have : several weeks' trip to New York, returned to their home. I -: : I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Arhogast and Mrs. ('air Mitchell returns son Alfred, are spending a fortnight today f I inn ""torlda. where she has , In Florida at the various resorts. ecn for several weeks, 1 :-- I Mists Kathleen Ware, who has been ill. haa reco ered and haa taken up her duties as teacher at the Orange r.trcct hi hoid. Men's and Boys' Fine Suits at a Large Dis eount, but for only a few days more. They are in the newest cloths and shapes and specially well fitting1. Also a fair assortment of the same high grades, not bought last sea son, at about HALF PRICE. Ladies' Light Weight Imperial Serge Suits in gi'HV, navy and black at tempting prices. $30 goods at $17 $2? at $14 $18.50 at $10. Ladies' Waists in all the good effects at $2.00. $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. You will find it hard indeed to equal our values. Our $3.00 Hlack Silk Waists in very neat effects arc something remarkable. See our Novelties in E. P. Heed's Fine Lowcut Shoes just put on sale. You will ap prove them. White Wash Suitings and Waistings and all other, desirable White (foods now in stock. Ask for our 25c White, Pure Linen Suiting. It's a seller! Millinery Opening I SATURDAY, MARCH Uth Mrs. M. E. Wightsman, 10 Church Street Broiling, Frying and Roasting CHICKEMS All kinds of Chops, Roasts, Fish, Oysters ,etc. A full line of groceries and vegetables. 1VI. HYA1VIS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. Phones 49-243 FOR RENT Eight room house, Ave minutes walk from post-office. One-half block from car line. Has bath- electric light, rafffce and furnace. Price $25,00. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. Mrs. William Sydney Purler, who I ii- Oar New Corset Department Contains Suitable Styles 4 for All Physiques We have Corset models of domestic and French makes C R a la Spirite and The Classique. You have the American or Pari sian models to choose from. Among the splendid Corset models of these makes, any woman ean tind one suitable to her individual t requirements . The styles are cor rect and the designing dependable for com fort and wear. You may have been buying your Corset else where, but we want you to buy them here, at Moore's, just as you do .your suits, dresses. , waists, etc. Wherefore we have selected the ; very best, most desirable Corsets made. Prices, Corsets, $1.00 to $10.00; Brossicrcs, - $1.00 to $2.00. tP M. V. MOORE & CO. f PHONE n. 11 PATTON AVE. VE Its i A 1 .8 Mrs Anna Wheiien. lm bus spent the -past two uccks in Florida, re turned to Ashcll!e yesterday. Mrs Walter M. rtln. of Canton. Is the guest of Mrs. K. It. liusaell on French Hroad avenue. Mr. and Mra J II Crawford. Mrs Dun-i find Mrs Long of oil City. 1'h.. are quests at the llnturj l'nrk ho tel. Mr Thomas Itolllns. Mr Hubert It. Hex nolds and Mr. James K. Hector have returned from Marshall, where thev hove t.een attending courts Mrs. Itonald B. Wilson leaves to morrow for Statesvllle. where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Charles K. Tiay nal. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Coffin, of Greensboro, are spending a few days Removal Notice J. E. Carpenter, the jeweler , has moved his place of business from 32 Patton avenue to 11 West Pack Square, in Moore's Furniture store. The Celebrated Witte Junior Gasoline Engine Simple, reliable, reasonable in prire. Call and let us demonstrate the good points of these en gines, or ask for catalog. AshevilleSupply&Foundry Co. WHEN YOU HIRE A TEAM You want to know that il Is a good one. that when you start nihi will get to your des tination and back again In safety and comfort. You get these things when you order a team from us. I'hone I AH. Wcavcrvlllc. Roberts & Williams Wcavmlllc, K. '. Sproat's Millinery Parlors Will have a display of Iate on Saturday. Will an nounce opening later. NOTICE. la hereby given that anpllcatloi will be made to th present session In the cltv, guest at the Hatteryi . ,,., r Vnr.H H 0 0 DS' Millinery Opening Saturday, March 11th 5 Haywood St. MISS CRUISE SHOP 2ft Haywood St. Where you will find the latest Mr. K. B Oray. Jr., of Wint(on-6a- llon Curolina for th passage of an tl ! styles In hair goods, hair ornaments. aiaeoiwng the unaeraignea corpora The moat up to date method of lcm. spent ynsterday In the city. Mr. Hay 8. Kirhy.- of Marion, spent yesterday In the city, staying at the j Her'.eley. ! This January to. Itll. lASHRVILLE AimtTORirM CO TO PREVENT THE ORIP. LAXATIVE BROMO Ql.'INlNK re move the cause. There la onlv one : "BROMO QUININE". Look for slg- : nature of E. W. Qrgv. :tc. ) Our Old Fashioned Bread Gives satisfaction. ' Try a Iaf. You ill not buy from other. Wrapped' in wax paper Asheville Steam Bakery, Phone aa or Ml. Cut flowers i OF QUALITY J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO.. Greensboro, N. C. Smith's Drug Store, Asheville Agt. THERE'S NEVER Shampooing. Hair dressing. Mani curing and chiropody, for ladies and Oentlemen The Old Time Furniture Shop Kf VArf K M .In ci Buy and sella all kinds of antique j Q POOLE BROS. Work" W furniture, and make a specialty ofQ The onlv exDert cleaners .iH O Bros. Steam Dye Works! W Formerly Ashevllle Steam Dye W M The only expert cleaners i.ud dyer In Aahevllle. Any question of the do- I gree of quality- when 2 you order M. & W. Z Indian Coal. AH who I have KNOW that it is of the highest I ': 1 . - a ouauiy irom a periect fuel standpoint, ? I - Phone 130. I r - m larolinaloal & Ice : a . Company : Private or claaa Instruction in 8ta. ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand repairing ana renmaning old piece. LLi v.n in rn nraoe 10T4 nAftTti llDftO nu , MIS8 8ADIB EMANUEL. Prta, tlAVXER RISER, Prop. I POOLE BROS, Phone 123Q ! l2Hao Wv CUeagsaa