THE ABBEVILLE, CITIZEN', SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1911 VJ AND PERSONAL. c ' At ,8t Oanevleve'i collet In Vlc tertvlMt avanlng a delightful concert tt given fey :' the Schubert Music chit tn the auditorium, which la dig nified ty.-ibd name Schubert hall. , Thntlr' program, with the cep ' t tie f the little playlet, waa lrleh, "ln"rpect to th patron aaint ot Krln, e 'jhtfeit. '., ,:Jiothr p .Planck' and ' th "liiatera and boarder were aret at,. nd graatly'anjoyed the cdncert. Afterward a dance waa given and re wef clever and, cauaed , much merrl mem. It waa called "The Cnu Man," Mlaa, 'Mary' Ambler aan "Aornn'' and ' Kathleen Mavour nn1 waa tuna by Mlaa Kuth Ory, who responded to an encore with "The' lar Homeland.' Mlaa Juliet Meriwether sang "The Harp That One Through Tarda Hall." and Shamrock Land" waa aung by Mlaa Cuthnert Dufour. Mlaa Macartney played 'The Ceulin" on the violin and wetted "Th rot-'' An Irian Jig waa on of th hits of the evening and waa gracefully danced by Mlaa Owendelyn Macartney. Eileen Sweet Mar Andereoa and Cuthbert Dufour, There were a number ot piano, and ; . . . ...... .a -.a .... . .w , ' vormi aeioa wnicn inuu.vt pleaeant entertainment. J Tha dance laat avemng at ine uai ' ' tery Park hotel waa one of the moat ; flail BUT raa 1 nr ar n a wintir e,M j arm lit reora wae crowded until at the height of to evening dancing waa difficult. Tha orcheatra. added to th aueceae' of ' ih k nlkVlnf ft ; aumbir of lrlah alri in compliment o the day, whlefr made moat tnaptrin a-tw . ) KMt frtdaT vnlng a law dance will be giva in tha ball room and win be ane of the "apeciaia- of tn ea rii Th management baa naked that ta that, only thoa holding " neaaaA card wui be admitted to the dance. Th tarda ware taaued lomt month ago. And Invited tha recipient t th annoaa given at the Battery fHt Hotel during th year. - ,. fh Hoetor' AI4 aoeletr f Trinity rifareh will hold a eak aal at Brown , Mb Northrup' on patton avenue today frm 19 a. m. until P. m. Little Trevte Salisbury gav a pretty children ipanr yaaterday afternoon t which a numeer or ner young friend were Invited. Th children Vy gamaa and Jatar refreshment erer aervea. 1 Mr. GUtar ? Alaatdr and Mr. Lui Aleaanda entertained with bridge party yeeterday afternoon, and tt waa on of th moat delightful VMtdr th wh.' Th houte waa A mlmm Mt iklWHll IfttVM. white ttd 4 green paper carnation and the light were ahaded With green. The loee i jyer f tmmt lor, and the amall 4 ka and aandwich wer cut in th : nhap I ghmrl. Tn nr pnee van wen by Ml Hlld Burn and waa 4 a dalaon halt pin; the eeoona priae, . rn by Mlaa adt Kmanual. wai et . tw Cloleoae beauty nine, The X raMouttlon wrlae waa won by Mr. , . iu.k Main, who la Vlltln 1 Adoloh oh. Thr wr a number i vuta prnt j ,-s t, ::-. J Th Friday Kmbroldery club waa - lMamntty antertainea on rn .Vday hftnrwoon Mra, J. C. Pttton 1 . m eiiii h rulHanna najf.' aerav raw vn 7 " www eTourteen membert betd a few ! Prnt. Th oe- lelen wa largely dvotd t dn ob eervano ot t. Patrtek day, aa waa v vtdned by th profuelon of green " dlplnyd. On of the lntereetlng ' feature Wan oonteH ot embroider- lag from memory, with grewi ailk, va- rlou animal. At I o'clock the gueata ei-epeired to th dining room, which waa beaatlfully decorated In green gad lighted with candle. They were .( U wmail taoiea, wner oe . llelet naiad coara waa rved, the aandwlehea- bel tied with dainty green ribbon. The place cardf were . hmrlt with aultabl quotation bp th rr,la, ' ," -f Jd J . Dr. and Mra. C. A. Schenok and th student of the Blltmore foreatry adhsot, Who hav spent th winter In , tmrmatadt Germany, expected to aall yaatdrday tor America. The atudenti will accompany Dr. ftchenck to the Adirondack, where they will be In - tamp for two or thre wk. The rehool will come to Blltmore In th 4 summer and will be encamped In the vlolntty. There are about thirty- eight in th school at present, which Dainty New Waists of Beautiful Linenar Lingerie $1.00 to $2.50 We have many beautiful Spring Waists of exquisite quality, charmingly designed at sur prisingly moderate prices. Prove the above by an early examination. You just ought to see these lingeries so dain tily trimmed with lace or emroidered. The smartness of these plain tailored Cairo cloth Waists, pocket trimmed, will certainly please you. Our embroidered tailored Lineii Waists are receiving marked favor. ..--Rest assured that the styles, qualities and prices are always right here. But in these waists we have exceptionally attractive values at decidedly low prices. We have many more expensive ones, but these cannot be beaten at from $1.00 to $2.50. - ' ; M. V. MOORE & CO. ftr-STAIRS" DEPABTMEXT lll b conilderahly enlarged during ,tho summer. Jt A spring millinery opening will he held today at the Bproat millinery shop on Pack square. l-t wek a dleplay of outing hats, sallori, el., waa held, but today there will be u tomplitte line of millinery for every occaalon ahbwn. ' Mr. Hp rout was for hierly at th head of the millinery d partment of the Bon Marche. The public Is cordially tnlvted, to attend the first opening of the new ihop. Mliia Mary Bellmor of Morgantnn 1 visiting for a few dsya Mrs. J. C. Patton on Haywood street Kx-Gnv. Warflnld and Mlsti. loulse Warfleld, who have been gureti st the Battery Park hotel for aeveral day, return today to their home In Mary land. , Mr. Charles J. Allen and Miss Grace Allen have gone1 to flummer vllle, 8. c. for a atay of several week. Mrs. Uaumgardner and daughter. Mite Pay Uaumgardner, of Washing ton, are in the city for a month's stay. Mr. Hattle Boyce and Miss fiuby Newton, ol Aehevllla, hav returned from a several days' visit at the home of Mr. T. T, Wrnn In Marion. Mr. and Mr. E. J. Longyear,. of Minneapolis, ar gueels at the Manor for aom week. Mlaa Marearet ' Btrlnafleld. " of Vayneavlll. I vleltlng Miss Ethel Hay for aeveral day. Mr, Qorg Cumminc and little' daughter. Marjorle, of Charlotte, la In tha city for a several day' visit to friends and relative, Y' ' fY; . I- Mlis Rarah Miller and Miss Husl Ford, who hav been visiting friends In. the city, have returned to their home in Birmingham, Ala. Ml 'Haaal Loom I haa returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs, a. U rordyre. in Norfolk, Ve. Mlsaea blda and Dora flmathera, ot Waynevlll. ar visiting Mis Louise Miller on Charlotte, street, and on Monday will leave with the latter for Chattanooga, Tehn. Mr. Philip Young, of Montclalr, X. J.. after a visit to friends, has gone to Charlotte, whr the will be the guest of Mr. J. P. Caldwell. Mr. ' Ronald Wilson ha gone to tataavlilg. where , he will loin Mr. Wllaon. who la vleltlng friend In that city, returning to Aalievtlle Tueaday Ml Mary Johnaon and Mrs. Roger Hill, ot qrnboro, r spending sev eral day in the fity. ; iral day )n 'MrJcT D. Baker, of, London, Eng. who haa been la Henderaonvllle alnce hi arrival In thl country, 1 visiting hi cousin, Mr. Barber, of th Inland Preea. Mr, and Mra, ft. P. Ravenel left yeaterday for Philadelphia, where they will apend aeveral weeka. Mr. and Mra Ravanel went first to Relelgh where they will leave their nephew Lewi Ravenel, who haa spent the winter with them with hie family. Mr. Fred Cone, formerly Miss Nina Johnaton, who haa been visiting relative in thla city for aeveral weeks, returna today to her home In New York. Mr. J, Ai Nichols, of Oklahoma, ar rives ahortly In th city, Mrs, Nich ols and Mra. George Hackney and children are expected, in the city next week. Mies Dalay tiller and her cousin. Mia Florence Hart, who hav been visiting relative In the city, have re turned to their home In the eeatern part ot the etate. Mr. Jacob Sternberg, of Hanover. Germany, la vleltlng her son, Mr. S Sternberg, In Victoria. Mrs. Stern berg will be In Amerlra about two months, later going to New Orleans to visit friends. . Ool One "WftOMO QtTVTNK" That la LAXATIVE BROMO QtTIN INK, Tiok for the "Imatur of B. W. OROVB. Vaed the World over to cure fold In One Dev. 11 PATTO.V AVE. ... "Juel Ssty" Original and flmuln MALTED MILK Tin Foid-drlnk (or U! Igu. Mora healthfuf than Tea vT Coffee. Agree vitH the weakeit digeViotu Delicious, Bivigora tins' ancj nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powda form, A quick hnci prepared it a minott Take aa anrxiihile. Ask for HOR LICK'S. tST Others are imitation. COMMISSION MEN ARE MUCH ENCOURAGED NKWS 1 Jfitm , WIIJIINT tiMuitO''Afi iHHUi OM EK, U MuiliiRton tilar' Account of Klcc tion Sliovr Rare t'naiilnilty .(hong t lie ' Voter."' The advocatesof the commleslon form at. government in)' thin city have been .freatly encouraged by the over whelming majority ,whU-h' Wilming ton cast for commission' government last Wednesday, when onty 22 vote were caat uglnt the new form or government' out ot a total of 1174. Those whoi'faVcr In ohange claim that Willie vkfhevllle Will" not give meature will ctrry by jrratlfying fig urea, FoJlowWg i Th 'Wilmington SUr'a . aac.auii' of the .'election "the day hr$J--fyU, 'A', ' '"rilneiy-iUha out, of 'practically ev ry n hundred citizen of .Wilming ton, ,'whd manifested enough interest in their wn municipal affairs to go to the polls and give vblcg to' their aen tlment voted toif the ,f commission plan of government at, the election held in this city yesterday under au thority of ,an act of the general aa- aembly at' ita recent' acsslon, giving tha highest- and mpat .emphatic en doraement to tha ; ineaaur which seems toraeet all requirement of pa triotic, pBBgreulv- Wilmington. "It 'wa4) practically unanlmoit and great bitofy. for; porfular govern ment, All cHiiue and faction united In a quiet, determination" to do some thing 'forYtbelr city and Incidentally Something tor? tbomielv'e and "with out hurrah', and huzaaah, they went to the po;is and ronrtert;out a good day, wptk'"for old VV'Hmtniton. if thr' wa "oppoeltlori, if manifested itself only .in spot, the fourth ward caatlng ten of the 22 votea in the en tire city against th charter. For an off-election and with the more or tea ronfualon about registration and the fact that the campaign wa of lees than ten day'' duration,.' no higher endorsement could be given to the bill than la contained In the official returna which show 1.162 for, and only 22 against the commission form. It , was one time the people of Wil mington were singularly united and It waa generally remarked that thl was one occaalon that the city had come Into ita own. The Australian ballot was used and while a total of 17 ballots were mu tilated and had to be thrown out, all 17 of these were for the measure. which really brines the vote for the new charter up to 1.18 0 out of a total vote of 1.11. This vote Is con sidered quite large and about ranka with the geneaal city election when there I no oppoaltoin. In fact, t he vote l larger and even more decisive han the moat ardent supporters of he bill could expect under all the ad verse circumstances. The official vote aa tabulated last night by Chairman Cameron f. MarRae, of the election board la as follows: Warda. For. Against. 7 I First . . 184 Second . . ., 189 Third ..$00 Fourth 21 .10 . .3 2: nfth soo Total 1.162 Amusements f Dr Wolf Hopper With Original New York Cast CJuarantred De Wolf Hopper, supported by Miss Louise Dresser and the original New York company which appeared with him during the long run of "A Mat inee Idol" at Daly' and the Lyric theatres., will be seen here 'March 22. Nothing that Mr. Hopper haa done in recent years has won for him any- hlng like the success that has come to him through ."A Matinee Idol." Before going to New York the play had a run of one hundred nights In hlcago, and Its New Yort"'run cov- red two months at Daly'e theatre nd then was transferred to the Lyr- where It was continued for two months longer. The theme of "A Matinee Idol." he latest success of De Wolf Hopper. n which that popular comedian will soon h seen in this city. Is over two undred and fifty years old. It was volved as long ago as 1661 by Mo- llere. the greatest French playwright f his day. The advance sale opens Monday morning It 0 o'clock and It would be advisable for those deelrlng good aeata to be on time. Buster Brovrn. Monday. Manh 2T Matinee and . IrIu The greatest of all eartunn come- dies. "Buster Frown, will be with us for two' performances Monday. March ST. matinee and night. Al ready you can hear the little folks talking about "Buster," "Tlge" and "Mary Jane." .Inatead. of growing old like moat other plays, it aeems to gain popularity aa the years pass. Wheth- i er the answer lirs. In the fact that It! I the only representative, play on the Use that repeal to all ages can-1 not b atated conclusively. The fact re- , malna that no matter how many times it appears lnf any city It never fall to draw capacity j house. For ' the benefit of the little folk who arc al ways anxious to ire "Buster-- and are unable to attend at night there will be a "bargain matinee" at 1.10 p. m. HFATlIKn H:itKT Temperature. S p.m. Max. , . . ( ! .... SI 2 ...30 24 . . 72 80 ...SO 3( . . bi 5(1 . . . 62 50 . . 4 4 . . 40 6ft . . . 22 28 . . 6 . 70 5S ' . . 70 7'-; . . . 2 88 ...4 72j ...24 tj . . . 42 &0 70 . . . 70 74 . . . 40 4 . .. 12 ( . . . 30 3 . . . S4 60 j . . . 40 . 4 Atlanta . . Auguet . . L'oetmi . . . Bruwneviil Buffalo . . . .'harieslon . Charlotte . . r' Moi nVt : Diiloth . . . ji'Er Mobile . . . i:: ()r1cn York . . Norfolk . . . ! Oklahoma . . j Palestine .. i Pittsburg . . jHt. LauIs . . 8t. Paul .. . Kavannah . . Wadilngtoii Local temperature data for March 17.. J 1 1 ; At I i. m. 27,,JO a. rn. it, 12 n. 44, 2 p. m. 63, i p. in. 64, p. m. 61. Ian. 41. .Normal 4 6. Highest 64f one year ago 11. Loweat S; one car ago 13. Absolute maximum 10 tn 1101. Absolute minimum 20 In 1111. Local precipitation for this month; .Normal Oreatest amount- 7. 0 In 1103. Laest amount 0.72 in 110. ror iai 2 flours ending at t p, m. . . mate or weather at 1 p. m. clear. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPt'S. Judge 1. C. Prftchard, of tha United State Circuit court, yeeterday issued a writ or habeas corpus for W, V, Moss, who I Imprisoned In Greens boro on default of a tlond at the In stance of Marshall W. E. Logan. The petition allege that Mosa la Illegally detained in confinement. Marshall Logan is ordered to appear before Judge Pritchard with the prisoner and snow cause for imprisonment, cJZS TM8ATRK CltKUIT , Wednesday, March 22 Daniel V. Arthur Present ' De Wolf Hopper In the Sensational Song Comedy ... Success "A MATINEE IDOL" (Mualc, by Silvio Heln) . '., .with . (.:. MWffjl pitsarffciT And that Dandy Chorus. The real New. -York Cast and Pro duction Intact. Positively the high est olden Musical Attraction En Tour. Direct from Daly Theatre. New Tork. PRICES S V to SI, Moxoe $8.50. Reserved seats at Whltlck and Swepson'a Monday,. 1 a. m. SCHLQSS THEATRE. C1HCU1T Thursday, March 23, 1911 Hackenschmidt, "TheRussianLion" "Champion of the VS. World" Dr. B. F. Roller Champion Heavyweight of Amerlcj" Doors Open 7.30. Preliminary heglna promptlv 1.10. ADMISSION 50c, 75r, $1.00; Stage Hoeta fl.50. CHICHESTER S PILLS WVf. TniC lIAMf . MISS CRUISE SHOP j ' 25 Haywood St. , Where you ' will find th latest styles tn hair good, hair ornaments.) The most up to date method of! Shampooing, Hntr dressing. Man!-1 curing and chiropody, for ladles and1 Gentlemen. j mmm mmm l-nu I. wt4 at tt.n mii'sV mivt Bins b:m. v FOR SALE Small country place of six acres within five-minutes walk of Weaverville ar line. Has good four-room house with cellar, good ba rn. wood house and poultrv house. $2,000. Terms. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 43 Patton Ave. B READ We are not in the bakery business carry some bread. Horn's Kaltrlnen Broad . . . Krrn-a Butternut Brwid Kern's Mother' Hired. ; Aehevill) Steam Breml . . Ashnllle) Hotel Bread... Hnm.niadct Bread STRADLEY Sell Whit House Code 8 East Pack 8q. Cmnntl PriUtt ' Ptu-aa Higktj Enough ftr Ikt Ceo4 tt Has v Don Mi. ' " ' f : firms'- m M MftiJOMNWOfP, .' . (I R JTRS. JOHIf HOPP, Wbir Ar, Wl Olendal. 1. 1.. N.T writeit "1 hv been suffering for the past lea years with many ymptoma loci lent to my ace, alao catarrh and indi gestion. I was weak and diseonraged, bad no ambition, could not sleep ai oight, and lost greatly In weight "1 tried other remedies, bat with no' ineces, until I commenced to take Pe rnua, I now feel better in every re-' ipoct, can lop well, and hav gained la weight. I cannot pralte Perana highly eaough for tha good it ha don m. "If any woman are raftering as I did, I wonld advise thm to try Parana and ' ion vi nee tbemselr. Pernna hsa done tn good. I know by my experleno that it I worth ita wlgbt in gold to tny on who need it. "I alao took Manalln, for constipation, 1 connection with Pernna. and I fonnd if helped ma where other laxative failed." Naw WeS of Catarrh. Mia Mallae Jolley, Parmele, N. C- wrltesi "I have been taking yonr Pa rana, and can say that I am wall ot th catarrh. , . . , "I thank yoa for yonr klada aad four advice." STATE OP NORTH CAaJOLINA. COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. THE TOWN OP BLACK MOUNTAIN. NOTICE OF ELECTION To the Qualified Voters of the Town or Black Mountain: take notice. That the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Black Mountain, by virtu of the power and authority reposed in them by law, do hereby order an election by the qualified voters of the said town upon the queotlon of the Is uanc of bonds by said town to the mount of fifteen thousand dollan tha bonds to be ot -the par value oC one hundred dollar .each, payable thirty . year after . their date, and bear Interest from their date at the rate of six per centum per annum. Interest payable semi-annually, with Interest coupona attached for the purpose of constructing and Install ing a water-work and sewerage, sys tem for the said town,; the said elec tion to be held from sunrise to sun set on Tuesday., the 11th day of April, 1811, at the atore of W. C. Hall In said town. At said election the voters favor ing the Isauance of said bonds for said purpose shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed 'For Improvement Bond," and the voters opposing the Issuance of said bonds for said purpose shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed "Against Improvement Bonda." John M. Thomas Is appointed reg istrar and W. C. Hall and J. C. Doty are appointed judges, to hold said election. The regiatratiop books will be kept open at the atorehouae of aald John M. Thomas In said town for thirty days preceding said election. . Witness the said mayor and hoard of aldermen, thla, the (th day of March. 1111. G. W. BTEPP, Mayor. The Board of Aldermen of the Town ot Black Mountain: ByW. B. DICKSON, Alderman. C. W. BROWN, Alderman. Z. V. CRAWFORD, Alderman. 1060-12-80 COAL Cold weather don't a bite in the home that uses M.' & INDIAN a COAL Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice : J Company S I but we do . . . .a ci. . . . .a ct. . rt. . ... .i c ts. . ,10 eta. ' ;.idi, Si LUTHER and Tea th World a best Phene tt and H, t " ' JHe Jjprfng ffeckweafr fias, . Arrived ' You want to sec our extensive ' line before 'yon buy. The only -thing wc have against -it isjthafc we have not display room for it all. But you'll' find enough shown to please the most fastidious. In yesterday's shipment there were jabots, tabs? and Dutch collars. Every new conceit that fashion-?! able women are to wear this season is depicted iry; in the assortment of Spring Neckwear now ondis play here. The prices start at 25c and go slowly up to $3.50.:; " . "'it 'i Visit the Annex for tfetii -1-"f'-"''1-''''' '- - " 'f '.''' '-''.',- ... - See our windows for the latest in Dresses and Waists. . AT THE LINGERIE SHOP THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Asheville, N. c. SI Haywood St. , Phone is Devoted to tha thorough and scientific treatment for select casus of Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma. Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism. Disease of women end other chronlo diseases. The Bath and MaSSagd department cf the Sanitarium is open t0 the public. Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Betz-Hot'Alr, Electric-Light, Tub,' Slta, Foot. Shower "nH Needle Bath. Galanlc aard FarradIC Sweedish Massage and Movements. of Women. Douche Lavage : . Spring Opening J- Saturday, March 18th Sproat's Millinery Parlors Pack Square t j f . ItllUMI l4'l'l I Mid' H I tf I 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 it it : Our display of beau-, ! ! tiful Potted plants. Everything in Cut "Flowers fresh " every morning.. MacKay's Pharmacy i Prescription Specialists ! Opp. P. 0. The Old Tlnm Fvmituro bliop AT North Main SI. Buys and sells all kinds of antique furniture, and make a specialty of repairing and retlnlshln; old pieces. PlHMM! tO'.i HAV.VER K1SER. Preps. Private or class Instruction in Stea ography and Typewriting. . - Emanuel School of Shorthand MIS8 8ADIB KMANVEU Ptia. Phone ma. m W. Cbeetnnt . Salt Rising Bread We make tlic genuine Salt Rising Bread, crisp rmst; it ha that nutty flavor. Fresh dally. Asheville Steam Bakery, Phone or Ml. Treatment, Electrlo Vtbratln' uVd Thur Brandt Massage for Disease Let us send you somel nfee : v fresh. y OYSTERS during this cold snap. M. HYAMS , 5 Corner N. Main and f1 Merrimon Ave, Phone 49-243. PHONE 138. WEAVER VILLE For good, horse, and. buggy, to- meet you1 at- the 'car rlina:,? Reasonable prices. Roberts & Williams & . Wravervllle, c. Cut Flowers OF QUALITY '.-' tit A.Ji ft). J. VAN LliVDLEY NUR ( C, Greensboro, N. C. Smithes Drug Store, ' ; Asheville Agt. W'lillln1IWaasaaWgtrTTTTsTss'Mg a i " HOOD'S MILLINERY 5 .Haywood St. t

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